Should I play this? What is the pros and cons of it?

Should I play this? What is the pros and cons of it?

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  1. 2 years ago

    >It's still the best Mario RPG
    >No playable Luigi

    • 2 years ago

      wait why the frick cant you be luigi

      • 2 years ago

        Luigi didn't really have a personality when Super Mario RPG came out. That came later. Honestly Mario didn't have much of a personality until Super Mario RPG came out!

    • 2 years ago

      honestly I'm shocked that mario autist have made rpg romhacks/fangames with the extended cast yet. Guess all that effort goes to speed running and insanely precise mario world stuff

      • 2 years ago

        >Super Mario RPG 2 with the Kart/Smash cast still doesn't exist

      • 2 years ago

        Super Mario RPG made itself pretty insulated from hacks by virtue of its pre-rendered 3D graphics to do the spritework. You would need someone to understand the game's style and know how to make crude sculpts that matched ones made in '96 and then find a way to turn those into sprites. Same goes for the scenery. Hell of a lot more work than a graphics hack or a Super Mario World Kaizo hack which would get way more interest.

        • 2 years ago

          didnt the cart itself have extra chips and shit that other snes games didnt have

          • 2 years ago

            Not sure. Probably, it came out in March '96 stateside, maybe it needed a boost. It definitely looks better than Square's last SNES game, Treasure Hunter G, that game's ugly as frick even with pre-rendered graphics.

          • 2 years ago

            yes. chips would vary a lot from game to game based on graphical and musical needs, but SMRPG did have one of the most impressive/powerful chipsets in the SNES library (granted it was also one of the last major releases for the SNES)

  2. 2 years ago

    It's good, it can feel kind of like the developers were just trying things and didn't figure out what the game they wanted to make until like the fourth chapter, and a lot of the RPG elements are totally superfluous and were rightfully discarded for Paper Mario but it's still a solid game

  3. 2 years ago

    I think its still pretty good. It kinda did the whole "press a button during traditional jrpg combat so its not as boring" thing before anyone else, at least I think so so that's neat. Music is excellent, same with the world. You could argue its baby easy. I don't remember feeling like much of it was a slog but perhaps I purposely forgot any hair pulling parts.

  4. 2 years ago

    Super fricking creative and unique and FUN

    Super fricking easy. After the first Croco fight the game gets way too easy if you play normally. Hasn't stopped me from playing it over and over again since it was released though.

    On my 10th playthrough I decided on a challenge so I went with no armor and only used Mario, Mallow, Geno. It was fun

    • 2 years ago

      If it's so easy win at the yoshi race. That fricking thing still filters me to this day. I have no idea what you're even supposed to do. Thank god it's optional

      • 2 years ago

        >anons can't understand a simple rhythm game

      • 2 years ago

        Sorry to burst the illusionary bubble but, all you have to do is literally tab A and B at a constant speed. you know when you tap your foot to the beat of a song? That's the beat you tap A and B to. Yoshi will randomly speed up and slow down but this isn't the result of your timing of the buttons. If you concentrate and just tap along to the beat you will win. I couldn't figure this out until my 4th or 5th run and I was in highschool band class and it 'clicked' in my brain.

  5. 2 years ago

    the password is pearls and the boxes are arranged weird

  6. 2 years ago

    Mario RPG is literally the perfect introductory JRPG.

  7. 2 years ago

    its a great game
    it's not paper mario 64
    no peach wedding rape scene

  8. 2 years ago

    Not really any cons, but if there's anything about it that caught me by surprise is that the final boss can kick your ass if you're not careful. Also the mine cart minigame sucks and the mode 7 graphics don't help it, but that's a minor thing in an otherwise super solid game. Rhythm based gameplay is still the best addition to turn based there is since it doesn't really depends on skill but still makes you be careful with what you're doing in real time

  9. 2 years ago

    Play It.

  10. 2 years ago

    >it never got a sequel

  11. 2 years ago

    >cool characters and very short
    >braindead easy

  12. 2 years ago

    it's great, but avoid random encounters as much as possible because you'll be having a very easy time if you grind

  13. 2 years ago

    Paper Mario 64 is better

  14. 2 years ago

    one of the best jrpgs on the snes, which had a ton of them. if you dont like turn based battles this one wont change your mind on them. its also pretty linear but theres still a lot of good side stuff to do.

  15. 2 years ago

    >discovered the Culex battle as a very young kid (like five)
    >his demonic appearance scared the shit out of me and I shut the game off immediately
    Good times

  16. 2 years ago

    To my knowledge, Super Mario RPG's the first RPG to take advantage of action commands other than maybe Final Fantasy 6 (Saban's arts). Now the game doesn't tell you this, but if you can figure out the EXACT few frames when to hit the button to block during an enemy's attack animation near the end, you'll take NO damage. Unless the move has a name or it's a spell, then you're fricked. Also, Mario's special move "Jump" is the only spell in the game that gets more powerful for every two times you use it, so keep fricking using it every battle you get. Special moves are incredibly cheap and you can buy cheap items to easily replenish your flower points to use special moves.

    The game moves at a pretty brisk pace, you can probably beat it in six or seven hours, maybe less. Make sure you have enough money for Fearless Pins or else some boss battles are gonna be a huge pain in the ass cause you'll be in fear and your attack power is halved. Game Over means losing half your coins and any progress between saves.

    The timed hits becomes tedious to do, but you can't really fast forward or skip through it either or else the battle's gonna take twice as long cause you'll do less damage. I also recommend ONLY leveling up Special on level up, it's the only thing in the game that will lessen the damage you take from enemy spells in the long run. There's a big difference between taking 45 damage from ice crystal or none at all when you're maxed out at level 30. Get enough frog coins to get the Exp. Booster ring, that'll save you so much time.

  17. 2 years ago

    Good gameplay, great music and atmosphere, fun dialogue, lots of secrets
    Might find it too easy except for the secret boss, platforming sections are a bit off so you'll be saving/loading states frequently

    It's a great game done by squaresoft during their best era, it's worth a playthrough

  18. 2 years ago

    It's a truly wonderful game oozing with charm. You'll enjoy every second of it
    The closest thing to a challenge is the bonus boss and the Super Jump challenge

  19. 2 years ago

    super fun even if you're not new to JRPGs
    super easy

  20. 2 years ago

    There are so many little secrets to this game it's insane. Like if you stay in the Marrymore hotel without having enough coins you will have to work off your debt. Coins are so easy to come by I doubt most players would have seen this

    • 2 years ago

      I used to do this on purpose because I thought it was fun.

  21. 2 years ago

    >playing some comfy nostalgic based kino RPG
    >you will forever be cursed of being a Geno stand and will b***h forever till he is finally a playable smash character lmao

  22. 2 years ago

    -great gameplay (once you play an rpg with timed attacks every other jrpg will feel boring and so passive)
    -great music
    -great characters
    -great writing
    -great atmosphere
    -tons of secrets
    -objectively lots of fun

    -gameplay is very easily exploitable and its not hard to gear yourself to a point where you are more or less invincible

    Honestly though one of the best games ever made.

  23. 2 years ago

    i'd play paper mario and its sequel a thousand year door instead anon if you haven't

    t. this is like the prototype for those games it plays like the first few final fantasies, paper mario is much more original/holds up to modern convention with its stylized art style.

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