Shopping Cart Returner Shirt $21.68

Nothing Ever Happens Shirt $21.68

Shopping Cart Returner Shirt $21.68

  1. 8 months ago

    How were you supposed to know to head north towards the grass?

    • 8 months ago

      I expected the game jam it's hand up my ass with a 1 hour tutorial like in V/S

    • 8 months ago

      how were you supposed to know that the gold teeth are in the safari zone?

  2. 8 months ago

    I just finished yellow the other day and i'm almost through with crystal, and have no intention of returning to them afterwards anytime soon. You can say what you want about numon but holy shit do the gen 1-2 games show their age immensely on replay

    • 8 months ago

      what did you not like? the missing gameplay features, or something else?

      • 8 months ago

        The absolute lack of any of the QoL stuff we take for granted in modern pokemon was to be expected, what I didn't expect in both games so far was just how much you're expected to grind EXP outside of trainer battles. As a kid you never really notice, you just kinda do end up grinding a shitload of xp from random pokemon, but I had to spend upwards of an hour at least twice in yellow grinding random pokemon at 10x game speed just to get my team leveled. Even after that, I still ended up beating blue roughly 10 levels below him.
        As i'm further into crystal now, roughly at the lake of rage, i'm starting to see the level curve also stagnating here, and I imagine pretty soon i'm going to have to do the same mindless grinding of low exp rewarding pokemon, even though I learned from yellow and have been fighting most wild pokemon I encounter. I don't hate the games for this, but at some points they feel far more tedious than enjoyable when I have to take these grind-breaks before key points

        • 8 months ago

          >grinding random pokemon
          yeah you had to train up every new mon, if you intended to use it. in the new gens everything levels passively. I don't know if this was intentional, but if forces the player to choose new pokemon based on what is already on the team, because training up a new team is a real pain.
          I disliked the lacking move pools, especially in the 1st gen

        • 8 months ago

          Gen5 is the first game that fixed this and it was a known problem even when RBY was the only game. Leveling Pokemon was always a total fricking nightmare even in the more well balanced games like Gen1. Part of the reason Johto level curve is so bad is actually related to this problem and not the level curve itself. You get a Dratini in Dragon's Den but wild mons don't give you shit so you can't level it up. Gen2 is actually a lot better than HGSS which is even worse.

          • 8 months ago

            >Gen2 is actually a lot better than HGSS which is even worse.
            How come? Is it for the lack of Stat Experience and Badge Boost in the remakes?

        • 8 months ago

          >grinding random pokemon
          yeah you had to train up every new mon, if you intended to use it. in the new gens everything levels passively. I don't know if this was intentional, but if forces the player to choose new pokemon based on what is already on the team, because training up a new team is a real pain.
          I disliked the lacking move pools, especially in the 1st gen

          BUT U DON'T GET IT

          • 8 months ago

            Post gen 5 expshare is fricking cancerous and peak awful game design. You should be able to use strategy to beat opponents that overpower you, and only rely on shameless grinding after you accept that they fact that you're too garbage to beat a game made for childs. You're being penalized for being shit at a video game which is a good thing
            All expshare does is make your team absolutely broken by default, completely removing the need of even using strategy. There's not even a video game anymore at that point

            • 8 months ago

              >a feature that has been a standard for all JRPGs since the inception of the genre is bad because it wasn't in muh KANTOOOO
              You gays are insufferable.

              • 8 months ago

                Actually go play a JRPG and you know this is false.
                Why the frick do you think we have had threads on Ganker about which JRPG party members are eternal bench warmers?
                My Kihmari in FFX was weak because i barely used him.
                In most 4 homies in a row games only the 4 homies in a row get Exp. The benchwarmers so not.

              • 8 months ago

                >people in your party (4 in most JRPGs, 6 in Pokemon) get EXP
                >people not in your party (boxed mons in Pokemon) do not get EXP

                But expshare was in Kanto? Didn't I mention post gen 5 expshare you absolute braindead fricking moron zooomie?
                KANTOOOOOOOOOO expshare worked like your standard JRPG expshare. You fight an enemy, you get 100 exp, and that exp is shared evenly among each party member. Just like in other JRPGs, you can choose to have a smaller party or even faint party members so that one guy gets a larger portion of the exp for himself. Gen 1 even did the cool thing of allowing you dis/able expshare because more options is good
                Meanwhile postgen 5 expshare creates extra exp out of nowhere. That's no longer an expshare mechanic

                You homosexuals are always screeching how sharing EXP, the most basic QoL improvement imaginable, is fricking bad and awful and how much you adore grinding experience for each fricking thing in your party separately and would never do things any other way. No one ever fricking agrees with you, obviously, so all you do is shit up /vp/ with your seething.
                Why do you not screech about HMs being gone? Is that not "strategy"? Or is that too archaic and moronic even for your ass? Why not remove TM names and descriptions from the games, just like in muh gen 1? It forces the player to try things out and strategize, such great game design! You gays are simply fricking wrong, there's nothing wrong with EXP share, no one in their right mind would want to toggle it off, and the problem with Gen 5 specifically was that the game wasn't fricking balanced properly in the first place.

              • 8 months ago

                >people in your party (4 in most JRPGs, 6 in Pokemon) get EXP
                Kimhari is always in your fricking party in FFX you fricking moron. He only gets exp IF he fights in battle you homosexual

                >and how much you adore grinding experience for each fricking thing in your party
                If you need to grind in a pokemon game then you have objectively some severe brain damage. This is not an subjective opinion, this is a cold hard fact
                Look everyone, this fricking moron defends expshare because he grinds and wants to speed up the optional grinding that he's doing. Everyone laugh at him and disregard his preferred pronouns

              • 8 months ago

                >Kimhari is always in your fricking party in FFX you fricking moron
                You don't seem to understand what that actually means. Is he on the field? Can he be put on the field at any point during an encounter? No? Then that's like having a boxed Pokemon. Of course he's not getting EXP.
                >If you need to grind in a pokemon game then you have objectively some severe brain damage. This is not an subjective opinion, this is a cold hard fact Look everyone, this fricking moron

                >people in your party (4 in most JRPGs, 6 in Pokemon) get EXP

                >people not in your party (boxed mons in Pokemon) do not get EXP
                You homosexuals are always screeching how sharing EXP, the most basic QoL improvement imaginable, is fricking bad and awful and how much you adore grinding experience for each fricking thing in your party separately and would never do things any other way. No one ever fricking agrees with you, obviously, so all you do is shit up /vp/ with your seething.
                Why do you not screech about HMs being gone? Is that not "strategy"? Or is that too archaic and moronic even for your ass? Why not remove TM names and descriptions from the games, just like in muh gen 1? It forces the player to try things out and strategize, such great game design! You gays are simply fricking wrong, there's nothing wrong with EXP share, no one in their right mind would want to toggle it off, and the problem with Gen 5 specifically was that the game wasn't fricking balanced properly in the first place. defends expshare because he grinds and wants to speed up the optional grinding that he's doing. Everyone laugh at him and disregard his preferred pronouns
                Are you legitimately autistic or something? Not as an insult, but an actual diagnosis. Because you sound like you have problems. First of all, everyone grinds when playing old Pokemon games without exp share. You can't just take a level 5 mon you caught previously and use it against level 25 opponents, that's just not how that works. Exp share removes this needless grind. The games are easy because no AI trainer except the champion ever uses a full team, barely anyone uses items, no one plays around type advantages, no one uses strats more complex than "hit the opponent with the strongest attack and hope it outspeeds", so of course the player only needs a type chart to steamroll everything.

              • 8 months ago

                >You don't seem to understand what that actually means. Is he on the field? Can he be put on the field at any point during an encounter? No? Then that's like having a boxed Pokemon. Of course he's not getting EXP.
                >Is he one the field
                >Can he be put on the field at any point during an encounter?
                Congratulations, you made a fool of yourself

                >First of all, everyone grinds when playing old Pokemon games without exp share.
                Citation needed. The exp that you get for fighting regular trainers is more than enough to get exp. You can also defeat shit that is like 15 levels below you, but since your extent of strategy is
                >hit the opponent with the strongest attack and hope it outspeeds
                then I guess that's why you NEED to grind all the time and start crying the moment a npc has a pokemon with a higher level than you

                There are people beating the games with exp disable codes without using items in battle I did it with crystal and BW1, it was a fun [spoiler]experience[/spoiler], and you still feel the need to grind. Amazing

              • 8 months ago

                >You can also defeat shit that is like 15 levels below you
                Frick, I meant above you. Guess my entire post is worthless now and I lost this internet fight

              • 8 months ago

                >Congratulations, you made a fool of yourself
                So in Final Fantasy X, you can swap characters to your active party during combat. That's even more fricking ridiculous than Pokemon. Imagine if you could swap your boxed mons for active ones during a battle and have them receive EXP, you would be frothing at the mouth at this awful casualization. Now imagine if things worked how they do in Persona 5, where a certain skill allows you to distribute EXP to ALL characters, regardless if they're benched or not. You would probably die of a heart attack if you played that game.
                >The exp that you get for fighting regular trainers is more than enough to get exp
                Except when that EXP is not shared, so only one Pokemon gets it. Then you catch a low level mon on the next route, it knows no skills, and is completely useless to you unless it learns something through leveling.
                >I did it with crystal and BW1
                So you are autistic after all, thanks for confirming that.

              • 8 months ago

                >So in Final Fantasy X, you can swap characters to your active party during combat. That's even more fricking ridiculous than Pokemon. Imagine if you could swap your boxed mons for active ones during a battle and have them receive EXP, you would be frothing at the mouth at this awful casualization
                In FFX, you control 3 characters at a time and you have 4 characters benched. If your current 3 characters die, then you get a game over (an ACTUAL gameover, if you haven't saved in the past 3 hours then all of that is gone unlike pokemon). Meanwhile in pokeshit, you control 1 characcter at the time and you have 5 characters benched. As you can see, both systems are extremely similar

                >Now imagine if things worked how they do in Persona 5, where a certain skill allows you to distribute EXP to ALL characters
                I did play Persona 5, and in that game, expshare is locked behind the moon confidant. To get expshare in that game, you NEED to invest your limited time resource into that one confidant. That means ignoring other confidants for a large portion of the game. Expshare is a reward NOT a free option unlike pokemon. Also, like in classic SMT fashion, your benched personas get expshare too, but unlike pokemon, they're literal fodder meant to be fused and disposed. The pokemon equivalent of this would be if breeding killed the parents

                >Except when that EXP is not shared, so only one Pokemon gets it. Then you catch a low level mon on the next route, it knows no skills, and is completely useless
                And that's why you cycle through your party instead of focusing in one single mon. Regular trainers are so fricking weak that recently caught shit can handle them without any problems. Ever wondered why the entire rocket scenario in GSC is full of shitty grunts? It's so you can fight them using newly caught mons

                >So you are autistic after all, thanks for confirming that.
                I'm autistic for doing a pokemon playthrough where I don't grind? ok troony

              • 8 months ago

                >an ACTUAL gameover, if you haven't saved in the past 3 hours then all of that is gone unlike pokemon
                Is that supposed to be a good thing?
                >Meanwhile in pokeshit, you control 1 characcter at the time and you have 5 characters benched. As you can see, both systems are extremely similar
                You control 6 characters, that's your active party. You're free to use them in battle. Benched characters (aka characters you can't use in battle, and have to swap out during downtime) are boxed characters.
                >I did play Persona 5, and in that game, expshare is locked behind the moon confidant
                Yes, that's exactly what I said. Mishima's confidant allows you to share EXP with all characters, not just your active party. Now imagine if Pokemon was the same, you would shit and piss yourself.
                >And that's why you cycle through your party instead of focusing in one single mon
                Or you can just use exp share and save yourself this moronic bullshit that doesn't add any depth and only wastes your time.
                >I'm autistic for doing a pokemon playthrough where I don't grind? ok troony
                You're autistic for playing these games so much you have to do those moronic challenges. I bet you nuzlocke and/or shiny hunt on the regular too.

              • 8 months ago

                >Is that supposed to be a good thing?
                You want Pokemon to borrow mechanics from other JRPGs or not? Also, didn't you just scream MUH AWFUL CASUALIZATION? Make up your mind

                >You control 6 characters, that's your active party. You're free to use them in battle
                So, it's the same as FFX? You have 7 characters, you're free to use them in battle, characters that don't participate directly in battle don't get exp........ JUST LIKE IN POKEMON??????????? What the frick are you even saying at this point

                >Yes, that's exactly what I said. Mishima's confidant allows you to share EXP with all characters, not just your active party
                And I'll repeat, the moon confidant is OPTIONAL and you spend LIMTIED RESOURCES to get access to exp share. As for me, I'd much rather focus on sun, fortune and mommy teacher instead because the bonus are for more appealing and leave moon for the end game. Oh look, I spent 90% of the game without expshare because of my playstyle. Pokemon expshare is just a cheat toggle option, there's no mechanical depth to it. Enable expshare to get 350% more exp, awesome

                >Or you can just use exp share and save yourself this moronic bullshit that doesn't add any depth and only wastes your time.
                Playing the game as the devs intended is now moronic bullshit. You're the most moronic expsharegay I've ever seen

                >You're autistic for playing these games so much you have to do those moronic challenges. I bet you nuzlocke and/or shiny hunt on the regular too.
                Never nuzlocked because the games are simply too easy. Never shiny hunted because I am not autisitc. Also, never hatched eggs other than getting some exclusive baby forms
                I just thought that it would be fun if I played a pokemon game where I have to constantly catch new pokemon in order to "level up". And oh wow it was fun. I never expected to use goddamn Girafarig, but in my no exp run, he was pretty useful

              • 8 months ago

                >You want Pokemon to borrow mechanics from other JRPGs or not
                You're complaining about fricking autosaving. No, losing 3 hours of progress because you forgot to save manually is not a good fricking thing.
                >So, it's the same as FFX? You have 7 characters, you're free to use them in battle, characters that don't participate directly in battle don't get exp........ JUST LIKE IN POKEMON??????????? What the frick are you even saying at this point
                Modern Pokemon uses the same experience system as almost any modern JRPG. Active characters are those in your party. They receive EXP from battle, and there are six of them. Characters not in your party are boxed characters, they do not receive EXP from battle. In other JRPGs, you usually have 4 active characters, and everyone else is benched. What you call EXP share is actually a basic fricking JRPG mechanic of sharing EXP between your active party members.
                >And I'll repeat, the moon confidant is OPTIONAL and you spend LIMTIED RESOURCES to get access to exp share
                God fricking damn you're thick. You played the entire fricking game with an exp share. Everyone in your active party was receiving experience from start to finish, the only thing Mishima does is give EXP to give to the benched characters. So he "creates extra exp out of nowhere", as you put it, even fricking more than any modern Pokemon game.
                >Playing the game as the devs intended is now moronic bullshit.
                The way devs intended it was moronic. All devs did in Gen 5 was to finally acknowledge that their idea of having to level each character separately (stemming from the concept of "training each individual creature") was fricking dumb from the start, so they cut the bullshit and just gave you a normal EXP system.
                >Never nuzlocked because the games are simply too easy
                Go play Emerald Kaizo, should be right up your alley.

              • 8 months ago

                > the only thing Mishima does is give EXP to give to the benched characters
                So....... if the moon confidant was in pokemon.......................... you would need to unlock the moon confidant......................... so that your other 5 pokemons............................ get exp in battle............................ just like an expshare....???????????
                Yes? What the hell are you even saying anymore anon? Did you forget your goddamn meds?

                I'll give up, this is some major brain tumor that you have. I genuinely don't even understand what you're talking about anymore. I'm assuming that you're claiming that the fact that your active 4 characters getting exp (the 4 characters that LITERALLY ACTED IN BATTLE, GOT DAMAGED, DID DAMAGE, USED ITEMS, ETC ETC) means that the game has exp share by default, which makes your entire argument fricking moronic from the very start.

                Frick, I'll just do a schematic and leave this thread

                1 active members (gets all the exp unless he swaps out)
                5 inactive members (don't get exp unless they swap in)
                9999 pokemons in the box (don't get exp at all)

                4 active members (get all the exp unless they swap out) also, you can't even swap the leader period
                5 inactive members (only get exp if they swap in OR you unlock the moon confidant reward, which is an optional resource and a worse option compared to other confidants)
                0 members in the box (don't get exp at all)

                3 active members (get all the exp unless they swap out)
                4 inactive members (only get exp if they swap in AND perform an action)
                >0 members in the box (don't get exp at all)

                >Pokemon (nuexpshare)
                1 active member (gets all the exp even if he swaps out)
                5 inactive members (will each get 50% of the exp of the original exp received even if they didn't switch in, meaning that some extra exp is created from thin air)
                9999 pokemons in the box (don't get exp at all)

                Modern pokeshit expshare is NOT like other JRPGs you absolute wienersucker

              • 8 months ago

                Why the frick are you calling Pokemon in your party, the ones you can freely use during battle, inactive fricking members? I know you're moronic, but is it really so fricking difficult to understand? They ARE your fricking party. All six of them. Boxed characters are benched characters, you can't use them unless swapped outside battle. What is so fricking difficult to understand?

              • 8 months ago

                >My Kihmari in FFX was weak because i barely used him.
                >he didn't autistically swap in every party member in every battle so they all gained AP

              • 8 months ago

                But expshare was in Kanto? Didn't I mention post gen 5 expshare you absolute braindead fricking moron zooomie?
                KANTOOOOOOOOOO expshare worked like your standard JRPG expshare. You fight an enemy, you get 100 exp, and that exp is shared evenly among each party member. Just like in other JRPGs, you can choose to have a smaller party or even faint party members so that one guy gets a larger portion of the exp for himself. Gen 1 even did the cool thing of allowing you dis/able expshare because more options is good
                Meanwhile postgen 5 expshare creates extra exp out of nowhere. That's no longer an expshare mechanic

        • 8 months ago

          >upwards of an hour at least twice in yellow grinding random pokemon at 10x game speed
          >over 20 hours of grinding
          what the frick

  3. 8 months ago

    The magic of being young is long gone.

  4. 8 months ago

    >training your Pokemon both in trainer battles AND in the wild like a trainer would do in real life, and like they did in the anime, manga and all other forms of Pokemon media

    >being babied and receiving infinite exp in 5 seconds, requiring no effort nor thought, literally just an A button simulator
    >the game is now good

    Zoomers ruined Pokemon

    • 8 months ago

      your Pokemon both in trainer battles AND in the wild like a trainer would do in real life, and like they did in the anime, manga and all other forms of Pokemon media
      >That scene in the anime with some guy wearing mitts training his Hitmonlee
      Pure soul, that stuck with me all these years. Thats what a true TRAINER is. Currently you are playing as a battery and not a trainer.

    • 8 months ago

      Zoomers got into Pokemon with Gen 4, it's a Gen Alpha problem.

    • 8 months ago

      >Dropping shit takes
      Checks out.

  5. 8 months ago

    I will the day I die.
    It will be glorious.
    Considering I die of old age and not by alligator or some homosexual shanking me in the middle of the night.

  6. 8 months ago

    I'm convinced that game freak is cutting off everything that would require effort because otherwise no one would touch nu-pokemon with a 10 ft pole. imagine a grind wall between shit content and shit content

  7. 8 months ago

    i do every year. it'll never not be fun to play. sometimes multiple times a year.

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