>Service games market has reached its estimated peak and there doesnt seem to be any growth from here

>Service games market has reached its estimated peak and there doesnt seem to be any growth from here
so where does this industry head to next?
Everyone who wants service games is already tied to one and people arnt willing to try any new ones

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  1. 5 months ago

    What if we only offer our games within <subscription service>

  2. 5 months ago

    i hope it crashes soon

    • 5 months ago

      >Everyone who wants service games
      Oh wow, look at at this massive crowd of... nobody.

      Of course it reaches a ceiling if you keep making shitty live service games that nobody wants to play, try making good live service games instead.

      Seething Chuds still trying to deny reality I see, growth of subscription services has not stopped just merly taken a temporary pause due to the effects of current inflations on consumers.

      As soon as that dealt with the all digital,all dmr, all live service and all subscription future will resume in full swing.


      • 5 months ago

        >growth of subscription services has not stopped just merly taken a temporary pause
        cope & sneed soicuck

    • 5 months ago

      I agree hope gamepass crash soon

  3. 5 months ago

    all the big companies will move to subscription services
    so they only way you can play the games is by subscribing or pirating, and most people are too dumb to pirate
    this will be forced, you will own nothing and you will be happy

    • 5 months ago

      dont you think it will shake the industry a bit when one of its biggest publishers goes belly up because of this
      Ubisoft has been trying to get a decent service game for almost a decade and everything was a flop and now even at deaths door they will die on this hill

      • 5 months ago

        ubisoft isnt subscription only
        all the ass creed games are on steam
        subscription only hasnt been done yet, even microsoft is still selling games individually
        but that's where the industry is going, they dont give a shit if people dont like it, it will be forced

        • 5 months ago

          >subscription only hasnt been done yet
          >what is every MMO ever

      • 5 months ago

        Wasn't R6 Siege making them decent money? I know that for some ungodly reason they're still supporting For Honor, too

        • 5 months ago

          Siege's moment of hype came and went because Ubisoft clearly couldnt read the room when most of the fanbase made it clear they didnt like the Overwatch style operators they kept adding
          it still has a dedidcated following but dwindling and Ubisofts attempt to make make more Tom Clancy cash cows (Rainbow Six Break, XDeviant) all flopped

    • 5 months ago

      The thing is, the video game industry is different from other giants because indies can sit their asses in a garage and create games that will be top hits for years to come, so mega corporations moving to a 100% service system will only open up space for indies to further exploit a billion-dollar industry.
      The only way the industry will really push everyone towards services will be if distribution is all controlled by the big corporations, as it was in the days of physical media games.

    • 5 months ago

      I guess I'll continue to buy indie games for half the cost of AAA garbage.

    • 5 months ago

      you need to be utterly moronic to think you can expand a market forever. Everything has a breaking point in one way or another.

      just like paying to access the internet you already pay for on consoles lmao.

  4. 5 months ago

    More than likely constantly trying to push these services for quite a long time before several companies go bankrupt. Eventually most will stop but a few will remain. X as a service is only a good business model insofar as there are only a few companies doing it. If there are too many then your service becomes pointless as it's so fractured and you would need a subscription to every service to have a reasonable amount of content. This is already happening with streaming for movies and television. Too many companies in the space offering very little and they're losing subscribers so they're constantly pushing up prices and adding ads to the service. This is likely to happen with games as a service as well, prices that are prohibitively expensive to milk whales who will pay for anything which is convenient.
    Service based business has grown massively but very few are ever profitable and that more than likely won't change. Similar to how most live service games die very quickly but a select few become popular enough to survive for a very long time.

    • 5 months ago

      >X as a service is only a good business model insofar as there are only a few companies doing it.
      It's a terrible business model. All of the streaming services are money pits, bandwidth is expensive and the returns are terrible.

      The whole model is ass backwards. If you release a good product and lots of people consume it, you LOSE more money. If you release a bad product and nobody watches it, you GAIN more money. It's a balancing act between releasing enough shit to keep subscribers and grow new ones, and not releasing too much and tanking profits due to server costs.

      The whole concept is "lose money now, when server costs come down you'll be the biggest player and can reap the profits". Except server costs haven't come down over the past decade.

      • 5 months ago

        More than likely constantly trying to push these services for quite a long time before several companies go bankrupt. Eventually most will stop but a few will remain. X as a service is only a good business model insofar as there are only a few companies doing it. If there are too many then your service becomes pointless as it's so fractured and you would need a subscription to every service to have a reasonable amount of content. This is already happening with streaming for movies and television. Too many companies in the space offering very little and they're losing subscribers so they're constantly pushing up prices and adding ads to the service. This is likely to happen with games as a service as well, prices that are prohibitively expensive to milk whales who will pay for anything which is convenient.
        Service based business has grown massively but very few are ever profitable and that more than likely won't change. Similar to how most live service games die very quickly but a select few become popular enough to survive for a very long time.

        >so where does this industry head to next?

        Make actual good games that we want to play.

        Also get all of the israelites, Women, Diversity hires and gays out of the industry.



        >Service games market has reached its estimated peak and there doesnt seem to be any growth from here
        so where does this industry head to next?
        Everyone who wants service games is already tied to one and people arnt willing to try any new ones

        With any luck the industry will either collapse in on itself, don't expect these people to adhere to any kind ethical business practices. The end game is to make everything a subscription based service so we unironically own nothing.

  5. 5 months ago

    >so where does this industry head to next?

    Make actual good games that we want to play.

    Also get all of the israelites, Women, Diversity hires and gays out of the industry.

    • 5 months ago

      Get them off of the earth plz.
      Send them to Venus.

      • 5 months ago

        Frick off, we're full.

  6. 5 months ago

    For a long time I thought this guy's profile picture was that Mr Incredible becoming uncanny meme.

  7. 5 months ago

    Of course it reaches a ceiling if you keep making shitty live service games that nobody wants to play, try making good live service games instead.

    • 5 months ago

      there arnt more people to play live service games
      the obvious flaw of this type of business is that you tie a customer to one single game
      everyone who is intrested in live service games is already tied to one like Destiny 2, GTAO. Valorant or CS2
      people simply dont want to abandon those either due to sunk cost fallacy
      GaaS is a paradox that makes money now but will also lose money in the future

      • 5 months ago

        I don't play any service games but I would like to if they weren't all SHIT. I'm sure there are millions in the same boat as me.

      • 5 months ago

        I’ve always believed the trick to making money in games is producing decently short, simple, but good, and affordable games. The more you produce, the bigger your games library will be, the more options new gamers will have. These game will sell for all eternity to so long as you keep them on your online store. And they’ll always be a market as new gamers are born everyday. But big corps are just too short sighted to see the old model has always been the ideal model.

  8. 5 months ago

    >Everyone who wants service games
    Oh wow, look at at this massive crowd of... nobody.

  9. 5 months ago

    The infinite growth/GDP meme will be the death of mankind

    • 5 months ago

      >just colonize mars bro

      • 5 months ago

        Just played starfield, that seems to have worked out well. Earth dead except for like 5 monuments, humanity relegated to being caricature cultures in tiny settlements on 12 empty planets

    • 5 months ago

      Opposite is true. There have been periods of long term contraction and they were the worst eras of human history. Sea peoples invasion, dark ages, the three kingdoms etc

      • 5 months ago

        ah yes, the infinite expansion that isn't causing cyclical crashes and economic crisis every 20 years, that's not a problem. The Dark Ages? Now that's a real problem we have to worry about

        • 5 months ago

          What we call crises today are of infinitesimal threat compared to the actual catastrophes and civilizational death that had occured in history. You’ve been memed on by melodramatic journalists sensationalizing any difficulty to sell a story. There will always be trials and tribulations but current times are incomparably good.

          • 5 months ago

            >incomparably good
            >fricked up workers rights all around
            >middle class being pushed into lower class
            >innaccessible housing market everywhere
            >inflation not on par with wages
            >having education does not equate a decent job

            neolib capitalist bootlickers sure are a thing

            • 5 months ago

              A few years of mildly distasteful economic conditions compared to say, the Bronze Age collapse when multiple civilizations were wiped out to the extent that entire races of people disappears and their records were so throughly destroyed we don’t even understand who did it, just some vague surviving scraps referencing invaders. Yeah I’d say we have it pretty good when your biggest worry is literally some trendy label you have invented to denigrate your imagined ideological enemies

              • 5 months ago

                >you could be dying of Black Plague, so you better be grateful you get paid minimal wage, work overtime and you need two jobs to afford a room in a shared flat!

                you are a mongoloid

              • 5 months ago

                You are an ignorant brown who doesn’t even understand what has happened in his own lifetime, let alone have the perspective to make recommendations on the human race’s economic trajectory

              • 5 months ago

                I'm sure that if you lick Schlomo's boot just a bit more you'll make it anon, the world is your oyster

              • 5 months ago

                >muh chart covering 80 years of ONE country proved that economic growth is bad! Never mind this literally just numbers and doesn’t capture anything about conditions of life or qualitatively compare to what it’s like to have your entire civilization go extinct!

                You literally have to idea what you are talking about. You made an idiotic blanket statement that seeking economic growth is bad and now are just whining about current economic conditions out of butthurt pathos rather than justifying your ludicrous claims. What’s funny is economic growth remains the cure to the problems you whine about, not the cause

              • 5 months ago

                "economic growth" is the main fault we're having the worst economic prospects on an individual citizen level than 50 years ago. I don't give a shit if big corporations are making big dick money, the working classes are just getting lesser and lesser. The already rich are taking an even bigger piece of the pie and all legislations are complicit, worker's rights are being folded over in the name of making money and economical corporativism. But oh well, at least we're not suffering from the Plague or a Mongol invasion, we should be grateful

              • 5 months ago

                So how does creating a social goal to reduce overall resources rather than grow them solve your problem? A social ill in your country for a few decades does not translate to an fundamental issue with how human civilization is organized

              • 5 months ago

                >What’s funny is economic growth remains the cure to the problems you whine about, not the cause
                ask yourself this, where do you even grow in this age?
                every bumfrick country in the world has a Mcdonalds
                Everyone is buying shitty American products on Amazon
                the point where growth isnt possible is approaching soon, thats why all the companies are looking towards just milking more money out of existing customers with shittier products

              • 5 months ago

                Okay Malthus, your theory has really aged well these last 150 years gotta admit

              • 5 months ago

                answer my question dipshit
                where do you grown when everyone is already buying

              • 5 months ago

                You increase the access to goods and services at all levels, thereby creating more demand. Right now there are millions of people in Africa and Asia living at subsistence below poverty level, with continued growth they can need construction of new infrastructure, cars, services, goods, etc. growth begets growth. Your idea that humanity is tapped out and about collapse and future growth is unsupportable is literally 200 years old and has been proven empirically false

              • 5 months ago

                >those in charge are deliberately curtailing our access to all of those things as much as they dare
                >but the intent is to make sure that everyone in the planet gets it
                You do realize it's possible to slide backwards right? Or for other considerations to find themselves at the forefront?

              • 5 months ago

                Yes it is possible to slide backwards, that’s why i have been arguing that making it stated policy to go backwards is fricking moronic. Are you new to the thread?

              • 5 months ago

                You're not smart

              • 5 months ago

                you ever wonder if the growth of these 3rd world countries isnt happening because them being poor is at the expense of us doing cheap business over there?
                go ask Shell and how they basicly run a modern slave camp in Nigeria and how much investment has gone in surpressing civilian uprisings

              • 5 months ago

                I do wonder but micro level issues that have developed over the last 30 years like that are not particularly relevant to this discussion. A corporation breaking the law is not an indictment of the human races fundamental organizing principle

              • 5 months ago

                Holy moving goalpost
                >Okay, maybe some of the biggest corporations in the world are running slave based industries to fuel the "economic growth"
                >But but how does this affect the individual?? Maybe we can expand our growth into Africa if starving enslaved people buy cars and iphones

              • 5 months ago

                The seemingly endless rise of identity politics, transgender and other explicitly anti human ideologies, the degeneration of technological development into just more and more ways to control your mind and body for an ever more isolated and out of touch elite is going to have consequences far more terrible and far reaching than a mere economic collapse or war.

              • 5 months ago

                This chart is exactly why modernity is incomparably good despite your seethe

              • 5 months ago

                Oh yeah, humanity is really on the fast track to true utopia. How's the literacy rate doing?

              • 5 months ago

                Got a chart that shows literacy today compared to 0 and 1000 AD? That will answer your question

              • 5 months ago

                How about one from 1950 to now?

              • 5 months ago

                The problem with making a statement that infinite gdp growth is le bad is that you have to justify it over an infinite period of time and you can’t cherry pick your data

              • 5 months ago

                Holy shit he's a basket mongoloid, I'm sure he's also a cryptobro and musk cultist
                >we're creating SO much value! Humanity has made so much money these past 20 years! Everyone is benefited from this!

                Its abysmal

              • 5 months ago

                Unfortunately it's increasing.

              • 5 months ago

                you are a small minded ape if you think we're at the peak of human civilization right now. you're seriously trying to explain why we shouldn't hope for a better world by referencing the black plague? we literally just experienced the worst post-globalization plague in modern history. do you realize how much of a tool you've been transformed into if you think like this?

              • 5 months ago

                >we literally just experienced the worst post-globalization plague in modern history.
                NPCs are legitimately beyond all hope.

              • 5 months ago

                0.01% mortality rate for anyone who isn't old/fat is pretty damn scary.

              • 5 months ago

                >0.01% mortality rate for anyone who isn't old/fat
                So ever so slightly more deadly than the flu? It's a miracle anyone survived.

          • 5 months ago

            the only way to believe this is to believe that everything we built after 1700 AD will vanish if things get bad enough.
            if the internet goes down, southern saskatchewan will have it's own little net within a month. if power ststions get fricked people will rip apart electric motors and convert them into personal water or wind turbines.
            the useless eaters will suffer but what else us new

            • 5 months ago

              'this' as in 'omg world gonna end', not what you said, anon

            • 5 months ago

              If we collectively decide that sustained economic growth is bad like anon is advocating for complete collapse is what you will see. When I say a period of contraction I don’t mean a blip of a few years like the Great Depression I mean generations + worth of contraction. If you move the needle this direction history tells us disaster on a macro level is what follows. You will not get to keep your internet. You will not get to keep your small town. You will not get to keep your tendies. It won’t be comfy

          • 5 months ago

            Never before were homosexual sapiens being brainwashed to mate with homosexual erectus as if it's a good thing.

      • 5 months ago

        >dude gdp per capita in antiquity
        literal bullshit. GDP is nonsense.
        >dark ages
        stop falling for "enlightenment" era propaganda

  10. 5 months ago

    The big budget industry needs to crash, that's where it needs to go next.

    Not a single person is going to miss it - moronic shareholders who don't understand games would go to leach a different industry, normalgays would jump onto something else what is popular since they never cared about games and dont even play AAA trash outside of cod or sports multiplayer garbage which they play with friends, streamers would find a different job since they already suffer from their current "job" because AAA trash for them is a chore to play, people who like video games don't play AAA boring trash anyway, so they would possibly get more small budget games.

  11. 5 months ago

    This is basically the same thing that happens with anything popular. People see something become successful and decide they want a piece of that pie and throw out their own copycat, flooding the market with dozens of options that are all basically the same thing without realizing that there’s not enough to draw new people in and existing customers don’t have infinite amounts of money to throw into the now dozens of options.

  12. 5 months ago

    This is a good thing. If the industry is allowed to turn the majority of the consumer base into subscription users, eventually when the infrastructure is there they'll turn everything streaming only with very little opposition and then vidya is completely fricked.

  13. 5 months ago

    >We need infinite growth forever or we will collapse in upon ourselves within a month, crash multiple industries, and layoff our entire workforce except the innocent wittle executives.
    Hmmm. This doesn't seem to be a solid model. Can someone show me the justifying data from companies that have successfully achieved infinite growth forever?

    • 5 months ago

      even the companies that have achieved this ''infinite growth'' know it will all go to hell with just a single bad year
      Epic goes into complete panic mode when Fortnite numbers start dwindling for some months that they always pull some sponsorship or artist collab to save numbers
      we are talking about a company with almost 3400 employees all dedicated to Fortnite updates, running the Epic Games store and licensing Unreal Engine

      • 5 months ago

        Ahh but Epic is only existed for 30 years which is just short of eternity. I need data from the successful companies that exist eternally with eternal growth regardless of all circumstances before I'll jump aboard and pretend to chase this dream we're selling ourselves.

        • 5 months ago

          >I need data from the successful companies that exist eternally with eternal growth
          The vatican.

          • 5 months ago

            >eternal growth
            you are gay

            • 5 months ago

              The catholic church is a roman imperial system.

              • 5 months ago

                So what? Their peak was when they could burn people alive who dared to suggest that Earth orbit Sun. Ever since it's decline for them.

              • 5 months ago

                I haven't been following the conversation. I just saw "corporation" and "eternal growth" and wanted to call the catholic church a roman imperial system.

  14. 5 months ago

    Raise prices to try keep an eternal revenue growth which pushes away all your subscribers.
    Just like streaming services.

  15. 5 months ago

    Huh? Sega peaked its share price in 2013, not now

  16. 5 months ago

    That’s the thing - most people who are willing to buy season passes will only do so for like one or maybe two games at a time since subscription fatigue is a real thing even among normalgays.

    Everyone started doing this shit at the same time and as a result saturated very quickly. Any new franchises attempting this shit are totally fricked and this has been known for years yet they keep doing it.

  17. 5 months ago

    guy looks like a fricking thumb

  18. 5 months ago

    >The Finals comes out
    >it's free to play live service with battlepass etc
    >skins are ugly vomit aesthetically
    >never feel the need to pay anything for it
    >this is just one game among dozens of these live service games trying to make a dent in the market

    • 5 months ago

      This is what I don't get, nearly all cosmetics and paypig stuff in the live service games sucks.

    • 5 months ago

      I remember trying this game at launch and being kind of disgusted that the default player model was some fat-ish morons in ugly jump suits. I knew right away that this was them trying to make you want to buy shit right away just not to look like a stupid frick, but it got the opposite reaction in me since I just dropped it and didn't even want to bother trying the game because of it

  19. 5 months ago

    Every publisher believes they can become the next top dog by copying what the #1 spot is doing, and never realize that people invested in that top game are already happy with what they have and don't need a knockoff. This happened with Call of Duty was the biggest thing.

  20. 5 months ago

    >little to no news on the, now forgotten, F2P skate4 game that is still in development.
    >These recent news
    Any anons hopeful that this could mean a rebrand for the game? I'd hate to see Isaac being sold in a 20$ bundle, but I wouldn't put it past EA to do the very thing in a full priced game

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