
anyone played it? looks similar to World in Conflict, which is quite decent.

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  1. 10 months ago

    Yea it's alright. The titular Regiments are varied enough to play very differently and it's still being supported. There's supposed to be a big DLC that adds Air assault units and custom campaigns.

  2. 10 months ago

    The game's is really good. I got it on GOG and steam. But to be honest wish the operations had you working with allies during missions more.

  3. 10 months ago

    One thing I've noticed is that higher quality divisions seem to be somewhat underpowered when using the game's standard income. I played 2 static defense skirmishes back to back and had a far easier time holding against a Soviet formation with a Belgian regiment's shit-tier units than East Germans with 3rd AD. I think it just comes down to being able keep a consistent frontline that can be constantly reinforced versus even a single unit retreating representing a major reduction in your fighting power. If you bump the income up to maximum this advantage disappears and elite regiments will quite handily trounce lesser ones.

  4. 10 months ago

    > do mission
    > replace units
    > can't afford more units
    > loose your AI allies for the next mission
    > repeat the first 3 steps
    The game loop isn't that rewarding, it's more a economical survival simulator than a Wargame.

    • 10 months ago

      the better you play the more resources you have at your disposal. Set yourself up for success at the beginning of operations

      • 10 months ago

        It's simply bad balance, especially for NATO decks. NATO troops are already less flexible and more expensive.

        • 10 months ago

          >He doesn't know about the Belgian Leopard swarm

  5. 10 months ago

    how the frick you make a WGRD derivative game and not include multiplayer LOL what the FRICK

    • 10 months ago


      It simply increases the complexity of making and releasing the game.

    • 9 months ago

      Then you'd have deal with wargame autists and their cries for balance patches

      • 9 months ago

        also known as having people actually playing your game. players certainly ask for more community support than no players.

  6. 9 months ago

    So I decided to try it out. so far so good. pretty similar to World in Conflict even regarding controls.

    Are there any plans the devs will fix collision control? looks really ridiculous being able to drive through buildings.

    • 9 months ago


    • 9 months ago

      The developer said no. Basically it’s way too much work for just one man for something that he feels most people are willing to tolerate

  7. 9 months ago

    I liked it, it's fun and the single player is well polished

  8. 9 months ago

    Just get wgrd
    More nations
    Both multi and single player

  9. 9 months ago

    I just played the demo and I do not like it very much. It feels like Wargame: EE, but not in a good way. In the bad way, it reminds me of how boring those early campaign missions were. Very primitive. It's basically just "Attack Move Tanks: The Game". Plus the game is so dour. Still waiting for Broken Arrow. Someone has to finally make a good one of these games sometime lol.

    • 9 months ago

      I also think that infantry not being independent units from their IFV's is a weird choice, although I guess I understand why they did it as a simplifying assumption.

      • 9 months ago

        according to the roadmap, they are working on having infantry only platoons that can be landed via helicopters.

    • 9 months ago

      I played the demo and I don't get it. You get a map that is almost completely flat and featureless, things like roads don't matter at all and towns don't feel like towns because infantry doesn't actually exist. It's just arbitrary cover zone.
      You don't get enough units to actually do any sort of combined armed push or really any manoeuvres at all. You are reduced to just sending one unit of mech to contest every objective that keep switching so you keep just running around the map with single units. The units feel bad too. It doesn't feel like there is much distinctiveness between tanks and mech infantry, don't' really feel like they had any weight or were actually vehicles, more like tokens sliding around from circle to circle.
      I've looked at israelitetubers play it to see if I was doing something wrong or that was a thing with the demo but it doesn't look any better. I don't get how some people were building it up as the next big thing in cold war/modern strategy games. Warno is shit in many ways but this thing just cannot compete. Regiments is barely a game.

      i agree with this, it feels like the game is half baked. it's a little weird. the time limit is pretty tight so you just spam out tanks and mech infantry and then attack move as many points as you possibly can. the ones you win, you then send to the ones you arent winning. rinse and repeat.
      its weird too because the mechanized infantry brigades act like tanks for all intents and purposes, except when you deploy the infantry they have a very lethal short range rpg attack.
      its sort of weird, wouldnt we expect the bmp's to not fare well against tanks at range?
      but i understand the game is made i think by like one guy, so it's a fun experiment i guess so good for him, but its not for me, i have other games id rather play.

      • 9 months ago

        >but i understand the game is made i think by like one guy, so it's a fun experiment i guess so good for him, but its not for me, i have other games id rather play.
        I can sort of appreciate the effort it went to create it on a small budget btu there's a reason indie devs stick to simpler genres. Ultimately it's just not a good game and I'd rather do something else. Competition for my time is harsh.

  10. 9 months ago

    I liked playing the campaign, especially the East German revolt missions. Unconventional Cold War scenarios are always a bit more interesting than your usual attack on the Fulda Gap. The gameplay itself doesn't have much replayability for me, you never have enough men to defend your gains and end up forced to move your units across the map to counter a new threat from the computer every five minutes, which makes the whole experience feel like you're trying to plug a leaking dike with your fingers.

  11. 9 months ago

    I played the demo and I don't get it. You get a map that is almost completely flat and featureless, things like roads don't matter at all and towns don't feel like towns because infantry doesn't actually exist. It's just arbitrary cover zone.
    You don't get enough units to actually do any sort of combined armed push or really any manoeuvres at all. You are reduced to just sending one unit of mech to contest every objective that keep switching so you keep just running around the map with single units. The units feel bad too. It doesn't feel like there is much distinctiveness between tanks and mech infantry, don't' really feel like they had any weight or were actually vehicles, more like tokens sliding around from circle to circle.
    I've looked at israelitetubers play it to see if I was doing something wrong or that was a thing with the demo but it doesn't look any better. I don't get how some people were building it up as the next big thing in cold war/modern strategy games. Warno is shit in many ways but this thing just cannot compete. Regiments is barely a game.

  12. 9 months ago

    I distinctly remember Wargame fans being really mad at it for some reason.

    • 9 months ago

      That's because the game didn't cater to their PvP homosexualry.

      Although, I don't know who does it caters to.

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