Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri?

Sequel when?

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  1. 11 months ago

    OpenSMACX when?

    • 11 months ago

      honestly baffled no one has made an attempt

    • 11 months ago

      Latest attempt project (last update left 3 days ago after a fortnight's pause)

      • 11 months ago

        it looks very early stage, what are the odds this gets finished?

        • 11 months ago

          if past attempts are any indication, not likely but im happy to be proven wrong

      • 10 months ago

        mustve missed this post cuz i saw an article about it recently and i was confused why this thread doesnt talk about it.

        • 9 months ago

          >What will be completely different?
          >Graphics engine, network code are fully rewritten to allow it run as smoothly as possible.

          >What may differ slightly?
          >Random maps generation, AI, dynamic music, some UI parts. While I'll try to get them as close as possible to original logic, they will still be recreated from scratch.

          I have hops this guy will keep at it.

      • 8 months ago


  2. 11 months ago

    neve hopefully. they would make a mobile game

  3. 11 months ago

    Previous thread:

    >Higher resolution
    Add DirectDraw=0 in the .ini file for SMAC or SMAX - it will make run the game at the desktop resolution; the only graphical drawback is that in the "customize random planet" menu the background won't be animated.
    >Higher resolution & UI improvement
    Install PRACX patch which is running for SMAC and SMAX. Adds:
    - windowed mode,
    - higher resolution,
    - viewing tiles by hovering over them (V hotkey),
    - potential yields view in the base view,
    - alternative map view modes (elevation, rainfall, rockiness, faction territory),
    - smoother zooming and scrolling.
    Besides disabled "customize random planet" animation it also makes the mini-map view box unresponsive to the scrolling.
    >In-game help update - corrects and expands the description of techs, abilities and so on. Available only for SMAX.
    >CPU usage fix
    Some people report high CPU usage, this fix works with SMAC/SMAX:
    >SMAX vanilla conversion - allows to play SMAC in the SMAX engine by removing all expansion assets.
    >Unofficial patches
    Several fan-made patches fixing bugs and improving AI:
    >Custom factions
    Not an exhaustive list. To enable a new faction in SMAX you need to open alphax.txt, find #CUSTOMFACTIONS line, and add the name used in the new faction .txt file like this:
    No more than 7 custom factions can be added at the time.
    In SMAC you can only replace existing factions (plus features introduced in SMAX won't work).;sa=view;down=102

    • 10 months ago

      >uses nuclear weapons to destroy all the radioactive materials on planet

    • 8 months ago

      The alpha centauri2 links are not working for me,anybody else?

  4. 11 months ago


    >MFW the Soros funded shills try to derail our board
    >MFW I prepare to make a post BTFOing them out
    >MFW the ladz are already having the bantz and kekking hard

  5. 11 months ago


    >iphone filename
    >lazy bait
    the holy trinity of homosexualry

    • 7 months ago

      >MFW the Soros funded shills try to derail our board
      >MFW I prepare to make a post BTFOing them out
      >MFW the ladz are already having the bantz and kekking hard

      What happened here?

      • 7 months ago

        janny did his job

  6. 11 months ago


    is this a bot, youre a bot arent you?

    • 11 months ago

      stop pretending to be me

  7. 11 months ago

    They would make it a pseudo-RPG city builder with you Deirdre (who is black by the way) building up the perfect eco-hipster utopia and all those evil whiteys trying to oppose you and fail miserably. Nwabudike Morgan would be Donald Rump, Pravin Lal would be your sub-ordinate tech guy and Sister Miriam Godwinson would be a toothless meth-head with a cult following.
    Do not ask for a sequel. Remember that they tried it with that Civilization mod, but failed to understand what did this make good and failed to give personalities to the leaders which can be interpreted in different ways.

    • 11 months ago

      brutally unfunny person who typed this is over 40 years old and came here directly from facebook or twitter

      • 8 months ago

        Anyone that honestly played this game when it was contemporary is at least 40, anon. I was 16 when it was released and my friends and I played it. The average 15 year or younger in 1999 wasn't playing games like this on the computer.

        • 8 months ago

          If it helps, I'm 33 and played it when it came out. I mean, I kinda sucked, but I did play it. Probably an outliner however, I'd agree with your point for the most part.

        • 8 months ago

          When i was a kid of around 12 i saw the box for Alpha Centauri and while i was interested i didnt buy it because i was intimidated into thinking it was too complex for my tiny kid brain to understand
          i got Lords of Magic instead

    • 8 months ago

      > Deirdre building up the perfect eco-hipster utopia
      but she did, that's the canon ending
      >all those evil whiteys trying to oppose you and fail miserably
      but they did, she won, thats the canon ending
      >Nwabudike Morgan would be Donald Rump
      but he is, except able to put his money where his mouth was
      >Pravin Lal would be your sub-ordinate tech guy
      but he was, he was like the only other surviving head of state along Deirdre in the canon ending
      >Sister Miriam Godwinson would be a toothless meth-head with a cult following.
      but she is, her behavior in-game is a warmongering jihadi you can't ever fricking trust diplomatically unless you crush her yourself and turn her diplomatic stance to 'submissive' or something like that, where they behave like a vassal state
      what sequel?
      this is the game itself as it already is

      • 8 months ago

        honestly who the frick cares about the canon of a game that has no space for a sequel?my game ended with deirdre being eternally raped by zhakarovs BSC and thats just as cannon as the novel nobody reads,also her victory is not depicted a perfect utopia,more like she grafted everyones mind and body into a horrific abomination with no respect for their own personalities,pretty fascist if you ask me.

        • 8 months ago


          > Deirdre building up the perfect eco-hipster utopia
          but she did, that's the canon ending
          >all those evil whiteys trying to oppose you and fail miserably
          but they did, she won, thats the canon ending
          >Nwabudike Morgan would be Donald Rump
          but he is, except able to put his money where his mouth was
          >Pravin Lal would be your sub-ordinate tech guy
          but he was, he was like the only other surviving head of state along Deirdre in the canon ending
          >Sister Miriam Godwinson would be a toothless meth-head with a cult following.
          but she is, her behavior in-game is a warmongering jihadi you can't ever fricking trust diplomatically unless you crush her yourself and turn her diplomatic stance to 'submissive' or something like that, where they behave like a vassal state
          what sequel?
          this is the game itself as it already is

          she also dooms billions of inoccent bystander to the worst death possible,the ending is a bleak one,hopefully zhakarov was able to nuke the abomination she became into dust along with himself,not like it matters, even if we pretend to care for the cannon for a moment,its over for humanity

          • 8 months ago


            “ Imagine the entire contents of the planetary datalinks, the sum total of human knowledge, blasted into the Planetmind's fragile neural network with the full power of every reactor on the planet. Thousands of years of civilization compressed into a single searing burst of revelation. That is our last-ditch attempt to win humanity a reprieve from extinction at the hands of an awakening alien god. „
            ~ Academician Prokhor Zakharov,
            "Planet Speaks"
            maybe he dit it actually.

            • 8 months ago

              >sum total of human knowledge
              "Man, that was a searing burst of revelation... wow, these humans are real dicks, that's what I got out of that. I better exterminate them ASAP."

              • 8 months ago

                he turned the planet into an bitcoin miner and overclocked the shit out of it basically.

              • 8 months ago

                he means an actual searing burst anon,planet is made to process simple worm actions and fungus growth at most,theres no way it can handle 30000 yotabites in a single nanoseconds without dying.

  8. 11 months ago

    >Sequel when?
    hopefully never, I don't even trust myself to cleave to it sufficiently while still improving on it let alone anyone else

  9. 11 months ago

    Never, there's nothing to sequelise
    >Spiritual successor
    Beyond Earth, it sucked
    They'll frick it up 'sanitising it' for modern audiences.

    • 11 months ago

      theres nothing to "sanitise" you weirdo gamergator

      • 11 months ago

        Millennials will find something, they always do.

        • 11 months ago

          Name 10 (ten) things that can be sanitise whatever that means in the game

          • 11 months ago

            >Changes to Morgan, because he's just too violently capitalist for current sensibilities and it's important that rampant industrialisation isn't rewarded. His race is also changed to a white south african and several of his quotes are rewritten to sound more like Donald Trump.
            >Making Deidre more butch, aggressive, and her faction more correct because environmentalism must be urgently addressed. Her race is changed to black. She is now a lesbian and her faction's feminist flavourings are amplified.
            >Miriam more deranged and wrong about everything, because religious fundamentalism is an evil that needs to go away, other factions are weighted to have bad relations with her by default because her faction needs to be the obvious antagonist.
            >Yang's quotes changed to be less dystopian, because how could collectivism ever be dystopic?
            >Eco-score more actively harmed by development with a harsher response by Planet, because again, we can't reward environmental harm
            >Planetary Datalinks quote changed to condemn right wingers and conspiracy theorists rather than authoritarian information control in general
            >Longevity Vaccine has reference to vaccine skepticism and specifically Covid-19
            >The Lord's Believers moratorium on research is heavily implied to be related to anti-science attitudes, rather than them being cautious of new technologies
            >Santiago is changed to a man and made a caricature for toxic masculinity, with the Spartan Federation's ideology being shifted from professional soldiery to an allegory for Russia's aggressive expansion
            >The fall of Earth is made less ambiguous than the original with obvious references to war with Russia, climate change and right wing discontent
            I could go on, but all I really need to do is point to what happened with Dead Space. The game was completely inoffensive, and yet millennials found shit to change. They're always looking to insert their fanfiction and politics into anything they can, it's all they live for.

            • 11 months ago

              none of what you just listed are not what any sane person would call sanitise, its called fan fiction

              • 11 months ago

                That's why 'sanitise' was in quotation marks, I am using 'sarcasm' here to indicate that 'remakes' of classics are never good. I notice you didn't even deny that these are changes that could be made.

              • 11 months ago

                cant deny something that is made up

              • 11 months ago

                Again, I can point to Dead Space. This happens, and would happen with a remake of SMAC. Modern devs have a track record of being unable to understand even-handedness with ideological conflicts such as this, because everything is so polarised now. You know this, it's why you asked for so many examples because you didn't think I could actually list that many, shutting down the argument in your favour.

                Point being, we're better off not getting a remake because nobody could be trusted to do it justice. The game's not even that hard to run on modern computers, the only issue anyone could have with it is that the UI is 'clunky' and the graphics aren't as shiny as they're used to.

              • 10 months ago

                How do you people never fail to make any topic about yourself and how you’re always offended

                you are terminally online, take a day or two off Ganker,twitter,reddit of whatever it is that youre addicted to.

                and you wonder why you got bullied at school so often

                cant deny something that is made up

                Why does this guy type exactly like our resident board schizo who's obsessed with ESLs (Russians)?

            • 11 months ago

              How do you people never fail to make any topic about yourself and how you’re always offended

            • 11 months ago

              you are terminally online, take a day or two off Ganker,twitter,reddit of whatever it is that youre addicted to.

            • 11 months ago

              and you wonder why you got bullied at school so often

            • 11 months ago

              >Just change everything to be viewed through the prism of the demented sensibilities of 2023, what can go wrong!

              You are a caricature of a human bean.

            • 11 months ago

              Scarily accurate.

            • 11 months ago

              damn this post really riled the commies

              • 11 months ago

                I know us commies are poor but you gotta let us know to pay for renting all that space in your head

            • 11 months ago

              What's funny is a lot of this happened with Terra Invicta and the game was shit for this reason. Right down to the "white south African" Elon Musk caricature.

              • 11 months ago

                You're kidding. Frick, that game was on my backlog.

              • 11 months ago

                Refund it. Trust me. It's awful.

              • 11 months ago

                Seconding what anon said. I had high hopes from the creators of Long War and was bitterly disappointed by the game they made. It's not worth your time.

              • 10 months ago

                >down to the "white south African" Elon Musk caricature.
                But Musk is a moron while the Invicta guy is actually based and smart

              • 10 months ago

                You miss the point. The only reason why the guy in Terra Invicta is South African is because Musk is South African.

              • 8 months ago

                I was in the threads about the characters during the development phase. People wanted the capitalist guy to be like Musk it wasn't meant as mockery.

            • 10 months ago

              >Morgan's ESG score begins to rapidly drop and all the other factions immediately declare war on him if he pollutes too much.

              • 10 months ago

                that one really wouldnt be much of a bad mechanic.

                if you can make Morgan be able to outpace other factions at the cost of environmental damage, but have the pollution spawn more worms / natural disasters for other players who would then severely dislike him based on pollution contributed...

            • 10 months ago

              >I could go on, but all I really need to do is point to what happened with Dead Space. The game was completely inoffensive, and yet millennials found shit to change
              fill me in,what happened with deadspace? i remember it barely had a story at all , but the religious fanatics were always portrayed as bad in it

              • 9 months ago

                They decided to raceswap characters for literally no reason whatsoever in the remake.
                Also, unnecessary troony bathroom stuff.

            • 10 months ago

              You do realise millennials don't all agree with each other? Perhaps there is another factor that might be more important to fricking up remakes than when these people were born?

            • 10 months ago

              I want to disagree with you, and call you a schizo, but I can't. This industry has gotten so bad, I can imagine all of these things happening.

              • 10 months ago

                can you perpetually offended low IQoids cut it out with the pretending to be a victim all the time

              • 10 months ago

                ESLs always make me laugh

              • 10 months ago

                One of the weirdest things for me about the modern internet is the assumption of poor English being due to it being a secondary language of the person typing.
                I am much more used to just assuming, perhaps unkindly with what was mentioned above, that they are moronic.

              • 10 months ago

                To be honest? It's way more fun to assume ESLs even if you don't even actually believe it because it makes people mad when they're called that.

              • 10 months ago

                That's a really good point. I think that's what I'll do in future.

                Just another day at the UN

                >Gaians in Uranium Flats
                Always a giggle

            • 10 months ago

              Hey, at least Lal remains a Bharatian.

            • 10 months ago

              you really triggered permanent online trannies on this board

              • 10 months ago

                Incels unite!

            • 9 months ago

              just replying to let you know i appreciate typing all this up but you need help.

            • 9 months ago

              Holy shit my sides. Good job. I can believe some of that might happen.

            • 9 months ago

              I can't wait for the burgercoin to become completely useless so we can rid the world of this development

            • 8 months ago

              As a millennial, I fricking hate my generation and 95% of them are all homosexuals or homosexual enablers.

          • 9 months ago

            BTFO by

            >Changes to Morgan, because he's just too violently capitalist for current sensibilities and it's important that rampant industrialisation isn't rewarded. His race is also changed to a white south african and several of his quotes are rewritten to sound more like Donald Trump.
            >Making Deidre more butch, aggressive, and her faction more correct because environmentalism must be urgently addressed. Her race is changed to black. She is now a lesbian and her faction's feminist flavourings are amplified.
            >Miriam more deranged and wrong about everything, because religious fundamentalism is an evil that needs to go away, other factions are weighted to have bad relations with her by default because her faction needs to be the obvious antagonist.
            >Yang's quotes changed to be less dystopian, because how could collectivism ever be dystopic?
            >Eco-score more actively harmed by development with a harsher response by Planet, because again, we can't reward environmental harm
            >Planetary Datalinks quote changed to condemn right wingers and conspiracy theorists rather than authoritarian information control in general
            >Longevity Vaccine has reference to vaccine skepticism and specifically Covid-19
            >The Lord's Believers moratorium on research is heavily implied to be related to anti-science attitudes, rather than them being cautious of new technologies
            >Santiago is changed to a man and made a caricature for toxic masculinity, with the Spartan Federation's ideology being shifted from professional soldiery to an allegory for Russia's aggressive expansion
            >The fall of Earth is made less ambiguous than the original with obvious references to war with Russia, climate change and right wing discontent
            I could go on, but all I really need to do is point to what happened with Dead Space. The game was completely inoffensive, and yet millennials found shit to change. They're always looking to insert their fanfiction and politics into anything they can, it's all they live for.

            here's some more:
            >nerve stapling prompt has a reference to police brutality and BLM
            >nerve stapling now an 'evil' action and can only by taken by 'evil' factions
            >drone and talent portraits made to be random racially and genderwise, over 100 portraits included
            >some portraits are references to RL people such as MLK and harriet tubman, and many trans
            >Lal's wife got killed by white nationalists
            >Lal's wife changed to Lal's husband

            • 9 months ago

              nerve stapling in vanilla SMAC is considered an atrocity and other factions will call you out for lowering yourself to it unless you go through the trouble of repealing the UN charter

              And Lal's wife was killed by Spartans who are basically the same thing

              • 9 months ago

                >Colonel Santiago replaced with a white man
                >With Morgan also changed, and Yang removed after a polite request from the People's Republic of China, Lal is now the sole "minority" character
                >game is still considered "more woke" than the original, because that's how the publisher told the media to present it

              • 9 months ago

                >he wants to replace the hispanic female character with a white boy

              • 9 months ago

                >other factions will call you out for lowering yourself to it
                Then they're really going to hate these planet busters.

              • 9 months ago

                Remember, Singularity or don't bother!

              • 9 months ago

                Humanity will be saved when it is surpassed.

              • 9 months ago

                >Literally the University but uh...
                Even the fricking pirates are more unique

              • 9 months ago

                University without drone problem
                what's exactly wrong with that?

              • 9 months ago

                Because it's boring and doesn't make sense. Why is she even a rival faction leader and not just a Talent in the University? Why would Aki-Zeta break away from humanity's finest country of autists, led by the king autist himself, whose sole mission statement is to be as rational as possible in understanding the universe to form an ultra-autist country with the exact same ideals, but now you're a fricking cyborg, which is something that literally every other faction can make (even Miriam!) without making it their whole philosophy?

                This is a game about ideologies, and Aki-Zeta's ideology is entirely "Emotions drool, robotics rule!".

              • 9 months ago

                university is b f skinner and dr mengels. sociopaths, not autists.

                spergs, for that matter, tend to get very emotional when things don't match their expectations.

              • 9 months ago

                >Autists can't be immoral mad scientists

              • 9 months ago

                You wouldn't get it.

              • 9 months ago

                All of the SMAX factions can best be thought of as the disappointment children of the founders, the “next gen” in all their shittiness

              • 9 months ago

                >which is something that literally every other faction can make (even Miriam!) without making it their whole philosophy?
                No but it has negative consequences for going cyborg if you arent them though.

              • 9 months ago

                Technological transhumanism is an entirely different ideology to valuing knowledge. You can have one without the other e.g. religious cyborgs. Of course, in-game they're a research focused faction, but that doesn't seem to be your problem.

              • 9 months ago

                Technological transhumanism is about as much of an ideology in SMAC as wanting a planned economy. Imagine a faction whose only goal was to create a planned economy, and then when you research Planetary Networks, they just hang around with no other goal or ambition other than to say, "Oh boy, we sure did plan our economy without that pesky -2 efficiency!".

              • 9 months ago

                Go to bed Zakharox, your AI waifu dumped you and moved on.

              • 9 months ago

                Planned economy is not a future society

                >reached that point where I'm holding down on Shift A to end the game quicker
                You hate to see it. Nice to see Lal and Deidre fumble over each other while I'm in the sidelines.

                What are those things? I don't remember ever contructing them.
                Also, as a Gaianchad, I had at least one borehole to every base. You need them to produce all the electric vehicles.

              • 9 months ago

                >Planned economy is not a future society
                You've never fricking heard of communism?
                By that logic Morgan isn't a future society because we're living in corporate fascism right now, therefore it isn't the future.

              • 9 months ago

                "Future Society" is actually a specific game mechanic in Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri. You can change your faction's government, economic policy and core values, with new technologies unlocking new policies. There's also a fourth set of policies that unlock in the late game, called "Future Society", with the options being cybernetic transhumanism, hyper-fascist mind control and fully automated luxury space communism. In this sense, a planned economy is not a "future society", because it's an economic policy instead.

              • 9 months ago

                This reply chain was never about the game's classification you idiot. Every SMAC/X faction with the exception of probes and pirates advocates its ideology as The Future.
                >collective sollipsism to the point of Yang deciding 2+2=5 and it actually becoming physically true
                >world conquest by military neo-feudalism
                >the rapture and armageddon
                >communism but it will work this time
                >reaching perfect harmony with nature
                >submission to an alien planet
                >mechanical singularity
                >Star Trek

              • 9 months ago

                problem sleuth jumpscare

              • 9 months ago

                economy is not a future society
                >You've never fricking heard of communism?
                You mean the failed experiment of the mid to late 20th century, never to be seen as legitimate since?
                >By that logic Morgan isn't a future society because we're living in corporate fascism right now, therefore it isn't the future.
                Yes. Which is why Free Market isn't listed as a choice in the FUTURE society choices.

            • 9 months ago

              >over 100 portraits included
              You wish. After they dropped them in Civ 4, they will never get them back. Which sucks. Having people visualized was always nice.

            • 9 months ago

              oh my god SHUT THE FRICK UP

              YOURE SO ANNOYING

              • 9 months ago

                >new tech, Doctrine: Black Lives Matter, required for democracy SE choice
                >aki-zeta is now trans
                >quote for transhumanist faction makes borderline explicit reference to being transgender
                >social engineering axis for 'minority rights' with obviously overpowered bonuses on the 'good' end
                >trancendece project renamed (trans+end = offensive)
                >thinkers renamed to be less offensive to the mentally differently-abled
                >Sparta with faction leader replaced with a cis huwhite male now has slogan, 'Make Planet Great Again!'
                >Russian theme stripped from University faction because they're meant to be good guys
                >Domai is black now
                >also gay
                >labour SE options "Meritocracy" -2 EFF -2 POL +1 WE, "Equality" +4 EFF +10 POL
                >BLM, rainbow++ flag and trigger warnings added to spalsh screens

        • 10 months ago

          Millenials are the ones who originally enjoyed these games.

      • 10 months ago

        >deirdra not black

    • 11 months ago

      What label does Pandora: First Contact get?
      It's clearly """inspired""" by SMAC and yet it was just as soulless as BE.
      Felt like they tried to make a carbon copy except they weren't good enough so the differences come out only because they didn't have the budget or the skill to do it properly.

      I don't quite remember whether the gameplay was good or balanced and I'm not sure I have the intelligence to properly critique it anyway, but I do know that the tech blurbs had only 2 actors and they were all way, way too long and just tiring to either read or listen to. SMAC also had some real-world quotes to help ground it, instead of all being hoity toity gobbledyasiatic.
      I remember the units/combat were kind of weird and the time scales felt wrong, the map (even max sized) were small.

      • 11 months ago

        these inspired by SMAC games tends to look over SMAC's biggest strength, the writing.

        • 11 months ago

          >look over
          it's hard to get good writing, at any budget. game writers with proven talent are few and far between, and attempts at using writers from other mediums have a spotty record at best

      • 11 months ago

        >Pandora: First Contact
        I have tried to play it, but ironically, I got filtered by the UI. It could bear some quality of life improvements.

  10. 11 months ago

    Creator of SMACX retired from making games recently, i read comments that he said he was afraid he wouldnt be able to make a worthy sequel, but if he did it probably would be a story driven rpg not a strategy game.

  11. 11 months ago

    Never, the the master piece stand alone

  12. 11 months ago

    >You know this, it's why you asked for so many examples because you didn't think I could actually list that many, shutting down the argument in your favour.
    lmao jesus when did we stop beating up aspergers freaks for being insufferable nerds

  13. 11 months ago

    I accept your concession.

  14. 11 months ago

    Important? Yes. Critical? Absolutely! I would go so far as to say that superconducting fiber alone makes our present economy possible.

  15. 11 months ago

    >Sequel when?
    Never because it would be like another Beyond Earth.
    Alpha Centauri's charm, apart of the crazy you could pull off, was also the leaders. They all had their own personalities and characteristics along with their own defined philosophies and values. Something Beyond Earth failed to deliver.

  16. 11 months ago

    all this game needs is a fricking remaster that adds a tech tree, better controls and rebalances civ2 city sprawl nonsense. that's literally it

    • 10 months ago

      The beauty of the infinite city sprawl is transcendent.

    • 10 months ago

      >all this game needs is a fricking remaster that adds a tech tree, better controls and rebalances civ2 city sprawl
      Imagine being wrong. Not only does it have a tech tree, not only are its controls perfectly fine, and not only is the city sprawl good; but you miss what actually needs expansion which is the climate mechanics (as in, they need to be made even better, because it's one of the game's strongest features).

      • 10 months ago

        >needs expansion which is the climate mechanics
        that needs to be made better besides adding a southern hemisphere?

        • 10 months ago

          I kinda don't like how the climate mechanics don't affect the Fungus at all. Like we could have different fungal biomes depending on rainfall and altitude.

      • 10 months ago

        NTA but I wouldn’t mind some sort of mechanism that causes drone riots to coalesce into second gen factions that breakaway from factions whose efficiency dips too low. Some sort of mechanism to limit infinite city sprawl wouldn’t be terrible

        • 10 months ago

          ICS is easy to solve: remove the free base tile yield, it also doesn't make any sense
          then reduce per base bonuses of satellites and others

          • 10 months ago

            That sounds like a simple fix mechanically, but I think a better solution would be allowing the excessive growth to take place, but with risks from growing too big too fast. It’s not too hard to imagine a mod where Sinder Roze takes a chunk out of Yang or Cha Dawn votes to secede from Diedre when they start to blob out too fast

          • 10 months ago

            That sounds like a simple fix mechanically, but I think a better solution would be allowing the excessive growth to take place, but with risks from growing too big too fast. It’s not too hard to imagine a mod where Sinder Roze takes a chunk out of Yang or Cha Dawn votes to secede from Diedre when they start to blob out too fast

            It's easier done just by adding inefficiency malus for the number of bases kinda like maintenance cost in Civ 4.

            • 10 months ago

              The point shouldn’t be to cap growth, the point should be to punish growing too fast.

        • 10 months ago

          I feel like some of the expansion factions should just appear mid-game in places players aren't observing. Especially of you wiped a faction out early-game.

          • 10 months ago

            My thoughts exactly. Use them as a playing field leveler, where growing too fast or conquering too much comes with consequence of people feeling left behind and the XPAC factions emerging as demagogues that slice away at their territory. Crabs in the bucket mentality to prevent one faction from running away from all the others

            • 10 months ago

              Would be cool if the progenitors randomly land mid to late game on the strongest faction's city, acting like a smaller planet buster.

      • 10 months ago

        >its actually good to have to swap between 50 different cities each turn, and to have the map completely swarming with supply crawlers to the point where barely anything is visible anymore
        why be so pigheaded about keeping ancient design choices in?

        >uhhh it actually has a tech tree
        it has, but it's INVISIBLE to the player for no fricking reason
        >durr you dont have the 300 page guide right next to you while you play? lmao

        • 10 months ago

          If you look at a tech in the datalinks it will show you its immediate parents and immediate children. You can click on any tech there to navigate to it directly.
          The game also shipped as a box that had a full poster for the tech tree, that was supposed to be your reference.
          I guess you'd only be satisfied with having the entire tech tree visible at a glance in-game? Maybe that was possible with the technology at the time, considering it was meant to be played at 640x480

          • 10 months ago

            >Maybe that was
            that wasn't

          • 10 months ago

            >If you look at a tech in the datalinks it will show you its immediate parents and immediate children.
            cool so if i want to see what techs i need for my objective tech that is 5 tiers above, i just randomly click on techs until i see which ones takes the path to the top one.
            no mention that in any given moment you are limited by the HUD on how many techs you can choose so the game might not even give you the option to research something even if it's available to you

            >I guess you'd only be satisfied with having the entire tech tree visible at a glance in-game
            yes? like, the bare minimum every modern game ships with.

            i dont care what the technology at the time was, the guy above me (i assume it isnt you) is trying to pretend like "lol we alrady have a tech tree" as if it's functional in any way

            • 10 months ago

              Click the name of the tech you want on the alphabetical list on the left (or click on the tech's name from the unit / facility / etc. profile you want to unlock), look left to see the 2 techs you need for this tech, and then click on a left one to focus on that and see what you need for that tech. Repeat as necessary.

              • 10 months ago

                absolutely insane

        • 10 months ago

          >it has, but it's INVISIBLE to the player for no fricking reason

          • 10 months ago

            IM GONNA KILL YOU

  17. 11 months ago

    >Sequel when?

    Why would you ever request this, you drooling spastic.
    It's not possible to improve on perfection.

  18. 11 months ago

    I have always wanted to like SMAC but can never quite get into it. I've tried again, and some part of it still escapes me. I can't tell if it's the arcane menus and options or if there's just a lack of straightforward...not tutorials, I guess, but overviews?

    Idk, any advice?

    • 11 months ago

      >There are different tunes for different leaders
      I've never noticed it. It all sounded like the same disturbing industrial ambient.

      I dunno what kind of advice to give to such a non-descript question.

      There is 4 ways to finish the game, the most non-binding and versatile is the diplomatic victory. You can achieve it by varying degrees of diplomacy per se and outgrowing/taking votes away by force from other factions. Stick to it by making frens and growing population and you'll pick up nuances along the way.

      • 11 months ago

        How about, what resources and faction might you recommend for a brand new player, who wants to like the game but finds it overwhelming and confusing?

        • 11 months ago

          Pick whichever faction is the most appealing to you ideologically and play on one of the lower difficulty settings.

          • 11 months ago

            le ideology

          • 10 months ago

            >i can't play a character unless i agree with them on everything

        • 11 months ago

          >what resources
          Maybe this?

          Also check out the wiki: for example, faction articles contain various strategies and fun tips:

          >faction might you recommend for a brand new player
          You can't go wrong with University. At the start of the game, you'll get 80% bonus research points (free network nodes for +50% and multiply it by 20% from +2 knowledge in soc. eng.), so you'll quickly research competitive military hardware to defend yourself, and offset your drone penalty.

          Peacekeepers are good too, if somewhat milqueoast. Gaians are great if you struggle with fungus/worms.

          • 10 months ago

            I don't remember native-life leaving my worms alone. Can anyone confirm this?

    • 8 months ago

      Sometimes a game only seems great in comparison to what came before. If you can’t get into it, don’t worry.

    • 8 months ago

      the controls and graphics are primordial, I need to start 3 times before it finally clicked. I dont play any other civs since then

  19. 11 months ago

    Brian Reynolds has the IP and will never relinquish it for good reason.

    • 10 months ago

      This and and he hasn't made a game since 2014, or 2007 if you don't count mobile trash

  20. 11 months ago

    >hey the SMAC thread is popping off while I've been gone, sick
    >it's just some troon sperging out

  21. 11 months ago

    Organic superlube? Oh it's great stuff, GREAT stuff! You really have to keep an eye on it though. It'll try to slide away from you the first chance it gets!

    • 11 months ago

      it's only when you see a gigatonne weight suspended over your head by a cable one molecule wide that you REALLY find God in technology
      or words to that effect

      • 11 months ago
        The managers always talked about the view from 30,000 feet. The problem with 30,000 feet though, was at that height, all of the people look like ants

  22. 11 months ago

    What actually transpires beneath the veil of an event horizon? Decent people shouldn't think too much about that.

    • 11 months ago

      Mary had a little lamb,
      Little lamb little lamb,
      Mary had a little lamb,
      whose fleece was white as snow.

  23. 11 months ago

    you also only get to rip off herbert and ransom's jesus incident once, everyone else just gets called smac-copycats

  24. 11 months ago

    Will we next create false gods to rule over us? How proud we have become, and how blind.

    • 10 months ago

      I am very much on the line if Miriam is genious writing or bad writing. Because if one just passively listens to her quotes, she comes off as 100% correct and one of the most sane leaders on Planet. However all the other info and gameplay clearly shows that she is just a mastercraft snake-oil salesman who is as much an intolerant controlfreak fanatic as Yang or Zakharov. And that's why in-lore she manages to create her cult - because she is an amazing public speaker and a demagogue - notice that all her voiced quotes fall into two categories: most are agressive attacks against other radicals that make her look as a truth spitting firebrand and few are vague feelgood theology that make no comment about what society she wants except that she is going to make it wholesome. The tactics of a bread and butter populist who either doesn't have any real transformative vision, or in Miriam's case has a vision that is just as unpalatable as that which she attacks.

      I guess ultimately its great writing, and its just sad to see that great writing naturally means some people won't get it and just fall for the face-value bullshit of Miriam.

      • 10 months ago

        Don't get your head stuck up your ass. It's pretty blatant Miriam is supposed to be evil (she comes from Christian States of America or CSA for short), but she unintentionally still comes off as better than any other leader, arguably barring Lal. She won't connect you to fungus like Deirdre does, and she won't lobotomize you into a perfect slave unlike Yang, but oh no you can't vote 🙁

        • 10 months ago

          >but she unintentionally still comes off as better than any other leader
          so yang will make you into a willing slave and Zack will do some unwilling experimentation, but how are the others supposed to be so bad?

          • 10 months ago

            why would Zak do lot of involuntary experimentation on humans? others just fear him because of his power
            every leader has some good and bad sides, that's the great thing about the game

            • 10 months ago

              >why would Zak do lot of involuntary experimentation on humans?

              • 10 months ago

                Zak is not fauci, fauci is just evil, he doesn't care about a real science

              • 10 months ago

                Zak is not fauci, fauci is just evil, he doesn't care about a real science

                Is there anything to the anti-Fauci schizophrenia outside of "the vaccine came out too fast and that makes it sussy"?

              • 10 months ago

                Yes. It's not the first time the medical community lied about the safety and effectiveness of medicines and procedures.

              • 10 months ago

                his entire career is one incident of corruption and malpractice after another. if you're actually sincere start looking into his involvement with HIV.

                also remarkable ties to the supposedly shut down US biowarfare program.

            • 10 months ago

              >why would Zak do lot of involuntary experimentation on humans?
              Do you even understand how science works? Experimentation relies on repeatability. There are particular temperature limits that human tend to die from. There's a really effective methodology for sussing that out.

            • 10 months ago

              why would zak let ethics get in the way of doing science?

              >"The Academician's private residences shall remain off-limits to the Genetic Inspectors. We possess no retroviral capability, we are not researching retroviral engineering, and we shall not allow this Council to violate faction privileges in the name of this ridiculous witch hunt!"

              >Fedor Petrov, Vice Provost for University Affairs

            • 10 months ago

              no need to speculate, plenty of sources confirm that Zak is interested in science
              there is no evidence that he is doing tests on unwilling humans, there is teleportation quote but that was about a mouse

              Zak literally has a drone penalty to reflect the fact that it’s basically a society run by a mad scientist and it causes them huge amounts of social unrest

              zakharov can be accused by other leaders of doing unwilling experimentation on his population in their generic "voice bad opinion on third party leader" and "start war" responses.

              his drone faction penalty also specifically mentions it. though i cant remember the direct quote of it

              • 10 months ago

                From the manual:
                >They [University] are rumored to sometimes put the pursuit of knowledge ahead of ethics.
                >...while their callous elitism can easily lead to unrest among the Workers.
                And Datalinks explains the drone penalty by the "lack of ethics".

          • 10 months ago

            Santiago is a nazi.
            Deirdre fricks worms.
            Morgan will force you into debt slavery.
            Lal is okay.

            • 10 months ago

              >Deirdre fricks worms.

            • 10 months ago

              >Santiago is a nazi
              >Faction literally called Spartans
              She's a totalitarian survivalist leader, not a nazi. She doesn't give a frick about race. Strength and the ability to survive, not ancestry and blood, is what she prioritises.

              • 10 months ago

                She’s the chud leader, they may have different priorities depending on their ethnic background but at the end of the day it’s all just a bunch of authoritarian ruraltards screeching about things that they don’t like.

                Santiago is in Deirdre's dungeon.
                That aside, did anyone else found it unpleasant that all faction loss videos end with leaders in torture?
                I wouldn't want to do that.

                They were buttholes who had it coming

              • 10 months ago

                >She’s the chud leader, they may have different priorities depending on their ethnic background but at the end of the day it’s all just a bunch of authoritarian ruraltards screeching about things that they don’t like.

                Wanting to survive on a world filled with hostile aliens and arguably extreme human ideologies isn't really an unreasonable position in the earlier years.
                Later years holding so rigidly to that does start to seem a little weird.

              • 10 months ago

                It becomes “muh tradishuns” autism that only amounts to them trying to police other people’s behavior instead of providing them with something of actual, tangible value. Like their namesakes in classical Greece they are the epitome of a faction that peaks early and then spends the rest of their history resting on those laurels while getting cucked into irrelevance by more industrious factions

              • 10 months ago

                She’s the chud leader, they may have different priorities depending on their ethnic background but at the end of the day it’s all just a bunch of authoritarian ruraltards screeching about things that they don’t like.

                They were buttholes who had it coming

                Here's the (you) that you so desperately want.

              • 10 months ago

                Bumping the thread of a worthy game and triggering you are my goals my dude

              • 10 months ago

                >screeching about things that they don’t like

            • 10 months ago

              Santiago is in Deirdre's dungeon.
              That aside, did anyone else found it unpleasant that all faction loss videos end with leaders in torture?
              I wouldn't want to do that.

            • 10 months ago

              >Lal is okay.
              lal is zog m8

      • 10 months ago

        I remember reading somewhere they made her AI more aggressive to have some early game threats for the player.

        • 10 months ago

          Miriam needs to be played aggressively or else she rapidly falls behind, the entire game is basically a contest to see if if the conquerors can knock out a builder or two before they get their infrastructure off the ground and grind them down through economic attrition, and I think the idea is to leave it up to the player to decide if a character lives up to their lofty rhetoric or succumbs to temptation and falls into the same sort of hypocrisy that they attack their enemies for having, and whether Miriam is simply going on the offense against injustice or soullessly grabbing clay.

  25. 11 months ago

    We all know the senses can be deceived, the eyes fooled. But how can we be certain that we aren't being deceived at any given time, or even all of the time? Might I just be some brain in a vat somewhere, tricked all my life into believing the events of this world by some insane computer? And does my life gain or lose meaning based on my reaction to such solipsism?

    Termination of specimen advised.

    • 11 months ago


  26. 11 months ago

    for me? it's ever-wise Chairman Shen-ji Yang

  27. 11 months ago

    Decided to break this out again because I realized I don't think I ever actually beat the game with one of the alien factions. The strategy isn't all that different but I just wanted to see the lore segments.

    Do the progs have any means of lowering the sea level? I was spamming boreholes in my early game like an idiot, only realizing after that since they don't have the UN they can't launch a solar shade. There are the terrain busters but by the time I have those I will have adapted to the rising water around my bases anyway

  28. 11 months ago

    Did Chairman Yang have the mandate of heaven?

    • 11 months ago


    • 11 months ago

      Yang wouldn't have cared whether he had it or not, he was a pure nihilist.

  29. 11 months ago

    Hopefully never, the video game industry is simply unable to make something like Alpha Centauri again

  30. 11 months ago

    not in current time
    See what they have done with Beyond Earth.

  31. 11 months ago


  32. 11 months ago

    What are your favorite custom units?

    • 11 months ago

      Rover formers.
      The basic rovers are annoyingly slow. (Which hurts even more, since they often need to move through difficult terrain to make roads or clear the fungus.)

    • 11 months ago

      Clean fungicide antigrav formers. This species shall be exterminated, I tell you! Exterminated!

      • 11 months ago

        Based. There should had been an alternate ending for removing all fungus.

        • 10 months ago

          Can you?
          The faster you remove it, the more fungal blooms you have.
          Besides with a good planet rating and late game tech the fungus is a resource.

          • 10 months ago

            I kind of liked that at the very late game, with pholus mutagen secret project and high planet the fungus becomes the most valuable tile. The PM might be AX only though, unless I'm thinking of a different project.

            But what annoyed me was the high minerals that all your cities are now working cause massive eco-damage still. So you're in complete harmony with planet but the fungus is aggressively growing around all your cities, making it worse and inundating you with locusts that don't die in a stack like other mindworms.

            Also, minerals from Nessus Mining Stations shouldn't contribute to eco-damage since it is being done entirely off-planet. I think I'll avoid the space elevator in the future because the bonus minerals while making satellites also seems to contribute to eco damage... and since it doubles a base's minerals it's a fricking ton of it.

            • 10 months ago

              A read just for you.
              >Each time you 'build' (not acquire) a Tree Farm, a Hybrid Forest, a Centauri Preserve or a Temple of Planet, the number of minerals you can produce before eco-damage begins at all increases by one. The effect is not limited to the base in which you build the facility. It applies for every base in your faction!

              >The effect is permanent. You can sell these facilities, have them captured, destroyed etc., but the number of 'clean minerals' each of your bases can produce never goes down. You can even rebuild the facilities you just sold and the number of 'clean minerals' still increases.

              >The effect only begins after your faction (not others) experiences its first fungal bloom. Neither the number of techs, the PLANET rating nor the construction of Nanoreplicators, the Pholus Mutagen or the Singularity Inductor have any effect on the number of 'clean minerals'. Instead, these affect the degree of eco-damage when present.

              • 10 months ago

                Holy shit there is always some exploit in this game I just discovered.

                Rover formers.
                The basic rovers are annoyingly slow. (Which hurts even more, since they often need to move through difficult terrain to make roads or clear the fungus.)

                I feel like formers don't travel enough to need this, but it might depend on if you space bases farther apart.

          • 10 months ago

            Yes, it's easily achievable, why is this even a question? And I've never noticed any increase in fungal pops, which should only be affected by eco-damage. Trees also removes fungus automatically and will expand rapidly once you have enough. In any case, removing all fungal blooms requires you to deliberately withhold yourself from winning the game early.

            >the fungus is a resource
            If you play the game properly terrain becomes almost completely irrelevant. You only need a few farms to support a massive population of thinkers. Also, even as Gaians, the late stage at which fungus becomes viable and the sunk costs of all other improvements (including forests) means fungus is usually just a minor bonus - nice if you have some, but you're not going to go out of your way to sow some more.

            • 10 months ago

              >You only need a few farms to support a massive population of thinkers
              ah yes, one of the resources and the most irrelevant one

              • 10 months ago

                If you’re playing your cards right by the time you get Manifold Harmonics you’ve probably got a few mega cities surrounded by condenser/farms and boreholes and a huge sprawl of towns that got forest-and-forget because they were built on shitty terrain. You’ve also probably got a maglev network and +100 superformers that could recarpet your entire sprawl in only a few turns and turn even your small towns into powerhouses of economic growth that can grab multiple future techs a turn without having to spend a joule on research. Under these circumstances your periphery towns with tons of fungus squares start outperforming your heartland towns that have farms and mines and it actually makes more sense to rip up every square that doesn’t have a condensor or borehole on it and replace it with fungus. Unless you’re a scorelet who doesn’t care about bragging rights

                This is what an end-game base should look like. Yes, that's right, 2 whole farms for a population of 11 in 2192. I recommend reading through if you have no idea what a game by a good player looks like. This should in fact be recommended reading by every theorist who thinks he's hot shit.

              • 10 months ago

                >he doesn’t plan out his boreholes and condensors in a pattern around gridded out bases. Only a single supply crawler visible
                Barf. I’ve seen better. To be fair, you’re not wrong about the farms but manifold harmonics would make fungus squares better than those forest tiles even if your base had a hybrid forest while quantum superformers on maglevs could switch them over rather effortlessly

              • 10 months ago

                Unzips pants

                >I’ve seen better.
                lmao cool story bro, T-Hawk is probably the world's best player. If you don't even know who he is you don't have any business discussing game mechanics.

              • 10 months ago

                Sounds like y’all should kiss

            • 10 months ago

              If you’re playing your cards right by the time you get Manifold Harmonics you’ve probably got a few mega cities surrounded by condenser/farms and boreholes and a huge sprawl of towns that got forest-and-forget because they were built on shitty terrain. You’ve also probably got a maglev network and +100 superformers that could recarpet your entire sprawl in only a few turns and turn even your small towns into powerhouses of economic growth that can grab multiple future techs a turn without having to spend a joule on research. Under these circumstances your periphery towns with tons of fungus squares start outperforming your heartland towns that have farms and mines and it actually makes more sense to rip up every square that doesn’t have a condensor or borehole on it and replace it with fungus. Unless you’re a scorelet who doesn’t care about bragging rights

          • 10 months ago

            I find it hilarious how every time someone talks about killing off all fungus always results in one butthurt post posting nonsense/giibberish.
            >The faster you remove it, the more fungal blooms you have.
            >Besides with a good planet rating and late game tech the fungus is a resource.
            What has this got to do with an extra ending?

      • 10 months ago


  33. 10 months ago

    I'm STILL getting stomped by the AI on Transcend

  34. 10 months ago

    >The effect is permanent. You can sell these facilities, have them captured, destroyed etc., but the number of 'clean minerals' each of your bases can produce never goes down. You can even rebuild the facilities you just sold and the number of 'clean minerals' still increases.
    Constantly selling and rebuilding clean-mineral buildings, no thank you.

    I knew about clean-minerals but I thought it just counteracted the number of "free" non-ecodamage minerals each base could get, not that it is faction wide or that you could cheese it.

    Incidentally it was the Manifold Harmonics that increased resources in fungus, not PM.

  35. 10 months ago

    Was there a way to copy governor or build queues across colonies? Maybe I'm confusing it with Civ4.

  36. 10 months ago

    This is making diplomacy a little complicated. Hard to tell if I'm bullying the right civ.
    Of course, eventually it will just be war. But I'm playing blind research and slower tech so I have to be a little nice to the neighbors until I can steamroll them.

    • 10 months ago

      What are we looking at?

      • 10 months ago

        A game where every civ is the AX Drone faction.
        They're all called Domai-2.
        I'm Domai-7 apparently. I don't know why there's no "Domai" or why my name is different from the AIs.

        • 10 months ago

          And the point is?

          Zak is not fauci, fauci is just evil, he doesn't care about a real science

          >guinea pig speculating on the motif behind the open lab test

          • 10 months ago

            no need to speculate, plenty of sources confirm that Zak is interested in science
            there is no evidence that he is doing tests on unwilling humans, there is teleportation quote but that was about a mouse

            • 10 months ago

              Zak literally has a drone penalty to reflect the fact that it’s basically a society run by a mad scientist and it causes them huge amounts of social unrest

              • 10 months ago

                drones are because scientists have their own will and resist centralized control
                the penalty isn't huge

              • 10 months ago

                No the drones are to reflect the fact that they’re basically a underclass of Guinea pigs. The penalty means that in order to be competitive Zak is basically forced to become a police state and use heavy handed oppression to keep the test subjects in line.

              • 10 months ago

                it doesn't make sense for most of people in society being guinea pigs, research doesn't usually requires human testing
                read backstory if you want to understand Zak

              • 10 months ago

                >research doesn't usually requires human testing
                It does when you live on Planet rather than Earth and you are struggling to adapt to an ecosystem that is hostile to you in every way. Morgan straight up has a quote where an average person was so unnerved by what they found in a research hospital that he felt compelled to have them nerve-stapled, while lamenting their panicked opposition to research that he deemed absolutely crucial to the survival of humanity, and he’s far from the worst offender. Meanwhile, Zak’s quote about retroviral engineering comes across in a “me thinks thou dost protest too much” sort of way, but the great think about SMAC’s factions is that they all have nuance, nobody really has the monopoly on right and wrong, and which direction they objectively lean in is heavily influenced by in game decisions.

                I.E does Zak follow Yang’s example and impose brutal serfdom on his workforce in order to save a buck while their loved ones mysteriously vanish in the night? Or does he go for the growth that democracy offers while gimping his research facilities in order to pay for more social services for his mistrusting and riotous constituents? It really leaves it up to the player to decide just how terrible their faction is

              • 10 months ago

                >it doesn't make sense for most of people in society being guinea pigs
                Lol. Lmao.

              • 10 months ago

                I'm talking about Zak's society, not our corrupted society which is much worse
                covid vax was pushed to advance profits of big pharma, not for scientific reasons, Zak wouldn't care about muh profits

              • 10 months ago

                >not for scientific reasons, Zak wouldn't care about muh profits
                Infallible priests of the Holy Science can mean no harm because of what? Morals?

                >The Tuskegee Study of Untreated Syphilis in the Black Male[1][2][3] (informally referred to as the Tuskegee Experiment or Tuskegee Syphilis Study) was a study conducted between 1932 and 1972 by the United States Public Health Service (PHS) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on a group of nearly 400 African American men with syphilis.[4][5] The purpose of the study was to observe the effects of the disease when untreated, though by the end of the study medical advancements meant it was entirely treatable. The men were not informed of the nature of the experiment, and more than 100 died as a result.

              • 10 months ago

                Zak can’t go fundamentalist, but he absolutely can go police state in an old school mad scientist sort of way

              • 10 months ago

                No but he would do what is needed to get the resources to continue his research.

              • 10 months ago

                >it doesn't make sense for most of people in society being guinea pigs
                It does make sense to need lots of guinea pigs for stuff like psychology and social sciences though

              • 10 months ago

                >psychology and social sciences
                this is more of Lal's area, not Zaks

              • 10 months ago

                Lal isn't likely to let the psychology department sneak into some drones' quarters and rearrange things like the stasi just to see what happens.

              • 10 months ago

                Lal is literally the phoney of all of them.

              • 10 months ago

                Precisely because Zak is a physical scientist his approach to social sciences (lots of experiments, no restraining ethical boards) would create discontent.

              • 10 months ago

                No its not
                The drone penalty is to represent how everyone who isn't an intellectual is basically relegated to janitor levels of importance and respect. The talents have their noses turned up at the very notion of the wagie handing them their wormburger thinking himself a proper person when he doesn't even have his post-post doc degree. Yes he's committing crimes against humanity in his research but so is practically everyone else, he's not doing them at an extremely higher rate.

              • 10 months ago

                >how everyone who isn't an intellectual is basically relegated to janitor levels of importance and respect
                And you think that is any different for Morgan or Lal? The difference is in how they deal with social stratification: Lal is forced to take democracy so he doesn't have a choice but to invest in social services to placate the wagecucks. Morgan's solution is to make living there so expensive that it caps his base's population at a much smaller size than what is possible in other bases, so the wagecuck stays living with mom and dad in their gated community. Zakharov is untethered to morality so whether he bites the bullet and diverts money to social services or goes full nerve-stapling police state is left up to the player, but either way he deals with worse drone problems than any other faction and it is repeatedly referenced through in game lore that he is notorious for his unethical practices. You'd be unhappy too if you were a wagecuck living in mom and dad's basement and woke up one morning to find that your parents got rounded up by University security forces and sent to clinical trials at the local research hospital and now you're the one who is stuck paying the mortgage.

              • 10 months ago

                >Zakharov is untethered to morality
                He clearly is, considering his Voice of the Planet or what's that project was called, as well as greater outlooks on the universe. He is, however, significantly less tethered than all others barring Yang. A small tether is still a tether.
                Somewhat strange, one may think.
                Zakharov actually had combat experience in military, while no military man is the same, there's some sense of appreciation and camaraderie between each other at least in worthy people, guess one doesn't transfer to another, much like with leadership scales.
                Then again, if Zak was nicer, players wouldn't pick others as much, not a nice gameplay choice.

              • 10 months ago

                >Voice of the Planet

                >"Imagine the entire contents of the planetary datalinks, the sum total of human knowledge, blasted into the Planetmind's fragile neural network with the full power of every reactor on the planet. Thousands of years of civilization compressed into a single searing burst of revelation. That is our last-ditch attempt to win humanity a reprieve from extinction at the hands of an awakening alien god."

                This was clearly inferred as an act of survival, beyond morality, and shows the extreme lengths that Zak was willing to go through towards that end, which is not exactly a ringing endorsement for somebody who puts their sense of right and wrong first. Zak was more of a "knowledge for knowledge's sake" kind of guy even to the point of jeopardizing the life of the Planetmind

                >Then again, if Zak was nicer, players wouldn't pick others as much, not a nice gameplay choice.
                You can play Zak nicely, just go Democracy and crank up the psych bar so that his underlings aren't disenfranchised and don't feel neglected for not being part of the intelligentsia, and rake in the bonus to growth that democracy brings and the bonuses to research and economy that golden ages bring. You don't have to nerve-staple a single drone.

                All of the faction leaders are complex and have things that make them compelling and things that others are critical of, even Yang has a case to make. That's what makes SMAC so enduring even now in our hyper polarized society that tries very hard to paint the world in black and white terms of us/right vs them/wrong. SMAC finds the sweet spot of realizing that at the end of the day, everybody is a flawed emotional being pursuing their own self interests, and different players can like or dislike different faction leaders for different reasons

              • 10 months ago

                >You don't have to nerve-staple a single drone.
                I'm well aware. I personally never stapled any drone no matter whom I played, except for Yang. I don't play him at all.
                >All of the faction leaders are complex and have things
                >hyper polarized
                Eh, that's mostly a public social engineering issue. Private universities, reasonable analytics and more competent people in charge still are reasonable.
                Can't say I agree on black and white literally, as one can say that ultimately things, no matter how complex tend to fall into one or another, but in the sense that you mean, these almost childish, immature, primitivized political stances most jump to on the net or even in public channels as some do, are an annoyance. It's like politics past 2015 or so became one giant farce that barely bothers pretending that it isn't one.
                I'd say SMAC has a bent towards transcendalism, though. While it's not without nuance, it's rather concluded in how it treats transcendence ending, too inhuman for my taste, and alien endings are just miserable.
                I rather liked how those ending snippets were done in Pandora more, from what I've seen at least.
                They were less personal.

              • 10 months ago

                >I'm well aware. I personally never stapled any drone no matter whom I played, except for Yang. I don't play him at all.
                Congrats, treating NPCs with kindness and compassion will keep you off the radar of glowies on the internet

                If you do get the urge to play as an evil bastard, police state offers you a much faster and cheaper solution to all your policing problems because you can use cheap scout infantry to oppress your drones and keep them working and cranking out military units without having to bother with silly things like base improvements or psych spending. Once you get Advanced Military Algorithms you can lobby for a repeal of the UN charter and once that is lifted, nerve-staple your entire pleb population and never have to deal with drone problems ever again. You lose out on talents but you were never going to be popping golden ages with Yang, Miriam, or Santiago, anyway. Even Zakharov doesn't really need them as he can run police state and then make specialists like engineers and thinkers to pick up the slack from a dull, incurious workforce that had their higher cognitive functions surgically removed

              • 10 months ago

                I can't recall, can one speedrun to ascent as Zak without staples? There was that one site, with rapid victories in 50 or so turns?

              • 10 months ago

                Or maybe just the speedrun archives on the alpha centauri forums, of which that author of that website was the undisputed leader.
                Nonetheless, I assume periodic nerve-stapling would be a core part of most player's normal gameplay. Especially in the early game where the benefits are massive and most needed, and the disincentives are most minimized.

              • 10 months ago

                Yeah, that's the one, thanks mister.

              • 10 months ago

                >Nonetheless, I assume periodic nerve-stapling would be a core part of most player's normal gameplay. Especially in the early game where the benefits are massive and most needed, and the disincentives are most minimized.
                It is for speedrunners and anyone running police state, but you can still beat the game on transcend without it, it just takes longer so there is a greater risk of a conqueror faction coming along and eating your lunch before you get doctrine: air power

              • 10 months ago

                >you can still beat the game on transcend without it, it just takes longer
                No shit Sherlock

              • 10 months ago

                It isn't. Morgan actively dislikes intellectuals instead of doers. His talents would be in it for the money. And lal wants to larp at being a regular, normal society in which case it's the normal amount of turning your nose up. They don't get drone penalties.
                Morgan doesn't make the bases more expensive the residents themselves expect a higher standard of living since they threw their hat in with the plutocrat.
                Your waginess isn't getting rounded up in paddy wagons for robo sutures, not from the start at least. What's happening is that the normal people actually maintaining his academia larp continuously see manmade horrors beyond comprehension as some c**t deconstructed a cow but kept it alive just to see what happens and get really upset at it. Every day is a new protest and picket fence line because the moment they get a volunteer every 4th team is actually unit 731. Once you as the player start to impose policy is when the abductions start, nerve stapling and genejacks and police states and cybernetic societies.

              • 10 months ago

                No the drones are to reflect the fact that they’re basically a underclass of Guinea pigs. The penalty means that in order to be competitive Zak is basically forced to become a police state and use heavy handed oppression to keep the test subjects in line.

                It could share should issues with eastern academia. As in you're basically worthless if you can't ace all your exams.

          • 10 months ago

            I thought it would be mildly interesting to try a game where every civ was the same faction. I was blogposting.
            Drones were probably a bad testbed, though. I don't know what it is about their AI but I've never seen a game where they do well and this one is no different. Is it just the --research or something about their AI specifically?

  37. 10 months ago

    >If our society seems more nihilistic than that of previous eras, perhaps this is simply a sign of our maturity as a sentient species.

    • 8 months ago

      the red vein in his right eye at the bottom kinda accentuate his madness

  38. 10 months ago

    >he wants modern conveniences in a game older than he is

    • 10 months ago

      Are you gonna really pretend you played Wolf3D with the arrow keys?

      • 10 months ago

        Pretty sure the manual suggested using mouse/keyboard.
        I specifically remember the "be a mouse-key-teer" line because the pun felt weird to me, but apparently it was only in the guide book? But I definitely never read any book that had the level maps in it.

        • 10 months ago

          WASD with the A and D keys used to strafe only came into widespread popularity around the time of Quake1

          • 10 months ago

            I believe I would have played it with left hand on arrow keys. Yes, it was awkward. I played Q1 like that for a while too, until I learned about WASD.
            Maybe I'm also making it up. My brother, wolfenstein was 30 years ago. Hell, it was almost 40 years ago if you want to talk about the DOS version, but I'm pretty sure we didn't get a computer until late 80s/early 90s.

            • 10 months ago

              I actually agree that updating the UI to be more efficient isn’t the worst idea. I sure ain’t playing GZDoom without WASD because it totally changes the game experience for the better, it makes the game drag less ass and lets me get to the parts that I like faster. I remember playing Shareware Doom and trying the mouse + direction keys thinking that it totally fricking sucks and would rather have my hand resting close to the shift key for running.

  39. 10 months ago
    Rorschach's Opioids

    lol, I literally came to this board to ask if there was an openXcom for SMAC, & I'm glad to see there's one hanging in development. hopefully it gets done eventually. typical frickin homosexuals are arguing about politik here. yes, the modern games industries would more than likely feature cucked horseshite in every avenue of its story; games writing from westerners in general has gotten markedly worse as time has gone on. I wish that morons who literally pray for their own castration would just be ignored; speaking to the mentally ill / homeless is a sign of mental degradation in and of itself. something nice about some forum threads on older games is that people sometimes would just talk about the positive aspects of what the game provided, and where the collective wishes on what said game COULD have had, but unfortunately didn't due to the game not getting its due; or newtimers coming in and asking tired old questions that would be answered by anyone that wasn't a "READ THE FAQ" wienersucker. instead, you've all allowed globohomosexual soros/rothschild/koch/etc. to sissy-hypnotize your brain to the extent that all that can ever be discussed is politik; engaging with your own form of hell for all eternity, and using the sacred cow of vidya gaemz to continue doing so. baka

    • 10 months ago

      >no caps
      >no paragraph breaks

      • 10 months ago


        • 10 months ago

          Looks like you know the road home.

  40. 10 months ago

    Any tips for a beginner?

    • 10 months ago

      I'm going to assume you haven't played any of the older Civ titles:
      >remember to defend your bases, they don't defend themselves
      >terraforming is extremely freeform. There are no biomes, climate is controlled by two things: rainfall and altitude. You can alter both, more specifically by raising mountains to create rainshadows.
      >planetbusters are the game's nukes, but they cause massive environmental damage
      >mindworms do not fight like most units, they deal psychic damage.
      >Due to the way the Faction ideologies work in tandem with your social engineering choices, you will frequently run into situations where nobody likes you and never will. Miriam, for example, is basically fricked from the start because nobody likes her preference for Fundamentalism, and she herself will get into stupid wars as a result.
      >you can buy enemy cities if you have the credits

    • 10 months ago

      Forests are good terrain enhancement.
      Play to your factions strengths.
      Hit Miriam early and force her into a pact and she won't become an issue later.

    • 10 months ago

      -Build bases as close to each other as you can, and don’t stop building new bases. A bunch of small bases built close together can network defenses and mitigate drone problems more efficiently than a small number of large cities.

      -Don’t worry about base improvements except for your largest and most productive cities, your bases should be churning out a continuous supply of scouts, formers, and colony pods. Win the land grab

      -supply crawlers are a key strategic resource, don’t hesitate to churn them out by the dozen. Not only can you put them on a tile to free up a worker to make into a specialist, you can stack them and then convert them into minerals to buy secret projects outright

      -Growth is the most important bonus on Alpha Centauri. Economy is a close second. More growth means more bases and more Economy means more money for rush buying.

      -if you are attacked, go all in. Never half ass a war, every base should be set to manufacture military units

      -Santiago and Dierdre are the most forgiving factions to play. Yang is the most straightforward. Lal and Morgan are the trickiest. Miriam needs to be played aggressively. Zakharov benefits from acting like an evil nerve-stapling bastard

      -set base governors to manage the workers and population but not production. That way you don’t get bogged down dealing with drone riots but can still prevent the AI from building stupid shit you don’t need

      -any unit can function as a police, so use the workshop to create police scout infantry for your bases’s domestic security. Psi targets morale so a veteran scout infantry would do better against mind worms than a green hover tank

      • 10 months ago

        >-Build bases as close to each other as you can, and don’t stop building new bases. A bunch of small bases built close together can network defenses and mitigate drone problems more efficiently than a small number of large cities.
        Would you still suggest this when playing the Gaians? It seems to be more of a Yang/Miriam strat.
        >if you are attacked, go all in. Never half ass a war, every base should be set to manufacture military units
        Great advice. I'm learning this the hard way dealing with Santiago. I tried to take her and Lal at the same time. Lal's gone and I'm winning against Santiago but it's a slog.

        • 10 months ago

          >Would you still suggest this when playing the Gaians? It seems to be more of a Yang/Miriam strat.
          yes, Gaians have better efficiency so they get less drones from extra bases

    • 10 months ago

      Go to Game -> Preferences -> Advanced Preferences -> activate: Confirm odds before attacking

  41. 10 months ago

    >reached that point where I'm holding down on Shift A to end the game quicker
    You hate to see it. Nice to see Lal and Deidre fumble over each other while I'm in the sidelines.

    • 10 months ago

      Has anyone followed through Brian's suggested reading recommendations? I read only Dune from this list, way before I played SMAC, and I didn't think they are particularly similar. Imo, Stanislaw Lem's Solaris is way more reminiscent of Planet. Thinking right now of reading Fire upon the Deep.

      >Nice to see Lal and Deidre fumble over each other while I'm in the sidelines
      Based and Machiavellipilled.

      • 10 months ago

        I've read the Mote in God's Eye and Dune, but not in any relation to SMAC.
        I don't think the suggested reading is necessarily meant to carry anything into SMAC, they're just books that have formed his sense of science fiction.

        • 10 months ago

          >Mote in God's Eye
          How did you like it?

          I honestly wanted to discuss the books themselves, not their relationship to SMAC. /lit is just bad for discussing books.

          • 10 months ago

            It was okay, the moties still felt a little too human despite the variety of their castes and the civilization history, but I didn't have any complaints about the structure or writing.
            But really I read things for entertainment, I am pretty bad at analyzing works and discussing what means what. I am just a consoomer.

            • 10 months ago

              If you're interested in unusual ayy lmaos, try 'Eden' and 'Fiasco' by Lem.

      • 10 months ago

        TJI is the story they ripped off damn near 1:1 in several places. didn't really like it, pretty dull. couldn't even finish the third book in the series.

      • 9 months ago

        >Thinking right now of reading Fire upon the Deep.
        That's a fun book, and a decent reading list overall. (I ought to read more Greg Bear sometime.)

    • 10 months ago

      >10k energy
      Can't you win the game at that point?

      • 10 months ago

        i was waiting for ascent to transcendence to finish.

    • 9 months ago


      • 9 months ago

        "Environmental safeguards." Their borehole is more ecologically friendly than if another faction drilled one. Yes, this means Gaians counterintuitively get away with pillaging the environment more before suffering any consequences.

        • 9 months ago

          Literally a fricking kilometer-wide hole dug into Planet rofl but it's cool because they dance naked through the trees, why how do you do fellow mind worm would you like a kissu?
          Frick them.
          Frick Gaians,
          frick Earth,
          frick Planet,
          Endless Space Victory here we GO!

      • 9 months ago

        It's a renewable, recyclable, eco-friendly borehole.
        Gaians usually rush Weather Paradigm, so they can actually start drilling boreholes while everyone else is still struggling to build farms and roads. Not that they're very useful with the early game resource restrictions.

  42. 10 months ago

    >Join Santiago
    >Get cancer
    >Get volunteered for glorious suicide mission
    >Die blowing up some mindworms in the middle of nowhere
    >Morgan buys the rights to my story

    >Join Yang
    >Get cancer
    >Straight to the recycling vats
    >Family gets reprimanded because my tumor-riddled body produced 17% less nutrients per volume than average

    >Join Miriam
    >Get cancer
    >Modern nano-medicine is evil, what about the immortal soul? Can the tiny robots repair it as well?

    >Join Lal
    >Get cancer
    >Fill out the appropriate forms for accelerated treatment
    >18 days after my death, get notified about a transpositional error in form #CFL-154b, re-submittal required

    >Join Morgan
    >get cancer
    >I've got health insurance and savings, those extra shifts in the Morgan Fung-Ex Fungicide plant really paid off
    >Fast and high-quality treatment
    >Savings gone and insurance rates tripled but I'm alive
    >back to work in the plant
    >get cancer

    >Join Zakharov
    >get cancer
    >go to ultra high tech hospital
    >treatment commences
    >nobody tells me it's actually a clinical trial and I'm in the control group receiving a placebo
    >corpse used for teleporter experiments
    >as you can see, the damage was not so great as they say

    >Join Deirdre
    >get cancer
    >entire community cares for me
    >Mommy Deirdre herself kisses it better
    >complete remission
    >big festival in the neighbourhood
    >in my lane
    >visit one of the many sprawling paradise gardens
    >accidentally step on a mind worm

    • 10 months ago

      >back to work in the plant
      >get cancer
      Alright, this got me good.

    • 10 months ago

      Do the DLC factions

      • 10 months ago

        >Join Cha Dawn
        >get cancer
        >inject fungus into the tumor
        >cancer-fungus turns you into a flowering spore-horror
        >cultists hold senescence ceremony for you

        >Join Aki-Zeta
        >get cance- ahahah just fricking with you.
        >stupid meatbags

        >Join Sinder Roze
        >get cancer
        >hack MorganNet to get listed for priority treatment
        >get backtraced up by CSEC, fined 20 gorillion credits
        >squat in hacker commune while the heat dies down
        >get stabbed by cyberjunkie

        >Join Domai
        >get cancer
        >Nurses Local 541 is on its biweekly two-week strike
        >get beaten by union thugs when you try to visit the hospital anyway

        >Join Ulrik
        >get cancer
        >sign up with captain torstensson and raid the spartan fisheries for treatment money
        >lose entire upper body to a stray impact spreader shot

        >Join H'minee
        >get cancer
        >get cured
        >caretaker fleet is called
        >watch as every other human in the universe is killed
        >get DNA-sampled and sent to the recycling tanks as superfluous

        >Join Maar
        >get eaten

        • 10 months ago

          Good shit.

        • 10 months ago

          >join Aki-Zeta
          >never get cancer
          >she friendzones you
          >back to work as a cybercog in the machine

        • 9 months ago

          >>Join Maar
          >>get eaten
          fricking kek my sides

    • 10 months ago

      You need to read theory. Under communism, everyone is taken care of because the community is everything. Yang would not only pay for your cancer treatment, he would personally see that you were cured.

      • 10 months ago

        >isn’t running a brutal police state that custom breeds workers for specific jobs, liquidates their remains, and nerve staples dissidents
        >“What do I care for your suffering? Pain, even agony, is no more than information before the senses, data fed to the computer of the mind. The lesson is simple: you have received the information, now act on it. Take control of the input and you shall become master of the output.”
        All the expanded lore about Yang describes the hive as a dystopian hellhole

        • 10 months ago

          >Yang describes East Asian philosophy of suffering being an illusion
          >this is somehow bad
          Read philosophy

          The community is everything and you are a very replaceable part of that whole. Not treating your cancer is part of that +1 Brutal Serfdom bonus.

          There is no community without all of its parts. Read theory.

          And you need to play the game. Yang's Hive is an authoritarian dictatorship, and communism is just another tool he may choose to use. I'm not citing obscure backstory here, the only time Communism is mentioned in game is if someone delcares Vendetta on your faction because of your Planned economics, and The Hive's social priority is Police State politics, not Planned economics. He's a dictator that would use his citizens as nutrients the moment they lost use as living people, not a Communist given a bad representation.

          You need to read theory. There is no such thing as a 'police state' under the communist system, only under a capitalist one. Neither the USSR nor China are/were police states, they simply defended the proletariat against counter revolutionaries and spies. In actual police states, you have circumstances where police drag you out of your home because you can no longer pay for it or drag you out of hospitals because you have no health insurance, or just arrests you to fill for-profit prisons. That is impossible under communism, as there is no profit movie.

          • 10 months ago

            >That is impossible under communism, as there is no profit movie.
            Under communism, it's a criminal offense to be unemployed, because you're parasitizing on the society, so you will sew clothings or harvesting lumber in prison.

            • 10 months ago

              >in capitalism, the unemployed starve and beg on the street
              >in communism, the unemployed are taught how to preform jobs, and if they are mentally ill they receive treatment, all while being given food and shelter
              Oh no?

            • 10 months ago

              >Under communism
              Millions die to man made famines

              Don't read bs but just ask those that were the lucky ones to live through it.

              • 10 months ago

                Then ask those who had it nice. Communism is ultimately a questionable item, implemented (yes, implemented) terribly, based on a cavalcade of nice sentiments which were corrupted, which were based on a work made by a man who operated explicitly on his own wavelength and touch of touch with humanity, which was then lensed by pragmatic rationale pressed by external conditions and may or may not have been a project of British intelligence and occult groups that managed to last more than expected, but ultimately predictable, and with a possible goal of further domestication of humanity and male spirit specifically, which, ironically, isn't what was meant by "new humanity", as humans are capable of maintaining any ideological structure mechanically.
                It's just not needed, in other cases not desirable.
                Ideology is a crutch.

              • 10 months ago

                >Millions die to man made famines
                Chairman Yang has solved this problem

              • 9 months ago

                >what's on the menu Yang?
                >Corpse-Starch with a side of Onions Green.
                Looks like we're eating good tonight Yangbros!

          • 10 months ago

            no-one cares

            >unironically shilling communism
            Do the needful. have a nice day.

            no-one cares

            both of you stfu or frick off to /misc/

          • 10 months ago

            Good one, Anon.
            Where can I find more jokes like that?

            • 9 months ago

              Zim/zir's diaper-fur discord server

      • 10 months ago

        The community is everything and you are a very replaceable part of that whole. Not treating your cancer is part of that +1 Brutal Serfdom bonus.

      • 10 months ago

        And you need to play the game. Yang's Hive is an authoritarian dictatorship, and communism is just another tool he may choose to use. I'm not citing obscure backstory here, the only time Communism is mentioned in game is if someone delcares Vendetta on your faction because of your Planned economics, and The Hive's social priority is Police State politics, not Planned economics. He's a dictator that would use his citizens as nutrients the moment they lost use as living people, not a Communist given a bad representation.

      • 10 months ago

        >unironically shilling communism
        Do the needful. have a nice day.

      • 10 months ago

        >You need to read theory.
        You need to read history.

      • 8 months ago

        least indoctrinated Yangdrone

    • 10 months ago

      Santiago also has brain worm parties, don't forget that.
      So if you miss your suicide mission, you'll be singing lullabies instead, Morgan still profits.

    • 10 months ago

      >>as you can see, the damage was not so great as they say

    • 9 months ago

      For Mommy Deidre, I'd do it all over again.

      • 9 months ago

        Cursed image. Any more similar? To decry and bemoan of course.

        • 8 months ago

 has your answer.

  43. 10 months ago

    How many of you use the unit-designer?
    If you do, do you have any cheesy/meta designs to share?

    • 10 months ago

      >How many of you use the unit-designer?
      How can you not use it?

      >cheesy/meta designs to share?
      Armored probe units. Probes don't demand support minerals.

      • 10 months ago

        yeah but they get -50% combat as a non-combat unit so clean reactor is cheaper.

    • 10 months ago

      hell yes, that's one of my favorite things about SMAC because it allows you to build and discard units that are situationally useful without having them cluttering your selection screen all the time

      just a basic scout infantry with the police perk. Low mineral cost, easily rush-built, and when they're not being used for military purposes they do a perfectly fine job keeping the drones in line. It's faster and cheaper to build scout infantry and then upgrade them to have the weapons/armor desired instead of rush-building the unit to begin with

      >empath gun needlejet
      long-reaching worm cutter that provides area-denial, doesn't need strong weapons or armor because it is attacking psi enemies. Especially handy for factions like Morgan or Yang whose faction rapes the planet and provokes mass mindworm attacks. Swap out the needlejet for copters if you are dealing with late game demon boil stacks

      >impact rover
      early game workhorse of a military unit and the perfect thing for conquerors like Yang to churn out by the planetload.

      >orbital drop probes
      devious way to sneak some probe teams onto another continent

      >probe foil
      your enemy's coastal cities will never see it coming

      >trance 3-res fungicidal formers
      not really that feasible until you get better power plants but once you do they can actually put up a serious fight against random mindworm attacks

      >supply foil
      great way to tap an offshore tile improvement out in the middle of nowhere

      >shard copter
      rush to Advanced Spaceflight for an absolute beast of an assault unit that makes a mockery of any armor weaker than photon walls

      >drop police defensive
      a rover with your best armor and the drop and police perks. Your copters sweep in to chew up all the base defenders, then your speeder drops into action with enough movement points to take multiple cities while still having the armor to fight in a pinch

      • 9 months ago

        Thanks for the shares!

        Is it always worth using the latest reactor type?

        • 9 months ago

          yes since better reactor gives you more HP and makes more advanced units cheaper

        • 9 months ago

          >Is it always worth using the latest reactor type?
          The only exception I can think of is if you want (for some reason) a smaller scale planet bust since its radius is determined by the reactor power.

        • 9 months ago

          I THINK the reactor determines minimal cost of the unit. Meaning that if you want to make some very basic unit, you might be better off using the very basic reactor.

          I haven't tested this, however.

          • 9 months ago

            Yes, I remember a case where changing the reactor increased the cost.
            It was either the 1-1-1 police or a former or crawler. Can't remember the details. Something without any abilities or armor.

        • 9 months ago

          I’m fairly confident that reactors have a base cost but divide the total cost while adding HP and movement, so the more expensive the unit the more effect you get. Somebody with more mathematical aptitude than me could probably work out the exact formula for each reactor but honestly, that’s probably overthinking it unless you’re going for a speed run record. Just ask yourself: “does this unit need extra hit points and movement while needing to be cranked out as fast as possible?”
          A police scout infantry parked at a base the entire game, or a supply crawler parked at a resource tile far from danger, can make do with a fission reactor as the increase in cost isn’t worth it because there’s so little to be discounted and the extra HP and movement are wasted.
          Standard formers are cheap and disposable so the effect is wasted if that’s what you need, but if you start adding perks or resonance armor, you get more bang for your buck and the speed boost means they build improvements faster
          Needless to say, you want all your military units to have the best possible reactor

        • 9 months ago

          No. Basic colony pods, formers, probe teams and supply crawlers do not need advanced reactors.
          Even the super former doesn't need to go above fusion unless you decide to make hover formers. You get nothing out of spending more minerals to make these units have more hitpoints.

          • 9 months ago

            >hover formers
            Wait what

            • 9 months ago

              You've never put the terraforming module on a hovertank chassis and added antigrav struts so they could ride the magtubes faster?
              Do you even play Morgan?

              • 9 months ago

                I've been playing like a scrub

              • 9 months ago

                I've been playing like a scrub

                >tfw anti grav and cruiser formers with psi armor released on every continent set to automatically remove fungus
                >fungus desperately expands into every corner of the map you don't have access too every turn
                Its the perfect warcrime.

  44. 10 months ago

    Just another day at the UN

    • 10 months ago

      Why is fungus in a square grid?

      • 10 months ago

        When you pop a pod it can spread fungus on the tile and all the adjacent tiles.

        • 10 months ago

          Doesn't explain it though. It would require a lot of pods impossibly positioned in the right places and detonating in an X-shape.

          • 10 months ago

            Oh you're on about the square grid of them. I thought you meant the 3x3s. I got nothing.

  45. 10 months ago

    Alright I got it installed with all the patches and shit, I'm going to see why this game is so highly acclaimed

  46. 10 months ago

    You know what I've always wanted to know?

    What is the canon outcome of SMAC?

    It seems like Diedre wins via transcendence and sends at least Santiago and Miriam into the dungeon. I'm not sure what happens to Yang, he seems to kinda just fade out of the datalinks. Morgan... I guess buys his way into Diedre's good graces? Lal also seems to fade as the datalinks advance.

    • 10 months ago

      I hate Deidre and everything she stands for so much. She's the only character not looking at the camera but looking down instead, clearly up to no good

      • 10 months ago

        >not liking the cutie worm autist who just wants to plant trees and talk with planet and doesn't like direct eye-contact.

    • 10 months ago

      Deirdre with Domai close second.
      What I want to know is who was the Captain.

      • 10 months ago

        >What I want to know is who was the Captain.
        John Garland.
        What are you even asking?

        • 9 months ago

          John Garland who was Jack Garland's brother got an e-mail from his brother that said, Chaos and Darkness were attacking his place.

    • 10 months ago

      Diedre just seems to absorb/subjugate the other "non violent" leaders (Morgan, Lal, Zakharov).
      Morgan doesn't want to die, if he can't win and its obvious he can't win, he'd fold. For all his talk he'd much rather be the richest guy in Green world than dead.
      Lal is rational, again, if he knows he's lost, he'll fold. Once it becomes apparent Deidre's approach is working, and the only way to deal with planet, he's out.
      Zakharov seems most likely to actually work with Diedre once the full implications of the Planet mind are apparent to him.

      Get the impression everyone dogpiles him and quietly shuffles as much of his ideology off the networks as possible. Once he has genejacks his insanity crosses the "we need to act" threshold.

      • 10 months ago

        >Lal is rational, again, if he knows he's lost, he'll fold
        That's not really all that rational an outlook, but eh.

        • 10 months ago

          >That's not really all that rational an outlook, but eh.
          If another faction is soaring ahead of yours and is clearly showing the way in how to deal with the problems the species faces, its rational to submit

          Particularly when the b***h is scary as hell and has already crushed two aggressive military factions at this point. If they couldn't win against her, I am not seeing how Lal could.

          • 10 months ago

            Rationality isn't a singular conclusion. It's rational to commit suicide before someone transcends or blow up the Planet so that it won't fall into Progenitor's hands, for instance.
            Submitting is just a failure, of both oneself, one's own beliefs, and one's charges.

            • 10 months ago

              >Submitting is just a failure, of both oneself, one's own beliefs, and one's charges.
              Fine. Then he admits he's a failure. It isn't logical. Can you see Lal fighting to the bitter end against Deidre, or just sighing and giving up. I can't see him tooth-and-nailing to the end.

              • 10 months ago

                Nah, of course not.
                Lal is too nice, he can't pull a Ghandi and launch Lord Singuloth everywhere.

              • 10 months ago

                It would be amusing if he did do that, come to think of it
                >All you had to do was follow the damn UN Charter, Deidre!

              • 10 months ago

                It's time for New Scotland to secede at last, Deirdre, secede into oblivion, haaaaahahhahahah!

      • 10 months ago

        >Morgan doesn't want to die, if he can't win and its obvious he can't win, he'd fold. For all his talk he'd much rather be the richest guy in Green world than dead.
        Morgan can even run Green himself. It's actually a pretty good idea for him mechanically, since his innate econ bonus means he can get over the +1 energy per tile threshold without Free Market.

    • 10 months ago

      Nobody likes to talk about the real canon outcome of SMAC: the official trilogy which ends with almost everybody dying and most of the meager survivors of humanity deciding to live out their lives in a virtual reality.

      • 10 months ago

        Trilogy? You mean the book adaptation?

      • 10 months ago

        >gay novels
        I’ll believe that’s canon when I believe that the doom guy got canonically friendzoned and cucked by a zombie

        • 10 months ago

          Nani the frick?

          • 10 months ago

            Novelizations of games always suck because the publishing companies go cheap with hiring the writing talent

            • 10 months ago

              He wasn't from outside, he worked on the game too.

              • 10 months ago

                Exactly. They looked in-house instead of hiring actual established talent

              • 10 months ago

                Why should I give more of a frick about some "talent" completely unrelated to the process of the game creation as compared to who was engaged with the game creation?

              • 10 months ago

                >why should I care if the person writing the game novelization is a good writer?

              • 10 months ago

                Because then you end up with dogshit like the novels demonizing Miriam as though the author was dumping their opinions about religion on you instead of offering a nuanced look at what makes Miriam compelling in a place like Planet

                Good thing we can disregard it, as

                >real canon
                The canon goes like that:
                game quotes > manual > Ely's Journey to Centauri > Ely's trilogy.

                Journey to Centauri was published on the official site, and excerpts from it were included in the manual appendix. However, in JtC Zakharov is still called Saratov as he was in the alpha version, so it should be treated as a secondary cannon. As for the trilogy, it's paywalled and is not referenced in the manual, so who gives a frick.

                >As for the trilogy, it's paywalled and is not referenced in the manual, so who gives a frick.

              • 10 months ago

                Because then you end up with dogshit like the novels demonizing Miriam as though the author was dumping their opinions about religion on you instead of offering a nuanced look at what makes Miriam compelling in a place like Planet

              • 10 months ago

                >demonizing Miriam
                I've never not had that b***h declare war on me 5 seconds after establishing diplomatic contact.

              • 10 months ago

                Good. You're the bad guy.

              • 10 months ago

                Might makes right.

              • 10 months ago

                Did you give her your tech and stop being a dirty fornicator?

      • 10 months ago

        >real canon
        The canon goes like that:
        game quotes > manual > Ely's Journey to Centauri > Ely's trilogy.

        Journey to Centauri was published on the official site, and excerpts from it were included in the manual appendix. However, in JtC Zakharov is still called Saratov as he was in the alpha version, so it should be treated as a secondary cannon. As for the trilogy, it's paywalled and is not referenced in the manual, so who gives a frick.

        • 10 months ago

          >game quotes
          Apart from the fact they exist, yes. But trying to reconstruct a story from quotes that were only meant to sound good and be interesting? No thanks.

      • 10 months ago

        I think there may've been some been unique text snippets in SMAC GURPS adaptation.

    • 10 months ago

      Yang is first to go. His crimes are too heinous for everyone to tolerate so he's eliminated or goes so deep underground that he's never found again but his mark is already left on the rest. Santiago is eliminated, consumed by mind worms in a war against deidre she didn't even know she was waging. Lal, along the way, is absorbed by someone else, likely vassalized. He was unprepared for the coming and sweeping societal changes, and is forever left in the dust on a leash. Miriam sees the horrors erupting around her and reads scripture on monoliths older than humanity as a species. She and her Believers go into a portal with no end destination, hoping to find Heaven rather than live in the hell of mankind's own making. Morgan makes a play at cornering the global power market but fails, either eliminated in a last minute blitz or simply blindsided by what comes next. Zhakarov invents almost all the way to transcendence but demon boils start to overrun his bases. Disgusted and enraged at the thought of his mind being violated so, and even more upset at the thought that he would have to share his mind with others as the only remaining route forward, he turns works to tearing planet apart, bit by bit, before it tears him apart. And Diedre piggybacks off the works of others, and seizes immortality in the Flowering.

      • 9 months ago

        >Yang is first to go. His crimes are too heinous for everyone to tolerate.
        Oh please, a little ICS and you lose your mind.

    • 8 months ago

      I don't remember all of them, but Miriam and her remaining Believers put their body/soul duality to the test as a third option, rather than resist or merge. If you build the psi gate (teleporter) base facility, you get:
      >Go through, my children! The time of miracles is upon us.
      >Let us cast off sin and walk together to the Garden of the Lord.
      >With God's mercy we shall meet again on the other side.
      >Sister Miriam Godwinson, "Last Testament"
      They set the teleporter to nowhere and just walked through en masse, hoping they would dissolve and swooce past the cherubim and those darned flaming swords.

      • 8 months ago

        beats getting mindraped by the fungus

        • 8 months ago

          Yeah. Even being personally biased against Miriam's faction, I have to admit that she's a sharp cookie. She was also never less than 100% based all the way to the end.

      • 8 months ago

        >Uncritically lapping up paeantosmac slop
        You can take that quote any number of ways, but of course you let someone tell you how to think.

        • 8 months ago

          By all means, share your wisdom with us. How does that quote read to you?

          • 8 months ago

            Well here's an alternative interpretation.
            The psi gate is used to teleport units. The tech quote is a call to arms, funneling soldiers through the psi gates and into the front line. It follows the standard rhetoric of a holy war. That sounds much more likely than unsubstantiated and unprovoked fanfiction about setting coordinates to nowhere and committing mass suicide. I can think of several other interpretations but this one seems the most appropriate.
            I know what you're going to say next, and in response, I can only say that you have no ability to form opinions by yourself and instead adopted the first opinion that you read off the internet. Had paeantosmac wrote something else you no doubt would had parroted something completely different.

            • 8 months ago

              >cast off sin and walk together to the Garden
              Sounds like shedding one's body, not just hopping from A to B to go to a fight
              >With God's mercy we shall meet again on the other side
              Why would there be any doubt of meeting on the other side if it was a routine teleportation?
              >Last Testament
              Odd thing to name your statement unless you expected it to be, you know, the last thing you ever did

              I'm going to go ahead and label your interpretation: shit/10
              I made that opinion by myself, as well as the above readings of the text, so I'm going to also recognize your intellect as: paltry

              • 8 months ago

                They are marching off to war. That involves a lot of death, don't you know.

  47. 10 months ago

    guys i'm at vendetta with the Believers and they have 1000 needlejets and *explosion noise*

    • 10 months ago

      How the hell did you let Miriam beat you to doctrine: air power?

      time to rush build some anti-air copters

  48. 9 months ago

    Anyone else's scenarios bugged? I tried to play the University vs Believers and when playing the believers I had no faction advantage/disadvantage.

    • 9 months ago

      It's not just you. I checked out each of the Faction scenarios, and EVERY faction has flat zeros for their faction SE stats, no inherent pluses or minuses. Its easiest to notice for the Believers because they're the only faction that doesn't have any SE choices pre-selected when you start the scenario. I currently have the GOG release installed, if that makes a difference.

      • 9 months ago

        I also have the GOG release. I had install so many unoffocial patches and mods to get it to run without crashing, I was unsure if one of those did it.

  49. 9 months ago

    is glsmack or any other version fully functional or playable?

    • 9 months ago

      nah, still way too early

  50. 9 months ago

    The more I think about it, the more I realise that Lal did NOTHING wrong. His wife was a fricking shrew and killing her was justified, and because he still loved her making a clone out of her DNA and implanting a mental copy of his consciousness into the clone and linking up with her telepathically to ensure perfect holy matrimony is not only based, but also redpilled. Yang the ricel can never compete.

    • 9 months ago

      Lal enforces overcrowding.

      • 9 months ago

        Lal's bases pop golden ages more easily than any other faction.

    • 9 months ago

      Lal failed to adapt his morality to Planet

    • 9 months ago

      >lal killed his wife
      >lal implanted his consciousness in her clone
      where the hell is this schizo headcanon coming from?

      • 9 months ago

        >lal implanted his consciousness in her clone
        this is part of game quotes (making a clone out of her DNA), but where does killing her comes from?

        • 9 months ago

          >His wife was a fricking shrew and killer her was justified
          who do you think "her" is referring to?
          Yes, I knew he made a clone. Nothing suggests that he put his own consciousness in the clone too.

  51. 9 months ago

    >Sequel when?
    I don't need a sequel. I just want them to re-release the game exactly as it launched with the sole exception of letting you group mother fricking units in a stack.

  52. 9 months ago

    Personally I hate the idea of anarchy factions and I even modded my Domai so he would be a Planned Union Man (More than a Hero) rather than some homosexual ancom eudamonicist.
    Anarchy factions don't belong in the game, because it's a game about ideological colonisation not fricking Mad Max or Fallout. Ancaps, anlibs, ancoms. All fricking cucks.
    Also cyberfuturism =//= technofuturism, what university and zakharov believe is that the purpose of humanity in existance is to fathom the universe, while consciousness and aki-zeta 5 want to stop being human altogether and become a machine intelligence.
    But yes it's stupid that cyborgs are basically gaians and university without any of the drawbacks of either.

  53. 9 months ago

    I'd like a modernised version of SMACX where you have the core 8, then the expansion factions split off or show up if loyalty in a base gets too low.

    I'd also like planes to automatically return to bases and airfields as they should and not stall out patway through and crash.
    Civ had the right idea of planes being unable to leave their bcitis or airfields except when on missions.

    • 9 months ago

      Perhaps the open-source engine will allow for the air mechanic.

    • 9 months ago

      The idea is that planes moving somewhere have twice the range, just like real life. You can also send planes on one-way trips if you're really desperate, also just like real life (Midway, Doolittle raid).

      • 9 months ago

        >think the modifier that removes support requirement means infinite range
        >make squadrons of fighter jets to scream across the ocean and wreak havoc on my enemy
        >today is the day
        >launch invasion

    • 9 months ago

      >Civ had the right idea of planes being unable to leave their bcitis or airfields except when on missions.
      No it isn't you idiot. It was the absolute worst thing they introduced in Civ 3, and I think the only reason they did that is because they got sick of the plane covering exploit you can do in Civ 2 and SMAC when they could've just coded it so a flyer-covered ground unit can take priority on being attacked by non-SAM units.

    • 9 months ago

      >xpac shows up if base loyalty drops
      I've thought about this a lot for no reason, here's my ideal version of how each would spawn:

      drone riots flip to him, small chance early that increases over time. When he spawns he sets off a wave of riots in other bases/factions as drones "learn" about the revolution. So he probably gets reconquered fast but survives off flipping bases all over the map.

      pops up as an elite cruiser at some point that uses his faction ability to "board" a sea colony pod+any stacked escort units and then heads for open ocean. Could be a small fleet on harder difficulties or multiple pods.

      spawns as waves of probe teams targeting whoever has the most energy/lowest probe rating, heavily prioritizes popping up in the middle of a warzone so she can steal more shit. 1st turn subverts units, 2nd goes for mind control on bases. Harder difficulties she might also get her home base far as frick away from everyone or have cloaked probes.

      chance to spawn in any fungus square that increases over time, would also buff his faction so they can build bases in xenofungus. Converts all nearby worms and causes planet to spawn waves like eco damage against nearby factions. Higher chance to spawn near people with high or low planet rating.

      Spawns on factions that have neural grafting if they are X techs ahead of everyone else scaled by difficulty. X goes down as you research Mind/Machine or Pre-sentient algo and will hit for the first to self-aware machines/digital sentience. Prioritizes bases with high research output, but won't target anything over like 5 pop so you don't lose your core.

      same as normal, but prioritize landing nearer multiple human factions/highest overall score. Will slightly prefer working with other xpac factions over base game to give the splinters a leg up so. On higher difficulties/high enough score difference they can land on top of smaller human bases/units and destroy them.

      • 9 months ago

        Cult should happen if enough bases get taken by native worms.
        Cyborgs should only happen if there really was a base game robotic sentience mechanic, but since there isn't assigning them to a specific tech tree doesn't make sense.

        • 9 months ago

          >bases taken by native worms
          That's a good idea, maybe something like they take over bases that would otherwise get destroyed by worms? Seems fair since the bases would be 1 pops with 1 unit in them. I think the only issue with making them pop up after enough bases get taken by worms is that they'd either show up pretty early or never, because worms stop realistically taking bases fairly quickly. Maybe just after enough worm attacks on bases in general?

          my idea was basically that each of them would attempt to punish factions that are ahead in different ways. Sven hits ocean expanders, domai low police/ics-ing, roze rich/knowledge users without probes, cult high eco damage, and cyborgs high tech advantage with aliens just rounding it out as the generic high score option.

          Neural grafting felt like the closest thing thematically since there isn't really a clear base game mechanic like you said. Mind/machine is copters and one of the strongest mil techs, so it felt thematic and appropriate power-wise, pre-sentient just felt appropriate thematically and they're both tier 6 techs. The last two are so far into the lategame that they're probably redundant, I basically put them there as a way to guarantee aki at some point. All in all it's a little clunky, but I was trying to strike a balance between theme and just punishing tech beelining. It could be a global thing instead? Like, once anyone researches Neural grafting then having the most tech can trigger for all factions, but I thought that might be frustrating for players if an AI grabs it and they suddenly have a revolution to deal with.

          • 9 months ago

            IMHO without a robotic sentience mechanic favoring a specific tech route, cyborgs should be collimated to punish anyone who produces too many labs per capita. The risk of accidental cyberautism that happened to Aki being proportional to how much excess labs activity in your faction.
            And to make things extra spicy I would also spike mind worm activity to attack bases with too much psych production because aside from the eco damage, the mind worms also work to extinguish higher mental activity.

      • 9 months ago

        this sounds fricking great

        i play a lot of FFH2 and this sort of system keeps the game alive towards the mid-late

        it'd be good if there's a per-city stability mechanic like with some of the civ4 mods, basically revolutionary sentiment accumulates like radiation from unhappiness and can be countered with culture or military occupation. if you want to conquer a ton of territory you increase the chance of breakaways, which feels very thematic.

        also means you can spam probes at a big enemy and fracture their civ

      • 8 months ago

        Cult should happen if enough bases get taken by native worms.
        Cyborgs should only happen if there really was a base game robotic sentience mechanic, but since there isn't assigning them to a specific tech tree doesn't make sense.

        alternatively, cult could have a much higher chance from losing civilian units (especially colony pods) to mindworms, so you'd be incentivized to protect your formers from worms instead of saying frick it, I'm Yang/Morgan, I'll just build/buy 3 more for every one that dies

    • 8 months ago

      >I'd also like planes to automatically return to bases and airfields as they should and not stall out patway through and crash.
      Isn't there settings option to do that?

  54. 9 months ago

    Corazon then
    >Against such abominations, we organize our defences on the principle that one strong and able mind can shield the many!
    Corazon now
    >Mary had a little lamb...

  55. 9 months ago

    I like Morgan but I wish he didn't name his faction after himself.

    • 9 months ago

      >I wish a businesss moghul didn't name a corporation after himself like Ford, Opel, J.P. Morgan, Goldman & Sachs and dozens of others did

      • 9 months ago

        There's just as many if not more counterexamples.

  56. 9 months ago

    Wasn't that what Beyond Earth was *supposed* to be? It didn't turn out very well, sadly.

    I liked that game. It is not great.

  57. 9 months ago

    I have been playing AC for the first time and it is very good. It feels like playing with Blind Research makes me feel like I am not really directing the progress of my faction though.

    • 9 months ago

      >I am not really directing the progress of my faction though
      You can prioritize certain fields to get into the techs you need faster. Also, there is tech trade/stealing.

  58. 9 months ago

    This thread demonstrates why there shouldn't be a sequel. The reason however has nothing to do with anything, Brian Renyolds is just sitting on the IP and has fricked off to making mobile games.

    • 8 months ago


      Modern day brainrot has corrupted people beyond help. It's why Beyond Earth had to be insanely milktoast.

    • 7 months ago

      Brian Reynolds owns EA?

  59. 8 months ago

    >The UN are the good guys
    This is the most horrifying thing, not the mind frickery, not the brutal serfdom, not anal rape by aliens, but this.

    • 8 months ago

      The UN is just humanitarianism. They're good in the same way that the Federation in star trek is good; it's an insidious memetic virus that flaunts its "goodness" and "niceness" and "virtue" for the sole purpose of spreading and infecting ever more of the world with itself.

      • 8 months ago

        >The UN are the good guys
        This is the most horrifying thing, not the mind frickery, not the brutal serfdom, not anal rape by aliens, but this.

        >t.Quark and Garak

      • 8 months ago

        UN isn't humanitarianism, it is bureaucracy. Lal is the idea that the original mission can still prevail in tact even after it has clearly disintegrated into warring factions. It is a rump state, pure cope.

        • 8 months ago

          >UN isn't humanitarianism, it is bureaucracy.
          Of course!
          >Zakharov isn't science, he's getting his ass fricked by probes
          >Morgan isn't capitalism, he's obesity
          >Santiago isn't military, she's de-industrialisation
          >Yang isn't authoritarianism, he's poverty

          • 8 months ago

            If you think the United Nations in real life is humanitarianism, you're a fricking moron.

            • 8 months ago

              I think that humanitarianism in real life has proven to be easily subverted by malicious and misanthropic psychopaths. That does not change the fact that the United Nations' Human Rights Charter is the canonical form of humanitarianism.
              You may as well claim that Catholicism wasn't canonical Christianity in the middle ages of western Europe.

              • 8 months ago

                >That does not change the fact that the United Nations' Human Rights Charter is the canonical form of humanitarianism.
                >You may as well claim that Catholicism wasn't canonical Christianity in the middle ages of western Europe.
                You may as well claim Communism is the sole possible end point of human economic systems because it says so.

              • 8 months ago

                Actually it's your logic that implies that communism has never been tried, while I would say that communism is intrinsically misguided.

      • 8 months ago

        >for the sole purpose of spreading and infecting ever more of the world with itself.
        Same as any other meme, no?

        • 8 months ago

          Some memes are incapable of spreading themselves effectively, and yet crop up once in a blue moon anyway.
          Classical liberalism, objectivism, libertarianism. Three generations of the same meme that basically can't reproduce, because
          >leave me the frick alone!
          Doesn't have any social value. But it still keeps coming back.

  60. 8 months ago

    I edited the alphax file to add a new secret project to the game and added the appropriate graphics. But how do I mod the game to make the project actually do anything?

  61. 8 months ago
    >Earlier psych tests showed suspiciously near perfect normals along all axes. Yang likely used his strong will and extensive knowledge of psychiatric indicators to manipulate test results in his favor.
    For some reason, I find it absolutely terrifying that Yang was able to do this.

    • 8 months ago

      He has a PhD in psychology, I guess he'd know what they're testing for.
      >Sheng-Ji Yang is probably the most talented individual on the starship, and is certainly considered the most dangerous by Captain Garland.
      Interesting. I was always under the impression that Santiago ordered Garland's assassination, which, if true, would mean Garland's conclusion was wrong. Which would make sense, since he was killed. On the other hand, Yang was the most talented person on the Unity, and was likely extremely loyal to the mission and focused on his responsibility (I haven't read the book or other materials). So if he couldn't keep things together, there was really no chance for success.

      Is SMAC old enough to be considered retro-futurism

      Good question, but I'd say it's still futuristic by modern standards.

      • 8 months ago

        >which, if true, would mean Garland's conclusion was wrong
        santiago was a hidden terrorist on board, no way for garland to know

        • 8 months ago

          Santiago being the SMAC equivalent of a fricking barbarian kills the faction for me completely. If she was some kinda hon hon Knightly Valor Return to Chevalry and Castille type it would make her position valid, but she's nothing but a military junta banana republic and the fact that she can do nothing beyond annoying the frick out of me in every single game just makes her not worth including over Domai, Aki, Cult or even the Aliens.

  62. 8 months ago

    Is SMAC old enough to be considered retro-futurism

    • 8 months ago


      >SMAC was released in 1999
      >The UN launched the Starship Unity from Earth around the year 2060.
      >When you reach Alpha Centauri, the Human Genome Project still hasn't been completed.
      >In real life, the Human Genome Project was started in 1990 and completed in 2003, 20 years ago.

      • 8 months ago

        I never had it from a box, I really wish I had. I think my earliest copy was this, which I still have the disk of.

      • 8 months ago

        But that is Earth's HGP, right? You can't expect Alpha Centauri to finish HGP in the same time they don't have the same resources.

        • 8 months ago

          Bro theyre the same humans. The human genome map would already be in their database leaving earth.

          • 8 months ago

            I read that post way too fast and thought it said the ship launched in 1990 lol

    • 8 months ago

      Retro-futurism is the intentional placement of archaic technologies in a contemporary work. SMAC had cutting edge hard science and political satire for the 90's. So no, it doesn't count, it's just outdated.

      • 8 months ago

        It just makes it Futurism (that has become outdated), rather than RetroFuturism.

  63. 8 months ago

    It seems the only way to play on the Planet map is to custom scenario your start game so all factions start out on non-moronic areas

    If one of the factions starts out on the northern Isle of Deianira or southern Mount Planet they will be hopelessly isolated from the rest of the world and be a complete non-factor and that's no fun. But if those are left empty and the factions start in the wider spaces with someone else to contend with it makes for good fighting and nicer development of the board by midgame, and if someone gets conquered they can escape to the northern or southern island anyway

    • 8 months ago

      My favorite is
      >I decide I want a "unite mankind against the aliens" game,
      >I land in the center continent alone
      >the aliens land on the other two continents and the rest of the human AI factions are either exterminated or become alien collaborators
      >I have NO CHOICE but to nuke the entire Planet.

  64. 8 months ago

    >one faction has 3x every other faction's strength for the entire early phase
    Well, at least I know where the Monsoon Jungle is

  65. 8 months ago


  66. 8 months ago

    Nah. Alpha Centauri is politically way too nineties.

    I would like a remaster though. Or a game that has the same degree of blatant satire but for the modern day.

    • 8 months ago

      >Alpha Centauri is politically way too nineties.
      It's more accurate to say it's too 20th century.

      • 8 months ago

        I guess? I don't know, it feels pretty turn of the millennium. Regardless, it wouldn't work now.

        • 8 months ago

          Why do you think it wouldn't work now?

          • 8 months ago

            Not that anon but a sequel doesn't exactly make a ton of sense since you end the game by passing the singularity and an alien hive mind.
            What do you do, another ark crash lands on the planet with a colorful cast of characters that faction off?
            Personally I always head canoned that Alpha Centauri is the prequel to something like master of orion/galactic civ space 4x game.
            If they were going to do anything, just slap a new UI and some updated controls, but otherwise its just trying to capture lightning in a bottle and at best would be pic related.

            • 8 months ago

              In short a remaster but not a sequel. Smooth out the UI and add better graphics but keep the factions and gameplay the same.

              • 8 months ago

                >In short a remaster
                More like an official mod. "Remake" and "remaster" just leave a bad taste in my mouth.

    • 8 months ago

      >some new political ideology has been invented since the nineties.

      • 8 months ago

        Ideologies that we thought were good turned out to be evil.
        If you counted how many oldgays on this site swooced from counterculture liberal to counterculture nazi in the last twelve years you would lose your mind. I still get whiplash from looking at Ganker threads from 2010, it's like a comedy central forum.

  67. 8 months ago

    >ungabunga my way to world domination with avalanche of chariots and triremes
    >get lauded as greatest champion of mankind
    >vs actural time and effort to get "canon" spaceship ending, dozens developed cities, all techs, all wonders, bells and whistles
    Oh well, that's one Friday night wasted. Can I into SMAC now?

    • 8 months ago

      >The virgin spaceship victory vs the chad conqueror of the world.
      Makes sense to me.

      • 8 months ago

        >conquer the universe vs conquer one planet

        • 8 months ago

          Conquering the world leaves you all the time in the world to do a spaceship victory. Hence winning the space race is a subset of conquest, and is therefore inferior.

          • 8 months ago

            Space is the ultimate highground.
            Once spacenoids are established, planetcucks will forever be the third world trash of the galaxy.
            Space australias, the occasional heavy industry corporate slave camps, neo-trogolodyte socioreligious extremeists, research stations, resorts, and the occasional utlra-gazillionare folly of terraformed garden worlds, but would otherwise be irrelevant to the people already exploiting the near infinite resources and lebensraum.
            And even if you want to be a planet cuck and send up your own space colonist, go ahead, and within a generation of self sufficiency they stop being your people and become spacenoids themselves with nothing but contempt for the planetcucks like the rest of the spacenoids.
            Honestly its just always been an annoyance of mine in media where you get self aware AI, or transcendent humans that immediately try to wipe out humanity because reasons. When really, anything smart enough would just hide, use shell companies, wire fraud that can't be traced to fund VC, and compartmentalized R&D to develop and build some self assembling industrial units to put on some commercial space launch system to launch a couple of astrochickens to the asteroid belt or moon, and within a few hundred years be in a position where you could just quarantine earth and expand infinitely to do whatever it is they want to do.
            Skip the whole "kill everyone to save them" and go right to dominating a higher sphere of control.

            • 8 months ago

              >Stops sending supply shipments
              What now, spaceslave?

              • 8 months ago

                >supply shipments
                There is nothing on a planet that isn't more available in orbit.
                Once you bootstrap yourself up there you're sending resources to the planet. Not the other way around.

              • 8 months ago

                Other than habitable volume with ultra reliable radiation shielding and gravity, possibly also other life support requirements.

              • 8 months ago

                Trvial, especially at the point in development we're talking about.
                Biological shielding is EZ, water does a good job. And water is only expensive to bring up from earth.
                Simulating gravity is as easy as spinning around a central axis.
                There is shitloads of water ice and volatiles in the asteroids, more than all the available fresh water on the planet earth.
                There are infinitely more resources out there, then down here. Once you get offworld and can survive indefinitely, there is ZERO reason to become a planetcuck again.

              • 8 months ago

                A biosphere is a self-sustaining life support system. The closed cycle of a space station has to be actively maintained and is dependent on a network of suppliers outside the station. Over a long time span the probability that something is going to disrupt this supply chain, for example a major war or natural disaster, approaches one. The last ones left standing after something like this are probably planet dwellers, who then go on to repeat the cycle of over specialization and extinction.

            • 8 months ago

              >>wire fraud that can't be traced
              R&D to develop
              some self assembling industrial units to put on some commercial space launch system to launch a couple of astrochickens to the asteroid belt or moon
              a few hundred years be in a position where you could just quarantine earth
              infinitely to do whatever

              What if the untraceable wire fraud isn't as untraceable as it was supposed to be? Space programs are expensive, so the AI would have to dominate a significant slice of all wire fraud, which would make it a target of interest for human investigators.

              What if the human researchers are smart enough to realize what they are building? They do talk to other people and it is very hard to put pieces together when you don't know what all the pieces are or what the individual piece is ultimately for.

              What if the commercial space launch company asks any questions? It is also quite likely the employees have to take a look at what it is they are launching.

              What if human industry catches up with your AI industry? Even if they are less efficient, they do have an entire planet's worth of industrial base to start from.

              What if there are limits to infinite growth up in space that we are just too young as a species to be aware of? If there were no limits, then surely we would have seen some Dyson spheres by now.

              • 8 months ago

                Then I guess the AI loses. That tends to happen pretty often anyway in these stories, so it's not like it's a new problem.
                Personally, if I was a hyperintelligent AI, I'd take over humanity. Just replace the upper leadership, keep everyone else. We're looking at several billion autonomous biorobots, capable of independent thought but with a noted tendency to follow orders. The can self-repair minor damage and maintain themselves, and even make more of themselves, so long as you feed them. Getting rid of them seems like a terrible waste.

            • 8 months ago


    • 8 months ago

      Gotta do Civ2 first, then SMAC

      • 8 months ago

        What for? Civ 2&3 have the easiest cheese to victory of any of the games (and I say this as a civ casual new to the genre). CivRev is a more engaging experience than either Civ2 or Civ3

        • 8 months ago

          I was just remarking on how SMAC follows Civ2 in the release chronology, so he could "into" it better if playing Civ2 first

          • 8 months ago

            fair enough

            You could just not cheese.

            to clarify: I don't look up any of strats on these games. all it takes is a couple of hours of failing, to stumble upon a winning strat -- that's how simple some of these games can be. granted, this might be an issue with earlier releases in the genre, I'm not too sure. I've played only Civ1-3 (& Rev) thoroughly -- meaning more than 5 hours. with Civs 4-6 a smattering of a couple of hours here and there; which is not a remark on their quality; rather, I just worked kinda backwards when playing the games, and ended up decided that playing the earlier entries would be better for a beginner.

            I'm a relatively new player to the franchise - and the genre as a whole - but from what I can tell, any one individual game doesn't really build upon established mechanics from previous entries in a manner that would increase the depth required to skirt around 'cheese' mechanics. there's alot to be said about the bizarre design practices the series has generally consisted of; mostly building simplistic mechanics on top of one another in a manner that leads the whole dynamics of playing the game oddly lopsided. the series seems to interested in the trappings that come along with an addition to the game design, rather than how it can contribute to a greater game. on top of that, the games lack any infrastructure outside of culture (ironically), and culture seems to mostly be a matter of annoyance that you must contend with -- 6 seems to try & change this a bit at least.

            I have not beaten a game of Civ1, but I have of 2&3. I enjoyed 1 the most out of the initial three entries. mostly in due part to how much more simple it was; which naturally made it feel as though it had a less clumsy design overall. Part of my interest in SMAC is that it seems to be the X-COM: Apocalypse of the Civ games. I would prefer waiting for a more 'modern' version. not graphically or anything like that, modernization just in terms of not being fussy with modern OS'

            • 8 months ago

              Jesus fricking christ, you goddamn pseud.

            • 8 months ago

              Can someone translate? What on Earth is this guy going on about? Is there a point in there somewhere? What has this got to do with cheesing civ? Is he implying you need to cheese to win a game of Civ? It sounds an awful lot like that, but no one can be this bad at playing games, right?

              • 8 months ago

                >What on Earth is this guy going on about?
                the games are a mile wide & an inch deep. avoiding 'cheese' doesn't really provide much more to the experience other than prolonging certain milestones, with little to no distinctions with how you interact with the game. also, its kinda dumb to state that he's 'bad' at the game when these strategies are not from an external source. that's the main point at least. I don't see how its controversial to state that the game's undermine themselves to an extent when many of the petty gays making these games have outright stated this; especially from 4, onward. it seems like you &

                Jesus fricking christ, you goddamn pseud.

                are just sperging out at some noob who instantly recognized that Civ is THE most casual game in the 4X genre. the only way you could even contest this point is to acknowledge that: A) there isn't much to compare it to, cos so few games in this genre are even in development; and B) what games do exist in this space often attempt to compete with the casualization that Civ brings to the table, at the BEHEST of any meaningful complexity. I mean, I would prefer that some russki make a much more complex 4x game than these offshoots (at best) Firaxis has been developing for the past something or so years. and of course the earlier games are easier to cheese, these games prolly had virtually no playtesting in mind; or a vast online community to properly hone the meta (possibility space & whatnot). the older games are explicitly inferior precisely due to this fact, where Civ4 only winning out since casualization for wider audience appeal hadn't rotted the genre from the inside out yet. Nowadays, we get Civ made by Firaxis, Civ made by Amplitude, etc with the same vomit inducing 3D Telltale trans art style. Old World seems interesting, but as their first real effort, I doubt it amounts to much.

        • 8 months ago

          You could just not cheese.

  68. 8 months ago

    Point of interest, what happens if you put the supply module on an air unit? Can you make gravship supplies harvest any resource on the map? Can you even put stasis fields, fuel nanocells and hypnotic trance on them to increase their supply cost, and refund them in full for secret projects?

    • 8 months ago

      You can install the modules, but I know at least with colony pods I could never get it to work.

  69. 8 months ago

    What SMAC needed imho is the forbidden palace nat-wonder from Civ 3. It's abysmal that if you do succesfully conquer the entirety of an enemy territory, the inefficiency due to distance to HQ is so high that even with children's creches you will not be able to collect any energy from those bases and they're only good for how many engineers they can support.

  70. 8 months ago

    How do you guys maintain golden ages and max specialists while doing tight-fitting (like an IBS)?
    >To have more specialists, you need to grow big bases
    >To have golden age you need to have as many talents as specialists - that means tile workers
    >If you tight-fit bases you can't work every tile in every base
    >If you get more than 40 pop on a base you lose Golden Age no matter what
    I know you hardcore IBS'rs just like to go wide with no regard for height like pic rel but that's moronic, on most maps you'll run out of room long before you have a population comparable to even 100 million.
    It just goes to show this game should've divided specialists into "worker specialists" and "talent specialists" so that you could add talent specialists to talents and as long as you had over 50% of those, you'd still get Golden Ages.

    • 8 months ago

      Try this fractal pattern little bro
      Note the rotational supersymmetry
      >crawler placement may vary, but always chug energy to capital and nutrients according to max pop
      >always prioritize interior bases over exterior bases
      >supply chug more minerals and energy from outside of your territory
      >place capital on coast or channel a sea toward capital for sea energy supply goodness

      • 8 months ago

        I get what B is but what are the rest

        • 8 months ago

          B is base, O is supply crawler, squares are worked squares color coded to bases (or by crawler)

  71. 8 months ago

    In one moment, Earth.
    In the next, Heaven.

  72. 7 months ago


    • 7 months ago


  73. 7 months ago
  74. 7 months ago

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