Should tf2 sniper be nerfed?

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  1. 9 months ago

    no. if you think he is overpowered, then get better.

    • 8 months ago

      >Show head for .000001s in a sightline to push the cart
      >"just be better lol"

      have a nice day

      • 8 months ago

        this. so much this. no class shuts down servers that much when played perfectly as sniper does

  2. 9 months ago

    the 6s classes should be nerfed

    • 8 months ago

      Yes, nerf the damage scaling to 20-40 with a much faster charge time and just like that you've fixed the class by making it an actual support class with supporting level utility (long-range damage) as opposed to the easiest and overall most effective damage dealer/pick class in the game.

      bait except maybe demo but demo is still less cancerous to fight against than a sniper

  3. 9 months ago

    idk if nerfed is the right word, but he's def the most annoying class to have to watch out for, especially if they're really good

  4. 9 months ago

    I think the only change he need is a slower scoping time. No magazines or reloading or damage changes.

    Sniper is supposed to close down corridors , thats his job. What is a ridiculous is when he kills you in 1 second with a quickscope.

  5. 9 months ago

    The problem is that hitscan is fricking impossible to outplay or dodge if the enemy's using an aimbot or spends 4000 hours per year playing sniper on harvest. Team Fortress borrows everything from Quake, but the one fricking thing that they felt the need to add was headshots when the game would've been fine without it. I'm tempted to run the vaccinator on bullet resistance full-time because of random 1-shots across the map.

  6. 9 months ago

    Just make it so he can't quickscope. That's the only big thing you might change. The ability to instantly scope in and deal 150 is the main problem. Sniper should own a sightline, but be slowed down and entrenched to do so. Right now you can be jumping around doing whatever and then instantly scope in and one shot any Scout, Engineer, Medic, Spy, or other Sniper. He should have to be scoped in a minimum amount of time before being able to get crits off headshot, and maybe also slow the damage charge rate. Maybe make it so he can't deal headshot damage untill he's been scoped for a full second.

    Maybe remove the Machina, give all snipers full player penetration, no snipers can hipfire, and then give all snipers the tracer from the Machina.

  7. 9 months ago

    >Make the laser sight be more visible than just a dot that you can see on a wall
    >Give sniper shots a "negative" charge to disincentivize quickscoping, but reduce the amount of time it takes to fully charge to compensate (full-charge shots take the same amount of time as before)
    >Make the laser sight scale based on the rifle's "charge" (e.g. keep it as-is for no charge/negative charge, but make it be at least "someone shot a Machina" levels of visible with a full line showing you where the sniper is when he's fully charged)
    Sniper's main issue is that most of the time, he isn't fun to fight against. Even the most annoying variants of Spy are at least able to be dealt with in a reasonable manner.
    The other anons kinda already summed it up; Sniper should be able to own an area, but he shouldn't be uncounterable in the area beyond random strafing.

  8. 9 months ago

    No, map design should be nerfed. Sniper is fine in a vacuum, but Valve decided to release shittons of maps where Sniper is literally untouchable by anything but another Sniper.

    • 9 months ago

      >add long-range class in a game full of almost exclusively close/mid range classes
      >nuh uh it's the maps are the problem

  9. 9 months ago

    all crit damage should be removed from the game.

  10. 9 months ago

    >compgays nerfed everything so much that they're now considering nerfing the only class who's best weapon is stock


    If you're having problems with fricking snipers play on better maps that don't have single sightline chokes, but you fricking wont

  11. 9 months ago

    Spy should be buffed. Doesn't counter anything except morons.

    • 9 months ago

      Yep, every single spy item was designed to fix the problem that as players got better, spy got worse, so it helped counter anti-spy behaviors, such as dead ringer, silent decloaking, ect.

      Of course you also have an issue with straight up fricking cheating when people replace decloak sound effects with alarms

      • 9 months ago

        doesn't help that every class he's supposed to counter gets free weapons to counter him instead, plus other classes. Either a sniper is wearing a razorback and is essentially immune to spies when he's in a group or he's using jarate and actively countering spies. Yes yes just shoot the razorback but like, if you're behind a group you're not ever going to shoot the razorback because you'll die instantly, you'll go for other people, or worse, accidentally stab the sniper and die.

  12. 9 months ago

    What would that achieve?

    A sniper cannot hold a point or a choke, he can only clear them. You still need to get people on the point to cap it. If you nerf the sniper all you'll end up is with even more demo and soldier spam because they will be untouchable.

  13. 8 months ago

    >VAC wave happens
    >All the annoying snipers vanish
    >Youtubers in shambles desperately trying to explain why they were actually totally right for the past few years that sniper is broken and it wasn't that most of them cheat

  14. 8 months ago

    Tf2 snipers should be hunted down irl and decapitated

  15. 8 months ago

    Nerf spy instead

    • 8 months ago

      He already is nerfed.
      To the point a stupid taunt where he hides in a coffin or a cardboard box is more functionally useful than his actual Disguise Kit.

      • 8 months ago

        >Vaccinator medic
        >Sticky jumper demo and git gud at aiming pipes
        >Ambassador/Enforcer/Diamonback spy
        >Pyro flaregun/scortch shot spam
        The only problem is when the map design is shit and he has a level 3 parked up his ass, so a soldier or scout can't flank him. Razorback is also moronic because most snipers don't stand scoped in anymore. They just do quickscope headshots these days, because you still get the 150 damage and if someone has more than 150 health (rare) you just quickscope them twice. The razorback makes it so a spy up against a good sniper can't enter melee range but also can't be too far because they'll get quickscoped. Plus it's way harder to deal with him when his teammates are surrounding him and he has a razorback.

        Disguise kit is just so that sentries don't shoot you. You should never really be seen by the enemies at all. You can trick even good players but it's always a last ditch effort.

        I know the Spy's sapper has been heavily buffed since the game started, but I swear to god his backstab has been given a wider range than it was back in the day. I was just playing and got stabbed directly in the face by a spy, and it was counted as a fricking backstab. Used to be a time when you only got backstabbed by the spy you didn't see, or from the side. Now they can just knife from the front and still get a free kill.
        I know I'll never get the weaker sapper back, but could Valve at least make the spy need to stab you from behind to get a backstab? Shit is broken.

        You're absolutely wrong. Spy's knife use to work like a regular melee weapon. It had way more range, a longer hit time and a slight delay. This made facestabbing seem way more prevalent. They changed it to a hitscan instant stab. The stabs you're experiencing are similar to when you get shot seconds after running behind a wall occasionally. It's your internet. You shouldn't even be in melee range of a spy ever.

  16. 8 months ago

    I know the Spy's sapper has been heavily buffed since the game started, but I swear to god his backstab has been given a wider range than it was back in the day. I was just playing and got stabbed directly in the face by a spy, and it was counted as a fricking backstab. Used to be a time when you only got backstabbed by the spy you didn't see, or from the side. Now they can just knife from the front and still get a free kill.
    I know I'll never get the weaker sapper back, but could Valve at least make the spy need to stab you from behind to get a backstab? Shit is broken.

  17. 8 months ago

    remove all the rifles except the sydney sleeper
    if you want to be a sniper, learn to use a bow

    • 8 months ago

      pls no, the bow's hitreg is moronic

  18. 8 months ago

    nerf the headshot hitbox its to large.

  19. 8 months ago

    >a soldiergay made this thread

    • 8 months ago


      • 8 months ago


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