RE Outbreak thread? Other RE discussion also welcome.

RE Outbreak thread? Other RE discussion also welcome.

I know /vr/ has RE threads 24/7 where things are discussed to death but Outbreak games get very few mentions. Yes I know about the online servers but I was wondering how feasible are these games in single player? And if its worth it, any tips?
It also has a suprisingly kino cover, the guy being eaten to death accepting his fate and giving away his weapon so that the other person can have a fighting chance.

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  1. 2 years ago

    >how feasible are these games in single player?
    I tried it and would say not very. The AI is dumber than the AI partner in RE5, and will grab every weapon, ammo, and health item and then proceed to use them all up in the dumbest ways and then get killed, leaving you alone and with no way of fighting back. It was obviously designed to be multiplayer only, since AI seems to actively sabotage you.
    I haven't tried it online, but I hear it's just experienced players speedrunning through and they get pissed off at you if you don't do things perfectly like them.

    • 2 years ago

      That's pretty much exactly what I expected from both offline and online. Thanks

    • 2 years ago

      That's pretty much exactly what I expected from both offline and online. Thanks

      He's exaggerating. It's been a while since I played it, but usually the AI will go for health pick ups first. Sometimes they pick up items important for progression and leave you wandering around trying to find the item, only to realize they took it and either got lost somewhere, died, or are so far away that it's better to just restart, but that didn't happen too much.

      The real problem with the game is that there is ZERO direction in each map. You are literally thrown into levels with no idea where to go, what to do, what needs to be solved, how it is solved, or virtually anything of the sort. I tried playing through it multiple times without help from a walkthrough, found that to be virtually impossible, then decided to use a walkthrough and thanks to the moronic infection timer and the AI team members which decide to screw you over at JUST the right time over and over again, I decided to just save the games, hoarding them for years until they are worth lots of money, at which point I plan to resell them.

      TLDR: The concept is great, the execution makes me wish I were playing with shards of broken glass.

      • 2 years ago

        >TLDR: The concept is great, the execution makes me wish I were playing with shards of broken glass.
        That's pretty much my takeaway too. I really like some of the little details too, especially how guns have unique magazines and you actually have to keep them loaded with ammo if you want to be able to quickly reload in combat. Otherwise you have to slowly reload your gun 1 round at a time. That could have been a neat mechanic in a single player game. Like in RE2, spare magazines for Leon's VP70 could have been rare (which might even be a way to balance out its 3 round burst) but Claire would have a bigger supply of mags for her BHP

        • 2 years ago

          thats the point. leons game is supposed to be easy while claire is hard. if you wanted to balance it out you do claire first then leon since the 2nd is harder then the first part

          Great game, love the characters, music and the replayability. I actually have the strategy guide for it, must've been drunk
          I know the main focus was online but it's annoying not being able to pause, especially when you're sorting out inventory. I never played File#2, were there notable QoL upgrades in the sequel? Aside from

          >You can't choose your partners in the first game, either, while the second one has the different partners be more or less cooperative based on the one you play as.

          I haven't played in awhile, but what was the point in Jim's ability? Zombies ignore you but your virus level shoots up rapidly and you're essentially stuck where you are. I might be misremembering though.

          file 2 is superior to the first one in balance. as you know you can move and shoot now and are able to pick up items while downed for last effort of living. the scenarios are more engaging and harder to get into a easy beat loop and there are more insta death situations.
          jim is supposed to be a gambler class. hes all or nothing. you can eat a herb or anti virus while playing dead to be invincible for a minute or 2. there were times where i got isolated from my team and had to wait to get teleported to the end location by playing dead. the 2nd game he got major buff where he can rapid swing melee weapons as long as you press the button in a rhythm otherwise you get stunned in exhaustion.

    • 2 years ago

      >I tried it and would say not very.
      I rented and beat it years ago as a kid who's only option was single player. It's very doable.

    • 2 years ago

      >it's just experienced players speedrunning through and they get pissed off at you if you don't do things perfectly like them.
      Many such cases

  2. 2 years ago

    I've beaten every campaign of the first game in Hard, although I didn't manage to beat Very Hard yet. Bots are stupid, get themselves killed easily in harder difficulties and aren't mindful of resources.
    They're not completely useless, though. In most maps one will go a separate way and can manage to come back with an important item, so more often than not they'll save you time. The best example of this is Decisions, Decisions, where one of your teammates will get one of the three ingredients you must obtain by himself. I think they're far more competent when you can't see them.
    They're still dumb, however, and in harder difficulties you should assume they'll die and serve more as temporary packing mules and decoys. You can't choose your partners in the first game, either, while the second one has the different partners be more or less cooperative based on the one you play as. Your biggest advantage in single player are the typewriters. Some of the longer maps like End of the Road become less of a hassle when you can save to skip things after dying.

    Bottom line, unless you don't like repeating things, online is better. Get some friends to play with, though.

    Also there are special bad endings in the first game you can't get if you play offline.

    • 2 years ago

      Great game, love the characters, music and the replayability. I actually have the strategy guide for it, must've been drunk
      I know the main focus was online but it's annoying not being able to pause, especially when you're sorting out inventory. I never played File#2, were there notable QoL upgrades in the sequel? Aside from

      >You can't choose your partners in the first game, either, while the second one has the different partners be more or less cooperative based on the one you play as.

      I haven't played in awhile, but what was the point in Jim's ability? Zombies ignore you but your virus level shoots up rapidly and you're essentially stuck where you are. I might be misremembering though.

      • 2 years ago

        forgot pic

      • 2 years ago

        I think the intention behind Jim's ability is you use it to lose aggro so the zombie/whatever you're engaged with moves on to a different target. In practice though Jim has the most overpowered ability in the game. Spammable damage immunity and the only thing it costs is virus gauge, which doesn't matter because it gives you enough time to dick around in each level and still get out with the gauge low.

        • 2 years ago

          Thanks for clearing it up, and yeah the virus gauge is basically like Fallout 1's timer, you'd have to intentionally frick up to lose that way.

          >Other RE discussion also welcome.
          I'm in the process of playing RE Director's Cut and having a blast. I only previously played REDS, which was a pretty good port, but being able to play RE on a CRT is pretty damn magical.Going to play RE 2,4,CV X and 4 after I finish RE1. Well, I'm going to take a break because a jarpig I ordered arrived in the mail today and I want to play it. After that though my goal is to beat RE 2-7 and hopefully catch up on the series. Only beat DS, 2,3 and ORC in the past, so it's a bit of an undertaking but one I will do my best to complete.

          Do you plan on playing each scenario? I feel like doing similar but I think I'd burn myself out (completing resi 2 four times in a row) although they are short enough.

          • 2 years ago

            >Do you plan on playing each scenario? I feel like doing similar but I think I'd burn myself out (completing resi 2 four times in a row) although they are short enough.
            Maybe. I beat Chris's scenario around a decade ago but barely remember things so I might just replay that for now and go back to play Claire's later on if I feel I can keep playing RE games after 7.

            Would love to play this game but have never had the chance, any anons who would be down to play co-op?

            I would be interested in doing so. I've played Outbreak in SP but that was a trip to hell. MP sounds fun at least.

      • 2 years ago

        >but what was the point in Jim's ability?
        MY LIFE IS SHIT!

  3. 2 years ago

    >RE Outbreak thread?
    The intro cinematic for Outbreak is one of the best ones ever made. The music, visuals and pacing all work together so elegantly and fluidly that it's incredible and beautiful.

  4. 2 years ago

    Is there regular couch co-op in this game or would I have to set up multiple consoles via LAN? I told my zoomer brother about this game recently and he said it sounded cool.

  5. 2 years ago

    >Other RE discussion also welcome
    I'm absolutely ass-blasted that RE: During The Storm is cancelled, doubly so because it's more likely than not that the lead dev fricking died.

    • 2 years ago

      is that the fan mod of 2 where you play as the cop from outbreak?

      • 2 years ago

        Yeah. The lead dev completely fell off the face of the planet back in November, and the rest of the team held out until June hoping he'd return, and then just released the last playable chunk of the mod they'd made and consider it on "indefinite hiatus" since he was the code guru that made the whole thing work.

        No drama, no discord conspiracies, no known IRL problems, guy just stopped logging into every one of his 10+ socials and accounts one day while thrilled with ongoing progress on the mod, so yeah, he's probably dead.

        • 2 years ago

          is that the one where theres like 6 save files based on what choices you make? the dude went to college.

          • 2 years ago

            >the dude went to college.
            That was outdated wishful thinking/rumormongering from before the announcement last month, the team itself has stated repeatedly since then that there's been zero trace of him and they don't know why.

    • 2 years ago

      What the frick? It got canceled? Aaaaaahh

    • 2 years ago

      The guy who was behind the mod is still alive, but he did stop working on the mod.

      • 2 years ago

        it sucks, but i can understand it.
        the demo was pretty crazy as is, i wouldn't force anyone to work on a whole game if they didn't want to or couldn't.
        especially for a free game.

      • 2 years ago

        man that sucks.. sorta wish he was dead now, selfish prick.

  6. 2 years ago

    >Other RE discussion also welcome.
    I'm in the process of playing RE Director's Cut and having a blast. I only previously played REDS, which was a pretty good port, but being able to play RE on a CRT is pretty damn magical.Going to play RE 2,4,CV X and 4 after I finish RE1. Well, I'm going to take a break because a jarpig I ordered arrived in the mail today and I want to play it. After that though my goal is to beat RE 2-7 and hopefully catch up on the series. Only beat DS, 2,3 and ORC in the past, so it's a bit of an undertaking but one I will do my best to complete.

  7. 2 years ago

    Would love to play this game but have never had the chance, any anons who would be down to play co-op?

  8. 2 years ago

    >last year decide to hop on the private servers
    >had an account when the servers first went up
    >it's still there
    >start hosting/playing and some motherfrickers remember me
    Man I hadn't used that account in what feels like ten years. Lotta fun though, played it for a month solid and got it out of my system again. I think Outbreak can be enjoyable singleplayer but it's pretty obvious it was designed with the idea in mind that while you do one thing some other player will probably be doing another important thing. Having multiple characters each with unique abilities helps keep replay value up. Scenarios are all for the most part fun to play. I have personal beef with a few scenarios in File 2 but that's just me. Play it, play it on lower difficulty cause you'll probably still die anyway, you'll just have more ammo/health items around.

  9. 2 years ago

    It was alright online, but now that the servers are gone the bots are barely smarter than the ones in Dead Rising and cannot match how it was back then. These days, I guess the experience is somewhat similar to those escape room experiences you play live.

  10. 2 years ago

    I've never played the outbreaks but would be down to play with others here who have also never played the games. Frick playing coop games with already experienced players.

  11. 2 years ago

    used to troll this game hard back in the day
    >pick kevin (has a gun to start)
    >try to lead/follow someone who goes into restaurant bathroom at the start
    >shoot them and leave them to crawl to their death, unable to be saved if nobody goes in it
    >laugh again and again
    one time i also straight up got GRABBED out a window by a monster and i instantly died. there was no trace i was even dead. i thought that was kinda creepy how your teammates could get offed like that

    • 2 years ago

      I saw a Kevin die this way trying to kill a Cindy once; tried to tackle her into the window ombie, but she bent over to pick up an item just in time so he whiffed and went into the zombie's arms.

    • 2 years ago

      I saw a Kevin die this way trying to kill a Cindy once; tried to tackle her into the window ombie, but she bent over to pick up an item just in time so he whiffed and went into the zombie's arms.

      lol the very first window after leaving the bar area? i can just picture mark getting pulled out

  12. 2 years ago

    >Other RE discussion also welcome
    Remember when the Hunter ripped your head clean off
    That was scary wasn't it

    • 2 years ago

      Bro it still is pretty frightening. Worst ones are those zombies in the lab in RE that make weird noises and squeal when they grapple you. Frick.

      • 2 years ago

        >the clacking
        >the godforsaken clacking

  13. 2 years ago

    these games were amazing and it was a fricking shame they were released during a time where internet still wasn't a staple and not to mention PS2 israeliteing everyone with their shitty network module.

    • 2 years ago

      I'll go to my grave insisting that Outbreak should have been a launch PS3 game instead, would have given them time to do the originally planned 20 scenarios and put it on HDD and internet-friendly hardware.

      • 2 years ago

        I feel it's rare when 'ahead of it's time' is actually applicable but this game really is a case where it was.

        it's really a shame.
        This may just be one of a handful of games that is truly "ahead of its time."

        It should have been on the PS3 you are correct.

      • 2 years ago

        >I'll go to my grave insisting that Outbreak should have
        only to be overshadowed by your many regrets

    • 2 years ago

      I'll go to my grave insisting that Outbreak should have been a launch PS3 game instead, would have given them time to do the originally planned 20 scenarios and put it on HDD and internet-friendly hardware.

      I feel it's rare when 'ahead of it's time' is actually applicable but this game really is a case where it was.

  14. 2 years ago

    >Open door in RCPD.
    >Hear shuffling and moaning.
    >Check to make sure my pistol is fully loaded.
    >Get to the furthest location that is still quickly able to get to the door.
    >Blast away
    >Continue to blast away.
    >Get lucky and grapple mauled by one zombies.
    >Leon knocks it back, knocking the other 3-4 zombies that were still alive back.
    >End up draining my handgun ammo reserves due to the fact that the hall is so narrow and the zombies are spread out enough that I am unable to run around them.
    I clearly forgot how difficult RE2 can be, even on normal. Thanks for reading my blog.

    • 2 years ago

      RE2 is probably the easiest in the entire series or close to it.

  15. 2 years ago

    Played both of them in singleplayer as part of my run-through of every single RE, including spinoffs, last year. It was a really painful experience, and despite some neat levels like the zoo, easily the worst games in the franchise. The levels are not really designed to be completable the first time, but when you're alone it's just frustrating and very unfun trying to figure everything out bit by bit and playing it over and over until you've mapped everything out well enough to make it. The AI is completely useless and supremely annoying as well.

    • 2 years ago

      >easily the worst games in the franchise.
      How can you say that when Dead Aim and Operation Raccoon City exist?

      • 2 years ago

        I will admit Operation Raccoon City is tremendously boring and rote, but at least it's playable. The really sad thing about the Outbreaks though, is they could have made them perfectly enjoyable singleplayer experiences very easily with just a few tweaks:
        >remove the stupid timer
        >add a couple of proper save points, or something so you wouldn't have to start completely from scratch after losing an hour of play
        >reduce the amount of enemies that randomly spawn and move between rooms, at the very least make puzzle rooms safe so you don't get attacked while trying to read or figure something out

        • 2 years ago

          All your proposed changes suck because Outbreak is kind of a roguelike and not a classic RE game. I guess that's why you didn't enjoy them. You are comparing them to the originals instead of evaluating them as individual games.

          • 2 years ago

            If they wanted to make a roguelike they should have made a roguelike, it's too slow and static for that. I compare it to classic RE because everything about the levels and gameplay is classic RE, they just removed the save points and added Mister X to every other room. If you don't have a friend to figure stuff out with, or to push each other, it is simply not enjoyable.

          • 2 years ago

            >roglik is when da vidjer is hard
            you are dumb and gay

  16. 2 years ago

    Not retro but I'm still mad that there will never be a sequel to Operation Raccoon City. It's an absolute black sheep of a game but it's fun as hell and aside from the Wolfpack having some ridiculous tech gear that mostly did not fit into the setting, it deserved far better than being maligned by the press and forgotten soon after.

    Speaking of spin-offs, how are Dead Aim and Gun Survivor? I was thinking about buying those when I have the opportunity to do so, although I sadly lack a lightgun to use with the games at this current time.

    • 2 years ago

      Sorry, I can't answer your question as I am planning on playing those soon. I just wanted to comment how fricking sexy Jill is here. Easily her best outfit.

    • 2 years ago

      >how are Dead Aim and Gun Survivor?
      Trashfires, doubly so without lightguns.

    • 2 years ago

      Both are garbage. From that series, the first Resident Evil Survivor is the only one that has any redeeming qualities. Nice, dark, PSX atmosphere, and not a bad game, though I probably had 1 HP left on my last life when I finally beat the boss after having wasted all my ammo, and would have probably smashed the controller into my TV in anger if I hadn't.

    • 2 years ago

      Both are garbage. From that series, the first Resident Evil Survivor is the only one that has any redeeming qualities. Nice, dark, PSX atmosphere, and not a bad game, though I probably had 1 HP left on my last life when I finally beat the boss after having wasted all my ammo, and would have probably smashed the controller into my TV in anger if I hadn't.

      Sorry I have brain damage, I thought your post said the Code Veronica shooter (Survivor 2).

    • 2 years ago

      those games are honestly enjoyable in their own way.
      survivor might be a trashfire, but there's something about it that i can have dumb fun with, atmosphere is ok too.

    • 2 years ago

      love the sag

    • 2 years ago

      >Dead Aim
      Dead Aim is a hidden gem in the Resident Evil franchise IMO. I think a lot of the people who talk shit on it, never played the game. Sadly, now it's super expensive because of the vidya game bubble. A lot of people don't know this, but besides a light gun you can use a mouse. It makes a world of a difference

      • 2 years ago

        It's not as bad as I expected price-wise. I'll see about picking up the cheapest copy I can find. Thanks champ, I'll try using a mouse with the game as well.

        • 2 years ago

          It looks like the price has plateaued since last time I checked. I personally love the game, I just don't think it's worth 50 dollars. I picked it up used for 9 dollars in 2013. At that price range it was an absolute steal. At any rate, it really is a over looked game most Resident Evil have never played. With the mouse situation. You use a normal controller for everything else, but a mouse to aim. It might seem a little wonky, but once you get it down it makes head shots extremely easy. The gun con works well enough, but not everyone has one sitting around

  17. 2 years ago

    I beat both Outbreak games offline with 100% unlocks and most of these complaints I'm reading about seem to be nitpicks or just mildly reasonable complaints like AI finding certain items before you but that's why you take advantage of the fact that they won't refuse commands or carry items for you so they are essentially mules. If you don't see the AI at first, it's because they are simulating a player that explores around ahead of you which is how they often come across key items fast which works in your favor. I seem to remember there were some super tough segments that were clearly designed for multiple players, specifically for outsmarting some of the uncommon enemies, but for the rest of the game it's typical Resident Evil stuff. Totally worth it then and now.

    • 2 years ago

      >I seem to remember there were some super tough segments that were clearly designed for multiple players, specifically for outsmarting some of the uncommon enemies,
      Correct me if I'm wrong but I don't think they could activate those mini-events you'd get through a scenario. (Nailgunning the hallway, pushing the cop car etc.)
      I also never found the AI to be as horrible as people make out, another thing to note that I'm sure most here know is that they all have their own personalities (David will almost always be on his own), and will act differently depending on who you and the other survivor are. Cool little detail.

      • 2 years ago

        Correct, the AI is unwilling/incapable of actually participating in events of any kind. Outbreak would be a very different, daresay better game if the AI were capable of completing objectives without the player.

        • 2 years ago

          At the same time though, I think it'd take away from the experience. I know it's basic but discovering that you can nail the boards was a nice surprise, Maybe an option to toggle it after you've beat a scenario once?
          Not that it matters now, definitely ahead of it's time.
          I still remember getting so buzzed when I first saw this:

  18. 2 years ago

    very rare sight nowadays, a thread in /vr/ with actual and legitimate discussion

  19. 2 years ago

    probably the rarest scene i seen was seeing will the bartender in the beginning of the first level turn into a zombie. you have to wait for the zombies to break in and it can only happen while holding npc bob and standing around the spot where he falls in the cutscene.
    another one i seen for the first time recently is having someone in the moths room while its capturing another player in the 2nd level. it just slaps the player on the floor from the vent and wiggles back in.

  20. 2 years ago

    It's interesting that a weird niche title like Outbreak 1 outsold REmake and Zero and didn't fall too far short of RE4's Gamecube numbers. That exclusivity deal was so fricking dumb on Capcom's part.

  21. 2 years ago


  22. 2 years ago

    I have both games in my collection, played them back in the day but after the servers were already down, and I had no PS2 modem. I play actively on obsrv fan server. You'd be surprised how active such a small community is. I play a few stages a week and there's always people to play with. Afaik there are friend groups and a troonycord, but not sure if it's an official server one, I don't do any of that shit. There are a few tryhards but I've never came across dudes that got upset or did some gay tantrum shit.

    Outbreak 1/2 are great. There are plenty of small details, alternate cutscenes and a few alternate route/endings. If there's an example of a game that came out too early, that'd be it. No scenario goes against the canon of the series, and there are a few that are literally canon.

    Complaints about bots are fair but exaggerated. They don't get in your way and don't blow through items. You can also play solo with no AI for the extra challenge. It's very doable, I'm not a sweaty tryhard but I got through both games solo. Although you can just treat the AI like item mules and it works well. Outbreak File 3 was in production, they had a few scenarios already laid out, but disappointing sales of 2 got it canceled. I would have killed for the trilogy to have just waited a couple of years to come out in one big package for the PS3's first year or something. I'd be down to play with anons.

    • 2 years ago

      >You'd be surprised how active such a small community is.
      it blows every other "online reverse engineering" project out of the water as it turns out you can't reverse engineer a playerbase to go with it. You can always see ultra hardcore autismos playing alongside casual ones who won't scoff at playing on not-veryhard all the time, especially if it's File #2, because while it's not for everyone it's still a good game.
      Too bad CAPCOM did not release both 1 and 2 as a single package because it's very clear 1 is meant to be an intro to 2, only Decisions, Decisions has ludo branching paths and level complexity which is a given in all scenarios from File #2.

      • 2 years ago

        Yeah, not to mention mechanical improvements like being able to walk while aiming, and very helpful buffs like Alyssa's backdash and David's knife combo knockdown.
        I mainly use the website's own built-in chat to talk with people during matches if needed. It's mainly filled with autismos with broken English but I've had no hostile exchanges with them. It'd be great to play 1 stages with File 2's improvements, like you can with the modern Hitman trilogy.

  23. 2 years ago

    can you play alone in 1? lone wolf mode or whatever is called

    • 2 years ago

      Yeah. I think you need to beat all stages on hard to unlock it. That or you can just go on private servers, make a room and start the match by yourself.

  24. 2 years ago

    >mfw leading newfriends to their unexpected demise

  25. 2 years ago

    >how feasible are these games in single player?
    Easy. Just don't get hit and you'll be fine, don't rely on the bots, focus on yourself and don't use firearms unless absolutely necessary, like if you were trapped in a corner with more than one zombie, a simple tackle or juke or dodge is enough to get through a zombie. I feel like the puzzles are your biggest enemy in these games, moreso than the actual zombies, have fun figuring that shit out.

  26. 2 years ago

    Bump because Outbreak is based and more anons should play it.

  27. 2 years ago

    RE2 is kicking my ass bros. I have no idea how I managed to beat this a decade ago. Have I finally become a filthy casual?

    • 2 years ago

      >have I finally become a filthy casual?
      Possibly. What's the hangup? I can play the game start to finish in my head, whatever your problem is, I likely have a tip or solution.

      • 2 years ago

        Where are you? The one area that gave me problems in 2 was that area you have to zig-zag through to avoid creatures from the ceiling(?)
        I haven't played in awhile

        The difficulties I am encountering mostly is the large amounts of zombies in the close confines in the RCPD building. I've been doing my best to avoid fights with running and dodging, but it feels like even when I do that I end up having to use pistol and shotgun to clear rooms that are just too small for me to properly evade enemies in. It's probably just a skill issue and I need to git gud. Aside from the combat issues I'm having fun and making good progress for my time spent in game so far.

        How can RE2 filter fricking anybody? Do you realize how pathetic you are?

        I very well could be pathetic, but it still feels like a huge change going from the original Resident Evil to 2. Not planning on letting the game filter and defeat me though, I'm going to beat the PS1 and 2 games even if I have to play until my eyes and fingers bleed and are worn to the bone.

        • 2 years ago

          This almost sounds like an item acquisition issue than anything; you can shoot everything in the game and safely have ammo left over, but only if you scrounge around properly, so for you to be concerned about having to shoot as often as you have been, you might have left a large amount of supplies behind in various places. RE2 is a lot more dependent on mashing X around random tables and shelves to find supplies than RE1 ever was, for starters.

          • 2 years ago

            It's worth a shot, thanks Anon. I'll get to hunting for extra ammo and whatnot. Is it just me, or is the knife absolutely useless though?

            • 2 years ago

              Yes, utterly, outside of memes, exploits, and the rare legitimate terrain advantage. 20+ stabs to kill and the knife animation itself thrusts your character and their hitbox right into zombie arms. Slashing downward even on a standing enemy is marginally more effective, but it is a joke weapon compared to the RE1 version.

    • 2 years ago

      How can RE2 filter fricking anybody? Do you realize how pathetic you are?

    • 2 years ago

      Where are you? The one area that gave me problems in 2 was that area you have to zig-zag through to avoid creatures from the ceiling(?)
      I haven't played in awhile

  28. 2 years ago

    i really would like a remaster or something.
    i'm a bit torn on a remake because they wouldn't just have it be the same but better, they would likely make changes that would have a high chance of ruining it or just making it a different game altogether.

    • 2 years ago

      No fricking remakes, it would be better to remain dead than to have its corpse raped by a remake. All they need to do is remove the enemy bodies disappearing when dead, maybe adding a couple of new costumes for the hell of it, upscale it to 4k and be done with it. As far as I know the one thing holding Crapcom back is how convoluted the PS2's network system was, they were hoping to just drag and drop shit, but since it would require a modicum of effort to get online working in modern systems they just shelved a remaster forever.

  29. 2 years ago

    keep it the same except balance file 1 to 2 difficulty, tighten the net code and put in some of the unused scenarios

    • 2 years ago

      Seeing anything related to File 3 really makes me sad. Other than Starcraft Ghost, it's the one game I really wish had released and that all the content planned for the Outbreak series had been used.

    • 2 years ago

      do they even still have the data?
      i would really like to see all of that, but you never know nowadays.

      • 2 years ago

        i have no faith in the current company but im sure theres protos floating around

  30. 2 years ago

    outbreak was really cool.
    one of the aspects i liked about it was that you were dealing with mostly normal people dealing with the outbreak instead of being one of the genetic freaks from the main games.
    the little blurbs the characters had at the end of the stages really tickled that for me.

    • 2 years ago

      M Y L I F E I S S H I T !

    • 2 years ago

      Was just play outbreak online a few minutes ago on that same level and it's still the same shit the Yoko died lakeside and the Kevin friend left. The Jim player who had been an butthole the whole game got crushed under the elephant and I won with Hunk.

  31. 2 years ago

    Who was your main in Outbreak?
    For me it was Kevin, guy is a absolute boss killer.

  32. 2 years ago

    heres sometihng that always bothered me in the first game explict violence screen depicts an area you never go to

    • 2 years ago

      I always assumed it was the boiler room from Hellfire.

    • 2 years ago

      there is a proto picture of a very similar area and yet its not the same god damn area. is it a later revision? different zone? i never seen it acknowledged anywhere

    • 2 years ago

      think that's the boiler room that blows up at the apple inn.
      think one scenario involved you passing through it or something.

      • 2 years ago

        planned scenario i mean.
        there's a lot of planned stuff

        • 2 years ago

          same event a few seconds prior

          • 2 years ago

            another angle its theorized the building on the right is the front of the re3/hive hospital

            • 2 years ago

              seems to be the same area, just behind the camera. its theorized that door is actually the exit door you cant open in the basement of the hive. further connecting that large building in all these images to be the hospital

      • 2 years ago

        completely different room. its super cramped and you cant even get to the redish area but you can see it from above and its not the same. i would show it but the only picture on google is a damn webp file but type "outbreak hellfire boiler room" and youll see the images

        • 2 years ago

          If you are on Windows just open the webp with paint/edit and save a copy as a jpg/png or even a .gif if you are feeling saucy.

  33. 2 years ago

    Just beat RE 2 Leon route, credit music is pretty nice if unexpected. Very action-moviesque. Onto RE 3! Any of you Anons playing RE tonight?

    • 2 years ago

      Outbreak online.

    • 2 years ago

      i started messing with the RE3 HD mod a few days ago.
      it's not perfect, but i do like seeing things that i couldn't before.

      • 2 years ago

        >it's not perfect, but i do like seeing things that i couldn't before.
        probably because its stuff that was added by a moronic AI,these HD mod are a joke compare to the RE4 HD mod.

        • 2 years ago

          nah a lot of that stuff was obviously still there in the original.
          they genuinely had a lot of gibberish floating around the background that wasn't meant to be seen clearly.
          outside of that, it's neat to see things just that much clearer.

    • 2 years ago

      Just downloaded RE: DS so I'll play that later. It looks really cool but I wish there was a way to swap the screens. The map's on top which is annoying but apparently it's because there's touch-screen gameplay, which is gay.
      The map's also in real time which is really cool

      • 2 years ago

        It's a really solid version of the game, hope you enjoy it Anon. The touch screen stuff is only in one of the DS specific game modes, but I can not tell you off the top of my head which one it is. It's really just stylus swiping with the knife, it's even a bit fun honestly. DS also has multiplayer.

        • 2 years ago

          that would be rebirth mode, has all the added stylus stuff.
          anyways, remember to poke Jill's rear often.

          • 2 years ago

            Its called Rebirth Mode. It adds some new puzzles that are touch screen only too, honestly a pretty fun version of the game.

            Thanks for reminding me.Even if I am too lazy to pull my copy out or even dust it on the shelf, I'll always have a special place in my heart for the DS version, I was mainly a handheld game player and after 6-7 years of GBA the technological leap that the DS brought about blew my mind. Also the game spooked the shit out of me at the time, not even going to try to pretend otherwise. Thanks for reading my blog, sign the guestbook and check out the rest of the webring for more oldgay memories.

        • 2 years ago

          Its called Rebirth Mode. It adds some new puzzles that are touch screen only too, honestly a pretty fun version of the game.

        • 2 years ago

          Cheers, yeah I don't mind touch shit normally, but at the cost of the screen placement? Just annoying, but I'm being a gay.
          For Outbreak online, does File#2 get more love or is it 50/50 what people are playing?

          • 2 years ago

            File 2 is get played more, but 1 gets love. Like I mentioned earlier, the chat on the website will have people often mentioning what they're gonna play.

  34. 2 years ago

    Possibly a stupid question but RE 3 lacks a normal mode, so should I just go with Hard? I want a proper challenge and playing on Easy just seems like it would invalidate my personal challenge to play through and beat the RE games.

    • 2 years ago

      It's not really a Hard mode. Nemesis will always rekt your shit until you learn how to fight him.

      • 2 years ago

        Normal is easy mode, hard is normal. Normal will give you extra weapons and a shit ton of ammo.

        hard mode is pretty much just the normal for the game.
        easy mode starts you off with three F. Aid sprays and a assault rifle.
        it depends on you of course.

        Hard it is, thanks Anons. I had forgotten that the RCPD and UBCS goons actually managed to fight against the zombies. I mean it was a losing fight but it made the intro cinematic pretty damn cool.

        • 2 years ago

          yeah it's a great cinematic.
          i can't believe they didn't bother recreating it in the remake.

        • 2 years ago

          Yeah it is, and it serves to show how fricking skilled Jill is without having to spell it out. She go against Nemesis many times and comes out alive while he pulverizes anyone else that come in contact. Her personality is also perfect. RE3 is peak Jill. RE3 remake is nothing short of insulting, everything is wrong with it.

    • 2 years ago

      Normal is easy mode, hard is normal. Normal will give you extra weapons and a shit ton of ammo.

    • 2 years ago

      hard mode is pretty much just the normal for the game.
      easy mode starts you off with three F. Aid sprays and a assault rifle.
      it depends on you of course.

  35. 2 years ago

    I find myself playing RE 2 once more, because my friend said I absolutely need to play both routes to get the full experience. Frick Chief Irons, his puzzle fetish and this police station/museum/deathtrap of a location.

    • 2 years ago

      Actually, you really should play 4 routes: Leon A & Claire B and Claire A & Leon B. The latter two being canon until the remake fricked with the continuity. Plus, there is Hunk, Tofu, and the Battle mode. Hunk is canon as well.

      • 2 years ago

        Claire A and Leon B isn't necessarily canon. Kamiya himself said it wasn't something he ever really thought about.

        • 2 years ago

          where can i find this?

          • 2 years ago

            Highly recommend it if you're interested in RE2. The RE3 one is great also. I can't remember exactly where in the video he says it by the way, but I know since the guy playing said he picked Claire A and Leon B because he specifically thought it was canon. Kamiya could have forgotten but he remembers an awful lot about the game so honestly I feel like its something he would have said directly.

            • 2 years ago

              nice! thanks, anon

        • 2 years ago

          I could make arguments that future games in the franchise directly mention that specific set of story elements therefore making it canon, but there isn't a point. The series is basically a mess with lore. For example, RE1, whether you play the original or remake, NONE of the routes are canon because none of the routes account for both Rebecca and Barry making it out alive. And with REmake adding stuff like the Lisa Trevor lore made the original even less "canon", but this further confuses the issue since it is only retroactively canon since it came out way later and none of the games prior would have these elements known.

          And going back to 2, it doesn't even matter anymore since REmake 2 changed the plot again retroactively. Not only do we need to consider which routes are canon, but which game, AND how REmake 2 can only be canon if you ignore that the rest of the series up to that point did not consider the new stuff in the lore.

          To summarize, canon doesn't really matter. However, that anon really should play the game with proper context since future games reference Claire A and Leon B explicitly (like Darkside Chronicles).

          • 2 years ago

            Yea I totally agree with you. I didn't mean to sound pedantic or anything, I personally think the story in RE is completely irrelevant and it has never even been the point of the games anyways. But it's worth noting because devs honestly don't tend to think as deeply about these things as the players do.

            nice! thanks, anon

            No prob. Enjoy.

      • 2 years ago

        Huh, I might go back and play the routes in that order at some point. Thanks.

        Claire's design was always so perfect and attractive. It's a shame they made her ugly in the remake.

        I love how Leon and Claire look in classic 2, but I've never seen nu Claire, now I'm not sure I want to. My only real issue with her RE2 design is the shorts, and that's mostly because they seem impractical in a zombie incident. I know it's a biker thing but still. Mostly just my own autism.

        RE2 is probably the easiest in the entire series or close to it.

        I think the beginning was more of an ammo scrounging annoyance and less actually difficult. By the time I finished Leon A I was having zero issues and had ammo for days.

      • 2 years ago

        Claire A and Leon B isn't necessarily canon. Kamiya himself said it wasn't something he ever really thought about.

        In this interview from a guidebook of RE2 from around the time the game came out, Kamiya explains that all 4 routes are canon

        Q3. "Leon A & Claire B" and "Claire A & Leon B." Which scenario combination could be considered the true one?
        A3. Both of them of course, and as an aside, we really wanted to focus on the Zapping this time so we emphasized elements of scenario branching. Given that there are four types of Zapping stories, I figured it'd be necessary to have players enjoy the branching stories over and over again... If you have the time, it'll be interesting to try out the story branching.

        I could make arguments that future games in the franchise directly mention that specific set of story elements therefore making it canon, but there isn't a point. The series is basically a mess with lore. For example, RE1, whether you play the original or remake, NONE of the routes are canon because none of the routes account for both Rebecca and Barry making it out alive. And with REmake adding stuff like the Lisa Trevor lore made the original even less "canon", but this further confuses the issue since it is only retroactively canon since it came out way later and none of the games prior would have these elements known.

        And going back to 2, it doesn't even matter anymore since REmake 2 changed the plot again retroactively. Not only do we need to consider which routes are canon, but which game, AND how REmake 2 can only be canon if you ignore that the rest of the series up to that point did not consider the new stuff in the lore.

        To summarize, canon doesn't really matter. However, that anon really should play the game with proper context since future games reference Claire A and Leon B explicitly (like Darkside Chronicles).

        RE Degeneration references Claire B when it shows Claire fighting G1 Birkin

    • 2 years ago

      Claire's design was always so perfect and attractive. It's a shame they made her ugly in the remake.

      • 2 years ago

        for me it's more that they picked a face that looks nothing like Claire (they did the same for Ashley) while Leon's face model still has characteristics that look like Leon. Also they fricked up her face scan somehow, the in game model looks like she has downs, unlike to the irl model.

      • 2 years ago

        this is gay, sorry
        It's another reason I'm not a fan of the nu-remakes, it seems every >artist uses the new, ugly models. Seriously, nu-jill over the Julia Voth model?

      • 2 years ago

        i knew the remake gonna be poopoo once they removed Will Smith from it

  36. 2 years ago

    If i've only finished the remake of RE1, how hard is it to play outbreak solo? and should I play file 2 instead of 1? I heard it's the same game with extra content

  37. 2 years ago

    still cant believe there is no code veronica pc port

  38. 2 years ago

    claire a leon b is the closest to canon but leon never confronts ada about her intentions in that order and in leon>claire sherry never gets infected by the virus its a little of both orders

    • 2 years ago

      also ada canonically loses the g virus sample which only occurs in leon a.

      either way it doesnt matter, as long as you do both a and b scenarios youve experienced the same thing

      • 2 years ago

        also ada is VERY dead in leon a theres no way shes surviving that pit

        • 2 years ago

          >He doesn't know.

  39. 2 years ago

    I recently started playing the old re games because I never played them and its unplayable for me. I played original re remake and its so annoying, the insane number of zombies are more than I can handle not to mention the dogs

    • 2 years ago

      REmake is overrated. It looks gorgeous but plays like trash. Character models take up half the camera, hallways are narrow as shit, defensive weapons are gay and so are crimson heads. Just play Deadly Silence or Directors Cut. 2 and 3 are much more refined.

      • 2 years ago

        REmake has amazing audio. Scary and suspenseful as frick.

        • 2 years ago

          Yeah that's true

      • 2 years ago

        I see, its very annoying running around with a shit ton of healing items and no ammo trying to solve the puzzles that require you to pass through herds of zombies

      • 2 years ago

        REmake was a fantastic experience, and so was the original. I'm undecided on which I prefer on a given day, but I liked all of the stuff you called shit.

        I see, its very annoying running around with a shit ton of healing items and no ammo trying to solve the puzzles that require you to pass through herds of zombies

        That's part of the fun of survival horror... Low ammo, deciding which enemies to kill or dodge, and solving puzzles.If you don't like those, why are you playing RE games? But I do agree that games like RE2 give WAY too many heals. But you shouldn't have more than one on you at a time maximum.

        • 2 years ago

          First RE game I played was re4 which wasnt so bad, but the remake is a little too much for me, I am stuck in a place with no ammo and I have a bossfight and a shit ton of zombies herding the hallways, I'll just watch the walkthrough now and play the later games now I guess.

          • 2 years ago

            RE4 is not a survival horror game in the same way the classic ones are. You cannot attack these two completely different experiences the same way. You shouldn't need a walkthrough. Just remember what you did wrong and restart. Conserve ammo, plan your routes, and don't be afraid to start over.

            REmake being your first true survival horror may be a bit brutal, but you shouldn't be playing that as your first one anyway. You should play the original.

            • 2 years ago

              Is the original any easier/gives more ammo?

              • 2 years ago

                The first RE and REmake (and RE0) are the most difficult classic games. However, REmake is probably a tad harder with Crimson Heads and shotguns not being a guaranteed decapitation. But the original is much harder than most of the sequels. That's a complaint I have with the series (being too easy after the first).

                I recommend the original because it has a lot to offer and you won't appreciate REmake as much without it. You shouldn't go into these games for it to be "easy". Challenge is what makes it fun. But start as Jill if you haven't in either game. She is the easy mode. And by easy, it means easier than Chris's.

              • 2 years ago

                The idea of leaving zombies alive behind is undesirable to me somehow, it feels off knowing something is behind you and you most likely will have to return to the place to encounter it again. It's not my playstyle which is why Im having a hard time in these games

              • 2 years ago

                You don't really see games like this anymore from non-indies, so I can understand where you're coming from. I've been playing survival horror for 20+ years, so I am very accustomed to them. I really think you should go in with an open mind. The frustration is intentional. They dying is intentional. It is a lot more rewarding when you do things correctly if there is a challenge. However, if you don't enjoy the games even after giving them a good try, you could always play the action centered games that came out from 4 onward.

              • 2 years ago

                >But the original is much harder than most of the sequels. That's a complaint I have with the series (being too easy after the first).
                Agreed, slight tangent but it's the one thing the holds Silent Hill back for me. Still love the series but it's too easy.

              • 2 years ago

                One thing I forgot to mention in my above post is that while REmake may be a bit harder in some spots, the original is harder in others. There was no damage indication yet other than checking the inventory screen. So if you are in caution or in danger, they won't be grabbing their side or limping. Those were added in 2 onwards. And the hunters have a glitch that they kept in the game that makes it so they are invulnerable while jumping. REmake allows them to be hit in the air. So both are difficult, but in different ways. But playing the original is a good idea first anyway.

  40. 2 years ago

    Just use an emulator and play on the online servers. It's not hard to do.

  41. 2 years ago

    is it just me or is Claire B fricking absurdly hard? breezed through Leon A but now im getting my ass handed to me

    • 2 years ago

      Seems to be a lot more difficult than Leon A. Playing Claire B right now as well and it's slapping my shit. Feels like overall less ammo and herbs and more fricking dogs. Lack of the shotgun is a big problem as well in my opinion.

    • 2 years ago

      as i said in

      thats the point. leons game is supposed to be easy while claire is hard. if you wanted to balance it out you do claire first then leon since the 2nd is harder then the first part
      file 2 is superior to the first one in balance. as you know you can move and shoot now and are able to pick up items while downed for last effort of living. the scenarios are more engaging and harder to get into a easy beat loop and there are more insta death situations.
      jim is supposed to be a gambler class. hes all or nothing. you can eat a herb or anti virus while playing dead to be invincible for a minute or 2. there were times where i got isolated from my team and had to wait to get teleported to the end location by playing dead. the 2nd game he got major buff where he can rapid swing melee weapons as long as you press the button in a rhythm otherwise you get stunned in exhaustion.

      (You) first scenario is easy and 2nd is hard so is leon and claire respectively so by playing claire 2nd your playing hard/hard. its the hardest possible combo out of the 4 scenarios as compared to leon a which is the easiest

      Anyone else miss the original PS1 commercials like the Resident Evil ones? It seems like they put more lighthearted, campy fun into the commercials back then. Wasn't just Resident Evil either, the Ape Escape and Spyro commercials were good, too.

      im still completely perplexed in how the re2 commercial directed by fricking george romaro ONLY aired in japan

  42. 2 years ago

    Anyone else miss the original PS1 commercials like the Resident Evil ones? It seems like they put more lighthearted, campy fun into the commercials back then. Wasn't just Resident Evil either, the Ape Escape and Spyro commercials were good, too.

  43. 2 years ago

    Bean gey

  44. 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      He was a good actor and a handsome dude, shame he died so young.

      • 2 years ago

        >Renfro had no acting background and was living with his grandmother in a trailer park. Wanting to cast a "tough kid" who had the life experience to understand the character he would portray, director Joel Schumacher chose Renfro to play the role of Mark Sway.
        >Well known homosexual hires poor kid
        c**t had no chance.

        • 2 years ago

          he also starred in a bryan singer movie where several young male actors, I believe renfro was one of them, accused singer of sexual assualt

          poor kid

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