Serious question. Not trying to start shit. What are your genuine reasons for disliking Windows?

Serious question. Not trying to start shit.

What are your genuine reasons for disliking Windows? I've been a Windows user since 1994 and I genuinely don't have the motivation to switch to anything else.
I understand part of that is because it's what I'm used to and I'd need to put effort into learning something different, but I also just don't have a use-case to change.

In a sense, my question really is: Should I seek out reasons to make the change to Linux, or can I trust that the OS I've been using for almost 30 years will continue to function the way I want it to?

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  1. 8 months ago

    Windows OS is spyware. Mac OS too

    • 8 months ago

      >I've been a Windows user since 1994 and I genuinely don't have the motivation to switch to anything else.
      Probably because you don't know what you could be using outside of Windows (and MacOS, but it doesn't count, we are all gamers here).
      >What are your genuine reasons for disliking Windows?
      Forced updates
      Baked in shitty software that has easy find better alternatives. See: Groove
      News in the search, pic related
      Windows Registry is an obtuse and hard to work with piece of shit
      Spyware, like said, but this doesn't bother me too much. I don't care if someone at M$ is looking at my e-girlcon, I'm only happy to share.
      Probably some other reasons, but I don't remember right now.

      • 8 months ago

        I think most people itt hit the nail on the head, especially I used windows for most of my life, but I only used 10 for two years before I switched to linux. I was so fricking tired of starting my PC and getting that "HEY FRICKING SWITCH TO 11 homosexual" every day. Switching from 7 to 10 (basically being forced to do so since they were stopping service updates) wasn't so bad, but being forced to update whenever they wanted me to among other things listed was. Yeah, I had to get used to a new system and file structure, but I know that this is MY PC and I will do what I want with it. And since most games work on Linux now through either proton or wine, there's literally no point in having windows unless you absolutely need it for work or just don't like tinkering and figuring shit out.

        • 8 months ago

          >I was so fricking tired of starting my PC and getting that "HEY FRICKING SWITCH TO 11 homosexual" every day
          morons who refuse to do basic shit, like turn off notifications, just further cement the fact that Linux is only a "not like the other girls" activity box.
          Linux isn't for people who want to use a computer, Linux is for people who want to use Linux.

          • 8 months ago

            It wasn't the notification bar notification, it was the giant startup one that you get for logging in. To me, that just says that if I'm going to switch to anything, it should be linux and that 10 will be shut down sometime soon, so may as well get used to Linux in that time. 10 is trash all around and I will not miss it. Also it's quicker and easier to switch to linux than it is to shut off auto updates.

            • 8 months ago

              >It wasn't the notification bar notification, it was the giant startup one that you get for logging in
              >Also it's quicker and easier to switch to linux than it is to shut off auto updates
              ok, moron

            • 8 months ago

              >it was the giant startup one that you get for logging in.
              You get that message once a year at best, don't give me that. I've had the message a whole two times since W11 was rolled out and the only time I'm ever asked is when I go to the updates it's on the right side saying I'm "Ready to upgrade to W11" and nothing else. Where are you people getting these magical daily notifications?

              • 8 months ago

                This one, I got this at some point nearly every fricking time I booted up my PC.
                >just stop updates, bro
                I did and I still got it.

              • 8 months ago

                I have literally never gotten that since W11 started getting pushed at all and I have updates going all the time. The only time it was ever pushed on me, like I said, was those two times after I did an update where it brought me to the setup screen kind of like this and asked if I wanted to do it before leaving me alone.

              • 8 months ago

                I'm using Windows 10 right now (not a Windows proponent, though), and I don't recall ever having seen that popup. It's possible that I saw it once.

              • 8 months ago

                Your PC doesn't have the required TPM module that Win11 requires for its DRM bullshit.

      • 8 months ago

        >Forced updates
        >Baked in shitty software that has easy find better alternatives. See: Groove
        >News in the search, pic related
        >Windows Registry is an obtuse and hard to work with piece of shit
        These are my reasons, together with the outright lie that W10 would be the last ever windows. I just don't trust microsoft anymore
        It's too bad that everyone else is worse.

    • 8 months ago

      How so? Assuming you don't store anything in onedrive, how would anyone at Microsoft be able to view your files?

      >I've been a Windows user since 1994 and I genuinely don't have the motivation to switch to anything else.
      Probably because you don't know what you could be using outside of Windows (and MacOS, but it doesn't count, we are all gamers here).
      >What are your genuine reasons for disliking Windows?
      Forced updates
      Baked in shitty software that has easy find better alternatives. See: Groove
      News in the search, pic related
      Windows Registry is an obtuse and hard to work with piece of shit
      Spyware, like said, but this doesn't bother me too much. I don't care if someone at M$ is looking at my e-girlcon, I'm only happy to share.
      Probably some other reasons, but I don't remember right now.

      All of those are good points, but they can all be disabled. I understand it's an extra step, but is that a lot to do when you only have to do it upon a fresh install?

      I just dont want ads in my start menu sorry

      Could you give me an example? Outside of the pre-installed apps that you can just remove once you get into a new installation of Windows, I have never seen an ad in my start menu. I'm on Windows 11 if that helps.

      to put it simply
      windows takes control from the user, they won't even let users change the position of the dock anymore. It's clear that obfuscating ownership and spying are coming before having a good OS.
      Also my games work on linux, so i lose very little.

      also if you're really unsure, just try linux on an old laptop, it will give the old laptop new life and let you try it without losing windows.

      >It's clear that obfuscating ownership and spying are coming before having a good OS.
      I think this is where my confusion lies. I don't understand how a newly designed taskbar and start menu "Obfuscates ownership."

      • 8 months ago

        It takes features for no good reason, also it was a simple example, but a big one in that, there is no reason to take that control.
        On linux if a Desktop went to shit, you could opt out of it.

        • 8 months ago

          >On linux if a Desktop went to shit, you could opt out of it.
          Couldn't the devs of whatever distro you're using just force an update through?
          Wouldn't you have to change your entire OS to "Opt out" of an update once your distro's devs want to add/remove a feature?

          • 8 months ago

            no on the first one, no distro i know of is able to do forced updates, even the worst ones never stoop that low.
            and you can change the DE if they mess with it, also changing distros is relatively painless cause you can migrate what are known as dotfiles, which keep your configs. So it would be like nothing changed (in a good way). So even in the worst case scenario it's not a big deal.
            There are even updated forks of old desktops to use (like MATE for GNOME2), so even if your favorite isn't around, you can easily pick up the next best thing.

      • 8 months ago

        CPUs have backdoors at the hardware level. Even if you somehow made your own CPU you would have to stay off the internet entirely. Look up the NSA buildings with no windows

        • 8 months ago

          Wouldn't Linux be just as vulnerable to that if it's on the CPU?

          • 8 months ago

            Yes, but it gives you more options atleast.

        • 8 months ago

          >CPUs have backdoors at the hardware level. Even if you somehow made your own CPU you would have to stay off the internet entirely.
          if you made your own then of course you would make it without backdoors
          also, time to talk about some video games on Linux
          I have been playing some Dark Forces II: Jedi Knight

      • 8 months ago

        Because every iteration bloats the system with more and more useless bullshit that no one asked for. Said bloat increases the system requirements while making the operating system preform worse as a whole.

        Because each iteration of the system takes away more control, customisation and personalisation. Making repairs, mods and troubleshooting more difficult than they need to be. Error messages are becoming more and more vague, no longer will the an error message tell what the problem is. You get some random code and you have to crawl through support forums just to figure out what's wrong. This is before you can even get started on fixing the issue.

        Because each iteration comes with more and more intrusive spyware. Not only does this spyware use up my hardware and network resources, but it's also a massive invasion of my privacy that leave my personal information at the mercy of hackers because these companies have absolutely garbage cyber security.
        >hurr they don't care about your personal data
        If they didn't care, then they wouldn't of gone to such great lengths to develop and implement all of this spyware in the first place.
        If they didn't care then you'd not only be able to turn all of this spyware off, but you'd be able to delete it off your computer entirely.

        >Assuming you don't store anything in onedrive, how would anyone at Microsoft be able to view your files?
        Remember when Apple and U2 collaborated to forcibly download U2's latest (at the time) album onto everyone's Apple device without warning or the device owners permission? Everyone just woke up one day with the new U2 album on their personal apple device, regardless on weather they wanted it or not. Apple isn't the only company with that kind of backdoor hard coded into their OS and if you think that backdoor only goes one way then you are in for a rude awakening.

      • 8 months ago

        The issue is that even if it could be disabled, there are tons and tons of caveats. Say you want to cut back on the shitton of telemetry on Windows because itnslows down your system, but want security updates? You're shit out ofnluck and there is no simple method of ensuring or checkingbwhat has and hasn't been turned back on, so either you don't update and risk bad security or you do and slow your system down since you haven't been able to pick and choose your updates since win8.1. Thats just a small example but many many annoyances trickle through until its just death by a thousand cuts.
        Even if Linux isn't perfect NAD has its own fair share of upkeep, I don't have to fight it every step of the way just to do exactly what I want it to do. I'm in control and not the other way around.

      • 8 months ago

        >when you only have to do it upon a fresh install?
        This isn't true. Both telemetry and news in the search have been changed multiple times over through updates and had to be changed through different means.
        "You can just disable the things you don't like" is infinitely more true for Linux than for Windows.

    • 8 months ago

      homie if u connected to internet you spied upon no matter what kind of operating system you fancy

    • 8 months ago

      >Muh freedom
      >Uses Ubuntu
      >Installs Steam
      >Has a youtube account
      >Uses google search
      >Uses Ganker
      >Installs addons on his browser
      >Downloads torrents without VPN
      Just say you're a contrarian.

    • 8 months ago

      And? You're not interesting, I'm not interesting. Nobody is sifting through our daily tasks. Every app and website just wants to know congregate data across millions of users.

      You lose nothing from being spied on, and gain nothing from hiding. You are a lot more extra busywork just to hide your data which doesn't matter.

      • 8 months ago

        >now let me tell you about how your privacy isn't important and how you shouldn't care
        If it's not important either way there's no reason fine here to tell people how it's not important you fricking glowie

      • 8 months ago

        When you're taking a shit what your doing is not important, everyone knows why you go to the toilet, but you close your door, you don't shit on the public place like a fricking pajeet because you want privacy.

        I simply don't want people to know the stuff I do or like or it being leaked online because some moron doesn't know how to secure a server.
        Why even post here as anonymous and not just roll out here all your data for us? What do you have to lose?

        • 8 months ago

          Everywhere you click on a website is tracked, even where your mouse is resting, that's tracked.
          All I'm saying is that it's futile.

          • 8 months ago

            I know I can't be 100% anonymous, the gov can do whatever they want. But there are things you can do between faking your death and living in the middle of the woods and installing on you and your home every gayMAN smart device.

            It's kinda like a having a high res picture of you and blurring it so there's less and less details you can see. I know I won't get a single color canvas, but I can try to remove as much detail as I am able and comfortable with.

            • 8 months ago

              I don't know why the apathetic insist on making others apathetic as well

      • 8 months ago

        Everywhere you click on a website is tracked, even where your mouse is resting, that's tracked.
        All I'm saying is that it's futile.

        Learned Helplessness at its finest here

        Just because you can't control everything doesn't mean you shouldn't make strides to do so.

      • 8 months ago

        >Nobody is sifting through our daily tasks.
        the AI algorithms are and have all the data ready in any chance you become an interesting person

  2. 8 months ago


  3. 8 months ago

    I just dont want ads in my start menu sorry

  4. 8 months ago

    to put it simply
    windows takes control from the user, they won't even let users change the position of the dock anymore. It's clear that obfuscating ownership and spying are coming before having a good OS.
    Also my games work on linux, so i lose very little.

    also if you're really unsure, just try linux on an old laptop, it will give the old laptop new life and let you try it without losing windows.

    • 8 months ago

      Why is customization so important? When I was a teen in decorated everything to feel special but now everything is just a tool and there's no benefit from moving things around when they're in the right place to begin with. That way you can log on to any computer and know where everything is.

      • 8 months ago

        Because some people like customizing their systems and having more options to do so is objectively a good thing?

  5. 8 months ago

    >What are your genuine reasons for disliking Windows?
    fricking security manager or whatever that annoying popup is that you get the first time you want to change practically any setting
    and then you go into options for that and set it to "never ask me this shit again your annoying frick", and then IT FRICKING POPS UP AGAIN when you want to confirm your choice
    it's a bloated mess that would make my computer run even worse than it already does
    I switched to Linux around the time of Windows Vista, which was what, 2007?
    got really used to the virtual desktops, which I enjoyed for quite a few years before Windows got them in Windows 10

    • 8 months ago

      I know, man... even when you deliberately disable an annoying feature, it will bring it back after an update and they think that by having the courtesy of talking to you about it, it'll be somehow less offensive. I disabled the search bar in the down left corner (windows 10) since forever because it's pointless, since you can search even without it being there, you can just type what you want after you click at the start button, but then they brought it back after some dumb update and were all like: "We re-enabled the search bar for you. We hope you like it." that shit pisses me off to no end... the sheer amount of BLOAT that the OS have in it out of the box is insane. It's constant nagging about edge, microsoft account, xbox, suggestions, candy crush and etc... The nail in the coffin last week was when It updated and would give me a bsod unless I disabled avast completely. Then I just said frick it and installed Pop_Os! It's cool and all but I'm thinking about chanting it to something else. It crashes on No Man's Sky and my Heroic (epic store) games won't save and I can't find solution to it.

  6. 8 months ago

    >or can I trust that the OS I've been using for almost 30 years will continue to function the way I want it to?
    As soon as you "upgrade" from 7 and basic functions start failing you frequently, you'll understand.

    • 8 months ago

      I'm on windows 11

      • 8 months ago

        Then you already know Windows breaks on you far more often than Linux.

      • 8 months ago

        Holy cuck. Sorry lad, the brain rot has set in, you're beyond help.

  7. 8 months ago

    Becoming more predatory every new release.

  8. 8 months ago

    It's an endless amount of little niggles combined with the various things that make people hate MS. You look at your shiny new Win XP desktop. You look into the customization options, only to find an arbitrarily restrictive set of colours for no reason. You wait, surely 7 will be better- yet it forces that uneven translucency shit because muh Aero, despite it being ugly and useless. You set a colour, crank opacity up as high as you can- but the Windows logo remains for the Start button, as ugly as ever. Set all that aside. Suppose I want to watch a movie or something while I finish up some task. I want to keep the movie window on top, obviously, no need to have it obscured by Notepad or whatever-but it's simply not an option! None of these basic, easy things are problems on your average Linux distro. Then you have MS constantly making things worse- normalgays are scared by informative BSoDs, change it to UWU SOMEFING BWOKE :(. Normalgays prefer phones, let's change to some half-assed phablet UI! Forced updates, forced spyware, gay ass horseshit everyone hates, bloat out the ass. I stick Xubuntu on some old shit netbook to try it out before sticking it on a brand new laptop, and suddenly the decaying old thing is more responsive than the new Windows machine. I start using Xubuntu more, I get used to the conveniences, the more pleasant UI, the fricking package manager. I go back to Windows at some point and now everything's a chore. But it also keeps getting worse.

    • 8 months ago

      based. i hate linux but your arguments are extremely solid

  9. 8 months ago

    I don't like it, my reasons are too numerous and/or personal to list here.
    Dont switch if you don't want to, no one cares.

  10. 8 months ago

    Another avenue cropped up and I've had a steaming turd waiting for Microsoft due to the fact that the security on their software is dogshit, and constantly need to update. Plus I lost an email account tied to live with no way of gaining access and had to make a whole new one with gmail way back when.

    I took the leap of faith to Linux Mint and realized it was less of a leap of faith and more like an anticipated step down the stairs, but you're already down the entire way so you kind of just catch yourself.

    Linux has made it almost moron proof on actually using their distros due to fact that you can basically run almost game on Wine/Proton, and there are Linux ports or equivalents of all the shit you use outside of gaming.

    It does make it harder for your friends to play games with you since if there's some troubleshooting involved, it will certainly frick the idea away, but that's in cases where the game as some kind of anti-cheat that ABSOLUTELY CANNOT RUN ON ANYTHING BUT WINDOWS. That's neither here nor there, it's smooth, efficient, and does what I expect it to do.

  11. 8 months ago

    i want control over MY pc.
    i don't want ads on my fricking pc.
    i don't like being spied.
    i don't want bloat.
    i don't want forced updates.

  12. 8 months ago

    I switched from Windows 7 to Linux two years ago because i got tired of MS bullshit. Windows has been going downhill for a long time but the way they handled everything post 7 just pissed me off.
    >Windows 8 happens
    >tablet OS without Start Menu
    >shit performance and ugly
    >skip it and stick to 7 assuming this is just another frick up like the initial Vista release
    >8.1 basically just adds the Start Menu back but the thing remains ass
    >wait for Windows 10
    >it gets announced
    >now they try to force this account shit on me
    >Cortana spyware trash
    >the Start Menu is the same shitty one they put into Windows 8 and terrible to navigate
    >still decide to stick with 7 to see how things develop over time
    >all PCs at my work get upgraded from 7 to 10
    >have to work with it every day from that point on
    >it's shit
    >suddenly certain games like Yakuza stop working on my Windows 7 Home PC cause i lack the requirements
    >decide to give openSUSE a try instead after buying new parts
    >everything i wanna play works
    >play Yakuza 7 like i originally wanted to with no downsides, no crashes, just a great experience that i would have expected on Windows
    >never look back

  13. 8 months ago

    It's spyware
    Most of my non-game software works off of it
    I'm not relying on some crack that may or may not be supplied by microsoft themselves
    I haven't liked how windows looked since XP
    I got sick of windows 8.1 deleting some of my windows store downloads AND downloading shit I didn't want
    Sick of the windows store asserting elevated privileges over software that was downloaded that made management of them annoying
    I just don't like microsoft
    It's easier to set up linux than windows, and I mean, actually fully set up which is including defanging windows and/or installing all my bullshit

    • 8 months ago

      And when I say "most of my non-game software" works on it.
      I don't mean my games don't.
      Because they do.

  14. 8 months ago

    Linux at least has the decency to spy on me subtly

  15. 8 months ago

    For me it was Windows becoming more and more bloatware. Tons of processes that I don't know what do, that I cannot shut down without shutting down entire OS, ram being taken away by who knows what process, some sneaky options deep within settings that slow down the PC and internet etc. I had the feeling of not really "owning" my PC, just using it because there was just so much going on in the background without my knowledge or approval.
    With Linux I can mix and match individual packages I want on my PC, I don't have to install anything that I do not approve of and I can customize it to my heart content.
    Should you switch? I dunno, despite Proton being some serious dark magic compared to piece of shit that old Wine used to be Windows is still better OS just for gaming. Linux is NOT for people that have vidja games as their main hobby - Linux is for people that like to mess around with stuff on their PC as a hobby. Yes the big part of that is gaming but also just general OS tinkering, optimization, trying out different apps, learning new tricks etc.

    • 8 months ago

      They're called programs, zoomie.

      • 8 months ago

        It's also a shorthand for "application" which has been PC terminology for quite a while now.
        But I admit zoomie language has probably infested my brain by now so I can communicate successfully with my younger work colleges. And I'm afraid it's terminal, there is no cure for me.

    • 8 months ago

      >Linux is NOT for people that have vidja games as their main hobby
      I disagree
      Gaming on Linux has really had a boom in functionality thanks to the Steam Deck. The only games I've given up with the switch from Windows is CoD and Destiny 2. Halo Infinite may or may not work given whatever the frick update 343 decides to push, but Halo MCC works perfectly.

      • 8 months ago

        The only multiplayer games you have there are FFXIV and Halo MCC
        Those are like the only two multiplayer games that work on Linux

        • 8 months ago

          Incorrect. Those are just the ones I've installed.

        • 8 months ago

          Incorrect. Those are just the ones I've installed.

          Final list. Keep in mind these are just the game I personally own.

          • 8 months ago

            Only one I noticed

            • 8 months ago

              Frick. Thanks anon.

        • 8 months ago

          >any Afps
          >any valve game
          >many of the older cods
          >sea of thieves
          and many many more

          • 8 months ago

            Bad news buddy

            • 8 months ago

              people on linux just use the windows version with proton, not ideal, but the worst thing is that you may need to copy the save over.

        • 8 months ago

          Just played some Titanfall 2, CS2 last week-end, and I also played some For Honor and Ghost Recon Breakpoint with a friend a month ago.

          I also had great fun playing with friends some project zomboid.

          You might want to take a look about a few examples:

        • 8 months ago

          FFXIV actually doesn't work on linux, you have to use XIVlauncher because the official launcher is some internet explorer abomination that wine can't render properly.

          Anyway I play monster hunter, planetside, terraria, tf2, all Larian games, 20XX, 30XX, and Path of Exile just fine. For multiplayer games, anyway.

      • 8 months ago

        Sure but there is still handful that will not work. I'm not sure if LoL for example is playable due to their kernel level anti-cheat, I remember that being an issue for a while, not sure if it still is.
        Regardless, while Steam Deck has Linux distro preinstalled with all setup already done, for PC you will be expected to tinker a bit with it. And I think you will have just in general better experience with Linux if you like the tinkering process in the first place. People that use their PC like a gaming console where they expect to just turn it on a play the game might be disappointed with the experience.
        But yes I'll 100% agree that gaming on Linux nowadays is massively easier that it used to be even 5 or 10 years ago and it might be the best time to try it out now with the huge support Steam is giving it.

        • 8 months ago

          I have no interest in downloading or using Steam. Is Linux still viable?

          • 8 months ago


          • 8 months ago

            Yeah. You'd just use Lutris, Bottles, or Heroic instead.

          • 8 months ago

            Piracy stuff works just fine on linux, and sometimes is even necessary.

          • 8 months ago

            Other launchers like Lutris works fine but getting Proton is almost a must because it has much better compatibility than Wine. The easiest way of obtaining it is through Steam but you can get it through other means too.

          • 8 months ago

            Yeah, you can just download games from GoG and double click them.

            • 8 months ago

              Are those exe installers and windows versions?

              • 8 months ago

                Some games on GOG provide native builds. I've never had difficulties running Windows builds through Wine or Proton, but admittedly if I'm getting a game off GOG it's more often to grab the data for a native sourceport or to run in my native DOSBox install.

  16. 8 months ago

    I used Windows 10 LTSC for four years until it would update and break my graphics driver (AMD). To fix it I would have to reinstall the driver, forcing me to restart my PC twice. It did this several times a week despite me going through at least four different update menus and disabling updates relevant to this issue, following a guide on the Microsoft website.
    After getting tired of this I switched to Linux Mint and I've had no technical issues since. Not had any issue with running games either natively or via Proton. I still have to use Windows 10 on my work laptop and it's such a slow and inconsistent piece of shit, I'd change it but it's not my property, and of course all my accounts are tied up with the OS installation itself.

    • 8 months ago

      Oh yeah my work laptop also gives me occasional popups asking if I would recommend a Windows laptop to others.

  17. 8 months ago

    Just be a man and install the fricking penguin

  18. 8 months ago

    >Not trying to start shit.

  19. 8 months ago

    For me it was because Windows started to feel like it was actively working against me all the time. Auto-updates at inconvenient times, re-enabling garbage like onedrive without asking, useless desktop notifications and constant hard drive activity making everything sluggish I was still on a HDD back when I switched. And sure, you can fix most of these issues and then never update the system again so your changes don't get reverted, I know W10 can be somewhat tolerable, but I also know it won't last forever and Windows is only becoming worse with each version.
    When Linux sucks, it's almost always due to a lack of 3rd party support, but that can become better over time. When Windows sucks, it's due to Microsoft and there's not a damn thing you can do about it.
    >can I trust that the OS I've been using for almost 30 years will continue to function the way I want it to?
    I wouldn't count on that.

  20. 8 months ago

    Windows doesn't have GNOME simple as

    • 8 months ago

      What does Gnome have over KDE currently?

      • 8 months ago

        >doesn't krash
        >properly supports wayland
        >designed for keyboard oriented workflows while not being some buggy troon wm
        >GNOME circle

      • 8 months ago

        Windows doesn't have GNOME simple as

        >doesn't krash
        >properly supports wayland
        >designed for keyboard oriented workflows while not being some buggy troon wm
        >GNOME circle

        >extensions crash every minor update
        >new thumbnails only load AFTER opening the folder again

        those are my problems with it

    • 8 months ago

      Seia is so adorable, I love the way she can't make any sound.

    • 8 months ago

      But that is a reason to actually use windows. Gas the footgays now!

  21. 8 months ago

    >What are your genuine reasons for disliking Windows?
    Registry kinda sucks, too much OS overhead for some of my dev work to be as comfy as Linux, and plenty of the reasons listed by other anons. I still play some games exclusively on Windows, however.
    >Should I seek out reasons to make the change to Linux
    Probably not a complete switch, but there's no reason not to play around with it in a virtual machine to familiarize yourself with it before you install it (dual boot if you're not ready to abandon Windows).

  22. 8 months ago

    Bloat, ugly design, and M$ forcing shit on you (no, I don't want these audio drivers that make my system crash). Honestly, if you didn't feel anything when Windows 10 came out Linux isn't for you. Windows 7 was the last good Windows. I only moved to Linux a couple of years ago because that's when the gaming support REALLY started getting better.

  23. 8 months ago

    Ok I want to try linux. What distro is the best?

    • 8 months ago

      >Ok I want to try linux.

      >What distro is the best
      Arch, but don't try Arch.
      Use Mint or Nobara to get a feel for things first. Only move on to Arch if you feel like you need to or feel like you would have fun tinkering with it.

    • 8 months ago

      distro is not a big deal, always use what works best for you, but generally arch is the best one, alibiet not the most newbie friendly, though you can use endeavor if you want to jump to arch immediately.

    • 8 months ago


    • 8 months ago

      try ubuntu

    • 8 months ago

      Arch and Debian are the best. Fedora is up there too.

      Good starters are Nobara and PopOS, maybe Endeavour if you want to get into Arch.

  24. 8 months ago

    I love windows 7 and i think it's the perfect OS, but instead of making a better windows, microsoft made several worse versions of it and forced you to use it.
    So i have to use linux to get something that is as nearly as good but actually supported by the software.
    Android envy killed windows.

  25. 8 months ago

    Unnecessary bloat.

    • 8 months ago

      >every applications needs at least one other application in order to run
      lol, yeah, it's windows that has bloat problems

      • 8 months ago

        Fricking what?

        • 8 months ago

          >linux user
          >doesn't understand communication

      • 8 months ago

        hello sir

      • 8 months ago

        Unless you're talking about a cartridge game, that's how it works.
        Even playstation games need the bios to run.

      • 8 months ago

        >linux user
        >doesn't understand communication

        What program does Spotify, Steam, Google Chrome, or Discord require to function correctly on Linux?

        • 8 months ago

          >complains about bloat
          >simps for Spotify, Steam, Google Chrome, and Discord

          • 8 months ago
            • 8 months ago

              >linux user doesn't understand idiom

              • 8 months ago
              • 8 months ago

                >linux user thinks doing the same thing wrong twice will make it work

              • 8 months ago
        • 8 months ago

          The linux kernel, x11 (or wayland if you're moronic), and several libraries. also the google chrome engine on all of em

          • 8 months ago

            >The linux kernel
            That's the fricking OS, you god damned moron. Try running fricking anything on Windows without FRICKING WINDOWS

            >x11 (or wayland if you're moronic)
            First, wayland is better than X11. Second, you don't need it to RUN anything. You need it to display things.

            >and several libraries
            Yes. Where as Windows bloats its files and installations by requiring the programs you install to come packaged with all of their requirements, Linux allows every program to pull from the same installation of a needed library. This cuts out massive amounts of bloat.

            >also the google chrome engine on all of em
            Chromium is a library. It gets pulled the first time it's required and then all programs that require it use that single install. On Windows each program would come packaged with it's own copy.

            • 8 months ago

              >understands file directories
              >doesn't understand most of the world has neither the time nor the temperament to frick around with file directories all day

              • 8 months ago

                You don't have to frick with anything. Your package manager does it all for you.

              • 8 months ago

                >you don''t have to manage your files
                >you just have to manage a file manager

              • 8 months ago

                sudo pacman -S [Thing you want to download]

                Oh god! It's so much management! How will I ever manage to type a single fricking command!? Linux is so much work!

              • 8 months ago

                >right-click, save as
                >or drag and drop
                >why would anyone do something so simple
                >when they can remember command lines that barely infer their purpose

              • 8 months ago

                >right-click, save as
                >or drag and drop
                You can do that on Linux too.

              • 8 months ago


              • 8 months ago
              • 8 months ago

                That's Chrome, not Linux.

              • 8 months ago


              • 8 months ago

                That's a DE, not Linux

              • 8 months ago

                Okay, now you're just shitposting.

              • 8 months ago

                He was doing that the whole time

              • 8 months ago

                Not him but holy shit, I love the icon theme. What's the name of it?

              • 8 months ago


              • 8 months ago

                How did you proceed to install the icons with success? I know how to do that, I just wanna learn the steps so I can be sure I'm not fricking it up myself.

                looks like faenza, I use papyrus myself but would likely use buuf if it had more icons
                >if you can't have perfect privacy you should show your gaping butthole to everyone
                privacy absolutists are so fricking moronic, if you have the option to use two things and only one takes your data why would you go out of your way to use the other if the one you pick covers your usecase? Nothing in this life is perfect but that doesn't mean you shouldn't strive to do better.

                Not that I use ubuntu (though their telemetry is opt-in and can be turned off), or google services, the only addons I have are ublock and sidebery (which doesn't require internet access), steam only knows of what you do with the client compared to having access to your files or browsing history, and I don't torrent shit without a vpn.

                Papyrus looks like flatshit. Not really my cup of tea.

              • 8 months ago

                looks like faenza, I use papyrus myself but would likely use buuf if it had more icons

                >Muh freedom
                >Uses Ubuntu
                >Installs Steam
                >Has a youtube account
                >Uses google search
                >Uses Ganker
                >Installs addons on his browser
                >Downloads torrents without VPN
                Just say you're a contrarian.

                >if you can't have perfect privacy you should show your gaping butthole to everyone
                privacy absolutists are so fricking moronic, if you have the option to use two things and only one takes your data why would you go out of your way to use the other if the one you pick covers your usecase? Nothing in this life is perfect but that doesn't mean you shouldn't strive to do better.

                Not that I use ubuntu (though their telemetry is opt-in and can be turned off), or google services, the only addons I have are ublock and sidebery (which doesn't require internet access), steam only knows of what you do with the client compared to having access to your files or browsing history, and I don't torrent shit without a vpn.

              • 8 months ago

                >double click it and it just runs, no install, no typing, no nothing in all platforms

            • 8 months ago

              But you do need other programs to run programs, not only on linux but on windows and MS-DOS and basically anything that is not a cartridge system, excluding systems that can't run code directly from it, like the DS and up or nintendo 64.

            • 8 months ago

              >wayland is better than X11
              >forced composition
              >forced vs*nc
              Black person

              • 8 months ago

                X11 is a rotting corpse.

              • 8 months ago

                it's also the only thing that works with the most popular brand of graphics cards
                so until nvidia gets off their ass and fixes their drivers, that corpse is here to stay

              • 8 months ago

                Nvidia is under 20% of Linux users, and modern Nvidia hardware is under 10%.
                Seems like most users know Nvidia isn't working to solve their problems.
                Won't be too long until Nvidia in the Linux market looks like AMD in the Windows market.

  26. 8 months ago

    A Windows update broke my whole system in 2014. Decided to switch to Linux because i was extremely pissed off. 4 years of Multiboot but almost never booted Windows, so i got rid of Windows completely in 2018. Very happy i did.

  27. 8 months ago

    >What are your genuine reasons for disliking Windows?
    >UWP shits
    >lgbt and israelite stuff in start menu
    >forced updates
    >You can't uninstall some stuff (Hi-Rez launcher)
    >Less customization
    Things I love about Linux:
    >KDE gives better customization
    >Sometimes proton gives better performance
    >gamescope doesn't let game mess with my main resolution and gives pixel and aspect ratio perfect upscale
    >Some FOSS linux only programs are better like Kdenlive, Ark, gnome-disk, most file managers
    >package managers

    • 8 months ago

      >lgbt and israelite stuff in start menu
      >uses trans distros instead
      flawless logic

  28. 8 months ago

    Linux is simpler. It doesn't remove features, move settings around or completely change the UI with every new version. I have the control over these things, while still getting security upgrades and new software.

  29. 8 months ago

    I think its a good idea to have options so I'm not at the mercy of one company who holds a near monopoly on gaming.

  30. 8 months ago

    Because an OS should be in the background, doing what it’s told like an obedient child.
    Every version of windows past 7 has seen MS try to turn windows into a nagging, israeli housewife constantly kvetching at you
    >put on your firewall, or you’ll catch a malware
    I want my os to just stfu and stay out of my way. No forced updates, no nagging to use this or that connected service, search engine or browser.
    No forced updates I can’t (easily) opt out of…
    Basically windows has just gotten really fricking creepy and instructive. I use Linux already for work, games work well enough via proton. W10 is manageable for now, but it’s at the breaking point.
    What I’ve seen of 11 is just hopeless. Change for the sake of change, ms connected apps/services shoehorned everywhere.. yeah frick right off Redmond.

  31. 8 months ago

    Windows is absolutely terrible as a software development environment. Linux is a software development platform first and foremost.
    Leaving that problem aside, though, Windows hasn't been a proper productivity OS that gets out of your way and lets you do shit since 7. It's all about seizing control from you now, like macOS and android.

    • 8 months ago

      >It's all about seizing control from you now, like macOS and android.
      That’s the most succinct way to put the evolution of windows.
      It’s so fricking tiresome.

    • 8 months ago

      Its because Microsoft is a victim of their own success. They made it impossible for anyone else to make money by selling good operating systems, and in the process made it impossible for themselves to make more money selling good operating systems.
      Which is why their focus now is on subscription services, data mining, and advertising.

  32. 8 months ago

    >What are your genuine reasons for disliking Windows
    It's so fricking buggy and overall works so bad in my experience that I'd rather spend a day crafting an arch installer script than use windows.
    Plus, 99% of the time I would have to reinstall windows in less than a month because it would just malfunction and I would literally be unable to put it to sleep or power it off, and I'm not even speaking of the computer powering on mid night by itself to install updates.
    >inb4 install this debloat script
    I'd rather use linux that does 100% of what I want and better, than have to fight a multi trillion dollar company anti consumer schemes.

  33. 8 months ago

    >Serious question. Not trying to start shit.
    you're clearly starting some shit right here. cease and desist these foolish actions

  34. 8 months ago

    The idea of not feeling in control of my PC is infuriating so Windows has become unusable for me.

  35. 8 months ago

    I want to change to Linux, but my big boy job requires a secure proxy login which only allows Windows and MacOS. I tried Linux via Steam Deck for a test, and my IT department told me not to use Linux for it again.

  36. 8 months ago

    For some reason, Windows demands my attention every time it updates, and half the time needs to restart, so I lose all my open windows and workflow. Linux just works and does it in the background. According to the logs, it updated a few packages this morning, and I didn't even notice.
    >spyware (AKA "telemetry")
    Frick this bullshit making me cattle to MS's advertising department. Selling my behavioral data to governments and companies. I wont be their slave.
    A tiling window manager is more productive than what comes with Mac and Windows.

  37. 8 months ago

    Windows 11 ruined the task bar completely by making it a copy of OS X
    Windows 95 got it right on the first try, by showing just what's actually open and using a color change to notify you of stuffs.
    Windows vista even managed to make it better by allowing programs to use it as a progress bar.
    But nope, gotta copy that clutered shit with the autism dot from OSX

  38. 8 months ago

    Windows is just slower than other operating systems. I need the fastest OS available.

  39. 8 months ago

    I want to master the technology I use, not be mastered by it.

  40. 8 months ago

    >>What are your genuine reasons for disliking Windows?
    >despite being named ~~*Windows*~~ it never remembers positions of windows and sucks at managing them
    >no available tiling window managers
    >powertoys zones is a shitty attempt at mimicking tiled layouts, also forgets the zones per display EVERY TIME YOU UPDATE DRIVERS
    >NTFS is garbage, BSODs all the time if you run Windows software raid; and this also prevents any other Windows installation on the same PC since the installer BSODs even when installing to different media if the other install exists at all on the system
    >required reboots on every little update, multiple times and not even batched together at that
    >Microsoft's business practices are deplorable and the entire company deserves the rope
    >win11+ force TPM usage, Secure Boot, etc. because they claim it protects the average user (read: morons); don't force your decisions on me
    >paid OS that pokes you for a new license every time you swap motherboards or storage; yes you can get it for free but Microsoft by design bakes the price into OEM costs and the normal user won't be circumventing the standard procedures if they decide they need to buy an OS for their adult lego build
    >win11 removes customization as if Microsoft is trying to be Gnome devs
    >win11 on work laptop fails to wake from sleep 90% of the time
    >Microsoft Store randomly broke and required me re-enabling their shitty background services and updooting for it to work again so I could use winget once more; thanks pajeet help articles
    >codecs for video playback arent installed by default and Microsoft sells them on the shitty Store app
    >the OS itself is bloated and just feels sluggish even if you toggle off all of the animations, but perhaps i'm just too used to Linux on a TWM at this point
    >ads in start bar, on bootup, in start menu, etc.; yes you can turn these off but the latest (and last) win10 update re-enabled all of them even though they had been disabled since install

    • 8 months ago

      >win11 on work laptop fails to wake from sleep 90% of the time
      my home laptop is set to never go to sleep, never hibernate, never require me to login... and i have to wake it up and login all the fricking time. one of the PCs at work is set the same and it not only goes to sleep and requires a login... but it's CLOSING EVERYTHING TOO. our service manager used to log in to all his shit once a month on his win7 PC and now he's wasting up to 20 mins a day opening all his shit twice. another coworker's laptop behaves like mine at home does, but it also flips out and loses it's connection to the shared network folders, refusing to re-connect until you reset the network adaptor

      complex systems will not survive the competence crisis

    • 8 months ago

      what TWM do you use?

      • 8 months ago


  41. 8 months ago

    >"buh i dun wanna do no winduhs update"
    >manually updates every application every other day
    lol linux gays

    • 8 months ago

      Linux can update itself while allowing you to use the computer, windows has to lock you to a moronic blue screen like a 1993 OS

      • 8 months ago

        >i have so many important things to do on linux while i'm updating linux
        >like reconfiguring linux

        >Type "yay"
        >Hit enter
        >Type password
        >Hit "y" for yes

        That's how you update Arch/EndeavourOS.
        That's it.
        That's the whole process.

        Not only do I control WHEN this happens, but I don't have to reboot after.

        >entering commands to update
        >thinking you can't control when windows updates happen
        no THIS is some 1993 shit

        Windows is the platform where you have to update each application individually, though.

        and the best part is that they all still work before AND after the updates

        • 8 months ago

          you can't control when windows updates happen
          >no THIS is some 1993 shit

          >he's proud of having to fight against his OS

          • 8 months ago

            Mine just keeps working without bothering me with something every 5 minutes.
            How it is to share your computer with clippy?

            >fight against his OS
            yep, sure is 93 in here
            Were you niglets even alive when these were issues, or are you just parroting Linux forum memes?

            • 8 months ago

              must be nice living life in such ignorance, anon

              • 8 months ago

                if not being an underage contrarian virgin is ignorant then i'm dumb as shit

        • 8 months ago

          Mine just keeps working without bothering me with something every 5 minutes.
          How it is to share your computer with clippy?

    • 8 months ago

      >Type "yay"
      >Hit enter
      >Type password
      >Hit "y" for yes

      That's how you update Arch/EndeavourOS.
      That's it.
      That's the whole process.

      Not only do I control WHEN this happens, but I don't have to reboot after.

      • 8 months ago

        You don't even have to type "y", just enter that shit

    • 8 months ago

      Windows is the platform where you have to update each application individually, though.

    • 8 months ago

      maybe, but i CHOSE when i want to update, you fricking cuck.

    • 8 months ago

      I'm holding off on updating until the next version of bluez drops. I had to downgrade to 5.68 because a bug in 5.69 and 5.70 is causing PS5 controllers to not work.

      You can't do that in Windows.

    • 8 months ago

      Yet another winjeet lie

  42. 8 months ago

    Spyware. Slow. Security liability. Soul destroying. LMDE is a breath of fresh air.

  43. 8 months ago

    Having grown up with DOS, I like that the terminal is an important and useful tool, and settings being kept in hand-editable configuration files just makes sense to me. Much more finesse than stumbling around Windows' control panels trying to find where they hid the setting I'm looking for.

  44. 8 months ago

    for me, it's how Microsoft appears to be moving towards a walled garden approach like what Apple already does
    I have no interest in asking permission from MS to do things on my own computer, assuming that they'll even still let me do them
    plus, putting ads in random spots is simply greed on their part
    and if the rumors are true, 12 will have some sort of subscription system

  45. 8 months ago

    W10 normie here. I literally just had to change my login from 4 digits to 6 for no reason and I'm forbidden from taking the steps needed to put it back. I'm probably too old and stupid now to ever change but if it's not too late for you, escape. It WILL be worth it. No matter how much you say "oh that doesn't matter", there WILL be something they do to frick you over that does matter.

  46. 8 months ago

    My reasons
    >Incredibly naggy, won't let me just do my own thing in peace
    >if anything goes wrong we won't give you any meaningful information for you to solve the problem
    >overrides newer amd drivers with their own, older, distributed ones, causing issues
    >shitass telemetry
    I'm not even against telemetry, but it has to be handled transparently. Opt-in, you have to be clear what you send, the user must be able to see the logs that get sent, and you must be able to fully disable it, windows fails on all fronts here.
    >"just download this and..."
    no program is going to run with higher privilege elevation than windows itself, you have no way to know if the blackbox is actually neutered and an update will bring them back anyway. The only way you can make sure it's not phoning home is using a firewall on your router.
    >uses their domination position to push competition down, harming consumers
    their bootloader makes it impossible to boot non-windows operating systems, activex on IE, IE itself being embedded and unremovable from operating systems, media foundation and directx making it harder to run games outside their ecosystem, the ooxml "standard", charging oems licenses for every computer even when the computer in question doesn't come with windows so they'd be less likely to sell computers with a different system (as then they'd have to pay two licenses), spreading fud about the competition, and who knows what the frick else.
    Also many fricks up when it comes to security

    This ended being too fricking long so 1/2

    • 8 months ago

      Linux works the way I want and plays the games I want, plasma lets me configure my desktop the way I like and there's nothing I'm missing from windows, which isn't to say there might not be things you won't miss.

      For example, if you have an HDR display, you won't get it working on linux without fiddling (and an AMD GPU) unless you get a steam deck, though this is very much a work in progress so it's not like it's going to be this way forever. Not every game works on linux, thousands do, but that's not everything, games with KERNEL anticheat tend to not work, though games using EAC or BE can easily allow linux users (but it requires dev to want to do so). Some games using media foundation for their videos don't work, due to their licensing you can't play those videos outside windows, that said valve transcodes videos for a lot of games to get around this, and GE proton (a fork from someone unrelated to valve)has media foundation shit in that allows most games which don't yet have videos transcoded to have them play.

      If you're perfectly happy with your system and you aren't bothered by the way microsoft handles things, then there's no reason for you to switch to linux, the workflow is different but whether you'll prefer it over windows' is not something others would be able to guess. You will inevitably need to do some fiddling specially if you try to morph operating system B to work as close as possible as operating system A, and power users tend to have a harder time switching because they need to "unlearn" a lot of windows-ism. If you're still curious you can try distros live without installing them from a thumb drive or a virtual machine without affecting your base system.

      • 8 months ago

        oh and I love kde connect (doesn't actually require kde), I can share clipboard, media playback control, and files between computers or phones on the same lan (or I guess anywhere if you setup a vpn)

    • 8 months ago

      >if anything goes wrong we won't give you any meaningful information for you to solve the problem
      Honestly this shit bothers me the fricking most.
      >OH SORRY, YOU GOT ERROR 232-984091EEFFB12
      Maybe if you're lucky it will actually give you something human readable otherwise you're generating more traffic for their website.

  47. 8 months ago

    Genuinely, Windows is great, but Microsoft has increasingly been forcing their shit on me ever since 10 came out. Windows 11 is bad because they're trying to reinvent the wheel and taking out usability options in the process.

    That said, Linux distros are even worse than being forced to use Win11 at this point. Linux is great as a base OS for server software, mobile OS or even if you're exclusively using a web browser or Steam just to launch games. If you need an actual desktop environment that makes sense, it all falls apart. Linux devs cannot into user experience.

    • 8 months ago

      >Genuinely, Windows is great
      How exactly Windows is great? What part of Windows is great?

    • 8 months ago

      Cinnamon is literally just the Windows DE ported to Linux, and all Distros can download it/install with it.

      • 8 months ago

        Tried it, it was better than most but still not good.

        It sounds more like you're just stuck with PTSD because of Windows. There are a lot of great Linux desktops, its just that none of the major ones are (or are tying to be) an exact Windows clone.
        There at least used to be a few attempts to directly clone older versions of Windows, but nobody wants to do that with 10 or 11.

        Can you recommend a good distro? I've tried a bunch and they all have severe flaws.

        >Genuinely, Windows is great, but Microsoft
        Windows cannot be separated from Microsoft, so that seems pretty 'not great' to me.

        I didn't say it could. The underlying OS is still great.

        • 8 months ago

          >Can you recommend a good distro? I've tried a bunch and they all have severe flaws.
          It is less that they have "severe flaws" and more that it sounds like you've never used one long enough to get over the culture shock of getting used to something different.
          You are also almost certainly trying to run Linux on a machine that was built to run Windows. So much of the user experience that users of MacOS or experienced Linux users enjoy comes from having compatible hardware.
          There is no 'secret sauce' in SteamOS for instance, despite the fact Valve did a ton of work to make the hardware compatible, all of that work is upstream and in every up to date distribution.

          >The underlying OS is still great.
          Its an ok clone of VMS, but its legacy support layer is bad, it only works on AMD64/x86, and it lacks a lot of modern OS features that have become essential.
          What exactly about it is 'great'? The Linux compatibility layer?

          • 8 months ago

            >bro you just didn't get over the culture shock of having nothing work because a guide that was written last week is already outdated and updating your OS from a fresh install corrupts the file system and none of the 4 types of executables work with your distro because it uses type 5 and you can't actually run anything without manually changing file permissions on 20 different folders and hang on a minute there, partner, you're going to have to read this book on how to install this software you installed linux for in the first place because it has like 40 dependencies to install first but you won't know you can't even run it until 4 hours later when dependency 9 isn't compatible with your distro
            You're right, I never really got over the shock of how terrible the Linux desktop experience is. At least with my server I can just SSH in and it mostly just werks because people actually actively use server software.

            • 8 months ago

              >of having nothing work
              Which again makes it sound like you tried to force Linux to work on a Windows system, but then the rest of your post is idiotic trolling so I kind of doubt even that much.

              >people actually actively use server software.
              Hard as it may be to believe, desktop GNU/Linux has more users than GNU/Linux server software. Its not the 90s anymore when it was only used by sysadmins and UNIX devs.

              • 8 months ago

                Freshly formatted ext4 drive. Nice attempt at damage control though.

                >desktop GNU/Linux has more users than GNU/Linux server software
                That's hard to believe. Mobile, absolutely, but desktop? I'd love to see the source. Who knows, maybe there are a lot of masochists out there.

              • 8 months ago

                >Freshly formatted ext4 drive.
                Uh what? That's a non-sequitor. What's the hard drive format have to do with using a system that has hardware which is only really fully supported on Windows?

                >I'd love to see the source.
                Linux is at 7% of desktop systems, potentially as high as 11%. The majority of which are normal users, running hardware designed to run Linux. Not even 1% of desktop users globally are Linux sysadmins.

              • 8 months ago

                I suppose it's a non-sequitor[sic] to assume the hardware is not supported after it was running on multiple Linux distros.

                >Linux is at 7% of desktop systems
                Okay and what number is that? How many servers are running GNU/Linux server software? And once again, I'd love to see the source on your information.

              • 8 months ago

                >How many servers are running GNU/Linux server software?
                That is different to the number of users who have to manage or develop the server software which as I say is less than 1% of users.
                If you want a segment where only knowledgeable users are involved in running serious business, Windows is so bad now it has 0% of the High Performance Computing market.

                >Okay and what number is that
                With about a Billion desktop users out there, about 70 million users.

                >after it was running on multiple Linux distros.
                Except that you also describe multiple issues that would only happen with unsupported or poorly supported hardware. Clearly this is a system that was not built with the idea of running Linux in mind.
                The curation of the hardware is what makes MacOS and pre-installed Linux so good, and to be fair to Windows the lowest-common denominator hardware choices of its OEMs is one of its biggest problems.
                Still if you take a system that was designed to run Linux, and try to run Windows on it you're going to have even more problems.

              • 8 months ago

                So no source, got it.

              • 8 months ago

                Do you really need to be spoon fed this much? The most popular Desktop GNU/Linux distribution by itself has almost 4% of users.

                >B-but ChromeOS isn't a REAL Linux distribution!
                By that standard only 2.28% of users run a REAL desktop version of Windows.
                Which means that with 3.02% there are more real Desktop users running Linux.

              • 8 months ago

                Post the link and post the number of servers running Linux otherwise your original point will be discarded.

              • 8 months ago

                NTA but it's from this

              • 8 months ago

                Not even 1 system running Windows. How embarrassing for Microsoft.

                So basically
                >Hard as it may be to believe, desktop GNU/Linux has more users than GNU/Linux server software. Its not the 90s anymore when it was only used by sysadmins and UNIX devs
                Came straight out of your ass. That's what I figured.

              • 8 months ago

                So wait are you really still trying to claim that there are MORE users managing Linux servers, than there are Desktop Linux users?
                To me it seems like you're the one making outlandish claims without any source.

                Because there is no way there are 70 million sysadmins managing Linux servers out there.
                I kind of doubt there are even 6 million users managing servers which is about the number of users running Linux in the Steam stats.

              • 8 months ago

                You made the claim and failed to provide a source.

              • 8 months ago

                The source isn't wrong.

              • 8 months ago

                Sources keep getting provided for everything and you ignore them. Where is your source that there are still more users managing Linux servers than there are Desktop Linux users?

                >desktop GNU/Linux has more users than GNU/Linux server software
                You still have not provided a source for this claim

              • 8 months ago

                No, the claim came from here

                >bro you just didn't get over the culture shock of having nothing work because a guide that was written last week is already outdated and updating your OS from a fresh install corrupts the file system and none of the 4 types of executables work with your distro because it uses type 5 and you can't actually run anything without manually changing file permissions on 20 different folders and hang on a minute there, partner, you're going to have to read this book on how to install this software you installed linux for in the first place because it has like 40 dependencies to install first but you won't know you can't even run it until 4 hours later when dependency 9 isn't compatible with your distro
                You're right, I never really got over the shock of how terrible the Linux desktop experience is. At least with my server I can just SSH in and it mostly just werks because people actually actively use server software.

                >people actually actively use server software
                Which suggests that there are more users managing Linux servers and paying attention for the UI for that, than there are Linux desktop users.

                Which is totally unsourced, and as has been pointed out with multiple sources laughably wrong.

              • 8 months ago

                >desktop GNU/Linux has more users than GNU/Linux server software
                You still have not provided a source for this claim

              • 8 months ago

                Uh oh, the bot is stuck in a loop.

              • 8 months ago

                I accept your concession

              • 8 months ago

                You are the one who made the claim and needs to provide the source. Sources have been provided for the number of Desktop Linux users, as well as Linux gamers.
                Where is the source for there being more than 70 million people managing Linux servers?

              • 8 months ago

                Doubling down on being moronic is my favorite way one can concede to me. How'd you know?

              • 8 months ago

                So you are really sticking with the claim there are more than 70 million Linux sysadmins out there constantly managing Linux server software?
                Despite the fact you never provided any source for that. Hell I'd take a source on there being more than 7 million Linux sy admins.

              • 8 months ago

                >there are more than 70 million Linux sysadmins out there constantly managing Linux server software

              • 8 months ago

                Sources keep getting provided for everything and you ignore them. Where is your source that there are still more users managing Linux servers than there are Desktop Linux users?

              • 8 months ago

                Not even 1 system running Windows. How embarrassing for Microsoft.

    • 8 months ago

      It sounds more like you're just stuck with PTSD because of Windows. There are a lot of great Linux desktops, its just that none of the major ones are (or are tying to be) an exact Windows clone.
      There at least used to be a few attempts to directly clone older versions of Windows, but nobody wants to do that with 10 or 11.

    • 8 months ago

      >Genuinely, Windows is great, but Microsoft
      Windows cannot be separated from Microsoft, so that seems pretty 'not great' to me.

  48. 8 months ago

    They have a database of ever slur you've typed while using their OS and they WILL use it against you when they can.

  49. 8 months ago

    Dualboot Nobara and see for yourself. Give yourself 50-100 GB and use it for a week. Wife and I made the switch, but we still have windows just in case.

  50. 8 months ago

    They keep adding in crap with every update and this OS has spyware like you wouldn't believe. They FINALLY gave you the option to uninstall Cortana with newest update because so many people were complaining about. All these years Win11 has been out, and they just allowed you to remove a huge piece of spyware.

    So why don't I switch to Linux?
    >Use Oculus Rift 2 a lot and you need Windows for Virtual Desktop and Oculus app
    >HDR. All my movies and TV shows are digital pirated.
    >with O&OShutUp10, the spyware isn't really an issue. Just have to update it.

    • 8 months ago

      >>HDR. All my movies and TV shows are digital pirated.
      You can kind of getting working currently but the process is somewhat involved, it should hopefully get easier soonish with plasma 6

  51. 8 months ago
    • 8 months ago

      That's not how bingo works wtf

  52. 8 months ago

    Reminder that literally no one cares about linux desktop.

    • 8 months ago

      Wait, how is this even an argument? Trolling or not, a free OS/ Kernel doesn't have a market share? It's inconceivable, incomprehensible, unheard of.

      • 8 months ago

        But the Linux kernel has the most marketshare there, about 40%, probably plus another 2% because they're hiding other Linux distributions as "Unknown" again.

      • 8 months ago

        it's just a reflection of the overall market, if you compare them in any other website you will find similar results. The average is 1-2% of users on any specific platform. they have gone down in the past few months actually. I think a lot of people were trying out linux during the pandemic and now that they are back to work or school are going back to what they know.

        • 8 months ago

          Its not that, if you look at the Language and the hardware it becomes clear that there was a massive influx of Chinese-language users all using a uniform Intel+Nvidia 3060 combination.
          Likely what happened was Net Cafes in China getting an update. The Steam Survey has had periodic issues caused by over-counting users on the same Net Cafe systems.

          • 8 months ago

            so at least half of linux users are chinese bots, lmao, that's even funnier

            • 8 months ago

              You're reading the chart wrong, this is just language. The dips in Linux use, are associated with rises in Chinese language, because the Chinese Government mandates the use of Windows OSes with their Spyware pre-installed.

              This is what Linux share looks like with Chinese eliminated. Right about at 4% of English speaking Steam users. More than double the overall count.

            • 8 months ago

              It says the opposite, learn to read charts, anon

    • 8 months ago

      With Windows under 1/3 of all systems, I think its safe to say nobody cares about Desktop. If you dig into the Windows stats, it reveals that Desktop Windows vs Tablet Windows has a similar breakdown to Desktop Linux vs Tablet/Phone Linux
      Which means the day of Desktop Linux passing Desktop Windows may be closer than Windows zealots want to admit, and also explains just why Windows is changing in the way that it is.
      The majority of Windows users are know-nothings running the Tablet OS on pre-built users, and they're going to be "optimizing" the experience for those users.

      If you care about Desktop, its time to leave Windows.

  53. 8 months ago

    Linux is the most accessible it has ever been. Ubuntu was/is a huge thing with college students and games mostly work now. It's really not difficult to just boot up a Linux flash drive and test it out in the live installer.

    There's no harm in staying on Windows if you don't like it, but just know that it's an option. You don't have to use Windows.

    I only keep Windows around for games with anticheat that don't work on proton, like Siege or COD.

    • 8 months ago

      >Ubuntu was/is a huge thing with college students
      Everything makes sense now because college students are the most obnoxious people on the planet for every field.

  54. 8 months ago

    the interface and lack of control of it, the bullshit search, all the shit they add that you can't control downloading shady binaries to fix basic shit, forced updates...I think that's it.
    I don't go around actively hating windows but whenever I have to use it now it just feels like a fricking pain.

  55. 8 months ago

    It constantly wants to recommend me shit I don't care about and irritates me with popups.
    t. windows user

  56. 8 months ago

    A bunch of reasons.
    Windows does things I don't want when I don't want it. It changes settings when I don't want it, decides on its own when to update, and now apparently pushes content its users don't want. It wasn't this bad during 7, doubly so during XP.
    Any nontrivial settings are buried in menus and registry entries and other esoteric places and I know that once you go deep enough you just have to be a Windows guru to continue. At the same time it's porcelain and if you go nonstandard enough pieces of it will start to break with no way to fix it other than internet folk rituals, or a full reinstall. It rots when not routinely maintained.
    Older vidya compatibility is worse than Linux nowadays. File hierarchy is all kinds of fricked. Scriptability is poor. Can't change the UI without invasive methods. Installing and updating software is a terrible chore without Chocolatey. Installing any kind of basic tools or libraries or scripting languages is FUBAR.
    Overall an abominable system I can't go back to after knowing linux.

  57. 8 months ago

    It's not that I hate windows, it's just that linux is far more comfortable to use. My old ass win10 installation is now running like trash, and I honestly don't know why. Defragmenting SSDs sounds like an useless and terrible idea, my startup/services list is maintained by hand and relatively slim, there are no weird processes running that could impact performance, yet it runs rather poorly right after bootup and running some stuff takes longer than it used to. Nothing all that painful, it's not unusable, it's not even all that dramatic, but the difference between year ago and now is here and I can feel it. Meanwhile, my horribly, horribly old debian install from around 10 years ago is still booting up in 15s, and then auto-starting firefox and communicators before my display even manages to handle resolution change and show image. Windows also can't take big folders very well, my Ganker shitpost images folder had to be split into multiple ones every time file count goes over ~1000 otherwise windows explorer shits itself and takes 1min to load the folder, then jumps all the time to load new thumbnails, meanwhile linux filesystem just takes as much as you want without a slightest slowdown.

    I know exactly what's running in my loonix, I have all of the comfy scripts and configs for my use case scenarios, I have my preferred window manager and my preferred software, and I know that every time I feel like I'm lacking anything, i can either explore other options in repo or even write some tool myself and easily integrate it into OS.

    And this is the core of why Linux can be good for you. It's not a better OS on its own, it's better because every single little thing in system can be changed with next to zero effort if you want it any other way. If you like the idea, install it on the side and start playing around. If you want a reliable OS and have no interest in tinkering with it, just stay on windows, there's no value in linux for you.

  58. 8 months ago

    >What are your genuine reasons for disliking Windows?
    The future of Windows is Cloud Computing and your files will be read and known before and after encryption.

  59. 8 months ago

    >Windows constantly gets slower, which means that if you want to make it fast you have to constantly reinstall
    >Actual spyware
    >Microsoft is consistently making shitty decisions in regards to the OS, to the point where 12 being a cloud subscription isn't seen as a massive joke

    • 8 months ago

      >Windows constantly gets slower
      Never happened on my machine. Sounds like user error.

      • 8 months ago

        spotted the paid pajeet

        • 8 months ago

          >when pajeets are better at computing than you
          Damn, whiteoids on suicide watch

          • 8 months ago

            >better at trying to protect the efforts of a multi-billion dollar corporation*

            • 8 months ago

              Microsoft doesn't need defending, the success of Windows speaks for itself.

              • 8 months ago

                then why do pajeets come out of the woodwork every time people have issues with Windows?

              • 8 months ago

                because they outsource their customer service to them.

              • 8 months ago

                Probably because people who are too moronic to use the easiest OS on the market are easy targets and pajeets get a kick out of punching down.

              • 8 months ago

                >pajeets get a kick out of punching down.
                keep going anon this is gold

              • 8 months ago

                >Got to its position because Bill Gates mother was on the IBM Board
                >Used illegal business practices to drive all the other OS companies out of business
                >Down to under 1/3 of systems vs Free UNIX-like OSes
                The only thing Microsoft seems successful at are strong-arm tactics and extracting money from users.

              • 8 months ago

                I don't care how they made the best OS on the market. If Linux developers want me to use their hobbyist trash, they'd better program like they mean it.

              • 8 months ago

                Linux is straight up better for development in most cases

                >Pre-installed compilers
                >Package managers allow easy access to apps you need in one big download rather than searching through shit in your browser (if you dont want to use it you can still use the command line)
                >Supports more languages
                >Actual fricking help when you have an issue because of how Linux users are more tech savvy than Windows (lol just restart or reinstall ez)
                >Most distros are faster because they require less shit than Windows
                >Command line in general is significantly more powerful than anything Windows offers
                >Linux is literally so much better for development that Microsoft has published a tutorial on how to create a Linux subsystem for development.

                Linux is just straight up better for programming and developer workflow than Windows is its actually hilarious.

              • 8 months ago

                >Pre-installed compilers
                >Package managers allow easy access to apps you need in one big download rather than searching through shit in your browser (if you dont want to use it you can still use the command line)
                >Supports more languages
                Doesn't really matter since a developer will have everything installed already
                >Actual fricking help when you have an issue because of how Linux users are more tech savvy than Windows (lol just restart or reinstall ez)
                Anyone who has looked for help using Linux knows the opposite is true.
                >Most distros are faster because they require less shit than Windows
                Negligible unless you're on an old shit box.
                >Command line in general is significantly more powerful than anything Windows offers
                You can use the command line in Windows as well with just as much functionality, but the difference is you don't need to for most things.
                >Linux is literally so much better for development that Microsoft has published a tutorial on how to create a Linux subsystem for development.
                Windows can perfectly run Linux, while the opposite is not true. You get the best of both worlds in Windows.

              • 8 months ago

                Actual devs don't like using linux for coding.

  60. 8 months ago

    windows is annoying as frick but in a different way compared to linux.
    Windows is annoying for all of its pop up useless bloat while linux is annoying because you have to actually research when shit goes wrong instead of having it "just werk"
    I dont mind spending time optimising my pc to be perfect, so linux is the obvious choice for me but it might not be in your case if you prefer a more consistent hands free experience.

    • 8 months ago

      >because you have to actually research when shit goes wrong instead of having it "just werk"
      except when something goes wrong in Windows and the best replies are rajeesh going "pls run scannow sir" or "you must do the reinstall please redeem"

  61. 8 months ago

    Reminder that the year of Linux is never

    • 8 months ago

      my year of linux was back in 2014

      • 8 months ago

        I'm sorry

        • 8 months ago

          im not, saw the light back then and haven't looked back since

        • 8 months ago

          sorry for what?
          our dad thought us not to be ashamed of our own distros

        • 8 months ago

          >Feeling sorry about people who don't feel sorry about themselves
          Fricking tankies

  62. 8 months ago

    Originally, I also didn't understand Linux users, worse, they seemed to me like hipsters. Couldn't they just use windows like everyone else?

    I then got a free laptop that was trash from my high school and it came prebundled with windows 10.Thing is it ran like shit on it. So I tried Linux and at a local install party some people installed Debian with xfce on it.

    First thing, the performance: the debian used a quarter of the ram and impressively enough, that piece of shit ended up being faster than my laptop. I also gained ~100kb/s of internet speed, probably as there wasn't telemetry. Insignificant but at the time I lived in a remote home with shitty ADSL.

    Then, after some time, there was the customization and really the freedom. I finally felt like I actually owned my computer. I could simply do whatever on it. On Windows, you're really at the mercy of the whims from Microsoft. They can do whatever with your computer and you will be forced to take it.

    Finally security. While kind of a meme, and even if at the time I knew nearly nothing about privacy, it simply felt nice knowing my computer wasn't being actively mined for every piece of data. I didn't really care about the freedom from "viruses" as I already simply used common sense.

    These days when I have to use windows, be it when I'm visiting family and I have to do something on the computer, I get annoyed. Like if stuff hidden from me in the past was suddenly revealed. The slowdowns, the buggy interface, the amount of bloat, being locked down on your options and even simply the unexplained weirdness that happens sometimes and there's simply nothing you can do about.
    At least on Linux it's rather easy to find a solution to your problem, even on obscure software.

    What it was for me, it's simply like only drinking cheap wine (pun unintended) and finally getting to try out a very good one. Everything taste like trash after it even if you previously liked it.

    Just try it out and see if you like it

    • 8 months ago

      I have a p similar story.

      I have this laptop that had W11 on it. I absolutely hated it. It was slow and a pain in the ass to use compared to W10 (for me at least). So I did a fresh install of 10.

      Then when I did, it was fine at first, but my computer started getting slower and slower.
      Additionally, there were so many times where the damn thing didnt wake up from sleep mode and I had to restart it, and when I put it in sleep mode it just turns on randomly and heats up in my backpack while whirring like a jet engine.

      I decided to try out Linux, creating a dual boot partition on the laptop (decided on Nobara in case I wanted to use it for my main setup)

      Immediately, computer was faster and incredibly silent, no noise whatsoever. Package managers are incredibly convenient, and its nice to just update shit from the terminal with one or two commands and not worry about your OS harrasing you for updates.

      It's an incredibly nice experience tbh. I'm prob gonna do a dual boot once I get another ssd I can put on my motherboard and only boot into Windows as a backup for when I need to play certain games with friends.

  63. 8 months ago

    >can't even dowload a browser without being questioned

    • 8 months ago

      Frick. I wish Linux desktop distros weren't fricking trash. I would switch in a heartbeat.

      • 8 months ago

        >I would totally switch!
        Every wingay on the planet says this while continuing to take it up the ass. You are a battered housewife.

        • 8 months ago

          you white knight an operating system for free while the rest of us live our lives

          • 8 months ago

            No, you just b***h and whine about how gay windows is but refuse to do anything about it. Every fricking post from wingays I see is
            >if microsoft does [x] I'm really gonna do it, I'm gonna switch!
            >maybe I'll switch in [arbitrary time] when linux is better
            >I'm so sick of [dumb bullshit] microsoft keeps doing, if they keep this up I'm really going to switch
            >this is the last straw, I'm switching to linux (doesn't do anything)

            You won't do shit so shut the frick up and take it, you stupid b***h.

            • 8 months ago

              Bill is not a bad guy, really he isn't. He really cares about me and I shouldn't have spoken out of turn.
              It was actually my fault for banging my head into the syringe.

        • 8 months ago

          Yeah well being a battered housewife with a roof over my head is still better than being homeless and trying to use a cardboard box as shelter

  64. 8 months ago

    As you saw from all those posts.

  65. 8 months ago

    >bloatware everywhere
    >spyware being the bloatware
    >intrusive nagging for account linking
    >piece of shit not working and getting worse each "update"

  66. 8 months ago

    Post-Windows NT design. The design started going to shit after Win 2000.
    Telemetry. What I do on my computer is none of their business.
    Loss of features we've had for 30+ years like being able to move the fricking taskbar to left, right, up that Win10/Win11 pajeets decided that was no longer doable and now you need explorer patcher to do it.
    Anything and everything to do with post-Win32 developer libraries. They provide a fricking program called vswhere.exe to be able to locate Visual Studio and use bat file re-directs to provide an environment to compile C/C++ through their own compiler on windows. Even Visual Studio Code relies on this by having you start the piece of shit through that cmd with env's set through the bat file to launch a dev environment where you can compile using MS's own compiler. At least they finally got the message and allowed us to download just a few gigs of build tools and not the entire Visual Studio piece of shit.
    The control panel and administration tools being hidden behind five layers of obscurity or outright removed for inferior options.

    Don't take this as a defense of Linux either. There's a reason I still primarily run Windows.

    • 8 months ago

      >Visual Studio Code
      I use vim most of time for coding and never big fans of its GUI for programming.

      > using MS's own compiler
      I actually prefer LLVM which has a ton of cool optimization.

      I think Windows has its own eco-system and it looks more friendly toward programming newbie. But once you have more experiences, Linux environment is better for productivity.

      • 8 months ago

        I'm sure that's why 90% of the industry prefers Windows over Linux. You must be the smartest person in the world.

        • 8 months ago

          it is just personal taste. There are GUIs in Linux for programming which looks similar to VSC.

        • 8 months ago

          BTW, 90% is probably overestimated

      • 8 months ago

        Ah yes, just spend hundreds of hours wrestling with your OS, super productive!

        • 8 months ago

          but enough about windows

          • 8 months ago

            Ah yes, Linux famously has 97% desktop marketshare because it just werks
            oh wait

            • 8 months ago

              Windows has high marketshare because microsoft forces it on OEMs and moronic normies eat up whatever. Little timmy and his meemah don't even know what an OS is, let alone that their hardware can boot a different one, so why would they ever change? Your argument is the same as saying some shit game like CoD is actually the best game on the planet because of its popularity. It doesn't work like that.

              • 8 months ago

                >Your argument is the same as saying some shit game like CoD is actually the best game on the planet because of its popularity.
                are linuxtards really this stupid?

              • 8 months ago
              • 8 months ago

                >microsoft is forcing people to use the most user friendly OS on the market

              • 8 months ago

                chromebook a kind of proves that consumer will use whatever it has. Most normalgays just open browser and watch YouTube.

              • 8 months ago

                chromebook proves that even a $1.74 trillion dollar company still can't make linux a worthwhile desktop OS LMAO

              • 8 months ago

                >linux a worthwhile desktop OS
                There is successful unix (linux-like)worthwhile desktop OS: Mac OS. Linux is still most used in servers.

              • 8 months ago

                Because of microsoft's israeli practices, it is cheaper for OEMs to ship windows than to ship linux despite linux literally being free and that has a massive impact on marketshare control. When was the last time you walked into a bestbuy and saw a laptop that came preinstalled with fricking linux? It doesn't happen.

              • 8 months ago

                >you don't understand, the israeli space lasers are ready to fire on anyone who dares to use linux desktop, the superior OS!
                Linux morons are deranged

              • 8 months ago

                if you have to make up the most inane strawmans possible to pretend to have an argument then we're done here

              • 8 months ago

                >That's not me, that's just a man made of straw wearing a swastika armband! I never said anything about israelites at all! SAVE ME FUHRERBlack person!

              • 8 months ago

                Not him, and it probably isn't a thing anymore, but back when personal computer where in its infancy microsoft went to court over forcing oems to pay for windows licenses even when they sold computers without windows
                >Virtually all major PC manufacturers find it necessary to offer Microsoft operating systems on most of their PCs. Microsoft's monopoly power allows it to induce these manu- facturers to enter into anticompetitive, long-term licenses under which they must pay royalties to Microsoft not only when they sell PCs containing Microsoft's operating systems, but also when they sell PCs containing non-Microsoft operating systems.

              • 8 months ago

                I'm well aware of what Microsoft did. Unfortunately, Windows remains the best desktop OS.

              • 8 months ago

                >Windows remains the best desktop OS.
                No, it just remains the most common desktop OS that the average person knows best.

              • 8 months ago

                >it just remains the most common desktop OS that the average person knows best
                And for good reason, it has the best software support and it's the most user-friendly and intuitive.

              • 8 months ago

                actual moron kek!

              • 8 months ago

                >Your argument is the same as saying some shit game like CoD is actually the best game on the planet because of its popularity.
                are linuxtards really this stupid?



              • 8 months ago

                take your meds

              • 8 months ago

                Meemaw knows what Windows is and she's just fine with it. It's not 1998 anymore. Windows just works and she doesn't want to learn Linux or Mac.

              • 8 months ago

                that's the point, anon, people got windows pushed onto them and now that they learned to use it there's little incentive to use something else that they'd need to learn how to use.

              • 8 months ago

                Then the answer to removing Microsoft is the same as what got Microsoft started: find another big company to get normalgays used to an alternative OS. But who in their right mind wants normalgays out of their circle? That's stupid and pointless, let them stay where they are, those with any brains or dissatisfaction will move elsewhere.

              • 8 months ago

                It really wouldn't matter anyway. Any normie who uses windows will stick to windows because they don't want to learn a new OS and file structure. They just want to stick to what they know, same with macgays. You tell them 'hey, you should check out the new OS" and they might say 'nah, I'm just gonna stick to what I know'. The only people who are willing to change are those who actually understand why something is bad and you could give them a million reasons to switch and they'll refuse to simply because it's what they know. You could probably make a copy of windows or even make linux look like windows and normies still wouldn't use it.

              • 8 months ago

                >CoD is actually the best game on the planet because of its popularity. It doesn't work like that.
                Objectively, it does work like that. Subjectivity is another matter.

              • 8 months ago

                Objectively, there is no link between popularity (or any other factor) and quality because quality is not an objective attribute.

              • 8 months ago

                You said best, not quality. Popularity/sales are probably the closest metric you can get to objectively measuring the "best" of something.

              • 8 months ago

                No, they really aren't equivalent. If he said successful, then I would say that sales and popularity would be equivalent. If your friend asks you what's the "best" microphone to buy, you wouldn't just give him whatever is trending on Amazon.

              • 8 months ago

                >If he said successful, then I would say that sales and popularity would be equivalent
                Not really. You can sell a lot and be popular without being successful.

              • 8 months ago

                if you are the best seller in something and you aren't successful, you're either describing something really niche (which gaming is not) or you're doing something terribly wrong.

              • 8 months ago

                Yes and?

  67. 8 months ago

    >What are your genuine reasons for disliking Windows?
    Keeps crippling first party customization. Win98SE and XP were the peak of customizing windows GUI. There was also a short revival on windows 7. Now it's dead or paid content.

  68. 8 months ago

    > I'd need to put effort into learning something different, but I also just don't have a use-case to change.

    if you don't have strong motivation, just stay with Windows. if you don't mind spending some time to learn Linux, you can install Linux on VM and see how it feels. Linux isn't friendly to normal users who just browser web and play video games.

  69. 8 months ago

    >be me in hs
    >bring my thinkpad with arch to school
    >plug into projector
    >nothing works
    >"let me fix this"
    >notice driver hasn't been compiled because I wanted a minimal kernel
    >"just one more sec"
    >download generic kernel
    >boot into it
    >still doesn't work
    >teacher tells me I can present another time when my computer works
    >take thinkpad with me and sit in shame
    >moronic windows 10 kid walks up
    >plugs it in

  70. 8 months ago

    you motherfrickers have phones and you use this bullshit excuse

    • 8 months ago

      Yeah but at least it's Linux spyware

    • 8 months ago

      if you don't install gapps you cut off 95% of the spying and individual apps are easy to limit in what they can do and what they can access

  71. 8 months ago

    How is nvidia on linux?

    • 8 months ago

      My 1660 super always worked okay, but I switched to AMD after that so I don't know how it is with RTX and DLSS and such. Haven't heard good things though.

      • 8 months ago

        It's eh, I would suggest sticking or using an AMD card.

        extremely hit or miss, older generations of GPUs will run into problems i.e. 980s vs 1080ti
        driver stability is terrible

        I don't want to go ayymd just for linux so I guess I'll keep dual booting.

        • 8 months ago

          I mean, you can use Nvidia, it's just clunky is the best way I can put it. It works, just not as well as AMD.

          • 8 months ago

            I've been dual booting because I have had very mixed results.

        • 8 months ago

          nvidia is fine, just remember to install proprietary driver and just look up some environment variable optimizations, you'll have an nvidia control panel like setting even if you go with X11.

    • 8 months ago

      It's eh, I would suggest sticking or using an AMD card.

    • 8 months ago

      extremely hit or miss, older generations of GPUs will run into problems i.e. 980s vs 1080ti
      driver stability is terrible

  72. 8 months ago

    I love Windows. I have several Linux isos on hand. I've installed Arch. I also have a Mac. I prefer Windows. What I don't like is Windows under the stewardship of Microsoft while living in a lawless land that refuses to hold them accountable. That's a bigger problem though.

  73. 8 months ago

    Windows is the best OS for general use, but it's kind of fricked up how they just know anything and everything you open on your pc.

  74. 8 months ago

    In their quest to simplify everything Microsoft have managed to make their stuff convoluted to use.

  75. 8 months ago

    For me it's xfce

  76. 8 months ago

    Windows 7 was nice. When windows 8 came out, I saw where this whole thing was heading, so I started dual booting linux. When windows 10 came out, and ads in your OS became the normal, I fully switched over. Now Windows 11 enforces hardware DRM, and windows 12 will probably have subscriptions, and their states goal is to fully transition into a cloud-only OS.
    I'm just ahead of the curve, almost everyone who isn't an absolute normie will stop using windows soon enough, they'll be forced to.

  77. 8 months ago

    For me it's KDE customized to resemble Unity.

  78. 8 months ago

    Well personally I have two major active problems:
    >cannot use windows store, tried all possible attempts to fix it without any luck (I hate the windows store but surprise surprise there's some things I need to use it for)
    >some sort of system wide memory leak where every game performs worse and worse the longer I have it open
    I just don't have problems like this on modern Linux, and when I do they're easier to fix, and if they aren't easier to fix the system is easier to reinstall without losing absolutely everything because I can separate root and user directories.
    More general things I dislike about windows 10:
    >super + typing to launch programs is unreliable because it launches fricking edge for a web searching it can't find something
    >simple programming/scripting stuff is a pain in the ass or just not really viable as a way to actually save time
    >windows explorer is kind of bad and I can't easily replace it
    >settings is still terrible and far worse / less user friendly than ever Linux's settings (or at least KDE which I tend to use on linux)
    >files are always all over the place for everything due to worse folder structure (where is the game's .ini/cfg? in its install folder? in My Documents? In My DocumentsMy Games? in the root user folder? in appdata? local or roaming? and that's just one example)
    >just endless minor things that might only take a second from me but they add up to making a less comfy experience, for example needing to press enter then type my password every time I boot my PC instead of just typing my password
    Linux is just nicer to actually use in the 2020's.

    • 8 months ago

      >some sort of system wide memory leak where every game performs worse and worse the longer I have it open
      Is it just games or a specific game?

      • 8 months ago

        I mean I only notice it on demanding games, but I've seen it on a pretty wide variety of games.
        I think it's a vram thing actually but wiping and reinstalling drivers hasn't fixed it so much of the same.

    • 8 months ago

      the microsoft store holds taiko prisoner, it's not fair, bros

  79. 8 months ago

    The software experience itself is fine, I just hate how pozz'd + glowBlack person'd + tip microwiener is.

  80. 8 months ago

    >runs faster
    >is not spyware (Hamas uses it + Huawei phones to cuck the IDF)
    >just werks
    >can game on it, including emulation
    >can use a VM for my autodesk and adobe software
    >is fully customizable
    >open source community is autistic as frick but it's a blessing for hotfixing problems
    Funny thing is I was forced to use it during college, I was coursing computer engineering and they used ubuntu. Fell in love with it and ended up on team Arch 3 years ago.

    • 8 months ago

      I know it's been a meme for years, but I still don't understand why satania became some sort of open source symbol

      • 8 months ago

        she cute

    • 8 months ago

      Took an OS and Architecture course in college and we mostly worked with Ubuntu VMs installed on our PC and learned a lot more about it. Used it a bit in high school, but the laptop it was on sucked dick. Glad I took that course and even still have all my notes and book. I still use Ubuntu, but probably would switch to something else when the time comes, maybe once I actually build my own PC proper.

    • 8 months ago

      >is not spyware (Hamas uses it + Huawei phones to cuck the IDF)
      Not really a good example lol

      • 8 months ago

        You just know they have a .png file for the map of their tunnel network. If joos can't do anything about this then it's not a bad example.
        But I suppose I should've used chinese agencies instead, they run Linux to avoid globohomosexual spyware too.

  81. 8 months ago

    The bloat, the slowdowns, the horrid UI which is duck tapped together using assets from windows verisons as old as win95, the resource hogging, the broken updates, needing to troubleshoot more and more to the point where I may as well be using some obscure Linux distro.

  82. 8 months ago

    I like them until 7, when I felt the service was provided to me.

    You dont want to upgrade no problem. You dont want this no problem and then I started seeing... if you dont update to this version you cant have this critical component, if you block this you cant use this feature. This game doesnt work in this windows version even when a hacker made a patch so it can work in the version you have.

    Then changed to w10 and I bad no controlover my own system. It take my resources that I paid for and spy on me to make a profit, it doesnt work if I dont do what it tells me, then why the frick I am using this piece of shit that tells me what I want.

    Change to linux, my ram is mine, my hardrive just use what I install, my internet do what I tell it to do, I can do everything that I did in windows, you dont want something open the code and change it.

  83. 8 months ago

    Lack of documentation, lack of control. Everything is very decentralized and doesn't play well with itself. Modern windows feels more cobbled together than even the memest of Linux distros.

    For task X you may have to do any of the following:
    Use the control panel
    Use a SPECIFIC control panel view to access the correct menu
    Use a mmc
    Use group policy
    Use regedit
    Use powershell
    Use legacy cmd specifically because the command hasn't been ported to powershell yet.

    In Linux you can be reasonably sure that anything you need to do can be done in the command line if you try hard enough.

    Windows doesn't have a lot of very simple shit that KDE does, like snapping (windows 10/11 snapping is completely fricking useless and doesn't actually work half the time), being able to mute apps from the taskbar, being able to pin windows above or below other windows. Windows 11 even removed the ability to move the task bar to the top or right side or have it display exclusively on a non-primary monitor. Something you can still do in Windows 10.

    Package management is also huge, though the windows store and chocolatey are a step in the right direction. Google has become much more dangerous to use in recent years, so installing programs outside of package management systems is asking for a bad time.

  84. 8 months ago

    The most hilarious thing about these threads are all the linux dipshits that have spent hundreds of hours learning how to use linux and tinkering with it are the same idiots that can't spend 10 minutes turning off all the bullshit they're complaining about in windows.

    • 8 months ago

      >just tell Microsoft to stop spying on you haha

      • 8 months ago

        >Microsoft doesn't spy on me bro I opted out of that shit when I made my account!

      • 8 months ago

        >Microsoft doesn't spy on me bro I opted out of that shit when I made my account!

        Takes 2 minutes of reg editing to turn 100% of the telemetry shit off. Also you can use this little thing they call "local accounts" that aren't connected to any microsoft account in any way whatsoever.

        I shouldn't have to turn off options, they should not exist or be off by default.

        Well now you're just being a little b***h.

        • 8 months ago

          >Takes 2 minutes of reg editing to turn 100% of the telemetry shit off.

          Hahahaahaha how cute.

          • 8 months ago

            >Takes 2 minutes of reg editing to turn 100% of the telemetry shit off
            and microsoft pinky promises the won't spy on you now for realsies. this totally isn't like setting a do not track flag in your browser that just makes websites try to track you more aggressively lmao

            or i can use software that shows me the slightest amount of respect as its user and doesn't actively abuse me at every opportunity to extract more money out of my existence

            >y-you have to do all this stuff in linux to set it up
            >totally not like windows where you have to turn off the pre-installed spyware that will just be turned back on if you update again

            >i haven't used windows since w8 and still think my opinion is of value
            l m a o

            • 8 months ago

              >windows doesn't spy on me
              >I set a flag in the registry that says so
              >the source code? why does it matter if I can't see what my OS is actually doing?
              >why would microsoft lie to me?
              >uhhh you just don't use windows!
              holy cope

              enjoy your spyware you fricking moron

              • 8 months ago

                >he thinks he has privacy
                >in 2023
                >as he posts from his smart phone
                l m a o

              • 8 months ago

                I use graphene you fricking moron. But even if I wasn't, being put in a position where you have to use spyware is not a good argument for intentionally going out of your way to use more spyware when you have the option not to. Also, you're just moving the goalposts after getting your butthole shattered.

        • 8 months ago

          >Takes 2 minutes of reg editing to turn 100% of the telemetry shit off
          and microsoft pinky promises the won't spy on you now for realsies. this totally isn't like setting a do not track flag in your browser that just makes websites try to track you more aggressively lmao

        • 8 months ago

          or i can use software that shows me the slightest amount of respect as its user and doesn't actively abuse me at every opportunity to extract more money out of my existence

        • 8 months ago

          >y-you have to do all this stuff in linux to set it up
          >totally not like windows where you have to turn off the pre-installed spyware that will just be turned back on if you update again

    • 8 months ago

      I shouldn't have to turn off options, they should not exist or be off by default.

    • 8 months ago

      >set a bunch of registry flags to disable windows update
      >lose out on critical security updates because windows is pajeetware filled with holes
      >disable as much garbage as I can
      >windows update automatically reenables it all

      linux just does what I tell it to

  85. 8 months ago

    I don't have the patience for Windows. Linux just works. I liked Windows back in the early 90s because it was better than using the Tandy OS. Over the years though it's just grown into a mess and doesn't respect the user at all. It's not a stretch to say that Windows is a virus. The last time I thought I'd give Windows a fair shot I lasted less than 24 hours because Windows uploaded my personal files to the Internet from my laptop without my consent and then posted Black Lives Matters banners on my start-up screen along with a bunch of other ads. I was spending more time disabling things in Windows than using the laptop. So I put Linux back on and was back to normal in less than five minutes. Honestly don't know how you tolerate how awful Windows and Macshit is.

  86. 8 months ago

    EAX 2.0 works in Linux.

  87. 8 months ago

    >Everyone that doesnt like Linux is an Indian Microsoft shill

    Why are you like this? stop it.

    • 8 months ago

      It's the only thing linux gays have in their lives to feel smug about. They think about indians 16 hours a day.

    • 8 months ago

      Only microjeets have a vested interest in anti-linux sentiment.

    • 8 months ago

      So you would rather do it for free?

  88. 8 months ago

    How dogshit office is was my tipping point.
    Fricking word nuked my thesis multiple times.
    I do not understand how your flagship software can be such garbage.

    • 8 months ago

      Deserved for not using LaTeX like a normal person.

      • 8 months ago

        I do now. Supervisors wanted everything in word for whatever reason.

    • 8 months ago

      I lost a bunch of notes I took for my electronics course and I an assignment because word crashed. Granted I was using the school's VM version or whatever, but after that I never used it again.

      • 8 months ago

        Off the top of my head.
        >deleted over 300 citations.
        >constantly changed my formatting
        >deleted page breaks
        >moved pictures
        >had a fun loop where it would change my table of contents which would change the document length which changed the table of contents which changed the document length which changed the table of contents
        >reorient pages that were set to be landscape
        >rollback text which I had typed because it hadn't synced before I pressed enter
        there was more than that that I can't think of.

        • 8 months ago

          over 300 citations.
          Fricking shit, that alone would piss me off, even if it were just 10 citations.

          • 8 months ago

            Don't worry, it left the numbering so I had to manually go back through the document comparing it to a back up.

  89. 8 months ago

    It all fell down for me when I got bored of Windows 10 and Windows 11 is just an upgrade with cut features. Some people value convenience over anything so they keep using it but you have got to admit it though. Windows is no longer a tool that gets things done efficiently , It is a tool with ads and services planted by investors.

    I switched to linux and was happy. It is not perfect , but it is home. I prefer linux more than windows now , so many things are better.

  90. 8 months ago

    I didn't even like Windows when it was good. I never complained more about Microsoft and Windows than I did when I had 2k/XP installed, and 2k was the best that Windows ever got. So when MS started dicking around with 8, I decided I had better things to do than argue with my PC about who the fricking owner is. Been happily using Debian for over 10 years.

  91. 8 months ago

    On Linux I feel like I actually own my computer. There's no ads or anything promoting spending money (muh windows store, license key, office, candy crush, etc). I can do updates whenever I want, some games perform better on Linux than Windows, it use less ram, it's less bloated, it's free. It made me realize that I don't have to crack softwares, there's so many open source alternatives that do the same job or better. If you don't have to use a specific Windows software I don't see why you'd have to use Windows, you're just enabling big corporations to do more evil stuff on your computer in the future.

  92. 8 months ago

    Has anyone ever had the wonderful experience of installing Windows updates from a fresh install of a fully supported OS? Have a story:
    I insert the OFFICIAL Windows 7 DVD into my DVD drive. The very same drive that installed it off of that DVD many years ago. I want to make sure it works before I start a clean install. It no longer can read it. Why? Who fricking knows! The drive still works, and will read ANY OTHER CD OR DVD, but NOT that one. This is a common problem, look it up!

    So you use another computer to make a disc image of your install DVD of Windows 7, and boot using a USB drive. Everything installs normally, but now it's time to UPDATE.
    It will, literally, take you WEEKS to fully update your FULLY SUPPORTED OS. You hit check for updates, it takes 5 hours to "find" them. Then you choose to install them all, and it takes 12 hours to download them and install them. Then you restart the comptuer, and it takes ANOTHER 7 hours to do "step 2 of 3". These updates are MEGABYTES in size. What the FRICK is it doing?
    But that's not the only batch of updates. You need to do this multiple times, and then, eventually, you restart and you get the message "Failure configuring Windows updates. Reverting changes." which takes ANOTHER 15 FRICKING hours on top of the initial 19 from finding them and installing them. Why did this happen?
    One of those updates didn't work, so now they ALL have to go. Now you have to install in manually selected batches, and HOPE you don't hit a bad one. The only way to update a FULLY SUPPORTED WINDOWS OS is to use a program some randon guy made to get around this madness and retain your sanity.

    Frick Windows.

    • 8 months ago

      I can't imagine being so moronic that you fail to install windows.

  93. 8 months ago

    linux does what windon't

    • 8 months ago

      yeah, installing steam doesn't delete your entire desktop

      • 8 months ago

        Midwits still seething they got filtered by superior Linux intellect.

      • 8 months ago

        >Warning: You are about to do something potentially harmful. (deleting your entire fricking DE)
        >To continue type in the phrase 'Yes, do as I say!'
        combination of profound moronation in conjunction with using poopOS, in other words; skill issue

      • 8 months ago

        >the guy who fakes benchmark tests got filtered
        yeah it fits

      • 8 months ago

        >You are about to do something potentially harmful. To continue type in the phrase 'Yes, do as I say!'
        >Yes, do as I say!
        Tech channel btw.

      • 8 months ago

        >hey would you like to uninstall these packages
        >this is a very bad idea btw

        • 8 months ago

          >I dont think you know what youre doing, if youre sure you want this type "Yes do as I say!"[case sensitive]

      • 8 months ago

        >Linus RaceMix Tips can't use a computer
        Imagine. My. Shock.

        • 8 months ago

          whitest windows family

  94. 8 months ago

    linux/unix is just cuter

    • 8 months ago

      there's a qt version of pavucontrol btw, I imagine that'd be easier to theme to mesh with the rest of your aesthetics

    • 8 months ago

      I wish I could buy a 16:10, 2560x1600@144Hz monitor in 2023, the extra vertical space is nice.

  95. 8 months ago

    I opted into nothing, my wife had homework due and rather than be able to get to work on anything we were forced for 45 minutes to sit while the system updated me to win11, this was lomg before most normal systems even had win11 available. I dont like that so I moved to PopOS, then Arch and I have no intention of ever changing that.
    Support for games could halt right here and ill be fine for the rest of my life

  96. 8 months ago

    it, by itself, for seemingly no reason, randomly and with patterns that people can't figure out, does weird shit like breaking its temporary file directories causing software to go haywire

    external software did not do this
    there isn't a log for why there did this
    you can look it up online and there isn't an explanation
    it is seemingly impossible to replicate
    but things like that example, and different just things as catastrophic, happen with a frequency of least once per year

  97. 8 months ago

    Remember when windows gays said that linux was nothing and not worth giving it attention since it wasn't a real OS? Funny now they foam at the mouth whenever they see a linux gaming thread and repeat old fudd. Enjoy your forced updates and the ever increasing bloat.

  98. 8 months ago

    because globohomosexual has to fricking die

  99. 8 months ago

    Newer versions of windows kill off compatability with older software. Lowering people's standards, selling low quality inferrior plagarised shit.

    It's not one os that gets upgrades. It requires new versions for worhless Black person shit like direct x.

  100. 8 months ago

    So where are you, op

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