Should I do my first playthrough blind on normal or hardcore

Should I do my first playthrough blind on normal or hardcore

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  1. 12 months ago

    Hardcore is the real normal difficulty, only pussies play on "normal"

    • 12 months ago

      Do hardcore + modded for 2nd playthrough
      No fast travel will ruin the game for you when you don't know the map

      I like to play the game as it's envisioned by the devs, whether it's hardcore or normal. Dunno about a second playthrough, I rarely do that for story driven games.

      • 12 months ago

        Hardcore is the difficulty the developers intended. However, in this game hard is not so much hard as making everything way more tedious and annoying than it needs to be. Unless you are a very patient person you will most likely drop the game 10 to 20 hours in (if not earlier) if you play on hardcore on your first playtrough

  2. 12 months ago

    Do hardcore + modded for 2nd playthrough
    No fast travel will ruin the game for you when you don't know the map

  3. 12 months ago

    I gave this game 3 godanm chances over 2 years and each time it pissed me off for the same reasons. I fricking grew up with shit like fricking mount and blade and chivalry, even played war of roses. I know my godanm swords. Yet this game makes you a fumble frick who can't do anything until you progress, and then once you do, the entire combat system becomes a one note joke. If you like sword fighting, DONT play this game. It's fricking trash. Kino story though. Nut don't you dare fricking think it's a sword fighting game. It's a jank rpg that only pretends that it's a sword fighting game.if you go into this expecting a fun combat system, don't.

    • 12 months ago

      Just thinking about this game makes me want to punch the lead dev in the face for not scrapping this absolute shit heap and going for something fresh. So much potential, wasted.

    • 12 months ago

      Just thinking about this game makes me want to punch the lead dev in the face for not scrapping this absolute shit heap and going for something fresh. So much potential, wasted.

      the system prioritises realism (ie it doesn't matter if you're a great swordsman if there are four of them and one of you) over traditionally enjoyable gameplay. that definitely won't agree with everyone, but the history autists who want a faithful medieval simulation appreciate it, and the game focuses pretty hard on appealing to them.

      personally I would have enjoyed it better with more typical combat, but I respect their priorities here, they shouldn't have to change it just because it filtered me a bit.

      • 12 months ago

        If I'm playing a video game, then player skill should make world building irrelevant. If I want to become chicken puncher 5000, the game better allow it if I'm good enough. It's trash. I was a literal GOD, in chivalry. They fricking reference me in a godanm official map mother fricker. You have no idea who you are speaking to. I trained with mud, the puglist. And mastered the way of the fist on top of the sword. This game was made for me, yet it disrespects me like I'm nothing, regardless of player skill. Then you learn masterstrike and suddenly the game is a fricking cheese fest. Frick your jank dude. Fight me in literally any sword fighting game right now. Name it. For honor, chivalry 2, mordhau, I'll slap you down silly. You absolute little Black person.

        • 12 months ago

          If I'm playing a video game, then player skill should make world building irrelevant. If I want to become chicken puncher 5000, the game better allow it if I'm good enough. It's trash. I was a literal GOD, in chivalry. They fricking reference me in a godanm official map mother fricker. You have no idea who you are speaking to. I trained with mud, the puglist. And mastered the way of the fist on top of the sword. This game was made for me, yet it disrespects me like I'm nothing, regardless of player skill. Then you learn masterstrike and suddenly the game is a fricking cheese fest. Frick your jank dude. Fight me in literally any sword fighting game right now. Name it. For honor, chivalry 2, mordhau, I'll slap you down silly. You absolute little Black person.

        • 12 months ago

          I can't tell if this is a joke or not anymore. I fricking hope it is.

          • 12 months ago

            Name the game. War of the roses, bannerlord, cmon. Pick up your godanm sword.

        • 12 months ago

          >If I'm playing a video game, then player skill should make world building irrelevant
          Mongoloid take

          • 12 months ago

            Nope, just like new Vegas is the only decent 3d fallout. I don't give a frick about your integrity, I'm here to have fun. Taking mandatory chunks of damage because I didn't abuse masterstrike, even though I perfectly parried isn't a well designed game. It's a rpg jank and it isn't a sword fighting game. Don't try to lie to me like it is.

            • 12 months ago

              >just like new Vegas is the only decent 3d fallout.
              Player skill doesn't make world building irrelevant in Fallout 1 or 2 though, based mongoloid - why limit it to 3d?

              • 12 months ago

                I'm pretty sure that is a troll/shitposter, he literally writes like in that navy seal copypasta.

              • 12 months ago

                Moving goalposts, I don't give a shit about fallout 1 and 2 because they were way too slow, just like baldurs gate. Larian studios however, actually understands what makes turn based rpgs fun, as I have over 200 hours in both original sin 1 and 2, individually. The bottom line is that Vegas prioritizes player freedom above all else and doesn't hold you back from doing things like a kill them all playthrough. The sentiment here is the same. I don't want a game holding me down from what I can do with what is already a basic b***h system, just because I didn't progress the story beyond the first point. I shouldn't HAVE to artistically comb over a field with a horse to deal with the early game swarm near that woman's house. And don't you dare tell me. "Oh, well you're not supposed to fight them". Black person, it's a videogame. I kill loot, clear, move on. I don't deviate from this, so you best believe I'm the kind of person who manually vaporized every single godanm item in the system shock remake. Your game is shit. It is a misery to bruteforce, has zero fun outside of the story not being about. Fricking Mary Sue for once. But the moment the cutscene ends. So does my lip service to your bullshit. Literally any decent rpg actually lets you have fun. There's nothing here. Nothing for rpg fans. Nothing for sword fighting fans. Just a total slog.

    • 12 months ago

      >. I fricking grew up with shit like fricking mount and blade and chivalry,
      its nothing like that so why the frick would you think its combat would be mount and blade?

      • 12 months ago

        If godanm even ps1 games like bushido blade can get swords right, but your modern game can't in post 20xx, you have no excuse.

    • 12 months ago

      Honestly, the combat would be much better if they just removed master strikes, it makes all those combos you learn completely useless

      the system prioritises realism (ie it doesn't matter if you're a great swordsman if there are four of them and one of you) over traditionally enjoyable gameplay. that definitely won't agree with everyone, but the history autists who want a faithful medieval simulation appreciate it, and the game focuses pretty hard on appealing to them.

      personally I would have enjoyed it better with more typical combat, but I respect their priorities here, they shouldn't have to change it just because it filtered me a bit.

      >doesn't matter if you're a great swordsman if there are four of them and one of you
      Here's the thing, you don't lose group fights because there are more of them, you lose because the combat just straight up doesn't work when there are multiple enemies, mainly because the game forces you to look at whoever is attacking you and that's because the AI wouldn't be able to handle you if it didn't
      Look at dark souls for example, if you fight multiple opponents your chances of winning is drastically reduced, but the mechanics still work just fine, you can still freely control both your attacks and your movement

  4. 12 months ago

    There is literally no reason to play on normal. It's actually faster just using your horse to get around the map then using fast travel. I.e. in fast travel the game will speed up the clock, as if it should take or two or four hours to get from one town to another. Completely wasting your day. You can easily just ride across the map in minutes, making the most use of daylight

    • 12 months ago

      Oh, and fast travel arbitrarily puts you in random chance encounters too, like an rts. Again, you can just ride around and visually decide if you want to engage bandits in the distance or not, or talk to a wandering knight.

  5. 12 months ago

    >Should I do my first playthrough blind on normal or hardcore
    Hardcore is for the most part how the game should be played. Most systems, especially the survival mechanics and the way you navigate the land, are actually ballanced for the hardcore, and the normal mode absolutely trivializes them. The survival in particular only becomes an actually relevant and fun mechanic if you get the hardcore "tapeworm" trait.

    With that said, there are two problems you should know about.
    1) Tapeworm is a mandatory trait that makes food relevant. However, there is one trait in the hardcore selection that will straight up BREAK the game. It's called "Somnabulism" (sleep walking).
    DO NOT GET THAT TRAIT. It's fun at first, but it becomes frustrating quite fast, and then it breaks one of the game's most important story quests completely.
    2) while 99% of all quests in the game are ballanced around hardcore's lack of quest marks and map location marks, there is one segment of the game that is not. It's the first part of the "Women's Lot" DLC questline, the part where you play as Theresa and revisit Skalitz in a flashback.
    For some reason, they COMPLETELY forgot to ballance it around hardcore mode, giving you ZERO hints on where to go or what to do, making it effectively unplayable without a guide.

    The solution to that is simple, if annoying. Google a guide for that part of the game. It's only like 40 minutes long when you know what to do.
    The hardcore mode is worth it, but it is good to know about these two potential snags.

    Also, I strongly recommend downloading a couple of mods, even for your first playthrough. The first one I consider absolutely NECESSARY to play the game is the "skip plant collecting animation" one. Trust me, it's fricking necessary. The second one is sectorial lockpicking, because the base lockpicking is a pain.

    Best of luck with you run. The game is jank, but cool.

    • 12 months ago

      Alright I'll run the game on hardcore and see how it goes! I'll look into the lockpicking mod if it's actually one of those controller sensitivity shit that mice don't have.

      • 12 months ago

        >I'll look into the lockpicking mod if it's actually one of those controller sensitivity shit that mice don't have.
        KCD was made by PC gaming Czechs

        • 12 months ago

          >KCD was made by PC gaming Czechs
          Yes but it was also made around controller first and mouse and keyboard second, because they aimed at international markets.

          • 12 months ago

            >Yes but it was also made around controller
            Lol, no

            • 12 months ago

              >Lol, no
              The game was literally showcased on controler since the very first pre-alpha builds back in 2011. It literally was designed around a controler first and mouse and keyboard second, because it was from start planned to be a multiplatform title, something that was necessistated by the planned high production values.
              We haven't seen the game played on a mouse and keyboard until the beta builds started coming out after the israelitestarter.
              Now - for the most part, this isn't an issue. The gaming industry has largely solved controller/mkb optimizations since Deus Ex HR and Dishonored 1, so for the most part, you would not be able to tell. The PC controls in the game are (mostly) completely fine, and the game did not have to sacrifice much if any of it's complexity, because again: we know how to make hybrid control setups work nowdays. Becing designed for a controler first has long-since not been a death sentence for most games. It's not Gen7 anymore, than god.

              The lockpicking being one of the few rare cases where the controler legacy can be felt though.

              So should I go in with a controller? I like mouse but understandable if its like monhun where one input is undoubtedly superior

              >So should I go in with a controller?
              There is no need for that, pick whatever you personally prefer. The game plays completely fine on mkb, the lockpicking is just a minor oversight that is easily fixed.
              Otherwise, mkb is just as comfortable as controller, if not more. Outside of that lockpicking mechanic the game does not struggle with poor acceleration, nor does it lack in things like keybinding.
              Controller does not give you any advantage. It just does not give disadvantages either.

        • 12 months ago

          >KCD was made by PC gaming Czechs
          Yes but it was also made around controller first and mouse and keyboard second, because they aimed at international markets.

          So should I go in with a controller? I like mouse but understandable if its like monhun where one input is undoubtedly superior

      • 12 months ago

        >I'll look into the lockpicking mod if it's actually one of those controller sensitivity shit that mice don't have.
        Yeah, it is. It's just all around really awkward and unpleasant to use. Some people consider the sectorial lockpicking a cheat because it does make the process easier, but frick it, if you are fighting with the controls instead with the mechanics itself, it's a bad design and needs to be removed.
        The plant pickup thing, for the record, is recommended because for some utterly INNANE reason, the game not only locks the player into a pickup animation, but it also switches to third person while doing it, which hugely hurts the immersion on top of wasting your time.
        You'll want to pick up a lot of plants, because "alchemy" in this game is genuinely a lot of fun.
        There are two mods you can use, "first person plant pickup" which removes the jarring third person camera shift, but keeps in the slow-as-frick pickup animation, and "no animation" that just allows you to instantly collect the plants, which is what I recommend to people.

        I can't recommend any other mods for a first run. Some people swear by the crosshair mod, but I consider it cheating. And some people swear by the infinite saving mod, but I consider them cheating AND moronic.

  6. 12 months ago

    I implore you OP do what I did and never use fast travel
    The game is so fricking immersive and comfy

  7. 12 months ago

    shit game

  8. 12 months ago

    israeli game.

  9. 12 months ago

    I've beat it on normal and on hardcore, feeling like normal is way more reasonable, especially on the first playthrough. Every now and then, quest requires you to find something in forest, and while some of them do provide clues and route description, it doesn't apply to every single thing. It's not impossible to find the destination regardless, but I'm really not sure if it would be fun.

  10. 12 months ago

    It’s obvious who the zoomers we are here. Kingdom Come plays like an early 2000 RPG, between Morrowind and Oblivion. The game is deliberately slow and punishing. But that’s why I love it. Unlike modern day “PUSH BUTTON = AWESOME” cancer, here actions have consequences and carefully planning and observing are rewarded.

    Anyway would recommend normal for a 1st play through unless you really love old school rpgs. I’m going to install the instant plant picking mod, because as it is in the game it just deicentivises you from picking plants. Locking is also fine on M&K.

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