rumors say he's still alive.

rumors say he's still alive.

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  1. 8 months ago


  2. 8 months ago

    Are we just not going to ever hear from him again until he's dead?

    • 8 months ago

      *hear about him until he's dead

  3. 8 months ago

    Yep I am. They destroyed my games by the way, if only Shudo didn't die we could have just stopped at Pokemon 2 and reminisced forever.

    • 8 months ago
      Satoshi Tajiri is still alive

      So do you keep taking a percentage out of the profit?

      • 8 months ago

        Yep. Living it up here in my tiny kinopad studio in tokyo with my pet bug collection with occassional trips to the countryside to add to it.

        • 8 months ago

          Yep I am. They destroyed my games by the way, if only Shudo didn't die we could have just stopped at Pokemon 2 and reminisced forever.

          Thanks for creating one of the most fappable franchises in history btw. You have no idea how many gallons of seed I've while busting a nut to the harem of Pokegirls that now populate the series. And of course to the occasional Pokemon too.

  4. 8 months ago

    Does anybody know what he looks like current day age 58?

    • 8 months ago

      this was his last pic in 2018

      • 8 months ago
        Satoshi Tajiri is still alive

        did he say anything about the new games?

        I know there's no good evidence that suggests Tajiri is autistic, but I can buy it. In most pictures he's got strange expressions, he's perpetually hidden himself from the public eye, and he's created what is undoubtedly a cornerstone of autistic culture. It's hard to gauge his social ability by his few interviews, given the lingual and cultural barrier, though.
        I don't say any of this as a negative thing, as it's immensely impressive what he has accomplished even if he's neurotypical, but it's honestly even more amazing if you assume he's autistic. What's more, many autistic people - even the high functioning - don't make it to his age, either. I hope he's doing well, whatever the case, and I'm grateful for his vision having created something I held so dear for most of my childhood.

        moron first of autism is mostly a fake news of the psychopathic system that doesnt exist at all but its the same system that claims 99% of people (anyone that isnt an "i own nothing and im happy" golem) is "mentali ilé;)". Its not real, and never will be. its a pseudo science made PURPOSELY to brainwash people with drugs and arrest them with the LIE of illness. Especially boys and men, as a way to detain their nature and erase it. A dystopic final hell weapon

        • 8 months ago

          Second of, the thing of him having Asperger came from a literal KID on newspace or whatever that shit american asocial nerwork was called, and then an american woman made a book where she mentions this and it became a spread fake news. A gamefreak veteran has refuted this himself. Youre believing to what a moronic kid said on myspace claiming to be satoshi tajiri and writing things like "im the creator of pokemon!! pikachu!!! yeeeee". Stop.

          Elon MUSK claims to have asperger too, and dont get me wrong, he is moronic and definitely isnt a real inventor, though the premise asperger isnt even that of mental moronation. its simply a completely inexistent condition. People dont have to be an american strain of AIDS that wants to have sex with anything deformed they see. THAT, isnt normal. Hell, apparently its not even natural to know more than a few dozens of people in a lifetime. Its never been natural for humans. Thus not wanting to be a public nor private prostitute isnt abnormal, wanting to is.

          And also theres more than enough proof to know that Tajiri simply left because of capitalism and the moronation that built around pokemon immediately. The last of example is just in the last DYKG video. Tajiri literally left the creation of Gold and silver because his ideas werent deemed marketable enough.

          He, much like Shudo, wanted nothing to do with americuck capitalism moronation.
          Making them, actually the least moronic and deranged in the story of pokemon (and we're talking about a guy that needed to be drunk to give his all, so go figure)

          Frick off schizo, I said there's no good evidence because there isn't, there's only speculation. I'm well aware of the circumstances regarding that book. I'm saying it's a believable rumor because of other reasons that I listed.
          Regarding everything else, that DYKG video is riddled with issues, and autism isn't some fricking conspiracy theory - most patients go unmedicated so if there's a pill-pushing campaign from Big Pharma then it's failing pretty badly. Take your tin foil hat leave. Your comments, talking to nobody, on that DYKG video already remove any doubt of your moronation, Terapagos3000. You're just embarrassing yourself.

          • 8 months ago
            Satoshi Tajiri is still alive

            moronic freak. "Autism" isnt real. Mental deformities are, and you americans have a 1 out of 33 CONFIRMED birth defects (which is actually the confirm3d stat from yaars ago. now its obviously also much higher). THAT is real. Deformities are real. Deranged and dysgenic DNA and the genetics of a deformed goblinic abomination of modernity. Nothing to do with inexistent pseudo science of a dystopic system that cant even prove a single mental illness and goes against the very bases of scientific proof, which is direct proof, while this abomination bases everything on assumed, false and lied symptoms, that in most cases dont even exist, and in 99.9% of cases are a normal mind/animal/human occurrence.

            I dont want to say you arent moronic. You ARE moronic. But dont claim to be "neurocacargent aspergerous autismerus bipolalalarus". Nothing of that is real.

            And also neurotypical means normal, moron.

            • 8 months ago

              The only thing pseudo thing here is your intellectualism. You're just rambling nonsense here that you're convinced is truth because you hang out in an echo chamber. Enjoy wallowing in your sad, deranged little world where you talk to yourself in YouTube comments. Fricking weirdo.

            • 8 months ago

              >"Autism" isnt real.
              Please do some research anon. Autists literally have altered brain structures.

              • 8 months ago
                Satoshi Tajiri is still alive

                yes. what I said. it's called brain deformities. modern humans are basically more deformed than they are human, or anyway close to that

                You’re not impressing anyone with your ableist slurs. Keep embarrassing yourself on an anonymous message board, though. Your vulgarities are pathetic, but entertaining. I wonder what the face behind them looks like? Are you as ugly on the outside as you are on the inside? Next time you look into a mirror, think of this post, and appreciate how utterly disgusting and caustic you are to the world around you. Yet another low life on the internet …

                think of perfection. you cant obviously but on a little extent you can, thats what scares you the most. to be an enemy od this defected dying abomination existence means simply to be good. "u are disliked by moronic circus monkeyworld", well.

              • 8 months ago

                Then why are you not ok with calling a very specific form of brain deformity "autism"? That makes so sense. It's just a category of brain deformity.

              • 8 months ago
                Satoshi Tajiri is still alive

                Theres no proof of thr existence of autism, and even if you want to call mental moronation autism, still "da spectrier of autism" isnt real, asperger isnt real

            • 8 months ago

              You’re not impressing anyone with your ableist slurs. Keep embarrassing yourself on an anonymous message board, though. Your vulgarities are pathetic, but entertaining. I wonder what the face behind them looks like? Are you as ugly on the outside as you are on the inside? Next time you look into a mirror, think of this post, and appreciate how utterly disgusting and caustic you are to the world around you. Yet another low life on the internet …

        • 8 months ago

          >did he say anything about the new games?
          only abut pokemon GO

          • 8 months ago
            Satoshi Tajiri is still alive

            What did he say?

            • 8 months ago

              I think he said it's the kind of thing that captured what his intention for Pokemon was.
              I'd have to go back and read the original article.

        • 8 months ago

          Your mental moronation surely is real

  5. 8 months ago

    I know there's no good evidence that suggests Tajiri is autistic, but I can buy it. In most pictures he's got strange expressions, he's perpetually hidden himself from the public eye, and he's created what is undoubtedly a cornerstone of autistic culture. It's hard to gauge his social ability by his few interviews, given the lingual and cultural barrier, though.
    I don't say any of this as a negative thing, as it's immensely impressive what he has accomplished even if he's neurotypical, but it's honestly even more amazing if you assume he's autistic. What's more, many autistic people - even the high functioning - don't make it to his age, either. I hope he's doing well, whatever the case, and I'm grateful for his vision having created something I held so dear for most of my childhood.

    • 8 months ago

      Being autistc nowday is as normalized as being gay.

      • 8 months ago

        It wasn't in '96. A Not to mention this is Japan we're talking about. And it doesn't really matter whether or not it's accepted, it still affects a person regardless of popular opinion.

    • 8 months ago
      Satoshi Tajiri is still alive

      Second of, the thing of him having Asperger came from a literal KID on newspace or whatever that shit american asocial nerwork was called, and then an american woman made a book where she mentions this and it became a spread fake news. A gamefreak veteran has refuted this himself. Youre believing to what a moronic kid said on myspace claiming to be satoshi tajiri and writing things like "im the creator of pokemon!! pikachu!!! yeeeee". Stop.

      Elon MUSK claims to have asperger too, and dont get me wrong, he is moronic and definitely isnt a real inventor, though the premise asperger isnt even that of mental moronation. its simply a completely inexistent condition. People dont have to be an american strain of AIDS that wants to have sex with anything deformed they see. THAT, isnt normal. Hell, apparently its not even natural to know more than a few dozens of people in a lifetime. Its never been natural for humans. Thus not wanting to be a public nor private prostitute isnt abnormal, wanting to is.

      And also theres more than enough proof to know that Tajiri simply left because of capitalism and the moronation that built around pokemon immediately. The last of example is just in the last DYKG video. Tajiri literally left the creation of Gold and silver because his ideas werent deemed marketable enough.

      He, much like Shudo, wanted nothing to do with americuck capitalism moronation.
      Making them, actually the least moronic and deranged in the story of pokemon (and we're talking about a guy that needed to be drunk to give his all, so go figure)

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