Red Dead Redemption II

>game comes out
>Ganker loves it, reddit hates it
>fast forward to 2023
>Ganker hates it, reddit loves it

What happened? Is it the contrarian virus taking hold of this subreddit again?

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  1. 11 months ago

    I never liked it. I rather play PS2 era GTA, TOTK or ER than this woke moviegame trash.

    • 11 months ago

      >>Ganker loves it
      I never liked movie games

      I don't care about le pol or leftypol shit. I didn't like it because it was fricking boring. Simple as. There was too much talking, too much walking, and too much tedium in every part of gameplay from healing, to inventory management, and every animation felt clunky. The characters and overall story were unlikeable as well. It was a 5/10 title covered up by shiny graphics and le realistic quirky hair growth and horse shrinking balls.

      Grade A revisionism and contrarianism in action.

  2. 11 months ago

    >>Ganker loves it
    I never liked movie games

    • 11 months ago

      >open world game
      >do a mission

      • 11 months ago

        This pisses me off. Movie games refers to shit like heavy rain and detroit, where the entire game is a cutscene with some walking. People calling everything with cutscenes or story a moviegame, even when they have gameplay, is one of the most moronic memes to contaminate this board.

        • 11 months ago

          rdr2 is 90%cutscenes and animations. Its a movie game with random bits of shooting in it. You will spend more time watching the loot animation after clearing a bandit camp than you did fighting them.

          • 11 months ago

            >90% cutscene
            >t. Never played the game

          • 11 months ago

            I spent the game riding around the country side and doing shit, the only way for this to be true is if you to be true is if you just rushed through the story.

        • 11 months ago

          Your own personal definition of "movie games" is not shared by the vast majority of anons. I guess you'll just have to accept this as a fact or keep being pissed off like a toddler.

        • 11 months ago

          I agree frick the other guys. Even something like Uncharted is not a movie game despite being the video game version of a movie. If it has actual gameplay beyond walking and QTE's then it doesn't count. Let's not dilute the term.

    • 11 months ago

      >this is peak game design according to normalhomosexuals

  3. 11 months ago

    I don't care about le pol or leftypol shit. I didn't like it because it was fricking boring. Simple as. There was too much talking, too much walking, and too much tedium in every part of gameplay from healing, to inventory management, and every animation felt clunky. The characters and overall story were unlikeable as well. It was a 5/10 title covered up by shiny graphics and le realistic quirky hair growth and horse shrinking balls.

  4. 11 months ago

    This place never loved it far as I saw. It was always mixed on it with severe gripes about the game despite some of the things it did well.

  5. 11 months ago

    Shill thread.

  6. 11 months ago

    It's anti-white propaganda, reddit has always loved it.

    • 11 months ago

      I remember when this subreddit was linking reddit threads and laughing at how reddit hated such a “kino” game. Your existence is sad, by the way.

  7. 11 months ago


    I’m white and in mainland Europe, and I’m sure you’re not white yourself lol. You have nothing else to take pride in other than your 21andme result with 49% European and 51% Other.
    /misc/ is that way, doofus.

  8. 11 months ago

    Don't know about Ganker but i hated it.
    It had a woke agenda
    you had to kill the evil white people
    blacks were portrayed as doctors and scientists with high moral standards, meanwhile whites as dumb rednecks
    the combat was very easy and pointless, you shoot people for 30 seconds and then you must stay through half an hour of dialogue
    i dropped it on chapter 4

    • 11 months ago

      just to add, hunting rabbits for one of the challenges was the only hard part of the game

    • 11 months ago

      >the combat was very easy
      your only valid criticism

  9. 11 months ago
    mentally ill OP wont listen to your opinion anyway

  10. 11 months ago

    It was shilled in multiple episodes of south park. reddit never hated it.

  11. 11 months ago

    game is currently buggy as shit, don't know what these rockstar clowns did, but a year ago i could play the game without any issues and even finish it, now it constantly crashes. frick this game and frick rockstar!

  12. 11 months ago

    i asked several times what gameplay there is in Red dead 2 and never got a response.

    • 11 months ago

      mostly *bang bang*, riding horses and cutscenes, looots of cutscenes.

    • 11 months ago

      there isn't, it's a story movie game. I replayed it two months ago and did all of the side character stories but once I beat it and free roam Marston I just uninstalled. the game imo is a 7/10 because holy shit when you take the story away what is there? finding the bones, legendary animals and stuff like dreamcatchers with at best mediocre gun play is actually awful. not even going to get into the odd political ideologies that are sprinkled throughout since it wasnt that noticeable or heavy but the story and some side missions have some moments where I rolled my eyes as well

  13. 11 months ago

    I loved the first game, but when I watch reviews about RDRII it looks like it has long animations and cinematic story scenes that would kill any immersion I would have from playing the game. It sure looks pretty, but there's good movies I can watch that look pretty realistic too.

  14. 11 months ago


    >superior people
    Hahahaha. You c**ts either have no idea how to troll with wit or you have zero self awareness. Being a fat c**t in mommy's basement raging at the world via a niche videogame board isn't exactly what I'd imagine Hitler had in mind for the aryan race. Keep on fighting that culture war, champ!

  15. 11 months ago

    This game is way too easy, it holds your hands tightly and never let it go, i disabled the minimap and tried to use the compass only, I never used the dead eye and yet it never fell like a challenge, your decisions barely make any difference, being good or evil only affects Arthur in his final moments, I don't care about it movie games, I skip all the cutscenes anyway.
    The graphics are beautiful though.

  16. 11 months ago

    It's Ganker being Ganker.

    Reddit always loved RDR2 because they like all open world games. However, RDR2 followed an opposite route to GTA IV.

    >RDR2 releases
    >is loved on release (literally RDR1 which everyone loves on here, but better in every way)
    >Game breaks sales records, becomes insanely popular
    >Ganker has to hate it now (see Witcher 3, BoTW, Elden Ring etc)

    GTA IV was the opposite:
    >released to insane praise
    >everyone on Ganker hates it because it's a significantly slower, more methodical GTA game relative to San Andreas
    >becomes one of the more "forgotten" GTAs in mainstream opinion, with GTA V/San Andreas being the only ones discussed
    >Typical contrarian youtubers start posting "tech" videos comparing GTA IV and GTA V
    >Ganker being the contrarian morons they are, form a cult like following around it.

    Reality is, RDR2 and GTA IV are insanely similar and also effectively break down the Ganker mentality.

    RDR2 and GTA IV were Rockstar at their best. They had a vision for their games, didn't give a frick if it didn't "feel good to play" from a video game stand point and instead, focused on immersion by crafting the most detailed open worlds (relative to their gen, in some ways GTA IV is still one of the most detailed open worlds) ever made.

    The slow methodical nature of the games was intentional and while Ganker will shout from the rooftops that "game feel" and "gameplay" matters the most, the same homosexuals will praise games like Pathologic, STALKER etc, games that are designed a specific way contrary to what most deem to be "good gameplay".

    Perfect example.

    Hunting in RDR2 vs other Open worlds
    >Other open worlds =The hunting activity turns into another checklist where you just mow down every animal in sight and insta loot them
    >RDR2 = Where the animals are located? Use the correct tools to ensure you get a good pelt, need bait. Need to make sure you have room on your horse. It feels like an actual hunting minigame as opposed to another checklist in the open world

    • 11 months ago

      Ganker all over really. And finding every tiny little "woke" nitpick to be shocked and offended by.

    • 11 months ago

      Absolutely spot on analysis.

      Ganker all over really. And finding every tiny little "woke" nitpick to be shocked and offended by.

      If it doesn’t allow Ganker to yell racial slurs via a dedicated button, it’s woke and pozzed and other buzzwords.

  17. 11 months ago

    How I wish it plays like MGSV, the story and world is actually interesting.

    • 11 months ago

      What do you mean? You want Sadie to be naked because she breathes through her skin or something?

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