Shitposts aside, is this still worth playing?

Shitposts aside, is this still worth playing?

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  1. 11 months ago

    If you mod the frick out of it, yes.

    • 11 months ago

      That's what I was thinking anyway. There's nothing redeemable in the vanilla game obviously, but with the updated engine comes a lot of cool shit from modders that I'm anticipating.

      No but Fallout 1 and 2 are

      >Savescumming the game
      No thanks

      • 11 months ago

        What? Its an objectively better RPG. You savescum in bethesda games too.

        1, yes
        2, not really

        NV>1>3>2>4 in terms of lore, writing, and worldbuilding. If we factor in gameplay then 4 edges over 2.

        Based ranking

        Nah, not based. Regardless of Tim's personal feelings on FO2, its a much better RPG than any of the bethesda games.

  2. 11 months ago

    No but Fallout 1 and 2 are

    • 11 months ago

      1, yes
      2, not really

      NV>1>3>2>4 in terms of lore, writing, and worldbuilding. If we factor in gameplay then 4 edges over 2.

      • 11 months ago

        Based ranking

    • 11 months ago

      somewhat unrelated but I really love the way each Fallout game keeps references to previous games in the series obscure for the most part. the relationships between the Interplay, Bethesda, and Obsidian games feel rather disconnected at times yet still part of the same series. it's just cool in my opinion. it's how post-apocalyptic lore should be.

      • 11 months ago

        Wdym? Beth makes it very clear that they don't like west fallout, in 4 they essentially felt obligated to mention the NCR and such because of the corner they wrote themselves into ignoring the past, as for NV pretty sure it being what's left over of Van Buren is what mainly resulted in its familiarity.

        Other than that which ones your fave anon? You expect/hope/fear for anything in the future?

    • 11 months ago

      Only played 2 but didn't finish it. I appreciate that it has a real RPG combat unlike New Vegas where you can get through the whole game never putting any points into combat skills on the hardest difficulty and still slaughter yourself through most enemies like they're nothing.

      The problem I have with fallout 2 is that's incredible engaging as long as there is an obstacle to overcome but the awful interface and turn based combat makes the game feel like a chore once the challenge is removed from 90% of engagements.

  3. 11 months ago

    >literally just reinstalled today

  4. 11 months ago

    ONLY if you play vanilla.

  5. 11 months ago

    No Bethesda game made in the last 15 years is worth playing unless you're mentally moronic

  6. 11 months ago

    It is but yeah heavily modded with like giant boobies and a lot of mods like sim settlements 2

  7. 11 months ago

    I bought it last weekend and I'm having a lot of fun with it. IMO, it's fun to explore the open world but so far it doens't really have the storytelling and roleplaying depth of FNV.

    My biggest gripe so far with it so far is the shit shop screen. You'll have tons of items listed in 2 small screens and the sorting options are absolutely dogshit. I dislike modding games on the first play through but I searched UI and Inventory screen mods (unfortunately they didn't work for some reason).

  8. 11 months ago

    I fricking despise the "The other side is always one step ahead"-faction design of bethesda.
    It barely matters what faction you pick, you'll still play the same dungeons, only difference being that somehow the other faction managed to get their first (without your help) and somehow could spare way more manpower then your faction.

  9. 11 months ago

    Id say its pretty fun for a blind first playthrough but compared to new vegas and the oldschool fallouts its really fricking shit for repeat playthroughs due to dialogue options and always being your sons dad and wifes husband but it has a bunch of immersion and survival mods that can make it fun again.
    There was an AI mod that got taken from nexus which added a bunch of voiced new dialogue options. I cant seem to fricking find it anywhere else either really annoying.

  10. 11 months ago

    I think the hardcore mode is fun

  11. 11 months ago

    What went right? Because I’m pretty sure nothing went wrong with Fallout 4.

  12. 11 months ago

    at minimum you must replace the guns
    wish there was a mod that replaced everything with fallout styled weapons (but decent looking) instead of IRL guns, but alas even IRL guns are better than the shit bethesda made here

    • 11 months ago

      Fallout has always had IRL guns

  13. 11 months ago

    The base building can get autistic, the shooting is solid, and the ruined city is well done, unlike DC or Vegas.
    Sadly, the main story is moronic and the dialogue, atrocious.
    Make sure to install the unlimited jetpack mod

    • 11 months ago
  14. 11 months ago

    FO4 is fun for about 10 hours before your brain connects the patterns and you realize 'wait a minute this is fricking moronic'. Rinse once a year, give or take. Installing the mods is actually more fun than playing the game.

    • 11 months ago

      That's my experience with Oblivion once I remember the quests aren't actually good like everyone spams because it's a basic b***h reddit take. Quick travel here talk to guy, quick travel there kill some guys, quick travel back to talk to guy, quick travel to another guy to get more quick travel. It's like less than 5 high tier quests.

  15. 11 months ago

    I picked it up recently, and so far, it's pretty meh. The gunplay, environments, and graphics are slightly improved from F3 and FNV, but at the cost of much shittier writing and absolutely zero depth to the story or your character. npcs will often react to things I never did or said because the script can't tolerate any deviation from the yes man routine. Similarly, the RPG elements are gutted to hell, so there's no reason to play it a second or third time with a new character.

  16. 11 months ago

    Yeah. Combat is solid except for melee vs rocket homosexuals up on top of walkways they can see under. It could have used more enemy types since I liked what they did with supermutant suiciders.

    The key to enjoying it more is to ignore settlements and go straight down the quests before you become a god. This makes them more challenging. Every wild workbench you find doesn't reset its inventory so you can just throw everything in the location inside one to save it for later. Settlements are a timesink trap that do very little for you aside from letting you get food, with the best being razorgrain for more brahmin traps (idk why leddit is obsessed with adhesive farms when you can get enough for any upgrade in pretty much any location.) Storing junk there is risky because you lose tons of junk if you lose a defense. Trying to build settlements is a compounding timesink because first you have to place shit with the wonky system, then you have to manually assign people, then you have to build defenses where that's a huge sink of scrap you have to get and even junk benches have a low cap and barely produce anything. This encourages "suicide" settlements where you just stack water and maybe 3 cows that then gets raided (cap 1 raid a week) which doesn't matter because you'll hit the resource cap again within 24 hours if you stacked one resource. Even maintaining power armor is easy without settlements or supply lines.

    There's too many companions and they all take too long to level up for the quests. Like, why are people like Macready even in the game? Lone Wanderer is almost essential for survival mode to so for example I've literally never used a companion in normal gameplay.

    Story is better than fallout 3 you'd have to be fricking high to think fallout 3 had a better story. All fallout 3 has over 4 is that you can roleplay as a dickhead kid but your dad still completely trusts you so talk about railroaded story there for once you fricking dickheads. BOS best.

    • 11 months ago

      >idk why leddit is obsessed with adhesive farms when you can get enough for any upgrade in pretty much any location

      Because when you get to high tier upgrades they need a frickload of adhesive. But if you were smart and that far into the game you already had several settlements set up to do specific things.

      >settlement for farming water
      >settlement for farming adhesive
      >settlement for farming junk

      • 11 months ago

        You only need the adhesive once and these occur at infrequent level gaps for you to accumulate this naturally. Gun nut 4 is at level 39 you can't find 12 adhesive by then? Meanwhile reddit is like "I got 20+ settlements set up to spam me with adhesive" which probably took 50 hours to build. The leaving stashes around playstyle also works really well on Survival, due to the extended, 30 day respawn rate on locations.

        But yeah if you're going to waste time on settlements then one resource specialization works the best with how resource caps work. Junk settlements will always suck though because it's an absurdly low cap while something like 1 unit of wood would count towards that cap.

        I emphasize it's a waste of time though. If you do anything more than spamming brahmin/water then you'll need a supplyline so that's local leader, then you have to build recruitment beacons then you have to assign a guy to the supplyline and then you have to place the crops and then and then and then and then. I always drop the game when I get the idea of something like "I'm going to build a castle" and then I just realize how pointless it is and drop the game.

  17. 11 months ago

    >the DLC where you become king of the raiders and have to destroy some of your settlements

  18. 11 months ago

    yeah its kinda fun, survival earlygame is pretty hard unless you know what you are doing but the game mechanics arent super deep, fun for a few dozen hours

  19. 11 months ago

    yea the gunplay is nice and you can kill loads of time arranging chairs in your settlements

  20. 11 months ago

    >capital wasteland is dying of thirst and needs crazy complex machine to purify the water

    >in 4 I can mass produce water purifiers out of scrap metal

    • 11 months ago

      >capital wasteland is dying of thirst
      No? There's water literally everywhere.

  21. 11 months ago

    It's not a good game, even with mods. The core problem is shit quest design. Everything is either a fetch quest or a "go here, kill that" quest. Most quests are linear and lack a story. The game is also riddled with radiant quests so sometimes you may think you're doing a series of quests but then realize, it's literally all randomly generated. There is a mod that marks radiant quests so you can know which ones to never complete.

    If you want a better game, play either Fallout 3, New Vegas, or Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines. Those are the only FPS RPGs that are worth your time.

    • 11 months ago

      Every guy has played those games to death. You listen to reddit approved video game list you're only allowed to play Planescape, VTMB, Deus Ex 1 and FO:NV

      • 11 months ago

        and I'm still playing them

  22. 11 months ago

    Can any anon explain synth shit like I'm 5 please? So they drop a component when killed cool, but they also gibb in gibbets, okay, so can I like cut off a toe and tell they're a synth? If you headshot em it looks bretty frickin meaty to me, can you eat the meat? Functionally there's no difference between a synth and human so what's the big frickin deal in the story?

    • 11 months ago

      They are 99/1 Human/Robot by the time F4 rolls around.
      There is no big fricking deal, that's why people hate it so much. It's literally meaningless.

      • 11 months ago

        It's always been something thats made me feel moronic because Arkansas in 3 mad way more sense than what we got in 4, I hate Beth but I seriously think 60% of their issues would evaporate if they got rid of that ginger shit they have for a lead writer, you write 1 side quest string that gets over praised and suddenly you keep failing upwards

  23. 11 months ago

    No. Stop making these threads you subhuman niger homosexual.

  24. 11 months ago

    >is this still worth playing?
    never was.
    i regret every minute i spent playing it.
    good thing i only finished it once.

  25. 11 months ago

    Every year or two I give it a play through with mods and enjoy it every time. It was pretty weak as a Fallout game but I like the way it plays and I like joining the BoS and murdering the Railroad and The Institute. Feelsgoodmang. Wiping out the gunners with McCready is a good time too. I enjoy playing it.

  26. 11 months ago

    Yeah but get ready to spend a few days installing 200 mods piece by piece and making sure they all work together/it doesn't shit itself

    My current modlist is about 180 mods which I set up a year ago, haven't played this game since then but I don't have the stomach to delete it and force myself to go through it again the next time I have the itch to fallout

  27. 11 months ago

    Can I ignore the settlement stuff?
    I just want to go through dungeons and shoot stuff.

    • 11 months ago

      yes, unless you engage with the main quest

      • 11 months ago

        Which you shouldnt do anyway because it's garbage
        t.800 hours ingame and never completed the MQ

      • 11 months ago

        If you mean the early part of the MSQ with the Minutemen, I already did that. Is there anything more?

        • 11 months ago

          there's another part further in that requires you build, but it only takes a few minutes as well.

    • 11 months ago

      Yeah pretty much a tack on by Beth, though if it a pc fat I highly recommendy mods that improve the seethlement systems value.

    • 11 months ago

      yes, unless you engage with the main quest

      It's like 5 minutes work when it does come up

  28. 11 months ago

    Whats better

    • 11 months ago

      4 has to be better 76 looks painfull to play

  29. 11 months ago

    Yes. People shit on it because they're entitled. No, I'm not saying you shouldn't criticize it. But if you just shit on it without appreciating the things it did well, you're an entitled whiner. There seriously aren't any games that do what Fallout 4 does, and certainly none with mod support.

    • 11 months ago

      It didn't do anything well though.

      • 11 months ago

        Then it's not the kind of game you like. If it didn't do anything well, it wouldn't be such a massive success.

  30. 11 months ago

    No. The only """good""" parts are the DLCs, as usual.

  31. 11 months ago

    With mods, yes.

  32. 11 months ago

    It never was.

  33. 11 months ago

    It's really fricking boring. The gunplay is still basic and boring despite having some improvements over previous Fallout games, and everything else about the game is much worse than its predecessors.

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