Shadows of forbidden gods

Anybody give this a go?
Looks interesting

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  1. 4 months ago

    holy shit stop shilling your fricking game dude

  2. 4 months ago

    It looks rad and I've been following it since EA. Too bad about the UI though but I'm gonna play it the next time it's on sale.

    Also please shill your unique and cool games more so that /vst/ is not just paradrones and asiaticlicks thank you very much

  3. 4 months ago

    Bundling it together with some "refugee" feelsbait "game" that's designed to make European people feel better about being turned into minorities in their own homelands was perhaps the worst move the dev could have ever made.

  4. 4 months ago

    Good idea, worst possible execution

  5. 4 months ago

    Cool idea but the UI is pure garbage.

  6. 4 months ago

    One thing I really like is that it explicitly shows the percentage chances of the AI's next move, and the conditions for them.

    Those rules are usually there in games anyways, but the only time I've ever been shown them ingame is in this game, and it actually makes you experiment more.

  7. 4 months ago

    Cool game. Have won the game once with She Who Will Feast. Tried other gods and no success.
    Found that god whose name escapes me at the moment, the one where you need to set up a holy nation in one place and enshadow in another is the most interesting.

  8. 4 months ago

    Why does this game share half its icons with conquest of eo?

    • 4 months ago

      Because Conquest of Eo shares half of its icons with Spellforce 3 and second half is store bought assets

  9. 4 months ago

    It needs mutiplayer and ability to play as hero
    also wtf is up with devs no longing making manuals?

    • 4 months ago

      it doesn't need either of those things

      • 4 months ago

        it does need a manual you dumb illiterate Black person

        • 4 months ago

          Only computer wargames have manuals nowadays

        • 4 months ago

          That's obviously not what I was responding to. The game has tutorial windows anyway, and I managed to learn it just fine without a pdf.

  10. 4 months ago

    I still remember that which sleeps kickstarter... What could have been...

    • 4 months ago

      For me it'd be watching cultural pie charts shift after I manipulate populaces into xenophobic violence.

      • 4 months ago

        Reminds me of the game "That Which Sleeps"
        Never ever...
        Still mad, btw.

        I still remember that which sleeps kickstarter... What could have been...


        • 4 months ago

          I still remember that which sleeps kickstarter... What could have been...

          Its directly inspired by that game. After the dev of That Which Sleeps bailed this guys basically set out to show that it can be done.

          Have had a lot of fun with this game but I would really like some team to pick up this idea and make a proper big budget grand strategy out of it. It's very unpolished but impressive for a one man game.

  11. 4 months ago

    The game fails to adequately convey information to the player. There is an overabundance of popups for relatively minor inconveniences that will not effect your plans or would be quickly forgotten even if they did. UI is fine, I'd rather he focus on making court ambitions more interesting and useful. It is absolutely not worth the 20$ price tag, I'd hesitate spending 15 on it tbqh.

    I'm not a coder but I've been trying my hand at making a WoT mod considering most of it would just be a reskin of what currently exists. Since I doubt /sffg/ and /vst/ overlap its really for my own amusement more than anything else.

    • 4 months ago

      >There is an overabundance of popups for relatively minor inconveniences
      You can change the popup settings, it's what I did.

    • 3 months ago

      more that the actual game systems are incredibly shit and boring

      infiltrate, enshadow, enshadow, enshadow, enshadow, lay low

      very cool concepts, incredibly bad game design

  12. 4 months ago

    I played it, even though the game made it hard to at first. It‘s a good idea, but the execution failed.

    >corruption is both basically your religion, but also an intentional proxy to harm good nations by being more rebellious/hedonistic/debauched/etc
    I think it‘s too much at once. It‘s your way to win the game, it‘s your way of turning a good nation into a Dark Empire, it‘s an intentionally moronic cult to weaken good-aligned nations by preaching about equality and stuff, but it also turns good characters degenerate, because of too many orgies or whatever and they turn into puppets
    >corruption and plague are both very powerful automatic creep spread mechanics
    This basically overshadows all of your agents. Instead of having like a very beautiful sorceress landing the ultimate coup and being the concubine of the King, it‘s just that the corruption percentage increased enough in the capital, to make the King fallen.

    So the game’s problem is basically that way too much is abstracted through very powerful passive creep spread mechanics, which overshadow the agent play. And this creep, so to speak, also represents too much at once. A pleasure cult among the Elves or whatever shouldn’t work in Dwarf territory and also only weaken the Elves, but not make them fallen.

    Also it would have been better to make this more generic fantasy, so people can be immersed more easily, instead of creating new IP-slop. So many games shoot themselves in the foot with this, because they feel like they need to be original enough and have everything different enough, so it’s able to be protected as an intellectual property.

    • 4 months ago

      isn't the belt supposed to go under the boobs?

    • 4 months ago

      >Also it would have been better to make this more generic fantasy, so people can be immersed more easily, instead of creating new IP-slop
      How is it not bog-standard generic fantasy?
      You've got the measuring stick average humans, the snotty isolationist elves and the warlike rape-and-plunder orcs. Cthulhu Black folk sitting in the water. There's wizards and witches and kings and everything is absolutely medieval. How could you possibly make it any more generic? By removing the dark gods, i.e. (You)?

    • 4 months ago

      This is mostly a function of map size. If you play on larger maps, you will need your agents. It's also extremely easy to end up doing *nothing* because of how long you can end up doing very little; capturing an entire nation and enshadowing it can easily take 250+ turns in a game typically designed to end in 500.

      I've spent multiple games doing nothing but causing people to hate each other and it never goes anywhere.

  13. 4 months ago

    >game about being evil
    Is it only me but I can never play such games. I never played gta or dungeon keeper for this reason. I know it’s all a game and make belief but still I just can’t force myself into the virtual shoes of an evil person, I think there is enough bad in the world.
    Sad because the game looks interesting. If I could play as the hero knights fighting the shadow I could play it

    • 4 months ago

      It makes sense that there aren't too many games where you can do this, most people want to be the heroes. But I like the whole idea, same with that cRPG, Tyranny.
      Although the fantasy for me is more about being like Sauron in the Second Age, being the power behind the throne and working in the shadows and shit, instead of just taking over the world with an army of orcs, which is boring.

  14. 4 months ago

    Is the game fully finished? Last time i checked it was stuck in early access development hell

    • 4 months ago

      It's finished. Dev is making dlc which will expand map into the underground + dwarfs.

      • 4 months ago

        Good to know, because sometimes even games that came out of "early access" are full of unfinished mechanics, barebone events etc

  15. 4 months ago

    Played it a lot around release, got around 100 hours out of it. Very fun game but rough around the edges. One of my most fun playthroughs were the madness god where I caused the biggest kingdoms ruler to go mad which led to massive wars into a civil war into blood feuds which devastated the world. Another fun playthrough was the one where I caused starvation using pillaging orc agents and then feeding their hungry using a tree god ability which then allowed me to use another ability to destroy entire cities at once.

    • 4 months ago

      You should try out the mods if you haven't already. It's got a solid mod scene for the size of game it is.

      I recommend Ixthus: King of Cups. You trick heroes and rulers into drinking from holy grails which curses them with true immortality. They cannot die. Then you make their life a living hell so they no longer identify with mortals and become inhuman unkillable monsters, a curse upon humanity. Fun!

      Kishi: The Jagged Tide is a good mod too. Your basically Khorne and any violence inflicted by anyone makes you more powerful including any violent attempts to stop you.

  16. 4 months ago

    Fugg i cant find torrent for it anywhere, rutracker is empty, gog-games is empty, 1337 too.
    And only torrent for version 1.1 on buccaneer cove has 0 seeders

    • 4 months ago

      Russian counter strike forum

  17. 4 months ago

    its a good game. nothing else like it.

  18. 4 months ago

    Doesn't this dev support the brown hordes invading europe? Pass.

    • 4 months ago

      ah yeah here it is, frick off dev

      • 4 months ago

        Oh... that's a shame, didn't know about this. Already own the game.

        • 4 months ago

          no refunds :^)

  19. 4 months ago

    I tried it out and this game and its quite fun
    Started out with one weak agent, eventually he grew so powerful that he could infiltrate districts in 5 turns.
    Then gotten a baroness, and a powerful mage. I corrupted half of a large kingdom but then everything went to shit as i lost my most important agents, somehow civil war erupted and then some kind of a world war. I still lost in the end.

    The game is fun but there is too much shit going on, there are dozens of heroes, kings, afflictions they can incur etc
    At some point i just got overwhelmed by all this and ignored it all together

    • 3 months ago

      There are two purposes for every action. They are either distractions or they are your win condition. For example the simplest strategy which the first snake god usually employs is spreading shadow because eventually it snowballs so much that the heroes can no longer stop it. But if you do nothing other than spread shadow they will just cleanse it, especially if you enshadow a ruler the chosen one will show up and gandalf his ass. This is where distractions come in. Start a plague in the chosen ones village, cause a war so the heroes kill each other, raid villages to cause starvation and then fan the flames by rabble rousing. Fish up eldritch horror fishes that the heroes have to deal with. Cause a civil war by robbing the greedy king who will then proceed to collect way too many taxes. You want the heroes running around putting out tiny fires all over while you are busy covering the mayors office in gasoline.

      • 3 months ago

        Thanks for the tip, i kind of figured out that i should have started a plague on the other side of the map to distract the heroes
        Also i unlocked the other gods by setting map size to 24x24 instead of default 32x32

        I just wish the UI was a little bit better, we should have something like sidebar that shows you rulers enshadowment, shortcut to hero position, the city UI's dont show enough info, for example they dont show % of infected population when you play as the insect god etc

        Also unrelated titbit but i tried enshadowing witches cove and influenced it to spread out and worship shadow but i think i wasted my time doing that, spend like 100 turns on that and ultimately it didnt do much

        • 3 months ago

          There's a bunch of special map layers hidden under hotkeys that actually show you the critical info you need in the least user-friendly way possible.
          The game is really a textbook example of how not to do a UI.

          • 3 months ago

            I know there are mapmodes for some reason i never use them, some of them are unreadable, like map turning 100% black with few spots of what i want to see, but because there is no large zoom out option i still need to move all over the map to find what i want to find

            Its amazing that the UI can be very cluttered while at the same time failing to show basic information consistently

  20. 3 months ago

    I'd hoped this could scratch that That Which Sleeps itch but it feels too arcade-y for me. The promise of TWS for me was this big world I could immerse myself into as I schemed and plotted. It's been quite a few updates since I last played so maybe it's different now, but the whole game just feels flat and empty. Hit end turn and watch number change. Oh, it's one of the same three or four events that pop up constantly with art that somehow looks out of place. Here comes the chosen one to slow things up so I get caught by the arbitrary 500 turn limit. I'll just keep using orc raiders to force him away until I'm done.

  21. 3 months ago

    the game's fun if you're into the 'slowly destroy the world' vibe it gives you
    it's gonna feel weird to hit end turn without doing anything multiple times in the early on, you get used to it

    it's kinda like Last Federation to me, it's easy to win once you understand the basics and what tools you have, the challenge comes from chasing after self imposed restrictions, some of the achievements are a good spring board in that regard

  22. 3 months ago

    It's dogshit. Unfinished assets, TERRIBLE UI, half the mechanics don't work or take huge amounts of effort for very little reward, bad music, etc...

    It's a great idea but the game itself is unsalvageable and the dev is one of those cut and run homosexuals too.

  23. 3 months ago

    I like the horrible UI because it's thematic. You're playing an eldritch being, who knows how his mind works and processes information. Also it adds another layer of effort on top of everything. And most of all it keeps neurotypicals away from my niche interest.

    • 3 months ago

      >it's shit and that's a good thing actually!

  24. 3 months ago

    Ah yes, the monthly "did anyone play Shadows of Forbidden Gods? looks interesting you should give it a go!" totally organic thread.
    I believe.

    • 3 months ago

      you do realize that anybody out of billions could look at the game on steam and ask about it on a forum without it being someone shilling for a indie title that nobdody really gives a frick about? Fricking take your meds god damn dude

      • 3 months ago

        NTA but virtually the exact same thread with the exact same image every singe time gets posted regularly. You should shut up if you don't know what you're talking about.

      • 3 months ago

        No you don't understand, nobody would ever find a new obscure game they liked and make a thread about it. I made a thread about this game a few months ago and got accused of the same thing.

  25. 3 months ago

    I have his earlier game. Allegedly there was so many bugs in the previous game he had to start from scratch

    • 3 months ago

      Which one? This is actually the dev's third attempt at this

  26. 3 months ago

    Would be better if the dev didn't ditch the previous game entirely, which was almost entirely the same game anyway, then make a this one while charging 3 times as much.
    I also prefered the previous games evils.

    • 3 months ago

      Also the previous one is free and about the only thing missing is some crappy art and music.

  27. 3 months ago

    I played over 100 hours, won every boss, great concept, shit UI, dev loves brown refugees.

    • 3 months ago

      they're called invaders, anon

  28. 3 months ago

    i wish paradox or someone else took this idea and made a more bigger grand strategy in the escale of stellaris or victoria 2.

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