Should I go to a Sonic convention?

Should I go to a Sonic convention?

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  1. 10 months ago

    it depends
    how far in the spectrum are you?

    • 10 months ago

      I...have ADD...?

      • 10 months ago

        probably not far enough anon you still have hope

      • 10 months ago

        ADD doesn't exist anymore. It's ADHD now.

        • 10 months ago

          I don't really regard myself as hyperactive, just inattentive and lacking in executive function/working memory.

        • 10 months ago

          i have AD4K, just got me an upgrade

  2. 10 months ago

    i can't imagine what sinister depravity goes on at a sonic convention

    • 10 months ago

      That would be the reaction I'd have if I was given the chance to go to a pony convention.

  3. 10 months ago

    Heh, imagine if they put Shadow in this show.

    • 10 months ago

      He has an emoji plush, it's not impossible.

      • 10 months ago

        Reminds me of that fanart where he's riding a tricycle.

    • 10 months ago

      Reminds me of that fanart where he's riding a tricycle.

      Frick off.

  4. 10 months ago

    >SEGA making shit for literal ADHD ridden toddlers
    It's over.

  5. 10 months ago

    could you imagine how epic it would be if mommy brought me my milky when this was on???

  6. 10 months ago

    Why are you all so mean to me?

  7. 10 months ago

    Do these exist? Why aren't there photos? I would absolutely go to one for the spectacle.

    • 10 months ago

      I would send you a link but you're just looking to slag on attendees so eat shit.

  8. 10 months ago

    Only if you bring some type of weapon

  9. 10 months ago

    There's a Sonic convention?

  10. 10 months ago

    What is this?

    • 10 months ago

      sonic & friends

      • 10 months ago

        I can see that. But like, what is it?

        • 10 months ago

          Looks like a cartoon for Kindergarteners
          Sonic fans are pissing themselves over it because they think Sonic is actually this mature franchise and not something for children

  11. 10 months ago
  12. 10 months ago

    Do you seriously think the Adventure remakes will actually happen for real? This Sonic n Friends thing being confirmed real from that leak implies one is PLANNED to be worked on after Frontiers, but do you seriously think they will actually make SA1 2 and then 3?

    • 10 months ago

      i could see them remaking 1 and 2, but what would be the point in making a 3rd? it's not like they will magically turn into a better dev team if they call it Sonic Adventure 3.

      • 10 months ago

        >i could see them remaking 1 and 2, but what would be the point in making a 3rd?

        Anon, Sonic Adventure 3 is Half-Life 3 to Sonic fans. It is Kingdom Hearts 3, Tenkaichi 4, and Shenmue 3 before any of those titles were announced. It is the mere idea of an FF7 remake in the PS2 and PS3 generations. The name alone possesses barely restrained amounts of excitement and hopium deep inside the souls of every single Sonic fan who either grew up and/or enjoyed the Adventure era of Sonic. It is literally the single most demanded Sonic game for every year since Heroes was released. Every older zoomer and millenial would shit their pants at the mere logo drop, prompting the younger zoomers and gen alpha to follow in suit. With the Sonic franchise's reputation at its best in literally twenty years, the announcement alone could potentially crash the entire internet as we know it.

        The point I'm getting at is, releasing Sonic Adventure 3 at such a high point in the franchise now that, even if they were to release it exclusively on a theoretical Dreamcast 2 in today's console market, it would still be one of the best selling Sonic games of all time. Once SEGA and Sonic Team have the confidence that they could make it a genuinely great game that could live up to the hype, it WILL release, because they know that title alone will bankroll them for years to come. In short, the point would be the otherworldly amount of money and popularity a successful Sonic Adventure 3 could achieve.

        I believe every word I have said in this post to be 100% factual btw

        • 10 months ago

          would it even be possible to make a sequel to a sonic game other than the Adventure games? I feel like a sequel to Unleashed, Generations, or Colors (much less anything after that) would be really divisive just from the idea alone.

          • 10 months ago

            >would it even be possible to make a sequel to a sonic game other than the Adventure games?
            There was Sonic 4 but we don't talk about that one.
            >I feel like a sequel to Unleashed, Generations, or Colors (much less anything after that) would be really divisive just from the idea alone.
            I think theres a lot of room for sequels in the spinoff titles i.e. Riders, but otherwise I agree with you. The idea of a Gens 2 had some hype behind it back before Sonic Forces was announced, but I think most people wouldn't care for it now. Too much Classic Sonic and 90s nostalgia pandering in the 2010s soured the idea for a LOT of people.

        • 10 months ago

          SA3 would be extremely "okay" and never EVER live up the hype fans have built up for it. Just like HL3 and just like KH3. If SA3 is anything like Frontiers or even Forces then that basically confirms it would be extremely "mid." It's depressing that fans still want it after it's become obvious no one at Sonic Team would know what the frick to do with the concept. Let it go guys, it would never be the SA3 (You) want it to be.

          would it even be possible to make a sequel to a sonic game other than the Adventure games? I feel like a sequel to Unleashed, Generations, or Colors (much less anything after that) would be really divisive just from the idea alone.

          Literally every single Sonic game will be divisive no matter what thanks to Sonic Team's insistence on constantly messing with the gameplay formula over the decades. Lots of people still love Unleashed and Colors, lots of people hate them both. Unleashed 2 or Colors 2 would be no more or less divisive than SA3 would be. Especially since no one can even tell you definitively WHAT a potential new Adventure game should be. People still deny that '06 was an Adventure style game, let alone the original SA3. (Which it is. Cope.)

    • 10 months ago

      pretty sure remasters are happening since frontiers already teased sa1, and there's statues for both games being made

    • 10 months ago

      What was the leak that included Sonic n Friends?

      They did put in the SA1 spindash into Frontiers.

  13. 10 months ago

    AMY dickyYYYYY!!!!

    So is this a new show or something?

  14. 10 months ago

    >SEGA wants the Bluey crowd

  15. 10 months ago

    why does amy have tan legs

  16. 10 months ago

    >Lust provoking image
    >Irrelevant time wasting question

    • 10 months ago

      >Lust provoking image
      >OP's image

      Anon, are you okay?

  17. 10 months ago

    Recently I was at a comic convention and there was this one autistic teen dressed up as Sonic (one of those low effort ones where it's pretty much just a shirt and quill hat, like the one in the Cosplay Girlfriend Music Video if you know what that cringe is) running around the merchant floor with a Bluetooth speaker playing various some Sonic ost, all alone. I don't know if it was just because of textbook Sonic 'tism LARPing done for attention or he was going on multiple layers of irony LARPing for attention. Cons are well known for cringe but this probably takes the cake for non troony-related cringe I've seen at a con in recent years, I can't imagine what a Sonic Convention would be like with a massive concentration of people of similar ilk, many of whom that would likely be fully grown adult LARPers.

    • 10 months ago

      Sounds like you're really irked by someone having fun.

  18. 10 months ago

    Neat show for autistic kids.

  19. 10 months ago

    It is a known fact that sonic games attract people with mental disorders, it is a form of escapism because in their miserable lives they have only known pain and suffering, which is why some of the most well known mentally ill characters end up trooning out, its rare sonic didn't pander to troons yet, as they are pretty much a byproduct of such a disgusting franchise

  20. 10 months ago

    >Just a Friend


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