>safe horny

>safe horny
What the frick does this even mean? Been seeing this shit spammed lately.
Something is either hot or it's not. There's no in between
I'm assuming this is a twitter or reddit buzzword, possibly a zoomer thing

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  1. 1 month ago

    shut up homosexual

  2. 1 month ago

    project nortubel

    • 1 month ago

      the final solution, billions must die

  3. 1 month ago

    it is a fake term that does not mean anything. it is used by virtue signaling morons so they can pretend like they are better than you and me. they are very arrogant and petty, so things like this really make them feel superior. they like smelling their own farts, you know?

    • 1 month ago

      Coomers can't take a W, no matter what they have to pretend they're being oppressed. 'Safe Horny' means they know they're being pandered to but want to pout and whine anyway.

      It's fanservice aimed at anybody except straight white males.
      Attractive woman with big breasts = "evil misogyny this will kill women"
      10ft tall Grandma in a white dress or a dude fricking a bear = twitter loves it

      • 1 month ago

        The reason the definition seems so conflicting is that there is some overlap between what straight men like and what women like. People will point to those things and say they're examples of how "safe horny" is a meaningless buzzword, when in reality it's those examples that prove this is the most accurate assessment.

      • 1 month ago

        >hurr durr I am such a fricking victim everyone is out to get me the white man


        You're not providing anything of quality here, you're a leech and a vermin that do not belong.
        You're an internet-Black person.

        • 1 month ago


          >just because I don't like it it must be le evil SJWs
          You're legtimately mentally ill and you're not intelligent, quite the opposite.

          Hey moron, shut up.

        • 1 month ago

          Seek psychiatric help.

  4. 1 month ago

    It's a chud buzzword


    You need to touch grass already

    • 1 month ago

      you sound triggered snowflake

  5. 1 month ago

    look up the jakarta method

  6. 1 month ago

    Safe horny.
    Socially acceptable sexual display.
    Morally irreproachable eroticism.
    Advertiser friendly licentiousness.
    Government approved sex.
    b***h basic vanilla.

    • 1 month ago

      You like little girls you homosexual, put a 12ga through your cerebrum.

  7. 1 month ago

    It means women like it. They don't have to be attracted to it themselves necessarily, they just have to accept it. Women are fickle, so what's safe in one context might not be in another, hence why the term doesn't seem to have a consistent application.

  8. 1 month ago

    >Something is either hot or it's not.
    OP confirmed for being a troony.

    • 1 month ago

      >t. ranny

  9. 1 month ago

    Here's the definition.

    • 1 month ago


      • 1 month ago

        The funniest thing about this whole controversy is that they call you a gooner porn addict for being upset at the Stellar Blade being patched but they ruined BG3 by hyper focusing on the sex. BG3 was my game of the year last year and multiple people just thought it was Corruption of Champions levels of degeneracy with modern graphics based on the way game journos were talking about it. They've boiled it down to nothing but being horny over a metrosexual vampire.

  10. 1 month ago

    Publicly voicing sexual attraction towards characters or individuals which is deemed socially acceptable, especially by the Twitter/Tumblr crowd.

    Examples includes worship of fat women, submissive worship of the tall mommy vampire from Resident Evil (Peak safe horny), or voicing sexual attraction to the bug-eyed negress from the Star Wars game.

    • 1 month ago

      The thread should have ended here but nobody even acknowledged this explanation, an explanation I feel you shouldn't even need since it isn't that hard to intuit.

    • 1 month ago

      >or voicing sexual attraction to the bug-eyed negress from the Star Wars game.
      Has this ever once happened?
      (As opposed to "she was hot when she was on MAD TV")

  11. 1 month ago

    Doing some tourism?

    • 1 month ago

      I take breaks from this hellhole every now and then. You would be wise to do the same

  12. 1 month ago

    Safe horny means an attractive woman in a modest outfit or an ugly woman in a moderately revealing outfit. This is excluding blatant homosexual fetishization like BG3 which doesn’t get called safe horny but does apply.

  13. 1 month ago

    >>safe horny
    >What the frick does this even mean?
    Left, safe horny, right, incel unsafe horny misogyny.

    • 1 month ago

      You're confusing the concept of something not being safe horny with it being horny in the first place. For something to be safe horny it's still gotta be sexual to some degree. Otherwise it's just "safe."

    • 1 month ago

      >cherry picking
      Both of these exist IRL

      • 1 month ago

        Yes, games should cherry pick, because they can. Realism is a false god and should not be pursued in video games.
        >but ugly people exist in reality!
        Don't care, doesn't matter, keep them out of my vidya.

      • 1 month ago

        See: The "can you define woke" shit that's been happening. Everyone knows exactly what the frick it means but people play dumb cause they think it somehow makes them right

        Damn I replied to the wrong post. Maybe I should get some sleep.

        >There's an international gaslight campaign going on to obscure everything that's been happening in society the last few years
        The last few decades*

        Yeah but it's been especially blatant since about 2016

  14. 1 month ago

    We tell you what it means every time you make this thread and you still pretend to not know.

  15. 1 month ago

    You are correct. It means nothing. It's a buzzword that was repeated again and again by twitter users. Ganker loves its buzzwords so it caught on eventually.

  16. 1 month ago

    Coomers can't take a W, no matter what they have to pretend they're being oppressed. 'Safe Horny' means they know they're being pandered to but want to pout and whine anyway.

  17. 1 month ago

    Ive always thought it was a way to say "softcore"

    • 1 month ago

      Soft core means porn without explicit penetration, that’s the opposite of safe horny

    • 1 month ago

      Sir that is a very unsafe horny. Softcore porn is dangling over a horny spike pit. Falling in and getting skewered horny is Hardcore
      Safe horny is posting a sign in front of the spike pit that reads “Horny Ahead”

  18. 1 month ago


    Funny how tendies were bragging about nintendo having waifus with big asses lmao

  19. 1 month ago

    its some thing degenerate coomers say when they see a hot woman who is doing anything less sexual than full spreading her butthole or whatever

    • 1 month ago

      It's an mind exercise, if it doesn't get you jail time if you replaced the virtual horny characters with real ones then it's safe.

      You trannies really dedicate all your time to posting on this board to "own the chuds"? What a sad existence.

  20. 1 month ago

    >Something is either hot or it's not
    What's hot to gays and what's hot to normal people aren't the same thing and you'd have to be moronic to believe otherwise.

  21. 1 month ago

    It's an mind exercise, if it doesn't get you jail time if you replaced the virtual horny characters with real ones then it's safe.

  22. 1 month ago

    Come on you guy, this really isn't that hard. It's something a woman would like. Think about female game streamers and the stuff that they express interest in.
    >Strong female characters in control of their own sexuality that they can identify with
    >Popular attractive characters they can cosplay and use for branding
    >Meme fetishes like dommy mommies they can play along with to win over their own simps/audience
    >Men being sexualized in general for their own enjoyment
    Things are considered safe when women can enjoy it, and that usually means they can EXPLOIT it. Consider the kinds of things that are not safe by contrast
    >Overly crass and sexualized characters that go too far for their own label
    >Obscure sexualized characters no one in their target audience would recognize
    >Other women that they won't get brownie points for expressing interest in
    >Male power fantasies that don't cater to their own tastes and sexuality
    Don't you get it? Being "safe" means safe for women. They allow you to sexualize those characters because they can use that for their own benefit. That's also why how you sexualize them changes whether or not something is safe: it has to be woman-approved in context.

    • 1 month ago

      It's not something a woman would like it's something a fricking troony would like

    • 1 month ago

      >Strong female characters in control of their own sexuality that they can identify with
      Actual women don't give two shits about this. Only moronic activists screech about it.

    • 1 month ago

      >Men being sexualized in general for their own enjoyment
      So the hot vampire man being completely nude with his dick swaying around is actually safe to show because women find him sexy.

  23. 1 month ago

    Horny that is pleasing for the LGBT crowd and advertisers. So exit dicky and other dubious fetishes

    • 1 month ago

      >and other dubious fetishes
      Yeah, like beautiful women. Such a dubious fetish..

  24. 1 month ago

    Safe horny is something that is deemed to be acceptable in the society, social media or any other context, such as video games, to be found attractive or possibly even arousing (by guys about women). For it to be truly "safe", you should be able to speak about your attraction relatively freely on the aforementiond platforms.

  25. 1 month ago

    >safe horny
    >What the frick does this even mean?
    it appeals to queer sensibility and doesn't appeal to the dreaded "male gaze"

    • 1 month ago


      >hurr durr I am such a fricking victim everyone is out to get me the white man
      You're not providing anything of quality here, you're a leech and a vermin that do not belong.
      You're an internet-Black person.

  26. 1 month ago

    Safe horny means socially acceptable sexual attraction.
    However, as a concept it's meant to manifest its opposite in people's minds. It generates the idea that some horniness is not safe.
    Therefore, it brings a marxist hierarchical oppression morality dynamic into sexual attraction so that communist and fascist subversives can arbitrarily discriminate against people along yet another intersectional axis. Regardless of what you're attracted to, some deranged leftist now has a mechanistic belief to justify your genocide with.

  27. 1 month ago

    It's literally based on a Twitter post so yeah.
    The usual suspects are responsible for this cancer.

  28. 1 month ago

    >Something is either hot or it's not. There's no in between
    Yes there is moron. Safe horny is sexual design that specifically is made to appeal to lesbians, rainbows, gays, tranners, whatever the frick.
    All your muscle mommy shit is for lesbians, it does not make women feel insecure because they do not compare themselves to muscle women and giant women, they cannot be that, troonys do not get upset because either a) they are also taller and seeing peopel attracted to giant women makes them feel better about themselves or b) feel the same as women, it is too different and not ordinarily attractive so their feelings are spared and they don't compare themselves
    Fricking a bear? Safe horny. Fat bara moron disabled wheelchair god? Safe horny. RE8 lady? Safe horny - specifically melted ugly face and 100% fat under that dress for sure.
    Safe horny is horny design that is the opposite of what straight men actually enjoy, because these people hate men and mens sexuality.
    Cute woman in a bodysuit is not safe horny, which is why they throw tantrums over it being shown ever whilst simultaneously creaming themselves over the ugly shit.
    Safe horny enjoyers are the people who see fan art of a female muscle wrestler, but the fanart makes her 100x more feminine and cute whilst still being jacked, and start screaming about how they're tired of how people treat "masculine women"

    It is all exceptionally obvious and you are stupid or blind if you cannot comprehend the term anon. You homosexuals who don't understand phrases and very slightly abstract concepts if they cannot be explained in 3 words or less have brain damage or something, I'm convinced you're all getting stupider and stupider by generation.

    • 1 month ago

      >just because I don't like it it must be le evil SJWs
      You're legtimately mentally ill and you're not intelligent, quite the opposite.

      • 1 month ago

        NTA but it literally is the SJWs, dipshit. They have their preferences and they hate straight male preferences. Consequently they demand that their preferences be represented in anything and everything while screeching and crying whenever straight male preferences are represented instead.

      • 1 month ago

        >anything that isnt e-girl hentai is "safe horny"

        You are not bamboozling anyone here losers, we all understand the term and the reason the people screech about normal attractive characters.
        Nobody mentioned e-girl hentai, stellar blade is not that and they threw a shit fit. Dragons crown was not that, and they threw a shitfit. Persona 5 designs were not that, they threw a shitfit. Tifa is not and never was that, they b***hed about her too and had to create a department to censor and tone her down.
        It's a real fricking easy pattern to track you clowns. These things make them INSECURE, they hate men seeing things they like, they want men to be forced to like things they like that they do not see as competition because it boosts their self esteem.

    • 1 month ago

      >anything that isnt e-girl hentai is "safe horny"

    • 1 month ago

      Come on you guy, this really isn't that hard. It's something a woman would like. Think about female game streamers and the stuff that they express interest in.
      >Strong female characters in control of their own sexuality that they can identify with
      >Popular attractive characters they can cosplay and use for branding
      >Meme fetishes like dommy mommies they can play along with to win over their own simps/audience
      >Men being sexualized in general for their own enjoyment
      Things are considered safe when women can enjoy it, and that usually means they can EXPLOIT it. Consider the kinds of things that are not safe by contrast
      >Overly crass and sexualized characters that go too far for their own label
      >Obscure sexualized characters no one in their target audience would recognize
      >Other women that they won't get brownie points for expressing interest in
      >Male power fantasies that don't cater to their own tastes and sexuality
      Don't you get it? Being "safe" means safe for women. They allow you to sexualize those characters because they can use that for their own benefit. That's also why how you sexualize them changes whether or not something is safe: it has to be woman-approved in context.

      Why can't you see that your understanding of this thing is entirely from within the system that the concept has created? Someone literally invented this concept and you're acting like it's a fundamental axiom of your worldview. Reality would be no different if you didn't observe this idea and yet you can't dismiss it as categorical falsehood. Please please think outside the box. That's where all this shit comes from in the first place.

      • 1 month ago

        >Someone literally invented this concept
        No, they didn't.
        Someone put a name to a trend that was already in existence and visible to make it easier to describe, talk about and call out. They had nothing to do with the concept, the concept is visible
        >stop noticing things, stop observing things that are occurring so it is easier for us to get away with our social engineering via media

        • 1 month ago

          How can you argue that it's wrong if you believe that it's real?

        • 1 month ago

          You probably understand that souls, heaven and hell, god, jesus and the holy spirit, satan and the angels and all such stuff is not very real.
          The exact same goes for safe horny, systemic racism, the patriarchy, microaggressions, gender, social justice and socio-political progress.
          The ideas you view the world through have mechanisms, and the outcomes are determined by those mechanisms rather than your values. If you accept the split between different kinds of horny, regardless of what your values are, you'll end up with a society that views attraction as a battleground for socio-political dominance. You'll lose non-political sex either way.

  29. 1 month ago
  30. 1 month ago

    It's a buzzword. Ganker is just the flipside of internet brainrot. Use the word "gaslight" or whatever bs people are saying this week on here and you'll get told "Kys homosexual" followed by a string of 10 buzzwords that are in the exact same vein as that shit

    • 1 month ago

      The funniest part is that there's an intentional gaslight campaign going on to obscure the meaning of "safe horny" so people don't figure out the concept now that there's a name for it.

      • 1 month ago

        There's an international gaslight campaign going on to obscure everything that's been happening in society the last few years honestly. They want to obscure reality to the point where people feel or get told they're crazy for even vaguely acknowledging what's going on.

        • 1 month ago

          >There's an international gaslight campaign going on to obscure everything that's been happening in society the last few years
          The last few decades*

      • 1 month ago

        >cherry picking
        Both of these exist IRL

        See: The "can you define woke" shit that's been happening. Everyone knows exactly what the frick it means but people play dumb cause they think it somehow makes them right

      • 1 month ago

        There's an international gaslight campaign going on to obscure everything that's been happening in society the last few years honestly. They want to obscure reality to the point where people feel or get told they're crazy for even vaguely acknowledging what's going on.

        >There's an international gaslight campaign going on to obscure everything that's been happening in society the last few years
        The last few decades*


        • 1 month ago

          My bad Mr. Silverstein, please don't make me commit suicide by shooting myself in the back of the head twice.

  31. 1 month ago

    Do they have that long korean sex dress here??

  32. 1 month ago

    >moronic newbie has no idea how forced memes and shitposts work
    The absolute state of this moronic website.

  33. 1 month ago

    Think of it as meaning 'coward horny'. They'll throw you a bone (heh) to get your money but they'll be politically correct about it and not take any risks
    It's devoid of any kind of passion or real risqueness

  34. 1 month ago

    I was forced out of my gamer chair to go outside and, ugh, it's so woke.

    Did western game devs make real life so woke? I saw a woman and I thought "Where are her massive breasts? Why is she wearing a t-shirt? Why isn't she dressed like a stripper? Is this the Western dev woke agenda?" Her butt wasn't the even close to the shape 2 beach balls. Have these woke western devs ever seen a real woman?

    Then I tried to talk to one of these "Females" And she said 'I have to go work. Excuse me"

    What a woke lie. We know women can't work. You would go and ask them to do something and they would be too busy with their periods to focus on their job. The fact that she didn't want to talk to an Alpha Chad like me is more proof of the woke agenda.

    I finally got back to my parent's basement and booted up Genshin Impact so I could see what real females look like. I can't wait for Stellar Blade Why is real life so woke?

    • 1 month ago

      Why are you so frightened of sexy women? Those exist too.

    • 1 month ago

      >so I could see what real females look like.
      Listen moron, games should be games. Media should be media. It should not be "lol know that stuff in irl? well here it is again but you pay for it now :^)". Nobody wants real life, it is boring and it is ugly.
      Video games that are good create their own settings so they can be interesting and then fill it with cool looking stuff, not fat nogs indiscernible from if you went outside.
      It's crazy you people can't understand this. The only video games that try to mimic or 'represent' real life in any way have to be games like gta, where you can do things that you cannot do in real life. "what if you could walk around and murder everyone and blow up your city" is an interesting concept.
      "what if your were in a completely alien setting nothing like reality" is an interesting concept.
      "what if you could walk through this hallway looking at ugly women who insufferable girlboss talk you, y'know, just like normal in real life" is not an interesting concept, nobody wants it, frick off.

      • 1 month ago

        >Games should be consoomer escapism and absolutely nothing else
        >Oh and also games should be just fantasy enough for me to to self insert but there should if there is a black person in any setting then it's not "realistic"
        You morons are so transparent, it's like arguing with that 7 year old on the playground that constantly makes up rules for himself so he can get the upper hand, go play in traffic.

    • 1 month ago

      Posting shit like this exposes the fact that you never actually go out beyond securing your necessities of microwavable food and soft drinks. Go to a fricking show of whatever genre you fancy and you will see women who put effort into looking sexy.

    • 1 month ago

      >grrrrrrrr attractive women don’t exist!! go outside!!!!!
      LOL do you live in bumfrick nowhere? I go into Boston around Fenway almost every weekend and there are plenty of attractive women
      >inb4 well that’s a big city
      Easy to find them in any of the surrounding towns in a 20ish mile radius of Boston as well

    • 1 month ago

      you have never been outside

      • 1 month ago

        I wish my outside was a constant state of Miami on spring break season as well.

        • 1 month ago

          So move to Miami??? Baddies don’t disappear in winter

    • 1 month ago

      this right here fellas is gaslighting.
      ridiculation of real life in order to discredit your world view.
      go anywhere women are and hang out for a couple hours and you'll find sexy, beautiful women. at least one. and they might even be dressed up very nicely.
      go to the bar, a concert, the mall, a carnival, an airport, the club, any half decent restaurant, walk around downtown a major city, even your hometown. they're fricking everywhere.
      why? because it's natural. because humanity isn't some bland homogeneous inoffensive blob, it's actually very diverse but they don't want you to know that.

    • 1 month ago

      >in reality all women are ugly
      gaslight more, gayoid

    • 1 month ago

      must suck being an amerislime, everyone is ugly and mutted, no beautiful women

      • 1 month ago

        *posts a literal Frankenstein monster*

        • 1 month ago

          whitoid troony will never be beautiful LOL

          • 1 month ago

            very well ricel, I will have sex with your women.

    • 1 month ago

      okay calm down shitlib

    • 1 month ago

      seethe more roastie and get back to pleb bit

  35. 1 month ago

    No matter how much you guys complain, I just learned you can remove the default outfit for the "naked" one and I literally couldn't focus on the gameplay at all.
    I am constantly staring at the jiggle of her whole body, it is way too distracting to play the game. Maybe making it too lewd is a bad thing.

    • 1 month ago

      >Maybe making it too lewd is a bad thing
      It isn't.
      It is not immoral to create an image of a woman with sexual characteristics.
      It is not immoral to create an image of a woman.
      It is not immoral to create an image.
      It is not immoral to create.
      It is not immoral to look at a woman with sexual characteristics.
      It is not immoral to look at a woman.
      It is not immoral to look.
      It is not immoral for a woman with sexual characteristics to exist.
      It is not immoral for a woman to exist.
      It is not immoral to exist.
      If there were something wrong with this video game, there would need to be something wrong with creation, observation, and/or existence.
      It is not a bad thing.

    • 1 month ago

      >and I literally couldn't focus on the gameplay at all.
      that's a you problem, i should not be affected because you're a fricking moron anon, as per usual.

  36. 1 month ago

    it's something that's 'not quite'.
    it's appealing enough on a the surface level to say 'yea that looks good'
    give it a second thought and you might find yourself asking 'is it tho?'
    it looks good at first glance but there's a catch, some stipulation; an entry fee to enjoyment; compromised
    what used to be used be given out freely as an added bonus is now gatekept behind rules of engagement
    almost as if it were being used as a carrot to select for and condition certain behaviors or maybe even rewrite history
    don't like what we offer? well this is the way it's gonna be from now on. in fact, this is the way it's always been and maybe you're just a misogynist did you ever think about that?
    give in to our demands and you can enjoy these very sexy women guilt free
    pure, unadulterated beauty isn't an accurate reflection of our reality. it's problematic. you aren't allowed to have that anymore
    but hey, if you really want to see women like that then you can always just go watch porn, chud.

  37. 1 month ago

    How the frick is horny safe? Is there dangerous horny? Impending doom horny? Makes no fricking sense

  38. 1 month ago

    Sexuality frightens zoomers and will trigger their fight or flight. Product of being raised in a feminist utopia where expressions of sexual interest are punishable by excommunication. That's why they're all ironically vulgar.
    >I fricked her
    >My red flags are I'm a good kisser and I frick too hard
    They call anything that doesn't set them off safe horny.
    Anyway, excitingly, because the point of fight or flight varies depending on which echo chamber the zoomer is a product of, this varies with the individual.
    It's why safe horny as a meme has never taken off, it's because its a mental framing most people don't have, and those that do are usually estranged.
    It's not just a dead meme, it's an example of meme death, modernity eroding commonality and driving estrangement.
    Really exciting stuff if you're a millennial and like observing the downfall.

  39. 1 month ago

    I don't even know what game this is. I'm glad I'm not obsessed with moronic gamer shit.

  40. 1 month ago

    >nobody posted this image yet
    What the frick is wrong with Ganker?

    • 1 month ago

      Ganker is full of npcs, morons and bots. Of course they are easy to manipulate.

  41. 1 month ago

    Reactionaries realized the left likes breasts and ass too, as long as it's on an adult that looks like a real person. So "safe horny" is their way of coping with this fact to keep the culture war shit churning.

  42. 1 month ago

    twitter buzzword to be ignored.

  43. 1 month ago

    "Horny but politically aligned with the left"

    • 1 month ago

      When has something being politically aligned with the left ever stopped reactionaries from coopting something? See The Joker and Sydney Sweeney.

      • 1 month ago

        They're morons whose primary way of slandering things is absolutist transitive property arguments, why would you expect sense?
        Whether they like or dislike something comes down to how it's presented to them, nothing more.

        Hot woman is "based" thing? Horny.
        Hot woman in "woke" thing? Safe Horny.
        It's that simple.

  44. 1 month ago

    Normal guy finds thing sexy = incel coomer degenerate porn addict
    Troons/homosexuals/Women finds thing sexy = safe horny

    It's not a real term in the sense that it came about organically, it was pushed on Ganker really hard for a few weeks by discord raids, just like humilitation ritual and keyed/locked. But some people like to use it unironically to refer to tumblr artstyle meant to appeal to homosexuals and trannies

  45. 1 month ago

    ~~*controlled*~~ horny

    This is what this censored game is. Just enough freedom of expression to let us think we won the war, but in reality we are the rats following the pied piper.

  46. 1 month ago

    it's another low-effort alt-right buzzword to describe "thing I don't like". In this case, it's a fictional video game woman who wears clothing.

    • 1 month ago

      It's a troony phase,

      >nobody posted this image yet
      What the frick is wrong with Ganker?

      • 1 month ago

        I'm OOTL, why do trannies dislike women wearing clothes all of a sudden?

        • 1 month ago

          you're just wrong. but you're probably one of the "people" that want to get as many morons using it as possible

          get Canadian Healthcare

          • 1 month ago

            sorry wrong reply

            meant for

            it's another low-effort alt-right buzzword to describe "thing I don't like". In this case, it's a fictional video game woman who wears clothing.

          • 1 month ago

            sorry wrong reply

            meant for


            Ivanbot gets mixed up with the incorrect wrongthink

            • 1 month ago

              yea you're definitely not someone with conscious thought. wanted to give the benefit of the doubt but I see that's false.

              • 1 month ago

                You're talking to something that has no conscious thought? Have you stopped taking your meds, Ivan?

  47. 1 month ago

    As far as I can tell it's basically saying "they're sexy but it's not porn" and somehow this is a bad thing that Twitter lefties don't like. Like they'd be happier if Alcina in RE8 just had her breasts out or something?

    • 1 month ago

      One definition i've also seen tossed around is how "effiminate" the woman in question comes off? Like if she has a "domineering" personality this makes her "safe horny". But by domineering I think they mean she doesn't act like a 12-year-old and looks like an adult.

  48. 1 month ago

    white trannies are upset because theyll never look like this
    theyll never be pretty and feminine

  49. 1 month ago

    >2016gay thread

  50. 1 month ago

    its literally a buzzword started from Twitter and Tumblr users that wanted to get Ganker users to day it for the sole fact of "let's see how many morons we can get to use this"

    it means nothing. you look stupid using it

  51. 1 month ago

    troons are afraid of stellar blade because when they see beautiful, feminine women it makes them suicidal and jealous

  52. 1 month ago

    Censored for global morals instead of someone just doing what they want.

    You know this already though because it's obvious in the words unless you're a fresh ESL which your posts suggests is not true.

    • 1 month ago

      Is being forced to wear clothing in public considered censorship?

  53. 1 month ago

    It’s a stupid term that describes a real phenomena, like “immersive sim” or “character action game”

  54. 1 month ago

    how does it play? more like Lies of P or DMC?
    Liked Lies, hate DMC and Nier Automata.

  55. 1 month ago

    safe horny is the most important point to understand in the culture war, is the pedophile priest argument of the wokedom,
    but is very difficult to grasp you need to follow the entire shitshow for a bit of time before you see it.

    Short reply:
    the people calling you an incel are massive degenerate perverts that have been mangled by propaganda to lust over anything else that is not natural heterosexual sexiness. they do everything they accuse you of, but is fine because is THEIR fetish.
    also, if there is a product that is woke and does not crash and burn is because is safe horny

    Long reply:
    ^18 minutes of video but is worth it.

    • 1 month ago

      You are a strawmanning homosexual. Not everyone is degenerate as you. Stop projecting. You should be killed so mentally stable people can live in safety and comfiness

      • 1 month ago

        1. all people criticizing me are degenerated homosexuals and their twitter is public so don't even try.
        2. those who accuse me of straw manning are the worst of the bunch
        3. I never strawman, and I even posted an 18-minutes video long of an explanation
        4. don't you have a discord full of kids to moderate?

    • 1 month ago

      1. all people criticizing me are degenerated homosexuals and their twitter is public so don't even try.
      2. those who accuse me of straw manning are the worst of the bunch
      3. I never strawman, and I even posted an 18-minutes video long of an explanation
      4. don't you have a discord full of kids to moderate?

      have a nice day Twitter freak.

  56. 1 month ago

    Imagine someone sees you looking at a picture
    If the picture gets you horny and people don't think it's weird or sexual, it's safe horny
    For example, last dumitresque or whatever
    SB is softcore porn, so not safe horny

    • 1 month ago

      Uh huh.
      Can these people see you looking at pictures right now?

  57. 1 month ago

    You can clearly see a narrative bias from the game journo-lists between something like Stellar Blade and Hades 2. It's just people trying to express that I guess.

  58. 1 month ago

    safe horny: It's horny, but not horny enough for my porn addiction

  59. 1 month ago

    >I'm assuming this is a twitter or reddit buzzword, possibly a zoomer thing
    It literally came from a random Twitter user. Someone on Twitter was complaining about sexy designs (Lady D) on Twitter and used "Safe Horny" as a custom term to refer to why they thought her design was allowed. The way they used it, it was meant to refer to a sexy design that played it "safe" enough to not get called out. Someone here on Ganker posted a screenshot of this user's post, and most people made fun of it with the usual troony posts. As usual, anons on Ganker started both using it ironically and spamming "safe horny" to troll others who were offended by it, only for it to eventually be used unironically here.

    It's the same old story. Anons do something ironically or as troll bait, and then it gets used seriously on Ganker.

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