Redpill me on this series. Is this just Fromslop with yokai?

Redpill me on this series. Is this just Fromslop with yokai?

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Shopping Cart Returner Shirt $21.68

  1. 2 weeks ago

    its actually harder than dark souls so that's why people don't talk about it.
    its dark souls ninja gaiden

    • 2 weeks ago

      It's not actually that hard, you're prolly just undergeared. Even some of the later hard fights like that Oda + Yuki battle felt gearcheck-y.

    • 2 weeks ago

      It's not really hard, just punishing. One mistake gets you killed, but most deaths will be flukes once you know what you're doing and a lot of the stages aren't even that long.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Think diablo meet souls. Much faster and less deliberate than souls. Also here blocking actually does something.

      Pfffft hahaha no.

  2. 2 weeks ago

    you can play it like fromslop but it has a gorillion other mechanics you're supposed to use
    it's fun if you know what you're doing

  3. 2 weeks ago

    the combat is boring and slow like souls trash

  4. 2 weeks ago

    Level design is shit and repetetive, enemy variety is low, diablo loot is annoying, but its still a fun experience because of the crisp gameplay.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Yeah level design is mostly bad and bland, DLC had some cool areas though
      Enemy variety is good in Nioh 2, lots of enemies and some bosses are copypasted from Nioh 1 but if you don't have any Nioh experience and start with Nioh 2 you should be happy with the enemy variety.
      Idk why people complain about the loot so much. Souls games get boring fast in ng+ runs because you don't need to explore and find loot anymore. Unless you're a turbo autismo and want to find the best possible weapons/armor there is no reason to grind either

  5. 2 weeks ago

    It's fromsloppa except everything's quicker and you have much more mechanical depth. Example:

  6. 2 weeks ago

    It's both easier and harder than Dark Souls
    It's extremely combat focused. You don't have an open world, just levels with nosses (usually) at the end or some sort of enemy gauntlet of like 3-4 rounds of 1-4 enemies each
    Several side missions too for each level, at least 1 usually, sometimes two

    Combat is more 'fair' in that both you and the enemy actually have a stamina meter instead of the souls idea of a pretend stamina meter for enemies

    Nioh 1 is... ok when compared to the second. Second is massively improved and I'd recommend it but the story, albeit both of the stories are kinda your generic action slop, is better in the first one imo.
    Ignore anyone who mentions diablo loot since loot can more or less be ignored till NG+3 and caps at NG+4

  7. 2 weeks ago

    ninja gaiden combat + diablo loot
    levels are sorta empty and enemies are extremely repetitive
    there's some levels that have like 2-3 types of enemies at best
    at least the boss fights against samurai are cool
    Also IZA

    • 2 weeks ago

      Ninja Gaiden combat is completely different. Why do people keep saying these games play the same, I will never understand.

  8. 2 weeks ago


    • 2 weeks ago

      wo long is literally just nioh
      its like the same exact game engine
      what did this picture mean by this ?

      • 2 weeks ago

        Wo Long is simpler and dumbed down compared to Nioh 1/2.

      • 2 weeks ago

        Wo Long was such a disappointment. I was hoping for Nioh 2.5 or 3, but it was just boring parry spam with no depth and boring build variety
        Atleast that's what I would assume pic creator meant, that's why I keep posting it atleast.

        • 2 weeks ago

          Adding to this that I'd even consider Jack's Game more of a Nioh sequel than Wo Long

      • 2 weeks ago

        wo long has barely any moves and the correct decision is always parry

  9. 2 weeks ago

    It's an actual ARPG/Diablo loot. Souls is a Action Adventure game.

  10. 2 weeks ago

    I dropped Nioh 2 because the loot system was moronic, people here like to shill it in souls and sekiro threads but they are probably just contrarian Black folk. Some day I may give it another try

  11. 2 weeks ago

    >Start level
    >Use Ochoko cup
    >Some lvl 992 player from east asia carries me through the whole stage
    >Repeat this for the whole game

    I had a fun time.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >Use ochoko cup expecting them to carry me throughout stage
      >The first guy just run off the cliff
      >The second guy do finger wagging emote and just disappear
      >Nobody want to play through the stage with me, they just want to kill boss in 2 sec then depart

      • 2 weeks ago

        yeah that was a pretty fricking big problem
        I stuck to the npc ones if you wanted help

    • 2 weeks ago

      This happened to me at the final boss from the last DLC

      • 2 weeks ago

        >at the final boss from the last DLC
        >Is the only boss in the game to have a cinematic finisher tied to it

        Let me guess, he stole the kill and you had to watch like a good cuck kek. No I'm not projecting.

        • 2 weeks ago

          Otakemaru and first mission horse guy also have finishers

  12. 2 weeks ago

    On a surface level, yes.
    Beyond that, not really.
    If you were to think of the souls formula as like a flavor to apply to other genres, Fromsoft Souls would be souls flavored dungeon crawlers and Nioh would be a souls flavored diabloclone.

  13. 2 weeks ago

    It has a silly story that's just pure fantasy.

  14. 2 weeks ago

    the combat encounters are much different from the average fromsoft souls-like formula
    a soulslike is focused primarily on defensive and reactive play, whereas in Nioh you are encouraged to play aggressively and make use of all of the game's tools

  15. 2 weeks ago

    It's better since it gives you more options to frick around and has more satisfying combat flow than the average slow and stiff soulsslop but it's no Ninja Gaiden.

  16. 2 weeks ago

    So can I just skip Nioh and jump straight into the sequel?

    • 2 weeks ago

      Without spoiling anything, the last few missions of Nioh 2 happen after Nioh 1 and is a follow-up to the Nioh 1 story, but you won't miss anything. Nioh 2 is an improvement in every way and the story is self contained

    • 2 weeks ago

      Yes. I played Nioh 1 and wish I hadn't wasted my time. It's too fricking long and a lot of the late game content isn't even worth experiencing. 2 is way better.

    • 2 weeks ago

      the sequel is a prequal up until the last couple of missions were you meet up with the protagonist of the 1st game after a time skip. You might get a bit confused at the end if you skip the first game but it's mostly fine

    • 2 weeks ago

      There's a callback directly from 2 to 1 but you can just read the story on Wikipedia for Nioh 1 to understand
      2 is pretty much Nioh 1.5
      Mechanics are mostly the same, combat the same, etc
      Just better levels, better combat (due to a new mechanic) four new weapons and overall more skills for the weapons which massively helps them

      that's the other thing about combat compared to souls, you have light and heavy attack then have like a bunch of skills you can use like Katana has the most iirc at 24 and you could feasibly use up to about 10 of them at once without needing to switch out

    • 2 weeks ago

      2 is way better
      the stories connect but not much

  17. 2 weeks ago

    It's been a while since I played it but I remember that ki recovery thing being cool. Better than mashing R1 4 times and then waiting for your bar to recover. Reminds me of those games that have tactical reload so you can start shooting faster if your timing is good.

  18. 2 weeks ago

    yes and way faster and more varied combat but crappier level design. if good combat and keep you locked in then go for it.

  19. 2 weeks ago

    excellent combat ideas that even 1 is still enjoyable at a "normal" level of play, though 2 is an improvement for item cancels alone
    Diablo loot is a dealbreaker for some, but that's what really made me sink 500+ hours combined

  20. 2 weeks ago

    it's just regurgitated From Slop, full stop

  21. 2 weeks ago

    It has the worst loot system of any game I've ever played.
    I played every stage multiple times and did nightmare bonus missions but my build was for spears and I was stuck with one 15 levels off
    You can even use money to craft more and I spent every cent I made and still never got anything better than my level 13 POS.
    I could still beat stages being patient and abusing ninjitsu and low stance but holy shit frick that.

    Excellent gameplay and designs though. Outrageously hot female characters for a variety of tastes too, but somehow there's no art of any of them and it pisses me off more than the loot system

    • 2 weeks ago

      >all this b***hing when soul match exists
      I swear to ninpo christ if you're throwing a tizzy about your gear falling off in WotSam I'm gonna izana drop you.

    • 2 weeks ago

      what's wrong with the loot system? Just dismantle anything that isn't the highest rarity you can get and dismantle weapon types and armour you don't like. Only thing I don't like is the 600 item limit, let me carry all the items I want

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