Seapunk Unleashed English Translation?

Anyone have an English translation for Seapunk Unleashed, the spanish One Piece RPG? I found someone on reddit saying they were translating it, but they didn't respond to my DM.

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  1. 7 months ago

    This doesn't look very "punk".

    • 7 months ago

      Well, Punk refers specifically to rebelling against authority. The prefix is what decides the setting. In this context, since its emulating One Piece, they're comparing One Piece's love of piracy and criticism of governments and militaries to the concept of "punk." It's not inaccurate. It's just uncommon.

      • 7 months ago

        >criticism of governments and militaries

        • 7 months ago

          I don't really see your argument? Like, the entire text of One Piece criticizes governments. It's not nuanced, it's very blunt, but it's constantly there. One of the big characters in recent arcs entire backstory is "and the rich and the government worked together to lie about how our working conditions were the real cause of us getting sick so they could make more money off us and we all got genocided for it." And you can't look athe celestial Dragons and not say they mock the ruling class. Nobles who see themselves as so above society they wear space suits so they don't have to breathe the same air. Fishman Island being about slavery, segration, and oppression. Or you got, what, three story lines about overthrowing corrupt rulers. It's baby first critque of power because its a comic for 10 year olds, but its very much text.

          • 7 months ago

            While I normally find this habit of putting "punk" on everything, I'd say One Piece is pretty punk in the right ways. Government's corrupt. People in power deserve to have their shit wrecked. Fight for your freedom and do what you want because a pirate is free.

            • 7 months ago

              Yeah, those Celestial Dragons are buttholes. It’s insane how nasty they are.

              • 7 months ago

                Even from the earliest chapters:
                >Other pirates are hording power through fear and violence. Wreck their shit.
                >Members of the Navy are abusing their power and trying to amass more of it through fear and violence: Wreck their shit.
                >Officers of the World Government and Navy are corrupt and greedy, turning a blind eye to all the violence at the expense of the people they pretend to care about: Wreck. Their. Shit.
                >The few good marines and government officials are fighting a losing battle against corruption and evil and will support the wrecking of shit in the name of restoring a bit of justice and righteousness to the seas

              • 7 months ago

                Don’t forget the giant sea monsters. Makes getting around a pain, and the Government won’t do anything.

          • 7 months ago

            >One of the big characters in recent arcs entire backstory is "and the rich and the government worked together to lie about how our working conditions were the real cause of us getting sick so they could make more money off us and we all got genocided for it.
            Who was that character?

            • 7 months ago

              I think that was Trafalgar Law's backstory.

          • 7 months ago

            >Like, the entire text of One Piece criticizes governments

            It sort of forgets all about that when it comes to pirates, though. The pirates are a government unto themselves and the strongest become their rulers. Luffy's own goal is to become the Pirate King. It's barely a criticism of anything; the World Government is just a generic bad guy.

            • 7 months ago

              >Luffy's own goal is to become the Pirate King.
              Luffy sees being the Pirate King as being synonymous with being the most free. He's rejected leadership roles and has only ever really prioritized his larger goals and adventure of being free, having fun, and eating lots of meat.

              • 7 months ago

                >gaining enormous amounts of power so I can eat and play while my “friends” do the icky work stuff

                Yeah man, still not looking good.

        • 7 months ago

          The 4 emperors aren't an actual government. Emperor is just a title of respect given to the 4 most powerful pirates in the Grand Line.

          • 7 months ago

            Yeah, exactly. Though given the size of the territory Big Mom has, and how many kids she has running it, that probably counts. Kaido has a puppet king ruling Wano for him, so that doesn’t count.

      • 7 months ago

        That's only for side characters. Luffy doesn't give a shit about politics or the WG unless it comes between his food, friends, and finding the One Piece. Even Oda joked that Luffy would of become a Marine if they had started searching for the One Piece before Shanks did.

        • 7 months ago

          Yeah, I think you might be misunderstanding that a story can say something in its text while not necessarily characters express it. Like, the protagonist doesn't need to verbally say a theme of the work, but if elements keep repeating then its obvious the author belives something. Like, if you can draw logical conclusion from evidence from a narrative, then it can be easily argued that these elements are tied to said narrative. Like, the main characters don't have to agree or believe in it because protagonist and themes aren't connected like that. As a matter of fact, some works have protagonist that believe and act in a manner opposed to what the story is trying to say to make a point. That's not what's happening here, but what I'm saying is that it's clear Oda has opinions because he keeps drawing from these tropes that potray the world government and the military as questionable. He clearly doesn't hate everything because he rights characters like Vivi and Garp, but they were presented as "exceptions."

          • 7 months ago

            Its more like a say about personal responsibility than blaming any sort of system.

            Good people = Good governments and Bad people = Bad governments, we see monarchies, democracies, and even induvial pirate tyrants have fairly good governments. And we see good people in bad governments make change and rally against curruption. To reduce OP to "punk" is to inherently limit your story telling because "exceptions" like you call them are now going against the "theme" of the story. Or have to be presented differently. If a princess is presented at all I bet you she will be both against her tyrannical family and a lesbian.

            Further more probably still blue haired, but black. But those are details I could be wrong on.

      • 7 months ago

        The artstyle could be a little wackier

      • 7 months ago

        I don't really see your argument? Like, the entire text of One Piece criticizes governments. It's not nuanced, it's very blunt, but it's constantly there. One of the big characters in recent arcs entire backstory is "and the rich and the government worked together to lie about how our working conditions were the real cause of us getting sick so they could make more money off us and we all got genocided for it." And you can't look athe Celestial Dragons and not say they mock the ruling class. Nobles who see themselves as so above society they wear space suits so they don't have to breathe the same air. Fishman Island being about slavery, segration, and oppression. Or you got, what, three story lines about overthrowing corrupt rulers. It's baby first critque of power because its a comic for 10 year olds, but its very much text.

        disgustingly moronic take on one piece. You are aware that the straw hats reinstated like 3 monarchies, right? And that the marines are portrayed as pretty decent people doing necissary shit like half of the time? you know, garth, smoker, Rosinante, etc.

        Its not “rebelling against authority” moron, its “having the will to do what you think is right”, which might be rebelling against an authority here on this one thing, while siding with it there on this other thing.

        Its pretty blinding obvious in context and subtext.

        • 7 months ago

          Did you miss the part where returning a good and just King to power involved first toppling the oppressive and unjust villain who had stolen and abused that authority for their own personal gain?

          • 7 months ago

            Then thats not rebelling against authority itself is it? thats fighting someone you don't like in particular. thats just a specific circumstance, not the ends in itself. Luffy’s not afraid to punch down if he thinks someones a sniveling wretch. He has to see someones worth in one way or another regardless of if they have authority or not.

            Its much more about the will to do what you want/think is right. if you dont have that will, you are trash. (which is a much more piratical sentiment anyways, they would usually wheel and deal with governments and other entities).

            • 7 months ago

              Do you think they have to universally rebel and depose all forms of authority?

              >Luffy’s not afraid to punch down if he thinks someones a sniveling wretch
              Nevermind, you have no idea what you're talking about.

              • 7 months ago

                >Do you think they have to universally rebel and depose all forms of authority?
                No, but if their main goal was to depose the government or fight the marines then I would agree. But it isnt. They always fight the marines circumstantially. They dont go out of their way to fight them. They do it if they are in their way or have something/someone they want.
                >Nevermind, you have no idea what you're talking about.
                thats the whole schtick though. loose cannons who dont care who you are, but what you do.

        • 7 months ago

          >“having the will to do what you think is right"
          Literally Fascism.

          • 7 months ago

            >Giving change to the poor?!? What are you a nazi!?!

      • 7 months ago

        >Well, Punk refers specifically to rebelling against authority.
        No it doesn't.

        Anyone have an English translation for Seapunk Unleashed, the spanish One Piece RPG? I found someone on reddit saying they were translating it, but they didn't respond to my DM.

        >muh -punk punkpunk!

      • 7 months ago

        explain solar punk

        • 7 months ago

          It's gingers rebelling against the sun and the sunscreen mafia.

    • 7 months ago

      Or nautical.

  2. 7 months ago

    I would like to see an english translation of Librete - De Bile et d'Acier.

  3. 7 months ago

    Have you asked the Share thread?

  4. 7 months ago

    Okay, this looks pretty based. Has anyone here actually played it?

  5. 7 months ago

    IIRC he said he would give his updates to people who bought the game and showed proof.

  6. 7 months ago

    >he doesn't know spanish

  7. 7 months ago

    S'punk. The rpg for those who like salty spray in the face.

  8. 7 months ago

    I'm currently working on a translation for my own personal use. Mainly focusing on getting the lore and setting translated. The actual rules and mechanics are floating online. I am hesitant to provide those without permission but if I manage to get the PDF finished (i'm like 28 pages into 600 something) i'll share it here.

    If/When I do, please do purchase a copy from the actual spanish site. It does look really neat

  9. 7 months ago

    >human feet

  10. 7 months ago

    Behold. Legally distinct Buggy D. Clown

    • 7 months ago

      It's Bilgey T. Fool!!

      • 7 months ago

        Also here is legally distinct Magellan.

        Reading through this, this game really is one piece with the serial numbers filed off but in it's own way it becomes it's own thing. It's quite true to it's actual name of SeaPunk and I think it's really trying to capture that sense of romantic piratism.

        There's a lot of legally distinct stuff. Like Devil Fruits being Demonic Elixrs (Though I think Devil's Booze would be a fun name), it's got Log Poses but they're called Odysseys. The world government is the World Empire. The list really does go on but this looks like as close as we'll actually get to a one piece RPG that isn't d20.

        • 7 months ago

          Behold. Legally distinct Buggy D. Clown

          Nice art. Any more comparisons like that?

          • 7 months ago

            Here have a legally distinct Celestial Dragon

  11. 7 months ago

    Wow a bunch of Black folk looks awesome rabbi where do I sign up

    • 7 months ago

      Whatever you say Zoro

  12. 7 months ago

    Ok, just bought it.

    Holy frick it's almost 400 pages. I'll post what I can; hope it's not shit.

    • 7 months ago

      Oh shit, this is very similar to the old Fist of the North Star tabletop game. Like, practically identical.

      If you speak Italian, you can find it here:

      You have a number of Attributes and "Dominions" (broadly defined areas of expertise) that are combined to form your base abilities. In any scenario in which you must make a check, you pick the relevant Attribute, add to it the relevant Dominion, and then roll 2d6 and see how you did. If you're above the Difficulty value, you succeed.

  13. 7 months ago

    This font looks like the font of a videogame cover I played as a child and couldn't ever find again.
    I think it was romancing saga, but I'm not sure which one. The only part I can remember is it had a bunch of playable main characters with different little mini-plots. The only one I played when I rented it was the one about the boy who recovered the robot and had it fight in the fight pits.

    • 7 months ago

      Possibly SaGa Frontier

      • 7 months ago

        Upon looking this up, you have given me powerful nostalgia.
        Man, I've not thought about this game in years. Maybe I should go get it.

        • 7 months ago

          There's a remake that was made for it a couple years back. It's still a rough game... Like, doesn't teach you shit. Doesn't make it clear what you should do in a way that will send you running to GameFAQs because everything you find to fight murders you mercilessly.

          • 7 months ago

            oh yeah, as a baby I recall not understanding it at all.

            • 7 months ago

              The SaGa/FF Legends games are infamous for their difficulty, because of how you don't level up and gain new abilities seemingly at random

  14. 7 months ago

    I have completed Chapter 1 of the book. There's still a lot of little bits and pieces I need to clean up and the formatting looks a bit wonky in parts due to translating paragraphs over spanish paragraphs that are formatted for a certain ammount of characters.

    Right now i'd consider the chapter definitely readable and understandable, but it could definitely stand to look nicer

  15. 7 months ago

    I'm working on it. There's enough here to get the gist of character creation.

    • 7 months ago

      Is this a custom system or based on something?

      • 7 months ago

        It seems like a weird mix of FATE and an old narrative system used in a Fist of the North Star tabletop game.

  16. 7 months ago

    So.... pirates? Why do morons use "punk" as some sort of glaze to add "flavor" to their shitty genre.

    • 7 months ago

      The term "Steampunk" dates back to 1987, which means it's been a naming convention longer than you've been on the internet, and possible longer than you've been alive. You either know and pretend not to, or you're completely oblivious to something that's been common in the hobby for years. So I'm guessing the former. And I find this performative moronation to be tiresome. You know what's happening here, you know why people do it, you just don't like it. So say you don't like it. That's fine. But doing this whole thick-lipped feigned ignorance like my aunt trying to fool a dog is embarrassing.

  17. 7 months ago

    Why isn't the black (colored? I don't know the PC word for Black anymore) spinning wildly? She's only got rocket boosters on one side of her body. That shouldn't make her fly straight.

  18. 7 months ago

    I'm going to do this by chapter instead. Makes it easier to organize stuff.

    Here's all of Ch. 2 roughly translated. You can make your own characters now, if you want to play along.

  19. 7 months ago

    All they have to do is change the name and the cover art to some old timey map and I’m pretty sure most fat guys would be okay with the game

  20. 7 months ago

    So while there's a guy working on the translation of the core rules. I'm working on my own with all the world and lore primarily, but there are a few things I've been kind of debating.

    I'm going to keep everything translated as direct and literal as I can on my first pass, but I want to go back and change a few words here and there to make more sense for an English audience. Mainly because certain words in Spanish are weaker or stronger than those in English. for example the Spanish word for vulgar can mean simple.

    One of the things I was debating was a section detailing pirates and how they divide themselves. They come in three categories. Pacifista, Genocida and Guild Pirates (the last of which I can't remember the Spanish of off the top of my head)

    While it is funny to refer to Blackbeard esque pirates as GENOCIDES or GENOCIDERS. I was thinking of pulling the two types of pirates Luffy talks about from Romance Dawn, being Peacemaine Pirates and Morganeers. Alternatively what was suggested to me was Black Flag and Red Flag Pirates.

    it's just something to think about

    • 7 months ago

      I noticed that Google Translate does not like Catalan spanish. Lots of words in here are idiomatic and it doesn't know what to do with them (tripon = "big fricking belly", cazurro = "stupid")

      • 7 months ago

        I'm actually using deepL which thankfully has a word substitution system, so you can click on the translation and it'll pull a different word from the glossary. There is one more minor annoyance is the faction "La Gloriosa Armada" which has generally been translated as The Glorious Armada but it often translates it as Navy or Army.

  21. 7 months ago

    Chapter 3, the game system.

    • 7 months ago

      Just thought i'd ask but i'm working on the PDF version, do you mind if I port your rules translations over as well. I'm sure if I translated the spanish directly it'd probably come out with pretty similar results, just don't want to feel like i'm dicking you out of the work you've been doing which is some good shit.

      Though I think I may have already seen your translation on docs passed over by a friend of mine.

      • 7 months ago

        I doubt it, I just bought the thing today. Go for it in any case. I'm on the combat section now.

    • 7 months ago

      I'm going to do this by chapter instead. Makes it easier to organize stuff.

      Here's all of Ch. 2 roughly translated. You can make your own characters now, if you want to play along.

      I'm working on it. There's enough here to get the gist of character creation.


  22. 7 months ago

    I am officially almost 1/3 done with the PDF. It'll need some sprucing up but after this I never want to see another word in spanish again.

    I hope I get to play/run a game when it's all said and done

  23. 7 months ago

    Alright, combat chapter's done. This game does a few things I actually like, namely ALL DAMAGE IS CUMULATIVE

    Even saving against an attack or effect applies half damage. There aren't many options for healing in the middle of combat either. This makes combat more cinematic and impactful, in my opinion, because you can't glug down a healing potion to save yourself.

    • 7 months ago

      Thanks for doing these translations. I was going to hack some kind of PbtA for my One Piece game but I might just use this instead. Have you played it before?

    • 7 months ago

      Neat, thanks!

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