>sequel has a ton of QoL improvements over the original game. >its still inferior to the original game overall

>sequel has a ton of QoL improvements over the original game
>it’s still inferior to the original game overall

How is this even possible? I’ve replayed the first game countless times, but I’ve only played the second once.

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  1. 5 months ago

    the game itself is just shit
    like it's supposed to be 'thief' but like the ai is just terrible

    • 5 months ago

      Stealth games having “bad” AI is a staple of the genre.

      The AI needs to be exploitable, otherwise the genre isn’t possible.

      • 5 months ago

        Look at how amazing the AI is in the MGS series

      • 5 months ago

        there is a mdidle ground you have have enemies smarter than others, and learning AI whhere they dont repeat the same mistakes and you dont cheese an entire map with the same trick, same for non stealth games, its basic game design + play games like mankind divided without allowing yourself to kill or KO enemies and you ll find there are plenty of unconvential ways to do things

    • 5 months ago

      >like it's supposed to be 'thief'
      Says who? The game doesn’t even try to play like it.

    • 5 months ago

      imagine outing yourself as someone who hasn't played Thief

  2. 5 months ago

    The second one is the first game reskinned plotwise, down to bringing back Delilah
    Originally the crown killer was set up to be the big bad and then politics happened and they were shelved for strong independent woman villain even though crown killer was a woman but I guess she wasn't independent enough

    • 5 months ago

      >even though crown killer was a woman but I guess she wasn't independent enough
      how /misc/ rotten is your mind? I genuinely pity you.

      • 5 months ago

        Ask Harvey about how much he wanted to suck Anitas toes
        This isnt mindrot, game was made during peak gamergate, only incels like you pretend to deny the influence of the event into devs

  3. 5 months ago

    more is less

  4. 5 months ago

    it has the same problem as HLM2. The level design is shit. The first game has slick level design that got every detail right. The second game felt like sloppy seconds with long, boring, yet flashy levels that lack SOVL.

    • 5 months ago

      Nah the levels are much better in the second one. The problem is the atmosphere is worse, the story and characters suck and it feels too much like a retread when the AI is so basic still.

  5. 5 months ago

    the creator of the first one LEFT, yes leaders matter, yes creative direction matters, no you can't make a sequel worth something when you destroy the vision that the creator of the first one had

  6. 5 months ago

    What the frick is wrong with Arcane. For no reason at all they decided to nuke this setting in an expansion with a Black person protagonist and then developed some obsession with Black folk. Everything they do since then is about Black folk

    • 5 months ago
      • 5 months ago

        don't forget Harvey hiring the writers for death of the outsider off literal twitter because he liked her fanfic, no previous experience in vidya writing

        • 5 months ago

          Why am I not fricking surprised, jesus

      • 5 months ago

        what a frick tard

      • 5 months ago

        I've been a fan of Arkane since Arx, it's a shame the forced GaaS(was originally supposed to be one) and DEI nightmare that is Redfall exploded the austin studio. At least we had a good run with those 4 games at the top.

        >this is on Harvey's wiki page

        what the frick.

        • 5 months ago

          >garret lived in modern-day new york
          honestly that sounds way more interesting than it has a right to be
          but knowing how games turn out
          it would have looked like shit
          if you could combine the 90s gritty look with cartoonyness of ghetto new york
          it would be great

        • 5 months ago

          Could’ve been interesting

      • 5 months ago

        Colantonio leaving was the signal it was turning to shit

        • 5 months ago

          Nah, happened long before that, it was over when Bethesda bought them. We literally couldn't have known that Bethesda/Zenimax could be so fricking evil though.

          • 5 months ago

            Technically yes, but Prey still has some good parts

            • 5 months ago

              Their heart was in the right place but the writing disgusts me. Maybe they were in a crunch or some shit but it was just plain worse than everything they've done before. Combat was crazy unbalanced too.

    • 5 months ago

      Don't worry, they died a couple of months ago

  7. 5 months ago

    Dishonored 1 from perspective of quake 3 adhd player was amazing because it was very tightly knit, software-wise. Dishnored 2 did not offer the same precision and stuttered like crazy and had very poor optimization on release thus it didn't allow for a skilled player to basically have FUN. Don't let these dishonored 2 "parkour" videos fool you because they are all calculated memorised routes, in Dishonored 1 you could improvise and make decisions based on split seconds, you can NOT do that in Dishonored 2.

  8. 5 months ago

    Some of Dishonored 2's QOL additions end up being detrimental in their implementation. The extra nonlethal tools are a great idea on paper, but in practice really just end up making lethal and nonlethal playthroughs much more homogeneous while also diminishing the importance of sleep darts and what little resource management there was as a result. The movement's also comparitively much more restrictive because of how they kneecapped the amount of directions you can sprint in and the amount of animations they added to actions which were instant in the first game.

    People also always handwave how unambiguously poor 2's writing, characters and worldbuilding etc. are by saying you don't play Dishonored for the story, but it emphasises those so much more than the first game that it impacts its level design in places too. Not even just unskippable cutscenes where Delilah retcons her own backstory unprompted, but also moments like being forced to encounter the Crown Killer before you can even start working on the cure for herfor example. No objectives in the first game are remotely as restrictive as that in terms of the order in which you can progress through them. The way you're constantly spoonfed unprompted answers to anything that was even a little bit open to interpretation in the first game (e.g. the Outsider's origin or who the Heart belongs to) coupled with how Emily and Corvo never shut the frick up is also distractingly out of step with how hands off the gameplay still ultimately is. It's so confused about what kind of game it wants to be.

    • 5 months ago

      >moments like being forced to encounter the Crown Killer before you can even start working on the cure for her for example.

      While it’s definitely true that the first game didn’t have as many moments like this, it did have some.

      Campbell doesn’t spawn in the map until you rescue Martin, for example, although 99.9% of players would never notice this.
      You also can’t get all paintings and Runes unless you’ve met both Granny Rags and Slackjaw, since Granny Rag’s lair in the sewers is blocked off unless you’ve met both characters at least once.

      On top of this, in the Daud DLCs, you can’t access the Textile Mill in The Dead Eels mission until AFTER you’ve eliminated the target.

    • 5 months ago

      very well put

  9. 5 months ago

    I've seen this exact thread before.

    • 5 months ago

      Dishonored 2 has some very vocal haters, me included. So much wasted potential...

    • 5 months ago

      >letting the archons know he can see the matrix

  10. 5 months ago

    sound like a you thing

  11. 5 months ago

    First game:
    >Hub area is a comfy rundown pub that feels like a small shelter in the midst of a hostile world. Said Hub is also filled with npcs with their own side stories and side quests. Hub area then becomes a hostile area in the late game for extra kino points.
    >get ferried to missions by a humble and likeable boatman who gives you the lowdown about your targets and the place you’re about to infiltrate based on rumours he’s heard.

    Second game:
    >Hub is a tiny, cramped boat with only 2 NPCs on it.
    >Ferryman for this game is a character from the first game’s DLC who betrayed you for selfish reasons and is very self-righteous.
    >Based Sokolov only ferries you to a mission once

    It’s a small thing, but this alone makes DH2 inferior to 1.

    • 5 months ago

      >Hub area then becomes a hostile area in the late game for extra kino points.
      This is such a kino trope.

    • 5 months ago

      wow the more I hear about dishonored 2
      the more cucked it sounds

    • 5 months ago

      >Kill Billie in Knife of Dunwall for being a traitorous b***h
      Here's your D2 Samuel bro
      >Kill Billie in D2 for being a traitorous b***h
      Here's your DotO protagonist bro
      Someone at Arkane really loved their OC huh

      • 5 months ago

        Billie is a weird character the more you think about her:

        >Is a black woman in a setting where black characters are rare (the only other black characters in the first game are some Bottlestreet gang members). The only way this makes any sense is if she’s not a native of Gristol, since blacks seem to come from Serkonos and other places.

        >Is canonically a lesbian (a bit more credible given the setting, but it seems odd how only her and Delilah are confirmed lesbians, and they seem to both be writer’s pets). Her tragic backstory is also tied to her dead lesbian lover.

        >Has a bizarre amount of plot armour despite the fact that she’s a pretty irrelevant character in the grand scheme of the plot.

        She’s like the Poochie of Dishonored. She’s obviously someone at Arkane’s favourite character, despite the fact that no one else really cares that much about her. She was tolerable and served her role adequately in Knife of Dunwall, but I never really cared about her beyond that, which makes the sequel’s obsession with her even more bizarre.

        I think what must have happened is that Dishonored really caught on with the Tumblr crowd (and I’m not even sure why), and as a result, said Tumblr crowd got hired to work on the sequels.

        • 5 months ago

          Black gay woman and disabled (depending on D2 timeline)
          Real subtle
          Originally DotO was designed with 2 protagonists as D2 was. Then the devs must have realised 99% of players would pick Daud and that was apparently a bad thing, maybe the voice actor wanted too much $

  12. 5 months ago

    It isn’t inferior. It’s the genuinely superior game.

  13. 5 months ago

    because the vapid concept of QoL is only important to soulless bugmen who dont understand creativity or art

  14. 5 months ago

    >90% of your tools are lethal
    >lethal leads to the bad ending
    Are they moronic?

    • 5 months ago

      so just don't use them

    • 5 months ago

      >waaahhh muh bad ending
      lmao shut up you childish dolt who cares

  15. 5 months ago

    Arkane died with Dishonored. No, Prey is shit.

    • 5 months ago

      No game puts me to sleep as much as prey did

      • 5 months ago

        Say it louder for the morons in the back. Frick the game for wasting my time at least five times.
        >dude Morgan I gotta meet you
        >sike Morgan you need to put on some weight first
        >alright morgan I'm gonna meet you for real now, go here
        >longest side quest later
        >nah couldn't trust you m8, you could've ripped my face off
        >meet me after you do [second longest side quest]
        >alright morga- oh no it's so joever we're so late morgan you gotta--
        >snap his neck
        >huh??? why'd you do that? are you secretly an alien??? huh, Morgan? okay I guess we'll try again boo hoo
        Fricking piece of shit smarmy writing. Yeah, it was cool finding the dyke outside the swimming pool all on my own, I'm sure that was the high point of all of your playthroughs too but I'm still seething after being led around like that. You don't even have a sit down conversation with the Russian love interest, like what the frick, I get it, I'm an alien, give me some agency so you can actually see how I'd react to people I'm supposed to know.
        Anyway, whatever.

  16. 5 months ago

    Forcing the game to have a female protagonist because you got mad at people saying games with female protagonists sell less, only to then have your game with a female protagonist sell less and review worse is deliciously hilarious.

    • 5 months ago

      But Dishonored 2 doesn’t have a forced female protagonist. You’re given a choice.

      In fact, I’m willing to bet that they originally planned to have Emily be the sole protagonist, but then added Corvo in after realising that fans probably really wanted to play as him again.

      • 5 months ago

        what a terrible decision. they could have just kept their character that seels more, spend less money and build character recognition/appreciation further

        • 5 months ago

          Tbf, Corvo’s story was pretty much done after the first game and having Emily follow in his footsteps was a pretty logical step and something that the first game made hints towards.

          I like that they had both options and that they both have their own unique abilities. The bigger missed opportunity IMO, is that whichever character you don’t play as gets put out of commission for the entire game.

          I wanted some more father-daughter bonding scenes and have the two of them go on an adventure together.

          • 5 months ago

            This, the prologue should've been longer, basically just save the other character and dick around with them on the boat.
            >Emily/Corvo training missions
            >Corvo giving you mission briefings by boat ride
            >have the other save you occasionally and have more of an impact on the plot
            Frick it could've been so kino. I would go back in time and stab that israeli frick and go sit down and write all of these as a memo on Arkane's whiteboard or some shit. Why did it go so wrong bros

          • 5 months ago

            there's never any reason to replace a known character with a good visual design that appeals to teens and new players, with a good mask design (which got ruined in dishonored 2 btw), that can gain recognition and occupy people's minds further as an ad for your games, with anything. They should have kept it forever. As for the story you can always make something. They shouldn't cry if they don't sell games if they re not gonna make rational decisions. Im sure fathers would love your stuff but new players you re trying to draw to your playerbase, mainly teen boys, dont give a frick about that. They want to see a cool badass dude wrecking shit.

            • 5 months ago

              >They want to see a cool badass dude wrecking shit.
              What are some good games for this?

              • 5 months ago


              • 5 months ago

                Judge Dredd: Dredd vs Death
                Max Payne 2
                Wolfenstein TNO and Old Blood (TNC leans hard into bullshit)
                Just Cause 2 (Rico seems lamer as the games go on)

      • 5 months ago

        Yes, you can pick but I am willing to bet instead that all of the powers and abilities that were split among two characters were originally just going to be given to Corvo, but then they neutered him and took away half his shit to force a female character into the game. Still sold less and reviewed worse.

  17. 5 months ago

    >How is this even possible?
    it's more of teh same
    even if it plays better in the end it doesnt do much to be different

  18. 5 months ago

    >I’ve replayed the first game countless times, but I’ve only played the second once.
    I've replayed the 2nd one more because you have better abilities and the first game looks ugly as shit

  19. 5 months ago

    I bought the dlc recently I guess it’s time for a replay

  20. 5 months ago

    >tfw beat 2 on PS4 years ago with both characres
    >get a powerful PC and want to replay it at 60fps this time
    >don't want to grind the abilities all over again
    one day cross save will be a thing

  21. 5 months ago

    I loved everything about Dishonored 2 except the writing.
    The 'spirit' of Dishonored is missing in 2. Believable villains compelled by believable forces are replaced with Marvel tier quiplords who have absolutely no stopping power. Sitting here now I can barely remember this absolute fricking boring cast of nobodies.
    Even the outsider was ruined. He goes from a mysterious immortal with an odd way of speaking to a band kid waxxing poetic with his arms flailing around on stage.

  22. 5 months ago


    • 5 months ago

      Oh get the frick outta here fricking Arkane, they really did die after Dishonored.

    • 5 months ago

      >abducting an evil and heartless woman and placing her in a rape dungeon where she lives in relative comfort despite her lack of freedom is BAD

      >cutting out the tongues of some equally evil men and forcing them to be worked to death in their own mines is fine though

      Why the double standard? The whole point of the non-lethal methods is that they’re meant to be cruel poetic justice.

      • 5 months ago

        I don't think that's what he was trying to point out. It's not so much of a poetic justice anymore when the slave b***h just gets to own everything he has and basically reset everything you did.

        • 5 months ago

          That’s what I mean. It’s an awful decision to try and retcon Lady Boyle’s non-lethal fate because god forbid something bad happens to a female target in an edgy assassin game.

          That was what it was REALLY about. Some people were screeching about it being misogynistic, despite the fact that the entire point is that you’re subjecting this woman to a cruel fate as punishment for her being an accessory to high treason and regicide.

          IDK about anyone else, but the sequels feel way more sanitised than the original too. The original game was genuinely very grim and edgy, but the sequels just feel faux-edgy— Like they’re trying to be edgy while dancing around more controversial social issues like rape or genuine discrimination.

      • 5 months ago

        rape is seen as worse than murder in western society

  23. 5 months ago

    I've tried to play it many times since I got it but for some reason I stop playing after the opening sequence every single time

    • 5 months ago

      I stop when I get to the island, I like the summer Greek setting a lot but something about the game makes me ill.

  24. 5 months ago

    No powers runs dogshit compared to the blink runs of the first game, 2 isn't designed without blink so theres shit in unreachable spots and the ai pathways dont' take into consideration no power ghost runs, so good fricking luck repeating the same shitty area 100+ times just to get through without being seen

  25. 5 months ago

    Karnaca is fricking garbage compared to Dunwall
    Dishonored 1 also feels more responsive than 2

    • 5 months ago

      Karnaca would be more interesting if it had more unique things about it.

      They rehashed a plague again,
      They rehashed a tyrannical ruler again,
      They rehashed gangs and class conflict again

      It just makes Karnaca feel like “Dunwall, but sunny”.

      Hopefully, Dishonored 3 will be in Tyvia, so we can get something truly unique.

      • 5 months ago

        hopefully there is no dishonored 3 so the franchise isn't raped further

  26. 5 months ago

    >your threadly reminder that the VA for Outsider from 1 got dropped from the sequel for having the xbox gamertag troonydestroyer
    I've been jannied so can't post the pic

  27. 5 months ago

    Daud was the Best and he is not on the sequel

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