Remember when they made video games for this show most likely because it was created by an executive and he was pushing the show hard?

Remember when they made video games for this show most likely because it was created by an executive and he was pushing the show hard?

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  1. 4 months ago

    Game's not bad either

  2. 4 months ago

    I remember actively avoiding watching this shit even with the japanese influence it was super annoying how they pushed this show. I mean it might even be a good show I never watched because how annoying they advertised it.

    • 4 months ago

      It's because the show was the personal pet project for a high ranking executive at CN, who was a massive weeb and was also responsible for greenlighting the anime-style Teen Titans cartoon from the same era (which also had Puffy Ami Yumi do the theme because of his love for the band).
      He was basically the only person in the entire network that liked HHPAY, and the rest of the network just had to suck it up and go along with it because he was so high up the food chain. Within a week of him leaving CN the show was cancelled and they basically never ran reruns of it and they kinda pretend it doesn't exist.

      • 4 months ago

        he sounds based

        • 4 months ago

          He was cause he did it before anime became a meme

          • 4 months ago

            Anime didn't become a meme.
            Things don't become memes.
            Your grasp on the word meme is insipid.

            • 4 months ago

              >Things don't become memes
              yes they do, zoomie

              • 4 months ago
            • 4 months ago

              This. Things simply are memes or they're not, like how Milhouse is a meme

          • 4 months ago

            All anime back then was pre-meme.

          • 4 months ago

            Anime didn't become a meme.
            Things don't become memes.
            Your grasp on the word meme is insipid.

            Meme went from being ideas that jump from person to person and then culture to culture
            to popular internet jokes
            to ANY internet joke
            to "things I don't like or don't take seriously"

      • 4 months ago

        I liked the show

      • 4 months ago

        But the girls are cute 🙁 These CN guys just don't know shit.

        • 4 months ago

          Weren't they considered old has-beens in Japan by the time of their CN show?

          • 4 months ago

            Their peak fame was somewhere around 2000 but they've still were writing songs for anime and releasing albums so probably no. It's only their most recent albums that go lower in sales, they're not pop punk girls but moms now anyway.

        • 4 months ago

          Fricking love this song.
          Used to buy their albums back when I was 16 when the show was still going strong

      • 4 months ago

        That's how licensed games work

        I never knew this story

      • 4 months ago

        How's terminal online going for ya?
        Also, probably hard to do reruns for a show using licensed characters they dont own

        • 4 months ago

          >How's terminal online going for ya?
          You're on /vr/ of all places, so why don't you ask yourself?

        • 4 months ago

          >Also, probably hard to do reruns for a show using licensed characters they dont own
          Cartoon network used to show reruns of all sorts of old 70's cartoon versions of live action characters and actors. These licensing rights are usually handled in perpetuity with the syndication package. What's more difficult is licensing one off song uses from bands in shows.

      • 4 months ago

        Damn. Gotta thank that dude for the TT show.

      • 4 months ago

        He's speaking about Sam Register btw

      • 4 months ago

        Damn, so that's why the show just fricking happened and then just disappeared so fricking abruptly.
        I liked it, it was cool.

      • 4 months ago

        this show got me into jpop and drawing so he's based

      • 4 months ago

        >Sam fricking Register was a massive weeb back in 2005

      • 4 months ago

        Making a network bend to your very niche jpop tastes? Yeah, he’s based. Holy fricking CHAD

      • 4 months ago

        Okay. They still made games for like every show on CN and Nickelodeon though. Having a little handheld game isnt unique.

    • 4 months ago

      I always thought the relationship between CN and Puffy was weird. There were also some commercials where they used music from Shonen Knife together with clips from Powerpuff Girls. Someone over at CN is responsible for moving me across the globe and I'm really not sure who it is.

      >even with the japanese influence
      There's literally no Japanese influence. Sure the characters are based on Puffy but the show itself is purely American.

      • 4 months ago

        right I remember Shonen Knife and PPG but their music is actually good.

        • 4 months ago

          Puffy isn't bad. Everyone knows this song.


    • 4 months ago


      It was pretty popular and well liked enough, including among Japs themselves. It got good ratings. But I guess not popular enough that CN didn't feel bad on canceling it just because of one episode coinciding with a massive tsunami

      It's because the show was the personal pet project for a high ranking executive at CN, who was a massive weeb and was also responsible for greenlighting the anime-style Teen Titans cartoon from the same era (which also had Puffy Ami Yumi do the theme because of his love for the band).
      He was basically the only person in the entire network that liked HHPAY, and the rest of the network just had to suck it up and go along with it because he was so high up the food chain. Within a week of him leaving CN the show was cancelled and they basically never ran reruns of it and they kinda pretend it doesn't exist.

      That probably explains it. Early 00's CN was pretty weeby and it felt like the last time anime and cartoons could co-exist in the same brains. Then the CEO got fired due to the Boston bomb scare, they got a new guy, tried to force live-action shows, he was a guy who hated anime and canned toonami, etc etc

      • 4 months ago

        >It was pretty popular and well liked enough, including among Japs themselves. It got good ratings.
        Is there any proof of this though? Like how popular are we speaking outside of possible hearsay or a few online posts?
        >Early 00's CN was pretty weeby and it felt like the last time anime and cartoons could co-exist in the same brains.
        Several executives and not just Sam Register were into that stuff. Mike Lazzo for example. Almost of the anime content flooding into Toonami from 98-2001 were done before his direct involvement with CN's programming.
        >Then the CEO got fired due to the Boston bomb scare
        You're confusing Jim Samples (who resigned due to the controversy) with Sam Register. And it was Samples who was responsible of introducing live-action stuff into CN, not just his successor. Jim left in early 2007 and Re-Animated was introduced in Dec 2006.
        I can't believe how moronic the creators of ATHF were to do something like this without second thought. I love that show, but christ no consideration whatsoever just so they could sponsor what was just a massive shitpost in limited runs in theaters.

        • 4 months ago

          cont: And keep in mind, Samples did this because at the time CN's ratings were declining since both Nickelodeon and Disney had some very successful live action shows competing directly with their timeslots.

        • 4 months ago

          >Is there any proof of this though?
          No. It wasn't popular in Japan at all.

  3. 4 months ago

    I've only learned of this because I've watched Oh Edo Rocket anime and became a fan of the band (they've sang show's OP).

    I had no idea there was a tv show, but then found out it was even aired in my country on some cable tv with a dogshit dub.

    Besides the songs themselves, this video game seemed like the best product they've made out of the entire thing. Unlike some other celebrity based games, it genuinely shows effort and attempt to please fans. No masterpiece but just enough.

    Oh, and if I was a weeaboo producer, I would absolutelly shill you my favorite pop stars and anime shows too.
    I think it's how Power Rangers got in the West, too. Haim Saban saw it once on his Tokyo trip and really wanted to make it happen in US.

  4. 4 months ago

    Yes I remember shovelware. Weirder shit has gotten games.

  5. 4 months ago

    Sorry troon, I only watched high test shows like ed, edd, n eddy, billy and mandy, spongebob (post season 4), and Samurai Jack

  6. 4 months ago

    I never watched the show but I discovered the game on ROM sets for emulators and it's a lot of fun. It pretends to be a puzzle platformer but a sedated monkey could solve the puzzles. Still a cool platformer to play casually.
    Maybe the executive just wanted a quick couch casting session with the girls, maybe he got it, who knows, it's showbiz.

  7. 4 months ago

    SFW Panty & Stocking.
    I remember that I was really into jrock at the time and was surprised to see this on CN, as one of the 2 girls IRL was the wife of Takuro, the guitarist and leader of the band GLAY. It was surreal to see something even remotely related to these bands on TV.
    Then again, 2002 was the year of the FIFA World cup Korea/Japan so there was a lot of japanese stuff in mainstream media.

  8. 4 months ago

    I remember one bars based crew member working on the show drawing them making out

  9. 4 months ago

    >Remember when they made video games for this show most likely because it was created by an executive and he was pushing the show hard?
    Why does it bother you?

    • 4 months ago

      He's jelly

    • 4 months ago

      He's jelly

      Obviously he wants to be an Executive at CN and greenlight something gay and force the network to roll with it, it's unfair that it had to be a specific guy who was into some random J-pop duo.

      • 4 months ago

        I'm not a fan of Puffy Amiyumi but there's worse things.
        Jpop is still better than most post-90s western pop.

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