Should Halo move past Master chief?

Should Halo move past Master chief?

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  1. 2 years ago

    I don't care
    We all should move past Halo

    • 2 years ago

      This. There are better multiplayer fps's out there besides Halo

    • 2 years ago

      This. I like the older games but it's better to leave it alone than to rape its corpse. At the very least give it to a different studio because 343 has no fricking idea what they're doing

    • 2 years ago

      Halo is already dead

    • 2 years ago

      Halo universe but some other aspect unrelated to any of the current elements. Personally I would love to see a game centered around you being a security officer for an archeological team and you travel around mass effect style and dig up ancient secrets while defending the team.

    • 2 years ago

      Please. Someone make a new worthwhile IP. Something that isn't an "inspiration" or a sequel. PLEASE

    • 2 years ago

      Yep. It only did well because Microsoft used their infinite money glitch to promote it and brainwashed kids in the 00's to think is was a standout game even though there's dozens of better FPS games made before and after it. They really, really wanted it to be an evergreen le epic universe like Star Wars or something but no one gives a shit.

    • 2 years ago


      Probably this but honestly the halo world is cool.

    • 2 years ago

      You Black folk were crying that it didn't focus on chief enough

      also this, strike three- three shit games in a row and a shit show, you're out.

  2. 2 years ago

    John Halo is too big to fail. He's the only recognizable mascot Microsoft has.

    • 2 years ago

      This is true, the first time I agree with a console warrior.

  3. 2 years ago


  4. 2 years ago

    Halo has literally no reason to exist past Reach other than corporate necromancy parading around its corpse so they can keep milking dust out of its mummified dick.

    • 2 years ago

      Not even Bungie considers Reach, Halo.

      • 2 years ago

        why wouldn't they?

        • 2 years ago

          Because it was too different.

          • 2 years ago

            the game literally just introduced armor abilities

            • 2 years ago

              And slowed down the gameplay to a crawl. Reach was a tech demo, if Bungie weren't let go to make Destiny, Halo would have been turned into Destiny.

              • 2 years ago

                i really don't agree that halo reach is somehow slower than the other games in the series. also destiny 1 was unironically great gameplay wise. It got better and better over time with the dlc and raids.

  5. 2 years ago

    >What is Halo 2?
    >What is ODST?
    >What is Halo Wars?
    >What is Reach?
    >What is Halo Wars 2?

    • 2 years ago

      >What is Halo 2?
      Massive amount of backlash that caused Bungie to reverse their decision along with the fact that they didn't like Arbiter.
      >What is ODST?
      Joe's side game expansion
      >What is Halo Wars?
      Some RTS Microsoft didn't like and canned the studio when it didn't sell as much as they expected.
      >What is Reach?
      Marcus Lehto's game separate from the main Halo story.
      >What is Halo Wars 2?
      An RTS sequel that flopped but not getting a sequel because the Reclaimer Saga was killed.

      They already did that half of halo 2, ODST and reach.
      his presence or lack of is irrelevant as frick to the point that it genuinely doesn't matter if he is there or not

      See above

      • 2 years ago

        >Massive amount of backlash
        By moronic kids. Halo 2 is now considered to have the best campaign of the series by a sizeable margin.

        >What is Halo Wars?
        >Some RTS Microsoft didn't like and canned the studio when it didn't sell as much as they expected.
        Halo Wars is the best selling console RTS.

        • 2 years ago

          >By moronic kids. Halo 2 is now considered to have the best campaign of the series by a sizeable margin.
          Only homosexuals consider Halo 2 the best campaign and they all come from r/Halo and exist in a bubble.
          >Halo Wars is the best selling console RTS.
          It's like the only console RTS and RTS players considered it trash.

        • 2 years ago

          >By moronic kids. Halo 2 is now considered to have the best campaign of the series by a sizeable margin.
          Only homosexuals consider Halo 2 the best campaign and they all come from r/Halo and exist in a bubble.
          >Halo Wars is the best selling console RTS.
          It's like the only console RTS and RTS players considered it trash.

          Long term Halo fan, Halo 2 was universally considered the best game in the series until recently when it got hit with "muh overrated" complaints

  6. 2 years ago

    They already did that half of halo 2, ODST and reach.
    his presence or lack of is irrelevant as frick to the point that it genuinely doesn't matter if he is there or not

    • 2 years ago

      This. Halo 2 is already the best one, anyway.

      • 2 years ago

        The best at sucking

    • 2 years ago

      I miss low rise

  7. 2 years ago

    >Game series comes out
    >Great, fantastic, revolutionary in some areas
    >Another game comes out, its also great
    >Then another
    >Then some mediocre games
    >12 fricking years go by without a decent game

    There hasn't been a good Halo 'thing' in over a decade, people are just raping the corpse now, why do you care?

    • 2 years ago

      >There hasn't been a good Halo 'thing' in over a decade, people are just raping the corpse now, why do you care?
      Because people still play MCC, which gets updates to this day, and want to see the franchise return to glory?

      • 2 years ago

        >and want to see the franchise return to glory?
        That's nearly impossible. There are almost no franchises out there that have gone past 3-5 entries that manage to maintain or recapture the acclaim that the earlier beloved titles that made them popular had. There are a couple of exceptions but most of them limp to the grave with one mediocre new entry after another. Frankly publishers need to learn when the frick to just let things die and start making new IPs instead of ruining the legacy of something good they had.

        • 2 years ago

          They can't help themselves. It's basically free money. Probably won't ever change.

      • 2 years ago

        A fresh coat of paint over old content is nice, but it isn't going to change anything. The people who made Halo are gone, the devs and talent behind it have moved on. It was a good thing, it had a good run, and there's nothing new people are going to add that is going to improve the series barring some kind of miracle, so holding out hope that 'maybe this is the game that will be good again!' after like 10+ failed games is just silly. Appreciate the series, replay the older stuff, but endlessly trying to hype about something that hasn't been good for a decade is just enabling the shitty people in charge of it to make money off your nostalgia.

      • 2 years ago

        I'm w/you Halo brother. Infinite was a great game, that includes the single player and multiplayer. Certainty there are many criticisms and failures of Infinite, and I hope they can rectify these issues in the next game. It was clear that they had a difficult development period but they now have a strong foundation and direction that they want to take the series; something 343 has never had. It seems like they finally understand what made Halo appealing to so many people and I'm interested in where the series will go from here.

        >and want to see the franchise return to glory?
        That's nearly impossible. There are almost no franchises out there that have gone past 3-5 entries that manage to maintain or recapture the acclaim that the earlier beloved titles that made them popular had. There are a couple of exceptions but most of them limp to the grave with one mediocre new entry after another. Frankly publishers need to learn when the frick to just let things die and start making new IPs instead of ruining the legacy of something good they had.

        A fresh coat of paint over old content is nice, but it isn't going to change anything. The people who made Halo are gone, the devs and talent behind it have moved on. It was a good thing, it had a good run, and there's nothing new people are going to add that is going to improve the series barring some kind of miracle, so holding out hope that 'maybe this is the game that will be good again!' after like 10+ failed games is just silly. Appreciate the series, replay the older stuff, but endlessly trying to hype about something that hasn't been good for a decade is just enabling the shitty people in charge of it to make money off your nostalgia.

        Ignore these anons, they are old, bitter, and impossible to please.

        • 2 years ago

          >It was clear that they had a difficult development period but they now have a strong foundation and direction that they want to take the series; something 343 has never had.

        • 2 years ago

          The series peaked with 3, odst was great and reach was mediocre.
          Should have died there. Being critical of something isn't being bitter. I hazard a guess you're too young to remember when the games industry wasn't an absolute trash fire.

    • 2 years ago

      Plenty of quality ayylmao fan arts in the last decade. And that guy who makes the "incredibly cursed" mods for it. That's about it really.

  8. 2 years ago

    Why did people start paying money to hear some random bloggers opinion?

    Should we move past Master Chief? Should we not? I don't know, and I don't fricking care. If you want to do some actual work and be an actual journalist, why dont you go over to 343 and ask them why they keep shoveling shit in our face expecting us to reward them for it?

  9. 2 years ago


  10. 2 years ago

    Only trannies want that, r/Halo crossposting troon.

  11. 2 years ago

    Yea just rape the franchise, leave the character alone at least

    • 2 years ago

      >leave the character alone
      4-Infinite made Chief into a Cortana simp, don't see how he can be fixed now.

      • 2 years ago

        >Chief, are you awake? Can you hear me?
        >Cortana? Status report.
        >Slipspace rupture! It's friendly! We're being rescued!
        >What's wrong Chief?
        >I had the worst nightmare while I was in hibernation. I dreamt we were attacked by rogue Covenant and landed on a Forerunner world. Then you got corrupted and started to declared war on the universe.
        >Holy shit Chief, that's insane...well...glad that's over!

        • 2 years ago

          Unironically would probably be accepted by the fanbase at this point. Just a pure retcon of 'wow those last 10 years were moronic, lets never talk about it again.'

      • 2 years ago

        this OG cheif would have lunched that blue b***h into the recycling bin the moment she became a threat
        He is an autistic child soldier with biological and cybernetic enhancements that has spent 80% of his life constantly fighting in a interstellar war against genocidal aliens

  12. 2 years ago

    >Market research suggests Halo fans want more "interesting" characters than the Master Chief. They want more diversity. They want more story in their first person shooter. Let's implement all these things right away, 343 is knocking this next one out of the park!

    • 2 years ago

      When will these gays learn, nobody wanted it in Halo 2, nobody cared after Halo 3, nobody played Spartan Ops, nobody wanted it in Halo 5.

  13. 2 years ago

    ODST was excellent, the Arbiter is a great protagonist; there's lots of room in the universe for more heroes than just John 117.

  14. 2 years ago

    >Should Halo move past Master chief?
    yes but not because of that stupid bullshit in that stupid bullshit article

    Master Chiefs story ended/should have ended with 3. Thats it. Maybe bring him back in a far future game where they crack open his capsule and find him like space captain america. Continuing Halo's story past 3 was cringe and cowardice propogated only by greed, same as when they tried to continue infamous after 2


    • 2 years ago

      >yes but not because of that stupid bullshit in that stupid bullshit article
      Spartan Ops and Locke tells us people like you should keep your mouth shut.

  15. 2 years ago

    Halo ended with Reach, Wars, and ODST which did not have Chief and did worse than the main games. It's time to stop milking a franchise that head a clear vision of a beginning and end.

    • 2 years ago

      Bungie doesn't consider it a Halo game
      Bungie considers it whoring out the franchise, it sits in the same spot as supplementary material
      Was just some expansion pack

      These games are some of the least selling games in the series, btw.

      • 2 years ago

        Nice reading comprehension, I'm not complementing any of those games.

        • 2 years ago

          Bungie Halo ended with 3, it's even in their documents. If you were a real Halo fan, you would know not to include side shit.

          • 2 years ago

            I'm using them as a example that idiot in the OP was fricking moronic, you ESL mongoloid. MASTER CHIEF, was not in the GAMES and they were still SHIT. Do you understand now? Low IQ homosexual?

            • 2 years ago

              Yes, I do, thanks for clarifying.

  16. 2 years ago

    Halo doesn't stand out much without Master Chief

    • 2 years ago

      Yeah, he's too iconic at this point. He's at the Mario and Pikachu level.

  17. 2 years ago

    It’s time for Halo to cease to exist

  18. 2 years ago

    >be 343
    >flat out refuse to make a bungie style halo for a decade
    >release abject failure after abject failure
    >modern generic "chief is sad" or "chief is gone" bullshit every capes hit movie pulls because there is one drooling mongoloid writer for all of America apparently
    >fans hate this
    >try to remove chief for some levels
    >fans REALLY hate this
    >blame the fans for the games being bad
    >"maybe we should do it again"
    I fricking hope 343 does so they can get fired when the game sells all of two copies worldwide.

  19. 2 years ago

    >Master Chief's popularity among fans is puzzling considering his monotone voice, lack of dialogue in the games, and his inability to emotionally connect with anyone around him
    >>Six of those games followed Chief, and there's virtually no character growth, so one has to wonder when the series might decide to follow a more intriguing hero instead.
    It now seems that journos are incapable of noticing character growth or personality if the guy in question isn't screaming his personality at the player in every scene he has
    >Cut-scenes in Halo 5: Guardians show these Spartans without their helmets, which humanizes them, and their dialogue is specific to the characters
    For goodness sakes

    • 2 years ago

      To think, back then Journos would shit on crap like Metroid Other M, now these homosexuals would praise shit like that to the moon. Should tell you that the lgbt took over Journos. Why are the lgbt so weak physically, emotionally, and mentally? It's like they have no backbones.

    • 2 years ago

      having a "character" to these people is just marvel quipping with zero subtlety
      2's intro has like 3 lines for him that quickly establish his character

      • 2 years ago

        Even Resident Evil has fallen to this shit. It feels like Uncharted started it off when it comes to games but now every character can no longer have inner thoughts, they need to say everything they think, say the things they see outloud, and typically do so in a snarky sarcastic way.

  20. 2 years ago

    >that should be replaced with a more interesting character
    >more interesting character
    You can see it coming a mile away.

  21. 2 years ago

    Once they actually do move past him the first thing they'll do is make the protag a black female spartan that lectures everyone around her and quips constantly

    • 2 years ago

      And the game will die instantly, these Journos are morons just like the rest of the lgbt. They always think people want gays, trannies, or a different race. If they can't get their wish, they want to throw out the character that sells the game because they're either too chad or stacy for them to handle, they're also white so this hurts them even more. If the character isn't an emotional wreak, they don't want them.

  22. 2 years ago

    I like Fred more than John tbh

    • 2 years ago

      No one gives a shit what you think, book nerd.

  23. 2 years ago

    the current standing of the series is not strong enough to do so, especially when killing off most(technically all) of the established characters that could've shouldered that move.

  24. 2 years ago

    Ya they should introduce Mister Chef

  25. 2 years ago

    What even connects nu halo to old halo

  26. 2 years ago

    >Black personchief
    no thanks

  27. 2 years ago

    John is an interesting character within the context of the original trilogy and expanded universe pre-4. Sure, you might not have internal monol gogues expressing his pain but he is noble, has a sense to put the safety of the galaxy over his past traumas (Doesn't blame ONI and Halsey for creating the Spartan II program because it helped against the Insurrectionists and eventually the covenant, is willing to ally with Arbiter against Truth etc.) and above all else is a loyal soldier to the end of the war and his supposed demise.
    I don't know about you guys but there is a certain quality about this type of character I really enjoy watching and it's why I love reading the books and his relationship with Blue Team. Whenever I hear people say that John isn't an interesting character, I know what they want to do with him is to make him internally conflicted to work with ONI and by extension the entirety of the UNSC, and put his own self over the safety of his fellow soldiers and men. Lo and behold, that's what happened in the Halo show and to a certain extent Halo 5

    God damn I fricking hate modern writers.

    • 2 years ago

      Those homosexuals love the Halo TV series, if Metroid Other M launched in today's period, it would have gotten endless praise for ruining Samus Aran.

      • 2 years ago

        Certainly. It's kinda funny that people like Dobson and Movieblob were canaries in the coal mines to how the modern discourse of writing turned out. I don't know what to blame, irony culture, politics, the idea that everything must be subverted etc. but I want to go back to games having genuine main characters. I mean shit, it's why we got the attitude that Duke Nukem was a womanizer misogynist instead of what he was in D3D which was a seedy but ultimately heroic guy working his ass off to save the seedy world he lives in.
        As much as people hate the story, Doom Eternal is like one of the only modern big games that actually treats the main character with respect.

        • 2 years ago

          I agree, even Infinite does the same for Chief, GameSpot complained about Chief treating the Weapon like shit in the campaign, I just looked at the Journo for what he was, a pussy.

  28. 2 years ago

    Vidya itself should have moved past Halo.
    Roughly around right before Halo 1 came out so it couldn’t tape the industry, destroy the FPS genre, normalize micro transactions and DLC with Activision and Bethesda and of course flood our entire hobby with dudebros and Stacys who can’t brain and will happily engage in anti consumer practices.

  29. 2 years ago

    It's time for Mario to move past Mario.
    It's time for Zelda to move past Link.

    • 2 years ago

      It's time for Metroid to move past Samus.

  30. 2 years ago

    it already did?

    • 2 years ago

      I'm still mad that no halo property turned this ad into a full movie.

  31. 2 years ago

    We should move past Halo.

  32. 2 years ago

    >every Halo thread has that Hispanic schizo replying to every post
    CE is the best anyway.

  33. 2 years ago

    I want Halo Wars 1 but as an FPS (2 sucked)

  34. 2 years ago

    >literally introduced a second playable main character (the arbiter) in Halo 2

    are these writers fricking stupid?

  35. 2 years ago

    >Look up who the article thinks should be the protag
    >Says it should be Cortana "Like in the brilliant Halo TV Series"
    Every fricking time with this simp shill journo's, kek

    • 2 years ago

      Thread theme

      What's interesting about Cortana? Don't get me wrong, she's a great guiding character and companion to chief, but on her own she wouldn't be good even in the world these journos and modern writers want. Like, what stories could you write about Cortana without Chief?

      • 2 years ago

        It's that she's a woman and a robot, and that's it. The writer's other articles even refer to AssCreed as a "Prime Example of moving past your white protags", listing them as "moving on to positive poc representation like 3 and Origins"

        • 2 years ago

          Are they gay or a transgender by any chance?

        • 2 years ago

          Why do people put the superficial traits over the characters themselves? People don't like Ezio because he's a "white" *Cough*Italian*Cough* man, they like him because he has an interesting story about loss, revenge and coming to terms with his family duty and traditions. Connor had elements of that, but was so sloppily written that nobody really gave a damn about him.

          • 2 years ago

            i need to give 2 a try some time. only ever did the original, black flag and rogue.

          • 2 years ago

            It really speaks a lot to how abysmal critics have gotten in only a few years that they went from rightfully criticizing how boring a racial caricature Conner was (MUH PEOPLES LAND MUH CHARLES LEEEEEEEEEEEE), to now praising him for precisely those reasons.

          • 2 years ago

            Everything in intersectionality is explicitly about fighting a race war against White society, and they think it's like a board game where every non straight and/or white and/or male is another unit in their collection

          • 2 years ago

            kys nazi

          • 2 years ago

            Jesus... how new? When I character is white everything else is irrelevant. It's problematic. A main character should never be white.

    • 2 years ago

      people already hate the cortana focused stories of 4 and 5, and she's less relevant now than ever after infinite. other than obsessing over chief, what even is her personality

      • 2 years ago

        This, she was always supposed to just be a player aid, nothing more.

      • 2 years ago

        doesn't she literally die off screen? what an absolute joke.

        • 2 years ago

          yep was trying not to just say that but yeah

        • 2 years ago

          Yes but 343 fricked the entire galaxy with that story and wrote themselves into a corner. Every single thing couldn't be different now, everything mush have Halo 5's mess in it which is why HW2 had to take place outside of the galaxy. Halo 5 was their biggest frick up and it needed to killed off in Infinite that way stories that were happening before Halo 5 in both Bungie and 343 era can happen again without dumb shit like the Created being forced in that storyline and it keeps everything separate like it should be.

      • 2 years ago

        Yeah but those are actual halo fans, these are just secondaries who only watched Cortana getting cucked in the show and thought it was DEEP

  36. 2 years ago

    >People love character
    >Um okay, but this character is actually BAD and UNINTERESTING and we need a better one
    Seriously, why the frick are they always like this. And yes, they should move past Master Chief not because he's "a two-dimensional cliche" but because the story in which people became engaged with him is long over. The problem is that few people in the industry, let alone 343, seem to be capable of writing a semi-interesting character.

  37. 2 years ago

    Sour Grapes: The Article
    >completely and utterly frick the Halo series because of the hubris of Hollywood writers huffing their own farts
    >Master Chief's characterization was fricking awful
    >no one cared about super special new halo OCs
    >everyone whose ever played a Halo game is panning it
    >was supposed to jumpstart subs to Paramount+ like Disney did with Mandalorian, utter failure
    >"m-master chief is an artifact of early gaming days, the Halo franchise is more than that. Haha...."

    • 2 years ago

      >"m-master chief is an artifact of early gaming days, the Halo franchise is more than that. Haha...."
      this is what i hate most. i 100% agree halo is more than just chief, but these people feel like they have to shit on anything old that people ike in order to push new stuff, instead of just making new stuff that is good and holds up on its own. people didnt hate locke for not being chief, they hated him for being shit. tons of the halo fanbase are totally open to stories outside of chief, they are the ones pushing the books or halo wars, the actual good stories. not that shit show on paramount or what 343 has been doing

      • 2 years ago

        The problem with these people is that they don't want side stories to stay in their lane. They want that shit to be forced into the main storyline, no one liked it when Bungie did it in Halo 2 and no one liked it when 343 did it in Halo 5, people didn't even like when 343 were treating Spartan-IVs as if they were the next big thing in Halo 4 Spartan Ops. People that like the side stuff need to stay in their lane, the series is fine with main stories starring Chief and side stories about other characters. If the game's a Chief game, no one is going to want to play someone else. Lore fans need to really learn this.

        • 2 years ago

          >The problem with these people is that they don't want side stories to stay in their lane.
          thats not bad either. mainline halo doesnt need to be about chief. like i said, i 100% agreed there more to the series. the problem isnt wanting to replace chief, the problem is replacing him and making things worse. an entire universe revolving around a single dude is dumb, i am up for non-chief mainline games, i am not up for 343 making mainline games anymore

          • 2 years ago

            >mainline halo doesnt need to be about chief
            Whether you like it or not, mainline Halo is Chief, he's the one to sell the games and he's the one everyone sees as Halo. This is exactly why you can never get what you want. The universe is big enough for side stories about other characters. Why do you always want to force that crap into the mainline games when no one that plays a Master Chief Halo game gives a damn about that stuff? If Master Chief is such a problem for you, you can do this, stop buying mainline games and just get the spin-off games. Because of your poor mindset, the series is now sticking with the Master Chief forever.

            • 2 years ago

              ODST's Rookie, Reach's Six, and War's Red Team were all reasonably well received to varying degrees. They wouldn't be suitable to replace the chief, but they're still liked and proof that non-chief centric halo games can succeed. But you can't just say "chief is unnecessary we're gonna get rid of him for a new spartan team and shit on chief!" and expect people to be on board with it

      • 2 years ago


  38. 2 years ago

    Yes but with caveats

    1) If they're moving on all ties to the chief saga must be cut or minimized. No "Death of Master Cheif", not "Picking up mantle" or anything like that. It needs to be the new character's story with Chief being deemphasized at best or not present. Something like ODST, none of that The last of us 2 bullshit
    2) Protagonist must be likable because they evoke the traits of chief without being a clone (Nero, or rookie from ODST)
    3) Story needs to be made simpler. the biggest downfall of the 343 era is that the stories are so convoluted and fricking moronic that you can go from Gaurdians to infinite and not know what the frick is happening. like the plot of ODST
    4) tighten up the lore so you don't hire a professional franchise writer who decides to kill a popular character based on their name. Like Rookie from ODST

    Basically, what I'm saying is that everything after 3 should be decanonized and 343 needs to fire their writing staff and hire random dudes.

  39. 2 years ago

    Finally got around to reading Contact Harvest. When are we getting a game about this son of a b***h? Ticks the diversity box without it being a bad character. Win win.

    • 2 years ago

      I still do not get why they didn't use him in the show
      Even a moronic director who tangentially looked at the source material would see he'd be perfect for the diversity quota

  40. 2 years ago

    They should have done this long ago. Master Chief is Bungie's creation not 343.

    • 2 years ago

      Frick off, 343's creations are shit, they're here to make Halo so they better make Halo, their shit isn't Halo.

      • 2 years ago

        All what they are doing is shitting all over Bungie's work. They are a garbage company. It would be a lot better if they didn't keep ruining everything good that Bungie made. I'd rather they have their own shitty main character than keep ruining Chief.

        • 2 years ago

          They had their shitty main character in Halo 5 and he was so dogshit they fed him to a Brute, now stop crying about muh Bungie, they weren't even planning to make a proper gameplay sequel to Halo 3 either.

          • 2 years ago

            It amazes me how you morons actually want 343, a garbage company, to continue shitting on the legacy of Halo. And their main character failed because he was an obvious moronic liberal forced race insert that these homosexual developers obsess over. So he rightfully got shitted on. I have no problem with blacks in games but its obvious these developers aren't interested in making good ones. They just want to force blacks and women and have people accept it. It doesn't work that way.

            I still would have rather they kept forcing that shit character though and removed all traces of Bungie era Halo if they were to keep forcing their garbage vision for the series. This series has died because it has no real identity. It is obvious 343 can't handle the IP and for every time they try to do something new they also backpedal on it because they are too cuck to go all the way. Capcom has redefined RE series multiple times and the IP is still strong because they don't cuck and backpedal on their vision for the games like 343.

            I would prefer if 343 didn't have control period and we got proper Halo games from a dev that truly cares but obviously that didn't happen nor is it going to happen seemingly.

            • 2 years ago

              Their main character failed because Halo is the Master Chief, it's that simple, if you don't want to make a mainline Halo game starring the Master Chief, don't make a Halo game then, go make something else.

  41. 2 years ago

    >Should the Super Mario Brothers franchise replace Mario?

  42. 2 years ago

    That's an excuse to replace him with a trannie or a dyke.

  43. 2 years ago

    >white male protagonist? NOT SO FAST! time to gay and Black person this franchise up! add in a quirky now it all woman *ahem* birthing person YASSS QUEEN SLAY

  44. 2 years ago

    I'd like to single in on something that everyone else seems to be glossing over.
    Do you guys think MC is a flat, boring character?
    I personally think that despite Master Chief's subdued personality and lack of face, the original trilogy managed to convey a surprising amount of personality through body language alone.
    I'll certain remember the videogame version for longer than that muppet in the nexflix adaptation with all of his hamfisted eMoTiOnAl AnGsT.

    • 2 years ago

      >Do you guys think MC is a flat, boring character?
      No, if he was, he wouldn't be so loved and an iconic video game character. Only homosexuals don't like him.

  45. 2 years ago

    Sorta, but not for the dumb reason CBR gives

    The problem isn't that MC "is two dimensional", it's that the fact that we've had like 10 different fricking wars and new galactic threats MC keeps saving the day from over and over again all less then 10 years in universe from the end of the Human-Covenant war is fricking absurd and it makes the universe feel like it's locked in an episodic status quo

    The war against the covenant lasted for 25+ years and nearly eradicated humanity, yet since then they've fought Jul's covenant, the Didact, the Promtheans, the Created, the Banished, and now the Endless, all in 10 years, with the UNSC somehow recovering instantly and not buckling under the pressure, and every single time it's always huge stakes that decide the fate of the galaxy and MC does it. It completely shreds the suspension of disbelief and the Halo universe feeling like it has progression.

    It's not that chief needs to go, per say, it';s that 343i needs to stop bringing out new villains and tossing the old ones out every new game/model and stop making every conflict the biggest fricking threat ever. If they need to have constant conflict to justify new media, then make the universe shift into a 40k-esque format where each faction continues to exist and has their own territory and they occasionally get into small to mid level conflicts where no 1 group can dominate the others.

    With lower stakes a, you can also afford to focus on a wider variety of conflicts and feature characters in addition to just chief so he's still around, just not the thing you use ever damn time, and that way if his voice actor dies or in universe he gets too old, they haven't been putting all the eggs into his basket

    • 2 years ago

      This tbqh
      The next game should have been on the spirit of fire as a new spartan who wakes up from cryo sleep and finds the ship over run by flood.
      It should have built off the strengths of odst

      • 2 years ago

        >The next game should
        This is why you're getting Master Chief forever, just ask for a spin-off, why is this so hard?

        • 2 years ago

          Read the post nerd

          • 2 years ago

            >the next game
            How about they should make another "spin-off" that focuses on another Spartan in the Spirit of Fire. "The next game" sounds like the next mainline game.

            • 2 years ago

              You're being autistic

              • 2 years ago

                No, you're being autistic, why was Halo Wars, ODST, Reach, and Halo Wars 2, well received? Why is Halo extended universe well received? Why wasn't the Arbiter well received in Halo 2? Why wasn't Locke well received in Halo 5? Why wasn't Spartan-IVs well received in Halo 4?

              • 2 years ago

                What does that have to do with the price of fish

    • 2 years ago

      Master Chief literally can't get old in universe, lol. But if push comes to shove, they will just hire a new voice actor, 343 isn't above this and have tried it several times before, even Bungie tried it once. Voice Actor isn't end all be all.

      • 2 years ago

        Anon, he's almost 50.

        The Halo games/books have an actual timeline, they can't just make shit up and put games whenever without giving a shit about how it works like Metroid and Zelda can.

        • 2 years ago

          Age doesn't matter, canonically Spartan-II augs are similar to Humanity's ancestors and Forerunner's augs, they aging proccess is slow significantly to the point where Chief will look like his 30s for a 1000 years. The Librarian's enhancements to Chief makes him most likely near immortal if he's not already. Plus Cryosleep and the new Gen 3 armor which is closer to Forerunner suits over any Mjolnir Suit. Age is nothing but a number to Spartan-IIs especially Master Chief. Never understood where you guys keep getting that Chief is old crap from.

  46. 2 years ago

    it should have ended at 3, but if it does go on then that is for the best. you could do crazy stuff with the universe if it wasn't all orbiting around chief

  47. 2 years ago

    >replaced with a more interesting character
    By interesting I assume they mean a black female gender queer main character. Because thats SUPER interesting

  48. 2 years ago

    343 is uncapable of using chief

    how can they move past him

  49. 2 years ago
  50. 2 years ago

    Remember that time 343 tried to set up a replacement MC that ended up going nowhere?

    • 2 years ago

      Remember when they did it again?

      god that armor is so fricking bad

  51. 2 years ago

    Remember when they did it again?

  52. 2 years ago

    And again? (along with a new Cortana?)

    • 2 years ago


  53. 2 years ago

    Halo should move past 343i.

  54. 2 years ago

    Of course, we must have more Black folk

  55. 2 years ago

    The fact that they haven't reached for the low hanging fruit of doing games based on The Arbiter's pre CE days is honestly shocking to me.

    • 2 years ago

      >tfw no space strategy game ala Battlefleet gothic with a Thel campaign showing why he is a great shipmaster

  56. 2 years ago

    I'll take a two dimensional cliche over what most "writers" nowadays consider a deep character any day.

    • 2 years ago

      How to make a character >deep

  57. 2 years ago

    Yes, please. Master Chief uses the outdated pronoun... "he". Microsoft is gonna fix that for sure.

  58. 2 years ago

    John should be retired, but not for the inane reason the article gave.

  59. 2 years ago

    Is this series worth getting into?
    I've never got around to playing it but I feel like I should since it's so iconic and the only reason Xbox exists.

    • 2 years ago

      I think it's worth playing the early ones as a history lesson on the genesis of the modern console FPS.

    • 2 years ago

      Was a newbie to the franchise in 2018, I enjoyed the trilogy and the Halo Wars games. Just dont pick up any of the 343 shits, If you dont want to spend a decent amount of money, just play them through gamepass for a dollar

    • 2 years ago

      I'd reccomend it, but if you want an idea of what each game does well and starting resources, here:

      >Info on each game and what they do good and bad here: and here:
      >gameplay tips and PSAs about your first time thru each game here: and starting in this thread here
      >info on the novels here: and here (in more detail but excluding the first few):

      That gives you info on each game and most of the novels up till around 2015 or so. I don't have a writeup on comics, but AFAIk every comic other then Initiation and Escalation is at least okay. book/comic drive:

      recommended visual media:
      >Fall of Reach Animated adaption (Has issues but still neat, read the comic or esp. novel instead if willing):
      >Halo Legends (Anime anthology) episodes: pastebin DOT com SLASH 4UwJeikS
      >Halo Evolution motion Comics (adaptions of some of the short stories from the Evolutions anthology novel: pastebin DOT com SLASH P5TfAY5a
      >The Halo CEA, H2A, and H4 terminals can be accssed via MCC's "Extra's" menu
      >Halo 3 terminals: pastebin DOT com SLASH by8XFyXL

      Note some (but not all) the Halo legends links are down, and there are also new Halo encylopedia scans that don't fit on that book drive that there's a seperate link for, but I don't have time to update links rn, you;ll have to make do with lower quality youtube uploads for the former and I'll try to deal with the latter another time

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