Should I play the Steam HD version or the Untold versions for the 3DS?

Should I play the Steam HD version or the Untold versions for the 3DS?

I never played dungeon crawlers besides Labyrinth of Refrain (but this game was fun)

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  1. 4 months ago

    untold sucks but it's comfy on ds
    if you liked lor you will like these but dont expect a good story
    honestly jsut go for the steam version if you dont have a ds flash cart

    • 4 months ago


      The duality of man

    • 4 months ago

      Original (the DS one, not Untold) on the 3DS.

      >recommending the original EO1
      I played it back then and it's the most flawed EO by far, I doubt you have a good reason to recommend it aside from the original difficulty.

      • 4 months ago

        i do have a good reason
        it's fun, idiot

      • 4 months ago

        Yet it's better than Untold

      • 3 months ago

        My reason is Untold is a mess. The grimoire system is total garbage. EO2U is actually good but so different from EO2 you might as well play both.

  2. 4 months ago


  3. 4 months ago

    Original (the DS one, not Untold) on the 3DS.

  4. 4 months ago

    Your choice on whether you do story or classic mode depending on what experience you want, but the 3DS is objectively the best system for these games.

    • 4 months ago

      why would anyone not like story mode, it's a reason to play the game.

      • 4 months ago

        Only morons are playing games for the story. A story is a nice optional thing.

        • 4 months ago

          yeah no, this is a JRPG, it's always storyshit until it isn't

          • 4 months ago

            no it's a drpg actually

      • 4 months ago

        Classic is obviously the intended way of playing the game and it's not like it doesn't have a story either, Story mode in the remakes is mostly an experiment on getting a new audience by giving players a premade party like in a more typical JRPG.

      • 4 months ago

        Story comes with 2 more classes, a couple of new floors and with that a good chunk of bosses (some of which are pretty nasty for when you get them). Also new enemies+FOEs which means new items from their drops too.

        Imo, you’re not disadvantaged by doing story first and then having classic for replays.

        Untold has a bunch of stupid shit to it and ruins the twist immediately and wastes your time with a bunch of boring story garbage. Steam HD has bugfixes and gameplay updates, including a much nicer skill tree, while maintaining the quality of the original. HD all the way.

        The fact that it’s not on a ds system makes it immediately worse. Untold Classic is better than HD, and you still have the option to do Story if you wanted too, which you don’t in HD.

        • 4 months ago

          wow they removed content when they ported it to PC? that shit always irks me. whether the content is liked or not, it's appretiated.

          • 4 months ago

            What the frick are you talking about? Learn to read you third world idiot, noone said they removed anything.

            Etrian Odyssey and Etrian Odyssey Untold are different games. HD is a remaster of Etrian Odyssey.

            • 4 months ago

              back at you, gorilla Black person

              They removed content in that it’s missing all the content Untold added.

          • 4 months ago

            They removed content in that it’s missing all the content Untold added.

            • 4 months ago

              back at you, gorilla Black person [...]

              It would be missing content if it were Etrian Odyssey Untold HD, but it's not, dumb south american shithole fricker

              • 4 months ago

                whatever moron, there's more content in Untold than in the HD remaster, nice remaster moron.

              • 4 months ago

                >there's more content in Untold than in the HD remaster

                That's true but the point is that the HD remaster of the original release is not "missing" content from the original release when it was never in the original release just because it was added to an updated remaster/remake at a previous time that was then ignored in the current version. troony homosexual

                Untold is a remake of eo1 for the 3ds. Alongside substantially better gameplay balance, animated 3d enemy models, some map tweaks, and other upgrades, there are 2 “substantial” changes that Untold adds.
                The first is the grimoire system, which is a somewhat clunky way to give limited skills from monsters and other classes to your players without fully being a multi-class system. As I said, it’s a bit clunky, but you don’t have to engage with it at all if you don’t want to, so I don’t really find complaints about it all that relevant.
                The other is that Untold offers 2 main modes. There is a classic mode which rather accurately follows the story laid out in the original - that is to say all your characters are made and named by the player, and are silent. All your story is either npcs (mostly in town) or just explorational. There is also a new story mode which sets you up with a party of pre-selected characters (2 of which are the new classes Untold added) who - like most other jrpgs- have personalities and backgrounds and talk amongst themselves about things, aside from a still silent protagonist. This comes with the new content [...] listed. It’s these new characters that get some of the people here in a chimpout. But again, you don’t have to play the story mode in Untold - you can still play classic mode. It’s just there for people who want it.

                So this guy is trying to argue on semantics, but the point is that the HD releases - at least of EO1 and EO2 (EO3 didn’t get an Untold, so feel free to get EO3HD thought-free) - are not “definite” editions, because they’re missing all the content that was added in the Untold versions. Instead of from the newest version, they cut all that stuff out and worked off the original.

                >So this guy is trying to argue on semantics

                Yes that's exactly what I was doing because ESL doubleBlack folk should learn how to articulate their thought properly instead of combining two different version of something in their mind and the complaining that the earlier version had something removed that it never had in the first place.

              • 3 months ago

                >the point is that the HD remaster of the original release is not "missing" content
                does arguing semantics really make people feel this much better?
                the 3DS game has more content than the remaster does on PC

                how is that for articulating thoughts better, fricking ape.

              • 3 months ago

                The PC remaster is also missing timed hits from Mario RPG and the real estate side mission from Yakuza 0, you dumb frick

              • 3 months ago

                >noo not 3DS > PC
                >more like 3DS >>>>> PC
                m'kay, drugs are bad

        • 4 months ago

          >The fact that it’s not on a ds system makes it immediately worse.
          why? you can use the mouse on the steam version

      • 4 months ago

        Only morons are playing games for the story. A story is a nice optional thing.

        the original's story is perfect
        untold botched the most important part

        • 4 months ago

          You can walk sideways in Untold.

          • 4 months ago


  5. 4 months ago

    If you have the original hardware, play it on that. 3DS is easy as frick to hack if you haven't already. HShop will get you everything for free.

  6. 4 months ago

    What are the changes made to the HD games? I mean in terms of mechanics and bug fixesm

    • 4 months ago

      auto mapping, etc.

  7. 4 months ago

    Are there any notable changes on the PC release?

  8. 4 months ago

    Untold has a bunch of stupid shit to it and ruins the twist immediately and wastes your time with a bunch of boring story garbage. Steam HD has bugfixes and gameplay updates, including a much nicer skill tree, while maintaining the quality of the original. HD all the way.

  9. 4 months ago

    HD release on PC is the best version of the original especially after you fix the font.
    Untold is just bland. I always just go back and replay older games whenever I try to finish it.

    • 4 months ago

      I was just about to ask if they fixed the font yet.
      Was gonna pick it up when it reached a reasonable price for the bundle and seems it's almost reached it.

      Sadly Sega are competing with forces outside of their control, because I bought SaGa instead and next big sale wave I'll probably pick up the pixel remasters.
      I could have bought EO when it launched if it was at its sensible sale price but I guess Sega want to cuck themselves for another year or so. No doubt they'll put Yakuza 8 on sale with the NG+ DLC for a reasonable price just when I'm about to get round to buying it. Here's to hoping for the rest of the etrian games, SJ and PQ, so that I may play them again in 2034...

      • 4 months ago

        >the font
        Has been fan-patched day 1.

  10. 4 months ago

    Start with EO4.
    It was literally made as a soft entry for newcomers to jump in the series, it's less painful for people that come from the typical jrpg: "wtf I take meaningful damage from random encounters? I have to use my skills instead of mashing the confirm button?"

    Untold 1 is pretty tough for a new comer but is fair and has a good amount of QOL features and class balance so it isn't a pain in the dick to play blind.
    Ignore the grimoire system in U1, not worth any time farming that bullshit.
    If you must use it, just look up how to cheat it.
    I view the story as an "extra" if you enjoy it, great. If not, just skip the dialog.
    Just know that this series is about the gameplay, having an actual story is rare.
    EO3 is praised as having the best writing and there is zero dialog from your party.

    Always play on the highest difficulty, this series disguises "easy" as "normal" so you don't need to farm or grind to get past whatever boss you're on - you're just expected to use the tools you have in your skill set.
    U1 does underlevel you somewhat if you're not on story mode though.

    If you want don't don't mind old games and their simplicity and some jank (although HD does fix a decent amount of junk skills but drop rates and quests are still annoying), consider EO HD1.
    It's a common tale for fans of this series to have dropped EO1 and EO2, then completing 3 before eventually going back to 1 or 2 - usually after running out of 3DS games to play.

    For EO1, other than the start being somewhat tough there really isn't much to it once you get into the groove, especially if you look ahead to see which skills are trap options.
    I think EO1 is the only game that actually uses your level in the formula for in how much damage you deal and receive.
    So EO1 is feasibly the only game where your level does actually matter, instead of it just being a measure of how thoughtless you want your battles to be.

    • 4 months ago

      This anon has the right idea, 4 is a great entrypoint to the series. If you want to start below 4 it's really up to you; the HD collection is better if you'd like to play on pc, originals if you'd like to play handheld.

  11. 4 months ago

    I have a confession to make, I hate multi-classing so much that I dropped both 3 and 4 and haven't even touched Nexus. Static classes of 1 and 2 were fun, if a bit plain, but my favorite is the way 5 handles promotions (the names of which also tickle my chuuni bone).
    How hard (or rather how time-consuming) would it be to finish 3/4 without any multiclassing at all, or with very limited multiclassing (just to pick up 5 extra points and maybe a skill or two, without too much thought put into the class combo)?

    • 4 months ago

      I hate multi-classing too, nothing more annoying than suddenly having to replan the builds of my entire team because of some mechanic that unlocks in the later half of the game.
      That being said, pretty sure you can finish the main game just fine in both EO 3 and 4 without caring that much about the secondary class of each character but you should still do it for the free skill points.

    • 4 months ago

      I haven't played 3, but in 4 you can easily beat the game just by taking a passive or two from a subclass. You only really need to go deep into a subclass's tree if you want to do crossclass frickery like an offensive Medic with Bushi mace skills.

      • 4 months ago

        3 is about half and half on that, in 4 NS/Imperial is the only combo where a main class will want to steal their subs damage skills (Maybe Bushi does too?).

        Because 3 lets sub skills go to their full potential instead of half strength there a decent number of classes and/or situations where your main class is subbing another class to get an entirely better better skill set and your main class skills become the "supporting passives/buffs/debuffs" (Ygg is a big culprit of this) - Otherwise all a sub is providing is a damage boosting buff/passive or some other utility (walls/prophesies).

    • 3 months ago

      5 is how I prefer the series handle classes honestly.

  12. 4 months ago

    Play EO1 and EO2 on emulation, on your phone. If you really enjoy them, play EO3, also on emulation, also on your phone.

    EO1 is a minor masterpiece and should be played first and in the original format.

    • 4 months ago

      >on your phone
      Don't. For the love of all that is holy. If your only choice is between phone and PC, just play the HD port on PC.

  13. 4 months ago

    So what is the relationship between "untold" and the DS games exactly? It's not just a remaster? How can the story be different

    • 4 months ago

      Untold is a remake of eo1 for the 3ds. Alongside substantially better gameplay balance, animated 3d enemy models, some map tweaks, and other upgrades, there are 2 “substantial” changes that Untold adds.
      The first is the grimoire system, which is a somewhat clunky way to give limited skills from monsters and other classes to your players without fully being a multi-class system. As I said, it’s a bit clunky, but you don’t have to engage with it at all if you don’t want to, so I don’t really find complaints about it all that relevant.
      The other is that Untold offers 2 main modes. There is a classic mode which rather accurately follows the story laid out in the original - that is to say all your characters are made and named by the player, and are silent. All your story is either npcs (mostly in town) or just explorational. There is also a new story mode which sets you up with a party of pre-selected characters (2 of which are the new classes Untold added) who - like most other jrpgs- have personalities and backgrounds and talk amongst themselves about things, aside from a still silent protagonist. This comes with the new content

      Story comes with 2 more classes, a couple of new floors and with that a good chunk of bosses (some of which are pretty nasty for when you get them). Also new enemies+FOEs which means new items from their drops too.

      Imo, you’re not disadvantaged by doing story first and then having classic for replays.

      The fact that it’s not on a ds system makes it immediately worse. Untold Classic is better than HD, and you still have the option to do Story if you wanted too, which you don’t in HD.

      listed. It’s these new characters that get some of the people here in a chimpout. But again, you don’t have to play the story mode in Untold - you can still play classic mode. It’s just there for people who want it.


      It would be missing content if it were Etrian Odyssey Untold HD, but it's not, dumb south american shithole fricker

      So this guy is trying to argue on semantics, but the point is that the HD releases - at least of EO1 and EO2 (EO3 didn’t get an Untold, so feel free to get EO3HD thought-free) - are not “definite” editions, because they’re missing all the content that was added in the Untold versions. Instead of from the newest version, they cut all that stuff out and worked off the original.

  14. 4 months ago

    I like 1 out of nostalgia and other subjective reasons but Untold 1 is a superior experience for new players. 2 is a more tricky situation.

  15. 3 months ago

    holy autism

  16. 3 months ago

    Does anyone have a favorite portrait? Picrel is one of my favorites. Others are Runemaster, Dragoon, Survivalist, and Buccaneer.

    • 3 months ago

      I really love the brown Dark Hunter boy.

    • 3 months ago

      I like that one too because of the doujins

  17. 3 months ago

    1 and 2 are my favs but unless you're a legit autist you might want to start with 3/4

  18. 3 months ago

    Is there really a difference between PC and 3DS? How much does stylus mapping add?

    • 3 months ago

      Did you read the thread?
      Did you try at all?
      Are you a legitimate person?
      The answer all these are "No", so frick you.

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