
Can someone help me understand this game?
Stuck at the Corrupted Monk right now. Died 36 times so far in a row.
>Attack animations blend together so a follow up can lead into a sweep or a stab.
>Stabs and sweeps need different inputs to counter.
>All stabs have a danger symbol.
>But only 50% of her sweeps have a danger symbol.
>You can jump sweeps.
>But only SOME sweeps.
>Some attacks no slower than quick attacks can max out your posture gauge for no reason.
I don't understand. Some sweeps don't even have a danger symbol but you can't parry them.

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  1. 10 months ago

    works on my machine

    • 10 months ago


  2. 10 months ago

    >But only 50% of her sweeps have a danger symbol.
    Anon the game isn't breaking its own rules. If there is no danger symbol, it's parryable. You're misunderstanding how the game works.

  3. 10 months ago

    If it doesn't have the danger then you can block. If you're having trouble blocking it for some reason, try dodging through it.

    • 10 months ago

      Tried both, she does an uppercut swing that cannot be blocked or dodged. I eat shit every single time no matter what on that exact move.

      • 10 months ago

        That move is a follow up on a sweep; jump the inital sweep but move left; the vertical will miss you if you moved left enough. Will take some getting used to but that's one of the few good openings to get damage in.

      • 10 months ago

        If I'm remembering the attack you're talking about correctly, it's absolutely parryable, it's just outside of the rhythm of the combo so you'll probably frick it up if you aren't thinking about it enough. She has very few mixups so this really shouldn't be that hard for you, anon-kun.

        You just need to get fricked by the game until you reach a nirvana level of understanding for the design language. For me it was guardian ape pounding me hard for hours on end. You'll end up becoming an expert at reading if an attack is a sweep or a thrust, they did a really good job animating the wind-ups of the attacks and shit. Just take the pain.

        True. You really shouldn't be discouraged by 36 deaths, that's not even that much tbh. I died to Genichiro for 4 hours and I came out of that fight and never had issues again. All the endgame bosses people talk about took me no more than 5 tries. 20 hours later I 100%'d the game and beat mortal journey with demon bell and charmless. Corrupted monk is a good boss for basic training, too. It's more about the journey than the destination, so don't get too frustrated

      • 10 months ago

        You're just missing the timing. It's really strict on dome of her faster attacks.

  4. 10 months ago

    it being a big wide attack doesn't make it a "sweep" those are specifically attacks in the DANGER mixups that attack under your block and you can jump on the enemy to counter them.

  5. 10 months ago

    AFAIK no danger symbol means it can be parried; I'm not just saying this I've beaten the game over 10 times. Also are you at True Corrupted Monk or the illusion? I'm guessing the illusion; Divine confetti works well on him, but ofc at that point you have very little of it and no source for it. (NBD I never use it on him; it is necessary for Headless fights though.)
    You are probably getting screwed by one of his sweeps where he spins around and then does another attack that's not a sweep and parryable (often you're in mid-air from jumping the initial sweep though which sucks). The mid-air deflection skill will allow you to parry the follow up.
    There's a sweep where he doesn't spin but follows up with a vertical slash; if you can, jump the sweep but move left, if you move left enough you can hit him while the vertical slash misses you.
    Sorry I don't have much more for you; Sekiro is my favorite FromSoft game because it feels much more fun to master IMO. Souls games are all 'roll at the right time' games; and while Sekiro is 'deflect at the right time' mostly, it just clicks a lot better for me. I'll never beat bosses as consistently in DS3 vs. Sekiro where it becomes almost a muscle memory/reflex.
    Basically; keep trying, Corrupted Monk is super parry-able once you get used to him; I only back away sometimes for the 5 in a row spin attack thing.

  6. 10 months ago

    You just need to get fricked by the game until you reach a nirvana level of understanding for the design language. For me it was guardian ape pounding me hard for hours on end. You'll end up becoming an expert at reading if an attack is a sweep or a thrust, they did a really good job animating the wind-ups of the attacks and shit. Just take the pain.

    • 10 months ago

      Oh also her backwards leap slash can't be parried either, never been able to. Or jump it for that matter.

      I beat the guardian ape, still don't understand what the game wants from me. Feels nonsensical.

      • 10 months ago

        Backwards leap slash is absolutely parry-able; timing is weird though, one of the last ones I got used to in Monk's moveset.
        Also how many times do people have to tell you that if there's no Danger sign that the move is parry-able? Your timing just isn't right; stop thinking the game is cheating you, it isn't.

  7. 10 months ago

    >Unparryable sweeps
    Low-to-the-ground sweeps (or, more precisely, any sweep with a danger kanji) are all non-parryable. If you see what you think is a sweep without a danger symbol (which is likely with corrupted monk because all her attacks look like that) and think it's unparryable (which is likely because you're having a skill issue), it's not.
    >Some attacks no slower than quick attacks can max out your posture gauge for no reason
    Doesn't matter. As long as you don't fail a parry you'll never be posture broken, even if it's maxed. Corrupted monk is one of the easiest bosses to sustainably parry without mistakes due to her consistent, rhythmic combos.

  8. 10 months ago

    Use umbrella or mist raven to get openings on her big combo finishers that you get massive knockback on when parrying normally. There aren't really any other particular tricks to her, she's a very no-nonsense fight.

  9. 10 months ago

    if you can't do it the clean way, just use prosthetics
    that's what they're in the game for
    you can block every single move from any enemy that doesn't have the danger kanji, if you disagree it really is that your timing is still wrong

    • 10 months ago

      nah I quit, this game's too hard for me. Consider me filtered.

      • 10 months ago

        Just a stray dog after all.

        • 10 months ago

          Mada mada koinu yo.

          • 10 months ago
  10. 10 months ago

    Snap seeds and Goukun's candy. Also, parry the frick out of her sweeps and Mikiri Counter her thrust. Divine Confetti also buffs your damage against her since she's an apparition-type.

    Good luck.

  11. 10 months ago
  12. 10 months ago

    I believe in you OP. Persevere.

    • 10 months ago

      Not worth it, it's stopped being fun. Even when I do win after a hard boss, I feel empty.

      • 10 months ago

        then what are you gonna play now

        • 10 months ago

          Probably something like monster hunter or an easy JRPG to relax. Spending 3 hours with no progress after work is stressful.

  13. 10 months ago

    Some of the sweeps will purposely offset the rythem. To test if something is parryable, you can just hold the block button and see when it hits. This does not apply to perilous thrusts/sweeps.

  14. 10 months ago

    >attack that hits you when you block
    She has an attack that can hit you twice if you frick up and block, but its perfectly safe on deflect

  15. 10 months ago

    What one's Corrupted Monk, the ghost or the actually corrupted one

    • 10 months ago

      Corrupted Monk = Ghost
      True Monk = Real

      • 10 months ago

        I thought so, she's stupidly easy once you find out she's actually an illusion and the snap sneeds take off like half her health

  16. 10 months ago

    You just press L1 when the big sharp thing is about to touch you, press O when the enemy is doing a thrust, and press X when he's doing a swipe.
    That's all there is.

    Oh and also learning all the bullshit patterns by heart to know when to do the actions I previously mentioned.
    Personally I dropped the game at Isshin because frick four stage bosses. Not trying 100 times just to see another 12 seconds fromslop rushed ending cutscene.

    • 10 months ago

      >t. hesitated

    • 10 months ago

      Yeah the game demands a little too much to be fun for me.

      • 10 months ago

        The monk is indeed a b***h. Takes 30 years to break his posture. Enjoy parrying 400 swings before you can kill it.

      • 10 months ago

        Have you beaten all the monkeys? There's 3-4 boss fights and some mini-bosses after Genichiro. If Corrupted Monk is giving you trouble and you haven't explored some then it's worth doing so.

        • 10 months ago

          Yeah beat all the monkeys and rape ape (somehow). I've explored a frickload, don't think there's anything left except some headless guys. I'll come back to this game in like 6 months again probably or whenever my next drought it, it's exhausting and not very rewarding.

  17. 10 months ago

    i finally bought and started this the other day, i'm a little disappointed with the model swapping mods for Wolf. even the good female model swaps like Okatsu from Nioh 2 suffer from having oddly elongated arms, and several of the good kimono swaps for default male Wolf have weird shoulders. for a game that was this popular i'd have expected more.

    those personal gripes aside, i'm frickin' loving it so far. i can't believe they didn't carry this Parry mechanic over into Elden Ring somewhere. i'm getting a similar feeling to what i get when i play DMC on DMD where i'm genuinely being threatened but have every single tool i could ever need to overcome the challenge as long as i'm good enough - and i get to be wildly stylish about it with a little creativity and effort. Elden Ring kinda lacked that for me. it felt very much like DaS with a jump button and mini-Ultimate abilities on your Left Trigger, and it was so fricking massive i felt overwhelemed by the world.

    how's NG+ in Sekiro?

    • 10 months ago

      NG+ is where you take off the training wheels and have the option of not taking Kuro's charm. Doing this makes it so you now take chip damage when guarding and therefore can only fully negate damage with a correctly timed deflect. It's a good way of seeing how sloppy you actually played on the first run. I highly recommend doing a charmless+demon bell run after your first for the highest difficulty the game has. Also because there's multiple endings and it's just a really good game that's worth going through a few times.

  18. 10 months ago

    Someone explain to me why it is Sekiro and Elden Ring as my favorite FS games, they couldn't be further apart outside of sharing a similar posture system.

    In comparison I've lost all regard for Bloodborne the moment Sekiro dropped, it's like BB was the prototype for the kino they were working on, it just doesn't hit the same.

  19. 10 months ago

    >Attack animations blend together so a follow up can lead into a sweep or a stab.
    >Stabs and sweeps need different inputs to counter.
    You need the mikiri counter to deal with thrusts, and you can just jump on a homie and bounce off his head to avoid the sweeps
    >All stabs have a danger symbol.
    >But only 50% of her sweeps have a danger symbol.
    >You can jump sweeps.
    >But only SOME sweeps.
    No. You can jump them all.
    >Some attacks no slower than quick attacks can max out your posture gauge for no reason.
    No. Your posture gauge fills in relation to how much health you currently have. If you've lost more health, then you'll gain posture damage faster. Keep your health up, and also if you hold L1, you posture meter depletes faster.

    To defeat monk specifically, use sacred confetti, batter her with it at every opportunity. If you can help it, try to avoid her five combo spin attack, there's no point in blocking all that shit. always mikiri counter the thrusts. She'll block your sword attacks with her arm sometimes, you have to find opportunities to deal chip damage to her. A great opportunity is right after she does a jumping downward slash at you - dodge to the side and shove your sword up her ass. Basically, that's the fight; chip damage until you can start actually building posture damage, then parry her until she's dead.

    • 10 months ago

      The big combo is worth parrying early imo, both because it's really fun and great practice and because you can dash through the final hit of the combo and get multiple free hits. It's the largest opening she has I think so it's invaluable early on.

  20. 10 months ago

    Ehh, I just kept my distance and ran in and slashed her once after every opening. Use firecrackers and confetti if you really want her dead.

  21. 10 months ago

    Shit game for shitters. Drop it.

  22. 10 months ago

    You're not perfect deflecting everything and running out of posture. You can also skip phase 2, btw. By air assassinating her from the highest tree branch.

  23. 10 months ago

    Sekiro is so fricking good bros

    • 10 months ago

      I want a sequel so baaaaad!

  24. 10 months ago

    >Attack animations blend together so a follow up can lead into a sweep or a stab.
    It might be confusing at first but they have different tells and typically have different patterns. Typically a perilous (red) attack will either be at the end of an enemy combo or will have a lot of wind-up.
    >Some attacks no slower than quick attacks can max out your posture gauge for no reason.
    The key is to time the parry perfectly. Your posture cannot break from a perfect parry. If you can't, don't hesitate to run away and hold parry/guard until your posture recovers.
    >Some sweeps don't even have a danger symbol but you can't parry them.
    I don't think that's true, the game is pretty good about labeling what's unblockable. The only inconsistent attack to my knowledge is that one Snake Eyes perilous attack which you have to parry instead of mikiri.

    Generally speaking with Sekiro bosses, you need to find a rhythm. Attack, attack, attack until the enemy counter-attacks, then respond to their counter attack. You don't want to play too defensively or offensively, you have to find the right balance.

    Also prosthetics are underrated. Flame vent and firecracker are useful against a lot of bosses, and shuriken + chasing slice skill is a great mobility tool.

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