Recommend me a MMO game to play. I need some socialization with my vidya

Recommend me a MMO game to play

I need some socialization with my vidya

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  1. 2 years ago

    You won't find that in an MMO

    • 2 years ago

      What game then? At least MMOs have other people

      • 1 year ago

        mobile game mmos have almost no interaction, they are all autoplay BS nowadays
        you'd probably get more social interactionplaying some kinda team based game like mobas or whatever but their communities are awful

  2. 1 year ago


  3. 1 year ago

    Is the server still up? I played with some anons in a private server and it was pretty fun

  4. 1 year ago

    skylore is alright if you're ok with people calling you moronic speaking spanish and saying they fricked your mom, I also got some guy banned because I said humans were the superior race and he threatened to kill my family

  5. 1 year ago

    Lord of the Rings Online is still going. Pick the Gladden server if you want to deal with normal people, or Arkenstone if you want to play with buttholes.

  6. 1 year ago

    Idleon. You are welcome

  7. 1 year ago

    You can be social in any MMO, just be the one to start conversation until someone else being social responds.

    • 1 year ago

      >just be the one to start conversation
      No, you do it.

    • 1 year ago

      Unironically Diablo Immortal. It's P2W but you can bow out unless you are obsessed with dominating endgame PvP. The trick is not to make any purchases at all. Once you start buying power, Blizzard feeds you to its patented matchmaking torture machine.

      I mention the game not because it's particularly good (it's okay) but because the P2W thing has driven out everyone except for easygoing people who don't care about this shit. Each server has about a thousand players, there's a proper world chat where we joke around and talk shop and help each other, vets and whales help newbies and scrubs. I've posted before about this, and mad people like to call me a shill, but no one has EVER posted a single image of anybody being toxic in this game or expressing frustration that they couldn't progress or no one would help them.

      And no one will ever ask you to get on voice, ever.

      That's not what social means at all. Social means a lot of people know each other, remember each other, you have reputations and friends and discuss the game, and most of all play it together. Almost no MMO is like this anymore. A good example is Guild Wars 2, a game which is more friendly and chatty than most other modern MMOs. You might answer a question and get an answer, or get help in a newbie zone, but most of the time unless you are deeply involved in an established endgame guild you will hear crickets for hours, and if you find yourself playing with someone else they will vanish without warning.

      Modern MMOs are absolute shit in this regard. For an MMO to be social you need global chat, a difficulty bias against solo play, open world leveling, no phasing or cross-server play, and a small to medium size server population.

      • 1 year ago

        I did enjoy Diablo Immortal at the start honestly, played for the first few seasons. The gamefeel is great; touch,controller,or keyboard so satisfying. And yeah world chat was chill and funny.

        Weird seeing it on so many worst games of 2022 lists, along with Callisto Protocol which I also really liked. Maybe I do just have shit taste.

        Might reinstall and see what's poppin.

        • 1 year ago

          >Callisto Protocol
          Thought it was alright too but they really should've gone a lot more creative with the power glove kills.

        • 1 year ago

          DI just doesn't have any real Endgame content, and the hellX grind is boring. It's very much a "trade your time to raise numbers" game, and each new difficulty is just a "this tall to enter" combat rating gate.

  8. 1 year ago

    Tower of Fantasy

  9. 1 year ago

    Toram if you want a traditional old school mmorpg experience with hotbar skill system. Large player base and one of the only mmos where people actually use the in game chat system instead of homosexual discord mmos. Toram has juicy drama 24/7 in the main town. It's not p2w either mostly cosmetic shit. I've tried all mobile mmos and Toram and ragnarok are in my opinion the closest to old school mmos. Ragnarok is strictly discord chat though.

    • 1 year ago

      >not pay to win
      theres real money trading, the market is completely barren due to bots buying anything that is not trash instantly keeping anything of actual worth off the market only selling overpriced shit and once you reach level 190+ its a slog to level and the cap is 250 i guess the story was ok
      but as far as the social aspect goes, its full of third worlders that have fricked up actual lingo like instea of lfg = looking for group they have turned it into lfg = looking for guild among other moronic things they will freeze out anyone speaking english thus again gatekeeping progression while the fricking jap devs adress none of these issues that have plagued the game for years
      FRICK toram online

      • 1 year ago

        This. All the EN channels are full of Indonesians and flips. I remember I tried to buy basic gear from the marketplace or whatever it was and everything was hundreds of thousands of the currency and my ass only had a couple of hundred and mob drops only worth 1-5. Frick that shit

  10. 1 year ago

    rise of kingdoms. there are lot qts posting pictures of themself there

  11. 1 year ago

    People always say mobile MMOs "just play themselves" but I am literally too brainlet for this genre. I just hit a wall in Ni no Kuni Cross Worlds and Black Desert mobile and I don't know what to do at all.

    • 1 year ago

      We said they play themselves, not that they wouldn't play themselves into a wall. Your MMO of choice will still make itself needlessly convoluted to power up at certain points if you're not paying through their roadblocks.

      There are likely guides for each piece of power your character can build up. Find a bottleneck for your level and fix it.

    • 1 year ago

      Ni no Kuni is p2w trash. Frick that game

  12. 1 year ago

    Tree of Savior Mobile, but unfortunately, its KR only right now, but if you want to try, its not region locked

  13. 1 year ago

    Eve online, join a small corp make some friends. It's probably the most social mmo I played

    • 1 year ago

      >Eve online
      Isn't this game like a decade old? New players are going to be so behind and stomped on by the sweats and vets

      • 1 year ago

        Nah, individual skills and ship power etc tapers off relatively quickly and then caps, there's a limit to how strong you can get.

        In terms of fighting other people, in small gang, getting maxxed or near maxxed skills as well as individual skill at the game matters a lot, if you want to go into those big alliance wars its much more about man power (for better or worse).

  14. 1 year ago

    Toram is simple and fun. Quite populated too.

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