Sea Of Thieves

We saved heckin golden sandserino!

Wholesome 100!

Remember, no profanity in your ship names!!!

Homeless People Are Sexy Shirt $21.68

DMT Has Friends For Me Shirt $21.68

Homeless People Are Sexy Shirt $21.68

  1. 2 years ago

    Make sure to join the discord and sail together!

    • 2 years ago

      Is this the discord server that freaks out if you don't play with them after a week lol

      • 2 years ago

        been inactive for a couple months
        but when captaincy comes out Ill have a good crew
        its a good time

    • 2 years ago

      stop posting this troonycord

      • 2 years ago


        • 2 years ago

          I guarantee every single good player who plays this game uses discord. There is no other convinient way to voice chat and get together.

          • 2 years ago

            Nothing wrong with Xbox Game Bar.

    • 2 years ago

      stop posting this troonycord

      Is this the discord server that freaks out if you don't play with them after a week lol

      been inactive for a couple months
      but when captaincy comes out Ill have a good crew
      its a good time

      I dont think he was joking

      • 2 years ago

        He was joking lol

        • 2 years ago
      • 2 years ago

        Stupid fricking Black person homosexual.

  2. 2 years ago

    Two posts in and this is already the gayest thread yet. Good job.

    • 2 years ago

      this is called "community representation"

  3. 2 years ago

    it's all fun and sarcasm but i've actually seen some of the gayest bootlicking gso defenders here and a lot of sane and reasonable reaperboys on reddit

    • 2 years ago

      The Venn Diagram of the overlap between Ganker and Reddit is almost a perfect circle nowadays

    • 2 years ago

      Name something better that could have been put there given that it's nowhere near the center like Bootleg Fort was and it'd break the precedent of every region sans devil's roar having two outposts.
      I hope you're not a schizo who thinks it was rigged when the preliminary poll they did mirrored the end results

      • 2 years ago

        Are you attempting to preemptively say that there's no way it could have turned into another Fort of the Damned type island? Because it easily could have been.

        • 2 years ago

          Why would they put that in a corner of the map? Fort of the Damned makes sense given that it's in the center and naturally puts you more at risk when the big beacon shows up. Doing a similar thing but where golden sands is would make no sense locale-wise.
          Like I'm all for interesting changes but looking at it from a game design point of view the area around the outpost was designed with an outpost in mind and it'd be messy to break the two outpost rule in a normal ass region

          • 2 years ago

            >It couldn't be a fort of the damned because... WELL IT JUST COULDN'T OK?!?

            • 2 years ago

              >wasn't already a fort like Bootleg Fort was
              >isn't in the middle of the map
              >needlessly breaks a precedent in the game's design
              These are all very valid reasons for why it couldn't be that you'd see if you took your cuck mask off for a sec
              And I mean your idea is literally just the fort of the damned but you fight waves of phantoms instead how is that worth getting mad over not having

              • 2 years ago

                >Doesn't matter and is irrelevant
                >Location doesn't matter
                >precedent that was already broken with future updates

                You've got no argument. Also that wasn't my idea at all, and thank you for proving yet again that you have zero imagination and are just triggered by change, as further proved by the fact that you got what you fricking want and are STILL mad about something that didn't even happen. Hope your autism diagnosis goes well.

              • 2 years ago

                >doesn't matter
                It matters because Rare would never put in the effort to fully revamp the island and you know it.
                >location doesn't matter
                It literally does though? Goes to show you have no idea what you're talking about if you don't think fotd's location is very impactful to how it works.
                >precedent that was already broken with future updates
                Devil's roar is the only exception and that's because the entire point of the region is higher risk
                You're the one seething that your imaginary fort of wasn't going to happen anyway didn't happen.

              • 2 years ago

                >zero imagination
                >implying fort of the damned 2 phantom engine is imaginative
                It's the best idea mask-cucks parrot and it's not even that good of an idea.

              • 2 years ago

                What is your super unique idea for it?

              • 2 years ago

                reaper cuck cage prison
                Collect tears of crying reapers in cages and use them to summon the boss, the Sea of Thieves Twitter Poster
                Completing it enough times earns you the black spade tattoo and a crying theater mask

      • 2 years ago

        It would have been the gateway to the realm of the dead when the Dark Brethren make their move. I'm guessing Sea Dogs Tavern is going to be that now. I'm hoping for a permanent ghost fleet circling around it you have to defeat before you can get in and take out the Warsmith and his gang. Season 8?

        • 2 years ago

          The next Adventure has a version of the Sea Dogs Tavern inside the Sea of the Damned, and also is the first time multiple crews can be inside the same instance of the Sea of the Damned at once. So while I don't think the Tavern will be a portal, I do think we are going to be able to spend more time in the SotD.

  4. 2 years ago


    I can't wait to talk to my favorite theyrat, Emily!

  5. 2 years ago

    Anons guess what I got a ancient skeleton worth 504 ancient coins, makes 7 now.

    • 2 years ago

      How the frick do you even find them

      • 2 years ago

        It's random.

      • 2 years ago

        I literally have videos of each one so I have proof that I get them. Got 504 coins at a Fof when doing it solo yesterday and then I kegged my own ship by accident after loading all the loot onto my ship. The time I got 300 some coins I was in devils roar soloing and had to pick between my ship or the ancient skelly. Picked skelly and ship sank. Cause of volcano. Had like 50k+ Gold worth of ashen skulls.

        • 2 years ago

          You harpooned the kegs, didn't you? Don't do that.

          • 2 years ago

            No I was putting kegs into crows nest and accidentally swung sword instead of pressing the button for spyglass to check the horizon, I was grade 5 reapers and had Athena kegs I wanted to sell from the fort.

            • 2 years ago

              Lol I've done that. You ever drop them from the basket to the deck to save time when you're selling so you don't have to climb up and down? Well don't accidently finger-twitch ignite one before you drop it...
              That new ship in the Pirate Emporium looks fricking cool, very tempting to buy.

      • 2 years ago

        i got mine while being afk on an inactive fort

  6. 2 years ago

    cry more you little mask wearing b***h

  7. 2 years ago

    >grinding out shores of gold TT for gold curse
    >soloing it because no friends are online that have a checkpoint
    >3/4 compass medallions claimed, go to compass section bridge to sword dash off and grab the final piece
    >as I jump in the air I hear an ancient skeleton spawn behind me
    >now under bridge and can only hear the skelly rattle around until it despawns
    well fug

    • 2 years ago

      >ripping through a voyage typical athena
      >crew is old pros
      >VERY good and always doing exactly what they need to be to get everything done as fast as possible
      >not a single moment where something goes wrong
      >it actually starts to become annoying
      >it's like they don't even need me, they don't actually
      >kill a Skelly Capt and go looking for his treasure
      >Just dig it up and about to pick it up
      >crewmate harpoons it onto the boat for me
      >they're ready to move
      >I hear the ancient coin skelly
      >just as my crewmate poons me onto the ship
      >I sword lunge off hoping to get to it
      >ships already moving full sail down with wind
      >lunge ends just short of the beach
      >skelly gets away before I can swim ashore
      crew was a bit too good at the game

  8. 2 years ago

    >need to be at sanctuary to continue Tall Tale
    >game keeps spawning at ancient spire
    I'm not fricking sailing all the way across the map

    • 2 years ago

      same.. fricking hated that, went anyway, just to rub it in though, they fricking made me sail most of it against the wind

  9. 2 years ago

    >losing a convenient outpost
    Do people really?

    • 2 years ago

      If the alternative was potentially something new and interesting, then yes.

    • 2 years ago

      this game needs less outposts
      also golden sands is convenient in they way two of the same shops being in the same mall is convenient. Shores of plenty is already weeny hut jr before you factor in it having two outposts within spitting distance

  10. 2 years ago

    >it’s a beautiful morning without a storm or ship in sight
    >just the waves lapping the hull and the wind in the rigging

    • 2 years ago

      >tfw sinking with my ship

  11. 2 years ago

    Do you need to do all the Tall Tales before Pirate's Life, I know you aren't forced to but are there any references to the others?
    Gonna do Shores of Gold tonight and I don't know if I should do the other two as well before I start Pirate's Life

    • 2 years ago

      Most of the story is self contained, but there are a few characters who show up in Pirates Life that were in the other Tall Tales, so you might miss a bit.

      • 2 years ago

        Well I only have the final part for shores of gold so I might as well just finish that and knock out the 2 Ashen Tall Tales real quick

        • 2 years ago

          Yeah I'd do those, like I said if anything just to meet all the characters that show up in Pirates Life.

  12. 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      Can't believe Merrick fricken died

  13. 2 years ago

    >travel by rowboat from island to island and farm them off, selling the spoils whenever I stumble across an outpost
    >eventually end up at Reapers where 2 player ships battle each other and 2 skeleton ships
    >decide to join for the heck of it
    >row into the middle of the battle, chasing the skeleton galleon
    >get shot a few times from muskets, while sweating bullets because of the keg on board, before players realize I'm not after them and continue killing each other instead
    >eventually the player galleon sinks the player sloop whose survivors I pick up with the boat
    >pick up the chase and manage to harpoon the skeleton galleon while skelly sloop and player galleon sink each other
    >get rowboat right next to the ladder and all 3 of us board
    >sloopers start fighting on top while I rush below deck and detonate the keg at the front
    >miraculously survive another minute until the galleon sinks, leaving behind its loot
    >paddle back to the rowboat alone as the sloopers long since died and harpoon in the spoils
    >shitload of trinkets, skulls, skeleton chests and 2 of those lava chests with corresponding keys
    >row all the way to dagger tooth while watching the respawned sloop and galleon fight each other again at Reapers, likely thinking each other grabbed the loot
    Thanks, you landlubbers

    • 2 years ago

      the player galleon sinks the player sloop whose survivors I pick up with the boat
      That's the part where I get killed in the games I play, if not sooner. Frick I get killed just bringing players supplies by rowboat when I'm done playing.


      Can't believe Merrick fricken died

      He ain't ded, we'll have to go save him I bet next adventure

  14. 2 years ago

    They keep putting so much story focus on the Hunter's Call that they really should convert Sea Dog's rest into their base of operations and expand the faction
    It'd be a good spot for it being in the middle of the map and I can't really think of anything else they could use the space for

    • 2 years ago

      Not a terrible idea, and that would make all these hunters call focused adventures feel more worth it.

      • 2 years ago

        >bait boxes to purchase
        >voyages where you need to catch certain types of fish
        >voyages where you get a thing to summon a megalodon and kill it
        just a few very basic ideas I've had for how to expand Hunter's Call, there's room for more sea monsters too but I doubt Rare would want to put in the effort

        • 2 years ago

          Can't believe these aren't things already tbh

          • 2 years ago

            Yeah Hunter's Call has always felt like an afterthought which is why I'm surprised they've been the center of almost every Adventure, it really makes me feel like they're justified for expanding
            Plus the sea dog's tavern is a cool island that's gone unused for months now, just write it so the Pirate Lord gave it to them as thanks for helping him so much
            I actually like the fishing in this game so it'd be nice to see it be given more of a point

            • 2 years ago

              Well if you've played the Adventure that come out today you'd know there's a better reason for Hunter's Call to take over the tavern.

              • 2 years ago

                I'm doing it right now, on the journal fetching part
                Still an annoying amount of sailing around but at least they stepped their game up from the last adventure

              • 2 years ago

                There's none on New Golden Sands so bother wasting your time looking like I did. 2 on Wanderers which are a b***h to find.

    • 2 years ago

      Sorry not sea dog's rest the old sea dog's fort next to Reaper's, I always get the two mixed up

  15. 2 years ago

    I'm ok with this

    • 2 years ago

      >the Gold Hoarder has been reduced to a fancy stick
      He just can't catch a break

      • 2 years ago

        When can we attach an Ashen Lords skull to one of ours?

        It would have been the gateway to the realm of the dead when the Dark Brethren make their move. I'm guessing Sea Dogs Tavern is going to be that now. I'm hoping for a permanent ghost fleet circling around it you have to defeat before you can get in and take out the Warsmith and his gang. Season 8?

        >gateway to the realm of the dead
        ghost fleet outside, reg ghosts spawning on the docks would be fun

    • 2 years ago

      that hawk is already in the game

  16. 2 years ago

    Flameheart event is now signaled by a big green tornado.

  17. 2 years ago

    does anyone even play this game?
    picked it up on steam sale cuz I always thought the $80 pricetag was way too much.
    got like 15 hours in it now and only saw another player once, in an outpost selling a chest before he logged off
    the only other boats ive seen are NPCs

    • 2 years ago

      depends on the time of the day
      sometimes its too crowded
      other times you only ever see another ship 1 time

    • 2 years ago

      There's usually around 5 ships per server, but keep in mind how big the map is, and that others are usually moving as well, so at times you might see nobody, other times everyone will be in the same region. If you want to see people for sure, run reapers flag and go to world events.

      • 2 years ago

        >There's usually around 5 ships per server
        thats a bit fricked
        was expecting more like 100 or 200 players per server, based on how the advertise the game and on streams etc.
        not complaining though, was worried it was gunna be Rust-style "you get 50v1'd while afk for 2min taking a piss" kind of shit.
        but disappointing that the game's so empty & dead.

        still, now that Blackwake, Pixel Piracy and Pirates Knights Vikings 2 are all dead it leaves SoT as the only pirate game left so whatevs, i'll enjoy just playing essentially on my own server

        • 2 years ago

          If it was that crowded you wouldn't be able to get anything done because most players tend to attack on sight. So you either do some voyages and hope not to get bothered or actively seek out others with reapers and world events and do the bothering.

        • 2 years ago

          Even with 5 ships it's not hard to find someone if you're actively looking and know a good route to sail. They could bump it back up to six but any more than that and it'd be to crowded to get shit done.

    • 2 years ago

      a good trick to figure if a server has people is just look at the tables. by factions in this game. Each table has a possibility of showing a ship that represents a player ship

      • 2 years ago

        There will almost always be five ships, that just tells you if they are emissaries or not. So it's more "are there ships with loot" than "are there ships".

  18. 2 years ago

    So about the new adventure: First off, oh boy Aramanta is a baddie? How could I have guessed with lore channels on youtube making it clear as day. Second, So she killed Merrick and joined the Brethern that's clear, but apparantly she didn't actually kill DeMarco?

    Overall kinda neat from a overall plot progression, but in terms of big reveal it's meh.

  19. 2 years ago

    lol this game is gay as a solo player.

    • 2 years ago

      >plays multiplayer game solo
      >wahh wahh it's not fun

      have a nice day.

      • 2 years ago

        i dont need to, other fricks do it for me lol. need more balancing and it actually tells u the sloop is for 1 or 2 players. i dont play with others much because they are like you.

        Why not just find a crew to play with?

        they leave all the time before we set sail.

        • 2 years ago

          >need more balancing
          It is balanced though, you're not supposed to be able to take on 4 people with 1 unless you're very skilled. Your advantage as a sloop is speed and maneuverability. So use it to get the frick away.

        • 2 years ago

          >heh... kid... i work alone.
          >n-no, i don't play with others because i'm a social parasite, i-i'm just too good for you losers!

    • 2 years ago

      Why not just find a crew to play with?

  20. 2 years ago

    >Havent played since season 1
    >Try it out
    >Hitreg is still fricked and pvp is just kangaroos with blunderbusses

    • 2 years ago

      >kangaroos with blunderbusses
      Better than kangaroos with blunderbusses and sniper rifles that never miss.

      Seriously tho, why they don't add a jump fatigue is beyond moronic.

      • 2 years ago

        >Seriously tho, why they don't add a jump fatigue is beyond moronic.

        Amen to that, double gunning kangaroos has been the meta for how long now?

        Sometime to spice it up instead of lame sailing in circles adventures and recolored cosmetics would be amazing

  21. 2 years ago

    This was probably the worst of the adventures. i just can't wait for captaincy for the sole reason that i get to save my fricking cosmetics.

  22. 2 years ago

    Just bought this game on the summer sale

    is it fun

    • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago


      • 2 years ago



        I don’t know.

        Can you repeat the question?

    • 2 years ago

      I don’t know.

    • 2 years ago

      Can you repeat the question?

    • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      okay I lied, I bought this game for my wife because she liked the trailer. Anyway I watched her to the tutorial last night and today I started up and joined a sloop free roam, it went like this:
      >join game
      >board ship with one crewmate
      >accidentally press my "aye" key a few times figuring shit out
      >He tells me to stfu
      >Aye him a few more times to be cheeky
      >Lands on an island
      >Get on island, start exploring
      >He immediately abandons me for being 'annoying mf' and sails away, tells me to get my own ship or go play a game I'm good at
      >Whatever I'm so new I don't even care that I'm marooned, start exploring island, explain to him that I'm so new I don't even care about being marooned
      >he's constantly talking shit like we're in dota 2 or something
      >After a while, die to some exploding zombies, wind up on the ship again
      >He's standing on the bow and hasn't noticed
      >Up the anchor, start sailing away
      >He blows me off the wheel somehow and takes it back
      >lower the anchor and force him off the wheel
      >while he's raising the anchor, notice something glowing at his feet
      >It's a skull for some island bounty or some shit
      >pick it up
      >Ask him if it's his
      >Jump off the ship with the skull
      >he tells me maybe I should be nicer to the next crew and disconnects

      well this game is right up my alley

      • 2 years ago

        Just so you know, you're all part of the same team, there's no friendly fire with swords or guns, but there is with explosives or cannons. You can't maroon as a siren will appear if you're too far to teleport you back to ship, and there's no "stealing" because you all get the same rewards for selling. The only way to grief is setting your own ship on fire or tossing loot overboard, but that will also impact you so it's moronic unless you don't care about wasting your time. Anyway too bad you had a shitty teammate, my favorite is having fun interactions with others. Sailing is fun and all but it gets boring after a while. My favorite memories are helping out a bunch of ships for the megalodon adventure, having a good time drinking and playing songs at a tavern with another crew and the very few times the other side in PVP was a good sport and chatty instead of being silent or moronic.

  23. 2 years ago

    Alright I've played before and I had fun soloing and trading, but what's the best coin grind? I want to save up for a ship when the new persistent ship ownership update drops

    • 2 years ago

      You'll get a lot of different answers on this, if you want guaranteed wealth go and do a load of gold hoarder voyages. it'll be a lot of effort but it's dependable.
      Bum-rushing world events to get fat loot is great but if you're a solo player and don't have over 400 hours in the game you're probably going to get bodied by a nearby double-gunner reaper galleon stocked to the brim.
      do voyages and sell in increments so to minimise the 'amount' you'll lose if you get sunk.

      • 2 years ago

        I learned to watch for them and since I have experience in a game with similar pvp and sailing mechanics I've managed to outrun most reapers, thankfully. One crew caught up the other day and took some treasure but let me keep half for whatever reason.

        I liked doing Lost Shipment voyages from the Merchant Alliance, and I would also carry and trade Commodities while I was doing them. The voyages are fairly easy and you never have to leave your ship for very long, so it's fairly safe as a solo. The commodities at emissary grade V are actually worth an ok amount and gives a nice extra boost.

        Merchant life is pretty comfy. I usually play competitive pvp games so it feels nice, and I'm not a pve player by any means so I'm not dumping cargo at the first sight of sails on the horizon. Feels food.

        Seconding lost shipments. I'd say it's the most consistent voyage for making money solo. The main trick is to make sure you're carrying enough commodities to cover the last bit to reach emissary 5 from one voyage. Other than that the trick is to go fast, carry lots of meat so you never need to surface when cleaning out the cabin and just harpoon everything and head off. Sure vaults technically can pay more, but you wouldn't be cleaning them out alone and world events also pay a lot, but are risky. Regular skeleton forts and skeleton fleets are pretty doable solo and most other people aren't that eager to drop what they were doing and jump on them like they would for a FoF.

        So lost shipments are the thing where you find shipwrecks along a route, right? I'll add these to my merchant runs then.

        Go to alliance server and do whatever, it’ll get you a mil in a few hours

        What's an alliance server?

        • 2 years ago

          >What's an alliance server?
          A group of super pathetic people who spend hours on Discord arranging to get every ship on one server to cooperate and join one big alliance so that they can do PvE stuff with no threat of anyone sinking them.

        • 2 years ago

          A lost shipment will get you a L5 emissary in merchants then you can do that cargo haul the merchants guild has where you take some boxes to outposts that need them. They used to be worth a lot but they've been reduced to under 1k when you sell them, unles you sell them at the outposts that -need- more of that whatever. Check the little book by the merchant for which outposts need what. Some outposts have too much of something and sell them for less, buy those and take them to the outpost than -needs- them. They should be worth about 2.5k+- if you are L5 merch. It's quick and easy to do, but not the best way to make coin.

          The best way is getting L5 emissary in Gold hoarders or Athena and doing their emissary voyages you get from them. Drop your flag and raise a new one each time and you can just chain grind emissary voyages. Be sure to do everything that pops up though because I think they nerfed it so you can't get L5 by just doing the voyage maps. So you'll have to kill skele captns if you see them and dig up their treasure and fight those things that pop up while you're sailing. Or maybe they changed it again since, most times I get open crews that don't even vote for emissarys let alone stick around to complete the L5 voyages. Anyway it's the best way to grind loot aside from the FoF, which you can't do by yourself, unless you are really lucky and no one else comes along and kills you for it. Watch for reapers, if you see them when you start playing, jump to a new server.

          Check when RARE has events like Gold and Glory weekends or Community Day, or gold rush hour, you can get double your loot you turn in. Double glory too on G&G weekends.

          • 2 years ago

            Didn't read.

            • 2 years ago

              don't care

    • 2 years ago

      I liked doing Lost Shipment voyages from the Merchant Alliance, and I would also carry and trade Commodities while I was doing them. The voyages are fairly easy and you never have to leave your ship for very long, so it's fairly safe as a solo. The commodities at emissary grade V are actually worth an ok amount and gives a nice extra boost.

    • 2 years ago

      Seconding lost shipments. I'd say it's the most consistent voyage for making money solo. The main trick is to make sure you're carrying enough commodities to cover the last bit to reach emissary 5 from one voyage. Other than that the trick is to go fast, carry lots of meat so you never need to surface when cleaning out the cabin and just harpoon everything and head off. Sure vaults technically can pay more, but you wouldn't be cleaning them out alone and world events also pay a lot, but are risky. Regular skeleton forts and skeleton fleets are pretty doable solo and most other people aren't that eager to drop what they were doing and jump on them like they would for a FoF.

      • 2 years ago

        The meat is a good idea, though I'm normally too paranoid to stay down for that long. When clearing the last ship I always come up after every five or six boxes to look around and harpoon stuff in case I have to suddenly run.

        • 2 years ago

          I just dislike staying stationary in the open ocean. If the island has a nice hidden place to park the ship then I'm less nervous, but when everyone can see you from any angle that's when I get paranoid. I figure if the horizon is clear then no one will be able to appear and close that distance in the minute or so I need to let all the loot float to the surface.

          • 2 years ago

            Yeah it's generally faster, but I once had a reaper brig portal hop onto my server about two squares away when I was doing one of these voyages, and with full wind those frickers will cover that in no time.

    • 2 years ago

      If you think you have the skill, reaching reaper 5 and hunting other emissaries will make you the most money. If you want something easier, fleets have the best gold to time spent ratio of any world event.

    • 2 years ago

      Go to alliance server and do whatever, it’ll get you a mil in a few hours

  24. 2 years ago

    Honestly. He's not wrong about the PVP, it's intrinsically awful.

    • 2 years ago

      haha get gud pig

  25. 2 years ago

    Do sirens not show up anymore?

    • 2 years ago

      They do, they're just less common now. Which is a good thing.

      • 2 years ago

        >Which is a good thing.
        I wasn't complaining, just asking. It was annoying to step in the water and immediately have them come

  26. 2 years ago

    Im at this point going to hold off until captaincy to continue getting rep seriously. carrying about 30 merchant alliance crates one by one by myself is a great way to get mega-depressed.

  27. 2 years ago

    >More gold for sinking ships that have been playing longer

    Absolutely perfect.

    • 2 years ago

      >can read other peoples diary and sell it for money
      I love it.

      • 2 years ago

        It's pretty good, it also has details about each of the crew members. The biggest complaint right now is that it doesn't track any PvP stuff (player kills, ships sunk), but people on the forums are strongly asking for that.

    • 2 years ago

      One issue I can think of is that it's tied to the session rather than lifetime progression for that ship, although lifetime progression is tracked, as I feel it would be a better tool to judge the skill of the players. As it is, it's another thing that benefits and encourages server hopping.

      A hopper jumps in and sees an active FotD or FoF and now gets a bonus 50k or something gold from the log if they win the fight, while if the defending ship wins they see the log of:
      >Logged in
      >Ran straight to the FoF

      And then they get an extra 1k for winning.

      Even better if the hoppers can put in some real juicy lifetime achievements into the log just to rub that 1k log in.

      • 2 years ago

        The problem with lifetime playtime is that it's also often not a good indication of skill. I've run into players with thousands of hours who always avoid PvP and can't fight for shit.

        I'd like the value to be a combination of current playtime, ships sunk, and voyages/world events completed. I feel like this would give a much better overall picture of the crew.

        Also yeah regardless of gold, if I sink someone and their journal tells me it was a Brave Vanguard, TDS, and Legend of the Sea of Thieves, that's worth it alone.

      • 2 years ago

        I'd hope it also counts previous server logs unless you literally just log and get supplies in which case at least a cost was incurred.

  28. 2 years ago

    I wonder how a system like this would work, probably a lot of effort on Rare's end, but I can see it being a decent way of the finding out how skilled the player crew is and rewarding accordingly.

    >All major commendations have a hidden multiplier attached to them, with basic things like killing a meg or kraken being 1.1X-1.2, PL being 1.5X, and things like Triumphant Sea Dog or Athena's Fortune Dishonored being 2X
    >Ship logs have a base value depending on ship size, it can be whatever, let's say its 2000/ 5000 / 7500 for the sloop, brig, and galleon respectively
    >Each crew member applies their highest earned multiplier to the log independently, so a sloop with two TSD's has a log valued at 6000
    >A Galleon with 4 has the biggest log at 30k

    So you have a log that scales with ship size, crew size, and crew achievements, bigger logs ideally means harder fights and better rewards, even if they had nothing else on them.

    • 2 years ago

      The current biggest log for any ship is 50k.

      • 2 years ago

        I'm not an insider, I can't see the numbers, that's why I just used placeholder ones as an example.

        • 2 years ago
          • 2 years ago

            Great more reason to sink people on sight even if they carry literally nothing.

            • 2 years ago

              The cannonballs I would use to sink a fresh spawn are worth more than 300g.

              Also, PIRATE GAME.

            • 2 years ago

              Fishers and Tall Talers honestly need to learn their place. If they come into a server and proceed to just do worthless content with no reward for those that fight them they're a waste of space on that server and I'm glad that now I get paid to kill them.

              • 2 years ago


                I lvled to 50 in hunters call by selling stolen fish only. Hope to make it to legendary hunter too. lol

              • 2 years ago

                >If you play the game WRONG you don't deserve to play!
                You could text this post to a psychiatrist and get an instant autism diagnosis. Incredible.

              • 2 years ago

                It's a PIRATE game, right there in the title Sea of THEIVES. If you want to fish, play Fishing Simulator, if you want to find shit on maps play Geoguessr, if you want to deliver cargo play Euro Truck Simulator. No one will fight you in those games, but if you play SoT and refuse to engage in PvP, the core of the game, then you need to accept your place as content for those that are playing the game RIGHT.

              • 2 years ago

                Keep seething that you just wasted half your supplies trying to sink me when all I had was 5 fish already in my inventory

              • 2 years ago

                NTA however I'm new and I don't like getting sank but you remind me of the homosexuals back in Ark that used to play PVP servers then complain about getting raided. If some dickhead takes my merchant and fort hauls, sucks to be me. It's teaching me to be more aware in this otherwise comfy game and if you're some long time player who still hasn't figured that out I feel bad for you lol

              • 2 years ago

                NTA, but you're definitely TA

              • 2 years ago

                Lmao nah, esl autist. If you read anything I said you'd realize that

              • 2 years ago

                Keep coming up with boogeymen schizo

              • 2 years ago

                >join our discord, new anon
                >... not even 20 posts later
                >"schizo! you ARE TA because you think a pvp game should have pvp!"
                This is where the incel meme comes from, anon. I mainly come to Ganker-related threads to see what autists think about min maxing, but this is exactly why I didn't join your troonycord; Anons, especially those with discords to shill, are the worst kinds of unhinged trash who can't understand how (you)'s and post counts work unless it confirm their own biases.
                >tldr you're a shizo homosexual carebear an you'll always be alone with your funkopops

              • 2 years ago

                Not him but, there are 54 posters and only 3 people from the discord that post here. Why are you assuming the guy you are arguing with is from some shill from "troonycord" when the only purpose of the discord to find people to form a crew with. No need to be a schizo.

              • 2 years ago

                Holy shit.
                >buzzwords the post
                This is how you know someone is projecting. Talk about the game instead of crying about a discord that's never hurt you.

              • 2 years ago

                Try to fit in more buzzwords why don't you.

                >"muh buzzwords!"

              • 2 years ago

                Ok but there's no other servers in SoT, despite the boost it'd give their dying game.

              • 2 years ago

                Who, other than you, says it's dying?

              • 2 years ago

                Wait dying? Lol come to /gerg/ on /vg/ and talk MWO with us then call SOT a dying game.

              • 2 years ago

                Actually, the title says Sea of Thieves, not Sea of Pirates. If you aren't sneaking into Cragscleft Prison or causing trouble for the Hammerites, you're playing the game wrong. If you refuse to sign up with the Keepers and instead engage in PvP, then you need to accept your place as content for those playing as the guards on a UT99 Thievery Server.

              • 2 years ago

                >It's a PIRATE game, right there in the title Sea of THEIVES
                Screw the psychiatrist, you don't need a diagnosis. Every single person in your life already knows that you have autism.

              • 2 years ago

                What's the best way to hunt fishing boats? I really don't want to fish for those levels

              • 2 years ago

                It's really simple, honestly.
                He's lying to sound cool on the internet. The best way to get through Hunter's Call is to buy ranks and give them mermaid gems.

              • 2 years ago

                >Hunter's Call is to buy ranks
                >and give them mermaid gems
                You don't get shit for rep from those, at least I didn't. I got all my rare fish except a few from barrels and sunken shipwrecks.

              • 2 years ago

                Sea Dog’s Spire for people hunting shadow stormies
                Inactive skelly forts or Shores of Gold island for people hunting treacherous plunder

              • 2 years ago

                >treacherous plunder
                The fish bones look cool I hope we get to decorate our ship with them

              • 2 years ago

                The fishing trinkets require an ABSURD number of fish caught to earn. Oh and none of your previous fishing commendations count towards it.

          • 2 years ago

            seems moronic when like 90% of the game's treasure chest fetch quests only give 200~1500 gold.
            why bother when you and a friend can just farm each other's sunken ships endlessly to make more gold?

  29. 2 years ago

    What's the point of playing the game if you just sit in your galleon doing nothing until you finally see a sloop that you might be able to take down?

    • 2 years ago

      Don't play that way, I don't know anyone who does.

  30. 2 years ago

    Insider patch notes if anyone cares

  31. 2 years ago


  32. 2 years ago


    (you) are a schizo, and a pathetic moron for playing a PvEvP game like a PvE game

    • 2 years ago

      Not him but I find the most pathetic people are the Arena refugees who idle on the map taking up server space until someone fights them, which happens almost every day I play now since the removal of arena.
      They're literally doing nothing for hours on end with maybe one or two fights in between and not even grabbing treasure, at that point why not play any other pvp game
      people who scuttle at the slightest hint of pvp are also pathetic though, really anyone who ignores the other half of the game has a problem

  33. 2 years ago

    >Not a single PvP related milestone, trinket, or logbook stat for PvP in Captaincy
    >Rare's excuse is "Well there's no specific place for PvP to "opt in" to it and we don't want people preying on new players"

    What a load of horse shit.

    • 2 years ago

      Jokes on them I sink new players for fun I don't need a reward

  34. 2 years ago

    >skull and bones stream
    anyone watch it?

    • 2 years ago

      I did, and the game looks like complete ass
      >Everything is ship based, nothing on foot. You pull up to a fort and "Press Y to Plunder" which is a cutscene
      >Separate PvP and PvE servers
      >PvP servers still have tons of safe zones with no combat allowed
      >UI and combat is a fricking mess, the worst kind of Ubisoft garbage
      >Game is clearly grind (and maybe pay) to win

      • 2 years ago

        it's basically everything every light weight shithead has ever wanted and it's being dragged through the mud. I love it, the game's existence validates rare's decisions with SOT to every mouth breather who needs "progression"

    • 2 years ago

      I did, and the game looks like complete ass
      >Everything is ship based, nothing on foot. You pull up to a fort and "Press Y to Plunder" which is a cutscene
      >Separate PvP and PvE servers
      >PvP servers still have tons of safe zones with no combat allowed
      >UI and combat is a fricking mess, the worst kind of Ubisoft garbage
      >Game is clearly grind (and maybe pay) to win

      I played the alpha and it was fun, but a very different kind of game.
      >Game is clearly grind (and maybe pay) to win
      Grind to win is definitely the case. It's a Minecraft sailing game that's: "Go get wood and stone, bring back wood and stone to get an upgrade, go get more specific wood and stone to get the next upgrade."
      I haven't played Ark or anything but I'd guess it's like that.

      It was kind of fun in a mindless way, but after spending fricking ten hours grinding at getting materials to have a good ship a random NPC gunship rolled up on me and sunk me in about 6 seconds, and I lost literally everything I grinded for and uninstalled.

      • 2 years ago

        Sounds awful. I don't mind fetch and upgrade spreadsheet autism games but it has to be done right and give you that satisfying rewarded feeling after.

        • 2 years ago

          Agreed. The first moment of getting my ship (which by the way you start with a CANOE and have to earn a real ship) was exhilarating, as was getting my first real cannons (you have to grind for those too) and being able to actually PLAY the game.
          But then it just became doing chores.
          It's a neat concept that was poorly executed.

          That said, Ubisoft has a weirdly good record for sticking with shit ideas and making them decent quality. For Honor is still going after six years and has a dedicated fanbase. Could still be good in a year or two.

          I also hate how it looks like there will be no cool underdog victories like you get in SoT, where a smaller but better crew takes out a bigger ship. The game is so numbers dependent and the combat so automated that it's literally just "bigger ship with bigger numbers wins".

          I mostly disagree, because speed and shallows do play a factor in it. You have HUGE blindspots for your cannons, so a sufficiently fast ship can do hit and runs easily by escaping out of range into unreachable places.
          That said, because there's stats for your guns, yeah, the grindier guy will almost always win.

      • 2 years ago

        I also hate how it looks like there will be no cool underdog victories like you get in SoT, where a smaller but better crew takes out a bigger ship. The game is so numbers dependent and the combat so automated that it's literally just "bigger ship with bigger numbers wins".

  35. 2 years ago

    >Decide to load into a random galleon just to frick with people and fart around
    >Load in, on the first part of a Veil mission
    >Crewmates are Legend of the Sea of Thieves, Brave Vanguard, and Hunter of the Shrouded Ghost
    >Knock out three Veil missions in like an hour

    Easily one of the most unexpected experiences I've had.

  36. 2 years ago

    I don't care about you autists fighting over what content you're supposed to do in a game with tons of both pve and pvp elements, as someone who does both like a real pirate
    is there any more info from the insider builds other than captain logs being sellable?

    • 2 years ago

      Nothing much new in the last few days, mostly just the continuing arguments that the Captains Log/Trinket Milestone systems are wack and need to be changed.

      • 2 years ago

        getting more money than an ashen wind's skull just for sinking a dude who was fishing for four hours is definitely kind of wack
        Do we know anything else about what's being added in season seven? Like how captaincy works more specifically or the new ship cosmetics? Or whatever the other stuff was they mentioned like more loot dropoff points.

        • 2 years ago

          The biggest problem with the Captain's Log is that there is no way to "lower" it, so unless you scuttle at Reapers and sell it there for one gold, every time you quit you're leaving behind a super valuable item for the next random person to show up.

          Also we know a ton about the new interior cosmetics and the Sovereigns so you'd have to be more specific.

          • 2 years ago

            You mean the captain's log doesn't disappear when you log out nor does it like, reset when you turn in at an outpost? Lmao that's so busted.
            I was curious if the interior cosmetics were doubloons or gold and how many like, categories there are or if it's just entire captain sets you can't mix and match
            Are Sovereigns the new loot points? I know nothing about that other than the new towers at the outposts

            • 2 years ago

              The log does not disappear on log out, so yeah that's dumb.

              Interior cosmetics are divided into like eight categories you can mix and match, like voyage table, captain's chair, curtains, rugs, etc. They all cost gold, and each piece costs three times the matching normal ship part. So let's say a given hull or cannons cost 100,000 each, the table or curtains will cost 300,000 each.

              Also yes Sovereigns are the new turn in point at every Outpost. They accept all loot (except Reaper only stuff) and everything is credited to the right faction, even giving you your appropriate Emissary Flag bonus.

              • 2 years ago

                Damn I was hoping the new cosmetics would be doubloons because we desperately need more doubloon sinks, I've accumulated so much of them with nothing to buy.
                I guess the Sovereigns are cool but I'd still rather we get a proper hunter's call expansion rather than having a dropoff point at the outposts. Though, there's no way we're not getting that at some point with how prominent the faction is in the Adventures.

              • 2 years ago

                I tend to convert my doubloons to gold during Gold and Glory weekends (during Gold Rush hour) so you can get two and half times the gold for them.

              • 2 years ago

                I don't know why I didn't think the gold modifiers affected it until now, that's smart damn

              • 2 years ago

                Might be worth doing, since buying a sloop and a full set of interior cosmetics will be between one and one and a half million, more for a brig or galleon.

  37. 2 years ago

    >improved respawn times for solo players teased
    >Never implemented
    I swear if it doesn't arrive with captaincy I'm going to be mildly upset.

    • 2 years ago

      They lowered them down for 15 seconds for eveyone on every ship type for some reason and it is currently insane

      • 2 years ago

        They're claiming that this is the intended respawn time and everything was glitched, but they really need to change it back. If a brig or galleon crew has even half a brain they will almost never sink now.

        • 2 years ago

          Classic Rare balance, complete shit

  38. 2 years ago

    >play for 8 hours grinding out athenas with awesome crew
    >slaughtering anyone dumb enought to try and frick with us
    >game never crashes even once
    >day before play 4 hours different crew
    >attacked by sloop
    >boarder moves super fast
    >eats point blank blunderbus shots like bananas
    >kills entire crew in seconds with double guns
    >bouncing around like the easter bunny
    >no one can kill him
    >game crashes 3 times
    Hmmm... makes you think

  39. 2 years ago

    Playing this game on the weekend is impossible now since the removal of the arena. Sea Dogs refugees are a blight on every server they come to
    I'm not whining about pvp, I'm complaining about the people who seek out pvp, don't even take loot, and then b***h at you if you aren't hard aggro back at them even if playing safe is the better strategy in the moment
    It's even worse wheen they're the kind to idle somewhere and wait for hours doing nothing to get a pvp engagement, they just take up meaningful server space
    I'll gladly fight people for loot when needed but if you just wanna pvp and not even take loot in a pirate game go play something else.

    • 2 years ago

      It has been that way since the getgo.
      Groups of two or three autists with nothing better to do in their life, who know that they'll always win because of a numbers advantage, treat this game like schoolyard bullies treat recess. They don't play this game because it's fun, they do it because ruining someone else's day is the closest thing they get to validation. Because now at least that person feels as bad as the autist always does.

    • 2 years ago

      You say you're not whining about PvP, but all I'm hearing is whining about PvP. Just sink them and move on.

      • 2 years ago

        PvP's not fun when the meta has evolved into "bypass ship combat as much as possible by boarding and anchoring"
        Yes this also applies when i'm on the side doing it successfully. it's stale as frick

        • 2 years ago

          That's the meta 90% of the time because most fights are skill imbalanced. Two equally skilled crews will have a more meaningful fight. Unskilled crews won't board and skilled crews will keep boarders off their ship.
          I hate the boarding and anchoring shit too and would prefer ship v ship fighting, but you'll be hard pressed to find a solution that isn't dogshit.

          • 2 years ago

            >That's the meta 90% of the time because most fights are skill imbalanced
            No it's because the only way to actually sink a ship is to kill everyone on board, and the easiest way to do that is to shoot them with a blunderbuss.

            • 2 years ago

              this is why I find people who swear by the pvp being enjoyable hard to believe. Most encounters even the ones my crew win are just boarding contests and fishing for blunderbus or cutlass kills, which are the least enjoyable and mechanically sound parts of pvp but you have to play that way to win

              • 2 years ago

                Everyone is different. I don't understand how people can think running away from every boat, red-seaing their loot, and scuttling when they are caught is enjoyable but there's plenty of people who supposedly do.l

              • 2 years ago

                What a sad attempt at a rebuttal to a post that wasn't even an attack.

              • 2 years ago

                Never said that was fun either. Only time I've ever done that was when me and a bud were doing the Adventure and a reaper brig started chasing our ship while they did the tasks. Otherwise I will always defend my loot to the teeth.
                PVP could be really fun, the actual ship combat is actually one of its kind more or less. It's just way too easy to cheese victories by board-spamming and running for the anchor or just killing them, even when the other ship knows how to play defense.
                I have no idea how they could fix this but when the meta revolves around bypassing 90% of the mechanics and combat it's shit. This is still easily possible even with the global 15 second respawn time since respawn points are predictable on a ship.
                Only time I ever enjoyed pvp was when me and the opponents were less experienced or when doing obscure shenanigans. Nowadays pvp encounters have become an indistinguishable blur, always ending with either we boarded successfully and won, or after numerous boarding attempts warded off our opponents finally succeeded and we lost.

              • 2 years ago

                >How can they fix this
                Simple, allow you to roll up your rope ladders on the side of the ship. Then they have to actually land on your boat with a cannon shot or jumping ship to ship instead of just running in a straight line and jumping in the water to board. Leave the rest of the mechanics, fights become supply and ship mechanic battles instead of simple FPS battles?

              • 2 years ago

                >Roll up my ladders
                >Guy launches over with a cannon
                >throws blunderbomb as he sails over, knocks me
                >fight immediately over for me

                Sounds awesome.

              • 2 years ago

                Never said that was fun either. Only time I've ever done that was when me and a bud were doing the Adventure and a reaper brig started chasing our ship while they did the tasks. Otherwise I will always defend my loot to the teeth.
                PVP could be really fun, the actual ship combat is actually one of its kind more or less. It's just way too easy to cheese victories by board-spamming and running for the anchor or just killing them, even when the other ship knows how to play defense.
                I have no idea how they could fix this but when the meta revolves around bypassing 90% of the mechanics and combat it's shit. This is still easily possible even with the global 15 second respawn time since respawn points are predictable on a ship.
                Only time I ever enjoyed pvp was when me and the opponents were less experienced or when doing obscure shenanigans. Nowadays pvp encounters have become an indistinguishable blur, always ending with either we boarded successfully and won, or after numerous boarding attempts warded off our opponents finally succeeded and we lost.

                Or how about just add similar timer to grabbing ladder from sea that there is in dropping the anchor, and make it so that ship with fast enough speed you don't have enough time to grab it.

              • 2 years ago

                I enjoy pvp IF it's console vs console. PC players just have too much advantage over consoles, you can't even kill them most times. Everything they do is just slightly faster and a console player will get jutter and lagg and graphical glitches and flashes that interfere and make it an easy win for the pc player. And that's without the cheats.

                >I have no idea how they could fix this
                I'd like to see a jump and run stamina meter and a slight reduction in movement speed only when you have a weapon in hand. Also sniper rifles should have a 1 in 6 chance to hit at close range.

                Anyone else unable to pick up loot?
                >first go, log in and do OOS
                >all is fine until I get to black sands atoll - kill the skelly captain
                >can’t pick up skull, end up frozen in place and unable to kms; game won’t register clicks so can’t drink grog or blunder
                >leave game and can’t go back to session
                >try again, do OOS ghost ship voyage
                >load up all the skulls and crates and go to sell
                >drop most shit in water
                >can’t pick up crate off my sloop, can still put stuff in/out but it refuses to pick up, then the option to pick up disappears
                >try to grab a skull and the button is showing as infinitely held and won’t pick up
                >can’t even interact with other skulls
                Something’s wonky with item interaction

                Happens to the odd item sometimes especially if it's in the row boat. But I've found some kegs at forts can't be picked up. Mostly I have the problem where your buttons don't open the quick menus so I can't look at the voyages or eat food or select an item to use. Sometimes dying resets it, try that next time you have a problem.

                >How can they fix this
                Simple, allow you to roll up your rope ladders on the side of the ship. Then they have to actually land on your boat with a cannon shot or jumping ship to ship instead of just running in a straight line and jumping in the water to board. Leave the rest of the mechanics, fights become supply and ship mechanic battles instead of simple FPS battles?

                >Roll up my ladders
                >Guy launches over with a cannon
                >throws blunderbomb as he sails over, knocks me
                >fight immediately over for me

                Sounds awesome.

                Yup that sounds like a new way to grief, wait for crew to amass treasure, wait for them to all be off the boat, roll up the ladders. Laugh as they figure out they can't board their own ship and are about to lose everything.
                Rolling up the ladders would just have ships ramming first and everyone boarding. They can do that now but when it becomes the ONLY option...

              • 2 years ago

                Make it so you can roll down the ladder on your own ship without needing to be above, add a degradable hook item that allows you to pull someones ladder down quick and it only spawns in shrines God you people are so uncreative the possibilities for fixing boarding as such a braindead sever hopper pvper strat are so limitless

              • 2 years ago

                The game is designed to be intentionally simple and you're trying to make it far too complicated. Maybe you should just consider that PvP games aren't for you.

              • 2 years ago

                The upcoming changes to reviving and such on enemy ships that got posted here a while back seems like a step in the right direction, but it still doesn't address the core problem of boarding being needed to really make a sink happen. Some of the cursed cannonballs make it nigh-guaranteed when used at the right time, but whether you even have them is too RNG-dependent, so pure naval basically means a sloggy battle of attrition where they won't go down, cuz even if you knock their sails/capstan and constantly pound them, they'll be bailing out and patching for an hour straight.

                That's honestly the bigger issue: if you cut out the ability to board, you're left with ship battles the majority of people will be put to sleep by, and I dunno how they could even begin to fix it. Theoretically, it should work already: hit key points to disable their movement, use fire and blunderbombs to lock out the top deck, and then constantly slam the hulls until there's too much to manage, but it's never too much to manage. Maybe an increase to time to repair that's ship-class dependent would fix things, I dunno.

              • 2 years ago

                I don't think we need to change how boarding works, just make naval a little more effective. Things like
                >add Tier 4 holes to ships which let in even more water and take longer to repair, rewarding sustained naval
                >make bucketing remove slightly less water

                Just two little things like this would shift fights to being much more naval heavy. If we want extra, I'd like to see Grapeshot added as a ball type, instead of one Tier 2 it can do two Tier 1s.

              • 2 years ago

                >make bucketing remove slightly less water
                This would be good for brigs. The big issue is on a brig you can bucket from the top step almost as fast as you can take on water, so against even a semi-organized team you can't sink it without boarding.

              • 2 years ago

                And you can nearly do it from the sloop, at least quick enough with the animations that it makes no difference.

                But yeah in general I think the solution to balancing boarding vs naval would be better served by just making the naval more dangerous rather than just trying to stop people from being able to board. These kind of changes would make people less likely to leave their boat so soon and would better reward intense naval pressure.

              • 2 years ago

                The fact is they fricked the galleon and slowed it down to the point that if you don't send boarders to anchor a ship, you will never be able to sink it. Unless they really suck at the game. This means that, if you mess with the ability to board a ship, a brigan will destroy every ship on the sea and no one will use the galleon because it's crippled beyond hope.

    • 2 years ago

      I think the loot imbalance is one of the things that turns most people off of PvP. The attackers never have anything valuable, if they did they wouldn't be picking fights.

      So if the defending player beats a server hopper they gain nothing and lose supplies, even if supplies don't really matter because naval is weak and boarding is everything, if they lose the fight they lose everything. If the server hopper loses they get another 2 shots before the game finally spawns them more that 3 minutes away from the one who sunk them, and if they win they get everything. Captaincy will only make this worse because from what I've seen, no PvP stats are tracked and there are no PvP achievements, so server hoppers probably won't even bother with buying ships and as such won't drop ship logs like everyone else.

      Honestly, I think a bounty system would really help provide at least some reward for winning a fight. If someone shoots at ship without a bounty, they get a piece of loot that anyone will buy but only appears once they're sunk like emissary flags, if they actually sink the ship the loot grows bigger and marks them on the map, and continues to grow with each ship they sink.

      That way the PvP players can get the constant fights they claim they want, and don't need to worry about the loot they claim they don't care about, because I guarantee none of the people hunting them will carry any either.

      • 2 years ago

        Bounty system would be great but never will happen because PVP babbies will cry since what they really want is to sink easy targets to feel good about it.

        • 2 years ago

          That's a great idea! Spread that on the forums and twitter. I always thought that attacking pirates should generate a bounty on themselves that result in them dropping a skull of equal value when killed, but you nailed it way better.

          It's a fantastic idea, but one I doubt Rare will implement because their whole thing is to not "control" the player too much and let them do whatever they want. But they're also huge fricking idiots who are disconnected from real life, because if you let players do whatever they want they'll do the worst thing possible even if it means a worse overall experience.

          • 2 years ago

            That's a great idea! Spread that on the forums and twitter. I always thought that attacking pirates should generate a bounty on themselves that result in them dropping a skull of equal value when killed, but you nailed it way better.

            wtf I run around doing vaults, forts, veils, all sorts of shit with pug brigs and never run from fights, always chase down other ships when I see them even if there's no reason and we have tons of loot, my ships are all like a 5:1 k/d ratio every day with rotating multiple crewmates coming and going after we've played for an hour or two

            I would absolutely love it if we built a bounty while attacking other ships, let them come, yesterday I ruled a server with a grade 5 Athena flag for so long we ended with 5 emiss flags, reapers jus throwing themselves at us and no even grabbing emiss on the way back. Shit is so funny, nobody has any idea how to sail and I just started this game

        • 2 years ago

          No, we wouldn't. And I've seen the idea proposed by several PvP focused players on Insiders. I'm sorry that you think everyone who is better than you is a bully.

      • 2 years ago

        That's a great idea! Spread that on the forums and twitter. I always thought that attacking pirates should generate a bounty on themselves that result in them dropping a skull of equal value when killed, but you nailed it way better.

  40. 2 years ago

    >Going around chaining Athena emissary quests
    >There's a gold hoarder emissary in the area, wonder if I should sink him or not
    >Suddenly a skeleton sloop spawns for him to fight
    >He seems incredibly new, no sail discipline and his response to the spawn was to start throwing loot overboard to distract it
    >I eventually get close enough to aggro the sloop once a meg spawns for me and I get distracted fighting both of them
    >In the meantime he anchors at an island, sails fully down in between two rocks
    >Decide he's absolutely no threat and finish my voyage before chaining world events
    >Eventually get merged into a server that has an alliance of 3 rank 5 reaper brigs
    >Cash out and lower the emissary flag right as they arrive

    Sometimes I wonder what goes through the mind of an new player, one time I needed to visit the same island as them and I thought they were playing the longest con ever when they ran in the direction my ship and I as I was debating whether to follow and keep them away I heard a keg go off. My ship was fine, they just tried to melee a keg skeleton.

  41. 2 years ago

    >log into ancient spire, decide to do OOS
    >no emissaries but me, reaper bounty chest is active so active but probably chill server
    >sail to crook's hollow, get kraken'd and beat it, see a sloop approach
    >hit them with a few balls and kid on the mic asks me to stop so he can 'give' me an ashen chest on their bowsprit
    >his buddy on open mic tells him to put up an alliance flag and he'll open fire once that happens
    >shoot them and spend the next ten minutes fricking around, didn't have many supplies in the first place but ding them with a jigball and they crash into rocks while I bombard them
    >first kid loudspeakers me in a sad voice saying hi buddy left
    >he scuttles and I just let their loot sink all while a brigger approaches
    >zero supplies but don't feel like giving scavengers an easy win so I sail to DT and lower flag and scuttle
    >briggers roll up too late to scavenge anything from my ship, I'm dancing at the end of the dock while they take potshots until I jump off and take a mermaid
    >FoF spawns, see the briggers parked there, so harass them for 20 minutes while they waste cannons/chains missing until I get bored and suicide ram into their ship
    might be petty but I'm going to waste people's time if I can't even get breathing room to get a single piece of loot to make it a bit more worthwhile to sink me

  42. 2 years ago

    Anyone else unable to pick up loot?
    >first go, log in and do OOS
    >all is fine until I get to black sands atoll - kill the skelly captain
    >can’t pick up skull, end up frozen in place and unable to kms; game won’t register clicks so can’t drink grog or blunder
    >leave game and can’t go back to session
    >try again, do OOS ghost ship voyage
    >load up all the skulls and crates and go to sell
    >drop most shit in water
    >can’t pick up crate off my sloop, can still put stuff in/out but it refuses to pick up, then the option to pick up disappears
    >try to grab a skull and the button is showing as infinitely held and won’t pick up
    >can’t even interact with other skulls
    Something’s wonky with item interaction

    • 2 years ago

      Played quite a while yesterday and sold a ton of loot, all of it worked fine for me. They did put a patch this morning so if you did this today it's possible something was affected. They also did a second hotfix a bit later.

  43. 2 years ago

    >doing adventure on sloop with friend
    >midway through game fricking crashes to desktop for whole crew
    >rejoin game and ship
    >suddenly reaper right by us
    >we just wanna talk!!
    >m8 we're doing adventure and have literally nothing
    >they start blasting
    >start circling island waiting for friend
    >as soon as he joins 180 and start blasting them to shit
    >they try boarding but keep failing
    >before sinking only hear them say "they're cheating!!1"
    Was funny but they had barely anything as always.

  44. 2 years ago

    >I’ve only had one experience with Sea of Thieves, and it was terrible. My friends and I were excited to customize our ragtag group of scurvy dogs and sail the high seas in search of fame and fortune, but all we found were shitheads and trolls who made it their job to ensure we had a bad time.

    >Things started off promising as we gathered our first contracts and set off to find buried treasure, but we didn’t even make it to our first island before our ship was boarded by terrorists who blasted radio ads over proximity chat while hiding inside our mast by - as I later learned is a meta exploited by griefers - using an emote that made them practically invisible. I still remember the crackly sound of the O’Reilly Auto Parts jingle our attacker spammed over comms for ten full minutes while we frantically searched our tiny sloop for him. I hate to give the trolls what they want, but we uninstalled shortly after and never went back.

    Imagine being this fragile

  45. 2 years ago

    So I’m naming a ship?

    The Armageddon (original ik)

  46. 2 years ago

    Will we be getting more content besides captaincy, insiderbros?

    • 2 years ago

      Right now it doesn't look like it, at least not next week. They just added in the Captain's Voyages (nothing special) for testing and are tweaking the remaining features.

      Maybe we'll get a mid-season update with more like we did for Season Six, but we don't know.

  47. 2 years ago

    Finally beat the Pirate's Life tall tales
    I thought it was really fun

    • 2 years ago

      I'm halfway through it now. Did you get 100% on any of them? The rewards from 3 look awesome.

      • 2 years ago

        Not him but I got 100% on all of them just so I could get the "PIrate's Life" shanty. Totally worth it.

      • 2 years ago

        Nah, I just did a blind playthrough, when I do them again I'm gonna 100% them

        • 2 years ago

          Best way to do it. I loved how varied they were, with some having a lot of action while others (mostly 1 and 3) are mostly a peaceful vibe.

    • 2 years ago

      Gawdammit where are the journals in the sirens tower?!?!?!

      • 2 years ago

        I just use rarethief for all that stuff.

      • 2 years ago

        Just watch some video guide as you play it.

    • 2 years ago

      I like how each one of them was a stealth demo for future content, I assume to see how well they'd work.
      Which is fine by me, because they were all great.

      The only thing I don't like is that there's still a perpetual storm up at the top of the map. It should only appear if you're actively doing that tall tale.

      • 2 years ago

        I wish they would change the storm, and the portal rocks for that matter. They've now proven via the Legend of the Veil quests that they have the ability to spawn and despawn islands and other semi-permanent structures in the game world,so hopefully they can adapt that to things like Pirate's Life.

        • 2 years ago

          Yeah, the portal/mission start should be on only one outpost. Maybe one of the West ones, since that's closer to the content.

  48. 2 years ago

    >Sailing around doing last minute adventure
    >Skele sloop spawns
    >Dont wanna bother with it
    >Make one shot at it
    >2 kegs explode sinking it instantly
    lmao even

  49. 2 years ago

    Alright, so far the top complaints about Captaincy from Insiders are below, wonder what Ganker thinks.

    >Most milestones are the same as existing commendations
    Already earned all of your fishing commendations? Well now you have to catch more fish if you want the trinkets for your ship. And it only counts for you when on YOUR ship, not one someone else's.
    >Captain's Logbook/Ship Milestones do not track anything PvP related
    Not ships sunk or pirates killed or anything.
    >No way to "lower" your Captain's Logbook like the emissary flag
    It is always left floating in the water after you log out, and can be worth a fair bit.
    >Gamertag of the captain of a ship shows up on banners when looking at them through spyglasses
    Kind of ruins the immersion and potentially messes up stealth plays
    >Captain Voyages are just remixes of existing voyages
    They're all the same as the current ones, but you can basically "downrank" them to do shorter easier ones like when you first started the game.

    • 2 years ago

      >>No way to "lower" your Captain's Logbook like the emissary flag
      >It is always left floating in the water after you log out, and can be worth a fair bit.
      That is fricking dumb, how is there not an option to "dock" your ship at an outpost to prevent that.
      >Gamertag of the captain of a ship shows up on banners when looking at them through spyglasses
      This is dumb, even if they absolutely want names why not show the name of the ship?

      • 2 years ago

        It does show the name of the ship, and beneath it says "Captained by Black personhomosexual420"

        • 2 years ago

          Still dumb, also opens up possibilities of naming your ship Porch and having your gamer
          tag be Monkey.

    • 2 years ago

      >Most milestones are the same as existing commendations
      >And it only counts for you when on YOUR ship, not one someone else's.
      Stupid, but I get it. It's different rewards for different goals. Just don't try to grind it out a bunch of times.

      >No way to "lower" your Captain's Logbook like the emissary flag
      This sucks. It should be like a fancy emissary flag that you can turn in for a little change.
      I get that they don't want people doing infinite money by idling for hours, but I should still be able to turn it off.

      >Gamertag of the captain of a ship shows up on banners when looking at them through spyglasses
      This is stupid, but understandable. It already plays a jingle when you look at another ship in the spyglass, after all.

      >Captain Voyages are just remixes of existing voyages
      I expected little else.

      >Captain's Logbook/Ship Milestones do not track anything PvP related
      >Not ships sunk or pirates killed or anything.
      That's fine. It's Sea of Thieves, not Sea of Murderers.

      • 2 years ago

        Right, it's Sea of Thieves. Why not track gold I've made from stolen loot in the book? Why not a milestone for turning in stolen loot? We already have commendations for stolen chests, so it's not out of character. There's lots of ways to acknowledge PvP playstyles and give those people something to earn without it just being murder.

        Their whole advertisement was to "Choose your own path", but I guess that path doesn't involve any actual piracy.

        • 2 years ago

          >Why not track gold I've made from stolen loot in the book?
          It does, with all the rest of the loot you turn in.
          >I guess that path doesn't involve any actual piracy.
          Are you holding them up at gunpoint and telling them to turn over their loot or die, or are you killing them, sinking them, and waiting for their loot to float to the surface?
          It's Sea of Thieves, not Sea of Graverobbers.

          • 2 years ago

            Would you explain to me how someone is supposed to be a Thief in this game and not kill people? I'm actually guessing that you're just being a troll at this point though.

            • 2 years ago

              >Get on a ship, take stuff, leave the ship with it
              Damn that's tough.

            • 2 years ago

              people who play like that are moronic and should just play a different game. rare is doing an awful job at showing that sea of thieves is a pve AND pvp game.

              • 2 years ago

                >AND pvp game
                Probably because the PvP is absolute shit.

      • 2 years ago

        >complain about PVP
        >it's sea of THIEVES
        >logs not rewarding sinking PVPers
        >it's sea of THIEVES
        Make up your fricking mind

    • 2 years ago

      >Most milestones are the same as existing commendations
      >Captain Voyages are just remixes of existing voyages
      >They're all the same as the current ones, but you can basically "downrank" them to do shorter easier ones like when you first started the game.

      Oof, they are going to sell more reskins and sailing in circle voyages for a whole season huh?

      Guess I'll take another break for awhile.

    • 2 years ago

      Frick so unless you have friends willing to help you out owning a brig or gall will just be open crew trolls and griefers doing everything they can to sink your ship so you can never get anything. What a drag

      • 2 years ago

        I mean if you don't have friends and don't like open crew you have no reason to own a brig or galleon.

  50. 2 years ago

    looking for my 5 little oinkers from the great sloop of porker. If anyone has any information about those squealy little piggies please come forward and state your slop. Accepting new pigger acolytes into the great pink covenant of the oink.

  51. 2 years ago

    Sea of Thieves? more like Sea of Delays!

  52. 2 years ago

    >Ranged weapons such as the Pistol, Eye of Reach and Blunderbuss now use a hit scan projectile system

    Great, just great. Remove that last bit of skill and turn naval battles into snipe fests. Can't wait to get insta killed on the cannon before I even get a shot off. Solo is dead.

    • 2 years ago

      It's just a test, they talked about it before and how they aren't sure if they will keep it or not. So we'll see how it goes.

    • 2 years ago

      It's just a test, they talked about it before and how they aren't sure if they will keep it or not. So we'll see how it goes.

  53. 2 years ago

    Just really hope they find a way to incentivize more naval combat. I get boarding is the meta and all but it’s such a clusterfrick of jumping around especially trying to spawn camp or getting spawncamped.

  54. 2 years ago

    The good news is so far pretty much everyone on the Insider's Forums hate the hitscan, and even streamers are posting against it. And we know Rare will at least listen to them.

    • 2 years ago

      >streamers are posting against it
      Well hell that makes me think it might actually be more fair

  55. 2 years ago

    >read this thread
    >everyone else thinks pvp and pve sucks aswell
    nothing quite like feeling vindicated i only play this because my friends like it.

  56. 2 years ago

    Welcome to Sea of Duty: Black Sails 2

    • 2 years ago

      Hit scan cannons when?

    • 2 years ago

      Good thing that more than likely they won't add it, or if they do it will be a hybrid where it's hitscan at close range time of flight at distance.

      • 2 years ago

        Yeah the input on the forums is looking promising. A lot of suggestions and maybe they'll even listen. Should I start streaming so they listen to my opinion? I'll frickin do it.

    • 2 years ago

      We’ll time to brush up on my double gunning

  57. 2 years ago

    people b***h about gunplay but it REALLY isn't that bad. and the 'issues' present are not in any way a reason to add fricking aim assist and hitscan. they better not fricking make it in because sweet jesus no

    • 2 years ago

      I completely agree, I don't want weapons in a pirate game to be perfectly accurate, so I'm ok with the occasional random miss.

      You know what the honest best fix would be? Remove hitmarkers. This way people can't b***h about if their shot hit or not, and you'll know your shit hit if they died.

  58. 2 years ago

    So they delayed the update, again, season 7 is looking content bare as frick from the insider stuff

    What is causing all of the delays, just general incompetence?

    • 2 years ago

      Why the frick do you think we would know what's causing the delay?

    • 2 years ago

      along with general incompetence they wasted multiple months not testing captaincy and instead testing adventures
      they took away captaincy tests in order to test the fricking exploding rowboat event for an ENTIRE MONTH and then added captaincy shit back in for testing after passing season 7s initial due date
      theyve been constantly putting it away and bqck up with literally no additional content and JUST this week they started testing captain voyages

      • 2 years ago

        Not that I'm defending this small indie company, but maybe it wasn't finished or in a playable state?
        That still makes them very incompetent.

  59. 2 years ago

    >Decide to do some late night open crew drunk hopping
    >Load into a galleon that's fully fricking on fire
    >Turns out we're broadside to a brig also on fire
    >10 minutes of back and forth close combat and fire putting out
    >we win the day
    >turns out there's no loot or anything, none of the survivors know what we were fighting over

    • 2 years ago

      It's not always about the loot, it's about the story

      • 2 years ago

        Yeah I wasn't mad at all, it was great to be able to load straight into some serious action.

  60. 2 years ago

    why is fishing so relaxing bros?

  61. 2 years ago

    >pvp only players always go "b-b-but it's a PIRATE GAME"
    >even though with that logic they'd only be fighting others when it's profitably advantageous and for loot and not indiscriminately
    Like yeah PvE only limpwrists can suck a fat one too but they fail to see the hypocrisy in their logic. Personally I do both and find no reason to frick with players who are clearly fresh installs and are struggling to even play, or people who have nothing to give me.

    • 2 years ago

      The people who do PvP-only are doing it because this is a game where pubstomping is by default, and they want to feel like big men in a children's pirate game.
      People who only do PvE are usually either little babies or people who think that everyone is in that first group.
      That said, there's way fewer of the latter group than the former. Even the dudes who are playing to just relax and are high as frick tend to still get into fights when they want.

    • 2 years ago

      >he doesn't steal supplies from those with no loot

      • 2 years ago

        Dude it's so fricking easy to get all your basic supplies now with sea forts how do you even need to take scraps at this point
        If they don't have loot they weren't playing long enough to have chain shot or other shit

        • 2 years ago

          Just like loot, it's less about me having it and more about them not having it.

          • 2 years ago

            >it's less about me having it and more about them not having it.

            The people who do PvP-only are doing it because this is a game where pubstomping is by default, and they want to feel like big men in a children's pirate game.
            People who only do PvE are usually either little babies or people who think that everyone is in that first group.
            That said, there's way fewer of the latter group than the former. Even the dudes who are playing to just relax and are high as frick tend to still get into fights when they want.

            >they want to feel like big men in a children's pirate game.
            Yep that checks out.

            • 2 years ago

              Hey, I'm sorry if me stealing your supplies makes you feel bad. Oh wait, no I'm not.

              • 2 years ago

                jokes on you I use a tall tale checkpoint to grind supplies. 10 minutes max, more supplies than any fort, and I dump it all in my barrels so it sinks with me.

              • 2 years ago

                Oh frick we got an internet badass! He's a renegade who doesn't care about anyone's feelings!

              • 2 years ago

                >redditor reply

              • 2 years ago

                If I had to pick between "internet badass" and "guy who whines about people bullying him in an online game", I'll take the badass.

              • 2 years ago

                Sure thing, Coldsteel. How's prealgebra going?

              • 2 years ago

                >calls others internet tough guys
                >act like a redditor trying to be a tough guy
                Why are you even here? Did you come after some news story talking about the internet hate machine known as Ganker so you wanted to be one of the "cool hackers" or did you come here to find porn? Reddit has plenty of porn, you could have stayed there. There's even a Discord for this game, and people get alliances going all the time. Your solutions were always present, yet you're here crying like a homosexual.

              • 2 years ago

                I'm sorry I hurt your feelings. I didn't mean to make you this mad.

              • 2 years ago

                Try to fit in more buzzwords why don't you.

                I'm not the guy you replied to, I just think you're insufferable and like to point out when something that obviously doesn't belong tries to act like it does. After playing 4k hours among various pvpve survival games as a peaceful player, I've learned to hate homosexuals like you. You sit there an complain when the game plays out how anyone with 2 braincells would see it playing out, and you still think you're in the right. Just like you don't belong on Ganker, you don't belong in SOT. The conflicts you get from being in both of those places are your own fault, and I hope the amount of times you've been sunk has somehow shortened your lifespan since you obviously stress out over it.

              • 2 years ago

                Not him just thought you were being cringe and you still are, also tl;dr

              • 2 years ago

                >be the only c**t complaining about pvp in a pvp game
                >samegay because anonymity
                >doesn't know how 4chin works because tourist
                >gets btfo
                >doubles down on the LARP
                You now realize that just like highschool no one here likes you and you will never make friends. I bet you're the homosexual who started that gay ass Discord too lol

              • 2 years ago

                >in a pvp game
                It isn't.
                Hope that clears things up.

              • 2 years ago

                It is a PvPvE game. Denying that PvP is a major component of the game is stupid.

              • 2 years ago

                I agree
                Which is why anyone who obsessed with just the PvP is a little weirdo, and should be tested as such.

              • 2 years ago

                Same goes for anyone who is obsessed with only PvE and avoids all fights.

              • 2 years ago


              • 2 years ago

                >It's a game for both PvP and PvE
                >If you ignore the PvE you're a weirdo
                >If you ignore the PvP you're normal

              • 2 years ago

                That's correct

              • 2 years ago

                You likely have autism (and not the meme kind) and anxiety issues if this is unironically think this is normal behavior. The fact that you're the only one here who thinks like this should make you worry, given the environment

              • 2 years ago

                You're really mad that someone said you're playing a cartoon pirate game like a loser, huh.

              • 2 years ago

                outbursts are part of autism so I get it, discordtroony.

              • 2 years ago

                >outbursts are part of autism so I get it
                Yes, I am sure you experience them often.

                Can we seriously knock it off with the endless PvP/PvE arguments? No one is changing anyone's fricking minds, just move the frick on jesus christ.

                There isn't an argument.
                It's just a statement of fact that PvP-only players are all huge losers, and then a guy doing everything they can to prove that statement right.

              • 2 years ago

                >It's not an argument, I'm just saying the other guy is a poopy head baby and is wrong and smells bad.

                Shut up.

              • 2 years ago

                >I'm just saying the other guy is a poopy head baby and is wrong and smells bad.
                That's all also true.

              • 2 years ago

                >Just like you don't belong on Ganker
                lol imagine trying to make this an insult
                >You know that place full of pedophiles, virgins, friendless autists, and people with zero social skills? You don't belong there!

              • 2 years ago

                like a fly, you only see shit

              • 2 years ago

                Try to fit in more buzzwords why don't you.

              • 2 years ago

                I'm not the guy you replied to, I just think you're insufferable and like to point out when something that obviously doesn't belong tries to act like it does. After playing 4k hours among various pvpve survival games as a peaceful player, I've learned to hate homosexuals like you. You sit there an complain when the game plays out how anyone with 2 braincells would see it playing out, and you still think you're in the right. Just like you don't belong on Ganker, you don't belong in SOT. The conflicts you get from being in both of those places are your own fault, and I hope the amount of times you've been sunk has somehow shortened your lifespan since you obviously stress out over it.

                Based gatekeeper anon doing gods work

                Not him just thought you were being cringe and you still are, also tl;dr

                >samegay claiming he's not that samegay after getting btfo
                We all know that you're the same person, also pirate game

              • 2 years ago

                >be the only c**t complaining about pvp in a pvp game
                >samegay because anonymity
                >doesn't know how 4chin works because tourist
                >gets btfo
                >doubles down on the LARP
                You now realize that just like highschool no one here likes you and you will never make friends. I bet you're the homosexual who started that gay ass Discord too lol

                >"muh buzzwords!"

                >uuh samegay! discord! reddit!
                Like pottery

              • 2 years ago

                Are you denying that you made that Discord? also lol

              • 2 years ago

                Why do you do this to yourself redditanon? You post too much to try samegayging. What's your GT? I want to send you a friend's request so I can join and troll your ship.

                Oh no, not the screenshoterinos. Here, I have definite proof that I got from your computer.

              • 2 years ago

                Deflecting doesn't change reality. You were unpopular in highschool for the same reasons you are unpopular today. You're an insufferable, weak link, and it emanates from every post you make. Back to your Discord.

              • 2 years ago

                are you ok schizo anon? Are the (you)s in the room with us now?

              • 2 years ago

                Why do you do this to yourself redditanon? You post too much to try samegayging. What's your GT? I want to send you a friend's request so I can join and troll your ship.

        • 2 years ago

          >leave the thread to do fishing and play other games
          >come back to some schizo calling everyone a samegay
          Never change Ganker.
          My last reply was and my point still stands anyone who only does one part of the game isn't a true pirate.
          Furthermore the pvp is objectively bad because in "high level" pvp half of it is still exploit-based, primarily all the """techs""" involving boarding like grabbing the ladder through the tiny sloop window or harpoon boarding, which is a big reason why the meta is board and blunder to begin with.

          • 2 years ago

            Almost no one uses the window juke and harpoon boarding is too unreliable to be a serious concern.

            I agree boarding is meta but it's also really not that hard to just not let them on your ship.

            • 2 years ago

              There are way more boarding tools than there are anti-boarding tools even when you factor out exploits. Especially once you factor in boarding using the cannons. Even against good players it's as simple as cannoning someone over outside of their broadside and dropping the anchor, then running loops around their boat like a Dead by Daylight player until they're distracted enough to lose.

              • 2 years ago

                The only anti-boarding tool you need is a blunderbuss, simple as.

              • 2 years ago

                I'm new so I'm asking in all seriousness; are Tridents not good for this? I know you need to go find them, but that's not too difficult and the knock back range is at least half the ladder length. I've also been sword lunged off a few boats, and then there's blunderbombs. Are these not valid?

              • 2 years ago

                Tridents can work, but they're slow to charge and make an obvious noise so they aren't the best option to stop boarders. Swordlunging someone off the ladder is effective, but requires good timing and you need to be ready to cancel it or you leave yourself vulnerable. Blunderbombs of course work, but I prefer to save those more dangerous fights.

                So yeah there are lots of options for keeping people off, but the blunderbuss is by far the easiest and most effective tool.

              • 2 years ago

                Yeah timing a sword lunge is hard. I wish we could duel crew mates and get a chance to practice without it being mid-board.
                >saving blunderbombs
                Some sweat showed me the way to get 50-80 blunderbombs in 10 minutes so I don't even think of them as valuable now. Do the 3 tt until you get to the fort then leave. Save that checkpoint, run around the docks/town with a storage chest, enjoy all the free loot (mangoes, pineapples, firebombs blunders cannon, not much wood sadly)

              • 2 years ago

                *3rd Pirates life tt (Captains of the Damned.) it's the 4th checkpoint as well

              • 2 years ago

                There's a few good ways to farm them, but our crew will go through a shitload of them during a typical fight so I'm not wasting them on boarders. After we hit our chainshots and a couple of regular cannonballs we'll fire several full volleys of blunderbombs to frick up the crew and likely kill or knock a few off.

              • 2 years ago

                >try to blunderbuss them
                >they blunderbomb jump across the ship and throw your anchor
                >or they do the ladder exploit that saves you from dying to it
                pvp will always be a joke while boarding is as broken as it is.

                It is a PvPvE game. Denying that PvP is a major component of the game is stupid.

                It's the least developed component and is usually only important because people are desperate for it with the arena being gone.
                Most pvp I've experienced lately has been people not even wanting the loot it's dumb, doesn't feel like pirates anymore

              • 2 years ago

                >Most pvp I've experienced lately has been people not even wanting the loot it's dumb, doesn't feel like pirates anymore
                This is only because there hasn't been significant gold sinks or commendations to unlock in a while. When you're sitting on 30 million gold and max rep with all factions turning in loot is just a chore.

                Thankfully Captaincy actually addresses this, since the new interior cosmetics are very expensive and there's tons of new milestones for earning gold and turning in specific kinds of loot, so people will want to steal shit a lot more now.

          • 2 years ago

            >my point still stands anyone who only does one part of the game isn't a true pirate

            lol do something about it then. oh wait you can'tg

            • 2 years ago

              >the schizo returns
              >but he quit the game

              • 2 years ago

                Not me bud, I'm just another one of schizo boys many delusions made manifest

  62. 2 years ago

    There is no incentive to do things, the game encourages just waiting until some idiot does a voyage or raises a reaper flag and then sneaking up on their ass.

  63. 2 years ago

    I’m too scared to set sail alone, bros…
    But I’m also too scared to use voice with strangers…
    what do?

    • 2 years ago

      For solo, just learn the tricks of running. Always go into the wind with your sails flat if you need to escape, practice harpoon turning around objects, stuff like that.

      For playing with others, if you're on PC at least type to people. It's not ideal but as long as I know someone can hear me and can respond to some degree then I'll give them a chance.

      • 2 years ago

        to add to this, just turn on Text To speech and set your voice for something fun to listen to, no one will mind and you might even feel good about the positive attention

  64. 2 years ago

    I want the sails, but I don't want to do another 60 some fricking vaults.

    • 2 years ago

      On one hand I like that I have something to strive towards, but on the other hand some of the grinds here are a bit fricked. At least with the Gold Shores curse you can checkpoint cheese it.

      • 2 years ago

        I got the Gold Curse the regular way entirely solo and it really wasn't even that bad, maybe a month and a half and didn't even spend that much time grinding.

        Also working on the Silent Barnacle, and thankfully I'm only like 30 chests away from that one.

        • 2 years ago

          >got the Gold Curse solo
          I kneel all praise the Sea God.

          • 2 years ago

            Really not a brag, it's not like the Tall Tales are any easier with a bigger crew. You might save a little time on the Shores of Gold but that's about it.

            • 2 years ago

              Now I feel guilty about considering cheesing the checkpoints. If it's not that bad I think I'd rather earn it properly, I just had a rough time with the trickster voyage so I'm dreading doing it again.

              • 2 years ago

                Trickster is arguably the hardest one, and one of the only ones you can just instantly fail and have to start over on, so I wouldn't blame anyone for wanting to cheese that one.

              • 2 years ago

                Well at least I know my friend and I are only mildly moronic.
                >"stand here"
                >"tee hee no not there silly, 10 paces to the left but also up this cliff you just ran around the base of for 10 mins"

              • 2 years ago

                Yeah I don't blame anyone for having trouble on that one. Still really neat, just weird.

  65. 2 years ago

    I hate this game so god damn much. I hate it because it had the potential to be something truly great. An open world with incredible sailing mechanics and dynamic gameplay. Sadly they ruined it by catering to streamers.

    9/10 players just try to kill on sight and make it impossible to engage in most of the pve content as a solo because if you don't scan the horizon every 2 minutes you're dead. I spend most of my time avoiding other players which turns what should be a 30min voyage into a 2 hour voyage.

    On top of that it is ridiculously tedious to move items around as a solo. Why do I have to spend 15 minutes loading and unloading items every time I do a voyage?

    And don't get me started on the tall tales, pirates life, and time limited events. Nothing but boring fetch quests and obscure riddles that are impossible to understand without a guide.

    Hell I can't even tell which tall tales I've actually completed and where to start them because of the overly convoluted menus.

    Rare should be ashamed.

    • 2 years ago

      Here I saved every time and summarized this post.

  66. 2 years ago

    New options from the shipwright. Meat was 1,750 gold and got me 16 assorted pieces of snake, chicken, and pork.

    • 2 years ago

      What do those captain's voyages do?

      • 2 years ago

        Almost all of them are the same as the regular voyages you can get from the companies, but you can buy them in bulk and keep them stored on your ship.

        • 2 years ago

          >stored on your ship
          do you lose them once you log off and come back another day?

          • 2 years ago

            No, it's permanent storage where you can keep up to 100 voyages.

  67. 2 years ago

    Shrouded Ghost spawn rate is 1 in 5000. There's nothing mysterious or any sequence of events to get one to trigger. You can play the game for 3000 hours and not ever see a single one.

    Frick you, Rare.

    • 2 years ago

      The actual spawnrate hasn't been confirmed. But I think it's great.

      • 2 years ago

        It is, here you go.

        "UseWeightedArray": true,
        "WeightedArray": {
        "Min": 0,
        "Max": 4,
        "Weights": [

  68. 2 years ago

    >spawn in, reaper 5 on the server
    >decide to drop by the fotd since it's on the way
    >check the vault expecting nothing
    >not one, not two, but three (3) entire fricking fotd vaults neatly stacked onto the altar
    >grab the athenas and get out since the reaper is heading for the fort
    >use the island as cover for my getaway, reaper 1 arrives just as the reaper 5 galleon draws near the fotd
    >the reapers get in a fight while I cash in the athenas
    >use the storm that is now at the fort to sneak in again and avoid the reapers that are still fighting
    >get the rest of the vault loot, leaving only some gems
    >as I cash in my haul the reaper 1 has finally sunk and the reaper 5 is heading for the fort again
    >they never noticed me

    Oh boy, what a day, what a great day.
    I would've loved to see their reaction.

    • 2 years ago

      Shit like that is always bizarre, and makes you wonder what the hell happened to lead to that circumstance.

    • 2 years ago

      Well played! Reminds me of my first Athena steal.
      >A brig and a galleon fighting it out in circles.
      >I stop my sloop by some rocks and row over to the nearest ship, the galleon.
      >No one noticed me.
      >Hop up on their ladder and decide to hide in their captians cabin,
      >Athena chest right there on the desk.
      >Grab it, escape on their rowboat.
      >Never chased, never shot at, I ghosted that chest away.

  69. 2 years ago

    Can we seriously knock it off with the endless PvP/PvE arguments? No one is changing anyone's fricking minds, just move the frick on jesus christ.

    • 2 years ago

      while there's a lot of back and forth, it would end if the one carebear would stay in their Discord instead of shitposting here. You can always create filters since they use the same syntax with all their shitty opinions.

      • 2 years ago

        Or yours since you literally can't go one post without mentioning your head squatters.

        • 2 years ago

          See? No one on this site says head squatters lol. It can't even fit in. Thanks for making the filters easy

          • 2 years ago

            I'm sure those filters will make you feel right at home like on your safe space.

            • 2 years ago

              You're unironically b***hing about pvp in a pvpve game and talking about safe spaces lol

              • 2 years ago

                No one is.
                Everyone is just making fun of people who only PvP for being losers, which is triggering the PvP-only losers.

          • 2 years ago

            You're a stupid ass Black person, holy shit.
            t. the discord server owner

      • 2 years ago

        Nobody from a discord is arguing with you, please take your meds.

  70. 2 years ago

    We need a ukraine faction next update.

    • 2 years ago

      Stfu discord troony

  71. 2 years ago

    >doing merchant animal runs for commendations
    >pull into sanctuary a few minutes after a brig leaves
    >park at the end of the dock and start unloading
    >suddenly hear a kid's voice talking
    >do standard tuck check on ship, nothing, nobody hiding on dock
    >voice sounds like it's coming from the water right beside the dock but nobody in there
    >based on voice it's the brig struggling to figure out paces for a GH task and are at lone cove
    >try to say something in mic but they can't hear
    >kid's voice continues until I pull away for my next voyage
    honestly kind of a spooky bug. thought maybe there was another player with an open mic but I saw nobody else on the outpost

    • 2 years ago

      Yeah that's been a known bug for a long time, that if an enemy takes a mermaid near-ish to you it bugs the chat to make it seem like they are always within proximity to you. I've actually had it work to my advantage a few times where I've sunk an enemy crew and could hear their plans as they were coming back.

  72. 2 years ago

    People would run away less if the side defending their loot had literally anything to gain from the people attacking them but most of the time the attackers are people without any loot, so even if the defenders win the fight they gain nothing.
    Captain's log drops aren't going to fix this either since aggressive ships tend to be fresh spawns
    Loot imbalance is why nobody owes you a fight and why pvp-only cucks always screaming when people run are funny

    • 2 years ago

      So what's your solution, other than spending 95% of your gameplay time running from people?

      • 2 years ago

        That implies you are inferior at sailing or using a slower ship to chase them which at that point it's your fault for committing to someone you will never catch. They're having more fun than you because they are not the ones hungry for a fight.
        I never said I did it either, but that is why most people run, because it's profitably safer and only morons play for pvp's sake as opposed to stealing loot.
        A bounty system would balance things out a bit but reapercucks would hate that

        • 2 years ago

          Got it, so running away constantly all while crying about those mean PvP bullies is just fun for you. Well glad it's worked out.

          • 2 years ago

            Lol are you trying not to sound mad because you're failing.
            Seething hard because other people aren't bending over to your whims or engaging in what you desperately want to.

            • 2 years ago

              Lol are you trying not to sound mad because you're failing.
              Seething hard because other people aren't leaving you alone and are playing the game they want to.

              • 2 years ago

                There's far more people screaming at runners than there are people complaining about being chased but sure.
                It's normal to project your frustrations on your nearest outlet so I don't blame you. But again, I never said I run, just explaining why people do so often given the intense b***hing about it from people who play 1% of the game.

              • 2 years ago

                There's far more people screaming at chasers than there are people complaining about having to chase but sure.
                It's normal to project your frustrations on your nearest outlet so I don't blame you. But again, I never said I chase, just explaining why people do so often given the intense b***hing about it from people who play 1% of the game.

              • 2 years ago

                >so mindbroken he can only parrot
                I'm sorry you lost the arena anon, I'm sure there's other arena-based ship games you can play for that instant pvp.

              • 2 years ago

                >so mindbroken he can only parrot
                I'm sorry you got sunk, I'm sure there's other carebear PvE only games you can play that won't hurt your feelings.

              • 2 years ago

                Nah I don't get sunk because i'm better at sailing than you, as arena refugees never had to learn proper sailing.

              • 2 years ago

                Nah I don't get sunk because i'm better at fighting than you, as PvE crybabies never had to learn proper fighting.

    • 2 years ago

      All of this is correct.

      So what's your solution, other than spending 95% of your gameplay time running from people?

      Add a PvP only mode: 5 crew battle royale with storms all around and boiling waters to deter board strats. Brigs only. No ship of the damned, resurrection only.
      Add in a true bounty system. Have flags that you must fly if you want to PvP (just like real pirates!) and if you attack people without a flag you get a bounty that goes up the more you fight. Have turning in a bounty be Athena's credit. Then everyone's happy.

      Until then I'll just continue to avoid people I don't trust.

      • 2 years ago

        Perfectly fine with a bounty system, adds more danger and I'm not worried about losing fights. If someone beats me they deserve some credit.

      • 2 years ago

        I played thousands of hours in Arena hoping to someday spawn in the Roar and battle in epic volcano spewing boiling waters. It never ever happened....

      • 2 years ago

        >Have turning in a bounty be Athena's credit
        Better yet, or in addition to, make a bounty hunter subsection of the Athena reputation and have bounties you turn in go towards some nice custom cosmetics or actual Emporium coins.

        • 2 years ago

          Why make it Athena? Let's just repurpose the fricking Sea Dogs into that.

          • 2 years ago

            Good idea

        • 2 years ago

          Why make it Athena? Let's just repurpose the fricking Sea Dogs into that.

          The issue is once the bounty system is in place it's really not going to be super common. Probably a once every few games sort of thing, if even that.
          Having it provide rep in addition to coin is a really good incentive to actually bounty hunt, but making it a barrier for anything is just going to cause issues, since it'll make progression reliant on having buttholes on your server.

          • 2 years ago

            Well with the addition of being able to sell Captain's Logs (something the majority of ships are going to have), there's going to be a lot more PvP now anyway.

            I used to leave Tall Talers alone, but now they're almost all going to have guaranteed loot on board so everyone is fair game.

            • 2 years ago

              there is not going to be a lot more PvP now. The game is approaching its last legs in terms of veteran crews. 80% of players at any given time are within their first month of playing the game, and that percentage will probably only increase.

              • 2 years ago

                Oh, good to know we have Rare employees here anti-shilling their game with super-secret background statistics.

                I mean the only other explanation is you're making shit up. And no one would do that, just go on the internet and tell lies...

              • 2 years ago

                Why do paid shills turn into caricature smarmy insufferable redditor caricatures at the drop of a hat? It's like you're caricaturing a Gankerner and then drop the mask but behind the mask you're also a caricature.

              • 2 years ago

                >caricature caricatures caricaturing caricature

              • 2 years ago

                It's a marketing strategy except instead of getting you to consume product it's to make you self reflect on being so easily molded by society. An idiot unaware of how others are able to tell he's an idiot.

              • 2 years ago

                No, it's you being a massive moron and this reply is you trying to cope with it.

              • 2 years ago

                Rare employees? You're a dipshit. This info was derived from steam and has been known for some time.

                Fricking newbie ass b***h.

              • 2 years ago

                Steam? You mean where less than 10% of the active player base is? LOL.

              • 2 years ago

                Do you not think 10% is a substantial enough of a number to be able to extrapolate from?

                Especially on a platform where there are probably more vets from a percentage perspective.

                Xbox has a shitload of people that have played the game through gamepass.

                I hate the internet. Everyone is so incredibly confident in everything that the type and so incredibly wrong. Shut the frick up pussy.

                Eat a bag of dicks.

              • 2 years ago

                >I hate the internet. Everyone is so incredibly confident in everything that the type and so incredibly wrong.
                Good lord the irony in this post is so thick I can hardly stand it.

              • 2 years ago

                You are a fricking moron.

              • 2 years ago

                I accept your concession.

              • 2 years ago

                >still using reddit space
                >has quit SoT and still b***hes about pvp
                frick off then c**t, this isn't your blog

              • 2 years ago

                Oh damn who gives a shit?
                What the frick does that have to do with anything, moron?

              • 2 years ago

                I don't give a shit, I quit SoT. Some dipshit said "there's going to be a lot more PvP now" and I corrected him. Learn to read you illiterate fricking moron.

              • 2 years ago

                And that guy now corrected you. So you should learn to read, moron.

              • 2 years ago

                >I quit SoT
                Then why are you here?

            • 2 years ago

              Tall Tales don't fit in the game and should have never been added.
              They only learned with the pirates life ones to have a separate instance and even then they frick it up in the last one.
              they're grindy as shit and the grind is made even worse by having to stave off morons at the same time

  73. 2 years ago

    >this reply thread
    This is what losing the arena for a few months does to a man holy frick.
    I had someone on my ship recently who was a pvp only person who used to play arena. I asked him why he still plays after he said how bored he was of everything in the game and his actual response was "the reactions of people"
    This is why people get so mad when you run because you are robbing them of this reaction.

  74. 2 years ago

    >this reply thread
    This is what getting sunk when running does to a man holy frick.
    I had someone on my ship recently who was a PvE only player and only ran. I asked him why he still plays after he said how bored he was of running all the time and his actual response was "I need to sell loot to see number get bigger"
    This is why people get so mad when you chase because you are robbing them of this number.

  75. 2 years ago

    all me btw

  76. 2 years ago

    Game is honestly fun until you run into someone clearly using a mod menu and wallhacking and/or aimbotting

    >sailing around for hours on brig, reaper 5, nobody even comes close to taking us out
    >sailing towards emiss we spotted on map
    >thick fog in the area
    >suddenly someone flying reaper flag(no emiss) pops onto map close by headed for us
    >whatever, let's go
    >They land every shot both cannon and sniper rifles, we're completely btfo before the fight even really starts
    >whatever, maybe we just got unlucky, grab new ship and head in their direction from across the map
    >They are sailing slowly in one direction opposite the map where we spawned
    >begin sailing towards them
    >watch as from inside fog, through several mountains, from outside the render zone their ship turns around and heads unmistakably directly at our ship
    >they completely destroy us no contest again
    >ask them how they knew where we were
    >they blame reaper flag
    >we didn't have a reaper flag the second time
    >explain that I watched them turn towards us from across the map with their reaper flag and that I think they're cheating b***hes
    >spawn on new ship
    >they've removed reaper flag from their ship

    • 2 years ago

      It's really easy to see other people's ships and know where other people are.
      Maybe just get better.

      • 2 years ago

        >really easy to see someone else's non emissary, non reaper ship from 10+ squares away, through mountains, islands and fog

        tell me how because I've been playing for a while and nobody else has used this mystical exploit to call out a ship I couldn't already see. You're honestly trying to damage control a cheat menu that is free and can be found with google?

        • 2 years ago

          >You're on one part of the map and sink a ship
          >Know that it'll respawn on the other side of the map
          >Sail away from your current location to a different location
          It's not hard to play this game.

          • 2 years ago

            >dude it's easy to see through 10 squares, fog and the mountain
            >no actually they just knew exactly what island you spawned on despite there being like 6 islands on that side of the map you could've spawned on and coincidentally headed directly for you without any deviation left or right in the same way that you were heading at them because you could track them and see them
            Are you a Sea of Thieves marketing division shill attempting to say there's no cheaters in this game?


            • 2 years ago

              >I lost a fight! They must be cheating!
              Seriously, grow up.

              • 2 years ago

                >gaslighting for what purpose you absolute fricking mongoloid morons
                I'm sorry, but I feel like I should point out that you are currently posting on Ganker. You might have thought you were back on reddit, which would explain things.

                So you're a marketing division shill, then?


            • 2 years ago

              >he still thinks I'm that anon
              you're not nearly as clever as you think and it's obvious you're new here. Either way I appreciate all the (you)'s, enjoy your dead general on a containment board, if I find a working aimbot I'll bump the thread for you homosexuals again kek

              one last thing the ESP doesn't really work past 4k meters which isn't far, and that's because of how Rare handles the servers according to the guy who made the program. You get a list of players but not much else otherwise, outside of pve shit. Idk how someone could see you across the map unless they rewrite Rares code so you're basically moronic and got outplayed

    • 2 years ago

      Could be cheating but hard to say. Turning towards your ship is a little suspicious, but it could be coincidence.

      Also aimbots are pretty rare since they don't work well with the time of flight bullets (one good reason people don't want hitscan).

      In all of my time I've had maybe three confirmed cheaters, and they were all very obvious and swiftly banned.

      • 2 years ago

        It's really easy to see other people's ships and know where other people are.
        Maybe just get better.

        >really easy to see someone else's non emissary, non reaper ship from 10+ squares away, through mountains, islands and fog

        tell me how because I've been playing for a while and nobody else has used this mystical exploit to call out a ship I couldn't already see. You're honestly trying to damage control a cheat menu that is free and can be found with google?

        >1 hour ago

        • 2 years ago

          1. I didn't say they aren't a thing, but your story of "they turned towards me and they hit their shots well" isn't super convincing.
          2. I like how that video doesn't even show the actual wallhacks or aimbots. Again, they are a thing but the aimbots in particular aren't very good.

          • 2 years ago

            >well versed in tracking down ships, intercepting them with your reaper 5 flag
            >watch someone track you down from across the map while they should've had zero cues as to your location
            well actually you see they just got lucky and despite the fact that you mentioned you were sailing around with two other veterans who knew how to play sinking ships left and right, you guys just lacked experience to understand what was happening
            gaslighting for what purpose you absolute fricking mongoloid morons, are you afraid nobody else will buy this game if they discover the same morons that cheat in FPS games literally just to upset people are also in SoT and that the giggles gained from griefing in SoT with essentially undetectable cheats far outweighs the giggles gained from 360 noscoping in CSGO?

            • 2 years ago

              >gaslighting for what purpose you absolute fricking mongoloid morons
              I'm sorry, but I feel like I should point out that you are currently posting on Ganker. You might have thought you were back on reddit, which would explain things.

    • 2 years ago

      I've had a ship like that before.
      >Came out of nowhere
      >Never miss shots
      >Sudden fog only they seem to be able to see in
      >We escape fog right into a kraken
      >escape kraken and their shots and their boarding attempts
      >right into meglodon AND skeleton galleon
      >Skegalleon instant anchor curseballs
      >we get boarded and spawnkilled
      >skegalleon just goes away under the sea
      >meg never attacks again
      >we sink
      I had an expert crew then too or I wouldn't have got past the kraken, they all rage quit. I tried a revenge hit but they sunk me in about 2 seconds using wraithballs and curseballs they got out of nowhere.

      • 2 years ago

        Game is honestly fun until you run into someone clearly using a mod menu and wallhacking and/or aimbotting

        >sailing around for hours on brig, reaper 5, nobody even comes close to taking us out
        >sailing towards emiss we spotted on map
        >thick fog in the area
        >suddenly someone flying reaper flag(no emiss) pops onto map close by headed for us
        >whatever, let's go
        >They land every shot both cannon and sniper rifles, we're completely btfo before the fight even really starts
        >whatever, maybe we just got unlucky, grab new ship and head in their direction from across the map
        >They are sailing slowly in one direction opposite the map where we spawned
        >begin sailing towards them
        >watch as from inside fog, through several mountains, from outside the render zone their ship turns around and heads unmistakably directly at our ship
        >they completely destroy us no contest again
        >ask them how they knew where we were
        >they blame reaper flag
        >we didn't have a reaper flag the second time
        >explain that I watched them turn towards us from across the map with their reaper flag and that I think they're cheating b***hes
        >spawn on new ship
        >they've removed reaper flag from their ship

        Only complete noobs hackusate. I have 700 hours and have never seen a cheater. The only one I know who has seen one has over 1000 and they were saying his IP and shit alongside it.

        • 2 years ago

          I've seen at least 5, the latest did a hack that made all our treasure we collected on the ship disappear. It was there one second, he bragged about it, I turned around and it was all gone. I dunno how they do it.

          • 2 years ago

            Weird, the only cheats I could find had to do with esp. they even gutted their aim to feature since it was ending up getting people banned. And before it's said, I don't use esp or any other cheat, I went looking because my friend was convinced that we encountered a hacker and I wanted to help ease his mind. Imagine how bad this game will become if they ever add hitscan lol

            It's corny, but there is something to be said about the Shores of Gold checkpoint escape. Especially when you're being chased by other sloops who can't outsail you, so you can just make a slow turn towards it. Often they won't raise until it's too late.

            I use the 3rd Pirates Life Tall Tall, 4th checkpoint, so I can use the chance to grab materials as well. You can also sail towards a portal rock and trigger it while being chased, then sail past it using the rock for cover or anchor turn around the other side for a bit of cheeky counterplay

            • 2 years ago

              The problem with Pirates Life is you can't take loot with you. If you have the Shores of Gold and they don't you can just go out there and wait indefinitely.

              Of course I've had people try that and I do have the checkpoint, and it's extra funny because if you sink at the Shores of Gold your boat respawns there, so they had no choice but to quit the game because we could just keep sinking them.

  77. 2 years ago

    >It's easy to see people across the map
    >actually they just knew where you spawned
    >Actually cheaters don't exist at all and you're just crazy
    >insults and gb2reddit
    Whatever you morons are paid it's honestly too much

    • 2 years ago

      >Win unbalanced fights and act like a spoiled child when people call you out
      >Lose unbalanced fights and throw a temper tantrum when no one has sympathy for you
      I don't know if they were cheating or not. It's possible that they were, and it's possible they weren't and you're just trying to cope with losing. You should have taken a clip or screenshots or something to prove it.
      But in the end, I don't care if they were hacking. You had the option of not fighting them twice, and you chose to do it anyway and lost. Big whoop. Even if they were hacking knew where you were that doesn't help them beat you since everything is projectile with arc shots, meaning you were simply outskilled twice.
      So quit crying.

      • 2 years ago

        >Okay so maybe they were hacking I don't care, the way you argued with me trying to gaslight you over it means you deserve to play against someone cheating. Also just take a screenshot of or video so I can gaslight you over that too.
        >Also sniper rifles become a rainbow after several hundred yards so clearly they can't have been aimbotting
        Holy lmao

        • 2 years ago

          If you're so certain that they're cheating did you report them, or just cry like a little baby?

  78. 2 years ago

    I hate pvpers, we play hours a day to grind forts for a few captains chests and you pvpers come in and spend 5 minutes to skink us and get the loot. You think your better because you play 1% of the game, and make 5x more money than me? No you arent better, your just toxic

    • 2 years ago

      it was a decent attempt so here's a (you)

      • 2 years ago

        ha, moron

        • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago
  79. 2 years ago

    ever since i found out that sloops are the fastest against the wind it's made my solo slooping adventure so much better. i enjoy sailing so if someone chases me on my shitty grind-merchant times it's just a little extra sailing while i listen to a podcast and chill.

  80. 2 years ago

    >shores of gold
    >there's zero obtainable treasure
    Cool secret area at the end of a massive string of tall tales I guess.

    • 2 years ago

      Bury a chest on the island for a nice map that's better than the one in the book.

    • 2 years ago

      Except for the one worth 10,000 gold.

    • 2 years ago

      >shores of gold
      >shores are actually still sand

  81. 2 years ago

    Can i ask actual advice.
    im trying to get my last rep to 50 for pirate legend. ive got gold hoarder and order of souls done.
    but merchant alliance is making me blow my brains out.
    is doing hunters call a better idea lads

    • 2 years ago

      Hunters call will take infinitely longer. I'd suggest one of two options.
      1. Do Reapers instead, since they'll take all loot.
      2. If you're doing Merchants, the Lost Shipment voyages are easy and profitable. You can probably also do some commodity trading while you're at it.

      • 2 years ago

        I'll add to this that you could temper your expectations. The game does not drastically change when you become Pirate Legend, so don't expect it to.

        • 2 years ago

          oh i don't expect it to. i just want the extra items from the 'battle pass' each season

          • 2 years ago

            That's honestly the best reason to be one now, several of those items are quite good.

  82. 2 years ago

    >wrapping up OOS voyage solo, just hit grade 5
    >sloop comes my way
    >exchange fire and waste most of my resources because it’s a 2v1 fight so there’s a guy repairing while the other’s cannoning
    >end up sinking them, around a bunch of small islands and try to scavenge what I can; skelly sloop spawns on me so there go more wasted balls and planks
    >sloop comes back freshly spawned and with more supplies; I pretty much have nothing at this point
    >sail past another sloop who decides to join the chase
    >harpoon turn around an island and jump off to try boarding one of the sloops
    >they went around the other way
    >mermaid isn’t spawning so I can only sit and watch as they chainshot my mast down and pummel the hull to pieces
    ngl I am a bit salty about it, it’s just shitty when a ship keeps coming back to attack with zero loot risk on their end, but at the end of the day it’s all pixels

    • 2 years ago

      That is a bit of a feels bad moment, but you did also attempt an extremely risk maneuver with two aggressive ships near you. Sometimes it's best to just turn into the wind and run.

      • 2 years ago

        true, true

    • 2 years ago

      It's corny, but there is something to be said about the Shores of Gold checkpoint escape. Especially when you're being chased by other sloops who can't outsail you, so you can just make a slow turn towards it. Often they won't raise until it's too late.

  83. 2 years ago

    I hope Rare removing hitscan from the latest Insider update is a sign that they are giving up on. Very few liked the idea, and one guy kept pointing out that hitscan would invite hackers which is probably the best reason against it, outside of taking the SOVL out of gunplay.

    • 2 years ago

      It's not likely an indication of anything, as this is the usual cycle for new content/changes. They test it as much as they feel they need to then pull it until they have a next version, it goes live, or gets scrapped.

  84. 2 years ago

    >soloing skelly fleet like many times before, parked between rocks
    >reach final wave without troubles
    >double gally
    >they hit every fricking goddamn shot
    >the moment one disappears behind the rock im taking cover behind the second one shows up again
    >repairing almost non stop
    >manage to get one down
    >the second one continues its 100% accuracy volleys
    >3 cannonball hits within a second, followed by another 3 shortly after that
    >sink with several storage crates full of wood because my ship is full of T3 holes and I can't bucket fast enough

    Did they buff skellys again?

    • 2 years ago

      I've noticed this recently specifically with the fleet. Not all of the ships are but sometimes you do get that on galleon that lands every single shot.

    • 2 years ago

      It happens, Sometimes it's easy sometimes it's hard.
      One time I went in while trying to sink the last 2 ships I got low on supplies, scored a few more hits then I left to go get more supplies, before I made it back they just sunk without me even hitting them. I just sailed up and snatched the loot. Like they didn't repair or something.
      Another time I just sailed through fast as possible cause I was loaded up with treasure and didn't want to risk it and they kept up and pummelled the frick out of me, I couldn't even bail fast enough. And that was just the sloops.
      It's like those times when you get a meglodon and it attacks right away and every 30 seconds after that till you sink.

      • 2 years ago

        >before I made it back they just sunk without me even hitting them. I just sailed up and snatched the loot. Like they didn't repair or something.

        The skeleton fleet has a bad habit of running to the rocks in the area, and since they can't bail water eventually they will sink themselves.

      • 2 years ago

        >before I made it back they just sunk without me even hitting them
        If you trigger the fleet and then leave, there's a chance that when they despawn they'll sink rather than going underwater.
        I've had it happen literally twice, with the entire fleet's worth of loot in one spot.

  85. 2 years ago

    >see galleon at outpost i need to sell to
    >do fishing for about 10 mins and they're not moving
    >say 'frick it' and put my solo-slooping ass in gear and go to sink them
    >sink the galleon and feel a fricking rush.
    >after i sell my shit i hear voice coms
    >"yo man im friendly"
    >"some dude came and sank me and my friends galleon"

    man i felt such a fricking rush and it turns out it was two morons trying to man an entire galleon by themselves. i was about to head off anyway so i just gave them my supplies but what a fricking mood-killer

    • 2 years ago

      A dub is a dub.
      Now they'll learn to not play a galleon.

  86. 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      Good change
      Still too high
      Should be able to disable it, since attacking crews won't know the value until they've already sunk you and taken it.

      • 2 years ago

        I don't think disabling it should be an option, since being a Captain should come with some risks. I think they need to make two more changes to make it near perfect.
        >Raise the value of the starting level Noteworthy, and if needed the next one
        The idea behind this is to try to dissuade people from instantly throwing themselves back at someone every time they sink, as each time they'd be bringing a valuable item back with them
        >Let you voluntarily sell or lower it when ending the session.
        Doing so would cause the ship to scuttle and have you leave the game (so people don't abuse raising/lowering it). Because right now when you log off it just drops it in the water for anyone to find.

        • 2 years ago

          >as each time they'd be bringing a valuable item back with them
          Here's the issue though: it's not AT ALL valuable to the Captain themself.
          It's not like being an Emissary where I get bonus gold, xp, and can sell it when I'm done. If I have stayed alive for 20 days I don't get jack shit from my book.
          So if your book was worth 1000 gold at the start, why does it matter to you if you suicide at me ten times? You still lose literally nothing.

          >being a Captain should come with some risks

          • 2 years ago

            I assume because you can turn in your bulk treasure to the Sovereigns, which is a fair point, but the logbook doesn't really have the intended effect then. Just tax people who turn in at Sovereigns

        • 2 years ago

          >300 gold
          >Valuable item

          It wouldn't even be worth the effort to stop and take it.

          • 2 years ago

            That's why my post specifically said to raise the value of it, numb nuts.

    • 2 years ago

      Let's be honest no one's ever gonna get more than 6 hours.

      • 2 years ago

        Not very many will, but some might. Which is why I'm ok with the high value, since it'll be quite rare. Except for alliance servers, they will be full of them.

      • 2 years ago

        Not very many will, but some might. Which is why I'm ok with the high value, since it'll be quite rare. Except for alliance servers, they will be full of them.

        Do you see how long they've been active, or is it just a crapshoot how much you get after you sink them?

        • 2 years ago

          The book has a "days since last sunk" section. It tracks a bunch of other things too, some that are default and some that you can choose to track.

          • 2 years ago

            I meant can I see other people's daily amounts without boarding or sinking them?

            • 2 years ago

              You can read their book without sinking them, but that requires being on their ship.

              • 2 years ago

                So fighting a captain means you won't know until after whether you get a ton of gold or basically garbage
                And as a captain you're going to constantly get attacked even if you just started playing

                That's stupid as frick

              • 2 years ago

                Basically yes. If you want to sail as a Captain and get all the benefits that come with it you're now going to be more of a target for players. Sounds fair to me.

              • 2 years ago

                Basically yes. If you want to sail as a Captain and get all the benefits that come with it you're now going to be more of a target for players. Sounds fair to me.

                You're vastly overestimating how much that logbook is worth.
                The instances were you get 25k or even just 10 k for it will be as rare as the shrouded ghost since barely anyone out there plays 6 hours straight on the same server without sinking. Most of the time you're just gonna get a measely 300 gold, 2.5k if you're lucky. Barely worth the resources spent and at best a nice little bonus to a ship you were going to sink anyways.
                Captains won't be a bigger target just because of that book, especially considering that every single ship out there will be a captained ship since there's literally no reason to every sail a normal ship again once you've bought your first ship.

              • 2 years ago

                The point is you can't know how valuable it is until you sink them. So I'm going to sink everyone just in case they have a good one.

              • 2 years ago

                Are you sinking everyone right now because they might have an athena or a captains chest on board?

              • 2 years ago

                If they're emissary 5, sure.
                Otherwise let em ripen up first
                Captaincy is just going to be emissary without knowing what level emissary they are until they're dead

              • 2 years ago

                >im going to sink everyone because they might be worth 25k gold once in a blue moon even though it's gonna be below 3k 90% of the time, logbooks OP!
                >im only sinking emissary 5 and dont care about lower emissaries who might cash in way above 25k in loot before reaching 5

                So you're just a complete and utter moron, got it.
                The logbook won't change your playstyle, or that of anyone else.

              • 2 years ago

                Any voyage or activity worth anything bumps you to emissary 3 at least
                Someone at level 4 or 5 probably just wrapped up a voyage and is fat with loot
                Have you played this game before?

                But a captain without an emissary flag can easily have been playing Tall Tales for hours and give me a single 10k item that's worthless to them to try and get back.
                There's no reason to not frick with every single captain, because if they have no loot they won't even fight back.

              • 2 years ago

                Depends on the Emissary level, as that gives me a good indication on whether they have loot or not.

  87. 2 years ago

    So what happens if you log off or leave the session and your captained boat is still there? Can another party member take your ship and scuttle it for the log book since they aren’t the captain?

    • 2 years ago

      If you leave while someone else is part of your crew it becomes a regular non-captained ship.

      • 2 years ago

        What about all your captaincy decor? Just disappears off it with a fake book (since they don’t disappear when logged out)

  88. 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      >briggers resort to cheating
      many such cases!

      • 2 years ago

        >thinks I was complaining about cheats
        I just wanted to make anons seethe with that screenshot since I've seen some claim that people don't use ESP, which is moronic since there are free ones that work wonders. On that same note, the only functioning aimbot is dead now, so that should make you feel a bit better

        • 2 years ago

          >Claims other people are seething
          >Installs cheats and resurrects an argument that was over days ago just so he can "win"
          No, I think you're the one who's seething.

          • 2 years ago

            >thinks I'm that same anon
            I love this general that isn't a general. You morons think everyone is the guy you were arguing with yesterday because..? I'm not sure what the logic is here, but it's basically pure, distilled autism up in this thread. We've never argued anon, I just like making people mad. Does that make sense to you? Or are you new to this website? Should I frogpost as well? Will that make things more clear, you insufferable, schizophrenic neetcuck?

            • 2 years ago

              >I'm not him and I'm not mad you're mad

              • 2 years ago


                >he still thinks I'm that anon
                you're not nearly as clever as you think and it's obvious you're new here. Either way I appreciate all the (you)'s, enjoy your dead general on a containment board, if I find a working aimbot I'll bump the thread for you homosexuals again kek

              • 2 years ago

                >Going out of your way to install cheats on a game you don't play to post in a thread on a board you don't frequent to "win" an argument you weren't a part of
                >And still ending up mad
                That's even more pathetic than just being that guy lol

              • 2 years ago

                >on a game I don't play
                when did I say that? I play it, and I browse Ganker. Are you a moron too, anon? I know generals tend to draw in the most autistic of anons but try not to be such a Black person. Also check these digits

              • 2 years ago

                You are very angry and defensive for someone with no skin in the game.
                What a weird guy you are.

          • 2 years ago

            >Getting so mad about hacks that you start cheating yourself

            >I'm not him and I'm not mad you're mad

            Original anon who brought up cheating with my greentext here over a week ago now just visiting again, watching you project your insecurities and schizophrenia onto someone else is the sweetest nectar. No surprise someone who vehemently denies hackers exist in game is here every day to run damage control on the game, you do it for free? I expect a reply within an hour or two but I might not respond for a few days so apologies in advance

            • 2 years ago

              I'm sorry sir but I am apparently you now. You'll need to give me all of your belongings, or we'll need to merge somehow (if you know what I mean wink win)

            • 2 years ago

              I'm sorry sir but I am apparently you now. You'll need to give me all of your belongings, or we'll need to merge somehow (if you know what I mean wink win)

              Why do you keep replying to yourself?

              • 2 years ago

                schizo but checked anyways. Memes aside do you really think that there's only one person who knows about unknowncheats on all of Ganker?

              • 2 years ago

                same anon again but to add to this, I've been noticing a lot of players in Open who magically see the same shit I see when using ESP. I called one out on it and he left the session immediately lol. My point is that a good amount of players use ESP. This should motivate you to become an insider and fight tooth and nail against any sort of hitscan because I will absolutely abuse it like the script kiddie I am, as will the others who are obviously cheating. On a bright note, if you're one of the anons ITT that think there should be a PvE only mode in this game, get ESP and enjoy safe sailing since you can see things coming from 4-5 grids away.

              • 2 years ago

                >get ESP and enjoy safe sailing since you can see things coming from 4-5 grids away.
                You can see them from that far normally.

              • 2 years ago

                Not through a storm, or behind a frickoff big island, or while under water doing whatever. And even then, PvE players obviously have a hard time with that or they wouldn't be b***hing, unless it's the ones complaining about not being able to complete a voyage without any interaction whatsoever in which case they don't count as players.

              • 2 years ago

                i didn't know sea of thieves had cheats, nice I'm gona to cheat now thanks based anon.

        • 2 years ago

          >thinks I'm that same anon
          I love this general that isn't a general. You morons think everyone is the guy you were arguing with yesterday because..? I'm not sure what the logic is here, but it's basically pure, distilled autism up in this thread. We've never argued anon, I just like making people mad. Does that make sense to you? Or are you new to this website? Should I frogpost as well? Will that make things more clear, you insufferable, schizophrenic neetcuck?


    • 2 years ago

      >Getting so mad about hacks that you start cheating yourself

    • 2 years ago

      Shh don't give it away, the cheats make the game bearable

  89. 2 years ago

    >Skeleton ships are still moronic in their behavior
    >Pets have the most complex AI and take up a lot of memory

    • 2 years ago

      Correct priorities
      I don't need skeleton ships to be smart, but I want my pet that I spent money on to do cute shit.

  90. 2 years ago




    >on a game I don't play
    when did I say that? I play it, and I browse Ganker. Are you a moron too, anon? I know generals tend to draw in the most autistic of anons but try not to be such a Black person. Also check these digits

    Actual schizo.

  91. 2 years ago

    >Load into a brig with friends
    >There's a Fort of the Damned key on the map in the middle of the ocean with three Reapers around
    >Fricking awesome
    >Get into the fight, two sloops and a galleon
    >Fight is around Sea Dog's Tavern
    >We sink all three, two of the ships we have to sink again as we can't find the key
    >20 minutes of searching later we find it, glitched inside of a rock on a cliff edge in the middle of the Sea Dog's Obstacle course

    They were probably pretty confident we'd never find that key.

  92. 2 years ago

    I was thinking about getting the game, is it good? I have a friend who has got it recently too. I like coop shooters like DRG, tf2 and warframe

    • 2 years ago

      It's alright for the immersive aspect. The sailing is top stuff and practically everything involving ship-combat is great.
      Anything revolving around non-ship-anything is hot garbage though. Not at all comparable to DRG or Warframe.

      • 2 years ago

        >Not at all comparable to DRG or Warframe.
        except for the whole mind-numbing grind with no end game ha ha

        • 2 years ago

          Yeah I can't enjoy videogames without the game telling me I've reached the end and I'm rolling with the big boys.
          Frick fun gameplay. Give me increasing numbers so everyone can see I'm a big boy.

          • 2 years ago

            >Give me increasing numbers so everyone can see I'm a big boy.
            that's a symptom of no endgame and exactly what's wrong with warframe. Number goes up and grind new resource
            sea of thieves is more cosmetic oriented rather than number goes up, which would be good but most of it is grinding gold + quests
            DRG is kind of like sea of thieves where it's about cosmetics, but there's nothing like cosmetics locked behind achievements that can really tickle your pickle. DRG and SoT both rely more on their gameplay which is based, but DRG isn't without it's issues with essential grinding to get cores or the painfully slow battle pass
            DRG meant to have an end game with deep dives, but they're more midgame content made for getting cores even being easier than totally random levels most of the time
            drg just needs an official twitchmode like vermintide that doesn't actually need you to be streaming
            no clue what the frick they could do for sot, doubt captaincy will bring it but at the same time does it really need it compared to the other two coop games that expect you to do similar missions over and over again?

            • 2 years ago

              How does warframe not have endgame? You progress through the game and reach the end, that's your endgame. When you're clearing out the zariman that's your endgame for the current content. Before that it was clearing Deimos, or Fortuna or whatever came before.

              DRG doesn't have nu-endgame in that you can, with trivial prep, jump right into hazard 5.
              Same with Sea of Thieves, you'll be doing the exact same thing you've been doing right from the start regardless of how long you've played.
              Frick off.

    • 2 years ago

      It has very little to do with any of those games. It's much more of a sandbox where you decide what to do and make your own fun. There's often a fair bit of downtime while sailing from place to place, but some days you might get mired in non-stop fights with other players.

      It's on Game Pass, which if you don't have you can get for a month for $1, so try it that way.

  93. 2 years ago

    the game has a huge skill gap and it's even bigger now, as new players have no way to git gud with arena gone

    I can't even imagine how frustrting would be a solo new player experince

    • 2 years ago

      Why can't you git gud in adventure?

    • 2 years ago

      Nah it's easy as hell because there's way, way more PvE to practice with.

  94. 2 years ago

    Whats the gameplay loop for a new player?

    • 2 years ago

      There is no set progression, so you can start by doing whatever you want.

      But it's probably best to start by doing a few voyages for the different Trading Companies, this will get you an easy feel for sailing and navigating islands and basic combat. From there just make up your mind on what you want to do.

  95. 2 years ago

    i am a little fricky when playing this game. got right pissed off with pic related this afternoon. on my way to outpost with my level 5 flag after commodity trading. constantly keeping an eye out for other ships and then a level 5 server-hopping reaper comes charging out of a portal. i managed to sell all my shit and down my flag but it still irks me.

    like im all for PVP and engage in it frequently myself but i do have to agree with the pvesimps that server-hopping shit like this needs to be tossed because how are you meant to 'counter' this sort of shit. there's no skill you can pick up no matter how much you play that'll help you fight a level 5 reaper galleon teleporting in right next to you. it's fricking bullshit.
    when i get killed because i wasn't paying attention and someone sneaks up on me or i just get plain outplayed in fight that's fair enough. but it does make me feel robbed when this shit happens.

    • 2 years ago

      Portal hopping is a bit annoying, but I've only ever once had one hop near enough to me that I didn't have much chance to response. Sadly I don't think there's really any way to stop it.

      • 2 years ago

        >Sadly I don't think there's really any way to stop it.
        There's 8 portals on the map, put them in a place where no one is.

        • 2 years ago

          id appreciate this a lot. there's that massive frick-off patch of literally fricking nothing at the bottom of the map. having that area house the 'exit portals' would be great.

          • 2 years ago

            Well I'm dumb for not thinking of that at the moment, especially since I've suggested the same in the past. They already make you drive to a corner for Pirates Life 2, so why not for the others.

            I get why they did it originally, but it has been a year at this point.
            Reduce the number of portals to 2 and put them on opposite sides of the map, and reduce the number of mysterious ladies to 2 and put them nearer to the portals.

        • 2 years ago

          Well I'm dumb for not thinking of that at the moment, especially since I've suggested the same in the past. They already make you drive to a corner for Pirates Life 2, so why not for the others.

    • 2 years ago

      If only portal hopping reduced emissary value depending on your current rank. Would fix this issue without completely fricking over hopping.

      • 2 years ago

        Schizo, but based solution: let reaper 1's see all emissaries. No reason why you should be forced to PvE if you want to PvP.

        • 2 years ago

          >No reason why you should be forced to PvE if you want to PvP
          No reason for the latter either, though.
          That's the purpose of the Season 8 change.

          • 2 years ago

            While I get what you're saying, PvE is always optional while PvP is often not optional.

            • 2 years ago

              Both are always optional.

    • 2 years ago

      I think the simplest system would just be for server hopping reapers to have their Grade V omniscient eye disabled for 5 minutes after joining. That way people have at least some time to react if they've spotted them joining. I also kinda agree with what people have said in the past about adding a notification system, since I know some let their guard down a bit if they didn't see someone already working towards G5 before leaving port, but I have no idea how they'd manage that in a way that is effective yet non-intrusive

  96. 2 years ago

    Where do you guys find good crewmates? I have been stuck waiting only for literal children to be chewing on their mics or people who immediately leave.

    • 2 years ago

      I mostly play with a few of my friends in a rotating crew. But aside from that I mostly use the LFG in the Xbox Game Bar for competent crews, and a few I've added as semi-regulars.

    • 2 years ago

      Hit up the official discord to find decent crews.
      Open crew is a nightmare

    • 2 years ago

      There's a discord server in this thread for finding games, but if you're on the hateboner bandwagon for that just hop in open crew brigs till you find people you like

  97. 2 years ago

    Now this is interesting...

    • 2 years ago

      I'm not sure how I feel about this, but I think I like it.

      • 2 years ago

        I like the sound of it. You can continue to play and sink people normally, but if you want a guaranteed fight you can basically do a Dark Souls style invasion.

    • 2 years ago

      >Matchmaking based on crew skill
      >Limited to same ship size
      >Focus seems to be on actually ending the fight
      >Ships that lose are forced to migrate server

      Seems good, but I wonder how popular it will actually be and what the rewards for it are.

      • 2 years ago

        How does a skeleton and ghost curse sound?

        • 2 years ago

          Sounds really nice I can finally make a fat skeleton. So the invasion is a Reapers vs Athena thing where reapers invade Athena worlds and vice versa, and enough winning gets you a curse, or do the curses have some other requirement like maxing Reaper/Athena reputation as well?

          • 2 years ago

            The curses are tied to Allegiance, which is a new reputation of sorts that is earned primarily through the PvP.

        • 2 years ago

          >skeleton curse

      • 2 years ago

        based on crew skill
        to same ship size
        seems to be on actually ending the fight
        that lose are forced to migrate server
        This will be impossible. I expect at first when the season starts you might get matched up okay but later on, you'll end up on servers where you'll lagg to all frick and lose because your crew is rubberbanding and dropping offline. It's gunna suck.

        • 2 years ago

          You can actually choose to fight a bigger ship if you want. Also why would you assume there would be server issues, when these fights take place on the same servers we're using now?

          • 2 years ago

            Because I can always tell when someone is nearby when I start to lagg or rubberband. Guaranteed to be other player(s) around.

    • 2 years ago

      How does a skeleton and ghost curse sound?

      The curses are tied to Allegiance, which is a new reputation of sorts that is earned primarily through the PvP.

      I love this.
      This is what the game needed for PvP.

    • 2 years ago

      Jesus frick, that's rad as hell. I don't care about the effect this has on the player sandbox and its interactions, just the idea of bursting out of the water like the Flying Dutchman is enough to make me support this

    • 2 years ago

      >Season 8
      What the frick? Who cares about season 8 when 7 isn't even released?

      • 2 years ago

        Because it's new information. We already know everything about Season 7 so it's fun to see what's coming next.

  98. 2 years ago

    In case anyone cares to read the full notes posted in part by anon above

    • 2 years ago
      • 2 years ago

        >customize your skeleton
        Hell Yeah brother

    • 2 years ago

      Fugging nice, this will fill much of the void left behind from arena

  99. 2 years ago

    Anybody actually play this game during Asia/Australian hours? I live in Japan and speak English
    I'm tired of the fricking chinks and chink servers.

    • 2 years ago

      Maybe you should leave Japan then, weeb

  100. 2 years ago

    Season 8 emporium set

  101. 2 years ago

    Wheres arena? Just updated and wanted to play it, was it removed?

    • 2 years ago

      Looks like it was removed. Really a shame, that was the only thing I played if I wasnt in a group

    • 2 years ago

      Like a year ago.

  102. 2 years ago

    I’ve never seen a single piece of gold on an open crew. Either everyone randomly leaves in the middle of sailing or every other ship in the server descends upon us the instant we go to turn in. This is a real pirate curse.

    • 2 years ago

      I've had every kind of experience. Most are shit, but the other day I loaded into an open crew galleon with a TDS, LoST, and Hunter of the Shrouded Ghost and we knocked out 3 Veil voyages back to back.

    • 2 years ago

      One of our discord members joined into an open crew today and now we took over 2 ships on the server and are stacking fotd. Made about 5mil so far.

      • 2 years ago

        No you didn't you're trans

  103. 2 years ago

    Gold and Glory weekend boys get your grog and jump aboard

  104. 2 years ago

    Easy six mil in 1 hour soloing a gally no emissary sinking a toxic server alliance

  105. 2 years ago


    New thread.

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