Red Flags

post things you think is a redflag its going to be a shitstorm. for me its paid DM/GMs

Tip Your Landlord Shirt $21.68

DMT Has Friends For Me Shirt $21.68

Tip Your Landlord Shirt $21.68

  1. 8 months ago


    • 8 months ago

      Just say you’re ugly

      • 8 months ago

        You're ugly.

  2. 8 months ago

    posts redflag threads on /tg/

    • 8 months ago

      more like
      >posts on /tg/

    • 8 months ago

      I mean red flag threads have been a mainstay but yeahh, a /slop/ thread died for this.

  3. 8 months ago

    Paying an entry fee for board games night. I did post about it a few times and apparently it's the most normal thing in the world, but I find it really off-putting that my game store wants 5€.
    Another red flag definitely has to be just W40K in general. I seldom have met a community that gatekeeps so hard and oozes "I am better than you" but then has absolutely nothing to back that up besides uncomfortably competitive aspies that genuinely believe the lore is peak literature.
    And now that I'm writing about red flags another came to mind, board gaming partners that decide to bring their personal problems to the session and decide to make them the problem of everyone. One dude in particular can't shut the frick up about the Current Thing (tm), the Ukraine war and politics. Another is one of thoes "woe is me" homosexuals that thinks I give a shit his girlfriend left him. I don't. I came here for a good time, not to be your therapist.

    • 8 months ago

      gatekeepers are fat

      • 8 months ago

        They have to be, how else are they supposed to block the gate?

    • 8 months ago

      The game store is a business. If the only foot traffic is grognards coming in and using table space to play games for free, they're not going to make any kind of money. At least this way they're generating some income despite people like you just wanting a place to play games for free. Go make some friends and go to their house to play games if you don't like it.

      • 8 months ago

        Totally agree. There’s no complaint about paying for a convention and a board game night is ostensibly a small scale convention. Sure it’s free advertising and might generate sales of board games sold at the store but it’s not like 5 bux is a predacious fee. And frankly the profit margins at most game stores are razor thin as it is so begrudging them a small revenue stream that might not even cover the wage of the employees present for the night just shows a lack of understanding of how business works.

        • 8 months ago

          Totally disagree. I'm sitting a table. 9/10 someone has bought something on the way in or will on the way out. Every game store sells snacks and drinks.

          I'd wager they'd make more on snacks if they got more people in by avoiding shekel-chasing on the entrance fee. I know I certainly wont play anywhere that expects me to pay to sit in their cheap chairs and drafty gaming rooms.

    • 8 months ago

      I can tell you are the stinkiest tard in the room for complaining that there is a small fee. Most stores just ask you spend 5 dollars there around me. Could just be 5 on credit.

    • 8 months ago

      Entry fees exists precisely to get rid of people like you, so I guess it worked like a charm
      But what do I know, I used to work as a bouncer during student years.

      • 8 months ago

        gatekeepers are fat

        • 8 months ago

          only those who are gatekept complain about gatekeepers

          • 8 months ago

            Or they read a few TheMarySue articles and a reddit thread and now think they're an expert on The Problems In The Geek Community (And How To Fix Them)

            The scourge of the gatekeeping, racist, sexist tabletop gamer is so fricking astroturfed. Internet trolling, sperging, and grogposting aside, straight white male RPG players have been trying to get women, and to a lesser extent, minorities, into the hobby since forever, it's just that most of them had zero interest in it until it became popular. And, as it happens, I fricking HAVE seen People Of Color playing RPGs. But it was in a blue-collar hole-in-the-wall FLGS in Milwaukee, while the oh-so-progressive Gaming Pub's RPG patrons were suspiciously lilly-white, in both skin and collar, despite every other word out of their mouths being inclusivity.

            As to women playing TTRPGs, there have always been female autists, goths, geek tomboys and the like; if your gamer gang doesn't have at least one, you have no geek cred.

            If anything, the problem with male geeks is that they're TOO accepting; they enable bad behavior and when other, less-insecure geeks try to establish boundaries, they simp-screech or play the smug "ally."

            You know who hates the frick out of BPD progressive cosplay thots? OG geek horse-girl autists.

    • 8 months ago

      Do you buy games from your FLGS?

    • 8 months ago

      >Paying an entry fee for board games night. I did post about it a few times and apparently it's the most normal thing in the world, but I find it really off-putting that my game store wants 5€.
      Retail space isn't free.

    • 8 months ago

      I wish 40k players did actually gatekeep. At least people like the old school grogs I used to play with. Unfortunately, a lot of the old hands have rotated out and been replaced with onions beasts who gatekeep because "Uhm, sorry sweaty, that paint scheme looks a bit too fashy for our game of space facism we ran reasonable people out of".

      • 8 months ago

        >anyone who uses real politics in the fantasy setting
        I can understand this. But one time I was close to joining some other nerds in jumping a gay.
        >some guy has a Cadian army done up with Soviet union symbols
        >tanks and banners with the sickle and hammer
        >some guy sets up next to his game
        >whoa I like your models I think you'll dig mine maybe we can game after this one
        >pulls traitor guardsmen Nazi themed death corps of krieg minis guys with iron crosses and lightning bolts on the tanks and stuff
        >commie gay stops his game and demands a manager escort the Nazi player out the store
        >Says he will make sure every table top online community knows this store hosts Nazi rallies if they don't remove him or anyone who plays minis with Nazi imagery
        >my friend observing says people play the Germans in bolt action
        >points to some people in the corner
        >one of them probably has Nazi minis
        >is that not okay?
        >crazy commie with Soviet union Cadian dudes makes a big scene and a manager asks everyone who raised their voices at all to leave and only come back if they won't talk politics
        >guys playing bolt action never said a word and tried to continue to play.
        >When the manager was kicking out people and paused the bolt action guys rolled a dice and the timing made me laugh
        >Asked to leave for the day too
        Anyone who idealizes the Soviet union is worse than any literal Nazi or and even worse than some israelites.

        • 8 months ago

          >>whoa I like your models I think you'll dig mine maybe we can game after this one
          traitor guardsmen Nazi themed death corps of krieg minis guys with iron crosses and lightning bolts on the tanks and stuff
          audible kek

        • 8 months ago
        • 8 months ago

          Bolt Action players at the other table
          >Confused looks

          • 8 months ago

            >they weren't actually bolt action players.
            >they weren't even playing a game
            >Just two nerds standing around admiring some terrain on a table
            >suddenly across the room
            >one of those guys probably plays Nazis
            >notice them pointing at you
            How do you respond without sounding mad?

        • 8 months ago

          >>whoa I like your models I think you'll dig mine maybe we can game after this one
          traitor guardsmen Nazi themed death corps of krieg minis guys with iron crosses and lightning bolts on the tanks and stuff
          gay stops his game and demands a manager escort the Nazi player out the store
          what did you expect him to do, ask to help you invade poland?

          • 8 months ago

            he was a history autist and assumed the other guy was a history autist too, not a soulless husk that genuinely supports a moronic ideology

            • 8 months ago

              This might be the least self-aware post I've ever seen.

              • 8 months ago

                it's true though, it might not be as common as it used to be but some people are weirdos who collect paraphernalia or decorate their minis with flags of xyz country purely because they're history nerds and want to reenact battles.
                People uses to do civil war reenactments a lot near where I live and not a single one of the confederate guys was a real racist, not a single one (they also swapped outfits all the time to takes turns)

    • 8 months ago

      Paying a door fee is fricking normal man. Support your local game store if you are using it as a hangout. You peel off the price of a cheeseburger and let the bigguys who by a pack of cards everytime they walk in subsidies your time there. Even a doll bludger can afford that

      • 8 months ago

        >Paying a door fee is fricking normal man
        no, it isn't
        the reason your dying game store is in financial ruin to the point it needs to charge an entry fee is because it's probably a den of obese autistic people who play shit games and their mere presence drives off real customers.
        My lgs is still standing and has never charged people an entry fee but that's because the store is located near where lots of people actually work for a living so they get off, unwind in the store and buy things and none of them are fat freaks who've never learned to use deodorant

        • 8 months ago

          ooh no you can't say that anon he'll call you a consoomer now because you buy real products instead of paying door fees

    • 8 months ago

      >just W40K in general.
      40k is 90% secondaries, 9% tourneygays and 1% yourdude players, but half the yourdudes players you'll meet you won't get along with
      That's how it became a red flag for me

      • 8 months ago

        Spot on anon. But the 1/2 of the your dudes players you will get along with are ace

    • 8 months ago

      5 pounds is what 6 bucks?
      To get to use board games, play in a well lit clean(ish) space....
      You're baiting or so poor it hurts to be you

      • 8 months ago

        That's 5 euros, not 5 pounds. Sadly they're about the same value thanks to this moron.

    • 8 months ago

      I wish I lived somewhere that had a gamestore. Rural RPG life is impossible unless you play with the same group you did in Highschool or do online.

    • 8 months ago

      Literally no one gatekeeps 40k wtf crack are you smoking?

    • 8 months ago

      problem with 40k is that the ip just attracts mentally ill people and unironic nazis
      there's a reason people call it "grimdork" because the aesthetic and concept is only appealing if you have a major brain malfunction

  4. 8 months ago

    Anime fans especially if they're past their mid twenties.

    • 8 months ago

      anime haters have and always will be far more cringe

      • 8 months ago

        Say that in real life at a frat party or church.

        • 8 months ago

          > at a frat party or church
          > frat party
          > or church
          > /tg/

          • 8 months ago

            Came to witness homosexual anon being destroyed by those quads of truth

        • 8 months ago

          >At a frat party
          Fratbros probably watch anime too, these days. Just mainstream shounen series like Chainsawman or Shingeki no Kyojin
          >Or church
          You go to church to worship, not talk about your favorite media.

          > at a frat party or church
          > frat party
          > or church
          > /tg/

          This quads poster is also correct.

          • 8 months ago

            homie, you can just say attack on titan.

        • 8 months ago

          I got hired for a job and told my southern conservative boss that I love anime.

          He left the company and offered me a director level position at the new place. Nearly doubling my previous salary.

          No one in the real world gives a shit what you watch in your free time.

          • 8 months ago

            And then everyone clapped and the sexy secretary blew me and Jenny from accounting asked me out it was totally cool and awesome.

        • 8 months ago

          i will without hesitation

        • 8 months ago

          I met most of my current group through a frat. Two (and a third who has since left the group) are weebs who have completed their pilgrimage to Japan. Two others have watched anime more casually, and one of those is Christian.

        • 8 months ago

          Imagine being such a herd animal that you need validation from others to enjoy a solitary activity.

        • 8 months ago

          I work in a fricking factory and young black men watch anime

          Hating anime is fine, but the people that act like anime is a psyop or will make you trans just tells me you have political brain rot and are disconnected from reality

        • 8 months ago

          >bringing up church
          Zoomie christcuck larper detected

        • 8 months ago

          How does it feel being embodiment of a parody?

      • 8 months ago

        Nta but I don't hate anime, I hate anime fans. They're weird and simple and have terrible taste in entertainment.

        I have a nephew who won't shut up about Lego and the superhero he made in Lego. It's cute because he's my blood, and five. Some fricking thirty-year-old autist who goes on and on about berserk is significantly less charming.

        Say that in real life at a frat party or church.

        Not the gotcha you think it is babe

  5. 8 months ago

    Red flah threada have always been shit, but you've really gone and shot the pretense of "warning signs" and have really just laid out that it's "shit I want to complain about."

  6. 8 months ago

    How is it a red flag someone you have to move out of your way to find and hire?
    >This plumber I called is a red flag because he's not fixing my toilet for free like I would

    • 8 months ago

      Paying someone to be a GM is like paying someone to play Mario Kart with you. It’s much better to play for free with friends, who will easily deliver a friendly and familiar experience. Maybe it’s just because I’m not into RPGs as half-assed acting sessions through linear narratives.

      • 8 months ago

        Paying GMs to GM something for your group to get your feet wet wouldn't be a bad idea if it were a rather cheap paid experience if you don't have organized play around or very limited organized play.

      • 8 months ago

        >paying someone to do a lot of work you think they should do for free and cater to your particular brand of moronation is like paying someone to be moronic like you are
        Hey, stop being moronic. Tell me how you're a forever player. Inb4 "I'M GMED 8 MILLION GAMES AND BLAh blAH"
        If you actually GMed, and GMed a reasonable amount of time through various campaigns and people, you wouldn't argue against this.

        • 8 months ago

          NTA but I'm a GM and I don;t like payed games because I hate the bad effects profit incentives bring to community based hobbies and so dislike the creeping pervasiveness of it.
          More specifically Market Logic incentivizes GM's to decrease the Length of Play, and increase the Repetition and Linearity of Games in order to Maximize Profit Output.
          At this point issues with consumer satisfaction can be blunted by indulging in the players bad habits which then risks continued solidification of said bad habits and poorer quality games as acceptable in the general community over time.

          You may not be like this personally, but as in all profit based industries optimization towards profit will take effect and you will have contributed towards the continued degradation of the hobby.

          • 8 months ago

            Shut up commie, this is 'murica

            • 8 months ago

              A rejection of community based values for greed. How very unchristian of you.
              Didn't you go to church every Sunday like a good American Boy should?

              • 8 months ago

                >muh rabbi on a stick
                typical israelite commie deflection

                I'm so fricking based

              • 8 months ago

                Dropped your jak' king

        • 8 months ago

          nobody is going to pay you, the reason you're a forever gm is because you're so insufferable you can't get into games as a player
          you don't deserve money, only contempt

    • 8 months ago

      How many plumbers do their thing for free and/or for fun? Because that is the default for GMs.

      • 8 months ago

        5e homosexuals also think GMing and developing content is hard, or are gatekeeping it and concurrently trying to commercialize it

      • 8 months ago

        DMs should be paying the players to inhabit their awful worlds, not charging admission.

    • 8 months ago

      >Why isn't paying for an intimate recreational social activity like paying for skilled manual labor?
      Well escorts exist so you have a point if you're willing to equate paid gming with that.

      • 8 months ago

        The point Is, if you have the income, and no one wants to bother DMing, what's even wrong. How Is it a red flag when the while group and the paid GM know exactly what they're doing? A red flag for whom? A third unralated party?

        • 8 months ago

          It creates incentives that lead to shitty games, if you’re a storygaming homosexual then I suppose it’s what you’d end up with anyway

          • 8 months ago

            >It creates incentives that lead to shitty games
            Cool, such as...

            • 8 months ago

              Giving your players free shit with no real challenge because you feel obligated to because they’re paying you

              Or just profiling you and giving you a first order approximation of what you want until you get bored of the game

              • 8 months ago

                That's not how paid games work, usually the most common route is people decide on running a module. Seem like you just invent shit to be mad about.

  7. 8 months ago

    People who've never played a tabletop game in their life complaining about things that have never happened on a Mongolian tapdancing forum with the hope that this time their epic post will earn reddit gold

    • 8 months ago

      gay meme

  8. 8 months ago

    Threads that ask me a question without providing anything of value. Double red flag if the rest of the thread is just one liners.

  9. 8 months ago

    A "they-ish" looking radically left wing DM. Normally they have a very limited grasp of the rules, run a very unbalanced game with 90% roleplay and 10% exploration/combat, spend undue time virtue signalling and double-checking everyone's mental health (which also slows the game down), and the "main story" involves a queer romance or hamfisted political message driven entirely by the actions of NPCs.

    I have no problems with anyone's politics one way or the other, but if you let it stop you from running a good game then you are a shitty DM. Learn the rules. Make the game fun for your players too (not just a fun story for you to watch while the players are along for the railroad ride). And know that your game being a safe environment != your game being a good/fun environment.

    And I'm not even right wing or anything. Obvious right winger games are usually just beer and pretzels combat fests against obviously monstrous enemies or an evil wizard.

    • 8 months ago

      >Things that never, ever happened
      But you are a nice red flag. Then again, I rarely play online, and only a small handful of games if so, so it's mostly free of brain-damaged Amerifat that can't shut up about their "radically X" politics.

      • 8 months ago

        Oh it most certainly happened multiple times. I wish it didn't. I wish the games were fun; but they just weren't.

        I'm not the one that brought politics into it, that was the DMs wearing it on their sleeves and building their games around it (rather than around the idea of art or enjoyment).

        And your post and image seem to be a bit misplaced. I'm not talking about the formal American political parties. And you seem to agree that some individuals have radical political beliefs that consume their lives and thoughts.

      • 8 months ago

        NTA (check posters count) but I met exactly what he described during lockdowns when trying to get into online play.
        He described it to a fricking T.
        I realized we were in for a wild ride in our second session when we arrive to a town who is being raided by gnolls and kobolds for some reason. We find the guy leading the guard captain, he introduces himself, mentions his pronouns, introduces his husband and offers us 20 gold per gnoll head and 10 gold per kobold head. Mid battle one of the players says the wrong pronouns when talking about the guy and the guard captain magically appears to go on a long winded speech about respecting the chosen pronouns of a person and to respect his sexuality at the end of which his guards start clapping and hollering and fight harder than ever driving out the attackers and leaving us with barely any gold made.
        I quickly found a different game to join which wasn't that much better but for different reasons.

        • 8 months ago

          He once also went on a tirade about muh trump and muh evil nazi
          We are not americans as you could gather from my ESL typing ass

        • 8 months ago

          >We find the guy leading the guard captain, he introduces himself, mentions his pronouns, introduces his husband and offers us 20 gold per gnoll head and 10 gold per kobold head. Mid battle one of the players says the wrong pronouns when talking about the guy and the guard captain magically appears to go on a long winded speech about respecting the chosen pronouns of a person and to respect his sexuality at the end of which his guards start clapping and hollering and fight harder than ever driving out the attackers and leaving us with barely any gold made.
          So... was it a troony? Cause gays and pronoun autism isn't a thing and makes your story sound made up.
          The only reason I possibly believe it because I played with someone who would literally screech if you called a hobgoblin or verdan a goblin.... y'know.... the kind of thing they are.

      • 8 months ago

        You're just so enlightened!

      • 8 months ago

        Not that dude, but I was invited to a game last week and the GM insisted we tell our pronouns and fill this trigger warning sheet before the game started. I can assure you that they exist and the plot will no doubt have fat brown lesbians with purple hair everywhere.

        At least all those morons only play D&D so my other niche ttrpgs are safe for now and I will gatekeep the frick out of them

        • 8 months ago

          Check all the red boxes and show up.

          • 8 months ago

            >Alright guys, we're going to be playing Ryuutama.

        • 8 months ago

          Checkmark Green on every single thing and show up.

        • 8 months ago

          This isn't too weird, kinklist are normal part or ERP gamefinding, F-list made their whole business model on them.

          • 8 months ago

            This is the thing, this isn't a kink list you fricking dumbass. I use F-list all the time but the post is for RPGs and its moronic as frick

            >Not realizing lists like these are specifically made for pickup and convention games to maximize play time.

            As someone who goes to conventions and do pick up games in my LFGS using that doesn't really makes it faster its slower. You just suck it up and besides not many people are going to put genocide out in public. I might but then again I like extreme games of taking down a massive empire or being part of that genocidal empire.

        • 8 months ago

          There's something really funny about the layout allowing you to yellow most things but then enthusiastically green light abortion or racism. Like the language really fricking sucks for the
          >hell yeah, harm to animals, bring it on!

        • 8 months ago

          >Not realizing lists like these are specifically made for pickup and convention games to maximize play time.

          • 8 months ago

            Too fricking granular for something that has to be short, relevant and to the point to be used as reference for a convention game. Heck, it's fricking useless even in normal games, is just plain virtue signal performative shit.

        • 8 months ago

          >At least all those morons only play D&D so my other niche ttrpgs are safe for now and I will gatekeep the frick out of them
          Honestly, this shit started with the Vampire weirdos and PbtA perverts. Suffice it to say, moving away from D&D will not remove you from this stuff.

        • 8 months ago

          >I enthusiastically consent to genocide, bring it on!
          >Severe weather and Heatstroke are a hard line, do not include.

          Who the frick wrote this shit?

        • 8 months ago

          >Green: Spiders, Genocide, Severe Weather
          >red: Everything else
          Oh yeah, it's gaming time

        • 8 months ago

          >explicit sex
          >sexual assault
          Everything else red

        • 8 months ago
          • 8 months ago

            I think you're lost homosexual

            • 8 months ago

              what makes you think that, homo?

        • 8 months ago

          Anything gay, sexual, or woke is autobanned at my table. As is general disrespect, sjw bullshit, and anything involving harm of children not relevant to the story. Basically, no sick weird butthole shit is allowed. If you want to play a rapist, child molesting clown, go do it elsewhere. My group will literally beat you into a coma with fishing poles, if you try that crap. We've done it before.

          • 8 months ago

            >/pol/tard larping about lynching the gays
            damn the schizo fantasies of you nogames just get crazier and crazier

            • 8 months ago

              Why do you have the grammar level of a sheboon?

      • 8 months ago

        If you think there are only two right wings, that just goes to show you how far left you are.

        • 8 months ago

          There are neocons, and there are fascists. Lolberts are self-deluded fascists that don't realize it, and theocrats are either neocons or fascists.

        • 8 months ago

          My country used to be "People's Republic" and I'm old enough to remember that. Meanwhile you have no fricking clue what "left" even means, Clappistani.

      • 8 months ago

        >red flag the person

    • 8 months ago

      > they-ish
      > radically left
      Just call them a troony and move the frick on, jesus.

      • 8 months ago

        Doesn't have to be a troony. Can also be a lesbian with a shaved head.

        • 8 months ago

          wtf i feel seen for the first time on here

    • 8 months ago

      >Obvious right winger games are usually just beer and pretzels combat fests against obviously monstrous enemies or an evil wizard.

      That sounds based as frick, where do I sign up

  10. 8 months ago

    >talks more about safety tools than the game itself
    >won't shut up about a system they're in love with, but have never played, and also has nothing to do with what is being played
    >refuses to remember basic rules that have been invoked dozens of times by every other player at the table, meaning they are not paying attention at all
    >any talk of builds, how they've planned out their character, or how they are thinking of the best ways to make their character as overpowered as possible, meaning they are thinking about the game as a thing they can exploit and "win" instead of being a collaborative group activity

    • 8 months ago

      >any talk of builds, how they've planned out their character, or how they are thinking of the best ways to make their character as overpowered as possible, meaning they are thinking about the game as a thing they can exploit and "win" instead of being a collaborative group activity
      I'm on the fence with this one, because it really depends on factors like system in question, group composition (the players, not their characters) and the general mindset of both the group and the GM. Having a dedicated "build autist" can work wonders and it can also ruin the whole experience for everyone. Ironically, the best time I ever had with such player was when we were playing a local dopey narrative system, and the autismo managed to effectively use all the narrative tools the game provided, because instead of thinking about the story, he was just thinking about the mechanical benefits - whereas the "roleplayers" were constantly struggling, due to how inconvenient average narrative games can be for the "mother may I" style of play those people usually have.
      Said all that, it's always a red flag when you see a player that does a min-max right off the bat and openly aims to make it even more broken.

      • 8 months ago

        I'm on the fence on that one too. One the one hand, you have an autist who goes by using these combinations of feats/skills/powers/spells I can proceed to do infinite damage and ignore all combat encounters, that's a red flag. But working on a build to do a specific thing that is your character's thing, like I made a 4e greatbow ranger who was an unseen sniper, stealth out the ass, powers that gave him more stealth options, multiclass Druid to wildshape so I could be a mundane animal for sneaking, and the feats that increased range for bows and let him ignore range penalties so I could shoot from 60 squares away. But that was the guy I was building, an exconscript archer who figured that his allies could summon the powers of the gods and use magic to do what they wanted, he better be the best with the bow in the world, otherwise, what was he doing here?

        • 8 months ago

          That's more the game issue than the attitude that goes with it here. My go-to example with min-maxing is the extreme case of number crunching that player did in HEX. HEX is by design giving you larger-than-life characters, so you kinda don't have to min-max or crunch to get your character obnoxiously strong (we are talking stuff like punching entire Nazi garrison or putting a dent in a T. Rex head with a derringer from 100 feet with a starting character). Yet I had a player that effectively ended up having 20 in vast majority of skills, in a game that has 0-15 scale, and anything above 12 is a total overkill. And his goal wasn't to make the best explorer that ever visited the Hollow Earth, his goal was to exploit the living shit out of overlapping skill synergy mechanics, which offers you half the rating of the other skills that come up in specific situation, up to +10. And so he was just powering through anything due to looping one skill with the other non-stop, never being particularly good in one thing, but good enough to use it for synergy effect. This had the net negative effect on the whole experience, because his behaviour forced the entire group to just retire skill synergy to deal with the asshat. Eventually we simply told him to not come again after two sessions, but you can probably imagine the frustration he managed to create before that

          • 8 months ago

            That sounds like a shit system

    • 8 months ago

      >I hate people who read RPG books and learn systems outside of those for the game were playing right now
      >I hate people who don't know the rules
      >I hate people who know the rules well enough to play around with them to find where the exploitable kinks are.
      You sound actually moronic and/or legitimately autistic. If I had to guess you want people to know the game but not as well as you so it doesn't hurt your inflated
      ego and superiority complex.

      • 8 months ago


      • 8 months ago

        Excuse me nerdlinger for not spending my free time doing homework for what is supposed to be a game.

        • 8 months ago

          >for not spending my free time doing homework
          Not him but find another hobby. Even in fricking toddlers board games you have to read at least once the instructions.

      • 8 months ago

        >based digitsGOD making the autismo seethe and samegay

    • 8 months ago

      >do NOT notice build synergies
      >do NOT read the rules
      >dumb down your brain and play like a moron!
      you're the red flag here

  11. 8 months ago

    … it’s a subtle one and it requires an bit of deduction.

    But if, when telling you about their past games, the subject comes up about how they torpedoed an butthole GM’s game.

    Why is that a red flag?
    1) we weren’t there so we only have his word and his side of the story, so there’s little consideration of wether or not he might’ve been in the wrong too, so it’s a possible sign that he’s not terribly self-reflective.
    2) Far more importantly! even IF we give him the benefit of the doubt and assume this past GM was an absolute douche and deserving of contempt, the fact remains that this player chose not to leave the table but instead chose to remain in the campaign purely to sabotage the GM’s game out of spite. So there is a logical reason to believe that if in your own game you do something or make a ruling he dislikes he might choose to adopt an antagonistic role at the table rather than leave, after all, he did it once before.

    See what I mean?

    • 8 months ago

      That is way too calculated and logical to be here. I mean what is anyone supposed to ridicule?

    • 8 months ago

      Solid helpful posting

    • 8 months ago

      This is the moronic logic that HR uses to "weed out" people with job gaps on their resume.
      1. You can weed out people who match #1 by simply asking them interrogating questions about the GM and what made them an butthole, and then following up with "why did he do that?" People who were in the wrong will typically just say "I dunno! He's just an butthole!" and have no interest in getting to the bottom of actual answers. People who were legitimately wronged will be actually confused or throw out theories cause the question eludes them.

      2. There are dozens of situations where someone might be staying in a game they dislike and being more antagonistic that are not related to a obvious or dominating personality trait. Including
      >The game used to be good for them and they are holding out hope it will get better with criticism or in-game actions
      >Outright quitting would have different, external social implications (friends, lovers, even the timeslot the game is played in, etc)
      >They are not actually acting that abhorrent in-game, and the game is crumbling under bad GMing
      >The player has talked to everyone about the problems and everyone keeps convincing him to stay.

      Red flags should only ever apply at the resume stage. After that, you should be engaging in conversation and personality matching while questioning them.

      • 8 months ago

        >The game used to be good for them and they are holding out hope it will get better with criticism or in-game actions
        I have done this. Was at a good table that had one problem player who was a cheating powergamer. Everyone else either didn't know the rules enough to challenge him or was too averse to confrontation to do anything (including the DM). Eventually I got fed up and started challenging this guy's cheating at the table the instant he did anything fricky. Play would stop for thr confrontation and he would always try to weasel or guilt his way out of it.

        Eventually he got fed up and left the table...and things were immediately amazing. Play was smooth and it didn't feel like one of the players was playing Calvinball. One of the players even thanked me away from the table for getting rid of that guy. (Don't worry, no one clapped). I still play at that table to this day, and it's still great.

        Confront problem players. Make them more annoyed by you than you are by them.

    • 8 months ago

      I once let in players like this and it led to the worst (aborted) campaign I have ever played. This is a red flag, even if there may sometimes be exceptions.

    • 8 months ago

      First sensible thing I see on Ganker, have a (you)

  12. 8 months ago

    Yes. If the system uses a d20 it is a red flag

    • 8 months ago

      The only reason other systems don't use polyhedral dice is they were either meant for casuals or they were created outside the US where polyhedral dice were hard to acquire in the 70s and 80s. There's no excuse in an age of cheap plastic manufacturing and 3d printing.

      • 8 months ago

        You are an idiot. It's true that dice other than D6 were harder to obtain in the 70's and 80's but there are more than a few systems that use just D6's quite effectively (WEG's D6, TFT, GURPS, Hero/Champions) and deliberately because of probability math, which is a rather important thing in good game design. Bell curves are good.

        • 8 months ago

          B/X used all kinds of dice and probability distributions though, including 2d6. It's not something that can't be achieved with other dice. Bell curves aren't always good.

        • 8 months ago

          Brainlet. Bell curve or flat distribution are both tools that should be used where they make sense. Saying one is good and the other's bad is equally moronic whatever side of the coin you fall on.
          Bell curve is only good if you want to hit average, but flat curve allows you to either hit high variance rolls or to set up what amount of variance you want by adding a flat modifier.
          For example, a very good way to do reliable damage is something like d6+7 instead of 3d6 if it doesn't make a lot of sense to hit low rolls.
          The "d20 bad" discussion is almost as brain damaging as the "IGOUGO bad!" discussion in /awg/

  13. 8 months ago

    Game store with ratty 90s era decor. I can think of one locally that boasts having been wheren EDH was developed and I've witnessed:
    >Girl getting punched in the mouth whether by accident or not in a LARP of some homosexual TTRPG system I can't remember but it involved airships and sounded dumb.
    >Smelled the mold growing in between the fat crevices of a MTG player (last time I ever played).

    • 8 months ago

      Sounds incredibly based

      • 8 months ago

        I was there filming and didn't get it.

    • 8 months ago

      So… like, did she get punched in the face because her opponent threw a tantrum? Was it a weird accident where the guy was overly gesticulating and not minding his surroundings? I’m curious what the circumstances were, if you can recall.

      Sounds incredibly based

      Only b***hes think antisocial behavior is “based”

      • 8 months ago

        Alright this was maybe 2008 or 2009. I was there as kind of a capstone course that was about sociology and having played BG1 and 2 and wanting to do the project on why people roleplay.

        Was interviewing people. This was also around the time of 4E having Dark Sun. They get to LARPing out their in game actions. There's some kind of political intrigue. It was magic, airships, and gunpowder.

        Guy, lanky, greasy, one rotten tooth stands up to autistic but well put together girl and her speech. He is acting out this response and throws his hand towards her head to bring drama about the situation and instead of it being a scripted action ends landing on her jaw unexpectedly. She is aghast and does not know what to do or say, Mr. Grease don't care more than to say sorry. Some people laugh and others are processing it like me. Whatever that game was, it was surely stupid.

        • 8 months ago

          > He is acting out this response and throws his hand towards her head to bring drama about the situation and instead of it being a scripted action ends landing on her jaw unexpectedly
          -and this, kids, is why we narrate our character’s actions and not act them out.

        • 8 months ago

          >Man accidentally hits someone while gesticulating
          >...IN A GAME STORE
          >... THE PERSON HE HIT HAD A vegana!
          kek. anti-social indeed.

  14. 8 months ago

    Racism and sexism.

    • 8 months ago

      >Racism and sexism.
      As racist and sexist, I gotta agree. If you are unable to hide your racism and sexism for a while, you are likely obnoxious c**t about it. And no one wants to play with obnoxious c**ts.

  15. 8 months ago

    >red flags
    >wants to play bard or druid
    >wants to play a class out of a a weird supplemental book
    >Cares more about stats than roleplaying(min maxxer)
    >tries to pvp
    >chaotic evil
    >Asks if they can bring their girlfriend
    >asks if drugs are okay at the table
    >Asks how much longer we have left after only an hour
    >grabs the dice before anyone sees the rolls
    >Thinks drows, orcs, or ghouls can be lawful good as PCs
    >tries to romance other PCs
    >Tries to talk real world politics at the table
    >applies real world politics in the setting
    >is israeli
    >Always stares at phone
    >takes more than ten minutes to do their turn
    >Doesn't know when it's their turn
    >never throws down for group pizza or snacks
    >wants to bring their pets(seriously wtf Rebecca?)
    >plays a character of the opposite sex
    >PC is the DMs romantic partner
    >Dm DMs without more than half the party absent
    Dm once continued a campaign just with his wife and every time we came back their characters were naked or in some awkward sexual related adventure and we had to awkwardly do the whole walk in and roleplay accidentally walking in on a half orc and halfing boning. We stopped playing when we came back on schedule and they had killed the big bag mid week and boned on his corpse.

    I'm sure there are plenty of red flags I forgot but these are ones that have consistently been an issue every time if I've experienced them more than once.

    • 8 months ago

      >10 minute turns
      Found the 3e gay

      • 8 months ago

        Weirdly gave experienced this more in fifth trying to game with randos at the lcs

    • 8 months ago

      I've done two of these, playing characters of the opposite sex and trying to get my GF interested in playing, the first went much better than the second

    • 8 months ago

      >PC is the DMs romantic partner
      this is only a problem if they're not married, I've played with married couples where one is the DM and I've never had a problem

  16. 8 months ago

    Alright, here are my red flags for real-life sessions that tell me the night's going to be absolute torture:
    >obese guy makes a female character
    >one of the players brought his girlfriend
    >phones are allowed, alcohol isn't
    >RPG/board game we're playing requires an app
    >can't see the GM's rolls
    >majority of players are zoomers (jojo references are the funniest things ever hahahhaahhaha god fricking murder me now)

    And now the red flags for online sessions:
    >anime avatar
    >troony flag avatar
    >I say "homosexual" and some guy with a really quiet voice goes "um....could you...please not say that...?"
    >10 minutes in and it's painfully clear nobody involved is enjoying any of it
    >can't see the GM's rolls
    >GM clearly has zero experience, is scared and shy, so the scenario and setting are the most barebones generic safe shit ever with zero spice, basically what movies think RPG sessions are like
    >there's a girl at fricking all
    dont hate em, but their presence in an online game warps the minds of everybody else involved, you know it's true. In real life there's alcohol to calm their dicks down but online the simping is just insane
    >group is strangers from discord
    >session starts with vetos and "trigger words" and other things that can't be in the game and the list is endless
    >everyone's muted and we need to "raise our hands" to speak or the GM has to stop his rambling and chooses who to give permission to talk
    >that guy with the 7 year old chinese desktop mic with shit quality and who always has a solid five second delay whenever it's his turn to speak
    >there's one of those extremely talkative awkward guys who are not natural extroverts but force it because I don't fricking know
    >there's more than one session 0

    I dont think I even scratched the surface, my brain probably blocked the more nightmarish shit I experienced so these are just off the top of my head

    • 8 months ago

      >red flags
      >wants to play bard or druid
      >wants to play a class out of a a weird supplemental book
      >Cares more about stats than roleplaying(min maxxer)
      >tries to pvp
      >chaotic evil
      >Asks if they can bring their girlfriend
      >asks if drugs are okay at the table
      >Asks how much longer we have left after only an hour
      >grabs the dice before anyone sees the rolls
      >Thinks drows, orcs, or ghouls can be lawful good as PCs
      >tries to romance other PCs
      >Tries to talk real world politics at the table
      >applies real world politics in the setting
      >is israeli
      >Always stares at phone
      >takes more than ten minutes to do their turn
      >Doesn't know when it's their turn
      >never throws down for group pizza or snacks
      >wants to bring their pets(seriously wtf Rebecca?)
      >plays a character of the opposite sex
      >PC is the DMs romantic partner
      >Dm DMs without more than half the party absent
      Dm once continued a campaign just with his wife and every time we came back their characters were naked or in some awkward sexual related adventure and we had to awkwardly do the whole walk in and roleplay accidentally walking in on a half orc and halfing boning. We stopped playing when we came back on schedule and they had killed the big bag mid week and boned on his corpse.

      I'm sure there are plenty of red flags I forgot but these are ones that have consistently been an issue every time if I've experienced them more than once.

      >Plays a character of the opposite sex.
      I don't get this part, I've personally do this all the time and manage to not offend anyone.
      Then again I didn't do it explicitly just to bang everything.

      • 8 months ago

        Playing characters of the opposite sex in a TTRPG is at least an order of magnitude worse than playing a female character in vidya

        • 8 months ago

          I can see it being a red flag if you do it as a kink, but if you're not doing it that way it's not going to ruin the session. You're gay either way, but one of them doesn't ruin the fun.

          • 8 months ago

            You may only play a bearded female dwarf.

      • 8 months ago

        I've only experienced this twice
        >One guy was gay and tried to get his female half elf to seduce everyone including the PCs.
        >almost every dialogue with his character was him being overly flirty
        >my character beings over to reveal their cleavage make them roll to not get a boner
        >Would pantomime the "sexy actions" when they narrate them

        The other guy was your classic fat neck beard neat
        >this is Asuka Rei Kenshi Kenshin
        >she has black hair but her bangs have a blue streak
        >she is a super assassin trained since birth to assassinate kings and emperors
        >Which she already has across the world
        >but for stats she's a multi class rogue with a few levels of sorcerer
        >She's also only 12
        We only played two games with this guy due to the dm moving away. The player wasn't half bad, never tried to romance anyone(probably cause it was his waifu), though he genuinely smelt horrible. And any npc that acknowledge she was a little girl was castrated by him. This happens four times total. Three times the last session.

      • 8 months ago

        That post of mine doesnt just say "character of the opposite sex", it aso mentions the weight of the player in question

      • 8 months ago

        I pretty much just try to keep it an even split of female to male PCs.

    • 8 months ago

      >there's a girl at fricking all
      I suppose I understand your explanation--honestly don't doubt it depending on how autistic the group is--but what do you expect us to do? just not attempt any online play? feelsbad. (and by "us" I don't mean "girls" with Y chromosomes)

      • 8 months ago

        Be aware of simps. Understand when they're simping and dont encourage the behavior.
        It's pointless if you act all innocent here and then go full on "shitty jokes every 5 seconds because you know theyll laugh"
        I'm not accusing you of acting like that, just saying IF you feed the simps then yeah its your fault.
        Be aware that theyre being moronic if they are, and do something about it, just say that theyre making it awkward for others or something. Not your fault (again, unless you egg them on), we all have to deal with morons

      • 8 months ago

        men just behave differently when there's a woman present - it's just monkey brain shit, can't do anything about it

    • 8 months ago

      's one of those extremely talkative awkward guys who are not natural extroverts but force it because I don't fricking know
      holy shit THANK YOU
      Seriously cannot stand that behavior

    • 8 months ago

      's one of those extremely talkative awkward guys who are not natural extroverts but force it because I don't fricking know
      holy shit THANK YOU
      Seriously cannot stand that behavior

      I'm one of those guys, what should I do?

      • 8 months ago

        Play with your actual friends or keep annoying these miserable gays. I'd much rather play/DM for someone awkward that's putting the effort of interacting with the rest of the group than these autists that are too meek to even look the rest of the table in the eye while they talk to them.

      • 8 months ago

        Stop being afraid of being boring. A boring guy is waaaaaaaay better than an obnoxious guy

        Play with your actual friends or keep annoying these miserable gays. I'd much rather play/DM for someone awkward that's putting the effort of interacting with the rest of the group than these autists that are too meek to even look the rest of the table in the eye while they talk to them.

        The exhuberance of these guys hardly ever leads to interaction. In my experience they're not roleplaying, they're saying awkward "social" things like
        >I'll enter the cave and attack the beast, that's w-what CHADS do hahaha right guys? am i right? im like the black and white chad meme guys

        • 8 months ago

          Saying “I’ll enter the cave and attack tbe beast” is peak roleplay tbh

          • 8 months ago

            That's just announcing an attack.

            • 8 months ago

              Roleplaying is not acting, it’s just controlling and making decisions for your man

              • 8 months ago

                It is physically impossible to roleplay less than "I go in place and attack the thing"
                It is the lowest stage

              • 8 months ago

                You have a skewed idea of what roleplaying is, you are a theaterhomosexual.

              • 8 months ago

                are we done

        • 8 months ago

          Boring guy? Play support/healer your party will love it.

          • 8 months ago

            There is NO problem with someone boring. And I'm not saying this because I am one and trying to cope or whatever, I'm almost always the GM and improvising is my forte.
            I repeat: if you are boring it's FINE. Don't force trying to be interesting, you'll make it weird and it won't work

    • 8 months ago

      >there is a girl at all
      Lmao, even.
      Stay indoors

    • 8 months ago

      >And now the red flags for online sessions:
      I've had such a bad time with them that just being one is a red flag.

      • 8 months ago

        I now limit my online sessions to Tabletop Simulator among Steam friends that I've known for years, some even a decade.
        These are 100% of the time a guaranteed success, but for whatever reason we can't get them to happen even semi-regularly, so whenever I felt like playing but couldn't get the guys I'd go to some discord and that's where my nightmare online sessions come from

        Do online sessions with your pals, they should go well

    • 8 months ago

      >needing to see the GM's rolls
      I don't get this at all.

      • 8 months ago

        It's just a way for the GM to avoid the temptation to fudge and and easy way to increase drama

    • 8 months ago

      GMs should always hide rolls.

  17. 8 months ago

    morons. All of them.

    • 8 months ago

      Zoomies heard too many horror stories about grogs with magic hands manipulating the probabilities with a skilled throw

    • 8 months ago

      Is this a real thing? I always just used a red solo cup. I can't imagine taking this with me everywhere.

  18. 8 months ago

    > Tardiness and late cancellations
    Games are low priority affairs, but commitments with people are not. Either show up on time or give an early shout. If people are always late and/or not showing up at all, it's not going to last.
    You can usually know that one in advance if one of the players/DM is already tardy for everything else. imo just treat the whole thing as dead from the start.
    > one of the players is "that guy"
    > DM wanted to run X, but players complained until they ran Y
    > Players wanted to play Y, but DM refused to budge and is running X
    Really a catch-22.
    > DM either far too rigid to adapt, or so weak willed that players have them by the balls
    Either a trip to railroad city or you're going to play a role in the story of a part vampire part werewolf part witch part mermaid part sprite part goddess part fairy and a princess of the grand throne.

    • 8 months ago

      This. And to expound on it people who say they're down but never commit
      >once best friend
      >For months would say he's down but say he can't get it off without time in advance
      >Two of us call him out and say we are asking you how long you need and to put that request in
      >they probably won't give it to me anyways
      >almost a year of this.
      >just straight tell him up we gotta do it without you or we never will we have tried to wait for you.
      >Have falling out
      >says his schedule can work with ours now
      >we tried to include you
      >Only reminded of how crappy you made me feel getting turned down all the time from someone I considered my best bro and wanted to just hang with
      >did all your hobbies like fricking climbing despite being scared of heights or camping despite being allergic to everything just cause i wanted to spend time with my bros
      I'll never postpone or wait on anyone ever again. I've played sessions just two players and the DM where I'm the dm or the player numerous times and it actually be fun. More people just ruin things before they even begin.

      • 8 months ago

        While I absolutely feel what you're saying and can 100% relate (not that other anon btw) I have to say bro... please, learn to fricking greentext

    • 8 months ago

      Bro why are you using they/them for a singular DM of whom you already know the sex

  19. 8 months ago

    For online games
    >DM sounds like a fricking nerd
    Anyone who actually talks like a nerd character out of a 80s sitcom is not someone you want to spend any amount of time with

  20. 8 months ago

    Pronouns in any capacity.
    Yes, including only the regular ones that actually match one's real identity. They are virtue signalling, which are not the kind of people you want to play with. If pronouns show up, it's already too late. Nobody taking the game sincerely gives a single frick about pronouns.

    • 8 months ago

      Sounds obvious but yeah. This.
      If I spot pronouns or The Flag I cancel session 0

  21. 8 months ago

    all of you either go back to v, k or a

    osr is where its at

  22. 8 months ago

    >his formative experience with ttrpgs is 3.PF, 4e, PF2 or 5e while also never GM'd in his life.
    There's a special kind of brainrot that takes place in this spot that's particularly insidious with playersonly. Not everyone succumb to it though.

    >fixated with a rulesystem above the others, as in he doesn't simply have a favourite, he just won't run/play anything else.
    This kind of homosexuals will b***h and whine all the time if presented with the notion of an alternative, also they will try to break any games they will take part.

    >the comsoomer. He keeps spending shit on merchandise (dice towers, new dice sets, "totally looks like an old grimoire" notenooks, quirky pop culture reference t-shirts, frickloads of manuals he will never use, commercial software, etc...)
    Odds are that the guy is also an ADHD moron

    >The lazy slop. He won't read, won't compile his character sheet, won't take notes, won't pay attention, won't remember shit, won't have a consistent attendance
    He's just here either because got excited when programming the game and lost interest or just to hang around. Either way he's a fricking dead weight and will slowly kill any enthusiasm like poison of frick the game because will decide to make his character do silly shit out of boredom.

    >"Realismgay" with air quotes. I'm not talking about the kind the like simulationism but the kind that suddenly start arguing that something "isn't realistic" when in direct opposition with their agency
    The character has to make a jump check and suddenly the player start arguing that even him irl can do that jump without issues so there shouldn't be the need of a roll, the character stumble in a trap and the player start arguing that there's no way his character would have ever missed that, you get the notion. He will turn the game in an endless slog debate.

    Just the first coming to my mind.

    • 8 months ago

      What if your formative ttrpg experience was combination of WHFB, 3e and Dark Eye games run by college nerds and friends sisters lesbo goth "friend" explaining how to recalculate challenge rating after applying multiple templates before being stuck as forever DM because apparently she was being weird and 7/8 players dont bother to read even basic fricking rules god forbid both core and things like "running x" parts of splat books that only had damage on pages at the feats or character options parts?

      • 8 months ago

        That's purgatory. You're automatically awarded heaven because you had to withstand that shit.

    • 8 months ago

      >won't take notes
      If more than one person in the group is taking notes, something is seriously wrong with that group and their inner communication, which is a red flag of a different kind

      The rest is spot on.

    • 8 months ago

      >>the comsoomer. He keeps spending shit on merchandise (dice towers, new dice sets, "totally looks like an old grimoire" notenooks, quirky pop culture reference t-shirts, frickloads of manuals he will never use, commercial software, etc...)
      >Odds are that the guy is also an ADHD moron
      Holy shit this is accurate.
      >I bought more dice guys! I saw these on the way in and couldn't help myself!
      >Does almost every week.

  23. 8 months ago

    >wants to play a third party class or something
    At worst wants to be the center of attention through the special class, at best wants to do mechanical stuff that's a chore to take into account.
    >explicitly wants to alter the setting in a big way
    Becomes surly upon rejection, but if allowed can lead to discussions in the middle of the campaign about how his additions to the setting/lore are really supposed to be.
    >comes up with something OP he swears is legit
    Usually a comically positive interpretation of the actual rules that often ends up becoming a crutch for the character, leading to shenanigans and possible trouble when it's inevitably found out and corrected.
    >tries to play a very specific build with no other character information
    Might not work out, character becomes mechnically boring when it doesn't, leading to player losing interest in the character.

    I wouldn't say these are red flags that should lead to exclusion, but they are flags to pay attention to and nip in the bud.

  24. 8 months ago

    Grown man watching cartoons

  25. 8 months ago

    the DM is fat

    • 8 months ago

      This. Fat people are usually extremely obnoxious in my experience.

  26. 8 months ago

    Boy do I have a story for you. The time I should have turned around day one and never looked back.

    >At LGC as a 20 year old
    >One of the managers decides to host a 5e game. I'm starving for playing on something that isn't roll20 so I bike three and a half miles to attend.
    >Fricking eight people show up.
    >We're playing Strixhaven (flag one) but I sort of bear with it in case it's okay.
    >The setting has been changed to where real life mythological gods (Hachiman, Artemis, Apollo, motherfricking Poseidon) are apparently the instructors. Flag two.
    >I roll with it not intending to take this seriously. I roll up a Thri-Kreen who only uses his telepathy to speak with people who are strong and shun the others.
    >At the table are:
    >A guy playing Saxton Hale but not named that.
    >A guy playing a huge minotaur that dual wields whips.
    >These guys were fun to be around and were very jovial about roleplaying.
    >Boyfriend and girlfriend duo. Girlfriend is an illiterate piercings-clad unironic art hoe who would later show up to sessions bald (not because of cancer but for attention). They play a stupid ass dwarf and a goblin chef respectively who are somehow both clerics. Flag three.
    >The girlfriend also constantly goes outside to vape, and thus never has any idea what's going on. Flag four.
    >Fifth member of our table is a teenage girl who was exposed to too much LGBT media for lack of a better way to articulate it. Flag five.
    >Plays a drow FtM (tries to keep this a secret but it's so fricking obvious) druid with anxiety to play out some kind of persecution story where her FATHER doesn't support her being trans. If you know anything about drow this entire fricking backstory is moronic. The DM frequently humors her by making anxiety checks and roleplaying her mom consoling her about how her dad doesn't understand.
    >Our sixth member is a guy who gave up and just plays a dirty homeless gnome monk who gets into hijinks over stealing and squatting on university property.

    • 8 months ago

      >The gnome player was chill and even gave me a ride home once when my bike was fricked and I had to walk to the gamestore.
      >Then there's HIM.
      >FAT. Flag six.
      >POOR SKIN HYGEINE. Flag seven.
      >GRATING RASPY VOICE. Flag eight.
      >Asks people in character for their pronouns and bluntly virtue signals about consent to the praise of no one but the moronic girls at the table.
      >He's playing a bard. Flag eight.
      >Literally describes his character as 'a dudebro with no toxic masculinity'.
      >Did I mention he's a dragonborn? One of those purple crystal ones from that one book. Not very important but the DM does a skit where people our characters know from back home arrive to congratulate us on making it in and saving people on school grounds. How do they do this? A fricking anime character (some redhead, from Fairy Tail or something????) is one of the headmasters (my memory is fuzzy on this) and snaps her fingers to teleport people here.
      >I make it explicit my character has no one so we can get this over with.
      >Aforementioned boohoo drow scene happens.
      >The dudebro male feminist dragonborn parents arrive naked as they were having a romantic evening but are covered up by a sheet. This is played for laughs by the DM rather than titillating in all fairness.
      >But the dragonborn doesn't have everyone. Apparently, this bard has a girlfriend.
      >A white furred tabaxi named Moonbeam of the Silver Glade. Unironic catgirl gf. Flag seven hundred.
      >She arrives and he is lovey dovey with her, voices hoping she can get into the school as well (the DM makes this happen a session later). We sit through this guy roleplaying with his fake girlfriend through the DM for minutes at a time.
      >To this day I don't know what her origins are. Is she simply an OC he created to jerk off to? A character that's from something and it went over my head? Or was this hamplanet e-dating a fellow celestial body and her fat ass played Moonbeam while they had their furry roleplay?

      • 8 months ago

        >I never inquired.
        >The entire game is irritating and time consuming with the drow and dragonborn around holding things up to roleplay vaguely with interesting bystanders, making 'anxiety checks' when a monster or worse a rude person who tells the drow 'no' arrives.
        >We have training sessions with the fricking gods who are the 'instructors' of the various classes we chose. As one of three fighters, we all get trained by Hachiman apparently, and training boils down to making attack rolls at one another.
        >Then we pan over to the magic training parts of the table and it's just as silly. I hold out hope for another field trip where we actually go explore places and fight monsters.
        >It comes, but only against the most nauseating slugfest against a horde of plant monsters that take eons to clear out.
        >At some point we start exploring a library but it is just more walking, more talking, no puzzles. No fights. No riddles.

        I won't regale you with every agonizing detail but I spent a good six weeks of spring visiting that place and never advancing past level one. I made the mistake of hoping the annoying parts would go away eventually.

        • 8 months ago

          >The gnome player was chill and even gave me a ride home once when my bike was fricked and I had to walk to the gamestore.
          >Then there's HIM.
          >FAT. Flag six.
          >POOR SKIN HYGEINE. Flag seven.
          >GRATING RASPY VOICE. Flag eight.
          >Asks people in character for their pronouns and bluntly virtue signals about consent to the praise of no one but the moronic girls at the table.
          >He's playing a bard. Flag eight.
          >Literally describes his character as 'a dudebro with no toxic masculinity'.
          >Did I mention he's a dragonborn? One of those purple crystal ones from that one book. Not very important but the DM does a skit where people our characters know from back home arrive to congratulate us on making it in and saving people on school grounds. How do they do this? A fricking anime character (some redhead, from Fairy Tail or something????) is one of the headmasters (my memory is fuzzy on this) and snaps her fingers to teleport people here.
          >I make it explicit my character has no one so we can get this over with.
          >Aforementioned boohoo drow scene happens.
          >The dudebro male feminist dragonborn parents arrive naked as they were having a romantic evening but are covered up by a sheet. This is played for laughs by the DM rather than titillating in all fairness.
          >But the dragonborn doesn't have everyone. Apparently, this bard has a girlfriend.
          >A white furred tabaxi named Moonbeam of the Silver Glade. Unironic catgirl gf. Flag seven hundred.
          >She arrives and he is lovey dovey with her, voices hoping she can get into the school as well (the DM makes this happen a session later). We sit through this guy roleplaying with his fake girlfriend through the DM for minutes at a time.
          >To this day I don't know what her origins are. Is she simply an OC he created to jerk off to? A character that's from something and it went over my head? Or was this hamplanet e-dating a fellow celestial body and her fat ass played Moonbeam while they had their furry roleplay?

          Boy do I have a story for you. The time I should have turned around day one and never looked back.

          >At LGC as a 20 year old
          >One of the managers decides to host a 5e game. I'm starving for playing on something that isn't roll20 so I bike three and a half miles to attend.
          >Fricking eight people show up.
          >We're playing Strixhaven (flag one) but I sort of bear with it in case it's okay.
          >The setting has been changed to where real life mythological gods (Hachiman, Artemis, Apollo, motherfricking Poseidon) are apparently the instructors. Flag two.
          >I roll with it not intending to take this seriously. I roll up a Thri-Kreen who only uses his telepathy to speak with people who are strong and shun the others.
          >At the table are:
          >A guy playing Saxton Hale but not named that.
          >A guy playing a huge minotaur that dual wields whips.
          >These guys were fun to be around and were very jovial about roleplaying.
          >Boyfriend and girlfriend duo. Girlfriend is an illiterate piercings-clad unironic art hoe who would later show up to sessions bald (not because of cancer but for attention). They play a stupid ass dwarf and a goblin chef respectively who are somehow both clerics. Flag three.
          >The girlfriend also constantly goes outside to vape, and thus never has any idea what's going on. Flag four.
          >Fifth member of our table is a teenage girl who was exposed to too much LGBT media for lack of a better way to articulate it. Flag five.
          >Plays a drow FtM (tries to keep this a secret but it's so fricking obvious) druid with anxiety to play out some kind of persecution story where her FATHER doesn't support her being trans. If you know anything about drow this entire fricking backstory is moronic. The DM frequently humors her by making anxiety checks and roleplaying her mom consoling her about how her dad doesn't understand.
          >Our sixth member is a guy who gave up and just plays a dirty homeless gnome monk who gets into hijinks over stealing and squatting on university property.

          I would have fricking topple the table while screaming "enough with this shit, there's anyone in this goddamn place that likes sword & sorcery, pulp action and fighting monsters for christ out loud?". Jesus, wtf happened to this hobby.

          • 8 months ago

            If you want S&S you either play another system or maybe you run a game yourself and decide which randos you accept.

            • 8 months ago

              I know that 5e is now basically about fantasy barista sexing twink tieflings but, in theory, it's still a game about going to adventure, killing and looting shit, not exactly S&S but you get what i mean.

              • 8 months ago

                No, I don't. People choose it for the high fantasy setting with colorful races, not for low fantasy dungeon crawling, that's what the entire OSR niche exist for. If you want that type of game, you go with other systems.

              • 8 months ago

                96% of the rulesystem is about FIGHTING, 96% of the spells are for combat scenarios, you have a whole manual full of combat stats for monsters, you can't seriously think someone wouldn't expect to go having perilous fantasy adventures involving combat instead of playing social encounters in !Hogwarts, right?

              • 8 months ago

                That's a different complain of "why u not playing S&S on this system?"

              • 8 months ago

                You're just being anal with definitions, also i we have to play this game in my post i didn't write "doesn't anyone want to play s&s?" but "doesn't anyone LIKES s&s here?" as using it as a navigation compass to find other kindred spirits in that ridiculous scenario.

              • 8 months ago

                99% of the rules aren't used and it's instead the DM going on with his fantasy and the fantasy of the other people present.
                That's why I hate DnD: you have to study up on a shitton of crunchy rules in case they come up, but they never fricking do

          • 8 months ago

            >everyone else at the table is fine
            >lone homosexual from 4cuck seething in the corner that they're having fun "wrong"
            also playing strixhaven and then caring about forgotten realms lore is idiotic, they're wildly different settings and lolth has no presence in the planes of mtg

            • 8 months ago

              >Reading comprehension
              The point is that a convention games should be concise and punctual about what's on the tin can, going into a slog dating sim set in !Hogwarts+PercyJackson land is not exactly what is expected from a game called "Dungeons & Dragons".

              • 8 months ago

                yes, it is what's expected you chose to play the Strixhaven module you aren't playing normal d&d you chose
                >Strixhaven: curriculum of chaos
                the literal Harry Potter splatbook.
                Your own ignorance is your problem not the 6 other people at the table and the fact that you're doubling down makes you even more pathetic.

                You joined a table, you didn't like how they played and now you're crying. You're completely in the wrong no matter how you spin it

              • 8 months ago

                >yes, it is what's expected you chose to play the Strixhaven module
                Imagine a guy who played d&d in college and wants to dive in back in the scene, sees a lgc hosting d&d games and tries to hook up, of course he would have an expectation whiplash.

                Imagine a guy who saw the d&d movie or vox machina animated series decided to try for the first time and instead of an heist/action quip gets the mongoloid dating sim.

                There, it's not out of the world to see why that shit would upset someone.

              • 8 months ago

                >all this deflection
                the reality is you're a fat moron who biked 3 miles and got bitter, you were the odd one out, you were in the wrong and no amount of cope will make you "normal"
                you are DESPERATE to be the one normal or sane person in a group of freaks. But that's not real life, you are the problem, you are the aberration
                you are a fat nerd angry that actual normal people don't conform to the ridiculous idea you have of them in your head because you spent all your life getting fat watching movies and anime instead of going outside and seeing how the world changed without you.
                Your whiplash as you call it is of your own making.

              • 8 months ago

                >Muh character assassination
                Not a retort Black person, get good. Also you have hubris to build a strawman about some anonymous homosexual on Ganker while also being yourself said anonymous homosexual, i hope you're just stirring shit for (you)s Black.

              • 8 months ago

                you already revealed you were a fat moron in your original greentext, too late to save face now you maladjusted freak, this is why you don't have regular games, because you're a moronic c**t.
                Stay bitter and stay lonely while the people in that store continue to have fun whilst you froth in rage online

              • 8 months ago

                >in your original greentext
                That wasn't a greentext newbie, lurk moar.

              • 8 months ago

                Your sentence structure is the niggest.

        • 8 months ago

          I hope the YouTube video you wrote this for goes well.

    • 8 months ago

      >Fricking eight people show up.
      >We're playing Strixhaven (flag one) but I sort of bear with it in case it's okay.
      >The setting has been changed to where real life mythological gods (Hachiman, Artemis, Apollo, motherfricking Poseidon) are apparently the instructors. Flag two.
      Are you me? I've been in a similar campaign that was Strixhaven where the DM was an autist obsessed with mythological gods and kept trying to throw references to his favorite shounen and past characters.

      • 8 months ago

        What the frick? Are you in Jersey by any chance?

        • 8 months ago

          I am fortunate enough not to live in Jersey

      • 8 months ago

        What the frick? Are you in Jersey by any chance?

        Kek, doesn't sound bad as a Percy Jackson Lightning Thief rip off.

    • 8 months ago

      and girlfriend duo. Girlfriend is an illiterate piercings-clad unironic art hoe who would later show up to sessions bald (not because of cancer but for attention). They play a stupid ass dwarf and a goblin chef respectively who are somehow both clerics. Flag three
      bro there's like 10 flags in that sentence alone

      • 8 months ago

        I only counted 5

        • 8 months ago

          I'm exhaggerating for effect but
          >boyfriend and girlfriend duo 1
          >illiterate 2
          >piercings-clad 3
          >art hoe 4
          >shows up bald 5
          >chef characters 6
          >both clerics for no reason 7
          Again, exhaggeration for effect, but 7 and 10 arent so far off as to warrant you complaining like a homosexual, all due respect

          • 8 months ago

            The frick you have against chefs?
            t.ran a party of clerics only for a one-shot that lasted several sessions

            • 8 months ago

              meme class, and meme classes are only played by either total bros or people who have zero respect for the session.
              Here it's clearly the latter case, so it counts as a red flag.

              • 8 months ago

                >chef is now a class
                Have I missed another release or something?

              • 8 months ago

                semantics, I dont play DnD or whatever, I only play Ron Edwards slop if I'm with people or d100dungeon / Scarlet Heroes when alone

                my point stands: silly shit like that is only good when it's a bro doing it, otherwise it falls within the "insufferable ironic normie zoomer who takes nothing seriously" category

  27. 8 months ago

    Some red flags for me:
    >makes less than 45k/yr
    These people tend to be fricking moron hylics with little to no creativity. I don't want them in my DnD game.
    >works as retail or food service
    They will call out on the game to go cover Stacy's shift with 30 minutes notice so she can have sex with Dave the manager. They tend to be the sort who wesr glasses, squint, and readjust them a lot. They also will come to the game in their work shirt which is just fricking disgusting.
    Men under 5 foot 7 tend to make terrible players as they are often angry or make tryhard characters to make up for their short stature. They also tend to want to make BIG characters, which sometimes leads to them actually taking up more space with a large sized character which is annoying if you play on a battle grid.
    >players who are fat or have a fat girlfriend.
    These people want to order various goyslop during the game, so you end up with a variety of subhuman degenerates coming to your house to deliver their carcinogenic cow feed to their waiting maws. They also sound fricking disgusting when they eat. Its enough to make anyone puke.
    >transgender LGBT
    I just wholesale ban these people from my games but it can be difficult to do so. Obvious reasons. No one wants to listen to them and they can't take a joke.
    >Watches critical roll
    Should be obvious
    >gets pissed over low rolls
    Subtle and insidious blackmail to brainwash the DM into making things easier through unconscious fear of violence and social awkwardness. Disgusting childish manipulation tactics.
    >smokes weed
    Dumbass who will frick up the game to serve what he thinks is funny and cool. While he is stoned. Yeah he can frick off.
    >mentions session zero
    Reddit user who wants to prescript the game and probably has a blog where he writes critique of your GMing style for his 4 followers. Probably raises his wife's son. Session zero is a huge red flag especially given how much it has been normalized by YouTube grifters.

  28. 8 months ago

    no prep.

    • 8 months ago

      prepping too much. if a GM can't run their game by feeling then you're just on rails.

      • 8 months ago

        I'd take thousand times a GM that prepped too much that one that didn't prep at fricking all. At least with overprepped scenario you can get a game out of it, and in few different ways. With a full improv, you are for a shitshow in 9 out of 10 cases
        Plus, an overprepped GM actually cared enough to overprep in the first place.

  29. 8 months ago

    AI art and/or anime art anything.

    • 8 months ago

      i WILL use ai art for all my characters, i will NOT commission an artist, and you CANNOT stop me

      • 8 months ago

        I can stop you from playing in my group.

        • 8 months ago

          instead of spending money on a silly internet artist, i bought myself a nice pair of winter socks today. thanks AI!

        • 8 months ago

          t. troony artist
          get a real job

          • 8 months ago

            Not an artist, you can play 100% with your imagination and no coomer portraits

            • 8 months ago

              Ah yeah, I'm with you there. Frick coomer tranime pics
              AI can still be used for acceptable art though, like the outside of a castle or what a valley looks like etc
              Dont shut yourself out of something good just because some morons are in on it too

              • 8 months ago

                AI art is not good, if you can’t visualize it yourself you aren’t meant to be playing TTRPG. I’d rather have no art than mediocre art.

              • 8 months ago

                Ok you're delusional

              • 8 months ago

                >Anon says how useless art is at the actual table, where people play pretend
                >moron homosexual starts crying about coomers and defends AI images, even if nobody even attacked it
                You don't play

              • 8 months ago

                >cant follow a conversation
                Why do I even waste time with these low IQ creatures

      • 8 months ago

        Based. You'd totally be welcome in my group.

  30. 8 months ago

    The biggest red flag. You know you're in for something that isn't even a game.

    • 8 months ago

      T-10 minutes the other moron will appear posting as speaking to an invisible audience about presenting this post as made by "our worst troll"

      • 8 months ago

        ___________________________________________medication, now

        • 8 months ago

          >Oh no, my shitpost samegayging was spoiled!
          Yes, now go have a nice day

      • 8 months ago

        ___________________________________________medication, now

        >Oh no, my shitpost samegayging was spoiled!
        Yes, now go have a nice day


  31. 8 months ago

    They use AI generated art

    • 8 months ago

      I'll admit to doing this for my Traveller game. In my defence I'm super bad at artshit and wanted all my pc and npc character portraits to have the same art style.

  32. 8 months ago

    If you just can't stop farting, you're probably going to need to take a shit.

  33. 8 months ago

    >Playing a strixhaven game at lgs
    >Seven players, big party
    >About to start
    >Someone else just showed up
    >They're breathing heavy and sweating profusely
    >Looks like they just rode here on a bike
    >Dude wants to play with us, we make room
    >Character sheet clutched in sweaty hands
    >He's playing a bugman that doesn't talk
    >Spends all night staring at me
    >Initially was playing a female, but started having her act masculine so he'd leave me alone
    >Get so creeped out I constantly have to go outside to vape
    >His eyes follow me out every time
    >Fricker is taking notes but not about the game
    >i keep seeing him at other games even after I change appearance
    >Should I call the cops dudes?

    • 8 months ago

      Was he asian by any chance?

    • 8 months ago

      Third time this thread that a Strixhaven game has gotten fricked up.

      What did WotC do to make such a cursed module?

      • 8 months ago

        It's less Strixhaven itself (although it does have problems) and more of the type of people that Strixhaven was targeted towards.
        >The Harry Potter fandom

    • 8 months ago

      The moron who typed this somehow fused the two women in bikegay's story into one

  34. 8 months ago

    >Got into the hobby after watching CR and/or Playing Baldur's Gate 3
    >Voted Democrat
    >Not from the USA
    >Likes Anime
    no thanks

    • 8 months ago

      >Voted Democrat
      >Not from the USA
      Yes that's the plan

      • 8 months ago

        is this an illegal aliens joke
        because if it is, good job anon

  35. 8 months ago

    Fat chicks, especially when they're some other player's gf. They act like if they're 10/10 and super special, while in reality they're 3/10 with a shitty snowflake personality.

    • 8 months ago

      worst part is all the simps at the table also act like she's 10/10

  36. 8 months ago

    body odour
    people in cosplay

  37. 8 months ago

    Weebs are always cringe
    5e homosexuals are the most entitled fricks out there
    Pf gays care too much about the build but at least they know the rules
    Realism homosexuals are annoying wIth their constant remarks of how it actually supposed to be
    And crossplayers coomers should be shot on sight

  38. 8 months ago

    Wanting to play from home in some online group bullshittery. If you can't get with a group, live and in person then there's something very wrong with you.

    • 8 months ago

      What if you want to play a specific game that isn’t hosted in your area. Assume you tried to offer to DM, put in the legwork, and no one was interested too.

    • 8 months ago

      >If you can't get with a group, live and in person then there's something very wrong with you
      ...or maybe there's nobody who plays in my area, you ever think of that?

      • 8 months ago

        When I was living in a little town of under 700 people I still somehow found 4 different groups I could game with. If you can't find people to game with, it's a you problem.

        • 8 months ago

          Out of all the things that didn't happen, this never happened the most.

    • 8 months ago

      I live on a mountain in South Korea. I do not speak Korean well enough to play elfgames with them. I play online or not at all.

    • 8 months ago

      my irl friends all live 10 minutes from me and we still play online because virtual tabletops are simply better - cry about it, grandpa

  39. 8 months ago

    Bringing anime up unprompted
    Making aislop or commission some twittergay to draw their character before the campaign even started
    Coming to session 0 with anything other than backstory homebrewed

    • 8 months ago

      >Making aislop or commission some twittergay to draw their character before the campaign even started
      Describe in detail what is wrong with this.

      • 8 months ago

        I can say from experience the kind of people that do this are usually obsessed with said character and will not make any changes to it in order to fit the campaign/group. They already know who their character is and how his story is supposed to end and you are there just to narrate it for them.
        They are usually the same gays who will pester you for magic items or some homebrew shit that would totally fit their character.
        In a way they are waifugays, except while waifugays only care to tell you about how awesome and cute and sexy and quirky their OC donut steel is, these gays are more interested in how awesome and powerful and badass their character is.

  40. 8 months ago

    Biggest redflag is someone looking like pic rel

    • 8 months ago

      That's literally me but I swear I'm a cool guy to play with.

      • 8 months ago

        whats that thin stick and the railroad spike for

        • 8 months ago

          A piton and a segmented pole. In OSR, the segmented pole is used to check for traps while the piton is used to jam into the ground and secure ropes.

          • 8 months ago

            What are the BEADS for, OSR-anon

            • 8 months ago

              That looks like a bag of ball bearings, presumably to throw on the floor and make enemies trip on (ideally for laying traps or making it easier to run away)

              • 8 months ago

                hey what are those colorful polyhedrons with numbers for

              • 8 months ago

                Those are snacks

              • 8 months ago

                Those are caltrops and magic items

                >OSR is trap-check after trap-check, and if players get hungry they have to eat the sugary shapes that represent their characters' tools and magic items, losing them in the process

              • 8 months ago

                Those are caltrops and magic items

              • 8 months ago

                >clearly colorful glass beads
                >"ball bearings"
                I mean this whole thing is just a huge troll right

                but then... what are they really for

          • 8 months ago

            I have some of those. They're neat.

      • 8 months ago

        Just close your gaping hole when you're not speaking. And maybe get the horns shaved down.

        • 8 months ago

          Can't, I'm a mouthbreather due to a medical issue.

    • 8 months ago

      Yeah if someone has horns it's usually a bad sign.

  41. 8 months ago

    >GM demands players have "character art"
    I shouldn't have to be limited to characters someone has drawn before and someone who can't conjure images in his head shouldn't be in a creative hobby.

  42. 8 months ago

    Using social media. At all. For any reason.

    • 8 months ago

      make that BEING on social media at all

  43. 8 months ago

    >Character looks like either Vivi or Jawa
    They're always short-tempered

  44. 8 months ago

    >already became a red flag from the moment my character's art style is kemono/furry stuff
    Haven't played my first campaign yet and it's already over for me.
    Recommend things to a beginner who doesn't want to frick up.

    • 8 months ago

      >who doesn't want to frick up.
      Worrying about that in the first place already puts you a hundred levels above the average random player. You'll do fine

    • 8 months ago

      For you it seems a matter of taste more than anything else so.
      In the short term talk with your GM about you character concept and how it fits in-game, they will appreciate it and it will help you get into the game batter.

      In the long term read or listen In order of importance the below literature then think on the stories and what you liked about them, then integrate what you liked into your own characters. Basically any GM worth their salt will vibe with your characters even if they have never read any of this stuff themselves.
      >:Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser
      Short fun pulpy story collections, way more influential than people give it credit for and very modern for lack of a better word in its writing, but in a good way, read at least the first three collected volumes
      >The Original Howard Conan Works
      Again highly influential for the genre, true classics, in truth you only need to read/listen to Tower of the Elephant and two others of your choice to get the gist of it
      >Elric of Melnibone
      The progenitor work for dark and edgy protagonists within stories and how to handle them, while also introducing the conceptions of universal power and Order vs Chaos which is central to many Games.

      • 8 months ago

        >character concept

        • 8 months ago

          Look man keep your three breasted prostitute who is actually a spy in the Sci-Fi Campaign and not the Traditional Fantasy Campaign where everyone but you is playing a fantasy archetype.

          And just because I bring up character concepts doesn't mean hey have to be 5 page long write-ups they can be short, concise, and disposable and honestly they should be.

          • 8 months ago

            >And just because I bring up character concepts doesn't mean hey have to be 5 page long write-ups they can be short, concise, and disposable and honestly they should be.

            A man after my own heart, thank you.

            I always try to do character concepts that'd fit into a heist film's getting-the-gang-together sequence.

  45. 8 months ago

    I've only had good times in paid games so far.

  46. 8 months ago

    Anyone who plays an animal race, always insufferable
    The rats being the most insufferable

    • 8 months ago

      Story time?

    • 8 months ago

      >rat hater
      if I met you in real life I'd crush your skull with my bare hands

      • 8 months ago

        Rats are pests, not pets.

  47. 8 months ago

    >I want to play a monk/martial artist/pugilist/brawler

  48. 8 months ago

    Any of the following in online profiles:

    >ukraine flag
    >CalArts Steven Universe avatar

    It doesn't matter if the game is online or in person. Always audit the online presence of the people you play with preemptively. You won't regret it.

  49. 8 months ago

    biggest red flags are
    >person refuses to play a furry race
    >person who vocally dislikes magic
    >any fighter player except for echo knight and rune knight
    >any elf player
    >any dwarf player
    >any tiefling player
    >anybody who attempts to use firearms in any capacity in a game with magic
    >people unironically think thri kreen or githyanki are cool
    >people who write a backstory that's longer than one paragraph
    >people who are too irony poisoned to enjoy games and insist on turning everything into a comedic farce
    >fans of "low fantasy"
    >people who complain about spelljammer
    now for the dms
    >dms who are overly anal about what's an "appropriate" backstory
    >dms who go on long rants about the rules but then later reveal they know basically none of the rules
    >dms who unilaterally decide to not include features or include houserules before first discussing it with the tables
    >dms who treat the game as a pvp match between them and the party
    >the dms who purposefully stir up drama between two players because they get a sick thrill out of watching the chaos
    >dms who enable the problem player to the detriment of the table
    >dms who attempt to use their position in the game to manipulate you in real life because you happen to technically be their superior at work
    >dms who require 100% attendance instead of simply running the game and ignoring the one uninvested player who is constantly late or absent
    >dms who have a fundamental lack of understanding of game balance and ban things due to this lack of understanding (you know the ones, they complain about sneak attack and smite damage)

    • 8 months ago

      >posts walls of geentext to b***h about things
      Reddest of them all

      • 8 months ago

        t. red flag player

    • 8 months ago

      ...your entire list is just
      >people who like this thing I don't like
      You sound very obnoxious

  50. 8 months ago

    This board managed to do racism unfunny for me so now I can't play with anyone racist.

    • 8 months ago

      >I stopped being 14, and now I'm 15
      Amazing, anon

  51. 8 months ago

    Slightly related but why are superhero rpgs so unpopular do superhero rpgs attract to many problematic people to be fun?

    • 8 months ago

      I think it's because
      1. People don't know how to GM them
      2. Authors don't know how to write RPG systems for them

    • 8 months ago

      None of them are particularly good and superhero stories are hard to play.
      Origin stories are usually about one individual and rarely work for groups, there's no real levelling up in superhero stories so no progression for players, sometimes it can feel unbalanced if your party has Daredevil (a blind guy whose superpower is to see) and Thor (literally a god) in it, etc

  52. 8 months ago

    >Be in a campaign over a year
    >DM finally gives an open ended way to resolve a plot point
    >Bring up a way to resolve it that doesn't involve the DM's railroad hook
    >They vetoed it due to "spoiler" reasons
    Guess railroaders really are too thickheaded to change.

    • 8 months ago

      The party vetoed it or the DM vetoed it?

      • 8 months ago

        replace "they" with "he" and you'll have your answer

        • 8 months ago

          why use they in the first place

          • 8 months ago

            Because it's their preferred pronoun

            • 8 months ago

              here's a red flag:

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