Sakurai discusses about Licensed Games and keeping them faithful.

Weird how he just dropped this vid during the whole Rocksteady discourse with KTJL.

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  1. 4 months ago

    >use Storm 4 footages instead Connections
    Kek, he knows.
    Frick Scamco and frick AISlop

  2. 4 months ago

    >Give fans what they want
    No way!
    It's absolutely amazing that this even needs to be said. It's becoming much more clear that the destruction of beloved franchises/characters is malevolent in nature. But at the same time, incompetence and a basic misunderstanding of common knowledge could also lead down the same path

    • 4 months ago

      Fictional character sacrilege is cool actually and more people should do it. In a world of multiverses and time travel, "canon" doesn't matter at all.

      • 4 months ago

        >In a world of multiverses and time travel, "canon" doesn't matter at all.
        I agree.

        • 4 months ago

          Which Dragon Ball DLC character is that?

  3. 4 months ago

    i wish he was faithful to characters characterisations

    • 4 months ago

      Cope, you're not getting your cleric moveset, stupid Mother secondary.

      • 4 months ago

        If I'm gonna be honest I meant more in terms of things like Bowser being a generic monster and Wario being whatever the frick he was in Subspace

        • 4 months ago

          >Bowser being a generic monster
          Kaijus are generic? Lol
          >Wario being whatever the frick he was in Subspace
          A bounty hunter.

  4. 4 months ago

    Is that motherfricking Akemi Nakajima?

  5. 4 months ago

    You tell em boss! Be faithful!

    • 4 months ago

      To be fair when Melee came out they had one game to work with with regards to Ganondorf's abilities, which amounted to floating and throwing balls.

      • 4 months ago

        Falcon kiiiiiick

      • 4 months ago

        Yeah but also
        >Need to pad out roster in Melee
        >Barely any time tho
        >People want more Zelda stuff
        >Get the model for Ganon from GC tech demo
        >Somewhat same proportions with Falcon
        >Throw his moveset on him while adjusting some stats
        >Now you have a clon- "Echo" character
        >Should you change him when people like current Ganondorf's moveset?(Like me)
        >Try slowly move him away from Falcon, but he ends up becoming a strange "Kinda-Falcon" character
        Its a stupid situation. I empathize with him because you would have to 100% rework him to be more accurate in future.
        The Black Shadow idea would be best choice, as in add Black Shadow from F-Zero and give Ganon's moveset to him while giving proper fitting design for future dorf

        • 4 months ago

          >>Try slowly move him away from Falcon, but he ends up becoming a strange "Kinda-Falcon" character
          This was their mistake. Melee Ganon in spite of being the laziest iteration is the most fun by far. If they wanted to somewhat declone him as a middle ground they had a perfect template for it in Project M but they'd rather just make all of his moves slower without making him better in other ways. And now he's the worst character in the game since 2008.

        • 4 months ago

          Black Shadow wasn't even a popular choice at the time.
          Ganondorf got into Melee because of that one pre-development poll

        • 4 months ago

          The one thing i don't get is that Pit, Shiek and Zero Suit Samus managed to get significant moveset changes, so why not Ganondorf?

          • 4 months ago

            because Ganondorf debuted as a clone.

            • 4 months ago

              So did Luigi yet he gets the biggest moveset change in the entire franchise. Ganondorf being a clone is no excuse.

              because most of the kid/normalgay playerbase love his moves as is
              >What if captain falcon, an already well like character, but he hit even HARDER?

              And a lot of Zelda fans, who are in the millions, would like to see him get a revamp.

              • 4 months ago

                >So did Luigi
                Already went over that

                >literally all clones had slight move changes in brawl
                So did Ganondorf in Brawl
                >the argument isn't that ganon deserved to have a 100% new moveset build from the ground up
                I never said it was about a full rework either, just you homosexuals crying he didn't get another significant change like his Flame Choke special or most his basics being less Falcon
                >he should have had a single smash attack using his sword because its what all the fans wanted.
                Pick up a Beam Sword and you have him doing the same exact gestures he does in his final boss fight in Twilight Princess.
                Oh wait, you homosexuals told me Sakurai wasn't faithful with Ganondorf, kek.

                All the clones got like a few significant changes at best while the unique characters get even more changes and development priority.

              • 4 months ago

                Not only is this moving the goalpost but that post does not mention Luigi specifically and the beam sword "argument" is the dumbest defense i have ever heard. Items are not apart of a character's moveset.
                Not only that but Ganondorf does have enough source material to work with to make him more unique than he currently is. The only way you'd not know this is if you're not a Zelda fan.

              • 4 months ago

                >moving the goalpost
                Point out where i moved goalposts
                >that post does not mention Luigi specifically
                Except this was in response to a post that mentions Luigi's changes vs Ganondorf's, hence why i pointed out that he received as much changes as with other Brawl clones as well.
                >the beam sword "argument" is the dumbest defense i have ever heard.
                It's more of a jab than an actual argument.
                Even then, that's another significant change they done with G as well. :^)
                >Ganondorf does have enough source material to work with
                All of you losers are doing is crying how he isn't playing shitty ping pong or how he isn't sword guy #3674, which people now realize that was actually a fricking dumb thing to rally over
                Goes to show how actually lame Ganondorf is beyond looking like an evil gypsy.

              • 4 months ago

                >Point out where i moved goalposts
                The guy gave the excuse that Ganondorf doesn't get a big revamp for being a clone, i point out Luigi got a big revamp despite being a clone, and then you imply to me that it doesn't count for some reason.
                >Except this was in response to a post that mentions Luigi's changes vs Ganondorf's, hence why i pointed out that he received as much changes as with other Brawl clones as well.
                Well then i misunderstood you, i admit that, but the changes Luigi gets are far more than what Ganondorf got. Luigi gets brand new moves while Ganondorf has the same moveset just with slight differences.
                >It's more of a jab than an actual argument.
                Even then, that's another significant change they done with G as well. :^)
                It's more of a minor detail really.
                >All of you losers are doing is crying how he isn't playing shitty ping pong or how he isn't sword guy #3674, which people now realize that was actually a fricking dumb thing to rally over
                >Goes to show how actually lame Ganondorf is beyond looking like an evil gypsy.
                Not only is this misrepresenting what people have been saying for years, not only is it a strawman, but it is also a lie and really goes to show you lack of knowledge and understanding of Ganondorf.

              • 4 months ago

                >The guy gave the excuse that Ganondorf doesn't get a big revamp for being a clone
                He was claiming he didn't get the same amount of significant changes a clone could get in a Smash game as to other Brawl clones and i already pointed out otherwise.

                He's also saying he's not asking for 100% revamp while not acknowledging they also revamped even his more Falcon-like moves as well.
                > i point out Luigi got a big revamp despite being a clone,
                >the changes Luigi gets are far more than what Ganondorf got.
                The "big revamp" is massively overstated and most of it bunks down to visuals and animations as Luigi was still looking like a Mario recolor in Melee's gameplay.
                He still plays exactly like his Melee and 64 counterparts up until Ultimate.
                >it is also a lie
                When they finally gave Ganondorf new Smash attacks, fricking day 1, people immediately complained how swordy he is now and how it's all cookie cut from Ike and Cloud.
                b***h please, the Aegises got similar shit from other swordies, especially from Lucina, and you don't see any coomers complaining.

                They all went back to b***hing how he's not some pingpong homosexual uncle, but now these losers are trying to vouch for his TotK, which is an even worse deal than pingpong and current Ganondorf, kek.
                >Inb4 but i never witnessed this
                maybe stop hermiting on Ganker

          • 4 months ago

            because most of the kid/normalgay playerbase love his moves as is
            >What if captain falcon, an already well like character, but he hit even HARDER?

      • 4 months ago

        melee gets a pass because of time crunch. no fricking excuse for brawl ganon, pulling out his sword during taunt

        • 4 months ago

          >No excuse
          Ganondorf and every other unlockable Brawl character was also added at the last stretch of Brawl's development.

          • 4 months ago

            > every other unlockable Brawl character was also added at the last stretch of Brawl's development.

            lmao so what 70% of the roster? even if this was true, then maybe sakurai should focused on the character being faithful and less development time on his shitty subspace kirby game. forget it, sakurai gaygs will come up with any excuse

            • 4 months ago

              >No excuse
              Ganondorf and every other unlockable Brawl character was also added at the last stretch of Brawl's development.

              ROB was an unlockable and he was integral to the subspace plot, same with ness and others. why do you gays make up random shit. is it too much to just admit sakurai fricked up? ganon should had used his sword, he had a fricking SWORD DUEL with you at the endo of twilight princess

              • 4 months ago

                Game & Watch was one of the last reveal characters for Melee along with Ganondorf and Roy. Doesn't make a difference, he simply doesn't have the same development priority the unexpected surprises they add per game nir actual newcomers.

              • 4 months ago

                subspace was more important than pingpong and ike 2, keep crying.

                >get called out on blatant lie, continue making up excuses

                so like I said, you can't admit to sakurai doing anything wrong. this is a nintendo property so you gays are already predisposed to being blind fanboys but you gays still manage to amaze with how your brain works

              • 4 months ago

                >point out how literal clones don't get the same treatment as unique newcomers or the curve ball picks even in new games
                >"nuh uh, he's lying"
                it's also hilarious seeing Ganondorf gays pretending the guy who was absent from major Zeldas was a huge mandatory addition.

                You can go cry to the guy that cameos in most of Sakurai's video on why he didn't push for a Ganondorf rework more sooner.

              • 4 months ago

                >point out how literal clones don't get the same treatment as unique newcomers

                literally all clones had slight move changes in brawl, luigi and falco for example. the argument isn't that ganon deserved to have a 100% new moveset build from the ground up. its that he should have had a single smash attack using his sword because its what all the fans wanted, in a game based around being fanservice. instead he got a lame taunt. you argument is even dumber because brawl move set does have some original moves compare to mele or c. falcon like his down air stomp. i welcome your next deluded mental gymnastics to excuse this

              • 4 months ago

                >literally all clones had slight move changes in brawl
                So did Ganondorf in Brawl
                >the argument isn't that ganon deserved to have a 100% new moveset build from the ground up
                I never said it was about a full rework either, just you homosexuals crying he didn't get another significant change like his Flame Choke special or most his basics being less Falcon
                >he should have had a single smash attack using his sword because its what all the fans wanted.
                Pick up a Beam Sword and you have him doing the same exact gestures he does in his final boss fight in Twilight Princess.
                Oh wait, you homosexuals told me Sakurai wasn't faithful with Ganondorf, kek.

            • 4 months ago

              subspace was more important than pingpong and ike 2, keep crying.

          • 4 months ago

            Nincuck cope is fricking pathetic.

            • 4 months ago

              How's Nick 2 doing for you?

          • 4 months ago

            >The main antagonist for a majority of the thing that sapped most of Brawl's development was added late! Please understand

            • 4 months ago

              He barely did anything in SSE aside looking mean, anyways.

            • 4 months ago

              Even Bowser and Wario had more screen time than Ganondorf.

          • 4 months ago

            He barely did anything in SSE aside looking mean, anyways.

            Even Bowser and Wario had more screen time than Ganondorf.

            Ganondorf was not added late, the only three characters that were confirmed to be added late were Jigglypuff, Toon Link and Wolf, that's why they have next to no presence in Subspace.
            >These characters were added late because they're unlockables
            That's some ridiculous logic.

            • 4 months ago

              >the only three characters that were confirmed to be added late were Jigglypuff, Toon Link and Wolf
              Those three were added after Sonic delayed the game.
              They're not even the original last minute additions they put for Brawl.
              >That's some ridiculous logic.
              Just like what happened to Bowser Jr. right?

              • 4 months ago

                >Those three were added after Sonic delayed the game.
                >They're not even the original last minute additions they put for Brawl.
                Sakurai himself said that those were the last three, this is official information that has been known for years now.
                >Just like what happened to Bowser Jr. right?
                And only Bowser Jr. Just because it happened with one unlockable character doesn't mean it happens with all of them. Not to mention that Sakurai himself says that the entire roster is decided on before they begin development so Bowser Jr. was indented to be in the game from the beginning.

              • 4 months ago

                >Sakurai himself said that those were the last three,
                I'm gonna repeat myself: They're not even the original last minute additions they put for Brawl.
                I'm talking about pre-delayed Brawl.
                >And only Bowser Jr
                Literally one of the first DLC character was a cut character.
                >Sakurai himself says that the entire roster is decided on before they begin development so Bowser Jr.
                and cut out whoever they couldn't add on time, another thing he mentioned.
                That's why i brought up BJ, who was just a unique character they nearly cut.

                It's no absurd for them to put a unique character at the last moment, next you'll say the DLC development doesn't make sense.

              • 4 months ago

                >I'm gonna repeat myself: They're not even the original last minute additions they put for Brawl.
                >I'm talking about pre-delayed Brawl.
                OK, apologies for the misunderstanding.
                Although i still don't think that's good enough evidence to state that every unlockable character are last minute additions.
                >Literally one of the first DLC character was a cut character.
                Can you prove that?
                And also, if so then that would mean that the character was still planned to be base game, as in not last minute. They just have to work with a lot of characters so not all of them could be finished on time.
                >and cut out whoever they couldn't add on time, another thing he mentioned.
                That's why i brought up BJ, who was just a unique character they nearly cut.
                Yeah, but that doesn't mean he was added last minute, Sakurai's statement proves that he wasn't included on the roster last minute.
                >It's no absurd for them to put a unique character at the last moment
                But that clearly didn't happen as Sakurai himself says they were all decided on from the start, something you yourself admit to being true.

              • 4 months ago

                >i still don't think that's good enough evidence
                You're literally left with a bunch of veterans characters that were being brought back to the game, including the clones. How is it not?
                >Can you prove that?
                Do you remember what happened to Pirhana Plant? It wasn't even the first case of that happening.
                >the character was still planned to be base game, as in not last minute.
                That's not how development priorities work.
                I already mentioned that DLCs do a similar process by work in with the first batch and on to the next.
                That's not any different to crossing out characters that won't make it on time or getting to work these set of characters at the last moment.
                >that doesn't mean he was added last minute
                >that clearly didn't happen as Sakurai himself says they were all decided on from the start
                I don't think you actually understand what "added at the last minute" means. The roster is already decided after the planning, so they develop the higher priority characters first, then they do the least priority characters near the time the game goes gold.
                Who's even low priority is considered a last minute inclusion, not something they magically added on their to do list. (Aside Pokemon, the only official exception.)

        • 4 months ago

          Honestly Sakurai should have just saved Ganondorf for Brawl like he did with Wario.

    • 4 months ago

      >the faithful moveset in question

    • 4 months ago

      Honestly, I feel like Ganondorf is less UNfaithful than Captain Falcon is. Big guy throwing punches and kicks with dark magic behind them feels enough like something I can realistically expect to see Ganondorf do in any Zelda game. Captain Falcon on the other hand may as well be a completely different guy between Smash and his own series. Between the fire powers out of nothing, and his personality being firm and stoic in his series yet loud and bombastic in Smash, Captain Falcon's probably the one character in Smash who follows the "be faithful" mindset the absolute least out of everybody, yet people want him to stay the way he is, while b***hing about other characters not having every single detail about them "properly" represented.

      • 4 months ago

        How would you make him faithful though in terms of moveset. He's a racer and a bounty hunter who we never see doing any bounties out of his car except in American comics that may as well be considered non canon.

        • 4 months ago

          At the very least, Brawl could've updated his voice and personality to at least TRY to match his portrayal in F-Zero GX.

        • 4 months ago

          The comics were in the JP manuals too. Falcon was established as a brawler from the very first.
          If anything Smash should have had him use his gun too.

          • 4 months ago

            >The comics
            didn't they get retconned when nips realized that bounty hunters were basically hitmen? same deal with samus, who's actually more like a government contractor

            • 4 months ago

              They're still hunting down bounties, just not taking contracts from unsavory types. Falcon has less of a fleshed out history than Samus but they probably still envision him only taking on contracts from the Space Police or whatever. There's also Samurai Goroh who is also a bounty hunter but he probably has way less morals over who he works for.

  6. 4 months ago

    You couldn't even make sure Dark Pit had the correct arrow color.

  7. 4 months ago

    I will never forgive this fricker.

    • 4 months ago

      He had the sense to keep her out entirely instead of betraying the character in her portrayal? And then had the respect to acknowledge the matter as well.

    • 4 months ago

      Deranged homosexual giving Maigays a bad name, probably a infiltrated DOAgay; Sakurai went out of his way to address why Mai wasn’t in the Terry DLC pack and made it as clear as possible (In Japanese, not that moronic "it is a game for good boys and girls" translation of what he said) showing how much Sakurai felt Mai’s absence would be felt.

    • 4 months ago

      This is what the Chinese rating board done to Mai (and other KoFXV girls, even Blue Mary got censored) as of very recent.
      Maybe be a little more considerate before you cry about Sakurai refusing to degrade her for a cameo.

      • 4 months ago

        In China this butchering of Mai still got the game there a 15+ rating though, so the problem is with China’s regulations itself. Sakurai and Nintendo were adamant in keeping Smash a E 10+ rated game, so Mai was out so she wouldn’t be compromised, if Nintendo allowed Smash to be T rated game I think Mai would have made the cut.

        • 4 months ago

          The issue isn't on ESRB though, who don't
          give a shit about cleavage in a E10+ game, it's CERO.

        • 4 months ago

          The problem is that Mai was going to be added through DLC and Smash already had a rating. If they retroactively increased the rating they'd have to recall every physical copy, reprint it with the new rating, send warnings out to people that the game's rating went up, etc. That's what happened with GTA:SA and it was a total mess.

          • 4 months ago

            Waifugays will insist her grooming a couple of mexican/asian kids playing fighting games is more important than 33 million people buying the newest Smash.

            It's fine though, maybe Smash 6 or Ultimate Deluxe will be T/Cero B this time around

    • 4 months ago

      >Decide to not include her instead of toning down her outfit
      Best decision imo. That just show he know Mai's reputation as a sex symbol and that not having is preferable to censoring her.

      • 4 months ago

        With such an old character, it's definitely a lot more egregious to censor her than someone like say Mythra though aside from the boob window being gone, the tights are pretty sexo

        • 4 months ago

          I disagree since those supposed tights are just her legs recolored in black.

  8. 4 months ago

    please forgive Sakurai for having no faithfulness in his "own works", he never actually made a game he was just a suit! That's why he forgot!

    • 4 months ago

      Wario Land gays has never play Wario World, which 2/5th of his basic moveset and characterisms came from

      • 4 months ago

        Speak for yourself, Wario World needed a sequel and I loved when they took his Wild Swing Ding in added it in SM64DS. The issue was taking inspiration from Japanese material where he shits and farts.

        • 4 months ago

          >My FUARKING hero can't be crude

          • 4 months ago

            Wario can be crude without farting. Shake It a great example.

            • 4 months ago

              >Wario can be crude without farting
              >post average slapstick
              That's not what being crude is. Look at whatever John K. made or watch a canadian/french cartoon for example.

              • 4 months ago

                Yes, a hero normally wouldn't chuck a pretty princess to the moon. Syrup, yeah but not Merelda.

              • 4 months ago

                > a hero normally wouldn't chuck a pretty princess to the moon
                Not unless you're in a 1960 manga or pre-2000s anime.

            • 4 months ago

              that's not being crude, it's just selfishness and greed. belching, scratching your ass, picking your nose and ears, and crotch chops and other obscene gestures are the hallmark of crudeness.

  9. 4 months ago

    I thought he was done with his youtube channel

    • 4 months ago

      Why would he? These videos are pretty much his business card, doesn’t matter if they aren’t exactly getting millions of views, Sakurai is throwing his knowledge out there to keep his one-man company in the public eye, since he became a freelancer he doesn’t want to be known as just the guy who works for Nintendo.

    • 4 months ago

      He said he's ending it soon.

    • 4 months ago

      he said it will be over this year, not that he's already finished

  10. 4 months ago

    >releases this video after granblue versus and relink
    rare miss, a game doesn't have to be shit to be faithful

  11. 4 months ago


  12. 4 months ago

    it's weird hearing him talk about naruto of all things

    • 4 months ago

      The topic is licensed games. He also smeared off Connections by simply not mentioning it.

  13. 4 months ago

    Yeah Sakurai is right. Man, imagine if Nintendo made a fighting game where the characters were unfaithful, it would be so awful. Like... just theoretically think if Ganondorf... the King of Evil... was a character and he didn't have his Trident (as shown with both traditional Ganon and Phantom Ganon)... Sword... or even couldn't cast magic! He'd be just a guy who throws punches! Oh but we could make this example even more scary! We could have Wario without any of his actions from Land or World (including his iconic shoulder tackle). Sonic would just spin in a ball for every attack... Kirby wouldn't even have his sliding kick! But man, good thing we have heads at Nintendo who treasure faithfulness!

    • 4 months ago

      I don't even know what point you're trying to make here.

      • 4 months ago

        gayondorf doesn't have a purple falcon punch

        • 4 months ago

          No, but he backhands a lot.
          >Revised hhis warlock punch to reference this
          Oof, another L to Sakurai critics claiming he wasn't faithful.

          • 4 months ago

            show me an instance of ganondorf using a falcon punch in canon material.

            • 4 months ago

              >reading comprehension

    • 4 months ago

      He bring it up himself in the video by pointing out how Fox and Captain Falcon were pilots who didn't do hand to hand combat. Breaking the rules is great actually.

    • 4 months ago

      I will always be thankful for Hyrule Warriors, his Trident moveset is so sick there

      • 4 months ago

        It's just a flashier Lu-Bu moveset

    • 4 months ago

      >Sonic would just spin in a ball for every attack...
      Anon, sonic DOES spin into a ball for every attack.

    • 4 months ago

      >Ganondorf... the King of Evil... was a character and he didn't have his Trident
      Who doesn't use a trident as Dorf.

    • 4 months ago

      >all these 5 replies within 5 minutes
      You can stop same gayging now, Ganondorfkek.

  14. 4 months ago

    >Ganondorf doesn't have mewtwo side b or peach's float
    Grrrrr frick Sakurai, i hope he takes the back seat
    >Byleth doesn't get witch time like Mythra did, no spells, forced into a generic monster hunter moveset because of meme-tier complaints.

    • 4 months ago

      its hard to care about blyeth when he is like the 8th fire emblem gay that no one remembers and ganon is a recurring antagonist of the zelda franchise

      • 4 months ago

        >new FE protagonist #8
        >Ganondorf hijack #10

  15. 4 months ago

    >keep them faithful
    hahahaha. forget about it. they're cheap filler to make a quick buck. at least they're not as cancerous as the hollywood video game movies of yore (e.g. mario movie, street fighter)
    at least some licensed games manage to be good (the simpsons and x-men arcades, a lot of tiny toons games, batman returns (SNES), etc.)

  16. 4 months ago

    > Not showing an example of western licensed game such as Arkham Asylum, fun, being in a licensed world of a comic book series, original plotline, gameplay works in the favor of the style of action character is found in constantly (stealth/detective/beating up bad guys.) Its just pure kino licensed game.

    • 4 months ago

      Sakurai doesn't play western games.

      • 4 months ago

        Maybe he should play the GOOD western games but skip out on the ubislop and other shit that's current.

      • 4 months ago

        pretty much any konami platformer and beat 'em up would make him shit his pants then. they don't resemble the shows they came from yet they're still great.

      • 4 months ago

        >Sakurai doesn't play western games.
        He already put a ton of hours on Horizon and TLoU.

        • 4 months ago

          Ironically enough the only western games he plays is Sony.
          I wonder if he ever played PlayStation All Stars.

          • 4 months ago

            He does and is still bitter over it's existence, so much he still refuses to add a proper "no stage hazard" toggle up to Ultimate.

  17. 4 months ago

    Literally all you have to do is look at Arkham Trilogy and Suicide Squad to see which one was done with actual care and respect, both kill off important characters as well.
    The difference is night and day

    • 4 months ago

      I mean most of the Rocksteady that mattered for the Arkham games jumped ship years ago. They wanted to make a Superman game, and WB denied them with dollar signs in their eyes for the GaaS model and trying to cling onto a "relevant IP" like Suicide Squad. Why do you think the whole game is in Metropolis, it may as well be the scavenged and defiled remnants of their old project.

  18. 4 months ago

    I like Sakurai, but his videos are pretty shallow, and only communicate the most surface level concepts.

    • 4 months ago

      That's because he's positive the majority of his viewers are actual children, or about as mentally developed as such.

  19. 4 months ago

    He's in Japan. He doesnt care about the SS game.

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