Red Dead Redemption remake/remaster

If the remake/remaster is real, would you rather have:

>The game be basically identical to the original with QoL and other minor fixes. Basically as close to original with its gameplay and systems unchanged aside from perhaps the menu system


>The game remade with RDR2’s mechanics and gameplay in mind. Greet/aggrovate anyone, guns stored on the horse, weapon cleaning and customization etc.

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  1. 9 months ago

    I just want good online stuff

  2. 9 months ago

    I literally have the first with Xenia so it better be remade in RDR2 style or it serves zero purpose.

  3. 9 months ago

    Second. The game remade in RDR2 engine. Basically a stand alone expansion. But I'm guessing that'd be really expansive so they're definitely not doing that.

    • 9 months ago

      >he wants RDR1 with cores, parkinsons shooting and law that punishes you for self defence outside of scripted events

      • 9 months ago

        >parkinsons shooting
        What does that mean? And what's your issue with cores? I think it's a pretty decent resource management system.

        • 9 months ago

          >What does that mean?

          Shooting in 2 is complete ass unless you're playing every gunfight in first person. Max cores, weapon familiarity and weight have absolutely 0 bearing on negating this shit either. It's either rely on mods to fix it or swap camera every time you're firing a gun.

          • 9 months ago

            Is this a PC specific bug or something?

            • 9 months ago

              It's not a bug, and it exists on all platforms.
              The game is designed like this on purpose.

              • 9 months ago

                Did you play it on PC or on console?

              • 9 months ago

                I've played on both, PS4 first at my brother's place, my on PC later.
                Same exact shit.

              • 9 months ago

                The fact that it works differently if you're in first or third person would suggest it's a bug. That said isn't that just the gun recoil? I've never really noticed it or had any major issues with it even with free aim. But I'll give a shot right now. Does it matter if it's in SP or Online?

              • 9 months ago

                If its a bug its a bug with first person mode, the aim sway is 100% intended as its intensity is tied to your cores.

          • 9 months ago

            it's funny though, because the FOV is so nauseatingly tight in first person that third person is probably still preferable.

          • 9 months ago

            it doesn't happen if you stay in cover so at least there's that?

            Is this a PC specific bug or something?

            why do you morons always act like this?

            • 9 months ago

              I'm pretty sure you still get some sway if you take a hit when shooting from cover in 3P, but the same thing won't happen in 1P.

              • 9 months ago

                I don't think so, I'm at the prologue right now and the game feels very focused on the cover system, the moment you get out of cover and people shoot in your general direction the sway is back, I suppose it's because of some suppression meme, not sure where they got the idea such a 'realistic' mechanic would make sense in a game where you can slow down time to mow down dozens of enemies without much effort

                Why is RDR2 so worshipped anyway?

                the setting is very well done and there's a lot of details and random shit to discover in the open world, but the gameplay is very hit or miss and many people don't really care about these aspects as long as production values are high

          • 9 months ago

            the only thing that was worse imo was cops never ending when your wanted.
            RDR1 let you outlast an assault, in 2 though they just never stop coming.

            • 9 months ago

              the entire wanted system makes no fricking sense at all, you rob a bank, murder an entire fricking town to get out, get a bounty because for some reason you still get recognized through the mask (but arthur randomly removes his mask anyway so w/e), pay the measly bounty and you're off scot-free? makes no sense at all

              I don't remember 1 having these kind of inconsistencies, but it has been a long while since I played it

              • 9 months ago

                there are so many things more fleshed out in RDR1, and it begins to become painfully clear that RDR2 is half baked. It's just plainly not finished. A lot of the mechanics feeling half baked can be attributed to this.

                the game was just too ambitious unfortunately, i would've loved to see it fully realized.

              • 9 months ago

                >Bandana in RDR
                >Hides your identity completely

                >Full cloth mask in RDR2
                It's even worse because every moronic redditor will completely lie to you and insist getting a haircut, using a new outfit and riding a new horse will keep you anonymous because "actually you're being recognised by the horse and outfit! so much detail!"
                But this shit is simply not true and does nothing.

                The ONLY thing that prevents you from being identified is robbing a fence and getting the FRICK out of town instantly.

              • 9 months ago

                >Bandana in RDR
                >Hides your identity completely
                not only that, but it completely turned off the honor system, letting even the most hero of cowboys do whatever they like.
                they changed this in rdr2, and it feels almost childish how much they punish you for even the slightest of things.

                a dude can punch you, you kill him = lose honor
                the cops show up because you killed him and you have to fight them off = lose honor
                you loot the cops from your hard earned blood soaked battled = lose honor

                especially since killing cops should GIVE you honor, it should give you a nobel peace prize for killing those fricking villains and crooks.

                its fricking anti-fun.

              • 9 months ago

                >a dude can punch you, you kill him = lose honor
                >the cops show up because you killed him and you have to fight them off = lose honor
                >you loot the cops from your hard earned blood soaked battled = lose honor

              • 9 months ago

                the honor system is far more overbearing than RDR1, it's way too far up your ass constantly.

                in RDR1 people asked you for help all the time and you could just go by them without a problem.
                you pass someone in RDR2 boom, lose honor. the game expects you to be a fricking saint constantly, and you're a fricking bandit train robber.

              • 9 months ago

                I especially hated how looting the victims of the night folks and other crazy tribes lent you - honour, because some of them had letters on them and I always felt like I might have missed on some random encounter if I didn't loot

                but you can just spam greets in a town and get your honour up anyway, moronic system

              • 9 months ago

                It has to literally be unfinished, because it just doesn't fit into RDR2 at all.
                Kill some kid inside his home? That's a neutral deed I'd say.

              • 9 months ago

                some of these encounters were pretty poor too, like you can give the kid the letter to prove his father is a c**t, but you can only do it if you murder the old man first, it's insane how much detail they put into some stuff only to have glaring misses like this

              • 9 months ago

                Talking about encounters, that has to be my single biggest gripe with RDR2.

                RDR1 had non-stop encounters flowing throughout towns and the wilderness, where ever you were, the wild west was alive and kicking right next to you.
                In RDR2? They fricking play ONCE and you never see them EVER again. Most of the encounters completely stop playing after one instance, and it leaves the endgame feeling completely fricking barren. Like the world just stopped flowing after the story ended. I can only assume this was a malicious act by israelitestar to force you into the anti-consumer multiplayer, which I could b***h about all day how fricking evil that gamemode continues to be.

                There is NO mistaking it, GTA 5 Online KILLED ROCKSTAR. IT FRICKING KILLED ROCKSTAR.

                And they could fix it, they could fix all of this anytime they want, the fricking product is digital, and yet we get NOTHING. I fricking hate this company. No Undead Nightmare despite the demand for it being RIDICULOUS. There should be no RDR1 Remake, they should've just made John's campaign DLC for RDR2.

            • 9 months ago

              >escape law on horseback
              >turn camera in any direction
              >game spawns posse of lawmen on road ahead of you
              Law in 2 is completely fricked.
              It cheats and flat out ignores its own rules in sandbox encounters, only scripted random events let you actually do things like

              >carry body
              >loot corpse
              >defend yourself against armed assailant

              For example, there's some O'Driscoll events in Valentine, you can defend yourself in them, but if a sandbox npc gets mad at you, and tries to fricking kill you, nobody reacts until YOU shoot back and then it's a murder charge.

              The fact that it works differently if you're in first or third person would suggest it's a bug. That said isn't that just the gun recoil? I've never really noticed it or had any major issues with it even with free aim. But I'll give a shot right now. Does it matter if it's in SP or Online?

              It happens regardless, the only factor that changes it is being in cover/First person
              There's no way it's a bug, it's a shitty design choice to softfunnel you towards cover shooter gameplay.

  4. 9 months ago

    PC port or the original game

  5. 9 months ago

    RDR:R is real and there is really no question that it's going to be a remaster. Just hope it's not in similar quality to the gta remasters

    • 9 months ago

      The GTA remasters were ports of the mobile versions so rdrr being like that is basically impossible

  6. 9 months ago

    First option. RDR1 doesn't need to be turned into a boring "realistic" chores simulator.

    • 9 months ago

      This, I was so ready to love RDR2 and I adored RDR1, but couldn't play for more then 6 hours because of the tedium and chores. Who the frick sits down to play videogames to tote water around and wipe your horse's ass?

    • 9 months ago

      It already kinda was. Those farm missions were so shit and there qere like 8 of them

      • 9 months ago

        Those were there as a point, to highlight the domestic life John wanted right before it was shown why he couldn't have it. Even so, the tedium in those quests were nothing compared to the entire game of RDR2.

      • 9 months ago

        >farm chore missions
        >still get to shoot shit

        >camp chore activities
        >forced to walk at a snail's pace and carry X to Z
        >Z is also on the other side of the camp so you spend 30 seconds walking to get 1 good boy point

  7. 9 months ago

    It'd be good if it was an expanded remake that had way more Arthur moments references or flashbacks included.

  8. 9 months ago

    Black person it's literally just gonna be a remaster. I don't know why you think it would be a remake. What I hope they do is bundle undead nightmare in it for free.

  9. 9 months ago

    >>The game remade with RDR2’s mechanics and gameplay
    Frick off, I want to be able to play it

  10. 9 months ago

    >The game be basically identical to the original with QoL and other minor fixes. Basically as close to original with its gameplay and systems unchanged aside from perhaps the menu system

    If you do it any other way Rockstar will probably frick it up

  11. 9 months ago

    1 was perfect. Just "HD-it", bring back the online and zombie dlc

  12. 9 months ago

    RDR2 combat sucked, so i don't have any hopes.

  13. 9 months ago

    Considering how long it's been since RDR2, I'm thinking it's actually a remake and not a remaster, but I'd be happy with either.

  14. 9 months ago

    Why is RDR2 so worshipped anyway?

    • 9 months ago

      Movie games just seem to attract undying praise for whatever reason.

    • 9 months ago

      Dude, did you not see the GRAPHICS?

  15. 9 months ago

    i really liked the shooting in RDR2, rewards headshots and accuracy.

  16. 9 months ago

    The cop AI is still at least fun to fight. It's very akin to Far Cry in the ways you can flank them. I've found that the most dangerous thing that can happen to you in RDR2 is that you get pushed out of cover, other than that, you can completely ball on them.

    It's similar to RDR1 in that sense, that being out of cover is the most dangerous thing.

  17. 9 months ago

    Reminder that the gay rapist in the swamp gives you bad honour if you shoot him to prevent getting raped by him.

  18. 9 months ago

    i prefer no remake, remaking a modern game that doesnt need to be remade is moronic to oblivion and cooonsumers like you need to get killed off for the good of mankind
    also this thread is obviously promoting this remake shit, frick off

  19. 9 months ago

    Is there some trick to throwing weapons in RDR2? because sometimes you throw them straight and sometimes you throw them upward in a curve, and sometimes with stuff like dynamite you throw it underhand. I completely stopped using them because of how unreliable aiming them was.
    I really have to wonder why they got rid of the throwing arc when aiming these kind of weapons that RDR1 had.

    • 9 months ago

      >I really have to wonder why they got rid of the throwing arc when aiming these kind of weapons that RDR1 had.
      Because it's not immersive, duh.

  20. 9 months ago

    Undead Nightmare

  21. 9 months ago

    Id rather have good gameplay

  22. 9 months ago

    I wouldn't mind them expanding on the hunting a little because I do like that in RDR2, but that's about it. I know it won't include multiplayer but I wish it would as Free Roam in RDR was genuinely more fun even though there were less activities, sparking a posse war at the Presidio and blowing up Mexican army dudes with the cannons while juggling fighting each other was peak wild west fun

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