Revival of possibly the greatest PVP MMORPG ever

Aika Online a MMORPG shut its english version down about 2 years ago. Since then there has been a private server, but not one that could bring back the glory of what it once was(minus the corruption of incompetent admins and GMs...) I was a hardcore player, one of those sweaty no lifers constantly on the game. Only i had a life, and I got pussy. On the regular. It became so addicting lol anyways, i had an idea for a server that could actually retain players and focused on its core concept, PVP. PVP is where Aika Online shines the most. If fully geared to the max and best enchants, you could literally tank 2 partys(12 people) as a paladin,and kill them wiping them at the temple while they are trying to raid your relics. It was like a game of football with relics that gave your nation power once successfully taken and placed in your nations temples.Only fast paced, with stuns, sleeps, status effects, all the goodies. I imagine a PVP server where everyone is max level, and has the best gear already from day one of server so the PVP can commence from day one(trust me it is the only reason to play the game and endgame was all about PVP), all cash shop items and features/ as well as all other items are free. There will of course be a donation button available, to give what you feel is right if you want to contribute to the server. How would this be done? how might it be profitable? You market it towards NA players and have it a subscription based game. Pay x amount of dollars every month to play the game. Once you go this route, that leaves consumables and skins that you could sell in a cash shop, that could give you an edge or slight advantage in PVP. But just stick to those two things, have everything else free in the game. That would be 2 routes of income. Boom perpetual PVP from day one of server. Attracting the hardcore players back AND the casual players it scared off with t3funs cash shop/scam box tendancies. Any thoughts?

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  1. 1 year ago

    this isn’t your personal diary to record all your homosexualy ideas. grow up moron

    • 1 year ago

      No, but it is my thread to post all my homosexualry ideas. Nice try shit dick.

    • 1 year ago


      Aika Online a MMORPG shut its english version down about 2 years ago. Since then there has been a private server, but not one that could bring back the glory of what it once was(minus the corruption of incompetent admins and GMs...) I was a hardcore player, one of those sweaty no lifers constantly on the game. Only i had a life, and I got pussy. On the regular. It became so addicting lol anyways, i had an idea for a server that could actually retain players and focused on its core concept, PVP. PVP is where Aika Online shines the most. If fully geared to the max and best enchants, you could literally tank 2 partys(12 people) as a paladin,and kill them wiping them at the temple while they are trying to raid your relics. It was like a game of football with relics that gave your nation power once successfully taken and placed in your nations temples.Only fast paced, with stuns, sleeps, status effects, all the goodies. I imagine a PVP server where everyone is max level, and has the best gear already from day one of server so the PVP can commence from day one(trust me it is the only reason to play the game and endgame was all about PVP), all cash shop items and features/ as well as all other items are free. There will of course be a donation button available, to give what you feel is right if you want to contribute to the server. How would this be done? how might it be profitable? You market it towards NA players and have it a subscription based game. Pay x amount of dollars every month to play the game. Once you go this route, that leaves consumables and skins that you could sell in a cash shop, that could give you an edge or slight advantage in PVP. But just stick to those two things, have everything else free in the game. That would be 2 routes of income. Boom perpetual PVP from day one of server. Attracting the hardcore players back AND the casual players it scared off with t3funs cash shop/scam box tendancies. Any thoughts?

      kys homosexual

      • 1 year ago

        Get gud pussy boy go play your jrpgs and fap to e-girls. Stay away from RPGs with actual pvp mechanics

  2. 1 year ago

    >dude what if we made this unbalanced piece of shit game subscription based but also pay to win and pvp focused
    Your ideas are bad and you should feel bad

    • 1 year ago

      You have obviously never played the game, and you sound like a pussy ass femboy that is probably not competitive and likes to 'PVE' while logged, but is really just afk talking to their boner buddies on discord.

  3. 1 year ago

    Sounds fricking gay and seems like you're pandering to FF XIV trannies, might as well call it 'Sissy Slapfest Online™: Goyim of The Year Edition Remastered™ Uncensored Uncircumcised'.

    • 1 year ago

      Never played it. But i did play your mom and tricked her into eating my shit covered butthole once when it was dark in the room after she pegged me.

      • 1 year ago

        Fake and gay, like your shitty ass 'game'.

        • 1 year ago

          why do you think its shit? how long did you play it for, onions boy?

          • 1 year ago

            Ask your mom, I was too busy plowing her while I was owning noobs like you. Git gud and git some pussy, gaygit.

            • 1 year ago

              If you were really playing Aika Online when I was, I assure you i was owning you. You sound like a noob who got salty and quit because of cash shoppers. Or maybe the Brazilian frick bois.

              • 1 year ago

                You were probably on our KoS list, keep crying.

              • 1 year ago

                The only time you would even pvp is if you had a cleric b***h boy, or your archon or LM with you. Otherwise you sat in the rift pretending you were afk.

              • 1 year ago

                Sounds like you're projecting.

  4. 1 year ago

    This was my shit. I loved raiding. I was Lord Marshall of Len a couple times over the games history. The PVP is very unique and I'm still searching for something to match it. I loved ganking in traband and Asteria a lot too

  5. 1 year ago

    So many people quit this game because of the corruption. T3fun ended up doing the same in their other game Grenado Espenada. I can think of 3 times off the top of my head where there was gm/admin scandals. If someone took this on as a passion project and implemented your system, i think it could work. It would make it 100 % skill based because everyone would be on the same level. Thats if the consumables your talking about only gave a "slight' advantage, like you said. And if the skins were only cosmetic. Shit I would play again for like 30 bucks a month.

    • 1 year ago

      I know all about that. I was personally propositioned by the GM before the server shut down. Over facebook messenger. He was colluding with an in game player doing this. He was offering me green enchant upgrades for a certain price, and was trying to get me to paypal it to this in game player. He logged me out of my account and changed one of my enchants to show me he was legit. I exposed him though. I think hanbitsoft already knew though because he was doing it in Grenado Espanada too.

      • 1 year ago

        Dude that whole ordeal when i heard about it pissed me off so much. I still played until the very last day of the official server though. A sad day indeed.

      • 1 year ago

        And your uncle also works at Nintendo

        • 1 year ago

          nah, he works at EA

      • 1 year ago

        Is that you Shiitfaced? o.o

  6. 1 year ago

    One of my favorite pvp vids. Rift pvp was the best, followed by Rumble every Sunday

  7. 1 year ago

    >I imagine a PVP server where everyone is max level, and has the best gear already from day one of server so the PVP can commence from day one(trust me it is the only reason to play the game and endgame was all about PVP), all cash shop items and features/ as well as all other items are free.
    In other words - not an RPG.

    • 1 year ago

      Are you moronic? Aika Online was an MMORPG and still would be an MMORPG if a server was made that functioned in the way I described.

      • 1 year ago

        I guess Team Fortress is an RPG too then?

        • 1 year ago

          LOL thats almost as bad as saying Valorant is an RPG

    • 1 year ago

      I think we have ourselves a lost reddit mod here, or an RPG gatekeeper of some sort. Cute.

      • 1 year ago

        >calls someone a redditor while crying about gatekeeping

        • 1 year ago

          Aww, your pea brain cant understand the point i was trying to make. Go fist your shithole and cry in a corner somewhere.

  8. 1 year ago

    This idea is ridiculously bad and seeing the OP shit himself because people recognize that fimple fact is hilarious. How anyone could be nostalgic for Painfully Generic Korean Grinding Simulator #12753 is beyond me, but judging by the OP you need max level autism to enjoy this kind of garbage.

    10/10 thread.

    • 1 year ago

      Yes, I think we can all agree Korean grindfest games can be mind numbing, or w/e you would like to call it. I am definetly biased to Aika though as I never got into WOW or any other of the mmorpgs at the time. If the server was made how I described, it would eliminate that though, and enable EVERYONE(even the poor foreign bois) to competitively PVP. Effectively breaking down many barriers to why people ultimately quit in the first place. Stale PVE, and the ability for only whales to possess the best gear/enchants. Like I said, Aika Online endgame was all about PVP. And the last remaining groups that raided or pvped on the official server definetly had all maxed everything(except green enchant upgrades, although indeed some did have full or almost full +16 enchants) so I don't see what your point is. Pvp was non existent and you would get one hit/shotted otherwise

    • 1 year ago

      Nah bro Aika was a gem in terms of the PVP, trust. Also it has political elements which was very unique at the time and still is. But it definetly wasn't for everyone. OPs idea would make it more for everyone. The fact that people play shitty games like LOL or JRPGs blows my mind when there is Aika Online. I definetly would not recommend the Aika private server though it is a shit show over there right now.

      • 1 year ago

        It also had very low system requirements, you could play it on a potato. I remember playing it on an old computer that had windows xp operating system for like the first few years it was out.

  9. 1 year ago

    +12 or gtfo

    • 1 year ago

      I remember wanting to fricking strangle Isaac lol...

  10. 1 year ago

    I could never get geared because I couldn't do the top up events. When they put out the lycan accessories it became even more unbalanced. If everything was included in a subscription though I feel like that would bring a lot of players back. Dungeon farming would be almost obsolete, but you could do dungeon events, where they drop cosmetic skins or other fun things.

  11. 1 year ago

    Yo that Archon and LM buff was taaaasty lol I loved shitting on noobs.

    • 1 year ago

      Shut the frick up before I spawn camp you over and over again at rhawn post because your dumbass left your spawn point there.

  12. 1 year ago

    Holy fricking shit anon they aren't even paying you to post this. Get a life.

    • 1 year ago

      These are my ideas for how a private server of Aika Online should be. Who the frick would be paying me. I would just play Aika KR or BR but I smoke too much weed and refuse to learn a second language. Also, I refuse to farm or grind against my will. Give me just PVP or give me death. The pvp was insane, everything else was mundane.

  13. 1 year ago

    Hanbitsoft can lick my hairy gooch. Loved the pedo pran though.

    • 1 year ago

      10/10 pedo pran

  14. 1 year ago

    Once western versions of these types of MMORPGS start pandering to Brazilians, you know the end is near. Especially true with this game because it already has an official BR server... like wtf?

  15. 1 year ago

    >greatest PVP
    >its click click shoot shoot. cough gaming
    instead of wasting your time on this board you could make your own damn game. Make it p2w and drm filled proprietary crap and cry when no one plays it

    • 1 year ago

      Tell me you may have played until maybe lvl 20, then got smashed like a noob by someone with high level gear while trying to farm then cried and quit , without telling me you played until lvl 20, then got smashed like a noob by someone with high level gear while trying to farm then cried and quit.

    • 1 year ago

      Anyone that played during the Gpotato days would beg to differ. Did you ever participate in the huge raids or even learn how to play your class and make a good build with your skills? Did you ever even make it to endgame? Did you try to overthrow the Lord Marshal for the power and glory? Or did you just butt frick your pran all day and cry because it was too grindy and pay to win??

    • 1 year ago

      >Click click shoot shoot

      There was Castle Siege, Rumble, Raiding for relics, and you could gank constantly. I agree with OP that out of all MMORPGs Aika Online had the best PVP hands down. The only one that even comes close currently is Elden Ring, but even that feels slow compared to Aika if you knew how to animation cancel your skills and/or used an MMO mouse

  16. 1 year ago

    Shit from what I remember about that game, especially endgame, your ideas would be a huge improvement. The cash shop/top up events made me quit eventually as I saw I was never going to catch up. I really wanted Resolute Conqueror 95 wl armor but wasn't going to pay 500$ for a top up event to get it. And to craft it and core it myself, the game made it nearly impossible so I never even tried. I did love the pvp and the community there though, but everyone turned elitist

    • 1 year ago

      I feel you. I felt the same way you did but decided to fork out the cash so I could get geared and shit on Vanov. In turn I became one of the elitists admittedly lol there was very few people who could actually beat me in a 1v1, let alone even try. It would be cool if all armor sets, accessory sets, enriched extracts, and enchants were included in a subscription plan in a private server, and was just the buff potions /cosmetic items in a cash shop. Private servers gotta make money too, this would be an ethical way of doing it. I love the idea of a donate button too. I think an RPG has tried something similar before but not at this scale.

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