Return of the Steam Machine

If Microsoft leaves the hardware business it’ll leave a hole in the market. Valve has more experience with hardware now than when they did the Steam Machine, which was third-party hardware with their software.

They’ve got the Steam Deck, I think they’ll do a Steam Box.

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  1. 4 months ago

    honestly the "steam machine" bullshit was the beginning of the end for valve as a game dev, a complete flip and then this was right before dota 2 sucked the soul out of the company wasn't it?

  2. 4 months ago

    Can’t you just hook a Steam Deck up to a tv? They should just make a more powerful hybrid console like the switch

    • 4 months ago

      Could be a lot more powerful if it doesn’t have to be compact. And then they get to double dip

    • 4 months ago

      Why not make a Pro Dock for the Deck 2 that has a dedicated GPU and NVME slots for additional storage? Maybe there is some parallel universe where Valve partners with Intel to bring Battlemage and to their console with non-shit drivers and real performance equal to AMD at a minimum and only moderately short of Nvidia.

      • 4 months ago

        >Dock for the Deck 2 that has a dedicated GPU and NVME slots
        At that point they could just cut the deck and sell the dock for less than half the price

      • 4 months ago

        That would be sweet. I was either picturing that or a console with a dock built in for a performance boost, but I don’t know if that’s practical

        • 4 months ago

          I would image that's possible but probably not cheap

        • 4 months ago

          Why not make a Pro Dock for the Deck 2 that has a dedicated GPU and NVME slots for additional storage? Maybe there is some parallel universe where Valve partners with Intel to bring Battlemage and to their console with non-shit drivers and real performance equal to AMD at a minimum and only moderately short of Nvidia.

          Given the rumors that Valve's making a separate box for steaming games for their new VR headset, I don't see why that box couldn't be powerful enough to run regular-ass games since it needs to be good enough to render VR stuff. Valve could sell the box on its own as a home console solution with the Steam Controller 2

    • 4 months ago

      >They should just make a more powerful hybrid console like the switch
      You can hook a Deck up to a TV. That is basically what the Steam Deck is, just not without all of the plug and play simplicity that comes from being a console. It gets surprisingly close, though. At the end of the day it is a PC and does need to be treated like one if you want it to do what you want.

    • 4 months ago

      Yes, but it’s not powerful enough for console standards, despite being more powerful than the switch (and larger).

  3. 4 months ago

    >buying a gimped machine just to play the games you can already play on PC
    You're as moronic as the decklet trannies.

    • 4 months ago

      Don’t want one, I could just see them doing it

  4. 4 months ago

    do you not have a computer

  5. 4 months ago

    They'll only succeed in making one if they devote more resources into making steamos a windows replacement. The deck is as far as they can go realistically.

  6. 4 months ago

    Missed opportunity this, all because it wasn't a focused product.

    • 4 months ago

      It wasn't a product at all, it was basically just a sticker that got slapped on top of dogshit prebuilts that no one wanted, to clear inventory
      Some PCs labelled as 'steam machines' only had fricking integrated graphics

  7. 4 months ago

    did microsoft say no more consoles or they just arent doing exclusives any more

  8. 4 months ago

    Steam is the leading PC storefront by a large margin. Why would they manufacture a console and sell it at a loss when PC owners already predominantly use Steam?

    Sony and Microsoft don't make money from console sales, they make money from the games and subscription services that you're forced to buy on their store while using the console.

    • 4 months ago

      >Why would they manufacture a console and sell it at a loss when PC owners already predominantly use Steam?
      To make those console users PC users who will buy their games on a machine where Valve gets a 20-30% cut on every sale. The amount of money Valve stands to make with taking even a small chunk of Xbox users is enormous

    • 4 months ago

      >Why would they manufacture a console and sell it at a loss
      AFAIK the deck is sold at a loss, but it's not quite a console and your point still stands, it would be a risky move that has too high a chance to fail

    • 4 months ago

      >Why would they manufacture a console and sell it at a loss when PC owners already predominantly use Steam?
      You're right, that would be dumb to target a console at PC gamers. But that's besides the point.
      Lots of people only have phones and tablets or if they have a PC it's a crappy little laptop.
      They don't want to put a rainbow LED monstrosity in their home office, if they even have a home office.
      They want something they can plug into their TVs and use controllers with. Like a console.
      These people will never be "PC gamers" unless you make a PC for them that is basically an Xbox.

      • 4 months ago

        Yeah, I came up on xbox only. I got a deck recently and it’s opened me up to the idea of pc gaming, especially with the console style os. I don’t want to dish out all the money to get a pc from scratch, and I want to play on my living room couch, not in an office chair. I’d buy one in a heartbeat

  9. 4 months ago

    >Steam machine
    Good Lord how many of those things ended up being ewaste?

    • 4 months ago

      Nearly all of them I would assume since they were super underpowered and Proton wasn't a thing at the time so the amount of Linux-native games you could play was extremely limited

  10. 4 months ago

    I would buy one in a heartbeat if only because the prospect of Sony having a home console monopoly is a dystopian nightmare.

  11. 4 months ago

    the only reason to ever buy consoles was the existence of physical media, which that is even a joke since the xb1/ps4 era because so many games required updates or installs.
    there is no reason for anyone to buy a console if it is digital only when they can get a PC that gives the operator a lot more control. it's the reason why the series s sold like shit. the only reason the Steam Deck sells is because of it being a handheld. most of steams userbase are PC users and aren't going to just switch to proprietary hardware.

    • 4 months ago

      Consoles also have easy of use and limited control means less chance to frick up.

  12. 4 months ago

    Stop making this same fricking thread over and over you stupid spamming Black person homosexual.

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