Rate the mainline diablo games and explain your logic


D1 and D2 haven't aged well, but the atmosphere was stellar. D3 was just pure shit with WoW-tier quests and graphics. D4 has the strongest story and gameplay.

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  1. 12 months ago


    >explain your logic
    How much I enjoyed playing them

  2. 12 months ago

    3 > 2 > 1
    3 is least outdated and fun game and 1 is most outdated and unfun game. haven't played 4 yet, but it'll be probably best

  3. 12 months ago


  4. 12 months ago

    Diablo2 is still somehow the gold standard of Diablo and so good it inspired an entire generation of copycats that basically made the studio irrelevant.
    D3 felt like a namebrand spinoff but I wasted too much time in it.
    D4 is the worst of D3 extrapolated into a whole game and filtered down to be even more oversimplified, where the only redeeming feature is the aesthetics.
    D1 was made irrelevant by D2.

  5. 12 months ago

    >strongest story and gameplay

    You come on the internet to tell lies?

  6. 12 months ago

    >D1 better than D2


    • 12 months ago

      Haven't played D4 full game, but based off the beta I'd put it between 2 and 3.

      I like playing through the games start to finish. Don't give a frick about endgame, if it exists, or how good or bad it is. D1 is a fun dungeon crawler with amazing atmosphere. D2 loses some of the atmosphere, but the replayability is great, experimenting with different builds and shit is fun. And the combat is better. I preferred how in D1, the monsters stayed dead when you load your game, I like that feeling of dealing with what you got, instead of refarming a boss until it drops what you want for your build.

      D3 actually was pretty good on release IMO, but I didn't give a frick about the auction house or Torment difficulty. I just liked playing through the game. D3 now is only endgame, the campaign is a fricking meme. I cannot think of a bigger waste of time than rolling up a new D3 character to play through the game. I don't think it would ever occur to a single person to ever do such a thing, you only care about grifts.

      D4 I feel like would have the D3 problem, but to a much lesser extent. There's no higher difficulties for doing the campaign. Also the pacing of the campaign sucked fricking dicks in the demo. So it would suffer the same problem of "roll up a character, play through the game start-to-finish" being a bad experience. Also I don't think the colors were what ruined D3's atmosphere, I think cheevo notifications and killstreak popups and shit like that took a much bigger troll. And D4 doesn't seem to improve on that too much.

      Just started watching this show, I like this guy. He's a c**t, but he's a cool c**t.

    • 12 months ago


      by the time d2 came out everyone knows how to use bobafetts trainer and multiplayer was ruined. multiplayer was actually used for pvp in D1.

      • 12 months ago

        This is the actual, non meme list. The truth is that the series has gotten progressively shittier with each entry.

      • 12 months ago

        >bobafetts trainer
        you have awoken memories I forgot I had. That said
        D2LoD > D1 > Hellfire for me. Hellfire was a terrible expansion but Lord of Destruction was actually amazing with the druid and assassin and another entire act. PvP in 2 even without hacks was still a fricking teleport fest but I actually enjoyed the different environments and having 5 and then 7 classes that each had at least two viable builds. The music is 2 was also pretty fricking great. Never played D3 or D4 and probably never will.

  7. 12 months ago

    Too used to modern shit to like D2 more than D3. D4 doesn't have a unique identity or do anything unique compared to D2 or D3, it takes mostly the bad elements and combines them together while also adding tedium to it. The best thing about the rework of D3+RoS is it realized pretty quickly into the season system it knew exactly the kind of game it's trying to be, it's not pretending to be something it's not which is what D4 ultimately feels like right now. I also find the gameplay of D3 just really fun and impactful feeling compared to D4, I don't mind the repetitive incremental game it is because it's just fun to play, I cannot say this about any part of D4

  8. 12 months ago

    D4 >D2R > D3RoS > D3 > D2 LoD > Immortals without end game > D2 > immortals with End Game > D1 > Hellfire.

  9. 12 months ago

    D3 is the only good Diablo game. D4 is MMO shit, D1 is boomer shit, D2 is the brown man's game.

  10. 12 months ago

    >D3 but with a new coat of paint
    I hate you Black folk so much

  11. 12 months ago

    Shill thread.

    D2>D1>>>>>>dog poo>>>>D3=D4

  12. 12 months ago

    Diablo 2 is boring for me, I understand you had to be there. I like Diablo 3 better than Diablo 4 but I like that they made the game harder but there’s something comfy about Diablo 3 that Diablo 4 didn’t get right.

  13. 12 months ago


    didn't play D2/D1

  14. 12 months ago

    D4>D2R>>D3>D2 with original controls
    I haven't played 1
    No, I won't explain myself to subhumans who will project their own ideas of why I like these or what agenda I have to suit their own interests, that is my list though.

  15. 12 months ago

    D3>D2>D1 not gonna play 4 until it's on big sale.
    When I was younger I liked D2 more. Now I just play these games to have something to do with my hands while I relax after work. I don't wanna think or struggle, it's all just mindless activity for me. The easier it is to pick up and play for a few hours the better. You can call it bad taste but the truth is I'm not tasting anything, it's just going right down my throat, the smoother the better.

  16. 12 months ago


    >Dialing up the gameplay speed made the gameplay experience a meme. This is in the core game design and is a continued issue in D4.
    That was the only thing that Diablo 3 did really well and they stripped that from Diablo 4 leaving only the shitty cooldowns

    • 12 months ago

      >That was the only thing that Diablo 3 did really well
      *That* is aimed ad ADHD kids with the attention span of a gold fish. Nothing good about it.
      It made the grim games of the past a rush with no atmosphere.

      >failure of a game
      diablo 3 sold like fifty trillion copies
      only people who consider it a failure are storygays and turdies mad they removed trading so they can't make a living off of it

      >lots of copies sold = good game

      • 12 months ago

        i know you're brown and as such struggle with basic english, but what you argued previously was that the game FAILED

        • 12 months ago

          It did. It pushed people away from diablo. Made PoE top of the market.
          It is a success in the eyes of a business guy looking at excel tables.

  17. 12 months ago


    >failure of a game
    diablo 3 sold like fifty trillion copies
    only people who consider it a failure are storygays and turdies mad they removed trading so they can't make a living off of it

    • 12 months ago

      cyberpunk2077 is also not a failure then

      • 12 months ago

        It isn't. Failure =/= game me no like

  18. 12 months ago



    >>>>>>>Me ever playing D4

  19. 12 months ago

    who cares about story in a diablo game?
    is there bottomless dungeons to blow up monsters? is the itemizattion good? is there any map or tileset variety at all?
    a game like this should have a level editor to create your own maps and share with other players or make super demons with really hard affixes, but all blizzard cares about is bleeding you dry.

  20. 12 months ago

    in 2 years maybe Microsoft Diablette4 will release all the classes from d2 and we can give it a fair shake

  21. 12 months ago

    You are actually moronic and somehow managed to pull all of your opinions directly out of your ass without filtering them through your brain first.

  22. 12 months ago

    D3 > D2 > D4 > D1

  23. 12 months ago

    Playing sorcerer, just went to second zone and the game is not as fun as the first open beta. Why did blizzard nerf instead of buffing the weaker builds.

    • 12 months ago

      i regret choosins sorceror but i’m in too deep now. just gonna power through to the end of the story and switch classes

  24. 12 months ago

    I am honestly surprised at how many people like D3 in this thread. That shit game is why I won't even try D4. I guess everyone here is just too young to have played D1 and D2 back in the day?

    • 12 months ago

      You know how as a kid you really liked canned spaghettios but then you try it as an adult and think it's boring and bland? That's D1 and D2.

      • 12 months ago

        My buddies and I recently all decided to get back into D2 and play together in '09 over LAN and we all had a blast. So I'd say D2 has aged pretty well.

  25. 12 months ago

    D2 > D1 >>>>>you are now entering mobile tier shit>>>>> D4 > D3 > Immortal

    I worked on Immortal and D4, I can tell

  26. 12 months ago

    D4 because its fun and requires minimal effort for me to waste hours on>D2R because its fun but feels like I’m playing janky old shit>D3 because it’s shallow and ugly as shit

    haven’t played d1

  27. 12 months ago

    The gameplay of d3 is literally better than d4. If I could get d3 gameplay with d2 world and d1 atmosphere it would be the greatest game.

    I actually quit d4 at level 42 in act 4 because I got bored. I went back to d2r and I am genuinely having more fun. Even replaying d1 5.years ago was more fun than d4.

    Overall I'd rate it d2 = d1 > d3 > d4

  28. 12 months ago

    D2 = D1 > D4 > D3

  29. 12 months ago

    D2 > D4 > D1 > D3
    D2 thanks to D2R as well is head and shoulder over anything else, D4 is just some eye candy with a nice campaign , but that is it, little depth again, and its more just a better looking D3, D1 has just not aged well. I know a lot of people defend it to death as the GOAT of diablo games, but thats only till you finish catacombs. After that the game feels unfinished and unpolished and just annoying. D3 is just garbage.

    • 12 months ago

      >but thats only till you finish catacombs.
      Play Hellfire expansion to it.

    • 12 months ago

      >but thats only till you finish catacombs. After that the game feels unfinished and unpolished and just annoying
      I don't agree with this at all. That's the only time that the game becomes somewhat challenging for me. I don't count nightmare and hell mode because those feel poorly implemented to me.

  30. 12 months ago

    weak bait

  31. 12 months ago

    D4 > D3 > D1 > D2
    I have played each game at release, going back to D1, which was the game that I got an internet connection for. I never really enjoyed D2, it had inferior atmosphere to D1, and constantly fiddling with health and mana potions wasn't fun. It still had superior atmosphere and story to 3, however 3 (by the time of RoS) had stellar gameplay that was fast and fun. I played the latest season leading up to D4, and I had an extremely good time with the Altar of Rites system that they put into place. I wish that the QoL features introduced by that system were baseline in both D3 and D4. I enjoyed D4 very much for about a week, it has great atmosphere and the story was passable (though not as good as D2's), but it needs work. The balancing is fricked, and post-50 is a slog. They also need to make it so that Renown and uncovering the map are account wide, redoing that shit is actually horrible, and if they make people do that shit with seasons then the game is dead in the water. I'm tentatively giving it the highest marks because the problems it has are fixable without major reworks, and they don't seem so brainless that they won't fix them. We will see though. Even in its current state I would rate it well above D1 and D2.

  32. 12 months ago

    Obvious bait thread is obvious
    Sage goes in all fields

  33. 12 months ago

    Lol, look at these pajeets trying to salvage this Lilith 3'5 The Immortal Cash Shop console trash.
    >Hurrr look at dis cosmetics dese almost free buy naw
    >muh grey filter is 100% atmosphere!
    >flute is da best music done evah, I love lizzo
    >Me lov scaling me level me weaker gut game buy now
    These things absolutely have no shame.

  34. 12 months ago

    >haven't aged well
    will never make sense

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