Rogal Dorn the stubborn asshole getting forced to admit he's wrong

Hi tg! I'm still in the transition from getting into 40k from secondary sources like youtubers and wikis to reading the books myself so I definitely know the overarching plot and highlights but I don't know much about much about the nitty gritty details like "are there any cases of xyz type specific scenario in the lore".

I hated Dorns guts in the excerpt of Nathanial Garro informing him of the heresy and resulting temper tantrum and I desperately want to see him get pwned and forced to admit he really doesn't have it all that much together / be some kind of vulnerable. Not his silent introspection or suicidal tendencies like the iron cage but explicitly ADMITTING to someone else "hey, I fricked up" or "I don't know what to do".

Did he ever even admit fault with Garro or at least hint that he did, or did he just show up, discuss strategies with him like he didn't nearly beat the guy to death fro something he was completely right about, and frick off again?

The specifics don't matter but it's even better if it's someone he considers "beneath" him. Peak kino would be him somehow losing an argument to a baseline but I doubt that would happen to a primarch in lore or being told off by one like Tarasha telling Curze to go to hell. Just something like someone calling out his shit and them being completely right and he knows it. Not a mary sue doing it, it can be someone who is a complete idiot in other areas or some throwaway guard never to be seen again, just someone who in that particular moment of calling out Dorns bullshit is completely in the right.

Not a Perty fan either, that bit just made me want to see Dorn get taken down a notch.

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  1. 8 months ago

    Very good point Anon, well worth a Post

  2. 8 months ago

    post your painted models to a tabletop+ standard or frick off
    No one really care about the BL bullshit and all the capeshit. What matter is having a setting so that yourdudes can fight mydudes. Everything else is secondary.

    • 8 months ago

      You appear to be upset

    • 8 months ago


      I paint models and have a good time with the lads, you listen to grifting loretubers in your manbaby cave. We are not the same.


      The franchise lore evolved way beyond just the standard tabletop fluff and this board discusses lore all the time. Why the salt about it TODAY? Did the kids go on Ganker in the weekend or did a bunch of gw paypiggies have a case of buyers remorse and decide to shit up all 40k threads not about jerking each other off over minis?

      No offense to model fans, but the moron take that /tg/ dosen't discuss lore.

      • 8 months ago

        Maybe OP should evolve the ability to actually read a junk sci-fi novel if he wants to talk about it, or stick to the fandom wikia comments section if he wants to keep talking about wikis.

      • 8 months ago

        ESL animal

    • 8 months ago

      Get the secondary.

      I resent this standard though. What about those of us who can't paint?

      • 8 months ago

        Thin your paints?

      • 8 months ago

        >What about those of us who can't paint?
        You live in age where you have thousands of hours of professional grade tutorials available online, I have faith that you could learn if you wanted to. Having painted models at all is a good first step though, yours would look fine from a tabletop distance.

  3. 8 months ago

    >Hi tg! I'm still in the transition from getting into 40k from secondary sources like youtubers and wikis to reading the books myself
    You're mistaken. Wikis are tertiary sources, books are secondary sources. You're far removed from 40k and you have no place here.

    • 8 months ago

      Pedantics, I'm guessing you mean in terms of books still reporting things second hand after characters experience things?

      Either way. Do we have instances of things like this in lore?

      • 8 months ago

        It's not pedantics, you're such a lazy consumer that you can't even be bothered to read for yourself. Some manchild on youtube is reading a wiki summary of a pulp novel to you. Get a real hobby. Nobody wants to hear your thoughts on lore that have been filtered through three layers of other people.

        • 8 months ago

          >Get a real hobby
          We have the same hobby you idiot.

          • 8 months ago

            I paint models and have a good time with the lads, you listen to grifting loretubers in your manbaby cave. We are not the same.

          • 8 months ago

            >We have the same hobby you idiot.
            I don't listen to youtubers talk about "lore"

  4. 8 months ago

    He wouldn't apologize because that's not his nature. He's the stoic character upped to 11.
    Dorn almost started a second civil war over the codex, until the Phalanx was fired upon. Which in turn made him even more unstable. And late Dorn almost seems like a broken man who seeks suicide by cop, with all those bloody campaigns, and his eventual disappearance.

    • 8 months ago

      Something being a characters nature dosen't make it good or not infuriating to fans. You can have a bad character with a set nature.

      Yeah I hope dorns suicide by cop mentality gets explored but it is frustrating imo if there's no catharsis for his frickery. Hence asking if theres anywhere in the lore that shell cracks in ways other than autistic rage and silent brooding.

      • 8 months ago

        >infuriating to fans
        You're not a fan, you're a random homosexual who read a wiki article

    • 8 months ago

      Something being a characters nature dosen't make it good or not infuriating to fans. You can have a bad character with a set nature.

      Yeah I hope dorns suicide by cop mentality gets explored but it is frustrating imo if there's no catharsis for his frickery. Hence asking if theres anywhere in the lore that shell cracks in ways other than autistic rage and silent brooding.

      My bad misread that as "shouldn't" instead of "wouldn't" but point still stands.

    • 8 months ago

      his eventual disappearance is due to his fall to Khorne, wherein Khorne gives him an empty warp plane where he doesn't have to do or think about anything ever again. He just sits there, enjoying the quiet.

      • 8 months ago

        That doesn't sound very Khornate.

  5. 8 months ago

    >Reading Horus Heresy shit
    You still rely on secondary sources.

    • 8 months ago

      In terms of them being events experienced secondhand or?

  6. 8 months ago

    Renewed th3 books moron

  7. 8 months ago

    As usual, BL authors suck.

    • 8 months ago

      As in doing that or not doing it?

      • 8 months ago

        Both. As is: most of the things they've done shouldn't have been done and most of the things they didn't do should've been done.

    • 8 months ago

      HH was always a shit idea regardless of who wrote it.

  8. 8 months ago

    >I'm still in transition
    Why are HHgays always troons?

  9. 8 months ago

    > but explicitly ADMITTING to someone else "hey, I fricked up" or "I don't know what to do".
    His parts in the latest Siege of Terra book is basically that.
    He's done his best, his part in the Siege is over. No more plans, no more calculations.

    • 8 months ago

      I had completly given up on this thread rising beyond shitposting.

      Can you give more info? (before I spoil the book for one scene)

  10. 8 months ago

    As an Imperial Fist player that's never read the HH books, why is Dorn so unpopular?

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