Seven Mortal Sins X-TASY

Upcoming banners:
>Frankenstein Astaroth
>Alice in Wonderland Gabriel
>Belly Dancer Sariel
>Santa Mammon
>Kimono Lucifer
>Housewife Michael
>Zombie Survivor Belphegor
>Banquet Dress Belial
>Martial Arts Satan
>Street Sports Leviathan
>Magical Girl Asmodeus
>School Uniform Leviathan
>Taisho Uriel
>Hot Springs Metatron

POSIWID: The Purpose Of A System Is What It Does Shirt $21.68

DMT Has Friends For Me Shirt $21.68

POSIWID: The Purpose Of A System Is What It Does Shirt $21.68

  1. 1 year ago

    Is the miracle box or whatever it's called for 1000 diamonds in the event shop worth it? You can buy 5 of them, they each contain 1 pity currency (so like making a ten pull for the same price) plus a 50% chance of an extra 12 pull with banner scrolls and I think around a 4 or 5% chance of getting a banner character or their bunrei. It's 2% total chance to get Sandy or her alt on the banner, though that's checked per pull unlike the one shot this lucky box gives ya. It's also a 50% chance of a bunch of soul mirror scrolls which kinda sucks but I think I'd do it if it was for a character I really really liked and wanted to max like Lucy.

    • 1 year ago

      I believe you can get over 120 free summons from this event without spending any diamonds
      So unless Sandy is your waifu and you want to build her, it's safe to pass

      • 1 year ago

        Yeah, I like how they added an extra 3 scrolls a day from event missions and the 120 stamina node makes the daily grind so much faster.
        Thanks for the second opinion; as expected, it's only worth if you really wanna build up the character and I'm happy with just collecting Sandy.

        She's so cute bros

        Of all the alts Belphy's had, that's definitely the cutest.

  2. 1 year ago

    She's so cute bros

  3. 1 year ago


    Day light saving caused raids to reset 1 hour early but didn't reset the guild stamina or score

  4. 1 year ago


    Man this image is such a disappointment what happened to the wolf hands in the first image.

    Could of had her covered in drool or acid or something, I want my diamonds back....

  5. 1 year ago

    This week reset seems to be another grind:
    >bloodpact: serenade
    >kizuna tower
    >garden of mystery
    I really don’t mind the grind as long as I’m farming gems for my belly dancer sariel

  6. 1 year ago


    it's been months and they still didn't fix the uncensored apk to be actually uncensored. bunch of incompetent hacks.

  7. 1 year ago

    Are the standard tickets only usable on the awaker summon banner? Does each banner have it's own ticket? What are soul mirrors?

    • 1 year ago

      >Are the standard tickets only usable on the awaker summon banner?
      >Does each banner have it's own ticket?
      >What are soul mirrors?
      They're basically equipment unique to each character. Each character has two sets, and meeting certain requirements will unlock the image in question.

    • 1 year ago

      I suggest reading a guide like in OP because you can frick up your progression in the beginning if you're dumping all your resources into Awakers or wasting your diamonds on soul mirrors or blood pact

      • 1 year ago

        I've been using leveling some of the suggested characters in the guide as I don't have anything, but Awakers. Thinking about rolling for Michael from the latest banner though I probably won't be able to hit pity. Can you get off banner virtues?

        • 1 year ago

          No, you only get SVRs featured on the banner. Idol Michael is pretty decent for a new account but the Raphaels are only good for niche PVP usage so I would skip this banner.

  8. 1 year ago

    What's all this new shit? Infinite summon? And there's co-op now?

    • 1 year ago

      Finally got around to clearing out my massive hoard of unused soul mirrors. Dismantling the blue rarity and higher ones gave me special crystals to enchant the new LR soul mirrors that were mentioned in the latest update here , though I don't know how that works yet.

  9. 1 year ago

    >app update
    >now when I get push notifications, instead of the app icon appearing it's a grey background with a single Chinese character
    kek, love this kusoge

  10. 1 year ago

    T.M.K here
    Is the uncensored app back with voices? Sorry for not logging in.

  11. 1 year ago

    Saw this thread and installed.
    What the frick am I getting into?

    • 1 year ago

      Oh jeez, uh, where to begin? I guess just check out the stuff in the second post of the thread. Uncensored version on their website (not the app store) has nipples but no voices, censored version on the app store has voices but no nipples.

      • 1 year ago

        I still don't understand why they removed the voices from the uncensored version. Half the voice lines don't even get to play in the censored version.

  12. 1 year ago

    Wtf this is a lovely game even from if it was not coomer shit. Where do I find more like this? Coomer or not coomer

  13. 1 year ago

    still waiting for swimsuit asmodeus

  14. 1 year ago


    Story is kinda shit as well

    • 1 year ago

      You actually care about the story in a porn game?

      • 1 year ago

        yes? homie I wouldn't open this game with my hand on my dick. It's a gacha, you still need to do stuff

        • 1 year ago

          homie ur moronic. Name a gacha with good a good story or writing

          • 1 year ago

            Good doens't mean Dumas or Shakespeare-tier writing. Just good enough to go from literal shit (like ALL the Japanese weeb shit if we are going to have high standards) to good lil shit.

            That being said, I really liked SinoAlice and Nikke

            • 1 year ago

              Octopath Traveler: Champions of the Continent. Though that's sort of cheating because it's more like an actual console rpg with a gacha tacked on.

              I haven't played any of those games but I am 100% certain their writing is trash. Especially Octopussy, there's no chance that game has an engaging or even decent story.
              To the new friend, get the China dress angel, she's really good for the torment event or tanky enemies bc her normal does hp% damage

              • 1 year ago

                Lmao you are a homosexual

              • 1 year ago

                No u

              • 1 year ago

                >Asks for games with good story
                >Rejects all of them on the spot
                What was the point then?I also nominate YuYuYui.It's dead though.

              • 1 year ago

                >Especially Octopussy, there's no chance that game has an engaging or even decent story.
                You'd be surprised, the mobile prequel is considered by those who've played both it and the original Octopath to not only have a better story and better gameplay, but improve upon the first Switch game as a whole. But I'm getting way off topic. For this game, I really hope Alice Gabby is next.

          • 1 year ago

            Octopath Traveler: Champions of the Continent. Though that's sort of cheating because it's more like an actual console rpg with a gacha tacked on.

          • 1 year ago

            Fate/ Grand Order.
            Yeah, I said it.

            • 1 year ago


    • 1 year ago

      It's on par with the source material so I'm not gonna give them shit for that

  15. 1 year ago

    Gift code dropped on twitter yesterday:
    It's 80 four star exp trainers.
    Since we have at least one new guy, you can use this code by tapping Menu on the home screen and going to Redeem Code.

    • 1 year ago


  16. 1 year ago

    Wtf, why are morons are suddenly hopping on this thread. If you guys are busy turning this thread into a slide, kindly frick off, I prefer that this thread to be slow than turn to shit

    • 1 year ago

      I'd prefer for you to suck my balls coomer crybaby homosexual

      • 1 year ago

        Wtf, why are morons are suddenly hopping on this thread. If you guys are busy turning this thread into a slide, kindly frick off, I prefer that this thread to be slow than turn to shit

    • 1 year ago
  17. 1 year ago

    Dear Worshippers,
    We will be conducting maintenance on following schedules:
    2023/3/21 (Tue) 02:00~04:30 (UTC-4)
    2023/3/21 (Tue) 14:00~16:30 (UTC+8)
    Coming Up:
    1. Main Story Chapter 24
    2. EX Evolution
    3. The Arrival
    4. Season Pass
    5. Other events

    • 1 year ago

      I should go finish chapter 23. Also, first anniversary soon. I really hope we finally get the permanent SVR banner.

    • 1 year ago

      I forget this game even has a story, thanks to all my stamina being blown on events

      • 1 year ago

        They must have heard your complaints because the event shop is pretty much empty this week

  18. 1 year ago

    You'd think they'd rerun the Sariel banner while they were at it.

    Also the choose your own double rate banner seems needlessly expensive

  19. 1 year ago

    If you're new to the game, the units on the Revisited Select banner are really good
    >Belial - probably the best unit for all content right now, high survivability, high damage, boosts your party's damage for guild raids, a must have
    >Panagia - one of the best pvp units, also one of the two units that can carry you through the vortex stage where your whole party takes damage every turn
    >Cheerleader Meta - the best healer for vortex
    Before you start pulling, there's a 85 scroll + 85 soul mirror scroll deal for 6.6k diamonds in the weekly best seller

    • 1 year ago

      I'm not new but Belial and Panagia are faves. Belial's been good to me (she's +13 but one of those is from EX Evolution so I need one more dupe of her to cap) but Panagia is only +1 because I had to pity her on her original banner (+1 came from the shop bunrei for that event I believe). I don't have Cheerleader Meta and she's the only Virtue alt I'm missing, so this is a fantastic opportunity!
      Thank you so much for mentioning that 6.6k diamond deal. I skipped right past that assuming every deal was paid diamonds only, those tricky bastards.
      Pretty cool to see this game have a wishing well a la Azur Lane where you can pick two characters to have a rate up. Not sure which 2 of the Virtues are the most meta, but I'll likely go with my fave (Raph) and Mike, who are +3 and +7 respectively.

  20. 1 year ago

    Loving this event

    • 1 year ago

      I'm laughing my ass off, it's insane. This game's already covered so many fetishes, but this time it's reached peak /d/. And the solution for the problem, hoo boy.
      Some great lines for reaction pics too

      • 1 year ago

        It’s quite tame compare to the other event where Uriel decides to molest other angels especially meta and Lucy decides to keep Uriel as her slave

  21. 1 year ago

    Damn, only got one Belial and one Cheerleader Metatron from those 90 scrolls. Guess I'll pity Cheerleader Metatron to unlock her ult at +1, was really hoping to get some Panagia copies.

    My Belial is now the first character I have at +13 via dupes (and one grimoire). Which rarity soul mirrors do I need to get her to +15? I am going to max out soul mirrors on someone for the first time.

    • 1 year ago

      You need fully upgraded, PURPLE mirrors in every slot, to get +15
      I tried to cheap out and used 2 blue mirrors on the left side and now I'm stuck at +14, FML

      • 1 year ago

        Shieeeet. I have 2 purple on Belial's left side and one on her right. I can only pity one set, so it'll be the right one I guess, which means I have to pray the next 70 pulls contain the one left side mirror shard I'm missing, which won't be likely. Meanwhile, my 80 mirror rolls have already got me a complete left purple set and 2/3 right purple set for Cheerleader Metatron, who is at +0. Fricking desire sensor.
        Thanks for the answer, good luck on mirrors when Christmas Satan comes back. I have her full purple set on the left, but no purples on the right.

        • 1 year ago

          I would pity Belial's right side soul mirrors then super evo her for +15
          The first two super evo skill ups aren't too bad in terms of resources required

          • 1 year ago

            Already have her at the first stage of EX Evolution because when I was trying to rank up Summer Belial to 6 stars, I tapped on normal Belial instead.

  22. 1 year ago

    >no moans or voice acting at all
    Missed opportunity man. If they're not squirming and moaning as I'm touching them what's the point.

    • 1 year ago

      It used to have that but they removed it from the 18+ version of the game a couple of months ago.
      You can still hear the moaning voice acting on the all ages version though, however you can't have it play with the 18+ art, you can just listen to it from the profile of the character.

      • 1 year ago

        that's the dumbest shit I've ever heard.

        • 1 year ago

          Happened to Last Origin with its JP version too. I don't know if it ever got resolved, but the uncensored version was voiced at launch and then at one of the updates they stopped getting voices. Some bullshit needing to redo contracts with all the VAs and not wanting to pay the money. Censored version's voices never had an issue.

          • 1 year ago

            Y do we keep losing coomerbros 🙁

  23. 1 year ago

    Is there a viewer for this game?

    • 1 year ago

      You can through a soul mirror but if you meant full gallery, it got 404 a long time ago

      • 1 year ago

        >it got 404 a long time ago
        Not that anon. Is there a chance of someone ripping them again?

  24. 1 year ago

    cute twins drawn by who, kuuki?

    • 1 year ago

  25. 1 year ago

    Cum Janny Lucy should've been an alt.

  26. 1 year ago


    ignore my post I forgot which thread I had open for a second

  27. 1 year ago

    Oh hell yeah, got the one purple shard I was missing from Belial's left mirror on the free daily pull today! So now I can definitely pity the right side set and have full purple mirrors on her. Nice.

  28. 1 year ago

    Dear Worshippers,
    We will be conducting maintenance on following schedules:
    2023/3/28 (Tue) 02:00~05:00 (UTC-4)
    2023/3/28 (Tue) 14:00~17:00 (UTC+8)
    Coming Up:
    1. New in Consonance
    2. Riot of Blood
    3. Time House of the Souls
    4. Limbo Discovery
    5. Season Pass
    6. Other events

    • 1 year ago

      This week's been nice for me to catch up clearing main story. All I bought from the event shop were the 5* trainers.

  29. 1 year ago

    >free banner cast from the daily
    >really hoping for cheerleader metatron so she can get to +0, I'm holding my pity coins for the last day of the banner before choosint
    >managed to go all the way to pity with no Panagia dupes pulled, could really use more of her
    >it's Belial
    Belial-sama really does love me. She's capped on dupes for the first time, I EX dissolved a Sin. Felt kinda bad melting down something so valuable, but now I have more of those fists of str evolve my gal Lucy. God, that only gave me 2 of the 10 I need for the next level.

  30. 1 year ago

    This infinite summon is nuts, been at it for about an hour so far. Best time for new players I'd say, combined with the stellar Belial/Panagia/Cheerleader Metatron banner that's up.
    Shows how shit the rates are too, it took me 110 pulls for my first 5 star to show up (Satan).
    I'm trying to go for a triple SVR roll to maximize gains, but at this point I think I will just settle for picking up Asmodeus whenever she shows up again (I saw her once in a roll with a 5* useless awaker), as she's the only one in the entire pool I'm missing.

    • 1 year ago

      Wait...after you're happy with your result of the infinite summon, it prompts you to pay $19.99 USD to collect what you rolled?!

      • 1 year ago

        Thanks for sacrificing 2 hours of your life homie. Honestly I found their sleazyness kinda funny, they shoulda told you upfront that it was gonna coat 20 bucks. Reptilians mfs devs

        • 1 year ago

          Literally says PAY right on the banner before you start rolling, moron

          • 1 year ago

            To be fair, though, it doesn't show what you're paying with or how much it costs until after you roll.

        • 1 year ago

          Yeah, I got over it fairly fast and I also find it amusing how blatantly kusoge this game is at times. I love the IP, which is why I play, but I'm never putting a dime into this even if it was five bucks.
          Though if this infinity summon deal was in almost any other game, it'd actually be an incredible deal that people would beg for.

  31. 1 year ago

    For increasing soul link in consonance, the points under each of the other casts you need to power up, do I just need to give them skill ups? Or does increasing their experience level and rank also boost the soul link numbers? I wanna eventually max out my Lucy 'cause she's my #1 fave.

    • 1 year ago

      The 2nd, also transcend and karma

      • 1 year ago

        This is how many soul link points you get

        Thanks guys. Damn, still got a lot of leveling and investing to go then.

        there's a poll for reruns on twitter right now

        Voted for Panagia because she's a fave and going all the way to pity on her current rerun banner got me ZERO copies (I had to pity her on her original banner just to get the single copy I have) and Prefect Gabby 'cause Gabby's adorable.
        Panagia's winning by a landslide right now, but Uriel has a small lead over Gabby. Is the latest Uriel that good?

        • 1 year ago

          >Is the latest Uriel that good?
          She's only good in pvp, and only for certain teams like infinite revive or mono blue

          • 1 year ago

            Well, glad to know she has a use.
            >infinite revive or mono blue
            Seems there's a whole pvp meta out there that I'm completely unaware of. What's a good pvp team these days? I've always just tossed a mix of faves and my five strongest into the ring, but I lose far more times than I win. I have every cast except normal asmodeus, bunny asmodeus, and the latest belphegor alt. My current team is Lucy, Christmas Lucy, Belial, Christmas Satan and Micheal.

            • 1 year ago

              Most of the top 10 in colosseum have teams that revolve around Belial and Panagia
              Green teams don't have enough hp and CC immunity right now to survive against them
              Blue teams don't have enough damage right now to kill them because of their high hp/healing and the lack of units who can apply heal block
              Add supporting units like OG Metatron to make Belial CC immune or Choco Astaroth to hard counter Xmas Satan, and you have a team that's absolute cancer to fight against

              • 1 year ago

                Okay, so Belial, Panagia, Metatron and Choco Astaroth. Damn, my Belial is my most stacked character but the other four are dreadfully low on merges. I guess I'll see about working on them on the side. Xmas Satan's the best 5th then? Or is there another busted support?
                Thanks for the info btw.

              • 1 year ago

                Belial needs to be at least +15. If she's lower than that, she's not going to do enough damage to carry your team, ideally you want her even higher, up to +20
                Panagia should be at least +9 so she can remove All Damage Reduction, but you can stop at +15 because super evo mats are better spent on Belial
                Supporting units don't need to be as built:
                OG Meta can be +0 because outside of infinite revive teams, she's mainly used for CC immunity to counter units that CC your team when the battle begins, eg. Michael, Prefect Gab, Panagia
                Choco Asta only needs be +11 to CC two blue units
                Your 5th can be any unit that counter the enemy team. I would even swap out OG Meta and Choco Asta for another support or damage dealer if they're not countering the enemy team
                Some other support units worth looking into just off the top of head are OG Levi, OG Sariel, General Sandy. Some good damage dealers are Swimsuit Belial, Michael, Xmas Satan, Gunslinger Lucy, Xmas Lucy, OG Lucy

              • 1 year ago

                >Belial needs to be at least +15. If she's lower than that, she's not going to do enough damage to carry your team, ideally you want her even higher, up to +20
                Nice, she's already +15, soon to be +16, and I plan on fully investing in her eventually (OG Lucy's my main project because waifu).
                >Panagia should be at least +9 so she can remove All Damage Reduction, but you can stop at +15 because super evo mats are better spent on Belial
                Wew, gonna take a while as she's at +1.
                >OG Meta can be +0 because outside of infinite revive teams, she's mainly used for CC immunity to counter units that CC your team when the battle begins, eg. Michael, Prefect Gab, Panagia
                That's awesome and a huge relief as mine is stuck at +0.
                >Choco Asta only needs be +11 to CC two blue units
                Damn, mine's only +4 so I guess I'll wait for her to get a rerun.
                >Some other support units worth looking into just off the top of head are OG Levi, OG Sariel, General Sandy. Some good damage dealers are Swimsuit Belial, Michael, Xmas Satan, Gunslinger Lucy, Xmas Lucy, OG Lucy
                Thanks bro, appreciate the advice.

                I'm running low on evo gems after ranking up some casts for consonance (got Lucy's skill at its second highest level!), are there any good sources of these things these days besides just the daily dungeon?

                Jezus christ, LR soulmirrors are probably the worst israelite scam they've added to the game so far.

                It costs 150k purple dust to max it AND you also need to destroy UR and even other LR shards to get fragments which are also needed in addition to the purple fust

                What do they even do? I noticed last time I was shattering a bunch of useless dupe mirrors I was getting the LR mirror upgrade material, though I didn't know the mirrors themselves were even in the game yet.

    • 1 year ago

      This is how many soul link points you get

  32. 1 year ago

    there's a poll for reruns on twitter right now

  33. 1 year ago

    It's kind of freaky how the price on the button to collect your infinity summon results has been changing between $19.99 and $29.99 USD every other day. Almost feels illegal.

  34. 1 year ago

    Any chance there's an archive of this games ripped artwork/models?

    • 1 year ago

      Nope, the game's too niche. There was an archive with only pictures but it's been removed. No one has ripped the Live2D but I've created a couple of webms for characters that I like using OBS to record. Here's a fresh one from the oven.

      • 1 year ago

        her nipples are in the wrong spot

      • 1 year ago

        What about tools? Have any ripping tools for it been made publicly available?

  35. 1 year ago

    Jezus christ, LR soulmirrors are probably the worst israelite scam they've added to the game so far.

    It costs 150k purple dust to max it AND you also need to destroy UR and even other LR shards to get fragments which are also needed in addition to the purple fust

  36. 1 year ago

    Is there tiny breasts in this game?

    • 1 year ago

      There are several

  37. 1 year ago

    What are 4* books good for if I have every 4* at +13?

  38. 1 year ago


    I've installed the game today, (kinda) read the guides. Which guild has a spot? And when can I join? I'm still at rank 6, doing story 5-1.

    • 1 year ago

      >which guild to join
      dickyseur and lucklets

      • 1 year ago

        both seem full, 30/30.
        Let me know if some spot opens up.

        • 1 year ago

          Have opened a slot in dicky, whats your account name?

          • 1 year ago


  39. 1 year ago

    No maintenance for this week and good news!
    >Alice Gabriel banner for this week
    >wish gacha: Sin version
    My wallet has been suck dry by steam but I still have enough to blow my load for this event

    • 1 year ago

      Good news indeed! I got Alice Gabby on the first ten pull! I think I will try to pull a dupe so I can get the free bunrei from the power up program.
      I have several questions about this update though.
      First, there seems to be a bug that gave us the power up program's rewards for logging in for 7 days immediately plus I got all the "finish event daily missions" missions before doing the event at all. Did this happen to you guys?
      Second, there seems to be no bonus casts for the event, what the hell? Can we just use whoever we want then?
      And finally, this Sin wish summon. It looks like I can finally try and get regular Asmodeus after she's dodged me on every banner ever, plus the final dupe my Lucy needs. But it's 1690 per ten pull and it looks like the select is at 100 pulls. Does it really require 16,900 diamonds to pity this thing?

      • 1 year ago

        >bug that gave us the power up program's rewards for logging in for 7 days immediately
        Alice Gab was supposed to be released last week and they forgot to change the dates for the power up rewards. So if you've logged in every day for the past 7 days, you should get the rewards right away
        >I got all the "finish event daily missions" missions before doing the event at all. Did this happen to you guys?
        Same reason as above.
        >there seems to be no bonus casts for the event, what the hell? Can we just use whoever we want then?
        Yes, for this event they decided to remove bonus units. Normally you would get around ~300 event currency with bonus units but now you get the same amount without them. This means you can now use offline autobattle for this event without missing out on the bonus currency.
        >Sin wish summon
        I would advise skipping. Although there's a 7.5% chance to get a Sin on the banner and you can increase Asmo's chance to 2%, it's entirely luck based and the amount of summons to hit pity is way too high. You're better off waiting for Magical Girl Asmo's release.

  40. 1 year ago

    Free panini dupes.
    Got like 10 of these boxes last time, expecting the same this time too. Already got 2

  41. 1 year ago

    The lack of notification on the Limbo pass has me forgetting its even a thing

    • 1 year ago

      Yep, I was just about to post the same thing. I must've missed at least three days of actually collecting the missions I finished.

      Free panini dupes.
      Got like 10 of these boxes last time, expecting the same this time too. Already got 2

      Yeah, I got one of these yesterday and shit a brick when I saw Panagia was in the selector. After going all the way to pity on her recent rerun banner, this was so welcome.

      >bug that gave us the power up program's rewards for logging in for 7 days immediately
      Alice Gab was supposed to be released last week and they forgot to change the dates for the power up rewards. So if you've logged in every day for the past 7 days, you should get the rewards right away
      >I got all the "finish event daily missions" missions before doing the event at all. Did this happen to you guys?
      Same reason as above.
      >there seems to be no bonus casts for the event, what the hell? Can we just use whoever we want then?
      Yes, for this event they decided to remove bonus units. Normally you would get around ~300 event currency with bonus units but now you get the same amount without them. This means you can now use offline autobattle for this event without missing out on the bonus currency.
      >Sin wish summon
      I would advise skipping. Although there's a 7.5% chance to get a Sin on the banner and you can increase Asmo's chance to 2%, it's entirely luck based and the amount of summons to hit pity is way too high. You're better off waiting for Magical Girl Asmo's release.

      Thanks for the thorough and helpful reply! I hope all events going forward are this, it's fantastic to be able to just set it and forget it. And good point about the wishing well. It would cost me all my diamonds to pity, so I'll just wait until the next Asmo banner and Lucy banner.

      • 1 year ago

        *All the way to pity without getting her once
        And a second selector plus a free Alice Gabby on the daily single pull and a UR mirror shard for Alice Gabby too! I'm on fire today.

  42. 1 year ago

    When do I get my first SVR? I'm on the 4th day and it seems in arena they are way overpowered...

    • 1 year ago

      It's a gacha game so it could be tomorrow, but if you've been completing your Limbo Park missions then you should be able to get Belphy on day 7 or 8.

    • 1 year ago

      It's a gacha game so it could be tomorrow, but if you've been completing your Limbo Park missions then you should be able to get Belphy on day 7 or 8.

      Got Panagia with the eggs, she's pretty nice, even at lvl1 she was the first to attack.
      Is her description broken for anyone else using the uncensored apk? Instead of "Producer" it just shows those broken square characters...

      • 1 year ago

        It's supposed to be like that. Her title is censored because when she was added to the game her role hasn't been revealed in the main story.

        • 1 year ago

          Ah, I see, thank you.

        • 1 year ago

          Imagine if her illusts have her leaking milk from her swollen nips

  43. 1 year ago

    Where do I use this key?
    There's nothing in the shop that uses it and it isn't consumed when entering event stages...

    • 1 year ago

      you need to unlock the last two stages

      • 1 year ago

        ah, ok, thanks;

  44. 1 year ago

    3rd panini dupe

    • 1 year ago

      Panini 4
      Gonna be able to max out panini and Chino at this rate

      • 1 year ago

        Forgot pic

        • 1 year ago

          I can't stop winning.
          Would've preferred the final panini dupe tho so I can swap to the angel ones because I need ginevra for consonance

          It's hilarious how bad the angel eggs are compared to the sin ones btw

          • 1 year ago

            >Asmodeus rerun banner with all three Asmodeus
            Her original form has dodged me since the beginning of the game, but at last I shall have her and the bunny alt I skipped last Christmas! Then the only cast in the game I'll be missing is the latest Belphegor, who is easy to get from the selector shown here!
            100% completion will be mine, I'm buying the 85 summons for 6600 free gems.

            What's up with this new Horror Maze game mode?

  45. 1 year ago

    Finally have Ginerva thanks to the eggs, now I just need general sandy for 100%

  46. 1 year ago

    >you HAVE TO claim the first egg first before ther rest of daily missions are unlocked
    frick me that's 30 pulls and 500k coins wasted

    • 1 year ago

      Thanks for the heads up

  47. 1 year ago

    Code for 200 diamonds.

    • 1 year ago

      Very rare of them to give diamonds via codes, thanks bro!

  48. 1 year ago

    Dear Worshippers,
    We will be conducting maintenance on following schedules:
    2023/4/11 (Tue) 02:00~04:30 (UTC-4)
    2023/4/11 (Tue) 14:00~16:30 (UTC+8)
    Coming Up:
    1. EX Evolution
    2. Horror Maze & Fearless Talisman
    3. The Shining Stars
    4. Other events

  49. 1 year ago

    Is there even hentai scenes or genitals on this game? Or is it just the occasional breasts?

    • 1 year ago

      Taimanin is your best bet. This is just breasts in general

      • 1 year ago

        I thought the Taimanin mobage was censored and/or didn't have anything explicit? Or are you talking about the proper Taimanin games?

      • 1 year ago

        At doesn't have anything explicit unless you are talking about the nude steam mod that doesn't work half of the time. Also that game sucks: no daily free rolls, paywalled milfs, israeli AF and the lore stinks more than fgos

  50. 1 year ago

    And there we go. The 90 scrolls gave me one normal Asmodeus, one bunny Asmodeus and three pointless 5* awakers.
    Then I used some of my eggs for the Easter gacha and got my third Panagia dupe plus I actually rolled one of the 0.5% Selector Bs without having to pity it, so I scooped up Swimsuit Belphegor from that.

    • 1 year ago

      Impressive, very nice. You should be able to save enough gems to hit pity every time they release a new character at the current rate that they're releasing them.

  51. 1 year ago

    Horror Maze is pretty neat, though idk how far I can make it.
    This square has three different prizes depending on whether you use an all red, all green or all blue team. Lemme know if you guys figure out what the green box item does. It's called the Skeptical Delivery Box and its description asks you to deliver it to the Haunted Room, which makes me think it's one of the items that grants you a bonus reward if you use it during a certain square in the maze. Other than that, I imagine the 10 dango is a better item to go for here so you can make more attempts.
    Ah, I really wanna go for the UR+ soul mirror selector for SVRs in the Lab, but the difficulty is Inferno which is the highest.

  52. 1 year ago

    Found the Haunted Room you need to green box to enter (it consumes the box to fight, doesn't cost dango). It's in the lower left but the difficulty is Nightmare. Hard seemed pretty easy, this is the next step up. And the description makes it sound like the enemies can only be harmed by DoTs. Who has good DoTs? I know Chino does, but mine's kinda underleveled.

    • 1 year ago

      Chino's DOTs scale off the enemy's attack rather than hers so you don't need to build her to do DOT damage
      All versions of Mammon and Uriel have good DOTs

      • 1 year ago

        Ended up using the super OP Dead Bomb item, because those stages only have 3 enemies and one bomb gives you three attacks that deal 100% of an enemy's hp.
        Now I'm trying to figure out how to beat room 32, the Bar. Your entire party starts the fight enchanted, which is devastating. I need to bring 3 reds and Panagia's immune to CC, so at least she's okay. The rest of my squad devoured itself though.

        • 1 year ago

          Shalimar gives your party 4 turns of enchant immunity

          • 1 year ago

            Thanks, iirc enchant and charm are two different effects in this game. Unfortunately, including Shalimar will have to wait for next cycle of the maze as I didn't bring her as one of my 30 casts.
            Dammit, I'm right outside the Lab where the grand prize is, but I need that unknown ID card to enter the stage! I could take the shortcut and just buy it from the shop for a whopping 5000 diamonds, which is probably a good deal for a full set of UR+ mirrors compared to pitying them off of a soul mirror banner. Then again, the description for the Lab hints that the ID card can be found in the extreme upper left room, which is just 2 more rooms away from me, so I'll try to make it there first.
            My plan is to use my remaining Dead Bombs to nuke the enemies in the Lab from orbit. The hints describe them as Elites like raid bosses, but the description of Dead Bombs doesn't say they don't work on Elites, so I'm hoping I can get a cheesy win that way.

  53. 1 year ago

    ZAMN, an a and b box?

    • 1 year ago

      I got no boxes for 3 days straight, sad...

      • 1 year ago

        4 days now.. at least there's a pity box 2 days from now ...

    • 1 year ago

      ZAMN. That's ginevra done. Back to the superior sin eggs

    • 1 year ago

      ZAMN. That's ginevra done. Back to the superior sin eggs

      nice dubs
      check these trips
      i wonder if anyone got quads

    • 1 year ago

      ZAMN. That's ginevra done. Back to the superior sin eggs

      4 days now.. at least there's a pity box 2 days from now ...

      6 days now... how the hell are you so lucky?

  54. 1 year ago


  55. 1 year ago

    Dead Bombs are so OP, I can't believe we can buy three more sets for just 100 diamonds a pop. Had to use my second last set of free bombs to kill the battle against all four Riders as Elites that were in the room before the Forbidden Room or whatever the extreme upper left corner of the Horror Maze is called. I'm so close, yet so far.

    The Forbidden Room has the Unknown ID card to open the final room with the best prize, so long as you use a certain walnut while inside the room (which is easily gotten in the lower right corner of the maze), but to enter the Forbidden Room, I need a Magical Girl Wand...and as far as I can tell, that's the only item you can't just skip getting the legit way and buy from the shop for a few diamonds. It's located in the extreme upper right corner of the map, completely opposite the Forbidden Room. I've run out of dango, I still have three rooms to go before reaching the Wand and will have to wait til tomorrow to continue.
    This is a lot of work for my gal Lucy's full UR+ mirror set, but it's actually the most fun I've had playing this game in a while; I ended up spending an hour playing Horror Maze yesterday and got totally sucked in. Plus, clearing it the (mostly) legit way ends up making this drastically cheaper than pitying sets of soul mirrors from the gacha.
    Save your Energy Potions for countering acting the stages that apply a massive ATK debuff to three of your party members chosen at random.

    • 1 year ago

      Is this accessible for a new player or is this end game content?

      • 1 year ago

        It's end game content but as a new player you should still try to clear as many stages as you can without spending any gems

  56. 1 year ago

    Dear Worshippers,
    We will be conducting maintenance on following schedules:
    2023/4/18 (Tue) 02:00~04:30 (UTC-4)
    2023/4/18 (Tue) 14:00~16:30 (UTC+8)
    Coming Up:
    1. Bloodpact: Insight
    2. Wish Gacha: All Stars
    3. Bunny Showdown
    4. Season Pass
    5. Other events

  57. 1 year ago

    Almost didnt make it cause I spent the first 2 days on red egg pulls, but got General sandy on my last pull, finally have 100% completion

    • 1 year ago

      Dead Bomb is still busted as frick, but the other two weapons, Ice Gun and Captain Limbo Shield, are really damn good. Make sure to save them for stages that recommend you use them though, as I'm not sure how I'd win those without them. Just have to wait til tomorrow's dango refill and I should be able to finish off Horror Maze. I have the Hellhound room left which'll give me the Weight of Life, I already got the Serenade Ring today and behind Hellhound is the Mythical Loot room that has the Magical Girl Wand needed to enter the room with the Unknown ID Card used to enter the final chamber. I'm hoping Excalibur is in the loot room with the wand, too, though I have one I got with coins from the shop anyway. 2 chest keys from the Cairn are enough for the two mythical loot rooms, I think I have a spare anyway.

      Awesome, welcome to the club bro!

  58. 1 year ago

    Can someone help me on how to hide ui? This is just for taking a screenshot

    • 1 year ago

      tap on the bottom left glow on the home screen

      • 1 year ago

        Thanks anon it works and worst design by devs

  59. 1 year ago

    So is the play for the new event to run the 40 stamina stage until you get all the missions done for running 500 event stages, then switch to the 120 stam stage for quicker grinding? I did some runs of both and it looks like the 120 stage does give more event currency, but it's only around 150 more than you'd get from running the 40 stam stage three times.

    Also, wew, I finally did it. Conquered the true final stage of the Horror Maze and got a full UR+ mirror set for my #1 gal Lucy, bringing her up to a juicy +17. This shit was nuts.
    For the two stages in the extreme upper right corner, make sure to bring a Dead Bomb and either the Serenade Ring or have someone whose support skill gives your party immunity to petrification (can someone tell me which awaker does that?). And be especially careful of the Hellhound room because if you don't use a Dead Bomb on Ingrid IMMEDIATELY, she will shield the whole enemy team and the bombs won't kill them, and unlike the enemies in the lower left corner of the map, these ones only take 1 damage even from DoTs. Reminder that you can always retreat from Horror Maze stages even if you used items or casts died, and everything will reset to before you entered the fight including your items and hp (though I don't think this works if you fully wipe, so be careful).

    That gave me the Magical Girl Wand needed to enter the Desolated Room in the extreme upper left corner of the map and wew laddies, this is the hardest fight in this entire game mode by far! You must fight Panagia and all four Riders at the same time, and all their skills are the "V" versions, so I think that means they're the equivalent of +15 at least? Plus they are Elites and immune to CC plus they have massive ATK and SPD buffs on top of all the stats that come from being Inferno difficulty opponents.
    Continued in the next post.

    • 1 year ago

      Plus the stage wants you to bring the three special walnuts that you can easily find multiple of in the lower right corner of the map. I would strongly advise you only bring the Purifying Walnut and ignore the other two, because you're going to want those 2 slots for items to help you actually win as the walnuts do nothing. The Purifying Walnut gets you the Unknown ID Card, the whole point of doing this room, and the other ones just give coins for the Vortex shop iirc.
      Anyway, after trying different combinations of two items to help me (not even the Serenade Ring and Almighty Excalibur was enough!), I won using a Dead Bomb and Serenade Ring. You need Chino dead asap because she'll start with her ult and poison people, and you also need Panagia dead asap so those should be your first two bomb targets. You also need to do this before Sutalr acts because her first action will shield the enemy party and then the bombs won't kill. I ended up bombing Sutalr with my third and final use of the bomb, leaving Thyrza and Esmira alive to actually fight, but even with these two as my only opponents, Xmas Satan and Idol Mike both died here and the fight took like 63 actions. Seriously, this fight is insane. Remember, I had 80% damage reduction and CC immunitiy on this team because I used a Serenade Ring. Still, spending 290 diamonds on a bomb and ring is a helluva lot better than 5000 on the ID Card.

      Lab III, the true final room, was a joke in comparison. It wants you to bring all three of the lost treasures (sword, ring, heart) and I had gotten the ring and heart in the upper right, and the sword with mere coins from the Vortex shop. You fight a couple blue awakers with three blue minions but even with them being elites and your party having all healing blocked, they were totally harmless and rolled over.

      Gonna make one more post about my casts after this.

      • 1 year ago

        Pic related is the casts I used. Several casts died over the course of this, but I revived them with ICU items I picked up (and a couple I bought), and only Xmas Satan and Idol Mike were down at the end as I mentioned in the previous post. The other casts I didn't use at all, so I think next time Horror Maze comes around, I'll fill those slots with 5* awakers that grant the party immunity to various status ailments because some rooms start the fight with you already being enchanted or petrified or whatever.

        Oh wait, I scrolled down to the bottom of this screen and noticed three other casts that actually saw action, but were all at full health: regular Mike, Prefect Gabby and Oktober Raphael.

        I mostly used Lucy, Belial, Xmas Satan, Xmas Lucy and Producer for stages that didn't require three casts of one colour. When those came up, I preferred Xmas Satan, Summer Belial and Wedding Levi as my blues, normal Lucy, Belial and Producer as my reds and Xmas Lucy, Gunslinger Lucy and Idol Mike as my greens.

        I don't know exactly how many diamonds I spent for all of this. Checking the Vortex shop, it looks like I bought
        >High-Tech Selector x1=140 diamonds
        >Battle Potion Selector x1=100 diamonds
        >First Aid Kit Selector x2=200 diamonds
        >Survivor Selector x1=100 diamonds
        >Talisman Selector x2=300 diamonds
        That's 840 diamonds and there were at least a few days (not all) where I bought the 5 dango for 250 diamonds, so let's say I did that 4 times bringing the total up to 1840 diamonds spent.
        Considering it would cost 15x700=10,500 diamonds to pity a set of UR+ mirrors (not counting free pulls of course), I'm VERY happy with how this turned out. Plus I had lots of fun and got various other goodies too, including coins to buy EX grimoires.

    • 1 year ago

      >So is the play for the new event to run the 40 stamina stage until you get all the missions done for running 500 event stages
      I stop running 40 stamina stages when I stop getting summoning scrolls at 450 runs. The last clear reward isn't worth it.

      • 1 year ago

        Yeah, was thinking that too. I've never used the inheritance system.

      • 1 year ago

        Yeah, was thinking that too. I've never used the inheritance system.

        You anons should reconsider, inheritance is hella good, specially when you have some time playing

        • 1 year ago

          Please explain, and what's that in your pic? I thought inheritance was just to transfer dupes from one cast to another, but most of mine are already where I want them.

          • 1 year ago

            I only see a cute Bubchan in the pic, u might be gay anon.
            For example I've been playing since September last year and I already have 4 or 5 normal awakens at +13, you get a ton of awakens summons so instead of dissolving the dupes, I just inherit those to a limited one like the cat girl, it's a 1 to 1 exchange, miles better than un summoning, and as u know, more dupes gives u more soul link. The same thing with sins, my Sariel is almost maxed so if I get a dupe i can just feed that ahit to her upcoming belly dancer alt. You can also transfer a belphie dupe for a Belial for example

            • 1 year ago

              I was referring to all the summon scrolls there but that is a very cute Bub-chan, yes.
              Okay, sounds like I'm not misunderstanding anything about inheriting. I don't dissolve dupes until +13 though because I'm trying to get EX evolution mats for Lucy, I'm glad I can finally start dissolving copies of her and Belial.

  60. 1 year ago

    should I level up regular belial or swimsuit belial?

    • 1 year ago

      Regular first, she's better overall

  61. 1 year ago

    I have all the casts in the game and just checked all their support skills and couldn't find an awaker that gives the party petrification immunity. There was one (often multiple) for all the other conditions except for that. Did I skim through them too fast or is there no immunity to that one status?

    • 1 year ago

      So is the play for the new event to run the 40 stamina stage until you get all the missions done for running 500 event stages, then switch to the 120 stam stage for quicker grinding? I did some runs of both and it looks like the 120 stage does give more event currency, but it's only around 150 more than you'd get from running the 40 stam stage three times.

      Also, wew, I finally did it. Conquered the true final stage of the Horror Maze and got a full UR+ mirror set for my #1 gal Lucy, bringing her up to a juicy +17. This shit was nuts.
      For the two stages in the extreme upper right corner, make sure to bring a Dead Bomb and either the Serenade Ring or have someone whose support skill gives your party immunity to petrification (can someone tell me which awaker does that?). And be especially careful of the Hellhound room because if you don't use a Dead Bomb on Ingrid IMMEDIATELY, she will shield the whole enemy team and the bombs won't kill them, and unlike the enemies in the lower left corner of the map, these ones only take 1 damage even from DoTs. Reminder that you can always retreat from Horror Maze stages even if you used items or casts died, and everything will reset to before you entered the fight including your items and hp (though I don't think this works if you fully wipe, so be careful).

      That gave me the Magical Girl Wand needed to enter the Desolated Room in the extreme upper left corner of the map and wew laddies, this is the hardest fight in this entire game mode by far! You must fight Panagia and all four Riders at the same time, and all their skills are the "V" versions, so I think that means they're the equivalent of +15 at least? Plus they are Elites and immune to CC plus they have massive ATK and SPD buffs on top of all the stats that come from being Inferno difficulty opponents.
      Continued in the next post.

      Check the tier list, the "newcomer" sheet, it has a lot of info on casts.
      See pic related, all CC immunity works, but no specific petrify cleanser, at least when it was last updated.

      • 1 year ago

        Ah, I see. Thanks!

      • 1 year ago

        Guys, in the "newcomer" shit mentioned here , in the recommended starshards column, when they say SPD CRT, does that mean 4 wolves 2 scorpions? Or 6 wolves with rolled crit?

        • 1 year ago

          SPD CRT = 4 Nightshade 2 Hawkeye
          SPD CDI = 4 Nightshade 2 Slayer

        • 1 year ago


    • 1 year ago

      You can make a full party of CC immunes but I haven't tried to clear that stage with it
      >OG Gab
      >Alice Gab
      >Red Riding Hood Sandy
      >Glory Belial

  62. 1 year ago

    Vortex Horror Maze guide by Roman:

  63. 1 year ago

    What's the logic behind equipped starshards still occupying space in inventory? What a horrible design...

  64. 1 year ago

    5 more days until 1st anniversary, assuming I didn't skip a day somewhere, 'cause I just got my day 360 login mission done.
    Maybe it's because global got so many banners and events so fast, but this feels like the longest it's taken to reach 1st anniversary for a game that I've ever played. Feels like I've been playing this game for 2 or 3 years, and it hasn't even been a full one yet.

  65. 1 year ago

    Qrd on this game? Looking for a lewd mobage. Also couple questions
    >how do you get the uncensored version?
    >is this game healthy? They already axed a gacha I liked because of incompetent publishers

    • 1 year ago

      >Qrd on this game? Looking for a lewd mobage.
      It's based on the Seven Mortal Sins anime, which is quite short, so look it up and if you like the girls/lewd humour, give the game a try as its main story is a direct continuation.
      >how do you get the uncensored version?
      Just download the uncensored apk from the official website in the first link in this post


      Be warned, the uncensored version doesn't have voices, while the censored version on the app store has voices but no nudity.
      >is this game healthy? They already axed a gacha I liked because of incompetent publishers
      Hard to say for certain, its first anniversary is in 5 days from now. A few threads ago, someone posted another game made by the same devs that's been alive for AGES, so that's a very good sign that they know how to keep things alive.

      • 1 year ago

        Thanks mate, guess I'll give it a try. Last thing is there an online gallery for this game? Can I see the artworks anywhere?

        • 1 year ago

          >Last thing is there an online gallery for this game? Can I see the artworks anywhere?
          Sadly, not that I know of. Which sucks, this game needs it more than any other I play because the nude art's mostly locked behind the gacha.

    • 1 year ago

      These devs are one of the most incompetent human beings I have ever seen in my entire life. I would recommend this game

  66. 1 year ago

    Gab is growing on me

    • 1 year ago

      Gaped and prolapsed.

      Also it's been a year and they STILL haven't fixed her incorrect name. Her base version is STILL called "chasity"

  67. 1 year ago

    Currently, I'm giving Sin grimoires to Panagia and Rider ones to Chino. Is there a particularly amazing Virtue I should be investing in? General Sandalphon maybe? Mine's only +0.

    • 1 year ago

      >Is there a particularly amazing Virtue I should be investing in?
      Not really, virtues are mostly support units so it depends on the content you're doing, their synergy with your party and how well they counter the enemy team. If you're only doing PVE content, I would focus on Idol Michael for raids and the two Metatrons for Vortex.

      • 1 year ago

        >If you're only doing PVE content, I would focus on Idol Michael for raids and the two Metatrons for Vortex.
        Thanks! I just started leveling Cheerleader Metatron actually, 'cause I've been wanting a proper healer.

  68. 1 year ago

    What are the chances they add cute boys to the game

    • 1 year ago

      Zero and it's a shame. Cute Femboy that represents the sin on deception never ever.

  69. 1 year ago

    Hi, new player here. Just wondering if there's anything not mentioned in the guide/tier lists in the OP that I should know about, like if I should be pulling on a certain banner right now, or if there's any good deals I should consider buying.

    For 5* Awakers I got Stolla and Charles off the free summons, as well as the free Punica. However the beginner tier list has Punica lower than the free 4*s I have, and doesn't have a rundown on her, so should I avoid levelling her? I also have Rufina, but the tier list also has her as bottom tier, and the guide only mentioned her as a sub for Charles, so I'm guessing I don't need her.

    Right now I'm running Charles, Stolla, Jaqueline, Caillen, and Evelina. Should I switch any with Punica for now, or is what I have the best I can work with until I get a Sin/Virtue?

    • 1 year ago

      It's best not to spend anything right now because anniversary is early next week so there should be some good deals
      It doesn't really matter what your starting awakers are because you will have a full team of SVRs after playing for a couple of months. This also means you should invest as little as possible into awakers because resources to build your units is scarce. I would level them to around 40 and max transcend them because transcend mats are easier to come by
      If you're still struggling to clear content then I would start again and reroll for Furka or Kamilah but it's likely that you'll get a free SVR for anniversary

      • 1 year ago

        Ah, thanks, if Anniversary's around the corner, that might be a good time to do any rerolling if need be.

        Also, is there a reason to horde the items for the Awaker Banners? I don't see a time limit on either the top Awaker Summon or the bottom one (In the Enchanted Stars), so should I just summon on them whenever I get the chance?

        • 1 year ago

          Some events have missions where you can get stuff for doing X amount of summons a day, like the Easter item gacha we just had, so I like to hang onto some awaker banner scrolls to help with that. If you're new though, I'd spend them every time you get ten of them.

          • 1 year ago

            >Some events have missions where you can get stuff for doing X amount of summons a day
            I see. Don't like when games do that, but I'll put up with it. The game gave me a Shalimar as a login bonus, and one of the recent download codes was for Anastasia, and they've been alright so far.

            Well, Anniversary's on the way, here's hoping it's worth it!

  70. 1 year ago

    Anybody cleared these two stage yet?
    Is the strat just Cheerleader Meta + slow units + red potions until turn 25?

  71. 1 year ago

    Too few hell dangos damnit, gotta use them smarter next time

  72. 1 year ago

    Datamine's out

  73. 1 year ago
  74. 1 year ago
  75. 1 year ago
  76. 1 year ago

    >1st lottery pull thingy
    >it's 11111 diamonds
    welp there goes my luck for entire week

    • 1 year ago

      Nice! I got it too!

      I forgot to buy the 85 summon scrolls and 85 mirror scrolls for 6000 diamonds before I blew all my diamonds. I hate myself and wanna die, this anniversary's been miserable for me.

      Hi bros, I come with a couple of tips: remember to get the 85/85 package for 6k diamonds before going raw at the new banner and never go over the 120 pity, use ur awaker scrolls instead if u get angry!

      Hi, I'm the new player that posted a little while ago. So I take it that the last "Wings of Dawn Deluxe Bundle" thing is a great deal to get. Is there anything else I should consider getting?

      • 1 year ago

        Just get the 6k diamond for 85/85 scrolls deal for now. There should be more deals this weekend and second week of anniversary.

  77. 1 year ago

    What's a good skill level for Lucifer on banner?

    • 1 year ago

      She's pretty good already at +1

  78. 1 year ago

    Well, I'm celebrating our first anniversary with my traditional INCREDIBLY bad luck that I've had since I started this game on launch day. Whenever there's a banner with one of my most favourite characters, I usually go all the way to pity without getting a single featured banner cast and today is no exception.
    I was overjoyed to see my #1 gal Lucy's banner as the anniversary banner so I could finally have what I wanted since day 1: a team of Lucys.
    Did the full 120 pulls and only got a Punica, a Furka and finally when that heart showed up on the final ten pull, a Maid Kamilah. I'm going to pity Kimono Lucy but I'm seething so hard right now as it'll be months and months before she gets a rerun and there's not even a bunrei in the event shop.

    What's with these new star shards and how do I get them? I remember elephant shards being mentioned in one of the docs and being puzzled because there weren't any ones with elephants in the game.

    And the Lucy event shop is under the title "The Weekend Summon", so don't get confused by our kusoge translators.

  79. 1 year ago

    Aint NO WAY the rates for kimono Luci aren't diddled with. I did FOUR HUNDRED pulls on the banner. Got 7 regular ones and zero kimonos. Do not pull. There's frickery about.

    • 1 year ago


      Well, I'm celebrating our first anniversary with my traditional INCREDIBLY bad luck that I've had since I started this game on launch day. Whenever there's a banner with one of my most favourite characters, I usually go all the way to pity without getting a single featured banner cast and today is no exception.
      I was overjoyed to see my #1 gal Lucy's banner as the anniversary banner so I could finally have what I wanted since day 1: a team of Lucys.
      Did the full 120 pulls and only got a Punica, a Furka and finally when that heart showed up on the final ten pull, a Maid Kamilah. I'm going to pity Kimono Lucy but I'm seething so hard right now as it'll be months and months before she gets a rerun and there's not even a bunrei in the event shop.

      What's with these new star shards and how do I get them? I remember elephant shards being mentioned in one of the docs and being puzzled because there weren't any ones with elephants in the game.

      And the Lucy event shop is under the title "The Weekend Summon", so don't get confused by our kusoge translators.

      and I kept going past pity because Lucy is my #1 and I had to unlock her new ult plus I need normal Lucys to dissolve to finish her EX Evolution. I went 4 ten pulls past pity, 160 pulls and finally got my first banner cast, Kimono Lucy. It's so brutal. If I had pulled even one normal Lucy in 16 ten pulls, I'd have her at +18 now to celebrate anniversary, but no such luck.

    • 1 year ago

      I rolled 100 times and got 1 regular Lucy. Going to save my remaining diamonds for another banner

    • 1 year ago

      I got kimono Lucy in my second pull. Went until pity, and only got regular Lucys after. I hope luck turns around for you in the near future, anon.

    • 1 year ago

      RNG is RNG
      I did 90 pulls and got 2x Spring Lucy and 1x OG Lucy
      However, on the Panagia banner I did 320 pulls for Panagia and only got Michaels

  80. 1 year ago

    I forgot to buy the 85 summon scrolls and 85 mirror scrolls for 6000 diamonds before I blew all my diamonds. I hate myself and wanna die, this anniversary's been miserable for me.

    • 1 year ago

      If you farm the event you should be able to get over 80 free summons over the next two weeks so you might as well double down and see if you can hit pity a second time before the event ends.

  81. 1 year ago

    Hi bros, I come with a couple of tips: remember to get the 85/85 package for 6k diamonds before going raw at the new banner and never go over the 120 pity, use ur awaker scrolls instead if u get angry!

    • 1 year ago

      Just get the 6k diamond for 85/85 scrolls deal for now. There should be more deals this weekend and second week of anniversary.

      >85/85 package for 6k diamonds
      which one is it?

  82. 1 year ago

    After procrastinating for months I decided to play this event, what's the best stage for farming? The only Lucy I'm missing is the new one

    • 1 year ago

      Recently, the best one has been the last stage that uses stamina.
      Since it takes a lot of it, you don't have to leave online auto on for very long.

      • 1 year ago

        I have like 45k stamina, might as well burn it all

        • 1 year ago

          Recently, the best one has been the last stage that uses stamina.
          Since it takes a lot of it, you don't have to leave online auto on for very long.

          You want to farm the 40 stamina one until you get all the free scrolls from "clear event stage x times" missions

  83. 1 year ago

    Free Spring Lucy code:


    • 1 year ago

      And there's your proof the rates were diddled with.
      >small patch
      >suddenly giving a free banner unit
      There's no way these chink israelites would give people a free top tier unit for no reason.

      • 1 year ago

        >And there's your proof the rates were diddled with.
        It's anniversary so there are a lot of people pulling on the banner, but no one on here, FB, Twitter, R*ddit or Discord are reporting diddled rates except for you. On the contrary, there were +15 Spring Lucy screenshots and double pulls screenshots on the first night. I started pulling 1 hour after maintenance and got my first Spring Lucy on my 5th 10 pull.
        >small patch
        >suddenly giving a free banner unit
        The gacha rates are set on the server side. No gacha would set the rates on the client side for obvious reasons.
        >There's no way these chink israelites would give people a free top tier unit for no reason.
        It's anniversary and it's not like they haven't done it before. They gave away OG Lucy in a random event and she was top tier at the time.

        • 1 year ago

          They gave away Idol Michael for free as well for her event.

          • 1 year ago

            No they didn't.

            >And there's your proof the rates were diddled with.
            It's anniversary so there are a lot of people pulling on the banner, but no one on here, FB, Twitter, R*ddit or Discord are reporting diddled rates except for you. On the contrary, there were +15 Spring Lucy screenshots and double pulls screenshots on the first night. I started pulling 1 hour after maintenance and got my first Spring Lucy on my 5th 10 pull.
            >small patch
            >suddenly giving a free banner unit
            The gacha rates are set on the server side. No gacha would set the rates on the client side for obvious reasons.
            >There's no way these chink israelites would give people a free top tier unit for no reason.
            It's anniversary and it's not like they haven't done it before. They gave away OG Lucy in a random event and she was top tier at the time.

            Wrong. They gave her during Christmas Lucifer banner, at which point she was severely outdated

            • 1 year ago

              >Wrong. They gave her during Christmas Lucifer banner, at which point she was severely outdated
              >No they didn't.
              Yes, they did.

              Don't fricking challenge me again.

              • 1 year ago

                >Top doesn't prove anything
                >Bottom isn't free. It costs an amount of currency that is impossible to get without either paying for stamina, or already owning every bonus unit including idol, and spending every single drop of stam on the event.

                Just stop talking anytime.

              • 1 year ago

                >Top doesn't prove anything
                Top has the date.
                >Bottom isn't free. It costs an amount of currency that is impossible to get without either paying for stamina, or already owning every bonus unit including idol, and spending every single drop of stam on the event.
                Wrong again. We got a crap load of free stamina during that event.

                Just stop talking anytime.

    • 1 year ago

      wtf why did I spend 16,000 diamonds for a single copy of her yesterday? I'll take it though.

      >85/85 package for 6k diamonds
      which one is it?

      Go to weekly bundles in the upper right of the home screen, scroll down to the first of two "Wings of Dawn Deluxe bundle" tabs, then scroll that all the way down to the 6000 diamonds 1-time only bundle.

      Hi bros, I come with a couple of tips: remember to get the 85/85 package for 6k diamonds before going raw at the new banner and never go over the 120 pity, use ur awaker scrolls instead if u get angry!

      A thousand curses upon you, deplorable slowpoke.

  84. 1 year ago

    Quick rundown on the new Lucy pls, why is she top tier

    • 1 year ago

      The tier list is biased towards pvp but the short answer is that her kit is stacked
      >CC immunity (helps against Panagia, Michael, etc)
      >buffs your party with Steady (counters Xmas Satan)
      >removes DOTs on your party with her S2
      >charms all enemies with her S3
      >stacking feathers gives a huge stat boost to herself and allows your party members to do one extra hit during their attack

      Is there an option that's particularly better than the others for some reason?

      Slots 2, 4 and 6 have randomized main stats so it's harder to get the stat you want for those slots. Therefore it's more optimal to always go for one of them when you have a choice.

      • 1 year ago

        >Slots 2, 4 and 6 have randomized main stats so it's harder to get the stat you want for those slots. Therefore it's more optimal to always go for one of them when you have a choice.
        Gotcha, thanks.

        Also, does anyone know how to complete
        >Clear "Main Story: 7-10" under normal difficulty
        I beat 7-10, and beating more story chapters doesn't seem to increase the bar past 50%, so I don't know what I'm doing wrong.

        • 1 year ago

          >I beat 7-10, and beating more story chapters doesn't seem to increase the bar past 50%
          Did you clear it with 3 stars? If you did then it's bugged and you need to write a ticket to customer service. I know they updated the requirements and rewards for anniversary but knowing the devs there's a high chance of a bug or two in there.

          • 1 year ago

            Yeah, I've done all of the stages up to that point with 3 stars. Thanks, hope customer service comes through.

  85. 1 year ago

    >do ten pull with scrolls
    >kimono lucy
    Nice. With the one copy I had to go past pity to get, I can now get the free bunrei and have her at +4. I need to pull one more dupe before the banner leaves and then I can slowly +13 her with books. Gonna need to wait for a rerun to grab her mirrors though.

  86. 1 year ago

    Is there an option that's particularly better than the others for some reason?

  87. 1 year ago

    are any of the 3D models lewd/erotics in the uncensored version?

  88. 1 year ago


    Yeah, I've got the stars for normal on all those stages.

    Anyway, I'm not sure if customer service actually read my message by the time I logged back in, or if it was just the reset that updated it, but either way it's fixed! Any suggestions on who to pick? I don't really have a preference, but was considering Michael to team up with Kimono Lucifer to try to build up a Blue Team for Raids.

    • 1 year ago

      For early game content like the Daily Dungeons, I'd pick Michael for CC
      However, speed and CC immunity become more important in end game content like Vortex so I'd pick Sariel or Metatron
      It's not a big deal, just pick one one of those 3 and you're good

      • 1 year ago

        Thanks, went with Miguel. Crazy how big the powergap between Sins and Awakers are, since even at LV1 she was on par, if not better than my Awakers at around LV40.

  89. 1 year ago

    Jesus Christ, relic management is a nightmare.
    How the frick am I supposed to memorize which soulmirrors to dismantle?

  90. 1 year ago

    This is not worth, right? I'm fine at +1 Skill? Plus, this was only with my second 10 Pull, so I still have plenty of chances for more.

    • 1 year ago

      DO NOT pay $50 for a fricking bunrei.

      Jesus Christ, relic management is a nightmare.
      How the frick am I supposed to memorize which soulmirrors to dismantle?

      When you select soul mirrors to dismantle, press the top left of the icon where the magnifying glass is, and it will display the stats.

      • 1 year ago

        This is one of the worst deals in the game. Don't ever pay for a bunrei unless it's part of Limbo Pass. Just for comparison, last month there was a banner called Infinity Summon where you redo 10 pulls until you get 2 or 3 Sins and pay $20 to keep the 10 pull. I haven't seen deals this good even in other gacha games.

        I see, thanks. What do you guys think of the Weekend Summon bundles? Should I just skip and see what they have next week? For reference, I'm a new player with OG Lucifer +1, New Year's Lucifer +1, and a Michael. Will probably have the free Belial and Belphegor from the new player quests or whatever too.

        • 1 year ago

          They're pretty good if you want the Lucys. Normally 10 pulls would cost 1k diamonds.
          If you don't have any paid diamonds you can do:
          >2x 590 diamonds
          >1x 990 diamonds
          >1x 10 pull for 800 diamonds
          And that'll get you to 120 pulls for pity.
          If you have paid diamonds you can do:
          >1x 790 paid diamonds
          >1x 590 diamonds
          >1x 990 diamonds
          If you want paid diamonds, the Diamond Era deals have by far the best dollar to diamond conversion rate at the moment. I don't know if there'll be deals with a better conversion rate next week.

          • 1 year ago

            Bro, I got a Desperado Lucifer off my free pull today, so I did what you said, and got +2 Desperado and Summer Lucifers out of it! Didn't even have to do a 10-pull because of the free banners too, and I still have my "pity" summon to boot!

            I'm so tempted to just blow 3300 Diamonds to get the UR+ Soulmirror set for either Desperado or Summer Lucy.

    • 1 year ago

      This is one of the worst deals in the game. Don't ever pay for a bunrei unless it's part of Limbo Pass. Just for comparison, last month there was a banner called Infinity Summon where you redo 10 pulls until you get 2 or 3 Sins and pay $20 to keep the 10 pull. I haven't seen deals this good even in other gacha games.

  91. 1 year ago

    hey when you guys say "I did 400 pulls" do you mean like, from free gems you had lying around, or are you spending money?

    • 1 year ago

      Whales are definitely spending money, but you can save up that much as a F2P if you pick 1 or 2 waifus and only spend diamonds on their banners.

      However, I would advise against doing 400 pulls. You get one pity at 120 pulls, another one at 320 pulls and nothing after that. Pity is the only guarantee you have and the probability of not getting shit is higher than you think.
      Assuming 1% probability of getting the unit you want:
      >At 120 pulls, there's a 29.94% probability of not getting the unit you want.
      >At 320 pulls, there's a 4.01% probability of not getting the unit you want.
      >At 400 pulls, there's a 1.80% probability of not getting the unit you want.
      The most optimal way of pulling is not spending diamonds unless you can hit pity. This game has reruns every other week, so any diamonds you spend outside of pity are diamonds that you won't be spending on rerun banners.

  92. 1 year ago

    Uh guys? Where's the first post?


    I was using it, please don't delete...

    • 1 year ago

      Mods deleted it because "generals" are not allowed on this board even though 90% of the threads on here are essentially generals that are too slow to be on /vg/
      Just use the archived post:

      • 1 year ago

        Banning generals on here will never make any sense.

  93. 1 year ago

    Dear Worshippers,

    We will be conducting maintenance on following schedules:
    2023/5/2 (Tue) 02:00~05:00 (UTC-4)
    2023/5/2 (Tue) 14:00~17:00 (UTC+8)

    Coming Up:
    1. Anniversary Special Event 2nd week
    2. Anniversary Login Bonus
    3. Garden of Mystery

    • 1 year ago

      Worshipers. It's one p.

  94. 1 year ago

    I still don't understand the point of LR mirrors. The stats aren't any better than UR, and to fully upgrade one, you need 150k dust AND items you get from selling Ur AND LR mirrors

    • 1 year ago

      LR mirrors have a small chance to roll 1 or 2 percent higher stats than UR mirrors but cost more than 3 times the resources to upgrade so it's purely for whales who want to gamble and min/max.

    • 1 year ago

      LR mirrors have a small chance to roll 1 or 2 percent higher stats than UR mirrors but cost more than 3 times the resources to upgrade so it's purely for whales who want to gamble and min/max.

      How do you even get them?

      On an unrelated note, managed to roll another Kimono Lucy so she's +5 and I can use books to bring her the rest of the way. Though Panagia currently has priority for my Sin grimoires...

      • 1 year ago

        You fuse 3 Soulmirrors of the same type, can't mix Soulmirrors and Soulmirrors+. Using more of a certain slot or cast gives you a higher chance of getting the LR mirror for that slot/cast.

        • 1 year ago

          >Using more of a certain slot or cast gives you a higher chance of getting the LR mirror for that slot/cast.
          So there's a random element involved besides the stats you get? Jeez. Has it been implemented yet on global? I don't know where to go/what to tap to actually get these things.

          • 1 year ago

            Relics > Soulmirrors > Fuse
            Bottom-left Help button for details.

            • 1 year ago




              Jeez, I hope I can see some similar payouts when I roll on the new anniversary gacha. Congrats dude!

  95. 1 year ago

    What sharts for the new Lucy, SPD/CRIT so she can charm first?

    • 1 year ago

      You pretty much want SPD/CRT on everybody unless there's a good reason to have different stat than CRT:
      >units that do DOT damage because DOTs don't crit
      >units that naturally have high crit already
      >units with skills that scale off DEF
      >units with skills that scale off HP

      I played for maybe a week last year, started again a couple weeks ago on a whim. Got bunny and kimono Asmodeus, plus Christmas and kimono Luci. Should I just invest in all of them? My casts are only around levels 50-70.

      Resources are limited so either build your waifu or pick someone high on the tier list

  96. 1 year ago

    I played for maybe a week last year, started again a couple weeks ago on a whim. Got bunny and kimono Asmodeus, plus Christmas and kimono Luci. Should I just invest in all of them? My casts are only around levels 50-70.

  97. 1 year ago

    So it looks like they finally added 4 star mirrors to the game, but the only way I'm finding to get them is the limited gocha, with no pity system.

    • 1 year ago

      Not worth it
      They haven't even added 4 star arena yet so there's no point

      • 1 year ago

        Ur face is not worth it. Finna splurge for the cute redhead tomboy. Does she or the cow girl show nips?

  98. 1 year ago


  99. 1 year ago

    Killing the guild boss confirmed to just cap out at 9,999,999 points.
    No benefit based on how quickly you kill it.

  100. 1 year ago

    holy shit

  101. 1 year ago


    • 1 year ago

      I got two 4 star awakers on my 10 pull

      • 1 year ago

        Better than mine...
        Though I got a phoenix uriel on the rerun banner with 10 free scrolls so it's all good.

  102. 1 year ago


  103. 1 year ago

    I now have 4 different Lucifers. May as well shove them all into the same team and steamroll as much of the story as I can now.

  104. 1 year ago

    So, is the new Uriel any good?

    • 1 year ago

      Do you mean China Dress Uriel? She's old and this is her second rerun I think.
      The issue with her is that she gets outshined by other red units in most endgame content. In guild raids, Belial and Sutalr are better picks. In PVP, the top green units are immune to her confuse, eg. Mammon, General Sandy, GS Lucy. She's pretty good in Vortex though.

      • 1 year ago

        Yes, I didn't know it was a rerun, thought it was new, but it's Elegant Phoenix Uriel. I already had her Flaming Trollius uni, so I suppose no reason to go all in on her banner.
        Thanks for the tip!

  105. 1 year ago

    Bros, why can't I find Matina hentai anywhere? Even the original artist (yukimi enoki) seems to have nothing on her.

  106. 1 year ago

    Got my two Lucys from the event shop, time to clear out the new story chapter then get back to kizuna quests. Comfy game, got a Gunslinger Lucy dupe from the anniversary coin gacha and regular Lucy's at +19 now.

  107. 1 year ago

    lmao who's voting for 4 star awakers?

    • 1 year ago

      I feel sorry for you if you think these polls are real.

      Where's the "return the voices" poll option huh? You fricking Chinook tradhbags

      • 1 year ago

        I feel sorry for you if you think the voices are coming back
        Why would they spend resources scrubbing out the names of the JP VAs from the character profiles unless they were pressured by those VAs?
        And they're not going to hire English VAs as replacements, let's be real

        • 1 year ago

          I'd rather have no voices than ENG VA's. Have you heard the dub for the anime? It's bottom of the barrel trash.

  108. 1 year ago

    How do whales get those cool fire effects around their regular Belials and Satans and the ice effects around their Lucys?

    • 1 year ago

      You get the special effects from equipping LR/UR Bloodpacts

      • 1 year ago

        Damn, I was afraid of that. Don't have any of those for my faves, guess I'm stuck waiting for a banner.

  109. 1 year ago

    If you want to +15 your Xmas Satan, now is a good time.

    • 1 year ago

      Bought both free crystal scroll packs, only got 2 regular Satans. Feelsbadman.

    • 1 year ago

      Nice! Can confirm, new player here that did the 120 pulls, got a +5 Darkfury Satan and +2 regular Satan. That's without cashing in the coins either, so it'll actually be a +6 Darkfury Satan.

      • 1 year ago

        Oh, that reminds me, which would you guys pick out of these? I was eyeing Belial or Astaroth since it seems like they're more exclusive to upgrade than the others.

        For reference on who I can get dupes of for skill upgrading, I have +3 Lucy and +2 Satan, as well as Belphegor, but I'm not too concerned since I think my party's fine (also +6 Darkfury Satan, +3 Desperado Lucy, +2 Summer Lucy, and +1 Wings Lucy).

        • 1 year ago

          tier list says belial

          • 1 year ago

            Thanks, picked her up, hopefully I can get her at least +1 soon.

            By the way, what are you supposed to do with 4* casts after maxing out their Skill Ups at +13? Unsummon them?

            • 1 year ago

              Ex dissolve for super evo mats
              You can also unsummon one per day for the daily if you want

              halp, what do I get from Trickster's Era shop, I have 113521 hairpins.
              Is it worth it to get 1/4 of a sin book for 80k? or one copy of lucy for 100k? Or 4 EX Evolution shards?

              The must-buy from the event shop is always the inherit gem for 20k event currency
              Dupes and soul mirrors are what I would get after that
              If I still have event currency left over then I would get the 2* ex grimoire selectors

              See if you can grind out 120k before maintenance so you can buy the inherit gem + Lucy dupe

              • 1 year ago

                Thanks for that!

  110. 1 year ago

    So, is the salamander starshard completely useless?

    • 1 year ago

      They have no use in the current content. Maybe when Awaker Arena is released, they'll see some use

      • 1 year ago

        Hmm, thanks for the reply, i suspected as much. Gonna dismantle any below purple 5*

  111. 1 year ago

    is there a tier list for coin farming on this game?
    this is unironically the worst way to farm stuffs especially since those fancy animations don't mean shit

    • 1 year ago


      • 1 year ago

        aight I'll try them out next time
        thanks sempaitachi

  112. 1 year ago

    Oh my goodness

  113. 1 year ago

    halp, what do I get from Trickster's Era shop, I have 113521 hairpins.
    Is it worth it to get 1/4 of a sin book for 80k? or one copy of lucy for 100k? Or 4 EX Evolution shards?

  114. 1 year ago

    Worth or scam?

    • 1 year ago

      Forgot pic.

      • 1 year ago

        Only if Sariel's your waifu and you wanna go all in on her. Skip for the average player.

      • 1 year ago

        Not worth it if you are focusing purely on pulling the unit. If you spend the 1000 gems on a ten roll, you have a 10% chance to get Dancer Sariel and 10% chance to get Sariel. If you buy the miracle bundle, you have only have a .5% chance of Dancer Sariel, and 1% chance of Sariel. You have a 46% chance of basically getting 2 free rolls PLUS a pity token from spending those 12 scrolls. But that's basically balanced out by getting the 18 soulmirror scrolls instead of the summon scrolls. If you plan on getting her and the soulmirrors, it might be a little better than just rolling on the banner once you've already bought the deluxe bundles from the weekly shop.

  115. 1 year ago

    >moondancer sariel
    My heart isn't ready, bros...

  116. 1 year ago

    I really enjoyed how saturday morning cartoony Sariel's event felt. Felt right out of a magical girl show monster of the week plot, complete with some education on exercising for the kids.

    • 1 year ago

      I'm waiting for the actual magical girl

      • 1 year ago

        I always forget just how fricking massive her horns are

  117. 1 year ago

    Was it always 3.6K gems for 100 soul mirrors in the deals, it seems better than usual ?

    • 1 year ago

      It was 4.5k gems before the anniversary

  118. 1 year ago

    Belly dancer Sariel is missing from the tier list's newcomer tab after the 12th line...

    • 1 year ago

      I think the guy/people working on this stopped writing descriptions for the newer characters. I noticed this with some other characters, too.

      also, in this situation, I can rank up Sariel (for the event level up missions), Darkfury Satan (for general usefulness) or Vesperia Lucifer (for being green unit in a general lack of it).
      Who should I go with?

      I say Satan, then Luci. Satan is way too good not to rank up, but if you're really struggling with green units, go with Lucifer.

      • 1 year ago


    • 1 year ago

      The character database sheet now has a tier list tab:

      • 1 year ago

        Thanks, and I hope that's useful for everyone else.
        It's just that in this particular case, I was looking for starshard recommendations, which are usually present in that section of the list.

      • 1 year ago

        Also a new player, mainly wondering which characters you guys would recommend as a team for PVP, or just who you recommend to focus on upgrading in general. So far I've found Dawn Lucifer, Darkfury Satan, Moondancer Sariel, and Desperado Lucifer to be the best performers, but I'm not sure on the fifth (regular Lucifer seems solid, but online I've read that she drops off later for better characters, which is what I'm concerned about).

        Also, is there a shop guide for high priority buys, like in the Guild Shop, PVP Shop, and so on?

        • 1 year ago

          I wouldn't worry too much about PVP as a new player. Just enable Quick Match and use up your Arena/Colosseum tickets every day and collect your weekly rewards on Mon/Wed. Even if you try hard, the difference in weekly rewards between top 500 and top 1000 is 50 diamonds.

          In terms upgrading your current roster:
          For Sins, I would prioritise Xmas Satan then OG Belial
          For Virtues, I would prioritise Dancer Sariel
          For Riders, I would prioritise Esmira
          Having said that, your OG Lucifer +3 is going to be better than OG Belial +0 before upgrades

          As a new player, the only must-buy from the shops is probably Sutalr from the PVP shop. If you've been doing Arena/Colosseum every day, you should be able to buy one copy of Sutalr from the PVP shop roughly every ~1.5 months as a F2P (or every month if you buy the Limbo Pass). You can also buy stamina from the guild shop every day if you really want to farm an event, but by the end game you'll probably spend all your guild points on soul dusts since it's the only reliable source outside of spending diamonds.

          • 1 year ago

            >You can also buy stamina from the guild shop every day if you really want to farm an event, but by the end game you'll probably spend all your guild points on soul dusts since it's the only reliable source outside of spending diamonds.
            As a day 1 player who just ran out of soul dust for the first time trying to max upgrade Kimono Lucy's UR+ mirrors (maxed 2, didn't have enough dust for the final one), thank you for reminding me of this! I've only ever spent guild tokens on stamina.

          • 1 year ago

            Thanks, ended up pulling a dupe of Dancer Sariel as well as OG Sariel the other day, so for now I've been grinding the event.

            Now for a little contribution. Haven't seen any dialogue choice guides online, so I've written down the choices for the first 10 episodes. If I'm wrong and there is a guide, I'd gladly like to use it.

            15 Diamonds/+100 Karma choices

            10 Diamonds/+20 Karma choices

            • 1 year ago

              Finally managed to S rank and fully clear the kizuna tower, feels good man.

              There's no reason to worry about the dialogue choices because you end up choosing all three when you clear the story on Normal, Hard and Nightmare (the choices you chose on the lower difficulties get locked out on the higher ones).

            • 1 year ago

              Nice, my pedo dyke wife got another alt. Hope shes an OP red so I don't have to use my books on saggy breasts.

              Thanks for the contribiush new friend

              Getting real fricking tired of your >150 stamina bullshit, luckletd

              There are people with over 40 days inactivity, do your job Anon make some space. How many active people are in cunni?. We have ~9 and rank ~16th. Join Lucklets
              Anyways, gotta bounce before the fehggot janny bans me again bros

              • 1 year ago

                New Satan? Frick yeah.

  119. 1 year ago

    also, in this situation, I can rank up Sariel (for the event level up missions), Darkfury Satan (for general usefulness) or Vesperia Lucifer (for being green unit in a general lack of it).
    Who should I go with?

  120. 1 year ago

    how come I can't buy the miracle box in the event store? it says you have to clear the event but I did all of the stages at 3* and it's still locked.

    • 1 year ago

      the unlock condition is owning dancer sariel

  121. 1 year ago

    this anniversary event is actually a pretty good way to get some dosh for that mirror upgrades
    finally managed to 100% UR+ and karma 30 Lucy

    • 1 year ago

      >this is supposed to be the fallen archangel from heaven

    • 1 year ago

      >LR soul mirror

      • 1 year ago

        yeah that was me fricking around with fusing feature
        sue me

  122. 1 year ago

    Made out like a bandit on the Sins Revisted banner. All I did was buy the 85/85 scrolls pack for 6k free diamonds and I got 2 Summer Belial, 2 Wedding Levy, a Festival Bub-chan (got a second Bub-chan from today's free daily pull) and full purple mirrors on both sides for both Summer Belial and Wedding Levi. Feels good man, now I just need a bajillion soul dust.

    • 1 year ago

      Crazy! How often do characters like these get reruns? I got a +1 Leviathan, but no UR Soulmirrors, so I was debating going on the 6k pack today. If it's expected to happen again either this year or early next year, I might just save.

      • 1 year ago

        >triple Belphy banner
        At last, a time for me to save some diamonds. If only this was a triple Lucy banner instead of that recent one we got as a brief weekend summon when I was broke chasing Kimono Lucy.

        Expect the reruns to be much more frequent. Before when global was going at the speed of light, we'd get a new two week event but one week into it we'd get a banner with a new cast that wasn't part of the event. Now, we get a rerun banner during the second week of new events like the Belphy one up now, plus reruns can come out currently with new banners like the triple Sin alt rerun banner we just got when Dancer Sariel arrived.

    • 1 year ago

      I did 40 pulls and got nothing and then bam.

      Crazy! How often do characters like these get reruns? I got a +1 Leviathan, but no UR Soulmirrors, so I was debating going on the 6k pack today. If it's expected to happen again either this year or early next year, I might just save.

      Reruns happen at least twice a year based on current trends. It hasn't even been 6 months since the original Bride Levi banner.

  123. 1 year ago

    >only $180 USD to get Soulmirror+ sets of all the Belphes
    what a deal

    • 1 year ago


      • 1 year ago

        JewserJoy strikes again!

  124. 1 year ago

    I've never messed around with House of Souls before, just full clearing it once for the diamonds every time it comes around, but I want to get into consonance leveling for Lucy and I need those silver knight statuettes. It looks like I can get 2 of them from clearing the event 100 times and the others cost a whopping 140 fragments of time each, and I think the first stage that requires the keys to play only dropped like, 5 fragments? It costs 100 stamina just to run that stage once!

    And on the topic of event grinding, is it just me or is the currency dropping far, far slower on the Sariel event as opposed to the Kimono Lucy event? I've run full event bonus teams with both of those events, and with Lucy's, I got enough currency to buy BOTH Lucy copies from the shop, the inheritance gem, and still had days to spare where I stopped grinding the event and did something else. Now with Sariel's, we're over halfway through the event and I only have 72k event currency.

    • 1 year ago

      >House of Souls
      Do you mean Iridescent Knights? Silver Knights aren't used for anything right now. You'll want to buy 10 Iridescent Knights for 1500 soul gems whenever the Time House event is on. The best way to get soul gems is clearing Kizuna Tower which doesn't require stamina.
      Other than that, Time House is known as the best event to farm gold:
      200 stamina = 10 keys = 10 fragments = 500,000 gold
      If you want more Iridescent Knights then my advice is to wait for the next Time House to buy more of them with soul gems. But if you want to ignore my advice and grind them out with stamina then this is the conversion rate:
      1 Iridescent Knight = 140 fragments = 140 keys = 2,800 stamina

      >Sariel event
      The anniversary event gave more stamina as well as more event currency per stamina. For the Sariel event, the 80 stamina stage has a noticeably better stamina to event currency conversion than the 40 stamina stage. So IMO the most optimal strat for grinding the Sariel event is actually to grind the 80 stamina stage until you get what you want from the shop then switch to the 10 stamina stage (which gives 0 event currency) to finish the 450 stage completions achievement for scrolls. This strat should give you a little more event currency and stage completions compared to just grinding the 40 stamina stage.

      • 1 year ago

        Right, Iridescent. They look really damn similar, poor design choice imo, should've just made them gold.
        >You'll want to buy 10 Iridescent Knights for 1500 soul gems whenever the Time House event is on
        Roger that, thank you, this is exactly the sort of info I was looking for! Man, I've skipped doing that so many times, oh well.
        Gold's never been an issue for me since launch and anniversary just dumped a truckload on us, but good to know this is where to go if my gold ever runs low.
        Thanks for the conversion breakdown, but I'm thinking 10 plus the 2 from the event mission per Time House event should be enough.
        >So IMO the most optimal strat for grinding the Sariel event is actually to grind the 80 stamina stage until you get what you want from the shop then switch to the 10 stamina stage (which gives 0 event currency) to finish the 450 stage completions achievement for scrolls.
        Damn, I really should've asked this a week ago. I've been running the 40 stam stage the whole time. Thank you very much bro, you rock!

        • 1 year ago

          You are a moron. Running the 10 stamina stage is literally just wasting stamina. All the currency stages drop the exact same amount of currency per stamina spent. There is no point in running the high cost stages when you need to do the X runs mission

          • 1 year ago

            It's random, moron. It's not a fixed value. The stamina per currency rate is the exact same.

            No, they changed the scaling specifically for this event where 80 stamina gives a higher return rate for some reason.

      • 1 year ago

        Right, Iridescent. They look really damn similar, poor design choice imo, should've just made them gold.
        >You'll want to buy 10 Iridescent Knights for 1500 soul gems whenever the Time House event is on
        Roger that, thank you, this is exactly the sort of info I was looking for! Man, I've skipped doing that so many times, oh well.
        Gold's never been an issue for me since launch and anniversary just dumped a truckload on us, but good to know this is where to go if my gold ever runs low.
        Thanks for the conversion breakdown, but I'm thinking 10 plus the 2 from the event mission per Time House event should be enough.
        >So IMO the most optimal strat for grinding the Sariel event is actually to grind the 80 stamina stage until you get what you want from the shop then switch to the 10 stamina stage (which gives 0 event currency) to finish the 450 stage completions achievement for scrolls.
        Damn, I really should've asked this a week ago. I've been running the 40 stam stage the whole time. Thank you very much bro, you rock!

        You are a moron. Running the 10 stamina stage is literally just wasting stamina. All the currency stages drop the exact same amount of currency per stamina spent. There is no point in running the high cost stages when you need to do the X runs mission

        From what I have experienced, 80 was really the optimal stage. I got 630 dolls from it, and for the 120 stamina stage to be worth it, it would need to give 925 dolls, but it gives around 850.

        • 1 year ago

          It's random, moron. It's not a fixed value. The stamina per currency rate is the exact same.

  125. 1 year ago

    should I buy the 50 gem thing in the sariel event store? it costs 50 but the expected return is 102.

    • 1 year ago

      Recheck your math. It's 159 stamina and 14 gems. Unless you're burning through all the 30 gem stamina purchases each day, looks like a waste.

    • 1 year ago

      Recheck your math. It's 159 stamina and 14 gems. Unless you're burning through all the 30 gem stamina purchases each day, looks like a waste.

      Can someone post the actual calculations?

      • 1 year ago

        1% x 1000 gems = 10 gems
        2% x 200 gems = 4 gems
        EV: 14 gems

        Same logic.

  126. 1 year ago

    Dear Worshippers,
    We will be conducting maintenance on following schedules:
    2023/5/23 (Tue) 02:00~05:00 (UTC-4)
    2023/5/23 (Tue) 14:00~17:00 (UTC+8)
    Coming Up:
    1. Horror Maze & Fearless Talisman
    2. Bloodpact: Eclipse
    3. The Shining Stars
    4. Infinity Summon
    5. Season pass
    6. Other events

  127. 1 year ago

    Damn this is a pretty good pull. I do want Speedrunner Raph though.

    • 1 year ago

      Don't buy yet, apparently the payment is bugged

  128. 1 year ago


  129. 1 year ago

    Glad to see the 6k bundle is back down to 6k, as I'm hoping to get some Mammon copies. For some weird reason, the usualy 85/85 bundle for Belphegor's recent banner was 6600 instead of 6000.

    Similar to Time House, I've never messed around with The Shining Stars other than full clearing the stages for the pittance of diamonds. Is this event worth actually grinding since we don't have a proper event up for once, or is it pointless trash?

    • 1 year ago

      Shining Stars is pretty worth for grinding out the Refined Crystals. Much better value to reroll Starshards than to grind for new ones if you want better substats, then spend a bunch of gold to upgrade them (I think it's a couple mil to upgrade one to +15, vs. like 14k or something to reroll).

      That's only if you care about the substats though. I don't think it's really worth the stamina to grind and then gamble for the 5* LR Starshards, but that's another thing you can go for.

      • 1 year ago

        It's only worth farming if your team already has full sets of 5* starshards with the ideal primary stat and you want to min/max the substats for PVP. IMO 99% of players would be better off doing literally anything else to progress their account.

        Thanks guys, I think I'll skip it then. Haven't messed around with star shards since a few months after launch but the star shard temple's likely where I'm gonna dump my stam after I finish with all the kizuna quests (which won't be this week). Once I have some good sets, I'll see about farming for refine crystals in the future.

    • 1 year ago

      It's only worth farming if your team already has full sets of 5* starshards with the ideal primary stat and you want to min/max the substats for PVP. IMO 99% of players would be better off doing literally anything else to progress their account.

  130. 1 year ago

    did they ever put the voices back in the NSFW version?
    I dropped the game after this.

    • 1 year ago


  131. 1 year ago

    >wanted to buy summon scrolls
    >bought bloodpact scrolls instead
    goddamn I'm moronic

  132. 1 year ago

    New code for some free trainers:


    • 1 year ago

      Thanks bro

  133. 1 year ago

    Getting real fricking tired of your >150 stamina bullshit, luckletd

    • 1 year ago

      you guys aren't even hitting 200? I thought dicky had it bad.

    • 1 year ago

      you guys aren't even hitting 200? I thought dicky had it bad.

      I'm surprised the two guilds haven't consolidated yet. Recruitment has been pretty slow after Honkai Star Rail's release even for top 10 guilds.

    • 1 year ago


      you guys aren't even hitting 200? I thought dicky had it bad.

      It's usually 150 these days, I'm thinking of switching over to dicky if you guys can consistently hit 200 and have free slots. What's the cooldown on applying to a guild after you leave one?

      I'm surprised the two guilds haven't consolidated yet. Recruitment has been pretty slow after Honkai Star Rail's release even for top 10 guilds.

      We probably should. With how often the number of members fluctuates in lucklets, there's probably only a few members who are actually from this thread still in it.

      • 1 year ago

        I think cooldown for switching guilds is one day.

        • 1 year ago

          Damn. Well, dead week so now's the best time. Are there any open spots in dickyseurs?

    • 1 year ago

      >tfw got 250 stamina everyday
      those russians are built different I swear

  134. 1 year ago

    Um, excuse me? Where the FRICK is my guaranteed 5-star on the 10th pull?

    • 1 year ago

      lol wut
      Which banner is this?

      • 1 year ago

        Infinity Summon, so it didn't technically screw me, but I'm curious how you'd get compensated if you actually paid for a roll like that.

    • 1 year ago

      The 999 gems count as a 5 star for some reason.

  135. 1 year ago

    Trying to max Lucy's consonance, so I gave Levi +2 skill ups and Mammon +1 skill ups and their numbers haven't changed from 92780. How do I push these red numbers further? I gave Levi some exp and leveled her up today for the daily mission, but she still didn't increase. Is there a limit for each factor of soul link and now I need to switch to raising karma?

    • 1 year ago

      The numbers in red are the requirements to level the consonance, not your actual soul link points for that unit
      You can go to your Soulpedia and check the "Show Soul Link Stats" box to see the actual soul link points for all units
      This post shows you how much soul link points you get:

      This is how many soul link points you get

      • 1 year ago

        >The numbers in red are the requirements to level the consonance, not your actual soul link points for that unit
        Oh shit, that makes sense.
        >You can go to your Soulpedia and check the "Show Soul Link Stats" box to see the actual soul link points for all units
        And thanks for this too, I've never checked that box before. Looks like Levi is at 81760, so I need 11020 more points for her. According to the chart, exp level and bond level count for almost nothing unless those listed points get applied for every single level. Skill ups are apparently worth 7200 points, so I guess I'll just wait to get two more bunreis for her. Does maxing out her mirrors count as a skill up for soul link purposes? Just got a full set of Levi's UR+ mirrors from clearing the Vortex today..

        • 1 year ago

          >Does maxing out her mirrors count as a skill up for soul link purposes?
          Yes but you'll probably want to save your soul dusts for your waifu or Xmas Satan/Belial

          • 1 year ago

            Already maxed the mirrors on my waifu (Lucy) as well as Xmas Satan and Belial but you're right, I've better uses for soul dust than regular Levi. Maybe my Wedding Levi, now that she's +10 (got 4 dupes on the current rerun banner) and I have full purple mirrors for both sides.

  136. 1 year ago

    newbie here, is Esmira in the newcomers banner or do I have to roll for her elsewhere?

    • 1 year ago

      Like the beginner banner? You can't get anything good from that besides normal 5*s, Sins/Virtues/Riders aren't in that banner.

      • 1 year ago

        Oh, that sucks. Thanks.

    • 1 year ago

      I think you can choose her as your reward as part of the Limbo Park missions

  137. 1 year ago

    Got 6 bikini Levis and 2 normal Levis with the 85 deal. Feels good being a levichad.
    Make some space luck let boss

  138. 1 year ago

    Frick this, finna defect. Any space in dicky? I'm the 2nd place in luck lets btw

    • 1 year ago

      Does the dicky leader even visit the thread any more? I also asked about spots in dicky here

      Damn. Well, dead week so now's the best time. Are there any open spots in dickyseurs?

      but didn't get a reply in over a week.

      • 1 year ago

        Frick my bad, made some space got 3 slots at the moment could probably make some more if necessary

        • 12 months ago

          How much stamina do you guys get per day? In Lucklets, it's 150 daily for about 5 or 6 days of the week, with one or two days giving 200.

          • 12 months ago

            We got 200 today haven't paid attention to the amount lately.

            I'm on my 24 cooldown, hope you guys keep at least one slot open for me tomorrow.

            Dont worry plenty of space

            • 12 months ago

              >2 slots left
              >1 hour left of my cooldown
              >people keep requesting itt
              Come on, I hope I can make it!

        • 12 months ago

          I'm on my 24 cooldown, hope you guys keep at least one slot open for me tomorrow.

        • 12 months ago

          Add me bros, I'm Nintendo

        • 12 months ago

          NrSpring, let me iiiiin

        • 12 months ago

          >2 slots left
          >1 hour left of my cooldown
          >people keep requesting itt
          Come on, I hope I can make it!

          Okay, I'm finally allowed to send my request! Name starts with D, let me in please. I've played every day since launch and have no plans on dropping this game ever.

  139. 12 months ago

    >thirsty for mammon
    >barely get her with 6k crystals
    >hate levy
    >get 6 with free summons
    I hate RNG

    • 12 months ago

      Sorry no milf for you anon

    • 12 months ago

      >He doesn't know that they track which characters you want through algorithms

  140. 12 months ago


  141. 12 months ago

    looks like the 40 stamina stage got buffed
    all the stages have roughly the same currency per stamina again
    so back to farming the 40 stamina stage

  142. 12 months ago

    This new Mike's kit is amazing. I think she'll be my new favourite healer. Shame I only got the one copy though. Guess I'll pity to unlock her ult.

  143. 12 months ago

    >Middle of Summer
    >Valentine's Event
    Not that I'm complaining about more Michael.

    Anyways, I'm new-ish, started at anniversary. Just wondering how long ago the last Idol Michael run was? Or rather, I'm just mainly wondering if there's a chance I get baited by a Weekend Summon Idol Michael or something if I go hard on this banner right now, since I don't quite have a grasp on how banner schedules work yet. Seems to be a "normal" Sin/Virtue/Rider banner for a week, then alternates with an event character?

    • 12 months ago

      >last Idol Michael run
      March 14th
      >Weekend Summon Idol Michael
      Datamined files says not this weekend, potentially next weekend but I wouldn't get my hopes up
      > I don't quite have a grasp on how banner schedules work yet
      New character every 2-3 weeks, other weeks are reruns. Weekend banners are whenever they feel like it.

      I wouldn't go hard on the new Michael as a new player. If you already have a copy then you should save.

  144. 12 months ago

    >200 stamina
    Feels good, thanks for letting me into dicky. We should complete the merge, no way everyone left in lucklets is from here.

  145. 12 months ago

    Tomoka here, I'm going to return soon. Who are meta and which event is ON right now? Is Michael still the best girl? I swear to god everytime I am low on gems and pull for her alts, I get her into +6 territory without whaling.

    • 12 months ago

      You like Michael? Well they JUST released Valentine's Michael. You can try the full revive team now if you have the other characters.

      As for meta, the past couple of months they dropped a bunch of good PvP characters/banners. It was the anniversary recently, so we got Kimono Lucy and Belly Dancer Sariel for charm shenanigans, and along those lines the other Lucy alts and OG Sariel were part of the re-runs, as well as stuff like Christmas Satan, Metatron, the Mammons, so expect to see more people have higher Skill Ups and/or Bloodpacts for those kinds of characters. OG Belial's still the queen of single-player.

      • 12 months ago

        Yes and I want to make her a koikatsu card
        I like her the most because like I said, she ALWAYS comes, no matter what

  146. 12 months ago

    anon of lucklets here
    i'm not sure when i became guild leader, i guess the game auto-demoted mildred for inactivity at some point and auto-promoted me. apparently the guild has always been set to open recruitment, never knew. i haven't visited the thread in months, but i noticed a couple of active players were leaving the last few days.
    i didn't want to prune too many dead players at once, because big number losses like that may dissuade new players from filling in the holes...
    anyway, i'm down to merge. i don't even know how many people from here are left in this guild, anyway.

    • 12 months ago

      Hope the dicky leader sees this and opens more space for you (I think there's one slot open right now), it definitely seems time to merge and have the lucklets come over to the dicky side.

      Frick my bad, made some space got 3 slots at the moment could probably make some more if necessary

      Givin' you a (You) so you can see what's goin' down.

      • 12 months ago

        Made some more room, will kick after 20 days of inactivity from now on.

        Tomdidly here - it does feel like we teeter between 150 and 200 stam each day, so it might be time - Is dickyseurs still stacked with vmgers or is it half randoms as well?

        Its about half n half I'd guess

    • 12 months ago

      Tomdidly here - it does feel like we teeter between 150 and 200 stam each day, so it might be time - Is dickyseurs still stacked with vmgers or is it half randoms as well?

      • 12 months ago

        alright, i'll set the bulletin in lucklets to something that will inform the remaining vmgers that we're merging to dickyseurs

        now that 3 of our active players have migrated to dicky, we're only barely hitting 150 a day, now. we'll be getting only 120 soon if one or two of our random players stops being active. sad to see the first vmg guild die, but alas, that's what happens when the guild leader goes inactive for months, i guess.

        • 12 months ago

          K, I'm on my cd. See you tomorrow dickyseurs (hopefully)

        • 12 months ago

          I find it ironic that 3 months ago, dicky was on a verge of collapse and then dicky end up being the most active and the main recruiting hub

        • 12 months ago

          On cd as well if you have one more spot.

          • 12 months ago

            Hey amaelma, I recently left lucklets im planning to join dicky within this weekend and my ingame name is indigo

            Likewise. IGN: Tomdidly

            that's just me, anon(lucklets), not amaelma. hope they accept our join requests soon, though. missing out on the stamina is sad.

            • 12 months ago

              ayo no cap, thanks for the invite and see you homes

        • 12 months ago

          Hey amaelma, I recently left lucklets im planning to join dicky within this weekend and my ingame name is indigo

        • 12 months ago

          Likewise. IGN: Tomdidly

  147. 12 months ago

    Ok dickyseurs, my 24 should be up, so please let me know whenever a spot's available.
    Also, when you search for a guild, it won't show up unless there's spots available right?

  148. 12 months ago

    is there a tier list

    • 12 months ago

      Beginner's tier list:

      New tier list:

      • 12 months ago

        Whose dick do I have to suck to get the new Satan to S tier minimum

  149. 12 months ago

    I hate zoomers so much

  150. 12 months ago

    >dicky hit 250 stam today
    Hell yeah, having all the active players together at last is already paying dividends.

  151. 12 months ago

    Which one of these is it best to pick if I already have all of them? Was thinking Idol Mike because I use her the most out of these five 'cause good greens seem hard to find. But I don't know if someone like Alice Gabby or Red Hood Sandy are considered really strong with dupes or something.

    • 12 months ago

      You already know the answer.

      • 12 months ago

        Yeah, you make a convincing argument.

  152. 12 months ago

    Let me in dickyman

  153. 12 months ago

    How do you use the new skip tickets? I just got a pack of 5 from the item gacha, but I didn't see an option to use them on either the Mike event or the Garden of Mystery event.

    • 12 months ago

      They're offline mode only, which might be why you missed them.

      Autoplay > Offline Mode
      Right at the top there's a toggle for "common" (regular) and "express" (uses tickets). I'm out of stamina so I can't check if it's disabled for the "expensive" stages in the events, but they'd be a waste for events like the Michael one since you can only use them with Offline Mode.

      • 12 months ago

        Checked and thanks. Damn, so they can't take advantage of bonus casts? That sucks.

  154. 12 months ago

    So House of Souls is the only limited event up this week and I'm done with all main story stages. Finished all the kizuna quests except the main Sins and Virtues 'cause I don't have nearly enough posters to bring them to 24.
    I guess the best stamina sink is starshards?

    • 12 months ago

      Yeah, unless you want to pool stamina for the next event

    • 12 months ago

      Just a reminder that House of Souls gives 100 Stamina for doing the stages 10 times, so you can burn "free" stamina by doing the stages that uses Keys or the second stage, since it costs 10 stamina, so you can use 100 or less stamina and get a 100 stamina rebate each day.

  155. 12 months ago

    Is my girl still good?
    Pink hair cat annoucer

    • 12 months ago

      Dixie? Yup, still probably the best 5* awaker and one of the few awakers worth putting on a team.

  156. 12 months ago

    wow that's is beautiful

    • 12 months ago

      Damn, blessed!

  157. 11 months ago

    How stupid would it be to throw 16000 gems into Adventure Time to get dupes of Sariel and Michael?

    • 11 months ago

      It's only worth it if you want Bride Thyrza dupes from Selector Box A or want to turn her into super evo mats
      Selector Box B has a 0.5% rate so realistically you won't get any outside of pity

  158. 11 months ago

    >they're daily missions
    Did anyone even test this? Did they even check it?
    These quests are completely fricking unrealistic. They also dont carry over

    • 11 months ago

      Doesn't matter if they're daily, they're not worth spending extra resources to complete in the first place:
      1% rate on cast selector box
      4% rate on bunrei selector box

      • 11 months ago

        Driving me crazy how I've landed on the skip tickets right beside the cast selector 5 times. I'm sure it's just a visual thing, but still. Managed to get one bunrei selector though!

        • 11 months ago

          Skip ticket has a 50% rate. That's why I advise not to go hard on this.

          • 11 months ago


  159. 11 months ago

    Ever since the update months ago that got rid of the exclamation point on the Limbo Pass when you had rewards to claim, I've only remembered to claim them maybe once every three days.

    • 11 months ago

      Same, send them feedback as I did bro. Let me tell you something, these game devs are worse than Mexicans, u have to be rough with them otherwise they won't do their job. Lazy ass mfs, let there be more crunch I say

      >update for this week
      >inventory system
      Hopefully they increase the amount of soulmirror because I’m already fricking full

      Dismantle ur shit anon, I have lots of purple mirrors, for almost every girl, and still have slots to buy

  160. 11 months ago

    >update for this week
    >inventory system
    Hopefully they increase the amount of soulmirror because I’m already fricking full

    • 11 months ago

      How the hell do you use the inventory expansion tickets anyway? We get 10 of each for free, but I take it they can't let you go beyond the old cap if you were already at it?

      Same, send them feedback as I did bro. Let me tell you something, these game devs are worse than Mexicans, u have to be rough with them otherwise they won't do their job. Lazy ass mfs, let there be more crunch I say
      Dismantle ur shit anon, I have lots of purple mirrors, for almost every girl, and still have slots to buy

      nta but I have the max mirror inventory cap of 600 and it's still not enough due to this game not doing what some games do and separating equipped from not equipped. I have almost everyone decked out (except 4* awakers of course) and that only leaves around 200 free slots (which shrinks by six every time a new cast is released), meaning I have to dismantle at least once a month 'cause I keep bumping up against the cap.
      Looks like they added ranking to events for extra goodies with this update.

      • 11 months ago

        The tickets just adds a safebox counter which I'm assuming allows you to go over the 600 limit without getting the warning message

        • 11 months ago

          >He spent diamonds on this
          LMAO EVEN

          • 11 months ago

            They work, but they work like shit.

            You have to manually add everything (one by one btw) to the safebox and it decreases the amount of your actual inventory.

            I don't understand why they don't just expand the actual inventory.

            • 11 months ago

              >You have to manually add everything (one by one btw) to the safebox
              How exactly do you do this?

              • 11 months ago

                Click on the little grey icon and it goes inside the safebox

              • 11 months ago


  161. 11 months ago

    >Phantom Bunny Charles is Sandalphon
    >Asmodeus is Belphegor
    >Satan is Leviathan
    >Lucy is Lucy
    This is the most jumbled up I've seen the event cutscenes in a long time, love this kusoge. Speaking of the event, looks like you can just straight up buy the new featured cast, but for a whopping 345,600 event currency. How much stamina would one have to buy each day to even get that much with a full event bonus team within two weeks?

    • 11 months ago

      let's see:
      480 stam from regen
      250 stam from guild login
      200 stam from guild points
      100 stam from daily mission
      460 stam from daily events
      that's 1490 total stam per day
      i'm getting ~384 event currency on the 40 stam stage with the bonus casts but without the new belph
      spending all your stam on the event will get you ~14304 currency per day
      over 14 days that's ~200k currency
      plus 7.5k currency from achievements
      new belph costs 345.6k currency
      345.6k - 207.5k = 138.1k currency that needs to come from bought stam
      assuming stam required per currency is 40 / 384
      138.1k * 40 / 384 = 14.4k bought stam required
      so that's just over 1k bought stamina per day required
      cheapest sources of bought stamina is the 150 diamonds for 500 stamina daily reset and the event shop one because there's a small chance to get 1k diamonds
      imo the 85/85 scrolls deal is still the best if you just want one copy

      • 11 months ago

        Jeez, that's rough. Not buying stam then, I'll just let that free copy taunt me for the next two weeks. I bought the 85/85 scroll pack as usual and got one copy of her, that'll have to do. Thanks for the math!

        The tickets just adds a safebox counter which I'm assuming allows you to go over the 600 limit without getting the warning message

        Ah, I see! Never clicked that magnifying glass icon before. It says my safebox is 10, so I'm assuming my inventory tickets are applied automatically just by owning them and yours says 60 because you bought more. Thanks!

  162. 11 months ago

    Is it worth starting this game? Looks cute

    • 11 months ago

      As a one year veteran, I think it's a good side gacha

      >3 Live2D illustration per character/skin by popular JP artists. Other gachas typically have only one or two Live2D per character/skin
      >daily missions are mostly offline autoplay and feel like less of a chore compared to the other gachas I'm playing
      >free daily pulls on the current banners
      >no limited collab banners to miss out on
      >interface is responsive and the game loads fast even on my 5 year old android

      >devs don't QA their code or translations, relies entirely on players submitting bug report tickets
      >3rd Live2D illustration is hard to unlock and not all of them show nips
      >character building resources are scarce like in a survival horror game, you really have to plan who you want to build
      >feels shit to spend money because devs don't know how to monetize and rarely have good deals

      • 11 months ago

        To this I would add
        Unlike a lot of gachas, can reach 100% collection as f2p (several of us 1 year vets have done it). Game wants you to get lots of dupes, so if you're a collector just trying to get one of everyone, it's pretty easy.
        No voices for the uncensored version.

        No voices for the uncensored version, and most of all not being able to max out whoever the frick I want is a killer for me.
        Like, why the frick would I care about getting 100% collection rate if I only can build meta characters. Also it doesn't sound like a side game if it has very few resources to build characters and you have to plan carefully. Not even israelite games like genshing or fgo do that shit.

        • 11 months ago

          Side gachas for me are the ones that don't take much time and focus to play
          IMO if team building is what you value highly in a gacha then there are much better gachas out there
          But if you care more about lewds of your waifu or if you want to pull everyday and not worry about saving for limited collabs then this is the one

    • 11 months ago

      As a one year veteran, I think it's a good side gacha

      >3 Live2D illustration per character/skin by popular JP artists. Other gachas typically have only one or two Live2D per character/skin
      >daily missions are mostly offline autoplay and feel like less of a chore compared to the other gachas I'm playing
      >free daily pulls on the current banners
      >no limited collab banners to miss out on
      >interface is responsive and the game loads fast even on my 5 year old android

      >devs don't QA their code or translations, relies entirely on players submitting bug report tickets
      >3rd Live2D illustration is hard to unlock and not all of them show nips
      >character building resources are scarce like in a survival horror game, you really have to plan who you want to build
      >feels shit to spend money because devs don't know how to monetize and rarely have good deals

      To this I would add
      Unlike a lot of gachas, can reach 100% collection as f2p (several of us 1 year vets have done it). Game wants you to get lots of dupes, so if you're a collector just trying to get one of everyone, it's pretty easy.
      No voices for the uncensored version.

    • 11 months ago

      The only real con imo, though a huge one, is this anon's

      To this I would add
      Unlike a lot of gachas, can reach 100% collection as f2p (several of us 1 year vets have done it). Game wants you to get lots of dupes, so if you're a collector just trying to get one of everyone, it's pretty easy.
      No voices for the uncensored version.

      Shitty quality and typos is a plus for me as I enjoy talking shit about devs and I find resource management kinda fun NGL. And you have to be a moron to spend money on gachas anyway

  163. 11 months ago

    U guys suck at shilling stop talking, now the moron thinks this game is genshin level israeli

  164. 11 months ago

    Anyone else having massive lag/connection problems with the game right now? Can't be on my end, my connection with everything else is fine.

    • 11 months ago

      No problems for me
      The only time I've ever had connection issues was when I was using LDPlayer 9

      • 11 months ago

        Guess it was just some weird hiccups, seems completely fine again today.

  165. 11 months ago

    Having a problem understanding bloodpact forging. The base item you're selecting does that change into the material base stat or cast compatibility?

    • 11 months ago

      your base bp has up to 3 skills slots when fully upgraded depending on the rarity
      lr: 3 slots
      ur: 2 slots
      sr: 1 slot
      you can add/replace skills on your base bp with skills from other bps by forging
      forging doesn't change the stats on your base bp
      if the skills don't match the cast that the bp is equipped on, then the cast will only get the benefit from the stats

      • 11 months ago

        Thank you! Wanted to be sure before spending bp mats

  166. 11 months ago

    Dear Worshippers,
    Seven Mortal Sins X-TASY Global server will be updated on Jul 18th, please update the application before login. Below are the updates of this version, available schedule of each features will be announced.
    What's New? Ver 2.2.3
    - System Improvement
    - New System: World BOSS Challenge
    - New System: Fetish Haven
    - Apocalypse Soulmirror
    - Vortex of Torment New Episode
    We will be conducting maintenance on following schedules:
    2023/7/18 (Tue) 02:00~05:30 (UTC-4)
    2023/7/18 (Tue) 14:00~17:30 (UTC+8)
    Coming Up:
    1. Soulmirror Pass
    2. New Soulmirror Gacha
    3. New Daily Quest
    4. Main Story Chapter 27
    5. Silver Pass
    6. Garden of Mystery
    7. Kizuna Tower
    8. Other events

    • 11 months ago

      I just got a random Ginevra dupe (finally unlocked her ult) while dumping my leftover tickets on the Belphy alt rerun banner before they expire tonight. I guess all the awakers are finally in the pools.

      >World BOSS Challenge
      >- New System: Fetish Haven
      >- Apocalypse Soulmirror
      Beyond LR mirrors already?
      >- Vortex of Torment New Episode
      This is the most puzzling thing of all. We already have a Vortex event running til the 25th!
      Always glad to see new main story, kizuna tower and garden of mystery back. I still need thousands of karma posters to finish the kizuna quests for the Virtues and Sins.

  167. 11 months ago

    How much of an score do I need to get to S+ rank? I have ~210,000 and am still in s. How tf do the event works anyway

    • 11 months ago

      There are 4 types of ranking for this event and each type has its own rewards
      Times: 1001 stage clears for S+ rank
      Group: finish in the top 5% of event score/currency earned for S+ rank
      Score: earn 180k event score/currency for S+ rank
      World: be the top scorer on the server for S+ rank rewards. some whale is sitting at first place with almost 700k the last time i checked

      • 11 months ago

        Thanks for the spoon-feeding anon. The first places were all frickin whales, I see them all the time in the Arena, why would they need more books. Whales always ruin the fun

        Every event that features a Sandy invention makes me feel she's one of the greatest threats currently in Limbo. Between this one, the previous event with VR, that time she made an outfit for Uriel, the robot Satan...most dangerous Virtue for sure.

        She also created a contraption that brainwashes people and violently attacks anyone that opposes her methods, she's definitely not the innocent angel she pretends to be in front of everyone.

        So how we feeling about this Daily system change?

        You can get books now, it's great

  168. 11 months ago

    Every event that features a Sandy invention makes me feel she's one of the greatest threats currently in Limbo. Between this one, the previous event with VR, that time she made an outfit for Uriel, the robot Satan...most dangerous Virtue for sure.

    • 11 months ago

      She is perfect

  169. 11 months ago

    So how we feeling about this Daily system change?

    • 11 months ago

      Good change overall I think
      Only 450 tokens needed to buy out the 4.5k diamonds every month
      F2P can get 650+ tokens every month even if they skip the spend 5k diamonds mission

      But the best change in this patch so far is the permanent soul mirror banners

      • 11 months ago

        >Lost the 100 stam
        >Lost all the other free shit like rank up items and trainers
        >Got israelited again and changed the permanent sin and virtue banners, which we should've had months ago, with shitty permanent mirror banners to clog up your inventory more

        This change is shit and the "pay up goyim" missions are disgusting

        • 11 months ago

          >Lost the 100 stam
          If you need extra stam then you can buy stam with excess tokens. If a shit event is on then you can spend the tokens on something you actually need. If you don't need anything then you can hoard tokens for next month
          >Lost all the other free shit like rank up items and trainers
          Rank up mats are not an issue in this game, you already get plenty. It's the other mats like trainers and evo gems that are a problem, but you can buy those with excess tokens

          You can actually buy soul dusts and books with tokens too, which are the real end game mats. I'd much rather have those than any mats from the previous daily missions

  170. 11 months ago

    Just finished 4-10 and I got my first non-welfare 5* but it's is a dupe

    • 11 months ago

      Get your free Lucy bro, the code still works:

      • 11 months ago

        Thanks anon

    • 11 months ago

      Which one should I pick as a new player? I didnt reroll so I wanna make sure I pick one that lets me clear the content
      My units are:

      • 11 months ago

        Pick one of the following 3 and you're good:
        >Michael: CC + damage, good for early game
        >Sariel: Speed + rez, good for late game
        >Meta: CC immunity + healing + rez, good for late game

        • 11 months ago

          Thank you anon, I'll go with Sariel

          • 10 months ago

            You made the right choice anon

  171. 11 months ago

    Frick yeah, this rerun banner was great for me. My final goal in this game is to max all the Lucys and I know Summer Lucy is the weakest, but I still want to take her all the way. Ended up getting 4 dupes of her so mine's at +8, so I can finish her off with grimoires alone, plus 3 dupes of Wedding Thyrza to bring her up to +5, a Summer Luciana and an Anastasia I can dissolve for more red mats to finish OG Lucy's EX Evolution (2 stars to go!).
    Hope you guys get some nice summer luck too.

    • 11 months ago

      >I know Summer Lucy is the weakest
      I thought she was the weakest out of the box, but one of the best to have if you have a lot of dupes?

      • 11 months ago

        She's rated highly on the tier list because she can stun on her first 3 turns at consonance 6
        But I don't think she's worth building because she shares super evo mats with Belial and Panagia who are much better red units in general

  172. 11 months ago

    Just did my first ever 10-roll using gems, and I got pretty lucky

    • 11 months ago

      Niiiice, well done! Dixie's quite good for an awaker, too.

  173. 11 months ago

    We're about to get israelited super hard again soon.

    Characters now have a new fetish tab, and a 3rd set of soulmirror slots

  174. 11 months ago

    Who are some casts who can remove enemy all dmg reduction? I can't 3 star stage 7 of main story chapter 27 because one enemy in the final wave takes only 1 damage from all attacks.

    • 11 months ago

      Summer Lucy
      GS Lucy
      Spring Lucy
      Summer Belphy
      Summer Beelz
      Choco Asta
      Valentine Michael
      Alice Gab

      Probably missed a couple

      • 10 months ago

        The free NY Lucy can do that, but u need her at +1 lol

        Thanks guys, my NY Lucy is +9 so I went with my all Lucy team and got it on the first try. Now I'm all caught up on 3 starring the main story again.
        Speaking of my #1 gal Lucy, I saw this loading screen when I logged in today and nearly shit a brick thinking some sort of SSJ Apocalypse Lucy got released, but I guess it's just referring to Apocalypse soul mirrors. What's the deal with them? Seems like LR mirrors were just some extra stats for whales.

        • 10 months ago

          Apocalypse mirrors basically unlocks a new passive ability, gives a bunch of extra stats and allows you to unlock a new illustration for the cast if you meet the following conditions:
          >super evo 1 time
          >skill up to at least +9
          >level up your purple (UR) apocalypse mirror set to 50% awakening
          The new illustration is NOT 18+ so you'll have to decide whether it's worth it

          • 10 months ago

            Are the new illust not lewd n general or just Lucy's?

            • 10 months ago

              all of the new ones

          • 10 months ago

            >super evo 1 time
            >skill up to at least +9
            >level up your purple (UR) apocalypse mirror set to 50% awakening
            Not check. Everything for Lucy, so I'll be going for it! Need 1000 more diamonds to hit the 10.5k diamond pity, but I'll wait until later to do my pulls.
            Thanks bro!

    • 10 months ago

      The free NY Lucy can do that, but u need her at +1 lol

  175. 10 months ago

    I just realized that there is feature in the game where I could just store my extra soulmirror

  176. 10 months ago

    On which units would you fine gentlemen suggest I invest my meager resources?

    • 10 months ago

      Did you finish your Limbo Park missions as a new player? I'm guessing you chose Thyrza from the Rider selector and Meta from the Virtue selector. You should have gotten a Sin selector too in which case you should choose Belial and dump your resources into her.

      • 10 months ago

        not yet, I got stuck on one I'll keep the Belial pick in mind, thank you

        • 10 months ago

          Once you get Belial I would use the following teams and just keep building your roster:
          General content: Belial + Spring Lucy + Furka + any
          Raids: Belial + Spring Lucy + Summer Lucy + Bride Thyrza + any
          PVP: Belial + Meta + Spring Lucy + Dixie + Kamila
          If you can save up enough diamonds to hit pity on the Xmas Satan banner before it ends I would go for it. She is the best PVE cast in the game.

          • 10 months ago

            thank you very much anon

  177. 10 months ago

    Is this worth or should I save for something else? Mainly want Holy Idol Michael when it comes to this banner.

    • 10 months ago

      Easiest save ever
      I think the Wish Up banners might be the worst banners in the game by far
      >no free daily pulls or free scrolls from events/mail
      >no 6k diamond scroll pack
      >1.5 times the cost of a regular banner
      >150 pulls to pity instead of 120
      >rate up to only 2% when rerun banners are typically 2% already

  178. 10 months ago

    What's the catch with the joker gambling game?
    I paid like 200 gems to continue. In total, and I got 1k gems as the final prize ontop of all the other shit

    • 10 months ago

      It overfills your Soulmirror inventory. It might also accidentally cause you to max out your Desperado Lucy or whoever. You might even end up with more gems than you started with! Truly something to be cautious of.

  179. 10 months ago

    I got a lr soul mirror box from the joker game but I couldn't redeem it because my inventory was full. I cleared out some room but when I went back to my mail it was gone. wtf.

    • 10 months ago

      I don't think the game ever stopped me from redeeming when my inventory was full, it just overfills and stopped me from entering stages until I cleared out some room

    • 10 months ago

      Uh, hopefully check Temp Storage? Otherwise, spam Customer Support that you demand a monetary refund equivalent to a LR Soulmirror box.

      • 10 months ago

        I don't even know where temp storage is. you can see that it's in the mail log like if I had picked it up, but I can't find them in the soul mirror inventory.

        • 10 months ago

          It's not looking good. Write a ticket to customer support and they might send you another box. I'm going to clear out my inventory just in case this happens to me.

          • 10 months ago

            is there an in game ticket form or so I have to send an email? the only reason my inventory was so full to begin with is because it's so hard to filter through things and I'm afraid I will end up trashing something for a character I haven't rolled yet and then when I finally do get her I won't have a complete set.

            • 10 months ago

              The in game one works but I use the web one because it's easier to type and attach screenshots

  180. 10 months ago

    >add more SHARTS
    >Don't increase inventory size.
    moronic chinkoids

  181. 10 months ago

    Frick yeah, pulled one of the 3 UR apocalypse mirrors for Lucy from some scrolls! 0.4% on these things, jeez. Now I "just" have to pull one more and I can pity the last one.

  182. 10 months ago

    This is actually disgusting.
    They added a measly 10 karma posters to the 85+85 scroll pack and increased its price from 6000 diamonds to 9000 diamonds. I might have to skip Schoolgirl Levy.

    • 10 months ago

      protip: you don't need to skip
      if you just want to hit pity and don't care about mirrors then it has always been cheaper to ignore the 6k pack
      you get 78+ free pulls this event:
      >25 from 450 event clears
      >14 from daily mission
      >14 from daily free pull
      >14 from weekly best seller daily claim
      >3 from 7 day login
      >8+ from mail
      so you only need to spend around 4k diamonds to hit pity by the end of the event

      • 10 months ago

        Oh wow, didn't realize there's that many free pulls. The pricing's always been wack in this game, but the free pulls have been pretty legit. I dropped 3k diamonds and got Kamilah on the first ten pull (she's already +13), a normal Levi dupe on the second, and Schoolgirl Levi on the third! So it all worked out.

        EOS announcement just happened on Japanese version


        TW servers also EOS
        On their TW Facebook page they're telling people to play Global if they want to continue the story so I think Global is still good in the short term

        Jesus, what the frick? What main story chapter were the JP/TW versions on before EOS was announced? I'm hoping global at least lives long enough to conclude everything with Panagia as the final boss, we're only halfway through dealing with her 4 lieutenants.

        what if they just reran old events and banners for another couple of years? most people don't even have the second illustration unlocked and there are only like 5 people with a +21 cast

        >and there are only like 5 people with a +21 cast
        >tfw Lucy is +19
        I wanted to max her before EOS, should be able to get her to +20 within the next few months.

        Fug, I still need to hit karma 24 on the original 7 Sins and Virtues to read their kizuna stories. Guess I'll be spending all my posters on them now instead of maxing alts' karma for power-up programs.

        • 10 months ago

          >What main story chapter were the JP/TW versions on before EOS was announced
          Chapter 34. So at the current rate of 1 new chapter per month, there's another 7 months left.

  183. 10 months ago

    Where's the israelite guy when you need him. 9k shekels for the 85 pack? Hell no

  184. 10 months ago

    EOS announcement just happened on Japanese version

    • 10 months ago


      • 10 months ago

        First Dragalia now this. The best always die young RIP.

    • 10 months ago


      First Dragalia now this. The best always die young RIP.

      TW servers also EOS
      On their TW Facebook page they're telling people to play Global if they want to continue the story so I think Global is still good in the short term

  185. 10 months ago

    What game are we moving to? Every other ecchi/h-game is extremely stingy. Can't collect anything.

    • 10 months ago

      Global will last a bit longer I think. TW players were offered diamond transfers to the global server and they wouldn't do that if global was going to EOS in the next couple of weeks. Long term outlook isn't good though.

  186. 10 months ago

    It's joever

  187. 10 months ago

    Lil bro, if the jp and tw servers are closing, then global isn't surviving either.

  188. 10 months ago

    Once content from the original server stops then the game will die. This happens every time. No amount of whales can "save" global once the content dries up. It sucks but it is what it is.

    I was actually about to drop $20 on some extra gems to get the new Levi but thankfully I saw the EOS in time.

    • 10 months ago

      what if they just reran old events and banners for another couple of years? most people don't even have the second illustration unlocked and there are only like 5 people with a +21 cast

      • 10 months ago

        Global wasn't that behind of JP/TW there isn't that much of a backlog of content to pad with reruns that would hold anyones attention for more than 6 months

        • 10 months ago

          you say that but people have been playing the same content for over a year
          just off the top of my head:
          >no virtue raid bosses
          >no world bosses
          >no awaker arena
          >no new starshard stages
          >no +10 consonance
          >newer vortex is missing
          also, there are casts that have been datamined but never released on tw/jp
          most of the casts are still missing their super evo and consonance
          and probably more stuff like the belphy bloodpacts which was only released on global but not on tw/jp

      • 10 months ago

        That does not work. It has been proven with hundreds of games at this point. Reruns do nothing but drain the remaining player base to a point where the small income becomes even smaller/non-existent. This is not a popular game, it never was and never will be. Reruns will obliterate any existing revenue. A recent example would be Revived Witch. It sat around rerunning events for like a year and the player base became a fraction of what it once was and it was living on like 4-5 digit revenue, which is garbage.

        You have to remember these games are designed and kept alive because they are there to make money. If a company is no longer making money they are not going to keep it alive for any reason. The only current exception to this is the wienerroach known as Girls Frontline where Mica keeps the game chugging along regardless of its pitiful revenue.

        • 10 months ago

          Also reminds me of the Star Ocean gacha and how they reran their biggest moneymaker, the Nier collab, like three or four times during the first year, then went radio silent for a month after first anniversary (no new content or announcements, nothing) and then dropped the EoS notice.
          >The only current exception to this is the wienerroach known as Girls Frontline where Mica keeps the game chugging along regardless of its pitiful revenue.
          And the Romancing SaGa gacha game, which has the largest disparity between Japanese version profits and global profits than perhaps any game ever on the market but global survives as it's being used as the primary vehicle to market the franchise to countries outside of Japan and actually manages to sell copies of the remastered and finally translated main console games abroad.

  189. 10 months ago

    this game had cash grab written on it from the start
    >only 3 pictures per character
    >one of them you have to whale for
    >have to choose between nipples and sound
    it's only too bad that it's going to die before they make a swimsuit asmodeus

    • 10 months ago

      Name a gacha that isn't a blatant cashgrab u horny asmo rm8dmmxmvxkwfrick

  190. 10 months ago

    I will give 2 more months for Global to follow EOS after jp and tw server go flatlined because the dev has to milk the last remaining shekels before dipping out

  191. 10 months ago

    >girl complains about a ranking event
    >the event she's in is also a ranking event
    I think the most fun the writers have is when they can incorporate Belphie in some way to make meta jokes about how to torture gamers.

    Anyways, just got my first +13 character, just wanted to make sure that I don't need anymore copies/Bunreis for her for +14/+15, right? I just need to upgrade the Soulmirrors or something?

    • 10 months ago

      >just got my first +13 character, just wanted to make sure that I don't need anymore copies/Bunreis for her for +14/+15
      That's correct
      >I just need to upgrade the Soulmirrors or something
      You need to upgrade full sets of at least purple grade mirrors
      Alternatively if the cast has super evo available, you can super evo twice to +15
      Illustrations-wise, you only need to fully upgrade the right soul mirror

      • 10 months ago

        Unless it's Lucifer. In which case Apoc provides a picture too. For draining your bank account. What a bonus.

  192. 10 months ago

    You have an OP image like THAT but then the game download says this and it's in the same list as hardcore penetrative games
    what the frick

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