Riot MMO in shambles, scrapped and redesigned

I'm guessing content creator grifters tried to force Riot to make their MMO another WoW clone and Riot went along with it for a while until realizing they won't get their core audience of fujos and zoomers by doing just another dogshit game like WoW.

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  1. 2 months ago

    Let me rephrase all that
    >the MMO market is dead and the amount of whales willing to be good little paypiggies for us isnt high enough to justify development and servers

    • 2 months ago

      >the amount of whales willing to be good little paypiggies for us isnt high enough to justify development and servers
      i genuinely think there's billions to be made in the mmo market if they can make the barrier of entry as low as most other popular genres and rake in coombux with skins and gacha cosmetic mechanics mixed with addictive gameplay. If anyone is going to perfect that mix its Riot.

      • 2 months ago

        >if they can make the barrier of entry as low as most other popular genres
        Pc/mobile release.
        You get the classic mmo experience on pc and use your phone for 'quick engagements'.
        Let's be honest the only way to keep people subbed is releasing content nonstop or by making the game easily accessible everywhere although it would probably play like shit.

      • 2 months ago

        XIV makes a killing from cutesy cash shop cosmetics for egirls, e"""girls""", and coomers. If they have enough room for the game to be lesser second life you will have a diehard subscriber base.

        • 2 months ago

          the fact that xiv is making that much from their cash shop despite how janky their entire shop system works shows how huge the cosmetics audience is

    • 2 months ago

      They will remake it into Genshin-like open world gacha game, mark my words

    • 2 months ago

      Maybe you should try reading before rephrasing

    • 2 months ago

      You have to be as moronic as average Ganker poster to believe what you just said, when fricking survival mmos are making bank every other week.
      MMO genre isn't dead, it just moved on from wow-theme park mmo to survival-crafter trash.

      I'm guessing content creator grifters tried to force Riot to make their MMO another WoW clone and Riot went along with it for a while until realizing they won't get their core audience of fujos and zoomers by doing just another dogshit game like WoW.

      Ghostcrawler was probably making another WoW but now he's gone and they gonna be trend chasing like uncreative cuckolds they are.

      • 2 months ago

        >survival-crafter trash
        They have to move the frick away from such trash to have me come back to anything.

    • 2 months ago

      Maybe if moron companies stopped making WoW clones with shitty, boring and outdated combat and garbage world design.

    • 2 months ago

      It says right fricking there it's not cancelled, they just decided not to make a WoW clone.

      >the amount of whales willing to be good little paypiggies for us isnt high enough to justify development and servers
      i genuinely think there's billions to be made in the mmo market if they can make the barrier of entry as low as most other popular genres and rake in coombux with skins and gacha cosmetic mechanics mixed with addictive gameplay. If anyone is going to perfect that mix its Riot.

      What's funny is that the MMO market is unironically untapped because people made WoW clones for a decade and then just gave up when the market got sick of it.
      It's ridiculous there hasn't been a high profile UO style MMO since Runescape. In fact, it seems like we're finally only getting one this year - made by Runescape's original developer.

    • 2 months ago

      I'm sorry for your terminal moronation and festering contrarianism

  2. 2 months ago

    Their new Executive Producer's only previous game experience is Star Wars Squadrons, Mass Effect Andromeda, and the Mass Effect 3 DLC... MMO sisters surely Riot could afford someone better...

    • 2 months ago

      This is like when the dude who ehlped launch th wiiu and xbox1 got put on board at google to laucnh stadia. How do these frickups keep falling up career ladders?

      • 2 months ago

        obviously anyone worth their salt is taken

      • 2 months ago

        We don't live in a meritocracy. It's very hard to fail in the corporate world once you get high enough up the ladder. No accountability. It's just a club where they give each other money.

        • 2 months ago


      • 2 months ago

        Literally just networking

    • 2 months ago

      Grim, Legend of Runeterra 2.0 incoming

  3. 2 months ago

    They realized people don't want MMOs, they just want WoW.
    If this project ever comes back (doubtful) then expect it to be an entirely different genre.
    Also, I want to cum inside Poppy.

    • 2 months ago

      >If this project ever comes back (doubtful) then expect it to be an entirely different genre.
      mmo sisters... its over... Riot was the last hope for a triple A mmo comeback that isnt korean or indieshit.

    • 2 months ago

      Bitch, NOBODY wants WoW in 2024

  4. 2 months ago

    Meanwhile, Ghostcrawler status:

    • 2 months ago

      ghostcrawler's mmo game will never reach success
      the only reason people are hyping out over Riot's MMO is because of the LoL IP, what does crawler have?

    • 2 months ago

      With a name as stupid as Fantastic Pixel Castle I'm not expecting anything good

      • 2 months ago

        Fricking moron studio names have 0 correlation with the media they put out.

        • 2 months ago

          i'm pretty sure that anon knows that, anon. he's saying though that that studio name is moronic garbage which shows their garbage mentality, etc

        • 2 months ago

          The minds that think a specific name best represents them are also the same minds creating the game, if I see someone called say renegade studios I would be expecting them to be making some kind of shooter not barbie horse adventures
          The name is why so many drones stuck with Blizzard for so long, the name is cool.

          • 2 months ago

            Kek it's best just not to engage with morons like this and their elementary school opinions. An entire company stays afloat because their name sounds "cool"

    • 2 months ago

      It was obvious it was going south if GC just dipped out when they finally decided to start production

      ghostcrawler's mmo game will never reach success
      the only reason people are hyping out over Riot's MMO is because of the LoL IP, what does crawler have?

      They, and many other MMO studios, are leaning into being hybrid MMOs but also survival games. The survival game genre obviously still hasn't peaked. We've seen it with Valheim and now again with Palworld and many of the clones just this past year that the survival game formula with friends is still ripe with potential.

      • 2 months ago

        People like it because of the mons and interactive battles, not the survival

    • 2 months ago

      sounds like riot is trying to make things perfect which is almost always a recipe for disaster

    • 2 months ago

      Ex-Blizzard chimpanzees on one side
      Ex-Blizzard orangutans on the other
      One will be a massive multi billion dollar burn project with no direction other than throw money at it, the other a rushed kusoge with combat designed by fricking Holinka kek, it's like they're both moronic on the opposite sides of the spectrum, quite poetic

    • 2 months ago

      Developing in the open should set off plenty of alarms
      If you're a developer you need to be confident in your own vision or it will just be aimless slop

      • 2 months ago

        I would agree if he was developing a normal game but MMOs are an entirely different beast that rely on attracting a larger audience. It has to be slop designed for mass appeal otherwise it's not financially sustainable.

        • 2 months ago

          Nah it's just like gacha. You just need a few whales or a sizable amount of dolphins and you can keep a game rolling for years.

          • 2 months ago

            An MMO with 200 people is being though

            • 2 months ago

              You legit don’t need more than ~200 players to have a functional game

              • 2 months ago

                yeah but it feels empty, is boring. xiv is janky as hell but the social aspect is booming

              • 2 months ago

                this is the most moronic statement I've ever read. Even back in the old days nobody wanted to play on 200 concurrent player servers. You could of course but I don't see why you would want to be that moronic.
                1k is bare minimum for comfortable population

    • 2 months ago

      ghostcrawler always seems to join games when they are at their peak and then they have a massive popularity decline
      really makes u think..

    • 2 months ago

      The number of times 'boomer who once was a basic cog in a previously critically acclaimed MMO Dev team before becoming lead dev for their own passion project' and then actually succeeded to the launch point in the last 30 years is 1 (ONE). I don't like this guy's odds.

      • 2 months ago

        Whomst are thou speaking thereof?

        • 2 months ago

          Scott Hartsmann

      • 2 months ago

        Even worse is Street joined WoW after it was already a big hit.
        Titan was one of the biggest mistakes in the gaming industry, it took all the great devs off of WoW in it's prime and let people like Ghostcrawler handle the reins when he had no idea what the frick he was doing.

    • 2 months ago

      I'm not interested in mmos but I get curious about where old league talent goes. Even though I only have a little familiarity with Ghostcrawler he was more of a selling point to me than the current Riot brand. I got the impression Ghostcrawler hated having Riot breathing down his neck so maybe it's a good thing he's working on a project away from their oversight.

      • 2 months ago

        Excuse me??????
        Ghostcrawler literally ran wow into the fricking ground, his design philosophies gutted and ruined the game for every single player from casuals to hardcore
        It's no wonder league is such a shit game when that's who hired him next

        • 2 months ago

          I'll admit I don't know all that much about him, but I liked league better when he was a design lead so that's pretty much it. But yeah, I probably wasn't going to play the mmo anyway. MMO's take too much time and I don't want to socialize with league players

          • 2 months ago

            He changed wows philosophy from all classes having solid identity with clearly defined strengths and weaknesses to one size fits all garbage and combined that with designing new raids for sweatlords instead of casuals

            This all combined into the knockon effect of players stacking whatever the current highest dps class was and being picky as frick about who to bring instead of just needing warm bodies who brought the right buffs
            This meant casuals were gatekept and not allowed to do any endgame content anymore because they now happened to have picked the wrong class, which means the player population plummeted into the ground, less players doing raids mean less people cared about endgame means less people tried to get into good guilds like a snowball of dogshit

            And for the record I was playing in top guilds on my server so this didn't directly affect me in the short term, but it's the reason why wow went from 13 million players to half that in the space of like a year, the silent majority always quit first and eventually you have nobody new to play with

            • 2 months ago

              >"This meant casuals were gatekept"
              Yet when he was finally in charge for WoW it was the first time in the games history that casuals could start pugging raids successfully and consistently together.

              • 2 months ago

                LFR was a bandaid solution after they realized ghostcrawler irreparably FRICKED the game, and then LFR fricked the game even more because now you didn't even have to talk to people and the bosses were stupidly easy to compensate
                The only raid casuals completed in wrath was naxxramas

              • 2 months ago

                Not even talking about LFR, casuals and normies were pugging icecrown like it was nothing and it was really odd at the time to witness.

              • 2 months ago

                Depends on the server, on one of the servers I played on pugs couldn't even clear normal rotface/festergut with the full ICC 20% buff they were that bad

              • 2 months ago

                Ah for me sometimes pugs got filtered at the vampire b***h, some players are literally braindead tier its insane

              • 2 months ago

                It's my fault for just wanting to get in and get out, I had a heroic LK kill so I ran pugs to farm BoE's for myself since even with the most braindead shitters gunship was a joke even on heroic
                Anyone complained they didn't get an invite simple as kek, everyone else wanted a shot at 272 gunship loot

              • 2 months ago

                Pugging should be only for the first tier, other than that increase the difficulty to force social interaction (guilds)
                This is a general rule that ghostcrawler broke by removing progression and later on LFR.

              • 2 months ago

                That's the thing, pugs were a regular for normal ICC when it first launched.
                It didn't help ICC was a literal joke for 90% of the raid but it was still bizarre to see it if you were playing at the time when the game was relevant, even naxx which was way easier didn't have regular pugs unless people were fully geared.

                ICC pugs were being cleared with heroic dungeon gear

              • 2 months ago

                People being able to skip to the final tier and kill the big bad was a fricking joke, removing progression was Blizzard's worst mistake and the entire industry mindlessly copied this decision.

                People complain about dad gamers now but it was a thing even back in 2008 "i have kids now and pay a sub, i deserve to kill the lich king also!"
                Why the frick are you playing an MMO you dumb c**t would have been the response from Tseric or Tigole in 2004.

              • 2 months ago

                I really liked how MoP encouraged running all the raids for the lege cloak so new players were able to instantly do every single raid in LFR due to queues being instant 24/7
                LFR sucks but it just worked in MoP on a fundamental lvl and tons of pugs did normal also on top of it

              • 2 months ago

                People were pugging in vanilla what do you mean

              • 2 months ago

                You're being disingenuous or you only played private servers.
                People were not pugging old pre nerfed MC when it launched, I know this for a fact.

              • 2 months ago

                >when it launched
                Who's being disingenuous again?

              • 2 months ago

                >being moronic and disingenuous
                troony get ye gone

      • 2 months ago

        Ghostcrawler claimed the game wasnt going to be a WoW clone yet the statement in the OP's image states otherwise.

    • 2 months ago

      unironically who????

    • 2 months ago

      holy BASED
      ghostcrawler I made fun of you in LK but now i KNEEL

    • 2 months ago

      This guy is incapable of being succinct, every time he tweets it's always this huge ramble

    • 2 months ago

      This homosexual destroyed league and now he's going to destroy his own mmo

  5. 2 months ago

    this is exactly what i wanted to hear unironically. the biggest fear was that riot's mmo would be another mmo in the vein of wow. the ideal is that riot's mmo is the next great genre evolution for mmos the way wow was in 2004. the way that wow catapulted mmos to extreme relevancy needs to be what riot's mmo does for the genre once again.

    it seems like they were creating a wow-like pre reboot of development. it was the right call to reboot because ANOTHER wowlike would not capture people outside of the pre-existing mmo community. they want to capture people not already captured. valorant did this by focusing more on characters and abilities, it brought in a younger and more diverse than csgo typically has. they've always staked their claim on finding the yet-unsatisfied potential market of a genre and appealing to that market.

    league was simply dota but without all the headache required to get on the server in wc3 with easier, less obtuse gameplay. of course that's a huge potentially untapped market. they recognized that dota is one of the best games ever made and it simply needed to be easier to access and it paid dividends, founded the company.

    i don't like their games. i don't play them. but i respect their business sense and this is the right move. even project l which i expect to fail is at least innovating in allowing a duo to play as one team in a fighting game. never done before.

    • 2 months ago

      >even project l which i expect to fail
      Why do you think so? They are, in a way, taking the headache for casuals out of the equation (motion inputs).

      • 2 months ago

        >younger and more diverse audience****
        i forgot my noun

        many recent fighters have no motion input options but they are not exploding in popularity. something about the solitary 1v1 nature of the genre in which emotions run high confines it to a specific type of player. adding in a duo team element can help to mitigate this maybe, but i just don't see it lasting in the long term like league or valorant as multiplayer phenomenons.

        i would say it took the key successful elements of overwatch (character design and personality matters, abilities that can allow low skilled players to have an impact and feel cool are good ideas) and added those to csgo. csgo lacks these kind of abilities or any kind of recognizable character personality. it also has this hardcore realism approach that is less popular with young people than cartoon fantasy which valorant leaned into well. valorant also ostensibly fixed the cheater problem which valve only started addressing seriously with cs2 afaik.

        i say this as an enjoyer of high level 14 that, should a wow-like mmo reveal itself today and demonstrate that its gameplay is a carbon copy of wow/14, it would go nowhere. nobody would be excited for it. if not dead on release it would be shortly after. i am certain of this. the sunk cost fallacy is strong with existing mmos and you need to provide something qualitatively different and interesting to get people to switch.
        the goal naturally is get all existing mmo people to switch and find the new community too. like they did with valorant. cs2 is simply a necessary response to valorant's extreme dominance/stealing of csgo's potential playerbase.

        The thing that'll make project L/2XKO work isn't motion inputs, although those help get a lot more people into the game in the first place. They've been always more of a perceived barrier to entry than anything that really stops people playing the games once they try to.
        the thing that'll make it work is
        >F2P (actually, not like GBVS where it's just a demo)
        >actual SBMM, not the halfassed rank systems that other fighting games have
        >good netcode (tekken is still fricking rollback, and SF6 had region locked matchmaking)
        >good performance
        >balance patches more than twice a year
        I don't think it'll reach valorant levels of success (certainly not league) but I'm pretty confident it'll beat out normal fighting games pretty handily just by being competently made. Being able to just launch the game and jump into a match is important.
        Bonus points if they actually have chat and social features in the game so you don't feel like you might as well be fighting differently programmed bots whenever you jump into ranked.
        I definitely don't buy the idea that 1v1 is that big of an issue, card games like MTGA do well, as do racing games (not 1v1 but you're alone) and all the yearly sports games. Even RTS games do far better than fighting games do in terms of player counts

    • 2 months ago

      >they've always staked their claim on finding the yet-unsatisfied potential market of a genre and appealing to that market.
      based, this is what the genre has desperately needed for like 15 years now. i'm extremely glad to see riot ditching the wowgays in a ditch because i know for a fact mmos would be immensely popular if someone actually bothered to make one that wasnt giga autistic to get started in and play.

      • 2 months ago

        >i know for a fact mmos would be immensely popular if someone actually bothered to make one that wasnt giga autistic to get started in and play.
        That already happened, it was called World of Warcraft

        • 2 months ago

          >That already happened, it was called World of Warcraft
          That only lasted until the end of vanilla. the game lost it`s way after that

          But WoW isn't giga autistic and made for the masses. There's a reason why it was the number one MMO population for many years.

          >But WoW isn't giga autistic and made for the masses. There's a reason why it was the number one MMO population for many years.
          Wtf are you talking about anon? Retail is a grind shitshow that insist on appealling to people that like hardcore raiding/arena/M+ and this has been the case for years. You can't call a MMO that needs you to download multiple addons , which blow horn sounds in your ear, as something easy to get into.

      • 2 months ago

        But WoW isn't giga autistic and made for the masses. There's a reason why it was the number one MMO population for many years.

    • 2 months ago

      valorant is an overwatch derivative though

    • 2 months ago

      >younger and more diverse audience****
      i forgot my noun

      >even project l which i expect to fail
      Why do you think so? They are, in a way, taking the headache for casuals out of the equation (motion inputs).

      many recent fighters have no motion input options but they are not exploding in popularity. something about the solitary 1v1 nature of the genre in which emotions run high confines it to a specific type of player. adding in a duo team element can help to mitigate this maybe, but i just don't see it lasting in the long term like league or valorant as multiplayer phenomenons.

      valorant is an overwatch derivative though

      i would say it took the key successful elements of overwatch (character design and personality matters, abilities that can allow low skilled players to have an impact and feel cool are good ideas) and added those to csgo. csgo lacks these kind of abilities or any kind of recognizable character personality. it also has this hardcore realism approach that is less popular with young people than cartoon fantasy which valorant leaned into well. valorant also ostensibly fixed the cheater problem which valve only started addressing seriously with cs2 afaik.

      >they've always staked their claim on finding the yet-unsatisfied potential market of a genre and appealing to that market.
      based, this is what the genre has desperately needed for like 15 years now. i'm extremely glad to see riot ditching the wowgays in a ditch because i know for a fact mmos would be immensely popular if someone actually bothered to make one that wasnt giga autistic to get started in and play.

      i say this as an enjoyer of high level 14 that, should a wow-like mmo reveal itself today and demonstrate that its gameplay is a carbon copy of wow/14, it would go nowhere. nobody would be excited for it. if not dead on release it would be shortly after. i am certain of this. the sunk cost fallacy is strong with existing mmos and you need to provide something qualitatively different and interesting to get people to switch.
      the goal naturally is get all existing mmo people to switch and find the new community too. like they did with valorant. cs2 is simply a necessary response to valorant's extreme dominance/stealing of csgo's potential playerbase.

    • 2 months ago

      >the way that wow catapulted mmos to extreme relevancy needs to be what riot's mmo does for the genre once again.
      But WoW's popularity killed the genre.

      • 2 months ago

        only after many years. and only because nothing new came along to supplant it. which is what i always thought riot's mmo would be. it sounds like they were initially planning to wow-clone and have rebooted to prevent that.

        • 2 months ago

          Why would you think Riots MMO would be anything but a hyper casualized Orwellian shithole?

        • 2 months ago

          I remember Ghostcrawler saying it wasnt going to be a WoW clone, what a fricking clown.

    • 2 months ago

      It's fricking insane that they hadn't realized no one wants another WoW from the start.

      • 2 months ago

        >It's fricking insane that they hadn't realized no one wants another WoW from the start.
        some people do but those people already play WoW (or FF14) and aren't an audience worth actively pursuing.

    • 2 months ago

      >in allowing a duo to play as one team in a fighting game. never done before
      Smash, Tekken Tag 2, and DBFZ are all games that let you do this, though.
      The real appeal of 2XKO is that I'll get to introduce League of Legends players to the wonderful world of "getting perfected by a grappler week 1".

    • 2 months ago

      >innovating in allowing a duo to play as one team in a fighting game. never done before

      It was done before, Street Fighter X Tekken did it, just to name one game that did it before.

    • 2 months ago

      the "next big thing" in MMOs already happened, it's people gooning and cooming with their avatars in FFXIV. That's the final evolution of MMOs, people realised MMOs suck suck for gameplay and their only purpose is as niche porn bait.
      >the social element that made the name of MMOs is largely taken up by other genres/mediums
      >the pvp was always bad but it was some of the earliest online pvp, which has long been usurped
      >pve is braindead, many other genres simply have better pve gameplay than any MMO
      >the dream of having your own house/guildhall etc is done much better in animal crossing type games
      MMOs just have no purpose anymore. That's why the current games suck, it's not just that every studio is simultaneously incompetent, it's that MMOs are just outpaced. The lead ones like WoW/XIV have even moved toward attempting to be a lobby type game which is why both constantly lose players/relevance. It's over, video games aren't in the state they were in 2000-2005, MMOs are done.

      • 2 months ago

        >which is why both constantly lose players/relevance
        this only applies to wow

    • 2 months ago

      >the way that wow catapulted mmos to extreme relevancy
      lmfao, all it did was create poop sockers

  6. 2 months ago

    Go woke, go broke.

  7. 2 months ago

    >We don't believe you all want an MMO that you've played before with a Runeterra coat of paint; [....]
    >we need to do something that truly feels like a significant evolution of the genre
    I would love some innovation in the genre but every fricking modern "MMO" that says they're the next evolution of the genre ends up not even having a persistent world.

    • 2 months ago

      Nah, every modern MMO claims to be a "wow killer", which basically means it is "exactly like wow but better".
      They don't claim to evolve the genre, they just claim to copy it's biggest title and try to make it better

      • 2 months ago

        I'm not talking about actual MMOs, I'm referring to instanced co-op slop like Destiny that people keep calling the next evolution of the genre when the appeal isn't even close

      • 2 months ago

        No one's used wow killer in over a decade bro

        • 2 months ago

          that's because WoW killed itself a decade ago

    • 2 months ago

      I just want a decent action MMO that won't fricking die in a couple years because this genre is held up entirely by casuals.

      • 2 months ago

        >action MMO
        You know that won't meld, ever.
        Tera was the last push for gameplay evolution, Bdo is a rumbling corpse

  8. 2 months ago

    Even before this, anyone expecting a launch before 2030 was delusional. Riot take forever to make their games. Their card game took 9 years. Their fighting game started dev in March 2016 and won't release till next year so 9 years. Their ARPG has been in dev for like 7/8 years and no sign of that.

    Probably a 2033 thing unironically now.

    • 2 months ago

      TFT went from concept to out in like 5 months. The card game failed cause TFT is the same ideas but better, all the card game players play auto chess style shit

      • 2 months ago

        >all the card game players play auto chess style shit
        No they don't. The card game failed because it had consistently shit metas back to back to back. Literally every single one was just the best deck and then a couple mediocre piles designed specifically to counter it.

      • 2 months ago

        Tft reused like 95% of existing league assets

      • 2 months ago

        I really can't say why Legends of Runeterra failed, but I do think it's a shame that it did. It was unironically one of the better card games on the market, with an extremely generous F2P model and a good sense of design, both artistically and mechanically. I will say that while the game mechanically was good, they often fell into the same trap of making a new mechanic, and then basically making 1 archtype that deck could fit into and forcing it hard (Deep, Azir/Irelia, etc.). It was very much in-line with LoL's design philosophy: Make a hero that can only do X, and if the community ever steps out of line with it, nerf the shit out of it.
        I would probably agree that autobattlers stole the majority of its playerbase. They were already tapping into a tough market, as CCGs have an extreme sunken-cost mentality to them and HS/MtG already dominated the majority of the scene, and the surprise success of TFT I think stole their thunder. I also think that they ran into an issue where people don't want to play a new game in the LoL universe; they just want to play LoL.

        • 2 months ago

          Bullshit. LoR died because devs were incompetent morons who just don't know how to make a fun and balanced card game. It went from having fun aggro, midrange and control decks to only midrange. Only MTG, YGO and HS wanna-be streamer rejects played it. After tournaments died because nobody cared everyone moved away from it. Last time I checked it literally had 1 streamer with 1 viewer live. Everyone wants to say it died because it was "too f2p friendly" (only actual morons think this is the reason) and because it wasn't advertised, which is stupid considering the fact 50 million people played it on Android alone. Imagine what kind of a game that at one point had draft, ranked, casual and later had a slay the spire clone couldn't retain 50 million fricking players.

      • 2 months ago

        TFT is literally making so much money they keep hiring people to work on it
        they even started releasing updates faster
        it's honestly insane what people actually enjoy

      • 2 months ago

        >all the card game players play auto chess style shit
        No they don't. The card game failed because it had consistently shit metas back to back to back. Literally every single one was just the best deck and then a couple mediocre piles designed specifically to counter it.

        I really can't say why Legends of Runeterra failed, but I do think it's a shame that it did. It was unironically one of the better card games on the market, with an extremely generous F2P model and a good sense of design, both artistically and mechanically. I will say that while the game mechanically was good, they often fell into the same trap of making a new mechanic, and then basically making 1 archtype that deck could fit into and forcing it hard (Deep, Azir/Irelia, etc.). It was very much in-line with LoL's design philosophy: Make a hero that can only do X, and if the community ever steps out of line with it, nerf the shit out of it.
        I would probably agree that autobattlers stole the majority of its playerbase. They were already tapping into a tough market, as CCGs have an extreme sunken-cost mentality to them and HS/MtG already dominated the majority of the scene, and the surprise success of TFT I think stole their thunder. I also think that they ran into an issue where people don't want to play a new game in the LoL universe; they just want to play LoL.

        Bullshit. LoR died because devs were incompetent morons who just don't know how to make a fun and balanced card game. It went from having fun aggro, midrange and control decks to only midrange. Only MTG, YGO and HS wanna-be streamer rejects played it. After tournaments died because nobody cared everyone moved away from it. Last time I checked it literally had 1 streamer with 1 viewer live. Everyone wants to say it died because it was "too f2p friendly" (only actual morons think this is the reason) and because it wasn't advertised, which is stupid considering the fact 50 million people played it on Android alone. Imagine what kind of a game that at one point had draft, ranked, casual and later had a slay the spire clone couldn't retain 50 million fricking players.

        LoR died because of 4 reasons:
        >1. The cards started out like Magic/Yugioh's first set's cards, except without all the broken shit they had and never really evolved beyond that
        >The highlight of a LoR game was summoning a 5/5 with trample kek

        >2.Every deck was aggro, with a few exceptions every playable deck was just vomiting your hand onto the board and smashing your creatures into each other, there was nothing else for you to do, no mill, no combo wincons, no grind/value engines, just summon more creatures and buff their stats

        >3. The metas, i can spend like half an hour talking about how dogshit the average meta was, the worst offender and what really killed the game as in caused the most player drop-off was that for a year you HAD to play Bandle City because they did everything the other regions did but better
        >Imagine every deck being mono-red aggro and you described LoR

        >4. you couldn't buy cards, so if you ever decided to come back to the game enjoy grinding for a week before being able to use the new cards you actually want to play with

    • 2 months ago

      >tfw i grew up in the time where passionate studios pumped great games out every 2 years
      >now its expected to take 10+ years between games for studios

      • 2 months ago

        gamers want to make sure our precious developers don't crunch, so they should take their time

        • 2 months ago

          Crunch sucks but it's gone too far in the other direction
          Companies are too big now so people rightly see it as just another job instead of something they do because they love it, like this would go away overnight if the industry went back to exclusively autistic white and asian men in their 20's

      • 2 months ago

        seems like most companies want to put out a game and then milk it indefinitely instead of just putting their game out and starting work on the next one

  9. 2 months ago

    It's over, we are forever stuck with WoW and FF14.

    • 2 months ago

      >we are forever stuck with WoW and FF14.

    • 2 months ago

      >we are forever stuck with WoW and FF14.


      • 2 months ago

        >beat up the bigot

      • 2 months ago

        Literally the game that made me never get hyped for another game ever again. GW1 was perfect for me and GW2 was a massive let down in comparison.

        • 2 months ago

          Did you mean to post gw1?

          GW1 isn't even an MMO morons

          • 2 months ago

            Muh open world

      • 2 months ago

        Did you mean to post gw1?

      • 2 months ago

        The only thing gw2 had going for it was the incredible concept art because they had 2 of the best guys in the entire industry on staff and in their prime

        • 2 months ago

          No monthly fee was nice for a high quality MMO in enticing me to quit WoW for it, but I didn't stay long

      • 2 months ago

        whoever played gw2 after gw1 is mentally disabled troon

      • 2 months ago

        Apparently there is a new expansion for Guild Wars 2 and I have NEVER even heard of it or seen its name or anything. That's how dead Guild Wars 2 is.

        • 2 months ago

          thats because gw2 has been in maintenance mode for 10 years and nobody is really even sure who the frick is still working on that game

          • 2 months ago

            >Game has been going for 10 years
            >Lasts 3 times longer than GW1
            Oof, that has to hurt those discord gays.

            • 2 months ago

              >Lasts 3 times longer than GW1
              except gw1 is 19 years old this april and still gets updates, maybe you're just seething because the literal creators of have more efficient patching than 99% of current mmos on the market, the absolute state lmfao

    • 2 months ago

      I keep playing NGS and having a blast each day.

  10. 2 months ago

    mmorpg market is dead as frick. the diehard tryhards all have "their" game(wow, ff, etc) and they aint moving on for whatever psychological reasons.

    AND mmorpgs are no longer seen as anywhere near as the best cashcow investment. other "online service game" models like gacha, battle royale battle pass games, etc require less effort AND can bring in more money than MMORPGs.

    expect more genshin impact, fortnite, minecraft, gta, type online games that may be pseudo-mmo but dont expect anyone big mmorpgs to be a thing ever again. that formula of subscription based mmorpgs is dead. even blizzard cancelled/cannabalized their next mmorpg down to overwatch. they know.

  11. 2 months ago

    They should merge with Tarisland
    Riot devs are bad and just have one trick

  12. 2 months ago

    >We don't believe you all want an MMO that you've played before with a Runeterra coat of paint; [....]

    I want that

    >we need to do something that truly feels like a significant evolution of the genre

    Prepare to wait ~6 years for flop or news that game has been scrapped

    • 2 months ago

      >Prepare to wait ~6 years for flop or news that game has been scrapped
      a riot mmo would never flop on launch, i think its more likely they just scrap the project as just more punishment for mmo enjoyers

    • 2 months ago

      Yeah no clue why they aren't fine with their game being a copy of others with a League skin. That is what everyone wants. Only TFT has really innovated on any of the genres that Riot have made games for.

      • 2 months ago

        who is 'everyone'? their goal is to get everyone who isn't bought into mmos already. do you think the average fortnite player would play something like ff14 in a riot coat of paint? they wouldn't.

        • 2 months ago

          Why would their audience be fortnite players and not fans of their already existing franchise and also MMO players?

          • 2 months ago

            because those are givens. valorant's assumed fanbase was 'people who already like riot games and also people into tactical cs like shooters'. but the game's overall appeal stretched much further than that, it was able to capture people who had never touched csgo or a riot game in their life. how does that happen? by appealing beyond the confines you listed.

          • 2 months ago

            Because Riot copied shit but sold it to new people, nobody swapped from dota in 2010 or csgo in 2020 to lol or valorant. They sold it to millenials and zoomers that never played a moba or a fps like CSGO before.
            With WoW is the same shit but different, nobody will drop WoW for whatever Riot does so they have to sell it to zoomers, problem is zoomers it's been proven zoomers don't like MMO like WoW.

  13. 2 months ago

    >reset the entire mmo 4-5 years into it
    haha, that means the launch will be in 5-6 years from now, so in 2030 if the higher up don't scrap it because it wasted so much mney

  14. 2 months ago

    Good. Down with the CCP

  15. 2 months ago

    How much longer before people start admitting that NOBODY gives a shit about “world” of Riot games? Any lore in LoL was always a flimsy excuse to justify putting in a kitchen sink of fantasy and sci-fi tropes in one package so they wouldn’t be restricted by setting genre whenever they needed a new hero to steal from someone’s Deviantart page. No, not even Arcane was interesting, and its fans only care about the character designs and the lesbians.

    • 2 months ago

      Arcane holds itself on plot more than anything else, but you're right. They've rebooted, reworked and retconned so much of the lore that nobody can care about it anymore without wearing clown makeup.

      Also the MMO decision to me seems like some kind of weird twitch rather than something they've seriously planned. MMORPGs aren't doing that well, the free to play business model is a huge issue for them outside of Korea and if you're Riot you don't want to be just successful in Korea. So are they fighting for ~8 million addicts circling between WoW and FFXIV? At that point it's better to just make AAA ubislop clone.

    • 2 months ago

      >LoL was always a flimsy excuse to justify putting in a kitchen sink of fantasy and sci-fi tropes in one package
      There's nothing wrong with this.

  16. 2 months ago

    Between Dragons Dogma 2 being fricking shit in every possible aspect and this you are going to make me fricking kill myself today

  17. 2 months ago

    Riot is blizzard 2.0, just you wait.

  18. 2 months ago

    this is a money sink pit. not worth doing at all.

  19. 2 months ago

    >resetting the development
    Actually and unironically dead. No way in hell this will ever release.
    And the reason why is retared too.
    >oh no you don't want [proven formular] with league bawds, you want SOMETHING ELSE WE MAKE UP!
    I jsutw ant to erp as yordle and heal slu frick you riot

    • 2 months ago


      If you knew more about the industry that my 10 year old nephew you would know that returning to preprod and resetting projects is incredibly common, as always been
      Never forget that only around 50% of the game that get past pre-production actually get released
      Marketing on the Riot MMO hasn't even started, so you can bet it was probably still in early alpha

    • 2 months ago

      im a footgay but those soles look fricking terrible wtf

      • 2 months ago

        Fake footgay, her soles look like a sexy pussy that I want to lick and frick endlessly

        • 2 months ago

          her soles looks deformed, like some AI shit did this, normal soles doesn't even look like this

          • 2 months ago


      • 2 months ago

        Still getting my dick sucked by feet, don't care how wrinkled

      • 2 months ago

        It's feet dude why do you even care about that?

        • 2 months ago

          cause when I look at it it looks like its fricking deformed, like she has some sort on illness, soles don't look like that man

          • 2 months ago

            Uhuh. You seem like someone that has studied feet a lot.

            • 2 months ago


              • 2 months ago

                Foot Freak

              • 2 months ago

                yes that's me

        • 2 months ago

          i dont play league but i would nut inside whoever that is until her stomach bulged

    • 2 months ago

      im a footgay but those soles look fricking terrible wtf

      the shape is erotic but the texture reminds me of play-doh.

  20. 2 months ago

    If you knew more about the industry that my 10 year old nephew you would know that returning to preprod and resetting projects is incredibly common, as always been
    Never forget that only around 50% of the game that get past pre-production actually get released
    Marketing on the Riot MMO hasn't even started, so you can bet it was probably still in early alpha

  21. 2 months ago

    all i wanted from their mmo is being able to able a yordle to larp as veigar
    it is kinda based trying to do something innovative but for fricks sake youve been developing this shit for multiple years already

  22. 2 months ago

    What does the evolution of the MMO even look like I wonder? You could update the combat system but is it still going to be a game where you join instance dungeons to kill the same bosses over and over so you can go into bigger dungeons with more people? Is it gonna be a life-sim grindathon like Runescape? We know the sandbox pvp mmos always end up dead within a few months so doing that again will be pointless.

    I think MMOs really just don't have a place anymore. They were great when the internet was new and seeing people online in the same world as you was novel but nowadays the genre itself seems to hold back games more than it helps.

    • 2 months ago

      action combat.

    • 2 months ago

      I want mmos to take note of every other popular game out there instead of chasing their dick around doing the same garbage time waster mechanics that make it so no new people play the genre. When I play any other game I'm in the action seconds after launching, when I play an MMO I have to do 300 hours of absolute dogshit in order to maybe have fun with friends. Riot seems to be aware of this with their entire design philosophy though so I'm pretty sure they wont frick that part up at least.

      • 2 months ago

        Would being massively multiplayer help a lot of the popular releases of today though is what i'm wondering and it's why I think mmos are going to stay mostly dead. Helldivers 2 is really popular right now and it's probably the closest thing I could thing of when it comes to being mmo like, with a large player base working towards a singular goal. I can't help but feel other trappings of an mmo like a persistent world would probably ruin the game and its flow a lot though.

        Maybe lobby based games with larger objectives that involve the entire player base is where the genre could go. But that doesn't really feel like an mmo to me.

        • 2 months ago

          IMO it's not an MMO unless a player can work against that aligned interest. What's an MMO if you don't have any will as a player? Don't fricking insult the genre by comparing it to HD2

          • 2 months ago

            Could you elaborate on that? I feel like I kinda get what you mean, WoW sort of had this with the faction wars and ganking and things like that. You could frick with others in PVP but we know that most people bail on those types of games now. I do wonder though if there could be a gameplay system that has the same sort of spirit but is more indirect?

            • 2 months ago

              I don't know what would work. Its the kind of problem you have to actually WANT to solve instead of have disdain for. Senibilities are way different now though.

              I often think about this one korean MMO I played. In it, you could set yourself as "red" and kill another player. Doing so gave you no benefit, and doing so came with a whole host of setbacks. Furthermore players killed by you didnt suffer XP loses like with normal deaths. But you had that option. So it felt meaningful.

              I think devs and players have set up this wall of beliefs about PVP. I had a relative who worked at Origin, and he told me "Asian players love killing each other and dancing on their corpses, but Western gamers are too emotional for that". Those beliefs, that we need to protect players from the dangers of player violence, is a kiss of death to a game world IMO. It neuters an important part of the imagination of a world, and helped steer MMOs away from their destiny and more into these bland checklist chore games.

              I think the flaw is allowing player killing to get too organized. I think thats why PVP focused MMOs arent interesting, (although part of that is playerbase they attract). I think PKing should be something hard to do, should have harsh consequences and should have guardrails in place to prevent PKers from getting too powerful and organized, but it should still be there. If someone wants to spend their time ingame being a murderer stalking the streets at night, then I kind of think that player is adding something immergent to the game, theyre making the world more interesting. Shouldnt that be appreciated in a way? Theyre apart of the world. The question is how to balance the consequences of when that player gets caught, what they suffer.

              • 2 months ago

                Your post pretty much describes things like UO and Archeage. MMOs should not be 100% themepark, and not be 100% sandbox either, but it should be something in between that borrows elements from both.

                Archeage is probably one of the most entertaining MMOs in modern times, in regards to what kind of shenanigans you could do. Third party pirate faction, stealing packs, stealing crops/trees, going to court, getting sent to jail, and so on. It's just a shame that the game was ruined by the monetization.

              • 2 months ago

                >Archeage is probably one of the most entertaining MMOs in modern times
                not that anon but i also loved archeage, but it was only in that amazing state for about 2 when it was in beta and launch, and that was 10 years ago now if you want to call that modern

              • 2 months ago

                >and that was 10 years ago now if you want to call that modern
                Fricking hell. It feels more like it was 5 years ago.

              • 2 months ago

                In reality every single PvP encounter is either:
                "Okay, so I have the quest, now I just need to.."
                >gayDESTROYER87 Jumps out from behind the bushes
                >He's level 6 000 000
                >I'm level 5
                >autos me once
                >open google
                "How do I deal with gankers?"
                "It's part of the game, lol. Just pray some other guy gets him"
                >never play again

                "Ah, finally off work. Time to get some nice gear"
                >gayDESTROYER87 sneaks up from behind a tree
                >... and his 4 buddies

              • 2 months ago

                Name one game that allows you to be ganked in a lvl5 zone

              • 2 months ago

                New World's alpha had that and the game was unplayable. They had to remove open world PVP because the telemetry data they got showed that griefers were huge cowards that exclusively griefed casuals and ran like b***hes from real PVP players.

              • 2 months ago

                that's a load of bullshit

              • 2 months ago

                >One of the problems we observed with this system was that high level players were killing low level players, A LOT. Sometimes exclusively. This often led to solo or group griefing scenarios that created a toxic environment for many players. To be clear, this behavior was not shown by all PvP players, but enough to cause significant issues.
                New World dev team

              • 2 months ago

                Rogue player moment

              • 2 months ago

                did they expect that not to happen? what in the frick

              • 2 months ago

                Kind of funny when EQ1 and 2 solved this on their pvp rule set servers by only allowing FFA engagement between players within a small amount of levels of each other

              • 2 months ago

                one MMO i played would give you a red name if you did this and then players would hunt ur ass so they could have a blue name

              • 2 months ago

                one MMO i played would give you a red name if you did this and then players would hunt ur ass so they could have a blue name

                I remember when Tera just said frick it and the community moderated itself. There were like 2 zones at the start of the game that high level griefers camped and it was like a stealth mission to get past, and then you were mostly untouched for the rest of the game with the occasional person of a similar level jumping you. And when the griefers showed up, people who just wanted to fight showed up, so it was a warzone the newbies had to find an opportunity to skirt through. It was like a right of passage
                Frick modern carebear homosexuals. They were annoying back then but no one took them seriously. Now you're not even allowed to have OWPvP in a game because some paperskinned gay can't handle being set back for five minutes and treating the world as more than just a bunch of waypoints to mindlessly walk at, kill, and then move on as their number goes up. OWPvP might as well be a community-generated world event. Learn to play around it

              • 2 months ago

                >remember when ~~*dead game*~~ mechanic died because ~~*i'm too much of a little b***h to pvp with pvp players*~~

              • 2 months ago

                >things that weren't said
                I was one of the people who made griefers sit on the cuck bridge so that the new players can run off scotfree
                The game died after years of being literally top 3 playerbase MMOs because the devs were moronic and decided it'd be a good idea to release four straight female-genderlocked, including 2 classes just for the e-girl race, classes because Korea determined they made the most money

                Just say you're a homosexual carebear Black person

              • 2 months ago

                >They had to remove open world PVP because the telemetry data they got showed that griefers were huge cowards that exclusively griefed casuals and ran like b***hes from real PVP players.

                Yeah this is just people in general. It's the same in survival games. People will fight you 5v1 in Rust/V Rising etc but leg it 1v1.

              • 2 months ago

                That's the neat thing, you can't, because they are all dead because the griefers drove off the casual players and the game slowly strangled itself to death.
                Mortal Online is a good example.
                so is DarkFall.

              • 2 months ago

                >Mortal Online is a good example.
                no it's not...

              • 2 months ago

                Issue is ganking is a 1 way fun transaction. Killing someone and taking their shit is the best feeling and getting killed and having your shit taken is the worst and because most people are risk averse they just don't play it which leaves only other gankers who will do degnerate shit to avoid combat.

            • 2 months ago

              WoW's faction rivalry did a lot to build an identity for the game. That identity is basically dead now. Cucked. But any player I ask about their memorable moments in the game, and its almost always some PVP story.

              One of my most memorable moments in gaming was getting invaded for the first time in Darksouls. Its not that something amazing happened, just the controller shaking and bigass text saying a dark spirit had invaded gave me this hit of adrenaline, a feeling of dread and made the world feel way more dynamic then. If people would rather whine than appreciate that then they dont know whats good for themselves.

              • 2 months ago

                Dark Souls 1 invasions were peak gaming.

        • 2 months ago

          i think big fotm multipler releases like lethal company, palworld, helldivers, among us, etc.keep launching and then dying off because people are really looking for that big multiplayer connection with eachother but they're only fotm because the games naturally run their course, if the right MMO that catches on like that could potentially sustain the hype like WoW did back in the day so I do still think there's room for MMO's in todays world

    • 2 months ago

      In one word, "sex".

      Sex and danger make a world more interesting. I'm not going to make a long post about why sex is one of the elements needed to make a world compelling enough to get people to keep coming back, but can you imagine what Second Life would be like if sexual content was impossible in it? Second Life wouldn't exist right now. And we need to start thinking about MMOs being more in common with SL than with regular RPGs. Part of that is just letting your players make the sexy characters they want to. Unironically, they should remove as much friction as possible for the possibility of players forming intimate relationships INSIDE their game.

      Instead, we keep making the same neutered world and the possibilities of players encountering two of the things that are core to them (survival and sex) are being pushed out because of bunk ideas about making online games "safe". Unconcentual World PVP is almost extinct. It barely even exists in the Souls series anymore, despite the utter fascination gamers have with the invasion mechanics. Something like that alone is good, you don't need to make a misguided MMO that wants to be EVE be devolves to being all about major guilds dominating. Humans want to feel in risk and intimacy and MMOs don't supply either of those.

      • 2 months ago

        I was going to make fun of you, but given the popularity of FF14 clubs and the extremely social modding community I think you're actually correct. People have From or Ninja for le epic hard boss fights, but for impromptu social interaction there's still nothing that beats MMOs in terms of engine and population. Game devs just need to rethink how those games should look like.

        • 2 months ago

          In one word, "sex".

          Sex and danger make a world more interesting. I'm not going to make a long post about why sex is one of the elements needed to make a world compelling enough to get people to keep coming back, but can you imagine what Second Life would be like if sexual content was impossible in it? Second Life wouldn't exist right now. And we need to start thinking about MMOs being more in common with SL than with regular RPGs. Part of that is just letting your players make the sexy characters they want to. Unironically, they should remove as much friction as possible for the possibility of players forming intimate relationships INSIDE their game.

          Instead, we keep making the same neutered world and the possibilities of players encountering two of the things that are core to them (survival and sex) are being pushed out because of bunk ideas about making online games "safe". Unconcentual World PVP is almost extinct. It barely even exists in the Souls series anymore, despite the utter fascination gamers have with the invasion mechanics. Something like that alone is good, you don't need to make a misguided MMO that wants to be EVE be devolves to being all about major guilds dominating. Humans want to feel in risk and intimacy and MMOs don't supply either of those.

          This really. Look at shit like Stardew Valley and to a lesser extent The Sims or how much people like the handholding emote in Blue Protocol.
          The future of MMOs is not just in improving the combat but evolving the social features on all levels. Housing that matters, deep friendship systems, fricking weddings and maybe NPC children that can fight with you.
          Building dungeons for other groups to raid. MMOs need a player focused design with a world that works to accommodate the third era of chatrooms

    • 2 months ago

      MMO mechanics in other genres. Destiny but good

    • 2 months ago

      I always though player created PvE was a good solution for MMOs. Let guilds make their own dungeons and raids with real consequences for winning or failing.

      • 2 months ago

        City of Heroes did that I think

        They made a City of Villains and let villains build lairs, bases and the like, and it was kind of like dungeon keeper I think.

      • 2 months ago

        based, this
        Meet your Maker is a great concept and i think more games should have that, not as the whole game, but as a mode. Also i hate desertpunk aesthetics, so sorry to the MYM guys.

    • 2 months ago

      >What does the evolution of the MMO even look like I wonder?
      league of legends is a game where you are always cooperating with other people. there's no single player. at the very least riot mmo should not be single player with the occasional story dungeon, until level cap where you stand in town alone while waiting to queue up. that's ff and wow and it sucks. you should be playing with others 100% of the time, as league players are used to.
      in league of legends (summoner spells/champion pool aside) you are playing the whole game from the start. the game you're playing 5 hours in is the same as the game you're playing 2000 hours in. riot mmo should be the same, with everything being the game. they should not waste dev time on a bunch of areas which only exist to take you from level 10-15 before you move on to the next disposable area that takes you from 15-20.
      stuff like that

    • 2 months ago

      >What does the evolution of the MMO even look like I wonder?
      league of legends is a game where you are always cooperating with other people. there's no single player. at the very least riot mmo should not be single player with the occasional story dungeon, until level cap where you stand in town alone while waiting to queue up. that's ff and wow and it sucks. you should be playing with others 100% of the time, as league players are used to.
      in league of legends (summoner spells/champion pool aside) you are playing the whole game from the start. the game you're playing 5 hours in is the same as the game you're playing 2000 hours in. riot mmo should be the same, with everything being the game. they should not waste dev time on a bunch of areas which only exist to take you from level 10-15 before you move on to the next disposable area that takes you from 15-20.
      stuff like that

      In my opinion, the next stage of MMOs that hasn't been done, is creating a game that's automatically ever-evolving. Public quests and world events that can happen anywhere, at any time, and pulls from a pool of like 1000 different scenarios with 1000 different mobs/bosses. All bosses in the game should get their abilities from a pool of 1000 different abilities, so you never know what you will be facing and what they will do. Dungeons should pull from 1000 different layouts, 1000 different bosses, etc. etc.

      In addition to that, environments should also change permanently, whether it's because of something the mobs/bosses/events do depending on quest fail/success state. Quests should also be factored into all of this and basically be constantly changing and evolving depending on how the environments changed. Basically the whole idea of the entire game is to always keep everything fresh and unknown. You should no longer be able to min/max and look up guides. You should no longer have to always wait for the devs to make new content.

      • 2 months ago

        Sounds like you want Qubeworld. LOL. Also, randomly generated dungeons and bosses would suck ass

      • 2 months ago

        this just doesn't sound feasible. it's an unbelievable amount of work you're describing assuming high production value

        • 2 months ago

          > it's an unbelievable amount of work you're describing assuming high production value
          I think once AI is able to generate comprehensive code from just a few proper prompts, it will speed up development of things like this a frickton.

      • 2 months ago

        haha, that's not feasible and possible right now moron, Todd game failed because the modern tech is not there yet, so you want something 10 times bigger than that? that will be possible in 10-15 years with the help of AI

        • 2 months ago

          >haha, that's not feasible and possible right now moron
          Where did I ever say that it was possible right now?

      • 2 months ago

        Sorry but this sounds fricking awful and is why every sandbox mmo dies in like a month, I definitely would not even consider playing this and I had 25k hours in WoW, just go play path of exile or something

      • 2 months ago

        >just make it a roguelike, that will stop meta
        You know all roguelikes have metas right?

    • 2 months ago

      What we need are games that manage to capitalize on the “massively multiplayer” part.

      MMORPGs have an issue where new content is added and then players end up spreading out across the different content zones, thus killing the feeling of being in a massively populated game. They also have an issue with vertical progression which leaves new players feeling like they can’t hop in because they’ll be 1000 hours of grind behind everyone else.

      Anything that addresses these two points will be a step in the right direction. Heck we could even just start with having games like Deep Rock Galactic or Monster Hunter feature more players in their hub zones.

  23. 2 months ago

    Was this their Destiny Killer or was it some other shit. They stopped doing those 2D games right?

  24. 2 months ago

    You know its not gonna be a real MMO anymore, just another multiplayer looter shooter GaaS slop

    • 2 months ago

      If it was that easy than games like Tera and Black Desert would've made a bigger splash I feel.

      • 2 months ago

        I replied to the wrong person, meant to replay to

        action combat.

  25. 2 months ago

    I'm shocked that the developer of a company that made a dota 2 clone, a counter strike clone, an autochess clone, an mtg clone with a slay the spire clone and a GGST clone had the fricking nerve to write the sentence "We don’t believe you all want an MMO that you’ve played before with a Runeterra coat of paint.".

    Riot Games do not have an original bone in their body, there is no way in cold hell they can create the game he says he wants to make. He hopes everyone will collectively forget and never mention the game again, that's why they are "going dark for several years".

  26. 2 months ago


  27. 2 months ago

    Big companies are being ordered not to make MMOs because they’re a channel of communication that can’t really be controlled

  28. 2 months ago

    >Twitter screenshit
    all Twitter screenshit threads need to be nuked.

    • 2 months ago

      oh FRICK we're talking about video games on Ganker based on what the riot games president posted in one singular location, also dont deadname x sweaty...

  29. 2 months ago

    Whatever the frick the MMO itself is, if then instanced pvp within it is 5v5 summoner's rift and ARAM they're going to massively succeed so get used to the idea.

  30. 2 months ago

    It needs to be an Extraction RPG/Survival Game with Guild v Guild Territory wars.

    • 2 months ago

      People always say they want "full loot pvp" mmos but it will inevitably have the same gay fricking problems Tarkov and the like have with hackers and RMT chinkbots ruining the ecomomy.

      • 2 months ago

        They're okay if PvP is basically consensual but only EVE online has ever given the players tools needed to only get into fights they want to take.

    • 2 months ago

      gw2 style wvw in its prime was amazing, but i dont see why people care about extraction rpgs when the only one that was moderately successful was tarkov and that game is only popular in spite of the genre its in rather than because of the genre its in

  31. 2 months ago

    stopped caring about league lore when they retconned summoners.

  32. 2 months ago

    Who the FRICK is this guy they are bringing in as the new executive producer? This guy hasn't made frick all.

    What is going on here? Riot could EASILY get someone with 10x the amount of experience.

    • 2 months ago

      But would that person have the name condom in ass?


    • 2 months ago

      the most interesting thing in this guys resume is he's an AI autist, so my hope is he's redesigning the game from the ground up with the future of AI in mind for the potential it has on mmos and rpgs

    • 2 months ago

      >gayrice Condomisnice
      you can't make this shit up

    • 2 months ago

      >senior game designer of Risk: The Official Game, 6/10 on IGN
      >rock band reloaded
      surely the riot budget is higher than this... please...

    • 2 months ago

      >worst mass effect
      >worst dragon age
      >second worst mass effect
      >mobile shit

    • 2 months ago

      ~~*Blackrock*~~ owns majority shares of EA and Tencent Shenzhen ni hao xiao xiao owns majority Riot so when asking why these homosexuals do anything its because corporate private managerial morons

    • 2 months ago
    • 2 months ago


    • 2 months ago

      Riot is known to be a cult run by actual incompetent morons
      This is the best guy they could find who actually still wants to work there
      t. I work in the industry

  33. 2 months ago

    mmo's died for me around 2008 when they all began introducing cash shops. now you couldn't pay me to play something i can't host myself

  34. 2 months ago

    WoW s the lolcow of the MMO industry at the moment. Why would anyone want their game to be like it?

  35. 2 months ago

    The MMO market is pretty much like something that doesn't know it's dead yet. You have WoW, Final Fantasy and ESO and that's pretty much it.
    You have a ton of failed attempts and a distant fourth but irrelevant Guild Wars 2. The top dogs in the MMO genre are all ancient games that have their core audience and every once in awhile blow up a bit but that's all there will ever be.

  36. 2 months ago

    I tolerate pixies, elf, demons, angels, trolls and that kinda gayshit.
    But I will never play a game with a Black person or troony in it

  37. 2 months ago

    Honestly all I wanted was player housing not tied to some shittyblimited lot system recreating the real estate market in a cyberspace, and player character Yordle ERP.

    I doubt they'll ever deliver.

    • 2 months ago

      r u me

    • 2 months ago

      I think most people interested in a Riot MMO fall into one of two camps

      >MMO veteran boomers who believe the genre is stale and are looking for something new
      >People who jerk off to yordles

      Watch the game come out and satisfy neither of these groups of people, like it won't even fricking have playable yordles

      • 2 months ago

        I want to alternate between calling someone a Black person in trade chat and bumping into random people and partying up with them while exploring a cave with a quest elite inside
        Unfortunately classic wow is dead now and there's nothing new to explore

      • 2 months ago

        There is no way they release the game without playable yordles. They are too popular and also marketable with the likes of Teemo.
        But I'm certain the yordle playerbase will be 20% male yordles and 80% female yordles.

        • 2 months ago

          me in the back

  38. 2 months ago

    another dev team full of millenial dipshits fired and replaced most likely. Reminds me of Sony London. Check out what they were up to for 8 years ahahahah. I bet it's straight up mobile tier garbage what they made

  39. 2 months ago

    you been lying about an MMO since i quit that game over a decade ago, also whatever you did to skarner looks like shit

  40. 2 months ago

    This is the kind of shit that happens when your company lives completely and entirely off of Chinese funding.
    They literally could not produce or publish a single game for the next 10 years and it won't matter because Tencent will just buy them out of any debt hole they put themselves in.

    It's hilarious watching how this company just keeps on tripping over it's own feet over and over again because they hired a bunch of fratboys and brainwashed marxist women and over-inflated themselves so much that they cannot push out a single product that isn't an overpriced flash game. This company is doomed and everyone on the director board or above knows it.

    • 2 months ago


      • 2 months ago

        Name a single successful game that wasn't a complete money sink for them that isn't LoL.
        Hell I think if LoL was knocked off the market in China I doubt even LoL would be profitable anymore. Practically no one but helpless addicts play that game anymore because of how atrociously bad the balance is now.

        • 2 months ago

          Go back to your shitting street containment, valvejeet

          • 2 months ago

            >LoL tournaments getting less views than LoL streamers
            Nice self-own moron.

            • 2 months ago

              >less views
              >literally the biggest viewership in the esport scene
              Way to go outing yourself as a Valvepajeet, dotacuck
              >Meanwhile the Dota 2 TI prizepool completely shrank to just a mere 2 million dollars after Dota 2 loses more players every year.

  41. 2 months ago

    we keep winning /misc/bros!

  42. 2 months ago

    >creator of runescape announces his new mmo releases this year
    >riot pisses and shits itself and instantly delays their game to avoid it and so they can steal ideas from it

    • 2 months ago

      It just looks like Runescape 4 from the trailer.
      And I mean I'm down with that, really, it's wild to me that Runescape is the only game of its kind. I guess Albion is sort of similar but not really.

  43. 2 months ago

    Get woke

  44. 2 months ago

    Any anon who still paly MMOs foresaw this years ago. It's dead genre and waste of money for any dev after XIV 1.0.
    EQ dev who is making niche small MMOs has right idea about the state of genre.

  45. 2 months ago

    Just make a yordle sex game riot COME ON!!

  46. 2 months ago

    wow it's so over

  47. 2 months ago

    Wild prediction: they're going dark for a few years after which they announce the sudden cancellation of the MMO or another restart. They are literally burning money at this point.

    • 2 months ago

      The MMO is canceled
      They aren’t allowed to make MMOs anymore it’s -20,000 ESG score to have chat in games now

  48. 2 months ago

    Don't ever forget that it was only after they released Vex that they realized she was literally just a slightly reworked Lux and after nerfing her into the ground promised that they would rework her.
    We are going onto 4 years time now.

  49. 2 months ago

    I wonder how many millions into the gutter was that.

  50. 2 months ago

    I can pretend to be autistic too anon.

    • 2 months ago

      I accept your concession, dotacuck

  51. 2 months ago

    Nothing you said make sense

    • 2 months ago

      I'll elaborate then. Influencers and content creators have been making videos nonstop talking about what the Riot MMO should be, and the official MMO team said they watch these videos for inspiration and even let them interview the team. The content creators were pushing the dev team to make their shitty version of WoW for years now, and from what the Riot president has now said the team is starting over from scratch and wants nothing to do with a WoW clone any more. Judging by the type of league skins that have been getting released for years now Riot's core paying audience are fujoshi's that would never touch a game like WoW.

      • 2 months ago

        god i wish its just autistic white men, mentally unstable persians and chinks

        • 2 months ago

          specifically chinks, they changed the text in game a few patches ago to allow moon runes in NA servers and now 6 out of 10 people in all of my aram and normal games are chinks all of a sudden! Its like north americans are a minority on their own server

      • 2 months ago

        Right why do you think fujos don't play games like WoW? That's the nonsensical part

        • 2 months ago

          NTA but the reason WoW no longer has mass appeal is because it's a fricking ancient, ugly game with an elitist playerbase. The modern game is a design mess of redundant content it expects you to just skip past, and the Classic version has 20 year old game design and is even uglier.

          The two biggest reasons XIV is popular is accessibility and aesthetics. It's easy to get into, progression is time consuming but easy and makes sense, there's a ton to do even as a brand new player, and it's very pretty (for what it is) and allows you to play dressup with a pretty anime-stylized character.

          • 2 months ago

            FF14 is the one of the ugliest most boring mmo's I ever tried and I used to play Korean mmo's, what an absolute joke
            >I-it gets good at endgame!
            So does every other mmo, have a nice day

      • 2 months ago

        Giving women rights was a gigantic fricking mistake.

      • 2 months ago

        good, the last thing we need is content creators having more influence

  52. 2 months ago

    >We started laying the groundwork for this pivot some time ago and over the last year under Vijay Thakkar's management
    >Vijay Thakkar's management
    If you have ever worked in software, you know it's over after hearing this. The entire tech staff will soon be outsourced to India "because it's cheaper".

    • 2 months ago

      >Vijay Thakkar
      I watched one or two interviews with that guy and he actually seemed pretty smart and knew what he was talking about in regards to MMOs. But he's being replaced now by this guy

      Who the FRICK is this guy they are bringing in as the new executive producer? This guy hasn't made frick all.

      What is going on here? Riot could EASILY get someone with 10x the amount of experience.

      which does not bode well at all.

  53. 2 months ago

    How pozzed is Riot?

    • 2 months ago

      >retconned old champions to gay
      >keep adding new gay champions
      >gays and trannies in the card game
      >gay cosmetics everywhere
      Take a guess, anon.

  54. 2 months ago

    Just focus on the dam game.
    No need to to dish out a bunch of shovelware with the ip out.

  55. 2 months ago

    Anyone else think Mabinogi and Dofus might actually blow up once they get their engine ports? Both games are surprisingly populated for how old they are, and given how bad the MMO scene is I don't think its impossible for them to pull another "Old School Runescape becomes 3rd most popular MMO" moment off. All they need is a bit of advertising. Dofus Unity comes this december, though we don't have a release date for Mabinogi Eternity yet.

    • 2 months ago

      I would never ever play this
      The only mmo's that ever tried to be actually interesting and immersive were vanilla WoW and to an extent runescape
      Hell I'd take a 3d neopets over this garbage

      • 2 months ago

        When Mabi isn't being a dressup simulator its actually a pretty interesting and immersive world. I really like the in-game lorebooks.

    • 2 months ago

      I was curious about Mabinogi but with the devs of Runescape releasing a new MMO in Q3 there's no chance I'm trying anything else.

      • 2 months ago

        if you told me 20 years ago we would still be playing browser game tier mmos in 20 years i would've thought you were moronic, but here we are

        • 2 months ago

          not sure how i feel about how the movement grid that's usually invisible in runescape is outright incorporated into the visual aesthetic of this game but we'll see, maybe it'll grow on me

      • 2 months ago

        I’m also eager to hop on to Brighter Shores as soon as it comes out. I don’t expect it to last long but it will at least be something new

        • 2 months ago

          It's a passion project made by a rich dude with his own money so unless it's literally DoA I could see it lasting a long time. It doesn't need to be a smash hit it just needs to break even.

  56. 2 months ago

    the frick is wrong with game devs?
    literally just make FFXI or Ragnarok Online again and you have literal perfect MMOs

    • 2 months ago

      My hopium is that if the aforementioned Dofus and Mabinogi remakes are succesful they might get the funding to revamp FFXI. Then again, I would rather modern SE keep its nasty claws off my Vana'diel, so its a mixed bag.

  57. 2 months ago

    what if they make it a genshin clone but wow characters?

  58. 2 months ago

    >Faburisu... projects at Riot, Bioware, and EA
    >under Vijay Thakkar's management
    ugh oh stinky

  59. 2 months ago

    >a bunch of hack that can only make copies and clones
    >as soon as they start working on a complex shit like MMO, even if its a copy paste, they crumbled

    Sorta expected, and I think their ftg game gonna be trash too.

  60. 2 months ago

    >the initial vision just wasn't different enough from what you can play today
    This confirms my suspicions, Ghostcrawler made a WoW clone so they kicked him out and started reworking the game.
    That's great.

  61. 2 months ago

    All I want is another MMO like PSO/PSO2. No, NGS is not like PSO/PSO2.

    • 2 months ago

      monster hunter wilds?

      go play PSU Clementine

  62. 2 months ago

    frick riot games
    nobody did more to ruin the online banter culture of videogames

    they were basically the progenitors of the
    >pay for game
    >say word
    >money stolen
    anti-toxicity meme

    no company deserves to succumb more for the absolute homosexual cultural cancer of riot games

    • 2 months ago

      >pay for game

  63. 2 months ago

    qiyana thick bush

  64. 2 months ago

    cool headcannon you’ve made up to be mad at.

    • 2 months ago

      roving hordes of wow goblins that try to influence every mmo in development to be a wow clone are no mere headcannon

  65. 2 months ago

    Just another case of employees destroying their company's major project to ensure long term job security.

    • 2 months ago

      you'd do it too if you had a job neet
      for real tho i don't believe this was intentional sabotage. there was an earnest high effort attempt to make a wow-like that could catch on in the modern day but it didn't reach the necessary bar. that's what happened.

      and to be clear that bar is impossibly tall and maybe doesn't even exist.

  66. 2 months ago

    MMOs are a dead genre. When was the last successful mmo that wasn't a asiatic game played only by asiatics? XIV? That was over a decade ago. People still play the mmos they've been addicted to for years, but they're only playing the games out of habit. Everything that people played MMOs for has spun off into it's own genre at this point. Skinner boxes? Plenty of live service games for that. Virtual chatroom? VRchat. Online co-op pve? Games like helldivers and vermintide exist. Open-world pvp with loot? Already done by games like rust. The truth is that MMOs were always a bunch of shit that people wanted, but packaged with things that they didn't want. Now that there's tons of different genres for basically everything MMOs used to do, nobody has any need to play an MMO unless they're already addicted to one. The genre itself is obsolete.

  67. 2 months ago

    You are in your late 30s, still chasing that high you got from playing WoW during its peak.

    • 2 months ago

      I played WoW during its peak(I think, Wrath+Cata) and it was shit and I want an MMO as far from it as possible.
      Runescape and MapleStory though, those were the shit.

      • 2 months ago

        Wrath was when it was all starting to go downhill, cata was an abomination besides firelands

        That said if you didn't like the core endgame loop then I can only say it has gotten even worse

  68. 2 months ago

    it's cancelled, they don't wanna say it is so they just say this instead.

  69. 2 months ago

    I called it months ago. The MMO is dead.

  70. 2 months ago

    You can't make a soulful WoW tier MMO like Blizzard did back in the day. The modern corporate environment is too focus tested, cancerous and bloated for it.

    The fact they are scrapping everything and replacing creative heads to likely chase trends is a perfect example of the shit state the industry is in.

    • 2 months ago

      >white and asian men
      >token women
      Probably the best composition for making a game. Or more accurately, the ratios reflects that they actually hired the best people for the job

      • 2 months ago

        Yeah prime Blizzard was so good 20 years later almost every MMO released gets compared to WoW and falls flat compared to it.

        I wish more MMO's copied Runescape instead honestly, some of the old Blizzard devs were not fond on the theme park progression for WoW and wanted something different. I would say years later they were right about horizontal progression issues becoming a nightmare later on.

        • 2 months ago

          A modern mmorpg using systems from original EQ/UO would be insane and also become filthy rich over night but everyone is too scared to attempt it.

  71. 2 months ago

    Fujo here, I only play mmorpgs with big muscular men and if I can make them run around shirtless.
    I play a male orc shaman in WoW and I make him run away with no shirt.

    • 2 months ago

      i thought fujos liked feminine pretty boys because they play as the male viera and catboys in ffxiv while the guys do the opposite and play the hot girls and gays play big strong men

      • 2 months ago

        I played a bunny boy in 14 but I don't have fun on that game, there's also a lot of trans freaks on that game who won't leave you alone if they find out you're actually female.

  72. 2 months ago

    >10 years later game is released
    >dies because its shit
    >another 10 years pass and screenshots/concepts/design docs leak from the original game
    >looks amazing and everyone is mad they didnt get to play that one
    many such cases

    • 2 months ago

      >literally just wow/ff14
      yeah nobody is going to cry about missing out on that

    • 2 months ago

      Yea, then a couple minutes of gameplay footage leaks and it's total disaster. If game is scrapped it's shit.

      • 2 months ago

        I always thought stuff like Earthbound 64 and the original Ultima Online 2 footage looked great.

        The Warhammer 40k MMO from back in the day looked amazing also, I built my first computer awaiting that one but it got scrapped.

      • 2 months ago

        Eh not always. Phil spencer claimed Baldurs gate 3 was a b-rate PC game. Execs are just moronic and letting suits who used daddy's money to get a Harvard degree control the industry has been a disaster in the west.

  73. 2 months ago

    I love this israeli homosexual like you wouldn't believe
    He will save the MMO genre.
    >Archeage 2 will be p2w
    >Chrono Odyssey and the other first IP korean slops will be p2w and soulless most likely
    >Riot MMO will be made for normie zoomies and women
    Ashes of Creation is the favorite for now and already looks very good
    Maybe GW3 will be able to compete we'll see

    • 2 months ago

      The CC looks cool in Ashes but everything else is boring.

    • 2 months ago

      i was looking forward to the riot mmo the most until i realized i wont play it until im a 35 year old boomer, i still believe archeage 2 will be good for the first month at least but now i have to put more faith into AoC even though it looks like a goofy ass scam

    • 2 months ago

      Q3 for A2 brother.

  74. 2 months ago

    >mention you work on a MMO and some other games in 2019
    >never talk about it again
    >stealth cancel it on some Xwitter account for the five desperate WoW boomers that still remember

  75. 2 months ago

    >ghostcrawler killed wow and now the riot mmo
    Who's next?

  76. 2 months ago

    thanks for posting this. forgot all about it considering how long it's taking those stupid dumb fricking Black folk to make it

  77. 2 months ago

    >We don't believe you want an MMO that you've played before with a Runeterra coat of paint
    So a WoW clone. All this hype over the Riot MMO and these moronic fricks where just making yet another WoW clone for the past few years.

  78. 2 months ago

    My honest opinion is that an MMO using the design philosophy presented in blizzards first blizzcon featuring WoW would be seen as revolutionary today and they should have just tried to capture that without making it an autistic raid centred game and they would have been golden.

    • 2 months ago

      True but i think the first 20 or so levels of WoW are just incredibly well designed and it hooks you in like crack. You need the talent to back it up.

      • 2 months ago

        I still dream about vanilla Westfall sometimes...

  79. 2 months ago

    There is no proof this game ever existed in the first place.

    • 2 months ago

      i've got some rare pics and videos but whatever dip

      • 2 months ago

        Post something.

      • 2 months ago

        >yeah man she goes to another school so you wouldnt know her even if i told you

    • 2 months ago

      it would be cool if they released some of the concept work for the scrapped version

  80. 2 months ago

    Nothing can dethrone WoW, the king of MMOs

  81. 2 months ago

    meaningless term
    the only correct term

    • 2 months ago

      You can just say World of Warcraft because that's what everyone talks about when they talk about MMORPGs.

    • 2 months ago

      Some people say MMO and still mean MMORPG but you're probably brainwashed by modern bad games who use it.
      MMO was being used even by the EQ devs on the old verant forums back in 1999.

  82. 2 months ago

    yeah this game is never actually seeing the light of day, it's getting canned in a few years

  83. 2 months ago

    if EvE rebooted they could have a chance to be that game. incoming wall of text.

    >make it a hybrid level by doing/level over time system. Fly and do shit, you level whatever relevant skills. Wanna drop EvE for a week to play whatever FotM or knuckle down for college/work/vacation/whatever hibernate your character to learn over time
    >absofricking lutely no bots, no alts either, frick you, rule fricking 1.
    >gameplay where you can actually fly your ship and combat is actually fun.
    >PvE and group PvE options without the abysmal faction loyalties pendulum swinging so your not outlawed in half the galaxy and penalizing people who like the classic feel of small or large group content in a pve environment
    (my argument to the above case stems from the developers b***hing that there's too much safety nets for market faucets this way, listen morons so are the fricking bot fleets mining out whole systems in low/null with actual large scale industrial impact -see rule 1- you nuke that and your entire game will be HUNGRY for that permaloss resuscitation)
    >keep the absolutely batshit nature of Low/null with higher risk v higher reward
    >Industry needs to make sense, Planetary industry is a fricking nightmare. Mining needs some kind of fun minigame to actually have the player interact with the resource gathering instead of just watching anime on the second monitor and checking D-Scan every 10 seconds
    >Exploration and wormholes are fantastic content, more of that. Special shoutout to escalations, that is some prime fricking mmo gameplay.

    Now, combine with Station walking AND:

    The FPS project. Make it more like battlefield, these can be your F2P players. Regions of space can have players enlist to do station takeover, heist missions, warzones, planetary assaults, whatever, or some PvE missions. Every regional capitol should have a station hub where players can walk about and interact between games, including, FPS players in that local region of space doing a BR game mode. (1/2)

    • 2 months ago

      The BR gameplay being on station screens would be cool for station socializing, maybe also broadcasting PvP arenas or competitions.

      Socializing players get to hang out, chat, and watch the game along with maybe betting on the matches in that region being held. War as a sport. Regional stations might also allow you to check markets across other, linked, stations (for example minmatar stations would talk to gallente) meaning market monkies would spend alot of time in these hubs and shitting out courier contracts for people who wanna play space trucker.

      Allow people to build their own Region hubs in Null, allow players to buy accomodations for station walking and services. (Your hanger space anywhere should not be fricking infinite, especially NPC stations). Add functionality for game related interfaces like Forums and Dotlan functionality into the base fricking game.

      Combine these two games, under one universal umbrella with the opportunity to glue them with fun, engaging, and interesting social features to create THE MMO.

      So much fricking wasted potential in EvE its unreal, swear to god the game is held together by Chinese bots and like 10 players with 200 alts to multibox.

      • 2 months ago

        Albion Online already is Eve but good and has everything you are asking for.

    • 2 months ago

      >no bots
      It's already supposed to be this way devs are just lazy
      >no alts
      Frick you, the coolest part of eve is when players tryhard and make untraceable spy alts for social engineering

    • 2 months ago

      No alts makes for a kino MMORPG but the issue is with how cheap and powerful modern tech is, losers will just pay for multiple accounts to obtain even a 00.01% advantage if it allows it.

  84. 2 months ago

    >Show more
    >Show more
    >Show more
    >Show more

  85. 2 months ago

    MMOs are dead. They took too long.

    • 2 months ago

      moronic take, zoomer

  86. 2 months ago

    >I'm guessing content creator grifters tried to force Riot to make their MMO another WoW clone and Riot

    Riot has never had an original idea, every one of their games is a cheap knockoff of something else that is popular, no one forced them to do this.

  87. 2 months ago

    I just want Atlus to try their hand at an SMT MMORPG again but it simply won't happen.
    Also I miss Wildstar.

    • 2 months ago

      Imagine was cool, but I wouldn't trust modern Atlus to have any ambition like that again.

  88. 2 months ago

    >League of Legends became one of the most popular games in the world by being Dota with a Runeterra coat of paint
    >Valorant became one of the most popular games in the world by being CS with a Runeterra coat of paint
    >>for some reason they are hesitant to make WoW with a Runeterra coat of paint

    I don't really get it. Maybe it's a timing thing and they realized no one actually plays MMOs anymore other than 10+ year MMO vets who will absolutely not leave their main MMO.

    • 2 months ago

      fricking timing thing. you all are fricking Black folk. just 15 years ago a ton of people were using dial up internet. fricking dumb fricking Black folk. stop posting, zoomers.

      • 2 months ago

        Yeah, and 15 years ago WoW had a population of like 10+ million players, and today is has less than 1 million.
        The entire MMO genre came and went in the last 15 years, in large part thanks to WoW kneecapping it just when it was really getting off the ground with tons of unique games like shadowbane, DAoC, AC, SWG, etc etc.

  89. 2 months ago

    if any riot dev is here, make sure your team ensures there's no MANDATORY story for the mmo, you should just be able to log in and frick around your way rather than have to do 300 hours of story to start doing shit, but i think riot's already aware of this with their desiign philosophy of not giving a frick about story and making it optional stuff at most

    • 2 months ago

      Don't worry little zoom zoom they'll bake it just the way you like it.

      • 2 months ago

        they better make what the frick i ask for since i'll be 40 when it comes out

  90. 2 months ago

    >making a mmo in the 2024th year of our savior

    • 2 months ago

      just relax there, zoomer

  91. 2 months ago

    Just let me play one of the Berserker boys in the tundra and raid homosexual Demacian caravans until they quit the game
    It isn't that hard a game to make Riot

  92. 2 months ago

    I liked that top down view they showed.

  93. 2 months ago

    >Put guy who worked on SWG as EP of the project for about a year
    >Demote said EP to Technical director and put another guy on it who's magnum opus is Mass Effect Andromeda, a game that is hailed a joke to this day
    What did they mean by this?

  94. 2 months ago

    I have 0 interest in any Riot game, League has been flushed down the shitter for years now, valorant is a free 2 play counterstrike clone. All of their projects are getting more woke with every update. Not to mention the chinese kernel sniffing spyware that they call anticheat.

  95. 2 months ago

    Jesus christ, how hard is it to create a LoL WoW clone? If they wanted to be extra spicy give it moba mechanics.

    It probably died because suits were asking "how does this let is replace WoW and FF14?" when they should be saying "We can easily take #3 MMO and print money? Hell yeah."

    • 2 months ago

      >It probably died because suits were asking "how does this let is replace WoW and FF14?"

      This was the big problem with the MMO genre post WoW coupled with the vidya industry getting bigger and attracting more suits. Every MMO in development got turned into a WoW clone because investors asked if they were going to replace WoW.
      i think there was an old Ganker comic about this with the last panel blaming piracy for the newest WoW clone flopping.

  96. 2 months ago

    I just want an MMO that has dozens of zones that each are the size of an entire WoW continent where theres shit happening all the time everywhere and it takes a year of grinding to reach max level. No sandbox survival shit either.

  97. 2 months ago

    MMOs were a product of their time because at the time, everyone was forced together. Now, everyone has split off to their own corners, so people who relief on other players being content (forced grouping or noncon PKing) have little
    >Casuals have WoW, FFXIV, ESO, SWTOR ect for their PVE with casual raiding and dungeons.
    >Raiders have WoW and FFXIV since Wikdstar died
    >"I want to fight other PKers in glorious murderfests" PKers have EVE and Albion
    That leaves the people that want forced grouping (like FFXI) and PKing casuals (Ultima, Everquest). Griefing-focused PKers have Dark Souls, I guess?

  98. 2 months ago

    brighter shores will save the genre

    • 2 months ago

      what the frick...? didn't realize a gower was still making games. thanks for bringing this to my attention, anon. very intriguing

    • 2 months ago

      >RS3 art style


  99. 2 months ago

    I couldn't give a frick if it's a WoW clone. There's a tremendous difference between a WoW clone made by some unheard of dogshit company and one with literally infinite resources
    There's nothing wrong with the format that worked for over two decades, and still would be working if not for all the shareholders going to mobile gaming because of the oiler weebs who drop $80k on gacha games and singlehandedly sustain it for six months of development. The only issue is when the company itself decides to implode.

    Just don't do what Amazon did with Lost Ark and it'd be a success purely off being a Riot MMO, regardless of how WoWclone-y it is. As long as you don't go full israelite or turn it into a gay survival crafter that can't sustain more than 20 people in an area before it's oversaturated with buildings, it'd work.

  100. 2 months ago

    it took them forever just to say anything about the fighting game who is actually surprised by this

  101. 2 months ago

    When it comes out in 2029, it'll get forgotten due to release of a full immersion VR game called The World.

  102. 2 months ago

    Riot is funny as shit they are waiting for neon prime to drop to just copy that idea waiting for daddy valve to show them the way again

  103. 2 months ago

    I'm still waiting for someone to make a sequel to guild wars 1, meanwhile guild wars 1 remains the only mmo I play 19 years in

  104. 2 months ago

    The frick is happening with Riot? First they coast by with a single game for a decade, then suddenly try to massively expand by making half a dozen games and an animated show, then do mass layoffs and shitcan their teams for games other than LoL and Valorant.

  105. 2 months ago


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