Seriously, what the fug was her problem?

Seriously, what the fug was her problem?

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  1. 5 months ago

    magic's gone.

  2. 5 months ago

    No one could satisfy her

  3. 5 months ago

    she's a domineering b***h with some softness sprinkled in here and there. She's "If you can't handle me at my worst then you don't deserve me at my best" personified. Also a bit of a prostitute

    • 5 months ago

      >a bit

    • 5 months ago

      >a bit

    • 5 months ago

      Sounds like every woman I've ever fallen in love with

    • 5 months ago

      for modern real world standarts, yes, a bit, unironically

  4. 5 months ago
    • 5 months ago

      This anon gets it.

      • 5 months ago

        shes pretty puffy.

  5. 5 months ago

    Magic can't fix ugly personality unfortunately

  6. 5 months ago

    >those child bearing hips

  7. 5 months ago

    she was pissed because she cant have children due to being a wizard

  8. 5 months ago

    Post it

    • 5 months ago

      It's probably in the waifu thread on


      • 5 months ago

        Wish there was a board for AI stuff.

    • 5 months ago


  9. 5 months ago

    Nothing. She's simply taking the hard choices that are the most effective for achieving whatever her goal is. All she needs are friends and family members who recognize that she needs emotional support for carrying the burden of being right all the time and being hated for it.

  10. 5 months ago

    Halsin could handle her.

  11. 5 months ago

    She got mad that a man with amnesia wasn't loyal to her and instantly remembered who her egotistical b***h ass was, and how dare you ever joke about having amnesia or with her whatsoever.

    • 5 months ago

      It's not that Geralt slept with someone, it's that Geralt slept with Triss, specifically. Triss betrayed Yenn on multiple, personal levels. The only reason Yenn tolerates Triss is because Ciri views the latter as a big sister, and Yenn cares tremendously about Ciri's well-being. Having Geralt "cross the line" so to speak is what makes her so bitter and angry. Geralt can bang Keira or Shani or whomever else, but it was having sex with Triss that was the problem. That is something that Triss could potentially use against her to humiliate her if Yenn succeeded in breaking the Last Wish and Geralt still had that loving feeling OR, worse, Triss was so good in the sack that the magic's gone once the wish is revoked.

      Triss tainted that "happy little family" dream that Yenn desperately wanted with Geralt and Ciri.

      • 5 months ago

        >Geralt slept with Triss
        Did he have sex with her in the books at all? I don't actually remember if he did. Triss was a traitorous c**t to be sure in the books and tried to have sex with him I remember but I can't remember if she succeeded.

        • 5 months ago

          Geralt and Triss have a brief fling caused by Triss using magic to seduce him, before Geralt calls it off and states that he only thinks of Triss as a friend. Unfortunately for him he's too much of a nice guy and gets Triss to fall hopelessly in love with him by helping her clean her diarrhea-laden butthole while traveling on one adventure rather than abandoning her (TW2 even refers to it). When Geralt and Yenn are having a major fight, Geralt also asks Triss to help teach Ciri how to control her magic, which leads to Triss and Ciri developing a bond, and Triss mistakenly believing she's really starting to replace Yenn in Geralt's life.

          • 5 months ago

            Yeah I remember how Triss went to Kaer Morhen to help with Ciri, which was one of the better bits of the books. I couldn't remember exactly how real Triss' feelings were for Geralt but I did feel they were sincere in the games even if she was going about it in an incredibly evil manner taking advantage of his amnesia.

            I wish they had kept the Triss personality from W1 and W2 for W3. W3 Triss was far too syrupy, like just trying far too hard to be good. But then, you can't really blame her for doing whatever it takes to get Geralt but I didn't get the feeling she was being manipulative. They just wrote her to be this good girl. It was like they gave Shani Triss' personality from the earlier games.

            • 5 months ago

              yeah, Triss is actually extremely manipulative and clever. By the modern definitions of rape, she raped Geralt. He was barely recovering from being forced through multiple worlds and all kinds of crazy shit, lost his memory, didn't even know who he was, and she's like "hey let's frick"

            • 5 months ago

              it was partly because Triss in Witcher 1 was originally meant to be Yennefer and she had amnesia too

              • 5 months ago

                I hear that a lot but Triss and Yen are a lot alike in personality so it's not that big a stretch that W1 Triss was like that. It's just Yen is 100% doorkicking c**t and Triss can be diplomatic. Like all the sorceresses were highly manipulative c**ts ranging from Yen at the most extreme to Triss and Kiera at the lower end. There were so many times where there was really no difference between Phillipa, Yen and Fringilla.

                One of my favourite parts in W3 was when Phillipa makes commentary about Geralt's life. She really separates herself from Yen by being hurt at the accusation she sent the assassins at Dijkstra. Yen, if she had done it, would have owned it. Phillipa has enough sense to be hurt at the suggestion that she's a c**t.

                And the thing is, the sorceresses aren't exactly all that c**ty. They were engaged in a serious project to save the kingdoms from dick-waving male rulers who ruled without any sense or education. They (and the wizards) were basically the soul and sensibility behind every throne and got none of the credit.

              • 5 months ago

                bull-frickin-shit. The sorceresses CAUSED most of the wars.

              • 5 months ago

                My memory is kinda bad about this subject but I felt like it was Nilfgaard who started the wars and in the middle of that the sorceresses engaged in the conspiracy of regicide because the Northern Kingdoms couldn't actually get their shit together due to infighting to actually stand against Nilfgaard. Like the reason why the sorceresses did what they did to bring the kingdoms under their unified command was because if they didn't Nilfgaard would take over and Nilfgaard basically treats magicians as slaves essentially.

                It wasn't the sorceresses fault Vilgefortz betrayed them to Nilfgaard.

              • 5 months ago

                Nilfgaard was certainly starting wars, because the Emperor Emyhr (spelling?) was trying to fulfill a prophecy in order to save the world from the White Frost, which later got retconned into just being global cooling when the stars dim, or some shit. But the sorceresses weren't trying to save people or prevent wars, they were only trying to protect themselves, because Nilfgaard doesn't let them frick around and cause so much trouble. They're kept on a tight leash within the Empire.

              • 5 months ago

                Vilgefortz didn't betray anyone. He brokered a truce between the North and Nilfgaard. He saved lives by pulling an unprecedented victory at Sodden, which was so shocking Coehoorn committed sudoku, and then used that momentum to buy the North time to get its collective shit together and let the propaganda machines spread through both parts of the world to make Nilfgaard second guess crossing the border. Phillipa used this peace treaty as an excuse to accuse Vilgefortz of betraying the North, which led to the Thanedd coup, the massive conflict between sorcerers, Scoia'tel, and Redania, the collapse of the Brotherhood, and the establishment of the Lodge. Everything "bad" related to sorcerers and sorceresses can be traced to Phillipa, and Phillipa IS the Lodge.

                I'm sorry it's been too fricking long since I read the books and I didn't enjoy them in the first place (due to a poor translation), I just have an entirely bad recollection of these major events and their causes. I'm just filling in the gaps in my memory with bad headcanon.

              • 5 months ago

                no worries anon, pretty much all these posts are a mix of canon and headcanon

              • 5 months ago

                You have nothing to be sorry about. You're probably thinking of Vilgefortz's betrayal in that he abducted Ciri and wanted to use her blood to supercharge himself and become all-powerful. And you're right, most translations of the Witcher suck, and Sapkowski's own prose is not that great.

              • 5 months ago

                Which is moronic. Necause the fricking White Frost is SUPPOSED to be the cosmic fricking apocalyptic backblast from the sheer moronic frickery of when mages thougjt it wpuld be FUNNY to smash entire realities and alternate dimensions together in the 'conjunction of the spheres' that basically ruined fricking everything forever. Depositing dark age humans from north europe into the witcher alternate earth.

              • 5 months ago

                Vilgefortz didn't betray anyone. He brokered a truce between the North and Nilfgaard. He saved lives by pulling an unprecedented victory at Sodden, which was so shocking Coehoorn committed sudoku, and then used that momentum to buy the North time to get its collective shit together and let the propaganda machines spread through both parts of the world to make Nilfgaard second guess crossing the border. Phillipa used this peace treaty as an excuse to accuse Vilgefortz of betraying the North, which led to the Thanedd coup, the massive conflict between sorcerers, Scoia'tel, and Redania, the collapse of the Brotherhood, and the establishment of the Lodge. Everything "bad" related to sorcerers and sorceresses can be traced to Phillipa, and Phillipa IS the Lodge.

          • 5 months ago

            >gets Triss to fall hopelessly in love with him by helping her clean her diarrhea-laden butthole
            By which method did he decide to partake in the cleaning of her butthole? Asking for a friend.

          • 5 months ago

            >clean her diarrhea-laden butthole
            what is it with these fantasy authors and scat?

  12. 5 months ago


  13. 5 months ago

    she was cucked for years

  14. 5 months ago

    read the books. She acts all high and mighty, and such a b***h, because she is deeply, deeply insecure. Yennefer is actually an ugly and deformed hunchback, who was kept in the basement for most of her life so she wouldn't embarrass her family, and her parents hated her. Now that she's all beautiful thanks to magic, she still hasn't gotten over that shit.

    And she especially hates that Geralt fricked Triss, because Triss is "allergic" to appearance altering magic, so that's what she actually looks like. You can imagine why Yennefer, who is only beautiful thanks to magic, and loves Geralt (partly) thanks to magic, is so upset that Geralt had sex with Triss, a naturally beautiful sorceress.

    • 5 months ago

      >Yennefer is actually
      Not anymore she's not, her back was mostly fixed although still imperfect. Stop talking like it's some kinda magic glamour covering it, that's not the case.

      • 5 months ago

        it was fixed, through magic, same as her face. it's not just a glamour, but that's still not what she actually looks like, either. Triss is rather unique in not using magic to look more beautiful, pretty much every other sorcerer and sorceress does. Their parties are basically just giant orgies

        • 5 months ago

          every sorceress is an insidious piece of shit that should be burned

          • 5 months ago

            >t. radovid the madlad

            • 5 months ago

              it was such a letdown that they made him so kooky and psychotic for no reason in W3 when he was really clever in W2

              • 5 months ago

                General consensus is that Radovid, and by extension Dijkstra, was mishandled due to W3's ever-ballooning story, especially due to how many big brain plays he'd had ever since becoming active in his role as political leader. While there is some leeway that can be made because of his obsession with Phillipa (and his obsession is 100% justified considering all of the shit that c**t pulled), his possible death in Novigrad is silly at best, and humiliating at worst.

              • 5 months ago

                they just butchered everything established in W2, it might as well have never existed and only the bit about Foltest's death and Phillipa getting her eyes gauged out are relevant to W3.

              • 5 months ago

                Their ambition got the best of them. Like

                I don't understand why they're even bothering. The Witcher 3 more or less hops right over the first two games and goes back to where the books left off.

                posted, the entirety of W1 and 2 in relation to 3 is totally irrelevant. I understand -why- thanks to the benefit of hindsight, but I can also understand why so many people are asspained by certain things in W3's story. Iorvethgays on permanent suicide watch.

                I hear that a lot but Triss and Yen are a lot alike in personality so it's not that big a stretch that W1 Triss was like that. It's just Yen is 100% doorkicking c**t and Triss can be diplomatic. Like all the sorceresses were highly manipulative c**ts ranging from Yen at the most extreme to Triss and Kiera at the lower end. There were so many times where there was really no difference between Phillipa, Yen and Fringilla.

                One of my favourite parts in W3 was when Phillipa makes commentary about Geralt's life. She really separates herself from Yen by being hurt at the accusation she sent the assassins at Dijkstra. Yen, if she had done it, would have owned it. Phillipa has enough sense to be hurt at the suggestion that she's a c**t.

                And the thing is, the sorceresses aren't exactly all that c**ty. They were engaged in a serious project to save the kingdoms from dick-waving male rulers who ruled without any sense or education. They (and the wizards) were basically the soul and sensibility behind every throne and got none of the credit.

                >the sorcereses aren't exactly all that c**ty

                Also, the biggest difference between Phillipa and Yenn isn't a matter of owning up to things. It's that Phillipa wants to actually rule the known world by being primus inter pares of the Lodge while Yenn just wants to be left the frick alone and having a happy little family. Phillipa thinks that Yenn is a saccharine stupid shit who will ultimately fail at ever finding happiness because she'll never reach her full potential (read: serve the Lodge), while Yenn thinks that Phillipa is a salty bitter c**t who gets her jollies out of whipping everyone subservient to her, including but not limited to full-chested, fat-assed apprentices.

              • 5 months ago

                yeah frick how all that went down. I wanted to support Radovid but it was bullshit that I had to betray Roach and Thaler to do so. Next best option is Nilfgaard, at least they keep the sorceresses in line.

              • 5 months ago

                Cut content and rewrites like most shit in witcher 3. People act surprised that story DLCs have better writing than main quests but that's because they're smaller and much more self contained, therefore, easier to make.

              • 5 months ago

                General consensus is that Radovid, and by extension Dijkstra, was mishandled due to W3's ever-ballooning story, especially due to how many big brain plays he'd had ever since becoming active in his role as political leader. While there is some leeway that can be made because of his obsession with Phillipa (and his obsession is 100% justified considering all of the shit that c**t pulled), his possible death in Novigrad is silly at best, and humiliating at worst.

                they just butchered everything established in W2, it might as well have never existed and only the bit about Foltest's death and Phillipa getting her eyes gauged out are relevant to W3.

                its telling that they decided to turn the leader of what is basically Poland into literally hitler to try and make people want to betray him.

          • 5 months ago

            no frickin joke. They act the same in the books and the games, always conspiring and causing bullshit for no good reason, just petty female drama nonsense

          • 5 months ago

            What about sorcerers?

    • 5 months ago

      1) Triss is allergic to POTIONS, not (appearance altering) magic;
      2) Triss was brutally disfigured at the Battle of Sodden Hill and was even thought to be dead. Her appearance was restored because numerous sorcerers and sorceresses cooperated with each other to help each other out after the unfathomable achievement that was a Northern victory against Nilfgaard during that battle. She even claims she has residual scar tissue from the conflict, which goes to show that she's not nearly as perfect as she may have once been, and considering the nature of sorceresses, she may have gotten some "upgrades" to offset the scar tissue.

      • 5 months ago

        homie what are youtalking about, triss being alergic to appearance-fixing magic? she got heavily disfigured and almost died at the battle of soddenhill and they fixed her up. the only thing they couldn't fix, don't remember why, was a scar on her chest (that the game devs completely ignored) and she never wore anything showing a lot of clevage.

        other than that she used to be just as ugly as the other witches as far as i remember.

        She was notably beautiful before Sodden Hill. Maybe she got fixed up after that, but that was always one of the main points of her character and her conflicts with Yennefer, that she was naturally beautiful without magic.

        • 5 months ago

          Post book and chapter where it says that otherwise you're full of shit. Reminder that games are NOT canon.

          • 5 months ago

            uh...the Blood of Elves, Chapter 11.

            • 5 months ago

              That book doesn't have a chapter 11, lying b***hass.

              • 5 months ago

                yeah I was fricking with you. I don't have the books on hand, so you're just gonna have to accept my memory as a source, or not. that's all I've got for you

              • 5 months ago

                The whole Yen hates Triss because of natural beauty is your own gay-ass little homosexual headcanon, got it.

              • 5 months ago

                It makes perfect sense though, doesn't it? And it fits with what we know about both characters. It's not the ONLY reason Yen hates Triss, but it's definitely one of them.

              • 5 months ago

                Yenn didn't have a serious problem with Triss until Triss sided with the Lodge over Yenn and her adopted family. She viewed Triss as little more than a school girl lusting after older men, and while she didn't like Geralt sleeping around, Yenn herself was sucking and fricking other guys and knew Geralt would come crawling back eventually. It's specifically that Geralt banged Triss after Triss' betrayal of everything Yenn holds dear that she became vindictive, which we see immediately in Vizima in W3 and again at Kaer Morhen.

              • 5 months ago

                Pretty sure that Yen and Triss were also good friends at one point, and Triss was always trying to frick Geralt but he never let it happen. But she got in there after he lost his memory

              • 5 months ago

                homie no it doesn't, you made the whole thing with triss being naturally beautiful and allergic to appearance-altering magic (??? but apparently not other magic??) up in your head. triss was born just as ugly as all the other sorceresses, unless specified otherwise which I don't remember ever happening.

                good post

                also all the witches are c**ty and vindictive towards each other while acting like besties (woman behavior), like that part in the books where geralt was dragged to some lodge of sorceresses' evening party by yen (or triss?).

                the explanation why yen hates triss is because they all hate each other and scheme against each other all the time. that's literally it. any other ""'lore""" explanations are meaningless gay nerd shit, like wookiepedia autistically explaining why the ewoks were able to beat the empire in rotj.

                captcha: GGAY

                >triss was born just as ugly as all the other sorceresses, unless specified otherwise which I don't remember ever happening.
                well, I remember differently. So unless you can post the source of Triss being born ugly, or I can post the source of her not, we're just gonna have to drop it because neither of us can prove our points.

              • 5 months ago

                he went to that party with Yen, and he got kinda pissed off about how so many of the sorcerers were so "familiar" with her. Also most of them, male and female, were wearing outfits that showed all the sexual things.

                Triss' introduction doesn't describe her beyond a basic appearance because she was meant to be a side character. The only time her appearance is mentioned is specifically after recovering from Sodden, which is confirmed to have had the sorcerers and sorceresses who were disfigured magically repaired. It genuinely doesn't matter if she was naturally beautiful before then, Sodden made her just the same as every other sorceress.

                >side character
                what? maybe upon introduction, but she became a pretty major side character later.

              • 5 months ago

                Triss didn't become important until after Sodden, when she started tutoring Ciri. Until then she was Sapkowski's means of making Geralt feel bad about standing up to Yennifer by having Triss seduce him with magic and making Geralt experience guilt due to his feelings for Yenn. The only way you could say that Yenn would be jealous of Triss' "beauty" in the books would by using leaps of logic, specifically that the tryst would have happened between 1249 and 1263, making Triss be aged 14 to 28 when she fell in love with Geralt.

              • 5 months ago

                Geralt was never into Triss because Sapkowski has a barely veiled femdom fetish, and he writes it into Geralt. It was almost subtle, but it was too consistent to ignore.

                As an example, in one scene where Geralt marches into a slave camp looking for a missing person, the head b***h starts berating Geralt for tracking mud into the room. He asks what her problem is, and she says, "Look at your boots."

                instead of writing "Geralt looked at his boots" or just skipping the implied action and describing Geralt's boots, instead he writes "Geralt submissively looked down, and observed his boots" which is just a bit much. yeah, this was the English translation so maybe those weren't the exact words in the original writing, but this theme is prominent and consistent throughout the books, especially in his interactions with that archer prostitute Milva

              • 5 months ago

                Of course, he's into dommies. His mom abandoned him.

              • 5 months ago

                Of course, he's into dommies. His mom abandoned him.

              • 5 months ago

                It somewhat bothers me how much he despises the people who enjoy the Witcher. Sure, it took video games for him to get the attention but once people paid attention he ought to realize he wrote a worthy setting. Granted, his writing was shit, but the whole plot and broad points were successful despite his writing.

                It just doesn't make any sense that he antagonizes the fans so much. Like he makes the effort to shit on them but he makes no effort to correct their supposed misunderstanding of his stories. Like he's gotten paid immensely thanks to Polish law retroactively compensating him. But then, he allegedly killed Geralt and Yen to spite whatever few fans he had before the games even came out. I guess it's not surprising bitter shits like this exist, he's hardly exceptional in that way.

              • 5 months ago

                Well, whatever his personal issues may be, I appreciate him for writing those books and creating such an interesting setting and interesting characters, like you said.

              • 5 months ago

                It's less about him antagonizing the fans and more about how he's agitated that some people think that the games somehow came before the books, or that the books are entirely redundant thanks to the games. Season of Storms was him giving a middle finger not to fans, but to CDPR. It was him stating in no uncertain terms, "Whatever you do with the games doesn't matter." Of course, five years later, he sued out the ass and got a settlement from CDPR. Some people might take that as a sign that the games do, in fact, matter much more than Sapkowski wants to admit, and that it were the games that made the books, not the other way around.

              • 5 months ago

                >Season of Storms
                I didn't even know this book existed. Translations only released on 2018, well past the point where I was paying attention.

                I don't know why the old frick thinks the books are at risk of being overshadowed by the games. Sure, for the people who don't care and only play the games that will be the case and likely will be the case moving forward as most people in the future will only play W3 and nothing else and won't read the books. But the fact is on an artistic level the purpose of the games was to give Ciri her happy ending that Sapkowski cruelly denied her; and it might be wish fulfillment but CDPR can be forgiven for making up any amount of stupid bullshit to make that happen. For a fan to be able to give maximum fricks about the whole Witcher story they have to care about the books. Yen and Ciri don't just appear and are merely hot b***hes for gamers to list over, they are serious characters that when most gamers are introduced to them are at the end of a long journey, a long journey that is only accessible from Sapkowski's books. And the fricking show can't replace that depth because the show is visually and audibly insulting such that you can't ignore the shit. The funny thing is that the show ignores the games at their peril, because the games are the show's future, the proper (wish fulfilling) ending to the story. The show's failure to setup or make any connection to the games just diminishes the show's place in the story, putting it well behind the games or the books.

              • 5 months ago

                I think it's a mental disease that fantasy writers have where they think they're the center of the universe and everyone else is a moron. Sapkowski thought that G.R.R.M.'s books were boring as all hell until the show aired, which got him somewhat interested. G.R.R.M. mocked Tolkein's works because they're too fantastical and unrealistic. Tolkein belittled C.S. Lewis for The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe partially because, using one example Ganker continuously seethe-posts with, "If that little girl met a faun, it would have ended in a rape, not a friendship."

              • 5 months ago

                >G.R.R.M. mocked Tolkein's works because they're too fantastical and unrealistic
                Slight misunderstanding on this one. GRRM loves the works of Tolkien, but was simply being wholly honest with something that he personally thought was a flaw. When you love something to that degree, you are plain and honest about areas you take personal issue with. Him criticising an aspect of LOTR does not mean he hates Tolkien and everything he ever created. He's simply talking about an area in which he personally would do something different.

              • 5 months ago

                >G.R.R.M. mocked Tolkein's
                He never mocked. That's disingenuous. GRRM worships Tolkien, he said this many times. He just differs in approach and made a mention of it when talking about how he built the world of ASOIAF. I respect Tolkien, I love LOTR, but to me GRRM hits a lot of the grimdark points that makes a work shine in my eyes. I prefer more "grounded" works like GRRM's than the fantastical ones of Tolkien and co. For example, sorcery should have a cost, a high cost and GRRM delivers some of that. It reminds of the old Sword & Sorcery like Conan where is directly linked to evil shit, almost every wielder is bad because they went insane or abandoned their humanity in pursuit of it. It's the forbidden stuff that has a price most that get close to practice or use are simply unwilling to pay.

              • 5 months ago

                Tolkien's books were intentionally fantastical and unrealistic, he based them entirely on ancient European folklore, with a Christian twist.

              • 5 months ago

                I didn't know that those writers had something to say about other writers. That's rather interesting.

                I think part of that pathology you describe is the fact a lot of fantasy or fiction isn't approached with an idea in mind. The authors are just vomiting "fantasy" onto a page and it happens to work. Like how Star Wars was just throwing tonnes of shit at the wall and the special effects covered for the fact that there wasn't anything smart or organized about the first three movies. I feel this way about Harry Potter and in a similar way Tolkein, Sapkowski, and GRRM are the same - they're just telling a story and the meaning came after as an accident or thanks to academics. Sapkowski didn't fricking intend the Witcher to be a complex story about family (contrast this with Boogie Nights, which is very clearly planned to be about family) but it worked out that way. Witcher wasn't written with purpose like 1984 was about authoritarianism or how CS Lewis was clearly writing about Christianity in his fantasy works. Harry Potter wasn't written as a struggle against fascism it just happened to work out that way as Rowling in her mind was just telling some good vs evil story.

                I think the best example of a writer just jerking off onto a manuscript is Patrick Rothfuss. That story of his is just mystery stacked upon mystery and it's obvious he has no idea how it is meant to fit together. And like other writers or like George Lucas their poor grasp of writing becomes more clear as they produce more works, it becomes clear the initial work was an accident. There is nothing accidental about CS Lewis's success, the guy's works are grounded in moral lesson and it is consistent. GRRM has come to the point where he has to tie the knot and he can't because he's let out an immense amount of fricking string and it's a tangle.

              • 5 months ago

                Unfortunately, their opinions on one another often get quoted without context, to drive controversy and clicks, aka, advertisement revenue. What a shameful state of affairs.

              • 5 months ago

                for example, they like to quote Martin's critiques of Tolkien, but they don't mention all the surrounding words where he talks about how much he loves Tolkien and dreams of being half as good as him.

              • 5 months ago

                Well, whatever his personal issues may be, I appreciate him for writing those books and creating such an interesting setting and interesting characters, like you said.

                Lots of balkan boomers who grew up under soviet communism are like this. They're bitter and angry and whenever they're not ranting about israelites (only in private of course) they always blame their shitty lives on someone or something until they die. My country is full of these people.

              • 5 months ago

                It sounds like this website is balkan boomer coded then

              • 5 months ago


              • 5 months ago

                homie no it doesn't, you made the whole thing with triss being naturally beautiful and allergic to appearance-altering magic (??? but apparently not other magic??) up in your head. triss was born just as ugly as all the other sorceresses, unless specified otherwise which I don't remember ever happening.

                Yenn didn't have a serious problem with Triss until Triss sided with the Lodge over Yenn and her adopted family. She viewed Triss as little more than a school girl lusting after older men, and while she didn't like Geralt sleeping around, Yenn herself was sucking and fricking other guys and knew Geralt would come crawling back eventually. It's specifically that Geralt banged Triss after Triss' betrayal of everything Yenn holds dear that she became vindictive, which we see immediately in Vizima in W3 and again at Kaer Morhen.

                good post

              • 5 months ago

                >triss was born just as ugly as all the other sorceresses, unless specified otherwise which I don't remember ever happening.
                well, I remember differently. So unless you can post the source of Triss being born ugly, or I can post the source of her not, we're just gonna have to drop it because neither of us can prove our points.

              • 5 months ago

                >triss was born just as ugly as all the other sorceresses, unless specified otherwise which I don't remember ever happening.
                well, I remember differently. So unless you can post the source of Triss being born ugly, or I can post the source of her not, we're just gonna have to drop it because neither of us can prove our points.

                Triss' introduction doesn't describe her beyond a basic appearance because she was meant to be a side character. The only time her appearance is mentioned is specifically after recovering from Sodden, which is confirmed to have had the sorcerers and sorceresses who were disfigured magically repaired. It genuinely doesn't matter if she was naturally beautiful before then, Sodden made her just the same as every other sorceress.

          • 5 months ago

            biggest difference between the books and the games is that Geralt is not supposed to be handsome. He's not necessarily ugly, but he's described as "unsettling to look at"

            I think Witcher 1 was the closest to what he's supposed to look like

            • 5 months ago

              Except the first is genuinely fugly as hell. I think two is psycho enough, a bit unsettling, but still acceptable. In W3 he's just a gigachad.

              • 5 months ago

                Witcher 2 has the best Geralt model specifically because of the eyes. In the books, only Geralt considers himself grotesque, when the reality is that he's off-putting for so many because of his cat eyes, his white hair from the Trials, and being covered in bodily scars, and not his facial structure.

              • 5 months ago


              • 5 months ago

                I'm team yennifer but triss's ass in witcher 2 is a miracle of the universe

              • 5 months ago

                I don't have Yen, but here's Zoltan

              • 5 months ago

                Zoltan is shit and not just because he has a prick

              • 5 months ago

                I love that bastard like you wouldn't believe. kek

              • 5 months ago

                I actually like Triss a lot, so I vastly prefer her personality, she feels much more playful and alive instead of the frigid calculist self-absorbed Yennefer wears although this is not her true self, but gaming wise I'm went for the canon which is Yenn. I read Triss is the books is actually a bit of a manipulative c**t, though. Anyway, I really want to like Yenn, but she doesn't click for me.

              • 5 months ago

                Triss is a manipulative c**t insofar is that she's a child in comparison to Geralt and Yenn, which is also why she appears "much more playful and alive". The ending dialogue that Geralt has with Yenn at the end of Be It Ever So Humble shows that the reason Geralt and Yenn have so few words with each other is because they have so many memories and shared experiences, they're at the point where nothing needs to be said. If something is said between them, then it's an order of magnitude more intense than what is already felt. Geralt and Triss have a more "lively" relationship because they're still discovering each other, which is more appealing for either a younger crowd age-wise, or an audience unfamiliar with Yenn as a character from the books.

              • 5 months ago

                based interpersonal relationships knower and loremaster

              • 5 months ago
            • 5 months ago

              I like W2 Geralt the most. He can't be mistaken for a normal human here, but at this same time it makes sense that all women are all over him
              In W1 he looks normal, but ugly
              In W3 he only stands out among everyone else because he is so absurdly good looking. But you need to take a good look at him to even notice his mutant eyes.

              • 5 months ago


              • 5 months ago


            • 5 months ago

              Witcher 1 Geralt is Lambert from Witcher 3

              • 5 months ago

                That's kind of true. kek
                They have the same rat face.

          • 5 months ago

            The books are based off of the games, moron

            • 5 months ago
    • 5 months ago

      it was fixed, through magic, same as her face. it's not just a glamour, but that's still not what she actually looks like, either. Triss is rather unique in not using magic to look more beautiful, pretty much every other sorcerer and sorceress does. Their parties are basically just giant orgies

      homie what are youtalking about, triss being alergic to appearance-fixing magic? she got heavily disfigured and almost died at the battle of soddenhill and they fixed her up. the only thing they couldn't fix, don't remember why, was a scar on her chest (that the game devs completely ignored) and she never wore anything showing a lot of clevage.

      other than that she used to be just as ugly as the other witches as far as i remember.

    • 5 months ago

      Anon is clearly talking about the game. She's another Yenn. Still high and mighty in some regards, but clearly fed up with the bullshit she was involved for so long and now willing to find some peace of mind.

    • 5 months ago

      >read the books
      lol, lmao even

      • 5 months ago

        I thought so.

        Geralt was never into Triss because Sapkowski has a barely veiled femdom fetish, and he writes it into Geralt. It was almost subtle, but it was too consistent to ignore.

        As an example, in one scene where Geralt marches into a slave camp looking for a missing person, the head b***h starts berating Geralt for tracking mud into the room. He asks what her problem is, and she says, "Look at your boots."

        instead of writing "Geralt looked at his boots" or just skipping the implied action and describing Geralt's boots, instead he writes "Geralt submissively looked down, and observed his boots" which is just a bit much. yeah, this was the English translation so maybe those weren't the exact words in the original writing, but this theme is prominent and consistent throughout the books, especially in his interactions with that archer prostitute Milva

      • 5 months ago

        >treats women like prostitutes in books
        Yea he is based

  15. 5 months ago

    >Geralt's no longer infertile after TW2
    >Frick Shani rawdog

  16. 5 months ago


    • 5 months ago
      • 5 months ago

        Her reaction when she heard about my suicide

  17. 5 months ago

    Are they fixing the story oddities in the TW1 remake?

    • 5 months ago

      I don't understand why they're even bothering. The Witcher 3 more or less hops right over the first two games and goes back to where the books left off.

  18. 5 months ago

    The DLC proves she's the best one for Geralt.

  19. 5 months ago

    Why didn't you post the one where she talks talks?

    • 5 months ago

      Because webms on Ganker still don't have sound for some dumb fricking reason.

      • 5 months ago

        no joke, the reason that most boards don't allow vids with sounds is because moot got scared too many times from jumpscare vids and so he banned them. in all the years since then, this still hasn't changed, and I don't know why. just keep the filesize limits the same, it won't cost any more money to host all this nonsense. just allow sound, it's easy.

        • 5 months ago

          c**ts would have a field day with that shit all day everyday 24/7 non-stop. It can't be allowed. Bans wouldn't do shit to contain that.

          • 5 months ago

            we already have


            it has a higher file size limit, and allows sound

            there are sometimes jumpscares there, but they're very rare. the internet today is a lot different than 2008. even then, who cares? so you get spooked for a minute, then it's over. a small price to pay for vids with sounds.

            Which is moronic. Necause the fricking White Frost is SUPPOSED to be the cosmic fricking apocalyptic backblast from the sheer moronic frickery of when mages thougjt it wpuld be FUNNY to smash entire realities and alternate dimensions together in the 'conjunction of the spheres' that basically ruined fricking everything forever. Depositing dark age humans from north europe into the witcher alternate earth.

            yeah, humans were the newcomers to the Witcher world. and yet, we still became #1. Such is our nature

  20. 5 months ago

    I got the shitty romance ending that's supposed to be for if you tried to romance Triss and Yen at the same time. But it was bullshit, I romanced Triss, but I never went on the genie quest with Yen because she was being such a b***h, when she "invited" (commanded) me to go do that, I just said frick off, leave me alone. But unless you do that mission and break ties with her, the game counts it as still being with her.

    • 5 months ago

      >I romanced Triss
      Choosing between Triss and Yen is a test to see who knows Geralt's history and who doesn't. The correct choice is Yen, it doesn't really have anything to do with the player's choice it's the actual right choice for Geralt.

      Triss gets credit for sincerely wanting Geralt but the story was and has always been about bringing together the family, which consists of Yen, Ciri and Geralt. And everyone loves Ciri too much to tell her how much of a c**t Triss is. Ciri's had a hard enough life.

      • 5 months ago

        I know that canon Geralt would always choose Yen because he loves b***hy women, but personally I couldn't tolerate her.

        • 5 months ago

          Yenn isn't a b***h. Yenn is an avalanche that refuses to let anything get in her way. Skellige is proof that Yenn isn't a b***h. Her relentless pursuits may seem abrasive, and her emotional distance may be cold, but all of this is done to hide her insecurities and vulnerabilities. She's extremely emotionally invested in others and tries to play the ice queen to cover for it.

          Yenn and Geralt pair together well because they act the exact same way. In Geralt's case, he pretends his mutations have made him emotionless, when in reality he is an extremely emotional person that constantly gets invested in other people's problems.

          • 5 months ago

            I can see the truth in your words, but I still couldn't put up with her b***hy behavior, regardless of how noble and good her underlying motives might actually be. Even Geralt at his worst is just a blunt butthole who's still trying to help people, Yen will torture and kill random frickers for whatever her goal is, and get mad if you say "wtf"

            I always felt like Witchers' greatest asset was their regeneration and less their martial ability.

            Witchers will go down just like any other human, it's not like they're an unknown quantity. It's just that they get back up if you don't kill them outright. I always felt like their ability to hunt monsters is entirely based on the fact they CAN get back up. In the course of fighting a monster they are bitten, scratched, poisoned, broken and suffer horrific wounds that would be lethal for any other human but they get their own poisons and stabs in, and the monster cannot regenerate like they can.

            I feel like what happens realistically is the Witchers (when they don't trap the monster) they just leap at it and start stabbing. Like imagine fighting a bear. The bear takes bites chunks out of you and claws your body and you'll certainly die. But the Witchers don't die, they get enough hits in that the monster dies and they just lie there until the regen fixes them up. It's why vampires are so dangerous because they're sentient, they know what the matchup is like. Vilgefortz knows what Witchers are, he wouldn't allow himself to get punked by them.

            Good post, and I think that's a big part of why they're so good at fighting (eventually), because they can lose so many times without actually dying, so they learn a lot that way.

            • 5 months ago

              That was Triss who did torture and killings in W3. Yenn doesn't torture or kill anyone that isn't an objective enemy throughout that story. If you're talking about Skjall, Yenn is resolute in her perspective that Skjall is just a hunk of meat and nothing more, and the reason she's so aggressive with him is that the spell she was using was requiring an absurd amount of the Power and, as she describes it, it was like she had "wienerroaches in her mouth or swimming in manure" and wanted to get it over with as quickly as possible. She fights with Geralt in the Garden because his ignorance is leading him to protest what she's doing. She's disgusted by what sensations she's just had to go through and upset that Geralt doesn't trust her with what she's doing to find Ciri.

        • 5 months ago

          Everyone assumes you're with Yen in the game even if you choose Triss lol

        • 5 months ago

          I chose Yen on my first playthrough because she's pretty and its the "canon" choice, but really came to regret it by the end of blood and wine when she shows up and immediately starts telling him what to do, she's just b***hy and unappreciative and their banter would be insufferable if you actually had to deal with that 24/7 for years in real life.

          • 5 months ago

            Yeah, she is a b***hy hotwife who only wants to cuck Geralt

    • 5 months ago

      Woah, thanks for the tip. It's hard for me to choose but I gravitated toward Triss.

      • 5 months ago

        story on the filename? what is that from? who names shit like that?

        • 5 months ago

          are you moronic

        • 5 months ago

          Rule34 sites image hash.

  21. 5 months ago

    lack of BBC.
    Not sure why OP is even asking the obvious.

  22. 5 months ago

    reminder the Vilgefortz beat the absolute frick out of Geralt with nothing but a metal staff. He should've been in the games as a secret, ultrahard boss

    • 5 months ago

      >6 foot vs 5 foot 11

    • 5 months ago

      I always felt like Witchers' greatest asset was their regeneration and less their martial ability.

      Witchers will go down just like any other human, it's not like they're an unknown quantity. It's just that they get back up if you don't kill them outright. I always felt like their ability to hunt monsters is entirely based on the fact they CAN get back up. In the course of fighting a monster they are bitten, scratched, poisoned, broken and suffer horrific wounds that would be lethal for any other human but they get their own poisons and stabs in, and the monster cannot regenerate like they can.

      I feel like what happens realistically is the Witchers (when they don't trap the monster) they just leap at it and start stabbing. Like imagine fighting a bear. The bear takes bites chunks out of you and claws your body and you'll certainly die. But the Witchers don't die, they get enough hits in that the monster dies and they just lie there until the regen fixes them up. It's why vampires are so dangerous because they're sentient, they know what the matchup is like. Vilgefortz knows what Witchers are, he wouldn't allow himself to get punked by them.

      • 5 months ago

        iirc vilgefortz helped make witchers for the school of the cat, which was an experimental project to increase witcher speed and agility but resulted in psychotic frenzies. if I'm right then vilgefortz had a deep understanding of how witchers work on a biological level, probably deeper than anyone else alive. he deffo would have known how to defeat geraldo rivera

      • 5 months ago

        I think it is much more likely a combination of factors that make them so deadly. Regen is one important, yes, but they are also faster and stronger than most humans. Not only that there's another huge thing that make them quite special: their senses. The ability to detect life through a certain radius can make you hella prepared for a lot of scenarios. Sense of smell, keen eyesight, heightened hearing, that allows you to react a lot faster to threats around you. Not even counting stuff like signs which comes in more than handy, but I don't think it appears much in the books, only the games. Witchers are in essence quite effective killing machines.

      • 5 months ago

        I can see the truth in your words, but I still couldn't put up with her b***hy behavior, regardless of how noble and good her underlying motives might actually be. Even Geralt at his worst is just a blunt butthole who's still trying to help people, Yen will torture and kill random frickers for whatever her goal is, and get mad if you say "wtf"

        Good post, and I think that's a big part of why they're so good at fighting (eventually), because they can lose so many times without actually dying, so they learn a lot that way.

        Witchers are highly trained, extremely agile and have improved reflexes. They got some minor regen but they are not wolverine, they don't use it to tank hits. They use their insane agility and reflexes to never get hit in the first place, in situations where any normal human wouldn't be able to respond quickly enough to dodge and attack and would die.

        Frick off with this stupid wolverine headcanon shit

        • 5 months ago

          yeah, they don't just tank shit, they are just faster and better than everyone else. But sometimes they do frick up and sometimes they live and learn when normal humans could not

    • 5 months ago

      There was an actual ultrahard boss in W1, iirc he's unbeatable unless you cheese him. Kinda like Bonart but it was some different mercenary, he was hired if you started killing guards in Vizima.

  23. 5 months ago

    >dedicated modding tools dropping this year
    finally, in-game futa

    • 5 months ago

      No fudging way

      • 5 months ago

        its gonna suck if they wait until literally the end of 2024, but yeah they are releasing official tools this year.
        I'm pretty sure some of the people who made the community tools are working on it so it should be at least as good as those.

        • 5 months ago

          There is a god after all. I wonder why they're doing this if they're switching to unreal for the next game tho.

          • 5 months ago

            thats exactly why they are doing it, redengine is done, they are giving the community the keys so to speak (they will likely do the same for cyberpunk when they stop actively developing and patching it.)

  24. 5 months ago

    No big black wiener

    • 5 months ago

      Seriously, why does she have so much interracial sfm?

      • 5 months ago

        Everything has these days, anon.

      • 5 months ago

        $$$ +

        • 5 months ago

          it was supposed to be

          $$$ + (israelite stars unicode)

          how strange it is that Ganker filters israelite stars, yet it allows 卐卐卐卐卍卍卍卍


          • 5 months ago

            You should have said ~~*producers*~~

            Game recognize game, fren.

      • 5 months ago

        She has one passing comment about dark strangers, obviously referring to "mysterious" but that made her an icon
        Add to that geralt is kind of simpish towards her and she has a dom personality, it basically becomes a fertile ground for ntr porn.

        • 5 months ago

          Okay, that makes sense

      • 5 months ago


        • 5 months ago

          lrn 2 4ch

      • 5 months ago

        In the books she cheats on Geralt a lot because he leaves her without saying a word for months at a time. She's also kind of a b***h and doesn't hesitate to attack Geralt with spells if he gets in her way. Their relationship is moronic and abusive basically(so like a typical slavic couple).

  25. 5 months ago

    triss was in playboy
    yenn wasnt
    end of discussion

    • 5 months ago

      Absolutly. Triss is a prostitute and Yenn is perfect.

  26. 5 months ago

    >oh man, while W2 gameplay was garbage Im really looking for the development of its main plot
    >what?! Ciri and Yen confirmed for W3! I cannot wait for what an intriquing story they have
    >Ok Yen is back! And she works for Nilfgaard! And it has no consequences? And she doesnt give a frick about preW3 Geralt, Letho, 3rd Nilfgaard war, rediscovering the proces how to make witchers!!!, being an absolute ass b***h on Skeliga... like that b***h should be the most hated persone on the all islands; the political implication of Radovid witch hunts outside of "muah sisterhood" etc.
    >also her romance sucks because it's just recycle "the Last wish"

    • 5 months ago

      it has consequences, Yen is hated in the North

      • 5 months ago

        At the end, I just think that there should an option where Yen can die during the final boss fight. I mean, you need X sorceresses for the ritual against WH. Now imagine, that you could hand over Phillipa to Radovid in exchange for stopping witch hunts. This means minus one sorceress, the ritual is underpowered and it kills Yen. That's it.

        • 5 months ago

          >fricks Keira and tells her to go to Kaer Morhen so Lambert can have sloppy seconds
          Looks like I saved both Yenn and that prick ;^)

  27. 5 months ago

    Physiognomy is real.

    No amount of makeup, plastic surgery or magic can hide the truth.

    • 5 months ago

      AIs can detect homosexual, from facial features alone, with an 85% success rate.

  28. 5 months ago

    I blame tall dark strangers

  29. 5 months ago

    Meh I just chose Triss because Yenn wouldnt stop moaning and bossing me around.

    • 5 months ago

      >beautiful, intelligent, witty woman bosses me around
      >white text on right of screen bosses me around

  30. 5 months ago

    she wanted the bbc which this game was lacking

    • 5 months ago

      why don't you homosexuals just suck a Black personwiener already? why do you have to remind us in every thread how obsessed with Black personwiener you are?

      • 5 months ago

        they're just looking for easy (you)s, like you just provided. the lowest tier of trolls.

        • 5 months ago


  31. 5 months ago

    Assuming we are all in agreement all sorceresses can get very whorish at times, Yen is all things considered not that bad
    She will let herself get tortured to death to save Geralt and Ciri (books), compared to Triss who is a coward that's a pretty good deal
    Also the Dijin quest proves she actually loves geralt, not just desires him, or else why would she go trough all that trouble?
    I used to be a trissgay before reading the books and playing the previous games, but I think it's obvious Triss is not really a good person
    Sure, Yen has her prostitute moments as well, but none were really "cheating" on geralt

    • 5 months ago

      Yen and Geralt frick other people all the time, but only Yen gets emotionally intimate with them and brings them up just to frick with Geralt, like that one sorcerer that Geralt had to kill for unrelated reasons.

      Triss and Yen are both pretty fricked. But then, so is Geralt, so...

    • 5 months ago

      Triss appears to be a bad person because she's playing chutes and ladders while everyone else around her is playing Axis and Allies. By the time Geralt and Yenn die in the Rivian Pogrom, she was a meager 33 years old, compared to Geralt (100 years old), Yennefer (101), and Phillipa (over 300), among others. Triss is understandably cowardly because it isn't until she's actually serving under Phillipa that she realizes just what kind of a hell she willingly walked into. They try to show her development throughout the games to be more like Yenn, In W1, it was her trying to mastermind Vizima's upper crust to solve the Salamandra problem, but her inexperience meant that once Redania entered the game, she needed to step out. In W2, it was her trying to help find Foltest's killer, only to get outplayed by Letho the first month into her mission. In W3, it was willingly letting herself be captured and tortured on the off-chance that it will help find Ciri, and then being actively involved in evacuating the mages to Kovir... and in W3, she finally succeeds at sitting at the big girls' table without spilling soup all over her lap.

      • 5 months ago

        so you're saying that Geralt is a pedo when he fricks Triss or Shani

        • 5 months ago

          If the field has grass, play ball.

          • 5 months ago

            I haven't heard that since I was a senior in high school and my friend was trying to convince me to frick some 15 year old girls who wanted to party with us

  32. 5 months ago

    >Modern Lingerie in somewhat medieval-fantasy setting
    Idk why but this always irks me a bit, not a big deal but it would be nice to see these prostitutes in a long white smock or something

  33. 5 months ago

    /v/irgins desperately want her to get blacked because their ego is ruined and they can't imagine themselves having sex but there are no blacks in Witcher

    • 5 months ago

      I can't. My penis isn't big enough to even warrant being called a dick.

      • 5 months ago


        • 5 months ago

          I learnt to accept it, it's just that way for all whitebois.

          • 5 months ago

            gay white? israelite? asian? I can never tell with these posts. blacks don't have the IQ to false flag like this.

            • 5 months ago

              >4 boobs

              • 5 months ago

                you missed the two on the back

      • 5 months ago

        How many inches

      • 5 months ago

        It's probably average but you have porn brainrot

  34. 5 months ago

    Her lover contracted a hundred stds fricking prostitutes witches and monsters because of amnesia

  35. 5 months ago


  36. 5 months ago

    futa wiener

  37. 5 months ago

    femcel thread

  38. 5 months ago

    Literally none of this would have happened if Geralt had simply refused to adopt Ciri.

    • 5 months ago

      He was bounded by fate.

  39. 5 months ago

    >discussion about a white female starts
    >subhumans start talking about Black person dicks
    I despise america, i literally wish death upon you subhuman disgusting filth

    • 5 months ago

      your mother was ravaged by black dicks in her youth

    • 5 months ago

      The OP image is literally AI blacked shit.

    • 5 months ago

      you're on Ganker

  40. 5 months ago

    not enough attention from Menge's Witch Hunters

    • 5 months ago

      Dude on the right stole Geralt's armour.

  41. 5 months ago


  42. 5 months ago

    Yen loves Geralt or just using him?

    • 5 months ago

      Yenn loves Geralt on a fundamental level because their goals are aligned, namely that they're infertile freaks who just want to be left the frick alone and have a small family and a quiet life. Yenn gets frustrated with Geralt because he's too much of a good person who constantly gets involved in people's lives, which is tremendously contradictory to the stated goal of being alone. The Rivian Pogrom is a perfect example of Geralt constantly fricking up the dream, and how much Yenn desperately cares about him in spite of these "flaws". It's those "flaws" that make her b***h him out so often, because he keeps taking so many detours to get to her happy dream.

      • 5 months ago

        >her happy dream
        And that's the issue, what Geralt wants and thinks is completely out of the equation, he is just the means for her to achieve her own dreams and goals.

        • 5 months ago

          what Geralt thinks is often wrong and he usually eats shit for it. He's one of those people who sabotages his own well-being and happiness. Not wanting people you care about to suffer is a normal response

  43. 5 months ago

    Routine to achieve this physique?

    • 5 months ago

      Beginner program: Stronglifts 5x5
      Intermediate program: Texas Method OR Madcow

      Protein intake: 1.2g of protein per 1lb of body weight. For example, 150lbs equals consuming 180g of protein daily.

      Calorie intake: [grams of protein daily] * 16 to bulk up rapidly.

  44. 5 months ago

    She's a woman. No that's it, that's just like she is every day, she wasn't even pissed at Geralt. Choosing Yen over Ciri is just choosing the naggiest wife poosible for no real reason.

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