Resident Evil

This is one of the only cases where the Remake mogs the original game

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  1. 3 months ago

    yes yes yes. This is the definitive way to play it

    • 3 months ago

      It's still the one true RE-make in history, the blueprint of how to do it (almost) right.

      >mogs the rest of the franchise by actually being a scary horror game
      Ethan Chads won.

      and then they ruined it with the abomination that was RE8

      7 and 8 are literally the exact same, zoomer Twitch-streamer bait trash. Some of the most embarrassing feces I've ever been tricked to play, and the real downfall of the franchise.

      • 3 months ago

        7 saved the franchise thoughever after the dogshit that was 6

        • 3 months ago

          Absolutely incorrect.
          RE7 was made for total zoomer newbies that didn't even know what RE was, and HATE everything it used to be. It's nothing more than yet another Amnesia x Outlast style cinematic slop, that can just as well be WATCHED than played. It's a handholdy, linear and generic as frick first-person jumpscare walking sim, with slapped on, sloooow combat, and one of the most predictable and cheap stories I've ever seen.

          It retroactively made RE6 seem like a fricking masterpieces. At least it has a fun gameplay and does not have the F-bomb filled Amerimutt writing.

          • 3 months ago

            Re7 is nothing like amnesia or outlast
            Re7 is literally re1 in first person

          • 3 months ago

            >It's nothing more than yet another Amnesia x Outlast style cinematic slop

            Amnesia SHITS all over Silent Shit 2

            • 3 months ago

              >muh SH2
              Where the hell did you drag Silent Hill into this thing?
              Even then, you're dead wrong.
              Amnesia was the first case of Frictional absolutely losing their touch. It's a massive downgrade from the all around superior Penumbra saga, and the beginning of "AAA I'M SO SCAWED!!" e-celeb wanking.

              SH1 shits on anything you can even hope to mention.

              • 3 months ago

                Amnesia is actually scary and has better atmosphere.
                Silent Shit 2 fails at the basic thing any horror game should strive for, being actually scary.

                Silent Shit 1 is great i agree.

      • 3 months ago

        >Jill playthrough
        Only gays and women care about playing as Jill. The only "difficult" part of the game is saving Barry because the game has absolutely 0 challenge

        • 3 months ago

          Jill is literally the default, one true campaign in the game, kiddo.

          >game has absolutely 0 challenge
          RE1 1996 is far harder game than the REmake.

          • 3 months ago

            >Jill is literally the default
            Because she's fricking Easy mode. It even says so in-game, you shitter.
            >RE1 1996 is far harder game than the REmake.
            LOL, no it isn't,

            >>One shotgun blast that can easily clear one room
            You're thinking of RE2, the game where only one character gets the shotgun and there's over 100 zombies per scenario.
            >Enough ammo in the game to exclusively use the Shotgun for 3/4 of the game if you really want to
            If you find all of it. Chris needs four small keys to get all of his, and a good chunk of it is hidden like in Yawn's area, or behind a bed. It's not just given out for free, I know you haven't played the game and just look up "How much ammo is in it??", but most people who played the game found a scant amount of the available ammo.
            >Defensive item that only works when getting attack from the front
            Good thing the game has a 180 turn and the zombies are slow as shit.
            >Defensive item isn't even a guarantee a kill so it could lead into a CH if not dealt properly
            The grenade blows up their head. There are at least 10 of them in the Chris scenario.
            Also, you act like it's a struggle to stop a crimson head when it's the easiest shit in the world if you actually give a shit. It's a completely meaningless mechanic past the first surprise, like most of the remake it's just extra busywork.

            >You're thinking of RE2
            No, its the exact same in RE1
            >If you find all of it
            Unless you already know where you're going, you're gonna explore every room anyway. Most of the shotgun shells are in optional rooms, and you're not gonna know that on your first play through.
            >It's a completely meaningless mechanic
            Its there to punish morons that think they could kill consequence free

            • 3 months ago

              >muh easy mode
              Jill's campaign has the best flow, writing and actual variety. Chris' just a faux "Hard mode" jar head meat wall.

              >lol nope
              Yeah, REALLY.
              REmake removes alternative routes, adds those defensive items that literally negate damage and deaths, and multiply the amount of Ink Ribbons.

              Re7 is nothing like amnesia or outlast
              Re7 is literally re1 in first person

              >Re7 is nothing like amnesia or outlast
              It's a carbon copy of them.

              >Re7 is literally re1 in first person
              You have never even played RE1.
              There's no alternative routes in 7.
              Any kind of pseudo-Metroidvania stuff is just gone.

              There's no auto-saves in 1.
              There's no 2 playable characters in 7.
              There's no gluing back limbs in 1.

              • 3 months ago

                Explain how re7 is like outlast, moron

              • 3 months ago

                Literally carved out of the same wood.
                Similar linear, funneling world design, designed to push players into these first-person cinematics of some slimy bastard grabbing you and then scream in your face for a while, followed by the player getting thrown around like in modern Hollywood movies (oh no, he survived!), only to be then chased around by a stalker-esq foe.
                The visual design is similar brown & bloom trash as all the early 2010s' "horror" trash.

                The game only starts to resemble a proper RE title at the Ship, which surprise surprise, is the one section 7-babbys HATE. Because they do hate pseudo-freeroam horror adventuring, with limited supplies and lots of pre-placed enemies.

            • 3 months ago

              >No, its the exact same in RE1
              It isn't. The shotgun spread and impact power isn't as great as in 2, in addition to zombies typically not just standing next to each other. You'll get maybe one or two rooms where you can headshot two zombies at once, but those are exceptions placed at specific moments in the game to give the player that opportunity.
              >Unless you already know where you're going, you're gonna explore every room anyway. Most of the shotgun shells are in optional rooms, and you're not gonna know that on your first play through.
              And again, many are hidden, many are in drawers, and some are in boss rooms where you'll have a hard enough time just fighting the boss (or in Yawn's case, getting the other item hidden there).
              >Its there to punish morons that think they could kill consequence free
              It's there to waste time.
              Resident Evil was never about just running past enemies. REmake molested the series into being that and it has done irreparable damage to the pacing and enjoyability of these games. There's nothing even remotely fun about just running past a zombie, because it is ridiculously easy. All it does is encourage the player to not actually engage mechanically with the game's systems, and allows them to completely trivialize late game encounters, which the remake already trivialized by toning down enemy ferocity and damage.

  2. 3 months ago

    >turns a realistic spencer mansion into a spoopy horror house with inexplicably lit candles everywhere
    >less open ended objectives
    >simplified character interactions and endings
    >shoehorned “le scary but also le tragic” enemy


    • 3 months ago

      ps1 spencer mansion was a fricking cartoon funhouse what are you smoking?

      • 3 months ago

        low iq poster spotted

  3. 3 months ago

    The only people who say this are people who never played the original game.
    It's why they can never do anything other than make the same 3 "points"
    >mansion too bright
    >muh voice acting
    >[mansion basement song form only one of six versions of the game, said version being the third of three releases on the same platform]

  4. 3 months ago

    >mogs the rest of the franchise by actually being a scary horror game
    Ethan Chads won.

    • 3 months ago


      So far off the mark it isn't even funny.

    • 3 months ago

      and then they ruined it with the abomination that was RE8

      • 3 months ago

        >goes back to re characters and lore
        Agreed! Chris is trash

        It's still the one true RE-make in history, the blueprint of how to do it (almost) right.

        7 and 8 are literally the exact same, zoomer Twitch-streamer bait trash. Some of the most embarrassing feces I've ever been tricked to play, and the real downfall of the franchise.


  5. 3 months ago

    >Shotgun is not longer a get out of jail free card
    That alone make this the true horror experience

    • 3 months ago

      is not longer a get out of jail free card
      Instead you have a minimum of 20 get out of jail free cards that don't even take up an item slot, and on Chris, like half of those will straight up kill the enemy in question.
      Anyways, the shotgun being useful didn't make it a "get out of jail free card", it was a fleeting bit of power. For a first time player, it takes ages to put together all the pieces to get the shotgun as Chris, where it's relatively easy as Jill. As Chris, maybe you already found 7 or 14 shotgun shells, but by the time you make the trek from one end of the mansion to the actual shotgun room, and you'll only get the broken shotgun after likely using the armor key on literally every other door.
      As Jill, the game does guide you towards the shotgun. Barry points you in that direction once you're given free roam, and its one of the first two doors that branch off. But, you'll find the shotgun and get 7 shots. It'll take some practice to do headshots since your first proper zombies will be just past that shotgun room, and keep in mind, this is also about guiding and tutorializing the player seamlessly.
      Anyways, here are the occurrences for the shells throughout the game:
      >Keeper's Bedroom (1x7)
      Guarded by a zombie, on the opposite end of the mansion.
      >Vacant Room (1x7)
      Opposite end, where the broken shotgun is. Small key required.
      >Dressing Room (1x7)
      Small key required.
      >Attic (1x7)
      Enjoy getting raped by Yawn or running all the way back to grab them.

      And that's it for the mansion. Two hidden in drawers which Chris can't open on his own, and one guarded by Yawn.

      • 3 months ago

        >One shotgun blast that can easily clear one room
        >Enough ammo in the game to exclusively use the Shotgun for 3/4 of the game if you really want to
        >Defensive item that only works when getting attack from the front
        >Defensive item isn't even a guarantee a kill so it could lead into a CH if not dealt properly
        >If you're lucky you can get knife back

        • 3 months ago

          >>One shotgun blast that can easily clear one room
          You're thinking of RE2, the game where only one character gets the shotgun and there's over 100 zombies per scenario.
          >Enough ammo in the game to exclusively use the Shotgun for 3/4 of the game if you really want to
          If you find all of it. Chris needs four small keys to get all of his, and a good chunk of it is hidden like in Yawn's area, or behind a bed. It's not just given out for free, I know you haven't played the game and just look up "How much ammo is in it??", but most people who played the game found a scant amount of the available ammo.
          >Defensive item that only works when getting attack from the front
          Good thing the game has a 180 turn and the zombies are slow as shit.
          >Defensive item isn't even a guarantee a kill so it could lead into a CH if not dealt properly
          The grenade blows up their head. There are at least 10 of them in the Chris scenario.
          Also, you act like it's a struggle to stop a crimson head when it's the easiest shit in the world if you actually give a shit. It's a completely meaningless mechanic past the first surprise, like most of the remake it's just extra busywork.

  6. 3 months ago
  7. 3 months ago

    fundementally bad game. and it's original as well.

    I want to make a litmus test on how many people understand that Resi games are fundementally flawed. And those are the only people I will ever trust for videogame opinions. But that's also too much work, and I'll just get triggered when somebody inevitably says something moronic so...

    Instead: How many Resident Evil fans here think that Fear and Hunger Termina is a good game?

    • 3 months ago

      >broken English
      >"Resi games"
      >double spacing
      >complete absence of grammar
      >ellipses when they're not needed
      >randomly bringing up a game from a completely different genre and in a completely different style

  8. 3 months ago

    You only say this because you never played the real re1
    The answer is "whichever you played first"

  9. 3 months ago

    This is the best remake of all time.

    Black Mesa is another one i think surpasses the original.

    • 3 months ago

      >Black Mesa is another one i think surpasses the original.
      Frick no it doesn't. It is super clunky and slow, looks muddy and brown, removes good areas and stretches out + visually rapes the final section. It's essentially a bad parody of all things Half-Life made by 2010.

      • 3 months ago

        Good art design is the main thing the modern vidya industry is lacking, nowadays things are just meant to look 'real' so you get shit like on the right which ends up looking dumb and lifeless

        • 3 months ago

          >nowadays things are just meant to look 'real'
          Yet these amateurs made every single human NPC into a fricking Orangutan in a shirt. Those arms and heads are massive, legs puny.

          On top of that, the massively cranked up visual clutter on the environments makes reading the maps pointlessly complicated. There's tons of fake doors and props that serve no other purpose than to obscure the intended path, one that is against all Valve's 25+ years of taught methods often way too easy to miss and blends with the mentioned clutter.

      • 3 months ago

        Black Mesa made the final levels much more fun and interesting to play.

  10. 3 months ago

    RE2 OG has its charms but honestly RE2make is the better and more fleshed out game experience.

    • 3 months ago

      >RE2make is the better and more fleshed out game experience.
      All four of its scenarios are functionally identical.
      You guys are jerking off the opening hour way too much.

      • 3 months ago

        Yeah because they combined them into one majorly cohesive experience. They were added at the end of development for fans, not otherwise. You unironically want a worse game just so you can play it Chopped up in 4 scenarios with mr x missing entirely from two. moron.

        • 3 months ago

          >Yeah because they combined them into one majorly cohesive experience.
          They didn't though. The only scenario that offers a "cohesive experience" is Leon A in the remake, because that's clearly the only one they actually bothered finishing.
          >They were added at the end of development for fans, not otherwise.
          So what you're saying is they're shit thrown in at the last minute. Thanks for agreeing.
          >You unironically want a worse game just so you can play it Chopped up in 4 scenarios with mr x missing entirely from two. moron.
          Make it better than. It's a remake, it was in development for four years, what's the excuse? The hard work of concepting and scenario were already done, they were basically making a game with a cheat sheet, with a development timeline four times as long as the original game, with 10x the staff. What's the excuse?
          Also, they didn't have everything from the original, that's you lying.
          Half the A scenario city streets are missing, and the entirety of the B scenario's opening is just gone. There's no zombie Brad for whatever reason, Leon can't go into Irons' office, Claire doesn't even have her sole interaction with Ada, and all of her interactions with Leon were cut (as well as Leon's interactions with Sherry). Ada's alternate, far more iconic 'death' is gone, a significant portion of the lab is missing, The Marshalling Yard (which had been in several other RE games) is gone, the two trams are combined into one which completely fricks the geography of Raccoon City, Irons' entire underground area is cut and in its place is a reference to Survivor of all games.

          You haven't played the original at all. I can tell.
          >mr x missing entirely from two
          Yeah, because he's supposed to shake up the B side. Instead, he's awkwardly shoved into every scenario and becomes redundant by your second one because you've already learned him.

          • 3 months ago

            You have autism
            imagine writing all this when no one is taking you seriously

            • 3 months ago

              Better to be autistic than to be this upset when someone disagrees with you on the internet.

              • 3 months ago

                He doesn't seem very upset, but you do
                Re2make is a 10 btw

              • 3 months ago

                Anyways, only someone deeply upset would make a snarky response in place of any actual discussion.

  11. 3 months ago

    RE4:Remake>RE4 4K HD Project>>>>RE4 Original

  12. 3 months ago

    I really hope RE9 isn’t a first person game. I’m praying.

  13. 3 months ago

    Yeah, "mogs" it. look at this shit. objectively it's worse.

  14. 3 months ago

    Megaman powered up was also a good remake, capcom makes the Best remakes in the industry easily

  15. 3 months ago

    It's a great remake but I can see what people mean when they complain about the lighting, it's supposed to be a mansion not a haunted castle

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