Rogue and others like it

I started playing Nethack recently and it's amazing.

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  1. 2 years ago

    Plain old Rogue is pretty much perfect for me, and I rather like the Mac/Amiga/ST ports that can be mouse controlled. Diablo (1) is my idea of a perfect update to the formula. There's a lot of derivatives on retro computers I like to dabble with, some better than others. Gauntlet/Dandy/Dark Chambers aren't so far removed either, if you're in the mood. Cave Noir is pretty good, though I wish there was a more traditional roguelike on the platform. We Are Hejickle is a super rad homebrew RL for the NES and it plays great.

  2. 2 years ago

    i like Angband, it's probably the best one

  3. 2 years ago

    the problem with talking about roguelikes is that you don't want to spoil them

    • 2 years ago

      nethack is great, the variants are "bigger" without really expanding the game play sadly

      i still think vanilla's the one game i'd install if i could only have one computer game for the rest of eternity

      even if you do the rng will conspire against you 99.99999% of the time

    • 2 years ago

      I get that. I got to a point with Nethack that I decided when I come across something new, I'll just skim the wiki page to get a basic understanding, rather than lose potentially hours or more of progress because putting a wand of cancellation into a bag of holding is a recipe for an atomic fricking bomb

  4. 2 years ago

    I don't like NetHack because I often die without knowing what I could've done differently. It just feels like I learned nothing from my death. Also I hate spoiling myself with guides and NetHack essentially requires you to do that.

    Rogue is fun but absolutely cruel and you're at the mercy of RNG. I rarely find better weapons and simply die to tanky enemies I can't escape from. Angband is slow and grindy. Never enjoyed ADOM for some reason.

    I like the genre but the classics never appealed to me. These days I go with either DCSS or Brogue

    • 2 years ago

      Brogue is super cool. I've been meaning to try DCSS...

    • 2 years ago

      >and NetHack essentially requires you to do that.
      Oh? You weren't plugged into the fantasy sci-fi geek/computer nerd subculture back in the mid to late 70s so you don't get any of the obscure references? Guess you're never gonna finish this game then.
      I was plugged in and still couldn't finish Nethack without being spoiled.

      • 2 years ago

        I don't like NetHack because I often die without knowing what I could've done differently. It just feels like I learned nothing from my death. Also I hate spoiling myself with guides and NetHack essentially requires you to do that.

        Rogue is fun but absolutely cruel and you're at the mercy of RNG. I rarely find better weapons and simply die to tanky enemies I can't escape from. Angband is slow and grindy. Never enjoyed ADOM for some reason.

        I like the genre but the classics never appealed to me. These days I go with either DCSS or Brogue

        the key is to take notes. my notes were about 2000 lines long when i first ascended, and it took about 2 years of off and on play to do it.

        • 2 years ago

          That’s dedication. There are clearly others like you, because the NetHack Wiki is one of the best and most detailed I’ve ever seen for a game, if not the best.

    • 2 years ago

      I suggest you subscribe to the “dying is fun” philosophy that many old roguelikes basically require, you might have more fun.

  5. 2 years ago

    >Wiz II dies after blowing up my bag of holding in Moloch's Sanctum
    >Wiz III pummeled to death by air elementals on the planes
    i've ascended valk and priest but i will never ascend a wizard

  6. 2 years ago

    Nethack is one of those games that seems amazing at first but over time you slowly realize is a steaming piece of shit. Take summoning storms for example. Enemies that can summon other enemies, which themselves can recursively summon more enemies, to the point where the entire map is literally full of enemies and you can't even make any progress with wizard mode cheats enabled. To me this is an obvious game balance problem that should be fixed... but not only do the nethack devs think it's fun, they even nerfed the Elbereth protection that can help you survive it. The final straw for me was when I realized the Elbereth nerf also meant that you could no longer permanently protect your item stashes. Frick that. I have better things to do with my life than lose hours of gameplay because an elf picked up my bag of wands.

    • 2 years ago

      I have played the game on and off since I was a teenager and to me, some of the decisions they've made are just not very good. The Elbereth thing bothers me the most, really. Because originally it didn't even work all the time if you spammed it and so on. So it was self contained in this sense.
      I think at this point in time the game has progressed being more of a puzzle game than a 'real' roguelike but that's just my own opinion.

      • 2 years ago

        Nethack is one of those games that seems amazing at first but over time you slowly realize is a steaming piece of shit. Take summoning storms for example. Enemies that can summon other enemies, which themselves can recursively summon more enemies, to the point where the entire map is literally full of enemies and you can't even make any progress with wizard mode cheats enabled. To me this is an obvious game balance problem that should be fixed... but not only do the nethack devs think it's fun, they even nerfed the Elbereth protection that can help you survive it. The final straw for me was when I realized the Elbereth nerf also meant that you could no longer permanently protect your item stashes. Frick that. I have better things to do with my life than lose hours of gameplay because an elf picked up my bag of wands.

        did you guys actually figure out the Elbereth thing on your own? i had accidentally spoiled myself on this at some point, but never incorporated it into my play. however i remember the oracle explicitly telling me on a major consultation how it basically worked. still, i don't know its limits and have only experimented with it a little.

        my point being, if you don't discover stuff on your own, don't get upset over it. however if you did, go for it, and be pissed when they change it.

        • 2 years ago

          I don't remember I originally had some old Amiga disk version and it had some old bones files included too. At least back then there often were "something written on the dust" on some tiles and it always spelled out like "E*b***th" or something.

        • 2 years ago

          Forgot: lot of the game is about you just trying out combinations and experimenting with every item and writing down a note of each result. Unfortunately some of the items are pretty rare that it's pretty much a doomed effort to experiment with them but hey, that's a challenge and part of the longevity of the game.

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