Should I buy ESO? It looks good and both mmo's I've played somehow turned to shit.

Should I buy ESO?
It looks good and both mmo's I've played somehow turned to shit.

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  1. 7 months ago

    Maybe you should not play MMOs in general anon

    • 7 months ago

      But I love mmos.

      • 7 months ago

        I recommend a lobotomy.

  2. 7 months ago

    do not buy.
    ESO is Elder Scrolls: Bored Housewife Edition
    its buy to play but full of moronic nickel and diming and timegating, players that arent using the subscription are second class citizens
    combat is terrible and always has been, the story is moronic fanfiction tier shit. its aggressively mediocre at best. aged poorly in terms of artstyle. only for the truly deranged that have no standards and tons of time to waste. its not even bad enough to be "so bad its good"
    >what about fallout 76
    same shit but fallout flavored.

    • 7 months ago

      >players that arent using the subscription are second class citizens
      So I'll buy a subscription?
      >combat is terrible and always has been
      Yeah, it's mmo.
      >story is moronic fanfiction tier shit
      Doesn't sound particularly different from other tes games and I doubt it's possible to make shit worse than skyrim.
      >aged poorly in terms of artstyle
      Looks fine to me.
      >its aggressively mediocre at best
      >only for the truly deranged that have no standards and tons of time to waste
      "Mediocre" doesn't sound bad and MMOs are always a waste of time.

      • 7 months ago

        you sound more like you just want me to tell you what you want to hear, which i wont do.
        if you desperately want something thats vaguely sort of like an mmo, play monster hunter world/rise

        • 7 months ago

          >you sound more like you just want me to tell you what you want to hear
          I wanted to hear a actual opinions on eso, not "eso is bad because it's mmo".

          • 7 months ago

            >those opinions dont count because... they just dont, okay??!?
            eso is to mmos what mmos are to regular games.

            Ganker is the worst place you could ask this question. Most answers will be from tards who have never played ESO, who got their opinions spoonfed from other tards who haven't played ESO, will be from {Other MMO} and will shit on anything which isn't their brand of poison or will just be disingenuous at best.

            The real answer is: It's a solid MMO to play largely as a chill single-player game. The combat isn't the greatest and might turn you off with prolonged exposure as it focuses heavily on bar swapping. If you're a fan of Elder Scrolls and the lore you will adore ESO. People who shit on it for ruining the lore or what have you either only played for an hour or are basing their opinions on info from 2014. ESO is arguably the best source of TES lore nowadays and the writing improves significantly in DLC and expansions. You can tell the writers are fans. And that's about the only reason I can really recommend playing ESO. If you want a comfy single-player MMO with high production values, full voice-acting and are a fan of Elder Scrolls then I'd say ESO is worth a try. It's free to play but you can try ESO+ for a month to try out all the DLC besides the newest (Necrom). Unfortunately ESO+ is mandatory at a point due to the infinite crafting bags to hold all the mats you'll pick up.

            i hate using this buzzword but its TES flavored slop. But it seems there is a surplus of pigs to eat it up

            • 7 months ago

              It's just my unbiased opinion without filter. I only come back to the game once every year or two to catch up on new content for a month and leave. It's a poor MMO but a solid game. To give an example: Everything they did with the Khajiit was fantastic and I say that as someone who previously held them as my least favourite race. That honour now goes to Redguards.

  3. 7 months ago

    yes you should. thread closed due to racism

  4. 7 months ago

    It’s alright, not as good as Morrowind of course, but it doesn’t spit all over the lore like Skyrim did

    • 7 months ago

      ESO does literally the exact same brand of lore raping as Skyrim, just gayer due to all the troony and redditor writers.

  5. 7 months ago

    >Should I buy ESO?
    No. It was mildly amusing, but they ruined it with Tamriel Unlimited. Pretty much obliterated the fun from improving your character.

  6. 7 months ago

    Ganker is the worst place you could ask this question. Most answers will be from tards who have never played ESO, who got their opinions spoonfed from other tards who haven't played ESO, will be from {Other MMO} and will shit on anything which isn't their brand of poison or will just be disingenuous at best.

    The real answer is: It's a solid MMO to play largely as a chill single-player game. The combat isn't the greatest and might turn you off with prolonged exposure as it focuses heavily on bar swapping. If you're a fan of Elder Scrolls and the lore you will adore ESO. People who shit on it for ruining the lore or what have you either only played for an hour or are basing their opinions on info from 2014. ESO is arguably the best source of TES lore nowadays and the writing improves significantly in DLC and expansions. You can tell the writers are fans. And that's about the only reason I can really recommend playing ESO. If you want a comfy single-player MMO with high production values, full voice-acting and are a fan of Elder Scrolls then I'd say ESO is worth a try. It's free to play but you can try ESO+ for a month to try out all the DLC besides the newest (Necrom). Unfortunately ESO+ is mandatory at a point due to the infinite crafting bags to hold all the mats you'll pick up.

    • 7 months ago

      >Ganker is the worst place you could ask this question.
      Yeah but I still got some good answers.
      >Most answers will be from tards who have never played ESO
      Yeah but I think it's pretty easy to distinguish between the opinion of someone who actually played the game and your typical "I hate MMOs" opinion.
      I think I'll just take a friend's account and try it for myself.

    • 7 months ago

      >If you're a fan of Elder Scrolls and the lore you will adore ESO.

      • 7 months ago

        The best lore in the entire series has come out of ESO. It even surpasses Morrowind now.

        • 7 months ago

          ESOgays are fricking delusional, damn

          • 7 months ago

            ESO does literally the exact same brand of lore raping as Skyrim, just gayer due to all the troony and redditor writers.

            You can stop samegayging and spewing your buzzword drivel that you're so used to in WoW and FFXIV threads. You have never played ESO and are a fricking idiot.

            • 7 months ago

              The game that introduced troon Argonians will never be canon, sorry anon

  7. 7 months ago

    Your track record will remain unblemished if you play E$O.

  8. 7 months ago

    No, it's fricking awful: both as an MMO, and an Elderscrolls game.

  9. 7 months ago

    my second favorite mmo since I can't into tab targeting
    release new world was fun but God it went to shit fast.
    played it with a whole group of 20 or so people I know irl but aren't "close" with.

    on the other hand I've only ever played eso solo
    eso was and is fun sometimes but I have trouble staying interested long term in mmos. the combat rotation is nice in dungeons. running warden half tank half heal. I just like ice and nature powers as a concept. not ice as elemental but ice as in winter frost ect.

    it's worth the money base. but you will be spending a lot to have anything fun nowadays. the game is getting old and isn't getting as many new players as often. so new player experience feels lacking and solo. but I've also never has friends to play with

    ide say pick it up and see if any classes fit your interest and then see if you want to go farther.

  10. 7 months ago

    Frick no.
    Easily the worse MMO I have played.
    Zero class identity
    Zero group play
    Entire world scales around the player ensuring gameplay is as mindless and easy as possible at all times

  11. 7 months ago

    Depends what you like
    PvE? Theres easy solo, hard solo, easy small or big group and hard small or big group content
    Quests? Hundreds of hours of quests probably, but the more recent the quests are, its getting all the lot much more, how to say, corporateish, slop taste.
    Grind? You can impose endless grind on yourself, but its not necessary to access end tier things. All you need to be is lvl around 600, craft two sets and actual skill to be endgame viable
    PvP? Offers you solo, small group or zergs. If you arent good you only stick to zergs, if you be ultra hardcore you'll end up joining the rest of that community. Somehow skill matters a lot in this I dont think they designed that conciously but it happened, a skilled dude is like a player character between npcs.

    I made some great friends personally, spanning over to irl aswell. Theres also a lot of casual, and a lot of women players around.
    Also combat is terrible. Theres no arguments here. You just bear through it if you like the game. Hit me up if you're EU.

    • 7 months ago

      Not OP but I've dipped in every now and then over the years and I'm EU. How would I find you? I'm also a DC Breton if that means anything.

      • 7 months ago

        I wonder if we are friends already.
        I dont play much these days either but add me up all the same anon(s)

        • 7 months ago

          Probably haven't since I've mostly solo played and only otherwise played with a few friends. I'm planning to jump back in sometime very soon so I'll keep it in mind and add you if I do so.

  12. 7 months ago

    Get it and do the morrowind-clockwork city-summerset questline, and then drop it, they're the only worthwhile bits (and summerset is pushing it but it completes the story)

  13. 7 months ago

    honestly no, high isle and necrom were the final straw for me, the quality has been declining for years. Have a favorite build? Tough luck, ZoS will make your character(s) unplayable for months.

    If you have to play eso, play up to Orsinium. It's the only dlc that feels the most like an expansion compared to the "chapters".

  14. 7 months ago

    It's pretty okay, I actually just got back into it but I have a particular and weird brand of autism. It's a bit of grind but not nearly as bad as other MMO's, and there's enough silly shit to do alongside probably 100+ hours of fully voiced quests that it's easily worth a month just to try. PvE dungeons are pretty fast and un-challenging, PvP is fun, there's a mix of typical battlegrounds and big "campaigns" through a giant map for days at a time. There's a dedicated zone just for PvPvE which is neat. Classes and builds are very flexible but you can chase the meta if you wanted to, or play a dual-dagger thief who's actually a healer. I've been playing a necromancer tank which kicks ass.

    • 7 months ago

      >PvE dungeons are pretty fast and un-challenging
      what? get trifecta for all dungeons and say that again lol

  15. 7 months ago

    I had an OK time playing through content up till Summerset. Nothing amazing, but decent enough if you have lots of time to burn on something braindead.

    After Summerset though, the last person on the dev team who gave even the slightest of fricks about trying to make a good game left. It's been nothing but boring copypasta garbage since.

  16. 7 months ago

    Story takes itself very serious for an MMO. Attempts to make deep, realistic characters, but with the vast amount of objectives and large cast, as well as the aimless freedom of an MMO, most of the time it feels like I'm just doing generic fantasy quest. Overall story and npcs are less engaging than Skyrim. However some solid characters shine through. I really enjoyed Darians arc throughout the main game + dlc.

    Combat and dungeons get repetitive, but it's an MMO.

    My favorite part is the long grind to complete crafty and just wandering around collecting mats and taking down random group bosses. That alone is worth it to me

    I recommend getting the game on sale and the edition that comes with the most recent Major dlc. It'll unlock all the previous major DLCs. Then get the monthly sub which grants access to the other 'minor' dlc. Pay month to month as long as you're enjoying it

  17. 7 months ago

    shame you didnt get it on epic when it was free earlier this year, i got it and uninstalled within 90 minutes

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