Pure fricking kino

>Theres people who say this is worse than the first Resident evil 2

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  1. 4 months ago
  2. 4 months ago

    I loved both of 2s but they were so fricking intense to play. 4 and the remake strike a good balance for me.

  3. 4 months ago

    I was mad when I found out it was going over-the-shoulder. The actual experience of playing it, though, was peak Resident Evil but only on hardcore

    The narrative was muddled as hell, though. I couldn't imagine somebody who's never played the original would know what the hell is going on. Also no zapping.

    • 4 months ago

      >only on hardcore
      my thoughts exactly

    • 4 months ago

      what's the odds of capcom remaking 2 and 3 with fixed cameras? it'd be so cool to see them getting the og remake treatment

      • 4 months ago

        Snowball's chance in hell.

      • 4 months ago

        Never gonna happen

      • 4 months ago

        Perhaps 20 to 30 years from now.

      • 4 months ago

        fricking 0. are you moronic?

        • 4 months ago

          Im not moronic frick you,come say that to my face punk ass b***h

          I live in texas im not some fairy ass new yorker

      • 4 months ago

        They already said they originally developed it to be like Remake 1 and showed fixed camera angles such as using clever angles outside of windows. It looked sick, but Japs know Americans are moronic now and changed it to over the shoulder for le streamer bait screaming reaction.

        Look up the dev commentary for it if you wanna see the fixed angles.

    • 4 months ago

      >The narrative was muddled as hell, though.
      Yeah remake is overall a great experience but story telling wise it's worse and 2nd run is disappointing compared to the a/b scenarios of the original.

      • 4 months ago

        You people just cannot handle showing your autism for one minute
        no shit
        It was a last minute addition because they combined the a/b scenarios. What, do your morons just want Mr X in b scenario again?

    • 4 months ago

      If only route B would be any fricking different from route A it would be a 10/10.
      I'll never forgive them for being this fricking lazy.

      Yeah I can't believe the only way to play with ink ribbons (As it should be) is by picking the bullshit mode. Frick autosave.

  4. 4 months ago

    >the first Resident evil 2

    But yes, those remakes are all good except for maybe RE3 which is kinda lacking but still worth playing

    • 4 months ago

      Re3Remake was wasted potential

    • 4 months ago

      3 was not good. Too much was cut and the game is too short even for an RE game.

      • 4 months ago

        yeah I 100% it in 37 hours which is very short

  5. 4 months ago

    Which part of the game was your favorite anons?

  6. 4 months ago

    They should've just done this with 2 and 3.
    And so did Final Fantasy 7.
    Well, they still can.

    • 4 months ago

      if this sets any precedent, they will. it's free money. but probably they lost all source code and asset, or stupid money hungry capcom would have done it long ago already.

      • 4 months ago

        >but probably they lost all source code and asset,
        Probably true, at least for 2 and 3. But, 1's source code might still be floating around since Deadly Silence was from 2006, and in the Capcom leak we got Umbrella Chronicles' source code, which only released a couple years later.
        >or stupid money hungry capcom would have done it long ago already.
        I also doubt that. Capcom doesn't really see value in classic RE as a money maker, hence the following:
        >Resident Evil 1 on PSN is clearly something from Sony more than Capcom given its exclusivity to PS+
        >despite the games being abandonware, they haven't given the PC ports to GOG to sell for extra cash
        >no emulation pack despite using PSX emulation already for some of the Mega Man collections
        They probably think any classic RE stuff wouldn't do well. Probably also why for the remakes they stick to numbered titles and just write new stories for them most of the time, they know people who actually care about the classics will be a relatively small and insignificant voice given how RE was completely revived and has several identities already, unlike Mega Man or Street Fighter. The former was dead for so long that the clashing styles are all what MM is now, while the latter has dedicated fanbases for individual versions of each game who would buy up enough copies to justify netplay support for all of them.

        • 4 months ago

          >we got Umbrella Chronicles' source code
          they lost remake 1 assets and had to upscale it by hand with shitty results back since ai didn't even exist yet. so i don't see why they should still have original 1.

          • 4 months ago

            The remake was released in 2002, and the Wii port was mostly the same game because the Wii and GCN are very similar hardware.
            Deadly Silence was basically a full remake of the original game. Backgrounds are changed up, new models for every character, new scenes are inserted for Rebirth Mode, new backgrounds as well for Rebirth Mode, all a decade after the game first released. Sure, its been nearly 20 years since then, but it's more likely they'd have the original game's source code still around rather than the remake.

            • 4 months ago

              >Deadly Silence was basically a full remake of the original game.
              yes, as you say, most everything was done from the ground up. more reason to think they dont have it. literally all models and animations (the hunters are even balanced entirely differently because their animations have less i-frames), as well as inventory icons and item names (some are different, like pistol becomes m92f handgun or something).
              the backgrounds are all lower resolution than the ps1, so they could have just ripped those from the game and modified them without having the actual assets.

  7. 4 months ago

    i never played re3make, but why was that one universally shat on while re2make and re4make are beloved?

    • 4 months ago

      3 has cut even more content than 2 did

    • 4 months ago

      People who never played 3 are upset they cut dogshit areas like the park.

    • 4 months ago

      They cut very signifcant portions of the game,even entire areas featured in the original,its an extremely short game that overall lacks content and certainly is not worth the full price. It plays like a really good DLC or an expansion of re2/side story more than an entire game by itself. Game also feels unfinished and they removed many elements of the original re3 like decision making,mercenaries etc.

    • 4 months ago

      On top of major cut content and features, it's really just not fun.

    • 4 months ago

      They left 2 fricking streets of old map. Cut all puzzle's, nonlinearity. Nemesis showing only in scripted events, can't open doors only teleport.

    • 4 months ago

      Re4 dlc unironically is 3x longer for 1/6th the price

  8. 4 months ago

    Can't stand it
    >All four scenarios are basically identical aside from 15 minutes depending on which character you choose
    >a third of the game is spent in the sewers
    >not a single character outside of Leon has a remotely understandable motivation or narrative throughout the game
    >despite increasing his significance within the gameplay, there is no in story reason for why Mr. X is running around
    >is blatantly unfinished

    • 4 months ago

      >there is no in story reason for why Mr. X is running around

      They explained this in some of the files.

      • 4 months ago

        No it isn't.
        There is one file from Ben that theorizes he might be killing all the survivors. Which is moronic considering both the overall story of the games, as well as Spencer's own plans.
        In the remakes, UBCS is an actual Umbrella group there to save civilians. The only bad egg, Nicholai, is a rival company plant there to survey the BOWs and steal any Umbrella information.
        In the storylines following 2, that the remake would obviously still be adhering to, Umbrella was the one thing stopping the nuke from getting into Raccoon City any sooner. Spencer's vote was one of the last ones for the destruction of Raccoon City.

        It makes no sense to have Mr. X show up purely to kill civilians because that is incredibly far beneath them at that moment. In the original, his explicit purpose for being there is to secure the G-Virus, which is why his target is either just Leon and Ada or Claire and Sherry. There's a ton of other issues with him in the remake as well
        >Where did he come from? He's on the feed for the basement, but what are they implying? That he came from the sewers and up from the lab? Where was he being kept? Why did he go to the RPD when there is only 4-5 living people there at a time?
        >He dies in the orphanage, yet somehow comes back in the lab for Leon? How did this happen?
        >Why is he specifically in the RPD when any outside observer that could've sent him would know zombies already decimated the place?
        >How did he even get to the lab?
        Nothing about him is shown or explained, he's just some arbitrary roadblock because the original had him.

        • 4 months ago

          Know something your right,cant argue. Also good read.

          On top of major cut content and features, it's really just not fun.

          Tbh i still think the game is fun, it plays a bit more like action horror than straight up survival which i didnt hate

        • 4 months ago

          >He dies in the orphanage, yet somehow comes back in the lab for Leon? How did this happen?
          One of the directors said that Leon and Claire's stories are like parallel universes where whatever happens in your playthrough is what's canon, and there's only one Tyrant storywise.
          or I guess in other words, "don't ask me this again"

    • 4 months ago

      >not a single character outside of Leon has a remotely understandable motivation or narrative throughout the game
      quite the opposite. all characters except leon have a motivation. claire is looking for her brother first, and looking after sherry after.
      leon is literally just some cop. not that you need any motivation, they happened in a situation and they want to survive. that's motivation enough.

      • 4 months ago

        He does get a more specific motivation once he learns about Umbrella's involvement. His whole reason for going into NEST (aside from there being nowhere else to go) is to get the g-sample because he thinks Ada will use it as critical evidence against Umbrella.

      • 4 months ago

        >quite the opposite. all characters except leon have a motivation. claire is looking for her brother first, and looking after sherry after.
        Leon's motivation is narcissistic in the remake, but it's understandable.
        He wants to LARP as a cop rather than actually help people. Everything his character does, including his honestly sociopathic scene with Ben, all makes sense for him.
        Claire stops giving a shit about Chris near instantly, and actually instantly on her 2nd Run. Her obsession with Sherry borders on creepy, and she sort of floats her way through the game whenever rape man isn't guiding her to the orphanage.
        All other characters just don't even have characters. Sherry is definitely a little sociopath given how quickly she goes from 'sad because her mother died' to 'wouldn't it be cool to have a parrot??', Annette is a generic scientist who never gives a shit about her daughter until she does or kind of pretends to (and then she resurrects & teleports across the lab to re-enact the G3 scene and shoot Ada), honestly Irons is one of the most confusing.
        >Wants Sherry's pendant because ???
        >Takes Sherry instead of just the pendant because ???
        Ada's also weird because her entire character is a persona she made to fool... uh...
        Like, did she know she'd encounter a boyscout cop and not just someone who is known to be corrupt like Irons, or her actual target like Annette? What did she need that for anyways, she knew where to go and what to do already and already had help from Wesker during the whole operation. It makes more sense for Leon to want her and not the other way around.

        Infuriating since RE2 was actually praised for its character writing and narrative at the time.

        • 4 months ago

          honestly you're right and enlightened me on how shitty the writing is

        • 4 months ago

          No it isn't.
          There is one file from Ben that theorizes he might be killing all the survivors. Which is moronic considering both the overall story of the games, as well as Spencer's own plans.
          In the remakes, UBCS is an actual Umbrella group there to save civilians. The only bad egg, Nicholai, is a rival company plant there to survey the BOWs and steal any Umbrella information.
          In the storylines following 2, that the remake would obviously still be adhering to, Umbrella was the one thing stopping the nuke from getting into Raccoon City any sooner. Spencer's vote was one of the last ones for the destruction of Raccoon City.

          It makes no sense to have Mr. X show up purely to kill civilians because that is incredibly far beneath them at that moment. In the original, his explicit purpose for being there is to secure the G-Virus, which is why his target is either just Leon and Ada or Claire and Sherry. There's a ton of other issues with him in the remake as well
          >Where did he come from? He's on the feed for the basement, but what are they implying? That he came from the sewers and up from the lab? Where was he being kept? Why did he go to the RPD when there is only 4-5 living people there at a time?
          >He dies in the orphanage, yet somehow comes back in the lab for Leon? How did this happen?
          >Why is he specifically in the RPD when any outside observer that could've sent him would know zombies already decimated the place?
          >How did he even get to the lab?
          Nothing about him is shown or explained, he's just some arbitrary roadblock because the original had him.

          a lot of the remake's story feels like someone who played the original a long time ago or sort of knew the story only through osmosis just writing down what they remembered. ada is uhh femme fatale spy right, scientist lady is evil, big guy chases you, ect.

        • 4 months ago

          >Everything his character does, including his honestly sociopathic scene with Ben, all makes sense for him.

          He had his guard up because he was locked up and by then leon is still pretty naive and has white/black thinking. He cant even conceive that the city would allow for the labs to be secretly constructed as if corruption isnt a thing.

          >Claire stops giving a shit about Chris near instantly, and actually instantly on her 2nd Run

          She found the letter basically affirming chris is safe, from there on out she has much bigger problems to worry about like surviving,finding an escape and seeing herself embroiled in all that drama

          >Her obsession with Sherry borders on creepy,

          Motherly/womens insticts to protect children

          >All other characters just don't even have characters. Sherry is definitely a little sociopath given how quickly she goes from 'sad because her mother died' to 'wouldn't it be cool to have a parrot??


          >honestly Irons is one of the most confusing.

          Also true,his death was shit also.

          >What did she need that for anyways, she knew where to go and what to do already and already had help from Wesker during the whole operation.

          Also true,her re2 version had much clear motives. I think she somehow emphatizies with leon besides him proving himself to be a useful puppet she can string along until she no longer needs him ( he leads her to the g sample)

          • 4 months ago

            >He had his guard up because he was locked up and by then leon is still pretty naive and has white/black thinking.
            It's pretty dumb and a complete rewrite of Leon's original characterization.
            He encounters Ben in the original, and immediately he wants to let him out for no other reason than because it would be dangerous for him to stay there. In the remake, he needs to "Go talk to the chief", a guy he has never met before, in a police station he is in for the first time ever, during the worst case scenario possible. Again, he prefers LARPing as a cop to actually helping people.
            >She found the letter basically affirming chris is safe,
            Chris is her entire motivation for going into town, and all that part of her story gets is an "Oh, okay" before her characters shifts to wanting to molest Sherry.
            >Motherly/womens insticts to protect children
            There's that, and then there's constantly going "Where's Sherry" and not bothering to communicate or level with anyone at all. The reason Claire is the character most consistently put in that sisterly role is because she's the best character when it comes to communication. Her conversations with Annette in 2 are actual conversations, and in the remake the two talk past each other because they both have completely one track characterization (at that moment).
            > I think she somehow emphatizies with leon
            She never really does in the remake beyond putting her jacket on him. Even her kiss is another act of manipulation, whereas the same scene in the original is a genuine character moment. The point of Leon and Ada in the original game is that they inspire each other- Leon inspires Ada that someone can have morals and values while in her line of work (which is why he becomes an agent like her later on), while Ada helps remove Leon's naivety of the world.

            • 4 months ago

              >In the remake, he needs to "Go talk to the chief", a guy he has never met before, in a police station he is in for the first time ever, during the worst case scenario possible. Again, he prefers LARPing as a cop to actually helping people.

              Just because they took a different direction with leon in the remake it does not make it wrong if its consistent with his portrayal,which is a more naive, more by the book rookie cop with excessive idealism, he still overall sees marvin has his superior and he just assumes the guy was locked up in there because he must have been a threat of sorts,hence why hes mistrusting of him. Besides that he helped people all the time like going out of his way to save elliot riskinf great danger amongst many others.

              >Chris is her entire motivation for going into town, and all that part of her story gets is an "Oh, okay" before her characters shifts to wanting to molest Sherry.

              Its not top notch writing, i wouldnt disagree with that, by the time she finds the letter she just simply has literally bigger problems to worry about,its a change in her perspective, chris is what got her in raccon city (her motive) but once thats dealt with,as half assed as it was all you could do is progress the story further and make her follow through with all the other shit thats going on

              >There's that, and then there's constantly going "Where's Sherry" and not bothering to communicate or level with anyone at all.

              Its not just that she has those insticts for sherry but sherry is constantly being put in danger as well and overall facing an uncaring mother who pretty much left her to die. Shes going her way out to save her and protect her which is understandable why shes so clingy and fixated on her.

              • 4 months ago

                >He had his guard up because he was locked up and by then leon is still pretty naive and has white/black thinking.
                It's pretty dumb and a complete rewrite of Leon's original characterization.
                He encounters Ben in the original, and immediately he wants to let him out for no other reason than because it would be dangerous for him to stay there. In the remake, he needs to "Go talk to the chief", a guy he has never met before, in a police station he is in for the first time ever, during the worst case scenario possible. Again, he prefers LARPing as a cop to actually helping people.
                >She found the letter basically affirming chris is safe,
                Chris is her entire motivation for going into town, and all that part of her story gets is an "Oh, okay" before her characters shifts to wanting to molest Sherry.
                >Motherly/womens insticts to protect children
                There's that, and then there's constantly going "Where's Sherry" and not bothering to communicate or level with anyone at all. The reason Claire is the character most consistently put in that sisterly role is because she's the best character when it comes to communication. Her conversations with Annette in 2 are actual conversations, and in the remake the two talk past each other because they both have completely one track characterization (at that moment).
                > I think she somehow emphatizies with leon
                She never really does in the remake beyond putting her jacket on him. Even her kiss is another act of manipulation, whereas the same scene in the original is a genuine character moment. The point of Leon and Ada in the original game is that they inspire each other- Leon inspires Ada that someone can have morals and values while in her line of work (which is why he becomes an agent like her later on), while Ada helps remove Leon's naivety of the world.

                >She never really does in the remake beyond putting her jacket on him.

                She saves his life several times, she could have just disposed of him at any time to avoid causing problems in the beginning and as the story progresses shes shown to care for his safety

                >Even her kiss is another act of manipulation, whereas the same scene in the original is a genuine character moment.

                True,shes still a spy in the end.

                >The point of Leon and Ada in the original game is that they inspire each other- Leon inspires Ada that someone can have morals and values while in her line of work (which is why he becomes an agent like her later on), while Ada helps remove Leon's naivety of the world.

                Ada was leon was much better in the original for sure

              • 4 months ago

                >he still overall sees marvin has his superior

                What i meant by this is that hes fresh of the training academy,still with a very strong orientation and identity/excitment to be a new cop, reason hes still following rules due to a pseudo apocalypse. You see marvin isnt even obeying to those standards that leon is since hes an experienced more jaded cop and leons a rookie. Releasing the journalist could also mean danger since he doesnt know him

              • 4 months ago

                >He had his guard up because he was locked up and by then leon is still pretty naive and has white/black thinking.
                It's pretty dumb and a complete rewrite of Leon's original characterization.
                He encounters Ben in the original, and immediately he wants to let him out for no other reason than because it would be dangerous for him to stay there. In the remake, he needs to "Go talk to the chief", a guy he has never met before, in a police station he is in for the first time ever, during the worst case scenario possible. Again, he prefers LARPing as a cop to actually helping people.
                >She found the letter basically affirming chris is safe,
                Chris is her entire motivation for going into town, and all that part of her story gets is an "Oh, okay" before her characters shifts to wanting to molest Sherry.
                >Motherly/womens insticts to protect children
                There's that, and then there's constantly going "Where's Sherry" and not bothering to communicate or level with anyone at all. The reason Claire is the character most consistently put in that sisterly role is because she's the best character when it comes to communication. Her conversations with Annette in 2 are actual conversations, and in the remake the two talk past each other because they both have completely one track characterization (at that moment).
                > I think she somehow emphatizies with leon
                She never really does in the remake beyond putting her jacket on him. Even her kiss is another act of manipulation, whereas the same scene in the original is a genuine character moment. The point of Leon and Ada in the original game is that they inspire each other- Leon inspires Ada that someone can have morals and values while in her line of work (which is why he becomes an agent like her later on), while Ada helps remove Leon's naivety of the world.

                >chris' letter
                can anyone explain to me what the frick is up with that?
                i get he was speaking in code but it also makes zero sense. the letters would likely be tracked and all, and he's onto umbrella europe and can't let raccoon city's umbrella read his intentions but... i dont know. i dont get it

              • 4 months ago

                He also made fun of barry in that letter

              • 4 months ago

                he wanted his friends to know he was leaving without explicitly spelling out his intentions in case his mail was being read.

                It's likely that Umbrella could have figured out his intentions at some point, but the Raccoon City Outbreak started within a week of Chris leaving and by that point they had bigger fish to fry

  9. 4 months ago

    Hound Wolf Squad game when? I'm tired of remakes I already knew how it's gonna end, need a new game with new info on RE lore

  10. 4 months ago

    Remake 2 is pretty much in the middle of the pack. It's better than Remake 3 but worse than Remake 1.

  11. 4 months ago

    You can't even really compare the remake to the original because they're two completely different games. It's one of the reasons I find the remakes so underwhelming. I wanted survival horror, not a 3rd person shooter. But that's what's popular so that's what the series is now.
    Mind you, I don't hate the remakes. I'm just disappointed.

    • 4 months ago

      Kek, the re2 remake plays more like a survival horror than og re2

      • 4 months ago

        So you've never actually played the original RE2. Got it.

        • 4 months ago

          I played it recently, besides being extremely easy it also gives you an abundance of ammo,literally entire sections where your supposed to do nothing other than gun down hordes of zombies. Nice brain rot boomer

          • 4 months ago

            Not him but I just replayed all 4 scenarios last week and you're like a god in that game. You get an insane amount of ammo and healing. I'd argue it's the easiest game in the entire series. So surviving is a joke and it's not scary at all.

            Maybe trying playing it on hard next time?

        • 4 months ago

          Not him but I just replayed all 4 scenarios last week and you're like a god in that game. You get an insane amount of ammo and healing. I'd argue it's the easiest game in the entire series. So surviving is a joke and it's not scary at all.

          • 4 months ago

            I played it recently, besides being extremely easy it also gives you an abundance of ammo,literally entire sections where your supposed to do nothing other than gun down hordes of zombies. Nice brain rot boomer

            >Played on Easy

            • 4 months ago

              Maybe trying playing it on hard next time?

              I played that game on all modes,cope. Re2 remake is more of a survival horror game than the original will ever be. Boomer brainrot

              • 4 months ago

                How many bullets does it take to kill a zombie on Hard?

              • 4 months ago

                not him, but i swear its a good 3 to 7 headshots.

              • 4 months ago

                Original, not the remake.

              • 4 months ago

                I heard headshots don't actually do extra damage compared to bodyshots, they only give a chance to crit the head to pieces.

              • 4 months ago

                it's funny because you can crit on the body too and crit and head explosion aren't correlated (except for possibly all crits resulting in head explosions, but not the opposite)

              • 4 months ago

                There sort of do. It's RNG based. From the guide on Steam:

                >Almost all enemies have special hitboxes (I will often refer to these as sub-hitboxes). These sub-hitboxes have their own HP pool you can drain, although most of them transfer damage to the enemy's generic HP pool. Zombies always do that.

                >A zombie's body has twelve sub-hitboxes: head, torso, left/right arm, left/right hand, left/right thigh, left/right shin, left/right foot. They have unique damage resistance stats:
                >Head: Very high chance of +10% damage as ranks go down.
                >Torso: High chance of −10% damage as ranks go up.
                >Upper arms: −39% damage, but low sub-hitbox HP. A zombie can still grab you with one arm, although the chances of you escaping the grab are much higher.
                >Lower arms: −80% damage. It is weaker than the upper arm, and the same rules apply to it.
                >Thighs: −10% damage. Breaking this sub-hitbox forces the zombie to crawl from then on.
                >Shins: −39% damage. It is weaker than the thighs, and the same rules apply to it.
                >Feet: −80% damage. They break easily, but you need to shoot off both for the zombie to collapse.
                >The zombies wearing body armour in the campaign have an additional multiplicative −20% reduction on every covered body part.

              • 4 months ago

                Huh, that's interesting. Zombies are complicated beings.

              • 4 months ago

                You probably haven't played RE2 on actual Hard difficulty or it was some Japanese version where JAP Hard = EU/US Medium. The real Hard difficulty turns the game on its head

                >as Claire you can go 100 > 0 in one grab
                >zombies take a RANDOM amount of bullets to kill
                >everything else is tougher, scoring a critical is harder

              • 4 months ago

                To be fair the majority of people probably haven't even played the Dreamcast or pc ports that actually added a hard mode.

            • 4 months ago

              Maybe trying playing it on hard next time?

              PS1 version doesn't have a hard mode. I guess I could get the PC version to try it but I've always just played the original version.

              • 4 months ago

                The game on hard isnt that much harder than the normal mode,its just nostalgia googles,Resident evil 2 was one of the easiest games in the series. Not just in terms of combat/resources but also the puzzles were some of the easiest ever.

  12. 4 months ago

    >play through standard 3 times both stories
    >think I'm ready for professional
    >get destroyed repeatedly before X even shows up

  13. 4 months ago

    Nowhere near the same ballpark in quality. I love classic RE but RE2make is just tedious. It isn't perfect first time through, but after that it's outright tedious.

  14. 4 months ago

    RE2 and 4 were really, really good. Legit 9 out of 10 games.

    meanwhile pic related was a straight up 6/10. Its fricking DLC length. I'd be FURIOUS if I paid full game price for it.

    • 4 months ago

      what's crazy is that they released 10 dogshit dlcs for a dogshit game (re 7) but couldn't bother to add some dlcs and content to this game that desperately needs it, and has several timeskips that could be filled.
      notably how carlos gets to the rpd, how he brings jill to the hospital, the entire 2 days that pass while that b***h is knocked out.

    • 4 months ago

      RE3 is my favourite RE, I'll finally play this on gamepass in a couple of weeks. I avoided RE2 remake until last week but thought it was like a 6/10. Incredible atmosphere in the station but didn't enjoy Tyrant, sewers or labs. Don't think I could do it again with Claire

      • 4 months ago

        Claires scenarios are extremely easy on that game because her grenade launcher is overpowered and can one shot most things

        • 4 months ago

          not that anon, but i didn't realise how fricking strong acid rounds were vs lickers till my 2nd playthrough

          • 4 months ago

            there is 1 (one) licker worth killing and it's the one at the stairs near the save room.

          • 4 months ago

            That gun is insane, not only does it one shot zombies,lickers but also like 1-2 shots is enough to temporarily stop MrX and if you horde enough ammo you can just spam flame or acid rounds on most bosses mindlessly and they will get defeated very quickly. And even when they dont outright kill an enemy they deal significant damage everytime/considerable stagger unlike many other guns in this game.

    • 4 months ago

      Shame, because i actually liked it a fair ammount but but they cut so much shit to an unreasonable proportion. That game besides being short as frick doesnt even have mercenaries,literally from the game that introduced mercenaries to Resident Evil. Re2 besides the story being much much being longer also added game modes ( at least a few which was nice)

    • 4 months ago

      also the dodge mechanic is kind of broken, if you've ever played a fromsoft game.

    • 4 months ago

      Cute as frick jill on a boring as frick game, this is not fair at all

    • 4 months ago

      I thought everyone saying " its a 5 hour game" were bullshitting but it really is a 5 to 10 hour game, which is disappointing.

  15. 4 months ago

    It definitely is worst than OG Re2, OG is Magic, I still get confused and suprised which is exactly what I want from RE

  16. 4 months ago


    • 4 months ago

      Wife tier

  17. 4 months ago


    Biggest vidya disappointments in history

    • 4 months ago

      RE3 remake above 2 and 4 remake, now that is a level of contrarian that I come to expect from the experts we have on deck on Ganker. RE3 remake is shorter and less content rich than even re4 remake's $10 DLC.

      • 4 months ago

        Yeah but the characters are memorable and actually have some personality, the Nemesis fights are mostly good and the best boss fights of any of the remakes, and the game just needs a dodge button to be functional

        It's still bad but not as bad as 2/4

  18. 4 months ago

    >Theres people who say this is worse than the first Resident evil 2
    Yes, this piece of shit "remake" didn't even bother to remake half the game

  19. 4 months ago

    There are elements the original did better. Having no zap system and having the pusuer be in both campaigns made having both characters playable feel kind of pointless. Missing enemies kinda sucks. It's also weird that the same events are handled by both characters; there's too much overlap in their campaigns.

    Still an incredible game though. Hope we eventually get RE1 and CV in this style.

  20. 4 months ago

    Gonna replay the original, enjoy your slop.

    • 4 months ago

      >cant enjoy both games

      • 4 months ago

        No you can't. Choose a side, Becky

      • 4 months ago

        I have actually 100%'d RE:2 twice (PS4, and then again on Steam Deck). Can't stand any of the changes it makes, especially with what it does to the characters.

        • 4 months ago

          >especially with what it does to the characters
          Removing their personality and making them bland and forgettable?

          • 4 months ago

            I'd hardly call them forgettable considering how insane every character in the game seems to be. It's more like they hyperfocused on surface level character traits. Leon really loves being a cop, Claire's obsessed with Sherry, Sherry's obsessed with Claire, Irons is a rapist, Annette is crazy science woman, and everyone else just has their characters completely rewritten (William, Ben, Ada).

    • 4 months ago

      worst filter I've ever seen

      • 4 months ago

        Looks better in motion, screenshotting it makes it look like complete shit.

  21. 4 months ago

    >have a tps shooting system
    >headshots do frickall
    >dismemberment is restricted by rgn bullshit
    >item management
    >Mr. X is annoying
    >Claire's campaign is the same shit, but with Sherry instead of Ada
    Epic remake, cuck

    • 4 months ago

      Sounds like you just don't know how to play
      what, you can't let your reticle center you stupid homosexual? I bet you also complain about being able to move and shoot while missing the sincere irony between crying that you won't stop and let your reticle center, and crying that you can move and shoot (which the game disincetivicez you to do) at the same time
      not because it's legit complaints
      but because you're a miserable loser

    • 4 months ago

      Skilk issue

  22. 4 months ago

    Post nu jill

    • 4 months ago


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