what game should I play

64 posts · 5 months ago

Why is it so shit, FFbros?

38 posts · 5 months ago

Are 2004-2005 Stalker builds retro?

44 posts · 5 months ago


29 posts · 5 months ago

will you play the remaster?

288 posts · 5 months ago

Best snes games?

57 posts · 5 months ago

Zelda 1

89 posts · 5 months ago

Fan Remakes of Retro Games

42 posts · 5 months ago

thoughts on my NES collection?

45 posts · 5 months ago

Why did Sega create Chao World?

23 posts · 5 months ago

Japanese game ads

40 posts · 5 months ago

What the frick is with this thing?

62 posts · 5 months ago

How the mighty have fallen.

312 posts · 5 months ago


38 posts · 5 months ago

Megaman x Corrupted. Thoughts?

22 posts · 5 months ago