Risky rain returns

>See Risk of Rain 1 had a "remake" recently
>Not interested at first, but cave and get it anyway when bored one afternoon. It's not like they could frick it up.
>It's really good and feels more like a nice DLC for the original combined with the best stuff from RoR2.
I'm having fun bros, its been a long time so I suck at it right now, but I'm glad Hopoo seem to have realized RoR2 being 3D wasn't the best idea.

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  1. 6 months ago

    Also, I don't get the artifact shards thing. Do I need to collect all three parts in the same run? I picked up a shard in one level but the next session where I used a different character I collected the next shard but it only registered as part 1 again.

    • 6 months ago

      there's 4 different shards, I believe located on both stage 3 and 4s. I'm not sure if you need to do it all in one run but you do need all 4 different shards.

    • 6 months ago

      They are cumulative. You could even pick the same shard up 4 times to get the artifact

  2. 6 months ago

    You were barely born when RoR released in 2013. It was never that fun to begin with and always felt wonky. Pacing was often too chaotic and the entire game felt like you needed to rush more than you would like to. The remake is a cheap cashgrab for zoomies like you with brains hollowed out by TikTok. Go back.

    • 6 months ago

      uuuuh, is everything ok at home sweetie?

    • 6 months ago

      I'm in my mid 30s, what the frick are you rambling about?

    • 6 months ago

      ah yes the oldgay larper, let me guess ror2 is trash too

    • 6 months ago

      This post screams bot or some kid trying too hard to fit in.

      It's alright but I prefer the 3D game

      Risk of Rain 2 was pretty good, but I prefer the original/Returns. Loader is much more fun to play as in the 3D game though.

      • 6 months ago

        >Risk of Rain 2 was pretty good, but I prefer the original/Returns.
        Same, Risky 2 is fun in its own right, but the original/Returns is better package overall

      • 6 months ago

        Ror2 is too easy imo. Series felt like it lost part of its soul with the move to 3d as well

        • 6 months ago

          ror2 feels more bullshit than ror1 and the remake idk.

        • 6 months ago

          The writing in 2 I find more shitty/inconsistent compared to 1/Returns where its more clear cut and solid overall

          • 6 months ago

            2 was just weird
            >You're a rescue/investigation team sent to see what happened to the Contact Light
            >The logs all seem to imply the survivors we played as were just a handful of the actual number and a small army of people actually landed who then died
            Why are we landing on the planet in escape pods if our ship is fine?
            How is getting thrown onto a moon going to stop Providence's brother? They're both clearly reality warping demigods
            Why do your team not seem to know anything about Petrichor V if a survivor got off the planet?
            Nothing about 2's plot makes any sense.
            Meanwhile, in the first game you're just a survivor of a crash and your ship was transporting low level SCPs which you're using to overpower the hostile ecosystem and the homosexual god who stranded you here.

            • 6 months ago

              Holy shit this, in 2 there’s no reason for the “survivors” to actually survive because there’s nothing there that actually gives a reason to do so, even in the logs, yet 1/Returns gives enough context to feel the survivors plight and help them escape, regardless of their reasoning for being on that cargo ship

    • 6 months ago

      >it was chaotic and you were pressured to make forward progress
      Correct. And?

      • 6 months ago

        And that kind of pressure combined with shitty control mechanics on a 2D plane makes it a painfully unfun game. There's jank gameplay and then there's the absolute level of autistic cringe that is RoR. Nobody wants to "git good" at a shitty 2D game that literally nobody in the world gives a flying frick about. Pic related, its about as much effort as I was willing to put into this shill of a game in about a decade since its release.

        Every time I try to get into it I am just put off by the moronic gameplay loop that demands grinding yet refuses to allow you to do so because of the way the game scales its difficulty with time. All it had to do was cap the difficulty to a max per stage, but that, of course, would make the game less enjoyable for its pro-autism fanbase. If you're not speedrunning, you're not gonna win. And unless you're assburgering at the speed of light you will NEVER enjoy yourself doing so.

        Drop this game off a cliff and never look back.

        • 6 months ago

          this is a level of autism i literally cannot comprehend .

        • 6 months ago

          >can't into an incredibly simple control scheme set on a 2D plane
          >doesn't like games that challenge you by pitting you against the clock
          You can just say "I don't play videogames very much and this was too challenging for me to enjoy." Why dress it up? It's a sign of maturity to admit ones shortcomings.

          • 6 months ago

            You're not wrong that I'm usually too busy either busting nuts in my gamer gf or working my 60k job to partake in scrubby NEET-activity like videogames - but I'll take your sad attempt at being comedically inclined as a sign that you're a beta male suffering from pussy withdrawal and leave you alone. My parents raised me better than to bully the mentally handicapped.

            • 6 months ago

              >My parents raised me better than to bully the mentally handicapped.
              You’re on Ganker, you’re mostly likely are mentally handicapped

              • 6 months ago
              • 6 months ago

                >”le grammar mistake, I win”

            • 6 months ago

              >He's on a videogame board
              >Trying to look down on people for liking a game he doesn't like instead of doing something constructive with his day
              >And he thinks he's alpha for it
              What the hell is wrong with you? Why are you even here if you don't like videogames? Oh right, you're just trolling and I'm wasting my time even bothering to point this out, really. I hope you get those issues of yours sorted, either way. You can't be in a good place right now if you have to make up so much bullshit.

              • 6 months ago
              • 6 months ago

                I work less than that to make more money so I have more time for such activities. Sorry that you couldn't long-term plan and you're stuck in a job that keeps you from properly enjoying videogames. I hope you have a nice day, anon.

                >Replying to it
                He's not putting any thought or effort into his trolling, why reward the kid with yous?

              • 6 months ago

                I come to Ganker to jack off and call people stupid, I don't care if he's trolling. Enough people here are actually that stupid that they can read it and feel bad in his place.

            • 6 months ago

              I work less than that to make more money so I have more time for such activities. Sorry that you couldn't long-term plan and you're stuck in a job that keeps you from properly enjoying videogames. I hope you have a nice day, anon.

        • 6 months ago

          I like the game exactly for that since you always feel obliged to full clear everything on other rougelikes which needlessly extents run durations and turns them into a slog each time you have to restart.
          I do think the early game sucks though and there needs to be something done about the movement problem, where half the roster have no mobility at all, there's no guarantee you ever get a speed up item and finding the teleporter can be a coin flip on whether you check the right direction first and some of the new map layouts just make it even more frustrating to search for it

    • 6 months ago


  3. 6 months ago

    It's alright but I prefer the 3D game

  4. 6 months ago

    Have they fixed overloading enemies bypassing invincibility yet? It was the only thing that put me off.

    • 6 months ago

      Patch is taking forever, probably because they're re-writing so much stuff to add more mouse control to appeal to 2-shitters.

      • 6 months ago

        I remember an anon suggesting they should just turn that mechanic into an item instead which I like more

  5. 6 months ago

    I'm still waiting on 2's next DLC

  6. 6 months ago

    post your main and skin

    (i also like ridley acrid)

    • 6 months ago
      • 6 months ago

        bandit is so much fun, i wish i wasn't a shitter with him

    • 6 months ago

      mercenary, default skin

      • 6 months ago

        his parry skill is sick

        • 6 months ago

          I wish it was more consistant (read: I wish the AI were more consistant in their attacks)

          • 6 months ago

            I’ve noticed the AI in Returns can be moronic sometimes, they either immediately bomb rush you or just stand there like they’re going through some deep shit before finally noticing the player

            • 6 months ago

              yeah Ive noticed that too. Ancient wisps especially have a super fast windup so you try to muscle memory their attacks only for them to walk past you, see you exist, then attack

              • 6 months ago

                Its especially egregious in the Judgment trial, where you want to kill everything as fast as possible but sometimes the AI just shits itself

          • 6 months ago

            >pack of clay men spawn
            >half of them roll through me and then attack and the other half skip the roll entirely and go straight for the stab

  7. 6 months ago

    What is the logic behind Judgement giving you a checkpoint but then expecting you to continue from that checkpoint with no items
    I fricking died even with all of my items Hopoo, what makes you think I'll do fine continuing from that point with none of them

  8. 6 months ago

    >use a github savefile editor
    >unlock everything
    >pick only merc or huntress
    >only loop, never fight the final boss
    >become god then die instantly to a regular wisp
    >never touch anything else
    yup, thats the risky experience alright

    • 6 months ago

      use prestige so instead of runs ending when you randomly die they keep going until 100 overloading worms spawn at once and reduce the frame rate to 0.05 fps

  9. 6 months ago

    There's less chests
    Enemies give more money early on so I'm not stuck at 24 for a minute

  10. 6 months ago

    >It's really good and feels more like a nice DLC for the original combined with the best stuff from RoR2.
    yep, that's why I pirated it. Original owners should have gotten a discount or something, frick israeliteppo

  11. 6 months ago

    I really want to like the remake, but there are some subtle changes that make the remake weirdly much more punishing than the original. For one it feels like there's little difference between the difficulties and the flying enemies can suck my balls. Getting 2 overloading wasps or swifts is GG if you can't insta burst them.
    Also i'm really disappointed with the online experience. You'd think getting online properly working would be a priority, but you can get really bad desyncs once you get to later stages and there's still no reconnect feature.
    Overall i think the remake has the potential to be really good a year or so down the line if they actually keep patching it and i'm hoping for Starstorm as either a mod again or as official expansion in the future

    • 6 months ago

      yeah RoRR feels kinda disappointing in a way I cant put into words other than for it being a remake they didnt really fix the big problems with the original. Shit feels more like a graphical overhaul than a remake

  12. 6 months ago

    I like Returns infinite times over ROR1 even more the threads or anyone talking about it specially when it comes from a modtard
    Seriously I don’t care about a fricking bug, I just want to play the normal game, yes the game is shit and you can crash because of climbing or have some idiot stuck because he tried to steal your chest. But that’s part of the unironic soul and experience

  13. 6 months ago

    RoR2 > RoR
    only contrarians, nostalgia gays, and new=bad gays disagree

    • 6 months ago

      RoR2 is the epitome of the devs just giving up and half assing every update because they are contractually obligated

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