Redpill me on gaming laptops

Redpill me on gaming laptops

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  1. 10 months ago

    you spend more for handicapped parts

    but hey! it just works and its portable frick towers

  2. 10 months ago

    You can take them everywhere, they are powerful enough to play any game you want but their batteries won't last during longer gaming sessions and laptops are notorious for bad cooling designs so you can expect them to overheat if you play more demanding titles.
    >wait, wasn't this supposed to be a redpill?
    It is. Oh and good fricking luck playing action games comfortably on the integrated keyboard/mouse so you'll also have to buy those too.

  3. 10 months ago

    I kek'd when I saw the perf on the "4090" they put into those things

  4. 10 months ago


  5. 10 months ago

    Its tolerable if you would actually use it out and about but for home use then you are simply meming yourself by buying one

    • 10 months ago

      I didnt even consider

      Just get a steamdeck, not a meme laptop
      if you are studying computer science then learn how to remote access.

      ... yeah i wouldnt bother with a laptop

  6. 10 months ago

    If you dont need portability then get a desktop. If you just want a gaming laptop so you can play when you go to the coffee shop, your a homosexual. A Steam Deck + desktop combo will be cheaper for better performance and uptime on the go(gaming laptop will run gpu for 40min on battery) and at home.
    The only reason to get a laptop over that combo is if you spend minimal time sctually at home, but still are gaming places with power outlets. Not worth to drag a desktop around and plugged in a laptop is better then steam deck. Barely at home to enjoy a desktop if I had it. Thats my life.

  7. 10 months ago

    >Redpill me on gaming laptops


    >What? Anon lyou are leaving your parent's house to study and become something else the manual labourer?
    >Here, take this gaming laptop to help you study ...he he can also game on it a little too you know ...hehehe

  8. 10 months ago

    Buy them if you are traveling or going out a lot. I had one but I was in my home most of the time so it was collecting dust before I sold it

  9. 10 months ago

    Pretty good nowadays.
    usb c charger for when you want to take the lap with you and the power brick at home when you want to game.

  10. 10 months ago

    I struggle to believe they can properly stay cool

    • 10 months ago

      Decent ones do stay right on the edge of throttling, but a year's worth of dust collection is enough to get problems

  11. 10 months ago

    Just get a steamdeck, not a meme laptop
    if you are studying computer science then learn how to remote access.

  12. 10 months ago

    they're only worth it if you actually, sincerely are constantly on the move(portability), or live off grid(low power usage). im going to come up with an arbitrary number and say 99 out of 100 gaming laptop owners fall into neither category, and would be much better off buying a desktop.

  13. 10 months ago

    you pay twice as much for half of the performance, well not really anymore since crypto pc price hikes but its close enough.

    • 10 months ago

      At the time I got my Legion 5 (year and a half ago) with a 5800H and an RTX 3060, a desktop 5600x and 3060 RTX alone cost more than the entire computer. It's always been a compromise, but besides noise, they can be a good deal these days

  14. 10 months ago

    Over prices portable PC. Runs inferior to a PC with similar parts.

  15. 10 months ago

    They keep getting better.

  16. 10 months ago

    The heat and the resulting cpu throttling is a huge issue. You can undervolt and cap the clock speed on the cpu but that really only barely helps. My Razer Blade 15 would never go below 90+ celsius while gaming even when undervolted and elevated with a cooling pad underneath. And this was when playing Overwatch, not exactly the most demanding game around.

  17. 10 months ago

    Literally only if your desk is less than 3 feet wide e.g. you live in a dorm or live in your car, etc

  18. 10 months ago

    Tons of memes from 2006 still circulating the nets, which nugay zoom zooms repeat like parrots.

    You can find very nice gaming laptops for a reasonable price, if you do your research and don't fall for some Ayylmaoware meme machine your local IT thug's selling for 4k USD.
    Every machine is different, you should always look into the actual SPECS and maybe some user experiences. Don't be shy with the used market as well, as you may find some damn good deals.

    You get all the software-side benefits of PC gaming as you'd get on a desktop. It's mostly the hardware upgrade side that's severely more restricted on laptops; at best you might be able to slap in more RAM and change / add another SSD or HDD, but everything else's often built-in and static nowadays.

    Performance-wise laptop components are always a percent or two weaker than the desktop parts, because the manufacturers need to take into account the power consumption rates and heat emission. That being said, only a fool would even try to use a portable 17" (max) machine for some 4K / 240fps gaming all ultra; we are talking about 1080p/60fps tops for most vidya, with mixed settings, with some lighter and older games doing OK at 120 if needed.

    With the advent of DLSS and FSR types of upscaling magic, the whole native res and average performance conversation has changed. On such small, dense screens, even 720p or 900p can look very nice, providing a neat performance boost + lower thermals, but the dynamic upscalers make them look even better most of the time.

    Last thing to note is that just like all hardware, laptops also need maintenance. I know modern konsole-kids don't clean up their jet-engine machines at all, which is exactly why they fail so often nowadays. Same applies to lappys: keep those airvents clean, maybe invest to a cheap cooler pad (laptop riser), and boom- you now avoiding the most embarrassing overheating issues. Adjust GPU and game settings a bit, and you may get even better results.

    • 10 months ago

      >le zoom zoom bad
      stopped reading there

    • 10 months ago

      Good post
      Yeah it's true to not expect good battery life, but a cooling pad really helps.

  19. 10 months ago

    I have 1650 gtx on my laptop runs my eroges just fine and enough to browse Ganker.

  20. 10 months ago

    Threadly reminder that you don't need to spend any money on a homosexual RGB cooling stand. The fans don't help. All you need is a book to lift it up.

    • 10 months ago

      5 bucks gets you a fine, static cooling stand, that absolutely helps with temps and improves the ergonomics as well.

  21. 10 months ago

    Yes they're awesome and I use one exclusively at home because nothing is more comfortable than gaming in bed.

    • 10 months ago

      How much do you weigh

      Redpill me on gaming laptops

      Poor man's PC. Only students should bother with gaming laptops (and even still, you're better off with a beastly desktop + basic Chromebook combo) since they're the only ones that need a computer on the move that doubles as an entertainment machine. If your living situation prevents you from having a desktop then stick to consoles.

      Every gaming laptop I've owned develops overheating issues with in a year or so, they aren't meant to do MMO raids or long term AAA gaming on. Once the battery starts expanding and only lasting 30 mins and it starts freezing from overheating, you'll be kicking yourself for all the extra steps you'll need to take to get it to work (oh man, now I can only use it at my desk since it constantly needs to be plugged in!)

      TL;DR it's a poverty compromise, not the ultimate form factor. If you have $2500 laying around for a laptop build a desktop and get a shit Chromebook bonus points if you install Linux so it actually runs good for mobile computing. You can use Steam Link to run games off your desktop anywhere you are, anyway.

      • 10 months ago

        I got a cheap chromebook and installed linux on it using a Chroot. It’s alright but it’s pretty weak. Im gonna upgrade to a thinkpad or something eventually so I can have linux run natively with more power. Only use my laptop for traveling but it being so weak leaves a lot to be desired

      • 10 months ago

        This has been my experience with both my gaming laptops, but I still wouldn't have it any other way.
        If you gotta travel, you gotta travel.

      • 10 months ago

        >Only students should bother with gaming laptops
        Not true.

        >you're better off with a beastly desktop + basic Chromebook combo
        lol no.
        Chromeshit is pure garbage, anything Google should not be supported, and with the current prices a Chromebook may cost MORE than a couple years old gaming laptop.

        >stick to consoles.
        Now you revealed your true colors: just another consolishill in disguise.
        Consoles have not been relevant after the year 2010. Not only that, but a capable PC, be it a laptop or desktop, should be part of any civilized person's arsenal in the futuristic year of 2023.

        Not only do the gaming laptops provide SUPERB gaming capabilities, but the daily tasks and especially multitasking capabilities are unrivaled by any console or chromeshit.

        t: owned PCs and laptops simultaneously since 2009.

  22. 10 months ago


    Doesn't this thing come with lower max GPU power than NVIDIA spec? It was never worth considering

  23. 10 months ago

    Every laptop I own ends up having some hardware issue that requires repair.
    My PC rarely if ever has issues and has lasted for years. If my PC does have issues it’s pretty damn easy to fix and not as expensive. Spending 600+ dollarydoos on a laptop has always left me burned.

  24. 10 months ago

    best ones (lenovo legion pro, msi etc) cost around $2500 and more and compared to desktops they're merely okay at best, with many caveats:
    be ready for constant extreme fricking NOISE so good headphones is a must
    be ready for extreme temps, so figure out how to your undervolt cpu/gpu (some intel laptop CPUs like H series have undervolting locked, do a thorough research before buying smth)
    during intense gameplay keyboard becomes fricking HOT so using discrete mouse/keyboard is a must
    I'd say you should only buy one if you travel around a lot

  25. 10 months ago

    I got a rog zephyrus g17 (I think it was g17) for 3 grand and have had it since about 2019.

    Runs all modern games when plugged in, allows for streaming in low power mode and is all round great. It does overheat if you keep it in performance mode but generally speaking it’s a great bit of kit if you travel constantly from place to place.

    That being said, don’t bother playing games when not plugged in due to battery life, and use an external ssd to prevent wearing on your storage.

    Memes aside if you can afford the price and move around constantly then get one, but if you live in one place and don’t need the laptop portability just get a tower due to ease of part changes and cleaning

  26. 10 months ago

    Today when I walked into my economics class I saw something I dread every time I close my eyes. Someone had brought their new gaming laptop to class. The Forklift he used to bring it was still running idle at the back. I started sweating as I sat down and gazed over at the 700lb beast that was his laptop. He had already reinforced his desk with steel support beams and was in the process of finding an outlet for a power cable thicker than Amy Schumer's thigh. I start shaking. I keep telling myself I'm going to be alright and that there's nothing to worry about. He somehow finds a fricking outlet. Tears are running down my cheeks as I send my last texts to my family saying I love them. The teacher starts the lecture, and the student turns his laptop on. The colored lights on his RGB Backlit keyboard flare to life like a nuclear flash, and a deep humming fills my ears and shakes my very soul. The entire city power grid goes dark. The classroom begins to shake as the massive fans begin to spin. In mere seconds my world has gone from vibrant life, to a dark, earth shattering void where my body is getting torn apart by the 150mph gale force winds and the 500 decibel groan of the cooling fans. As my body finally surrenders, I weep, as my school and my city go under. I fricking hate gaming laptops.

  27. 10 months ago

    My job has me move around a lot so I haven't been able to settle into a place and just build my pissbottle rig. It works fine, you just need to do everything in your power to keep it cool even if that means playing at 720/30. Nice for slightly older games that run without straining the CPU that much.

    • 10 months ago

      True. As a rentgay that has to move every year, a gaming laptop is the best compromise I've found.

  28. 10 months ago

    I have one for work and to cover my bases library-wise, paired with my console. Laptops are easier for me to deal with whenever I want to connect it to the TV, frick lugging a desktop PC to and from the study.

  29. 10 months ago

    Only person that I know of who's got one is, bless his soul, the dumbest motherfricker alive.

  30. 10 months ago

    Google what is throttling. That's what you get buying gaming laptops.

  31. 10 months ago

    They are now pretty good. If you value mobility then they are a valid choice. I got one because I often move between two places and stay for a week or two at each.

  32. 10 months ago

    They're for morons

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