RPG things you hate

>Easily win boss fight
>Characters lose in a cutscene

Mike Stoklasa's Worst Fan Shirt $21.68

Black Rifle Cuck Company, Conservative Humor Shirt $21.68

Mike Stoklasa's Worst Fan Shirt $21.68

  1. 5 months ago


  2. 5 months ago

    >Characters lose in a cutscene
    Very bad design

    • 5 months ago

      Disagree. You can be made to lose in the fight, the difference is your psychological pliability to either. If you realize it's the same thing then it doesn't matter.

      • 5 months ago

        What's the point of gameplay if it's not canon to the plot?

        • 5 months ago

          To keep you busy. You'd have a better argument if you argued for systems and gamplay over plot instead of thinking plot is necessary.

          • 5 months ago

            Wha? What are you talking about? These things must be interconnected. If the killings don't matter to the plot, it's just grind, like in an MMO. If your choices don't affect anything, it's a fricking visual novel masquerading as rpg

            • 5 months ago

              Have you never stopped to realize in many of those types of games the canon battle is never your party spamming the same attacks over and over? It's the same thing.

              • 5 months ago

                >Have you never stopped to realize in many of those types of games the canon battle is never your party spamming the same attacks over and over? It's the same thing.
                What do you mean?

              • 5 months ago

                So you don't really realize why you're playing games? Nor how they're wasting your time? Basically, you're okay with it if it isn't too blatant, but being railroaded with your gameplay having no real consequence doesn't actually bother you on principle.

              • 5 months ago

                >So you don't really realize why you're playing games? Nor how they're wasting your time? Basically, you're okay with it if it isn't too blatant, but being railroaded with your gameplay having no real consequence doesn't actually bother you on principle.
                No, I always try to kill enemies as quickly and efficiently as possible in games like Lisa, Deltaurine, etc. In action RPGs, I try to kill them effectively and quietly, such as by smashing their heads with a sledgehammer.
                I don't want to waste time, especially In vain.

  3. 5 months ago

    >press X to skip dialog
    >it skips to the next sentence

  4. 5 months ago

    I hate them

  5. 5 months ago

    I don't mind it but it's always more kino when the boss actually defeats your party during the fight.

  6. 5 months ago

    badly designed inventory layout and system

  7. 5 months ago

    Pointless "talk" topics that are just a single point of characterization that's flanderized 10 different ways.

    • 5 months ago

      Stupid sexy Flanders.

  8. 5 months ago

    >health is restored automatically
    makes potions, medics and spells pointless

    • 5 months ago

      >makes potions, medics and spells pointless
      Only outside of combat, they still stay as useful as ever during fights. It trades some of the resource management and route planning for being able to design every fight for the player to be able to go all out with all their abilities.

    • 5 months ago

      >health is restored automatically
      >makes potions, medics and spells pointless
      The resource management in 99% of RPGs is trivial. I'd rather have the convenience.

  9. 5 months ago

    Voice acting, especially the whiny english shit where VAs over-act and it sounds like a an early '90s anime dub.
    I still like text boxes.

    • 5 months ago

      My brother from another mother.

    • 5 months ago

      do you like when characters have unique text sounds? like deeper or lighter sounding ones or sampled stuff etc

    • 5 months ago

      Give me text boxes or death. Its so easy to frick up with VA because its basically binary in success. If you wont go trough with it and go for budget anywhere its already just annoying and immersion breaking if every third npc has an identical voice, the quality sucks and later additions or scenes have different voices for one character.
      Its also guaranteed to cause problems for sequels and expansions if you cant get all actors back and modding or people writing their own campaigns is basically of the table. Meanwhile localization is expensive as frick as everything else. I remember SwTor having an absolute mental budget for such a third class mmo simply because everything was fully voiced in several languages.

      Status effects in general.

      >game has dozens of interesting status ailments
      >but they never work against any strong enemy you would want to use them against
      >weak enemies die instantly to AoE damage spells so it's pointless to use status on them


      >All tactical effects, abilities or talking skills which wont work at all or differently with bosses or stronger NPC's.

      If in the end all I do is maxing out dps and all builds that are not max dps are automatically only useable for parts of the game where they are not needed your gamedesign is bad and you should feel bad. This also and especially accounts for having face and rogue classes or skills if classles but like a dozen lines of purely optional dialogue and no sneak sections, traps or lock picking making those options just extremely subpar fighting builds.

    • 5 months ago

      Give me text boxes or death. Its so easy to frick up with VA because its basically binary in success. If you wont go trough with it and go for budget anywhere its already just annoying and immersion breaking if every third NPC has an identical voice, the quality sucks and later additions or scenes have different voices for one character.
      Its also guaranteed to cause problems for sequels and expansions if you cant get all actors back and modding or people writing their own campaigns is basically of the table. Meanwhile localization is expensive as frick as everything else. I remember SwTor having an absolute mental budget for such a third class mmo simply because everything was fully voiced in several languages.


      >All tactical effects, abilities or talking skills which wont work at all or differently with bosses or stronger NPC's.

      If in the end all I do is maxing out dps and all builds that are not max dps are automatically only useable for parts of the game where they are not needed your gamedesign is bad and you should feel bad. This also and especially accounts for having face and rogue classes or skills if classles but like a dozen lines of purely optional dialogue and no sneak sections, traps or lock picking making those options just extremely subpar fighting builds.

      >voice acting

      It's also easy to undercut VA by using oversaturated and limited-range voice actors. If you hear the same actor in a lot of games, with similarly-themed parts, it can take you out of the game simply by setting up that expectation in the player's head.
      There's also the fact that you get a lot of actors who aren't necessarily professionally trained i.e. theater or film; and in either case, just because somebody's a good actor doesn't make them a good voice actor. Still they are more likely to use and be directed to go for nuance, rather than simple passion, as in some 'dramatic' rpgs and jrpgs to a major degree.
      But that needs more budget funneled into voice acting; budget funded for the purpose of furthering the art of voice acting and games generally, which, while so much of the demographic is i. immature / ii. not especially interested iii. to a lesser degree, against the idea of games being or needing to be art at all, and the inclusion (+budgeting) of art in videogames.. at all.

      Text boxes are still good- but will they be good enough for people who didn't grow up with them? I would suppose.. yes, but enough to sell enough to merit being made?

  10. 5 months ago

    Status effects in general.

    >game has dozens of interesting status ailments
    >but they never work against any strong enemy you would want to use them against
    >weak enemies die instantly to AoE damage spells so it's pointless to use status on them

  11. 5 months ago

    too much dialog

  12. 5 months ago

    >dialogue doesn't match the choice

    • 5 months ago

      >[x] glass him

      • 5 months ago

        That was pretty straightforward, idk what the deal is with that

        • 5 months ago

          Your average gamer isn't familiar with barfight lingo.

  13. 5 months ago

    For me its when a frogposter shares his moronic thoughts

  14. 5 months ago


  15. 5 months ago

    >random encounter
    >random encounter
    >random encounter
    >random encounter
    >random encounter
    5 steps
    >random encounter
    >random encounter
    >random encounter
    >random encounter
    by some
    >random encounter

    • 5 months ago

      I feel like non-random encounters are often just as lame. For me it feels like a filler in isometric RPGs. I always drop them for this reason. In the beginning, your ability pool is very limited, and it feels like such a grind, dispatching boring low-level enemies. The fights are not challenging and not interesting in any other way. They just fricking boring. It's a total failure when the action part is the most boring part.

      It's the same shit as pointless leveling that just increases the numbers. It's fricking moronic.

    • 5 months ago

      I hate random encounters so much. It's never done well. I was playing RDR 2 and that game has random encounters ever 2 minutes. It's so annoying.

      • 5 months ago

        Rdr2 has a system where EVERY SINGLE TIME you kill someone, a witness appears shortly after. Literally every single time. Bizarre game immersion breaking feature.

        • 5 months ago

          Name one good implementation of police in a game.
          It's not every single time. I once shot a guy, witness spawned... After the 13th no one came. You need to stay on the horse, else you won't catch them.

          • 5 months ago

            >Name one good implementation of police in a game.

            My dad would always say, "Move along! Keep moving!" as a kid

  16. 5 months ago

    >Xenoblade Chronicles 3

    im having easy time beating Ethel
    in game the characters say oh wow she is so tough
    meanwhile she does nothing but stand idle doing a bunch of repetitive crap moves like any other random mob
    cutscene comes and she is winning


    how is this game anything above 40 metacritic is a mystery

  17. 5 months ago

    Really all derivations of scripted player loss suck, from the supposed-to-lose fight to the lose-in-cutscene, the only satisfying way to do it is to have winning technically be an option.


  18. 5 months ago

    I hate when talking your way out of or sneaking around encounters nets worse reward than barging in the front door and killing everyone like a psychopath.

  19. 5 months ago

    >Japanese RPG
    >No option for Japanese text, but allows you to select Japanese voices

    • 5 months ago

      why would you want either? (note I'm not actually asking a legitimate question, I'm insulting you and your core beliefs)

  20. 5 months ago

    Even better
    >boss is designed to be unbeatable normally
    >find a cheese tactic that lets you beat the boss
    >designers still put the effort of programming the losing cutscene
    >or programs a game over
    Frick you Buzzo

    • 5 months ago

      Since I'm not the only one who has played Lisa and similar games...
      >Hours of playing doesn't affect anything
      >Like in fricking Deltarune
      >Hours of playing change ending, alright
      >Change one line
      >Like in Lisa The Joyful

      • 5 months ago

        >>Like in fricking Deltarune
        That's kinda the point of Deltarune; your choices DON'T matter. It's even referenced by the presence of those beads-on-rails things in the real world.

  21. 5 months ago

    >character dies in cutscene
    >the items and equipment aren't returned to you

    • 5 months ago

      >equip best amulets/accessories/etc.
      >character leaves party
      >rejoins at a later time without said equipment
      Or even
      >rejoins at a much later time in the middle of combat wearing the gear that was once good but is now sigificantly power creeped

      • 5 months ago

        >rejoins at a much later time in the middle of combat wearing the gear that was once good but is now sigificantly power creeped
        I used to grind best equipment for everyone, before advancing anything. Now I only worry about the party members that I'm actually going to use.

  22. 5 months ago

    >Magic attacks are just the generic "Big Attack/Bigger Attack/Big Attack but AOE" but with different colors

  23. 5 months ago

    Game lying about your choice mattering. I mean things like when get to chose to either kill or spare a character, but when you let them live they don't appear in the game anymore anyway or when the ending solely depends on choice you make right before or after the final boss fight.

    • 5 months ago

      It's worse when the enemy you spare returns later. This happened in GTA 4, which is not an RPG... And it could have been in Vegas, but it was cut out. But these are only the cases that I remember. There could be a lot more things like this.

      • 5 months ago

        I don't see how's that worse. It's cool that the character shows up afterwards even if you get negative outcome.

        • 5 months ago

          >I don't see how's that worse
          >I spare the character!
          >Nah, just kill little later
          What the point then?
          >It's cool that the character shows up afterwards even if you negative outcome.
          I would agree with you under normal circumstances. But in the case of Fallout New Vegas - sparing the Benny is already rare and hard. His attempt to attack the Main Character afterwards looks completely stupid. He tries to kill him even knowing that he can butcher the whole Fort. Not surprisingly, this outcome was cut out before game release.
          In case of GTA 4 and 5 - when a black or Mexican tries to attack the hero even after being spared, this is logical, but makes the choice meaningless. Basically - "will you kill this character immediately or little later"?
          For me - there must be a balance between fiction, realism and power fantasy. If you want the character to come back and try to attack the hero later - fine. But...
          1) The spared character must be better prepared or stronger than last time. Or set up an ambush.
          2) The execution of a spared character should be either more gruesome than the previous time, so that the point will spare him the first time, or vice versa - less gruesome, so that players with other opinion kill this character at the first opportunity.
          3) When the return and re-attack of a spared character suits the tone, morality and mood of the game. Benny trying to kill the Courier in Fallout New Vegas even after Fort looks as clumsy as possible and out of character. Previously, he always acted with a bunch of henchmen, but now SUDDENLY decided to carry out a suicidal attack alone. This is a CUT option, but in some games characters use this logic even in a normal, unmodified game. Why? It's fanfiction level.

          And I understand that not all hard or good choices have good outcomes. But if you don't maintain balance, no one will pick that shit. This is the main bug of Fallout 1-2 that many people like to forget. The authors have made "evil" quests so unprofitable and difficult that few people will choose them.
          Bethesda was much better in this regard when it came to the evil choices in Fallout 3, where the evil choice often represents a more profitable and easier path.
          Therefore, sparing the character in most cases should lead to something good, otherwise it will simply not be profitable. Or the player will just kill everyone out of sadism, like I did when I played Dragon Age: Origins as a teenager.

  24. 5 months ago


    >I don't see how's that worse
    >I spare the character!
    >Nah, just kill little later
    What the point then?
    >It's cool that the character shows up afterwards even if you negative outcome.
    I would agree with you under normal circumstances. But in the case of Fallout New Vegas - sparing the Benny is already rare and hard. His attempt to attack the Main Character afterwards looks completely stupid. He tries to kill him even knowing that he can butcher the whole Fort. Not surprisingly, this outcome was cut out before game release.
    In case of GTA 4 and 5 - when a black or Mexican tries to attack the hero even after being spared, this is logical, but makes the choice meaningless. Basically - "will you kill this character immediately or little later"?
    For me - there must be a balance between fiction, realism and power fantasy. If you want the character to come back and try to attack the hero later - fine. But...
    1) The spared character must be better prepared or stronger than last time. Or set up an ambush.
    2) The execution of a spared character should be either more gruesome than the previous time, so that the point will spare him the first time, or vice versa - less gruesome, so that players with other opinion kill this character at the first opportunity.
    3) When the return and re-attack of a spared character suits the tone, morality and mood of the game. Benny trying to kill the Courier in Fallout New Vegas even after Fort looks as clumsy as possible and out of character. Previously, he always acted with a bunch of henchmen, but now SUDDENLY decided to carry out a suicidal attack alone. This is a CUT option, but in some games characters use this logic even in a normal, unmodified game. Why? It's fanfiction level.

  25. 5 months ago

    >Game has status effect items
    >On lower difficulty they are useless or one-hit kills
    >On higher difficulty enemies are either outright immune, or so resistant as to be effectively immune
    >Game has a plethora of buffs
    >So many are so conditional that successfully activating and using them requires you to game the system
    >Combat gearshifts from trivial to unfun from one difficulty to the next
    Thanks, BG3. Making most of the enemies in moonrise paladins is great fun. They never cast spells. Just sprint up and double smite. It's not like it's THE burst mechanic and why the class is a half-caster

    • 5 months ago

      I hated Moonrise, playing as a devotion pally. I said “frick all this infiltration noise” and kicked down the door and slayed everyone, it’s the evil lair of a murderous cult of blasphemers. Get to the second floor and kept running into the issue of the “guards” in one room opening dialogue with me “Halt! You’ve committed murder most foul! You must answer to The Law!” And then attack me, and if I killed their evil asses I became a fallen paladin, because all evil has to do is put up a sign that says “ummm akshually it’s illegal for you to attack our base so you’re a criminal if you fight us”. So moronic.

      • 5 months ago

        Without even touching how asinine and moronic reducing the concept of “smite evil” to hurrrrrr just dump all your spell slots to burst damage literally anything, thematic roleplaying concepts be dammed.

        • 5 months ago

          Also, the absolute absurdity of walking up to an evil non-hostile and killing then makes you fall, BUT if you go talk to them first and then click the “attack” button in dialogue then it’s perfectly fine.

        • 5 months ago

          >What exactly it is supposed to be? God helps out in adding holy??? damage?
          Yeah. "Uhh, here's your divine powers, granted specifically by your God for the express purpose of detecting evil, protecting against evil, and destroying evil. But go ahead and use them on random whatevers and they still work because ??? reasons". It perverts the purpose of the class and just encourages munchkin cheese because xd big damage lel

          Yes, I’m describing how that waters down and cheapens the thematic nature of the class. It’s a mistake.

          I agree. I hate it how d&d type casters are just mechanically different now, except for warlocks. But there's increasingly a mentality that every RPG mechanic should favour maximum customisation and "fun" in isolation, when restrictions are just as interesting. Imo paladins being dicks or druids ruining nature should result in a temporary loss of any magical powers

      • 5 months ago

        Without even touching how asinine and moronic reducing the concept of “smite evil” to hurrrrrr just dump all your spell slots to burst damage literally anything, thematic roleplaying concepts be dammed.

        Also, the absolute absurdity of walking up to an evil non-hostile and killing then makes you fall, BUT if you go talk to them first and then click the “attack” button in dialogue then it’s perfectly fine.

        Paladins always draw the shittiest of the shit writers to them. /tg/ doesn't even think Paladins *can* be objectively good people.

        Too many writers are mindbroken Avellone types that need therapy, or at least need to stop self inserting their depression into games with their Reddit-tier morality.

    • 5 months ago

      >Making most of the enemies in moonrise paladins is great fun
      Completely idiotic. One enemy type, wohoo. Why paladins? They are mind controlled, no reason to swear an holy oath. The oath concept is stupid as well.

      I hated Moonrise, playing as a devotion pally. I said “frick all this infiltration noise” and kicked down the door and slayed everyone, it’s the evil lair of a murderous cult of blasphemers. Get to the second floor and kept running into the issue of the “guards” in one room opening dialogue with me “Halt! You’ve committed murder most foul! You must answer to The Law!” And then attack me, and if I killed their evil asses I became a fallen paladin, because all evil has to do is put up a sign that says “ummm akshually it’s illegal for you to attack our base so you’re a criminal if you fight us”. So moronic.

      >fallen paladin

      Without even touching how asinine and moronic reducing the concept of “smite evil” to hurrrrrr just dump all your spell slots to burst damage literally anything, thematic roleplaying concepts be dammed.

      What exactly it is supposed to be? God helps out in adding holy??? damage?

      • 5 months ago

        >What exactly it is supposed to be? God helps out in adding holy??? damage?
        Yeah. "Uhh, here's your divine powers, granted specifically by your God for the express purpose of detecting evil, protecting against evil, and destroying evil. But go ahead and use them on random whatevers and they still work because ??? reasons". It perverts the purpose of the class and just encourages munchkin cheese because xd big damage lel

        • 5 months ago

          It not necessarily even god. Iirc in newer dnd you can be paladin or cleric that swears oath to generic idea of justice, goodness or the likes instead of specific diety.

          • 5 months ago

            Yes, I’m describing how that waters down and cheapens the thematic nature of the class. It’s a mistake.

  26. 5 months ago

    >find the ultimate plot sword of godslaying
    >+112 attack
    >some random sword in a chest in a lategame dungeon
    >+248 attack
    Is it too much to ask for the strongest weapons in lore to actually be the strongest weapons?

    • 5 months ago

      I'm fine with it not having the best raw attack stat, if it has some other special attributes, that make it useful.

    • 5 months ago

      At least that's a random drop, what's worse is when crafted gear is better than what can be obtained any other way.

      • 5 months ago

        On the other hand crafted weapons being worse than weapons you would find anyway is also bad because it makes crafting pointless.

  27. 5 months ago

    Status effects that only work on fodder that you one-shot but not on bosses

  28. 5 months ago

    >Farm powerful gear, items and 500 health potions in preparation for le epic endgame and boss battle
    >Easily beat the entire game on the first run without dying and only ever needed to consume 2 health potions, with an underwhelming final boss battle
    This type of shit triggers me.

  29. 5 months ago

    >Game blatantly tells me this choice I'm making during a pivotal moment in the plot is super important and asks if I'm sure 50 times
    Really takes me out of the experience and ruins the surprise and plot twist of the whole story when I'm told out of all the choices I made so far, this is the only one that matters

    • 5 months ago

      The alternative is a point of no return that comes out of nowhere and locks off large portions of the world unless you reload a save that might be 20 minutes back.

      • 5 months ago

        I prefer that tbh. It rewards actually being invested in the story and talking with Npcs

  30. 5 months ago

    Pretty telling that 99% of the examples of bad design ITT are found near exclusively in jarpigs.

  31. 5 months ago

    most / all bosses straight up immune to status effects
    final boss immune to thing that has worked against everything else so far for no raison

    would you like me to repeat this

    annoying unnecessarily repetitive voice overs example: THIS LOOKS LIKE A GOOD SPOT TO FIND SOME INGREDIENTS
    hey listen! look
    (the only one that works like this is crisis core "COMBAT MODE ACTIVATED" " CONFLICT RESOLVED" or flight sims "woooob wooob wooob ALTITUDE, wooob PULL UP"

    • 5 months ago

      >most / all bosses straight up immune to status effects
      Even Etrian Odyssey which is known for its difficulty doesn't do this.

  32. 5 months ago

    *note that no less than two of my examples are from ocarina of time. yeah its good but its not flawless.

  33. 5 months ago

    minigames. I fricking despise minigames. Skyrim/Fallout/DX:HR style lockpicking/hacking are unbearable. Just make it a success/fail based on skills and modifiers for frick's sake.

    Collectible card minigames like in Witcher 3, FFVIII or KOTOR make me mad too. IF I WANTED TO PLAY A COLLECTIBLE CARD GAME I'D PLAY MTG ONLINE REEEEEEEEEEEEEE

    I also hate crafting. Really anything that feels like a mechanic shoehorned into a game to extend the playing time that is not core gameplay, I hate.

    • 5 months ago

      Imagine having such shit taste. A lot of these can be bad but if they're done right they're great.

      Crafting is really fun in RPGs if it makes sense, like having to go on an adventure to find a blacksmith that can use the good materials you find to make you and your party good gear, or if the game has an alchemist class letting the player actually craft potions that do crazy shit compared to the ones you can just buy. The problem most games have with crafting is that they never make it optional, if someone doesn't want to get the best possible shit they shouldn't be forced to go out of their way to do it.

      CCGs in games are great if they're simple, can be used as a gambling substitute to skirt the gambling laws a lot of countries have because the game you're betting on isn't real, and since the devs are designing it they can make it simple and fun to play compared to just making you play poker or slots, blackjack is alright in games but barely any game fricking has it.

      Skill minigames are just there for immersion usually, but I think something like lock picking could be interesting if the game doesn't freeze time when you're doing it, if you're too slow at the minigame and someone walks by and sees you, you get caught and have to suffer the consequences, skills and modifiers just make the minigame easier and faster to simulate how you're getting good at it.

    • 5 months ago

      This, crafting is a horrible trend, specially in modern games where is not as optional

    • 5 months ago

      I'm the complete opposite. I love when RPGs implement more in depth world interaction beyond dice rolls and skill checks. That saying, they still need to be good.
      Crafting could be fun if it was, well, fun.

  34. 5 months ago

    >the "XP" belongs to the character within the game, not to me
    >general limitations of the medium leading to repetition and eternal lack of variety

  35. 5 months ago

    I loathe in-game RPG lore when done badly. E.g. Witcher 3, Skyrim have shelves of tedious fanfic books some fricking troony autist spent hours writing and expect me to read and appreciate their trite garbage. I couldn't care less about some fricking nerd's expository infodump firehose style universe-building.

    There's a reason "show, don't tell" is a thing. Correctly done, players find out more about the fictional universe through a process of gradual discovery during organic gameplay. I can' think of many examples of RPGs that do this well:

    Deus Ex (original)
    Vampire The Masquerade: Bloodlines
    Yakuza 0
    Fallout 2 & 3

    • 5 months ago

      Bethesda got rid of their only good writer after Morrowind because he was an unreliable drunk

    • 5 months ago

      Bethesda got rid of their only good writer after Morrowind because he was an unreliable drunk

      >Bethesda got rid of their only good writer after Morrowind because he was an unreliable drunk
      I'm pretty sure most of those stories in the books in Skyrim were already in item books in Daggerfall, Morrowind and Oblivion, and are recycled assets. Mostly written by the "unreliable drunk" and some other people before Morrowind was released.

    • 5 months ago

      >There's a reason "show, don't tell" is a thing
      Because the Soviets were doing very literal art, and the CIA funded an anti-Soviet propaganda campaign, which involved anti-Soviet art. You can watch a movie from the 1950s, when they were still called talkies, and characters would just tell you all sorts of off-screen events. People loved them, and no one every thought that it should be otherwise. It's especially common in books, even now.

  36. 5 months ago

    Which btw the so-called "fricking troony autist"/"unreliable drunk" was more or less for most of the writing and themes of Morrowind, but he got fired for showing up to work while high on drugs (mushrooms?) iirc.

    • 5 months ago

      kirkbride only worked on the manuals and some books
      he has nothing to do with the writing in the games, I don't think he made a single quest or wrote a single line of dialogue even in morrowind
      he was let go because he was more interested in writing smut than anything interesting
      also him being drunk or being on drugs is a complete fabrication

      • 5 months ago

        >kirkbride only worked on the manuals and some books
        I may have been confusing him together with another writer who worked on Morrowind.

  37. 5 months ago

    >*more or less responsible for

  38. 5 months ago

    >Voice acting
    Waste of money and it sounds worse than the voice i imagined it in my head for the character
    Waste of money all games should be ascii and the money should be put into making more sidequests
    >a main quest
    Rpgs should focus more on nonlinear gameplay like Morrowind,Sims,Kenshi etc. players should be able to write their own story through gameplay instead of following the same path everytime thats not a game thats a movie.
    >Stats are just intelligence=magic damage +5,strenght=sword damage +5
    Stats should affect your hit chance,your lockpicking chance,your movement speed,how fast your character goes hungry etc. let you really build your own character
    >Mana/Hp regeneration
    You should only be able to heal with potions.
    I didnt buy a game to put down the controller and watch a movie.
    moronic normie bait that will make all discussion surrounding your game center araund if Jenny or Betty are best girl.
    >fake choices
    Either make the choices matter or dont add them at all.
    The Yes,Yes sarcastic,no(actually yes) and Yes but give me more money type dialogue is garbage

  39. 5 months ago

    what does the reddit frog have to do with this?

    • 5 months ago

      The anger on its face represents OP's anger at the things he hates.
      Its called a emoji aka emoticon aka emote.
      A small digital image or icon used to express an emotion.

  40. 5 months ago

    >character goes down right before beating a boss
    >doesn't get any xp

    • 5 months ago

      You will not BELIEVE how many times I've restarted boss fights because of this horse shit. At least give half XP or some sort of calculation for how much effort was put into the fight

  41. 5 months ago

    >game is good
    >game ends

  42. 5 months ago

    Racial bonuses that lean too much toward one class. I'm talking situation when there is not reason to make mage that isn't elf because they have the best bonuses toward magic and there is no reason to make elf that isn't mage because most if not all their bonuses resolve around magic. At this point just make races into classes, like in Might and Magic 8.

  43. 5 months ago

    >Fetch quest sends you to other side of map. Several times.

  44. 5 months ago

    >I can't romance the best girl
    Looking at you, Dragon Age Inquisition.

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