
Thoughts on Runescape 4?

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The Kind of Tired That Sleep Won’t Fix Shirt $21.68

  1. 3 months ago

    Whats with all the adverts today.

    • 3 months ago

      idk about you, but i only posted here because i haven't seen it discussed anywhere else

      • 3 months ago

        haven't heard of this either. I put a lot of time into RS3 but honestly I'd like to see modern runescape have 1 of 2 things for me to really play it.
        1. autoplay for afk tasks
        2. progress while offline

        • 3 months ago


        • 3 months ago

          You wouldn't be playing the game in that case.

        • 3 months ago

          seems like they added both these things from an article i read

        • 3 months ago

          >1. autoplay for afk tasks
          >2. progress while offline
          have a nice day, chink homosexual.

          • 3 months ago

            You realize that's what ultima online is right

        • 3 months ago

          >autoplay for afk tasks
          have you considered this is why runescape sucks dicks? repeatedly clicking on rocks and trees to make your level go up so you can meet arbitrary level barriers before you can do quests and explore? RS is a piece of shit cookie clicker more than a real MMO, you waste so much time doing meaningless repetetive tasks instead of actually playing a game

          • 3 months ago

            I like how there's a steady sense of progression. It's predictable, all about preperation, and fun.

            Levels really do progress at a decent pace until about 80. It steadily goes from 5-10-15-30-60-90-120-150-180 mins per lvl as you progress through the game. Every new experience roadblock gives you a reason to engage with new materials and crafting methods. A reason to quest for faster processing. A reason to grind gold and kill monsters for slayer and get those skills producing faster with their own quests. Everything bleeds into itself and by the end you are a self sufficient god with access to everything.

            And then to mirror reality there is an economy. So you can put your time towards what you value most, exchange that for gold, and then use the gold to quickly progress your other skills.

            It is the very definition of an rpg and it is properly paced to a point. The last 30 levels could be drastically reduced and this issue is also very much handled in Runescape 3. They have dailies, weeklies, monthlies, events, all giving experience lamps with scaling xp amounts. The buy order system has been functional since like 2005.

            >you waste so much time doing meaningless repetetive tasks instead of actually playing a game
            yes and it would feel better if I could automate those tasks while I go about my day and plan my progression path. There is a lot to cover.

  2. 3 months ago

    I had enough fun with Runescape back in the old days that I'm willing to try it.

  3. 3 months ago

    Too many bots.I just know that it will have too many bots.

    • 3 months ago

      It has built in autoplay so yeah everyone will be botting because theres a built in bot.
      But bots arent necessarly a bad thing you should realize not everyone is a neet like you some people have jobs to go to and kids to raise so they dont have the time to manually play games like Runescape and have to rely on botting to keep up with everyone AND THATS OKAY.

      • 3 months ago

        >bots arent necessarly a bad thing
        lmao have a nice day

        • 3 months ago

          >But bots arent necessarly a bad thing
          Honestly, just kys c**t.

          Bots are good for flooding the economy with items nobody wants to grind for.

          Having to pay millions for staple items because some e-israelite said so is shit, and I know most people here like to roleplay as them.
          On the other hand I think there's a charm to items having value and gameplay being crippled by everything being too expensive, so that there's more reason to use the budget stuff.

          • 3 months ago

            this is completely untrue. bots are mostly grinding high-level pvm spots. they are the reason the ONLY way to make any reasonable amount of money is high-level pvm, everything else is saturated. If those things nobody wanted to grind were worth money, then people would gladly grind them. I'm guessing you support mass low-skill immigration too, not realizing that the value of our labor is subject to the forces of supply and demand? you think white people don't like working on farms even though you cant get a living wage there?

            • 3 months ago

              >turns into /misc/chud halfway through the post
              lmao stay mad, I'll enjoy my 1gp flax

              • 3 months ago

                He's right though, supporting bots in OSR is the same thing as encouraging Black folk flooding your countries.

      • 3 months ago

        gratification without any challenge and effort put in isnt satisfying or fun. its meaningless.

      • 3 months ago

        >But bots arent necessarly a bad thing
        Honestly, just kys c**t.

  4. 3 months ago

    art style looks like nu-slop, grid squares ruin it, the names brighter shores and hopeville sounds homosexualy asf, setting is too technologically advanced i want medieval like early rs, the character classes sounds stupid and nonspecific, auto play and offline progression undermines the point of playing the game

  5. 3 months ago

    Impressive that they made it uglier than OG runescape.

  6. 3 months ago

    I might try it.

    • 3 months ago

      Estrogen? I'm so happy for you!

      • 3 months ago

        Wildy farming is one of the most immersive experiences in video games that no other MMO has been able to capture. Just a lone adventure running valuables through a lawless wasteland full of murderers.

  7. 3 months ago

    >not a tank class
    This is Royal Paladin all over again.

  8. 3 months ago

    This whole looks instanced. OSRS is so iconic because of its meticulous overworld design. This look like a cheap imitation. I'm starting to think the other people working at Jagex at the time were responsible for the game being as good as it was between 2001 and 2007.

    • 3 months ago

      >This look like a cheap imitation.
      Well it's made by the Gower brothers so...

      • 3 months ago

        >I'm starting to think the other people working at Jagex at the time were responsible for the game being as good as it was between 2001 and 2007.
        I'm aware. Kojima syndrome makes people attribute entire games to key people. Runescape had hundreds of different developers over the years back in those days that developed specific pieces of content. Brighter Shores makes it seem like Andrew Gower leaving was the right thing for the game.

  9. 3 months ago

    I hope the quests will be good and not cater to the PvMers like RS3

    • 3 months ago

      and like OSRS you mean?
      the game went to shitter after money snake was added

    • 3 months ago

      anon I have something like 13,000 hours in RS3 and all the good quests completed. I hated every second of doing them. Questing sucks wiener in runescape I've always hated it. I just follow a video guide and blast through it as fast as possible.

  10. 3 months ago

    It looks like hot trash. He shrunk the game down to little disconnected rooms and now there's moronic puzzle pieces on the ground indicating where these rooms link up. He also seems to have eliminated the last bits of sandbox elements the game had in favor of instanced content. Hard fricking pass.

    Runescape is not an RPG by the way, unless by RPG you mean "it has elves n shiet." No one is playing a role in Runescape besides "adventurer" and no differentation or selection of roles prohibits it from being an RPG and you can go frick yourself for being a dumb sheep like everyone else if you disagree.

    • 3 months ago

      >No one is playing a role in Runescape besides "adventurer" and no differentation or selection of roles prohibits it from being an RPG and you can go frick yourself for being a dumb sheep like everyone else if you disagree.

      • 3 months ago

        Hi sheep, how's the grass taste today?

    • 3 months ago

      >No one is playing a role in Runescape besides "adventurer" and no differentation or selection of roles prohibits it from being an RPG
      Please don't be a disingenuous c**t. There's numerous factors why Runescape isn't a "true RPG" but it's skill system which you implicitly make a jab at very much necessitates specialization and thus "roles" in a real sense of the word. Specialization is so emphasized in fact that being a generalist ends up being a grand undertaking in of itself.

      • 3 months ago

        >Please don't be a disingenuous c**t.
        And then you proceed to try and tell me that the Runescape playerbase ever gave a shit about specialization or treated the different skills as roles rather than leaderboard ladders to climb (which isn't really their fault, since the devs themselves treat them this way).

        Not to mention, all of Runescape's skills fall into one of two roles: laborer and warrior. It's not particularly nuanced. There's really nothing you can become in Runescape besides these two, or in any other themepark MMO for that matter. (Runescape is a themepark MMO with minor sandbox elements.)

        • 3 months ago

          nta. RS skills are categorized as gathering, crafting, and combat.

          It's not a theme park at all either. You can skip all the quests and hit 99 everything. You will only have worse efficiency for some tasks, but that can be fixed with lots of gold for fast xp methods.

          > treated the different skills as roles rather than leaderboard ladders to climb
          Obviously that never happened. It's only about leaderboards that's why people make lvl 3 pures

          > Runescape isn't a "true RPG"
          If anything runescape is a prime example of a true rpg. You have lots of mechanics with skill barriers, quest barriers, and trading means you can focus on 1 thing to make money (ie: combat, wc, mining) and support your other skills.

          I'd prefer this new runescape type game to be more like picrel and single player personally.

          I'd like to add that I've done almost everything there is to do in RS3 and the qol changes that gave infinite mining stones and rockortunity hits was one of the best updates ever. I'd like to see them go in that direction. I've always been of the mind that a game like this with so much grinding should replace the mining screen with bejeweled or a similar minigame. Why do I just click a rock? I could be playing a semi-afk minigame for hours instead.

          • 3 months ago

            >RS skills are categorized as gathering, crafting, and combat.
            In a social role sense (the "role" in role-playing has always been social), these break down to "laborer" and "warrior."

            >It's not a theme park at all either.
            A theme park is just any MMO where players aren't gatekept from certain activities. Everyone can do everything, in any order, like rides at a theme park. This is Runescape, and this game design involves a lot of instancing to make work with online internet. Most content in Runescape is instanced. If quests were persistent on servers, i.e., only one player could actually complete a quest, then that would be in line with sandbox game design, because now it's part of a shared experience, i.e., everyone is sharing the sand in the sandbox.

            >If anything runescape is a prime example of a true rpg.
            All MMOs are true RPGs. They're just shitty ones, because they don't offer any roles besides "laborer" and "warrior" in most cases.

  11. 3 months ago

    >"not an rpg" schizo is STILL having daily melties
    Damn, son. What went wrong in your life?

  12. 3 months ago

    >let's make runescape but bite-sized with small instanced maps
    I refuse to believe any Gower is involved in this game for anything but marketing purposes. How can the people who designed the Runescape world be this oblivious?

    • 3 months ago

      that's all runescape has ever been? what?

      • 3 months ago

        >that's all runescape has ever been? what?

        • 3 months ago

          hmm idk why I was being so moronic there. Overworld is open but I was thinking of all the time I spent in a single grind room.

          • 3 months ago

            Depends on what you were doing. Questing has you running all around the world as well as enter dungeons.

            • 3 months ago

              I did literally everything there is to do in RS3. wasn't gonna start over at lvl 1 after grinding 85 mining as a teen. It is very much moving from instanced area to instanced area for actual content. Everything in between is just a corridor to the grind spot.

              My account is username login btw.

              • 3 months ago

                Runescape 3 is not Runescape. OSRS is Runescape.

              • 3 months ago

                I like how there's a steady sense of progression. It's predictable, all about preperation, and fun.

                Levels really do progress at a decent pace until about 80. It steadily goes from 5-10-15-30-60-90-120-150-180 mins per lvl as you progress through the game. Every new experience roadblock gives you a reason to engage with new materials and crafting methods. A reason to quest for faster processing. A reason to grind gold and kill monsters for slayer and get those skills producing faster with their own quests. Everything bleeds into itself and by the end you are a self sufficient god with access to everything.

                And then to mirror reality there is an economy. So you can put your time towards what you value most, exchange that for gold, and then use the gold to quickly progress your other skills.

                It is the very definition of an rpg and it is properly paced to a point. The last 30 levels could be drastically reduced and this issue is also very much handled in Runescape 3. They have dailies, weeklies, monthlies, events, all giving experience lamps with scaling xp amounts. The buy order system has been functional since like 2005.

                >you waste so much time doing meaningless repetetive tasks instead of actually playing a game
                yes and it would feel better if I could automate those tasks while I go about my day and plan my progression path. There is a lot to cover.

                It's so strange seeing people defend RS3 on Ganker. Not that I hate RS3 myself I think it does a lot of things good.

                They just never really nailed the balance between being too afk/easy to being too grindy. OSRS is awesome for the first 50 levels of every skill and then the grind becomes too much for me. The skills themselves aren't too bad to grind (frick agility though) but every content type like the smith with the ogre in it or the underground monster thingy where you grind runemaking is practically impossible grind if you ask me. Like, literal weeks of grind.

              • 3 months ago

                >They just never really nailed the balance between being too afk/easy to being too grindy.
                RS3 suffers so much because the current are imcompetent massive moronic homosexuals who kept pandering to casuals that it keeps biting them in the ass so much with every new thing they try to add, plus they keep starting random projects like the player avatar refresh and canceling them midway. Half of the game graphics remain the same way as they were in 2005 yet they never bother with improving them

  13. 3 months ago


  14. 3 months ago

    It looks really ugly. I mean, modern Runescape does too but this somehow looks even worse.

  15. 3 months ago

    >play online
    >party up with someone
    >join our discord

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