Roguetech or BTA3062?

Roguetech or BTA3062?

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  1. 10 months ago

    Neither. Vanilla is superior.

    • 10 months ago

      Roguetech if you have at least 32gb of RAM, BTA otherwise.

      This is the dumbest thing I've ever heard.

  2. 10 months ago

    I only ever tried Roguetech, as far as mods go its certainly extremely extensive with its features, like a pseudo online mode where you can change the map with other people or pretty much making the game ruleset as close as possible to the tabletop. The only issue is the hardware requirements, even with a great PC you might eventually have stuttering because the game engine fricking sucks.

    • 10 months ago

      >or pretty much making the game ruleset as close as possible to the tabletop
      It's honestly nothing like tabletop. If they wanted to they could surely add in proper rules but they haven't. Shit like knockdown coming from damage and turns being simultaneous is fundamental for BT and HBS (and mods derived from it) don't even attempt to remedy it.

  3. 10 months ago

    I would kill myself at the gate to the airport

  4. 10 months ago

    I wish there was a game like HBS battletech but with good performance. Roguetech would be 10x as fun if it wasn't so sluggish to play due to technical issues.

  5. 10 months ago

    >still no sequel
    >still no game in a similar vein
    pure suffering

  6. 10 months ago

    The BTA guy hangs around /tg/btg/, so he wins by default.

    • 10 months ago

      Surprised anyone remembers I used to spend time in /btg/. For clarity, I haven't spent any time in /btg/ for several years now, just got busy.

      Roguetech or BTA3062?

      I'm biased (because I make it), but I suggest BTA in general. BTA has a lot of content and a lot of gameplay changes and is plenty complex and interesting for most folks. BTA also has very good documentation which helps make it easier for new players to get into the mod. If you require the absolute most new content possible, only RT will satisfy, but BTA has more than enough for like 95% of players.

      • 9 months ago

        Hey bloodydoves. I don’t know what ‘Blue Winds’ does for the mod but Jesus Christ he’s cringey as frick.

  7. 10 months ago

    >find enemy
    >shoot one of them in the torso until they fall and die
    >do this one by one
    >if you mech gets damaged enough from one side, keep it farther with the other side exposed
    >there is no reason ever to use lighter mechs
    I wish there was a game like this but with actual strategy

    • 10 months ago

      There is, it's called BattleTech tabletop.

    • 10 months ago

      All you can get is MegaMek, sorry.

    • 10 months ago

      >play game correctly
      >rewarded with success

      Gee, I sure wish there was a game which randomly punished you and made you lose no matter what you did, that would be so much more fun!

    • 10 months ago

      If anything RT makes lights very viable, what with the broken builds with clantech and superlight materials you can do, and with evasion pips not degrading for every dodged shot. Hell you can even kit out a decent protomech or BA platoon if you had the mind to

      • 9 months ago

        Roguetech (and iirc base HBS vanillatech) fricks over light mechs by making missiles individually roll to hit instead of the Classic BT aggregate 1 roll + cluster hits table

        The problem is that light mechs survive by playing the RNG "don't get hit" game - which is countered by weapons that improve to-hit chance and get more consistent damage application. That's what pulse lasers do for example. Now in roguetech, rather than having this damage being heavily RNG and 1 in 5 matches results in your light mech getting bodied by LRM's, it happens in EVERY match, because it became consistent because there's 20 rolls to hit every time an LRM20 fires instead of 1 roll and even IF it hits only 1/3rd of the missile do damage

        And, I'm not sure if it's the case but I could've sworn they even added an additional bonus to hit modifier for missiles against lights as well.

        Anyway lights are treated very unfairly in roguetech rules due to this and missiles become your most reliable damage dealing weapon compared to anything else. The only saving grace is that it's counterable by AMS, but with how effective missile spam is, that means every single unit needs AMS protection.

        • 9 months ago

          Speaking of completely fricking spastic choices - what were they thinking making pulse lasers individual rolls? It makes them far more OP than they should be and makes RT's implementation of X-pulse utterly moronic when it doesn't have multiple rolls.

          • 9 months ago

            Lots of rule changes from CBT to HBS Battletech that just mystify me
            They didn't improve much, it's honestly a step backwards and both big mods (actually EVERY overhaul I've seen) just tries to reintroduce the actual tabletop again, just with some variation in what individual modders think is good or not.

            If you're looking to avoid damage you should have jamming and camo up to the gills, to be completely fair. Being small wouldn't protect you from swarms of missiles anyway - but it makes sense to be much harder to nail with a pulse or burst. Not that I'm defending the unnecessary changes to the base game. I don't know why they weren't more sincere in bringing BT to a tactics game format. I just want Megamek but with more 'gamey' features instead of being made for a GM to create adventures in.

            I can game RT's mechanics fine, I simply don't like how the game handles light mechs and missiles. It's a rule change that wasn't actually though through and it persists because none of these people have played battletech in a competitive setting - blatantly overpowered and almost gamebreaking rule changes like this practically jump out and slap you in the face, and somehow neither modders nor professional game designers seem to bother noticing it.

            Imagine a Bane 3 and it fires 120 LRM's: 10% chance to hit means 12 hits and 60 (or w/e I forget how much) damage taken.
            Contrast that with Bane 3 and it fires 8x LRM15's, a 10% chance to hit means you might actually whiff all shots on one turn. The cluster hits table means if you do hit, then on average only 63% of the missiles in that salvo ACTUALLY hit, which is ~9.5.

            20% of your turns, your Bane 3 doesn't hit at all
            When you do hit, you average 9.5 hits instead of 12

            whereas in HBS battletech
            You hit even with at least a little damage every turn almost guaranteed
            Your average amount of applied damage is also actually 25% higher

            I tried explaining this to the roguetech people but all I got back was, "uhh durr its the same thing".
            Even if the damage application over 1000 rounds were exactly mathematically equivalent (which it isn't, because HBS version is doing more damage overall to start with), but even if it were the case, it's still different because you're not getting the same consistency of damage - you have to recognize for example, that your locust isn't fighting 1000 rounds against missiles without any repairs at all. It's more like 16 rounds then repair to full.

            • 9 months ago

              >uhh durr its the same thing
              Lmao. You need to get better at charts, man. morons physically shut down when you talk numbers, but if you've got charts they'll kneel in an instant.

              Convince the slimetuber who covers CBT to make a presentation for you. His presentation of stats is really good. So good even modders would understand.

              That said, shouldn't modders be acquainted with mathematics? Game design and programming both require at least a baseline understanding. It would explain why RT runs like shit if they're all just script-tier.

        • 9 months ago

          If you're looking to avoid damage you should have jamming and camo up to the gills, to be completely fair. Being small wouldn't protect you from swarms of missiles anyway - but it makes sense to be much harder to nail with a pulse or burst. Not that I'm defending the unnecessary changes to the base game. I don't know why they weren't more sincere in bringing BT to a tactics game format. I just want Megamek but with more 'gamey' features instead of being made for a GM to create adventures in.

          • 9 months ago

            it's not being small its running fast. lights are harder to hit cause they move 7-8 hexes, that's how it works in real life.

            hbs's "ablative dodge modifier" also fricks lights, in real life the dodge modifier is +3 no matter how many things are shooting at it.

    • 10 months ago

      >no reason to use lighter mechs
      Yeah, fricking basically as it should be, except, you know when you refit them properly and understand how strikers and cav are meant to work instead of eating shit like a moron. Until you understand how melee works and create a pilot killing, hot running, sword wielding, clear map in a single turning, maniac mech that makes Solaris 7 jealous. Until you run your macross variable fighters across the map to sling ER PPCs and bombs into backs. Until you start using networks and actually benefit from scouts.
      Until you (multiple BT tabletop exclusive uses for meds and lights like burning for initiative or calling shots for LRMs)

      And that's without considering the strategic/logistic necessity for lighter lances. Reminder that shit exists for combined arms combat even if it's not in the game or the ruleset currently. If you're going to be a b***h about it why aren't you complaining about MGs existing when they really only make sense for counter inf? Or AC2s for counter air? It's because it makes sense that they should exist in the setting even if you don't use them for YOUR personal refits or Lance V Lance combat.

      • 10 months ago

        >does 5 damage
        >Does 9 damage
        >does 12 damage
        What did they mean by this?

    • 10 months ago

      Roguetech makes light mechs viable

    • 10 months ago

      >there is no reason ever to use lighter mechs
      I was really invested in making a light-leaning lance playing off high mobility and dodging and being stoked at how well it worked kinda compensated the otherwise dull and repetitive combat... for a while. Then all my light mechs went fricking cosmically obsolete due to how much damage the later (although not even late-game) encounters require. The scaling is fricking worse than Oblivion. I just fricking LOVE how getting our hands on some SL mechs as our new heavy-hitters to give us an edge over any opposition is a plot point lasting multiple missions - and then every single fricking pirate encounter is
      >4 Atlases
      >4 Highlanders
      >A King Crab lol
      And the worst part is if you rub at least two brain cells together, they are never even hard to beat. But they make it so that all the feeling of progression you are experiencing is battles becoming longer and more tedious.

      • 10 months ago

        Literally no one cares about HBS BT. This thread is discussing BTA and RT which are basically different interpretations of the same concept and otherwise very mechanically similar. You have just finished the demo. Install BTA or RT to play the actual game.

      • 10 months ago

        >4 Atlases
        >4 Highlanders
        >A King Crab lol

        Meet my BTA3062 gauss Annihilator and multiple Clan gauss lights specced for headshots. Thank you and good night.

      • 10 months ago

        True. The most fun and interesting mechs are the lighter heavies and heavier mediums. 45-65 tons are the best.

  8. 10 months ago

    BTA, Roguetech is janky bloat and their devs participated in the pride month purge of Battletech

    • 10 months ago


      Roguetech or BTA3062?

      I've only played vanilla and rogue but from what I've seen while BTA has better programming and much better documentation Rogue has more features and that's what I want. I can run Rogue just fine so the performance is only a minor hindrance.

      I wish there was a gamified MechHQ. It's feels like it needs a GM to be as engaging as it should be and I don't know anyone who likes BT games or boardgames. I wish someone had a hybrid between HBS and MechHQ. Something with a functional UI and internal notation but with the full suite of features and the proper ruleset.

      • 9 months ago

        The "gamification" of MekHQ is called StratCon and it's still in alpha. That's the one thing the HBS game does better than megamek is the strat layer is much smoother. It's not great by any means, but it's servicable.

        • 9 months ago

          Exciting stuff. I can't wait until it's feature complete.

          it's not being small its running fast. lights are harder to hit cause they move 7-8 hexes, that's how it works in real life.

          hbs's "ablative dodge modifier" also fricks lights, in real life the dodge modifier is +3 no matter how many things are shooting at it.

          >irl irl
          You mean in CBT, bro. And yeah sure tmm ultimately reflects tracking a moving target and the speed of the target is by extension related to size. Nothing I said was wrong.

          • 9 months ago

            >feature complete
            Taking a while looks like. Probably will still happen before "The Winds Of Winter" comes out though lol

  9. 10 months ago


  10. 10 months ago

    >Playing troonytech in current year

    • 10 months ago

      You've confused it with Warhammer

      • 10 months ago

        Nah, Battletech had its own takeover during pride month. Trannies made a pride fan-fic that was officially endorsed as bait and when the backlash happened they used it to get CGL involved so they would declare "Battletech is for everyone" and had the moderation team on the reddit (and a bunch of discords) booted and replaced with trans staff who then started purging anyone who even hinted at questioning them.

        To be on topic, Roguetech's community went along with it with most of the mod team revealing themselves to be trans and communists and did their own purge of the community and for a while after were discussing adding identity flags camo schemes and pro-LGBT+ quotes on the loading screens to "own the chuds". I don't know if they're still planning it, or wtf a chud is. I guess it's like TERF and some term that has no meaning and is akin to a kid making up a word to throw as a insult.

        • 10 months ago

          You're a chud, I'm a child, this thread is all chuds, merely by virtue of being here on Ganker

        • 9 months ago

          not to mention they kicked the one conservative-leaning fiction writer to the curb for being a milquetoast republican instead of a radical progressive extremist

  11. 10 months ago

    Played years ago but this game filtered me hard. I played a lot of turn-based tactics but this one I was just too smoothbrained for.

  12. 10 months ago

    RogueTech went full troon moron

    • 10 months ago

      To be fair one of the mod team for 3062 is a watery eyed no-chin troon who calls himself bluewinds or something. You should see the gay’s in-game character bio, it’s absolutely the cringiest shit I’ve ever seen, worse than Chris-Chan even, if only because you kinda expect Chris-Chan to be a cringey sperg.

      Oh and if you even want to know what’s in it the nutcase has splashed it onto their wiki LOL

      • 10 months ago

        Jesus christ. Everything about that is painful

        • 10 months ago

          At least it didn’t have Kamea Arano suddenly developing a taste for troon dick. That’s frankly the only way it could have been cringier.

        • 9 months ago

          I'm so fricking tired of it all. Why can't this troony fad die out already it has genuinely begun to ruin game communities.

          • 9 months ago

            we're in year 9 of this nonsense with no end in sight. gamergate just hit its 9th anniversary.

    • 9 months ago

      more like gone full american, which sadly mean same currently

  13. 10 months ago

    MechWarrior 5

  14. 10 months ago

    3062 arr day erry day

  15. 10 months ago

    Both Roguetech and BTA3062 have turns that take enormous time for AI to think and pauses between animations and turns. A single battle can take a fricking epoch.

    If you have the time though, BTA is better.

  16. 10 months ago

    Can someone actually outline the differences (specific) between BTA and RT

    • 10 months ago

      There’s hundreds of differences, if not thousands. I played both and BTA3062 is simply the better of the two. I’d even go so far as to say it’s what BT should have been if HBS had hired a competent straight white man (like Bloodydoves, BTA3062’s generalissimo) instead of Kiva the homosexual, whose main concern was social justice, not good gaming.

      • 10 months ago



      • 10 months ago

        Yet you can't give me any differences. Pretty useless. Can I turn off heat syncs in BTA? I'd swap right now if so.

        • 9 months ago

          Go to the BTA3062 wiki and look it up for yourself you lazy piece of shit.

          • 9 months ago

            Instead I just downloaded it.

            Surprised anyone remembers I used to spend time in /btg/. For clarity, I haven't spent any time in /btg/ for several years now, just got busy.

            I'm biased (because I make it), but I suggest BTA in general. BTA has a lot of content and a lot of gameplay changes and is plenty complex and interesting for most folks. BTA also has very good documentation which helps make it easier for new players to get into the mod. If you require the absolute most new content possible, only RT will satisfy, but BTA has more than enough for like 95% of players.

            Here's an unsolicited opinion. I like your UI and general approach. Everything is cleaner and more thought out than RT. I appreciate that things run better too. That said, I rather miss a lot of the RT features not least of which is assigning the esc 'skip or back' function to another button (like m4). I like that you can jury rig BA mounts rather than having to rely on omnis or APCs.
            Something you both lack is spawning BAs mounted which is something you can do with the tabletop/megamek.
            I like that there's a good amount of attention to armoured skills rather than just one catch all.

            I can't say much more because the game appears to start simple. RT sort of pounds your ass immediately and you're typically not spared geared up units kicking your ass and showing you all the features.

            Oh and aside from loving your documentation I really like the extra character you have given encounters. It's almost nothing but the initial hail on the open comms for the opfor unit to chat with you does a lot to add character. I've seen units added to each faction and I'm unsure of how they're implemented past that but it goes a hell of a long way to making things feel alive.

            tl;dr your execution is much better than RT but I want the features they offer

  17. 10 months ago

    Can I mod BTA62 further? If I'm to play this pozz shit again, I must replace the 3d models with anime portraits yes, yes, tranime, bite my ass, at least the portrait pack doesn't have Black folk and disable trannies.

    • 10 months ago

      Don't pick the dev crew and don't hire it if the event pops up, it's not that fricking hard.

      • 10 months ago

        No. I refuse to even look at gay Black folk from outer space.

  18. 9 months ago

    BTA3062 has the better design philosophy and goals and is actually thought out and the developer is sane, but it feels dead with no content

    Roguetech is schizophrenic with BPD psycho troony devs that can't go 10 seconds without insulting everyone, and eleventy million vehicles, guns, and so on, with balance and stability a massive afterthought but because of that it's actually got things to do and play

  19. 9 months ago

    Mechabellum more interesting and fun than battletech.

  20. 9 months ago


    • 9 months ago

      I'm not having enough fun with HQ. How can I make campaigns more rewarding? I like the battles but getting fricked by a bad contract stings as bad as a boring contract.

  21. 9 months ago

    bex or heavily customized and fixed bta

    • 9 months ago

      list customizations of bta

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