Siege of Socialjusticespear

Welcome, welcome!
Some of you might remember my thread from over a year ago where I attempted to suffer through Siege of Dilationstation (which was my 3rd attempt) and soon failed (again) after leaving Baldurs Gate because the insipid writing gave me canceraids and bad case of secondhand embarrassment.

I am posting this in hope that you homosexuals laughing or raging at me will FINALLY motivate me to suffer through this roaring dumpsterfire of a Midquel (Side-quel?).

Mike Stoklasa's Worst Fan Shirt $21.68

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Mike Stoklasa's Worst Fan Shirt $21.68

  1. 2 years ago

    Last time we murdered a bunch of Refugees decided that being defiant in face of impending doom in form of the Orcspawn was totally worth giving me lip and telling me that they totes deserve my hard-earned money which I risked limbs and life for.

    • 2 years ago

      As you can see the hard-hitting narrative choices of:
      >I agree because I am a cuck please frick my wife while you are at it
      >I agree but muh Law!
      >Hurr durr me murderhobo u all
      were very complex.

      I obviously went with the only sensible solution.

      Its like the writers went through great lengths to frick you as the player over and make the whole quest as unsatisfying as possible.

    • 2 years ago

      Signs of a talentless writer: Too damn wordy.

      Having arrived at the Flaming Fist Encampment on my way to mee the Burning Crus-.. the Scarlet Crus-.. the Whatever-Crusade I pick my bro Edwin a wizard of Thay with a similar lack of sense in right & wrong like myself.

      I also recruit Not-Jan-Jansen who comes off as a flaming homosexual and leave Dynawatermelon and her moronic twitchsimp behind.

      It makes me ponder about how this NPC came to be: Did someone with zero actual writing-talent see my boy JJ in BG2 and went "Well I wrote Harry Potter Slashfics on, so I can totally write a similar character to this but better!"?

      He can't even finish his very first sentence when you speak to him. Who would ever pick the guy?

  2. 2 years ago

    As my party was leaving the city in something resembling a Farewell-Party we are joined by our First Diversity Hire/Flaming Fist Merc/Independent single mum who dont need no man.

    For some reason out nowhere her gender-non-specified daughter decides to give me shit because me, the Hero of Baldurs Gate, told her I would protect her mum.
    Because being shit on is what Heroes deserve apparently.

    • 2 years ago

      But wait!
      Its not only her daughter.
      Apparently her retired dad also has an axe to grind with me for no reason.
      I dont know why everyone gives me shit, I did save the Swordcoast and Amn from a needless war that might have killed thousands.

      Is it because Im a Half-Orc? Help help Species-ism Im being oppressed!

      • 2 years ago

        As my party was leaving the city in something resembling a Farewell-Party we are joined by our First Diversity Hire/Flaming Fist Merc/Independent single mum who dont need no man.

        For some reason out nowhere her gender-non-specified daughter decides to give me shit because me, the Hero of Baldurs Gate, told her I would protect her mum.
        Because being shit on is what Heroes deserve apparently.

        As you can see the hard-hitting narrative choices of:
        >I agree because I am a cuck please frick my wife while you are at it
        >I agree but muh Law!
        >Hurr durr me murderhobo u all
        were very complex.

        I obviously went with the only sensible solution.

        Its like the writers went through great lengths to frick you as the player over and make the whole quest as unsatisfying as possible.

        Last time we murdered a bunch of Refugees decided that being defiant in face of impending doom in form of the Orcspawn was totally worth giving me lip and telling me that they totes deserve my hard-earned money which I risked limbs and life for.

        Welcome, welcome!
        Some of you might remember my thread from over a year ago where I attempted to suffer through Siege of Dilationstation (which was my 3rd attempt) and soon failed (again) after leaving Baldurs Gate because the insipid writing gave me canceraids and bad case of secondhand embarrassment.

        I am posting this in hope that you homosexuals laughing or raging at me will FINALLY motivate me to suffer through this roaring dumpsterfire of a Midquel (Side-quel?).

        Did you seriously replace the companion's portraits with tranime? And you have the balls to cry about trannies when you're one yourself?

        • 2 years ago

          Anime and e-girl what makes troons and SJWs seethe.
          Guess we all know what you are.

          • 2 years ago

            >Anime and e-girl what makes troons and SJWs seethe.


          • 2 years ago

            ...are you moronic? Here's the pipeline.

            >Loneliness --> Anime ---> Coomer ---> LGBT ---> Discord ---> troony

            • 2 years ago

              It'a actually
              >America --->troony

              • 2 years ago

                >fight amongst yourselves goyim
                none of your kind should exist in white countries.

            • 2 years ago

              And yet there's also a bunch that goes from anime into fascism bc the idealized japanese life is also clearly an ethnostate high trust situation,or bc they start seeing autocratism's point after LotGH.

        • 2 years ago

          >hating Kui's artwork
          Shit taste

        • 2 years ago

          You have to go back.

  3. 2 years ago

    Just skip through all the dumb dialogue and treat the game like a janky Icewind Dale. There is fun to be had if you do that.

    • 2 years ago

      But anon where is the fun in skipping through it, I am currently on my 5th shot of Jägermeister and if I have to suffer through this writing then so have you.

      I will finally beat this game and be over with.

  4. 2 years ago

    Anyway, we are out of the city and on our merry way as we are greeted by some exposition telling us that that Caelar Argent totes isnt a Mary-Sue, Guys.
    She just isnt, okay?!
    Everyone loves her for no reason even if she robs them blind but that's not a Mary-Sue-Thing!
    Deal with it, Shitlords and manbabies!

    On a sidenote; with how the game thus far keeps fellating Caelar all I want is to ram my enchanted boots up her ass as soon as I meet her.

    • 2 years ago

      >"men and women"
      >not the woke classic reversal "women and men"
      Maybe it's not so bad after all.

  5. 2 years ago

    >I came for the patrician orc fighter cleric taste
    >I stayed for the dunking on wokoid writing

  6. 2 years ago

    Are you guys seriously so mentally ill an entire DLC is "LE BAD" because it has a background troony NPC that is not even important to the story?

    Baldur's Gate always had feminism, gross cuckold roasties like Viconia, mentally ill attention prostitutes like Aerie, it had blacks, browns, asians, etc.

    But the biggest problem Baldur's Gate could ever face is a background troony NPC?

    Are you guys mentally ill?

    • 2 years ago

      I didn't like it because I found it kind of boring. Also some of the encounter design felt cheap at points. I still don't know who the troony NPC was and don't care.

    • 2 years ago

      shut the frick up homosexual apologist

    • 2 years ago

      I heard rumours that they patched xim/xam/xir to be unkillable but that doesnt seem to be true. He just tries to run away (just like he ran away from reality) when his HP go low and is immung to snares but a quick application of magic missiles solved his gender-confusion. Permanently.

      Reading must be hard for you.
      Anyway to show you how much I respect your choices in life and your opinion here is a screen of the Troon joining the statistics out of his own volition.

      >I came for the patrician orc fighter cleric taste
      >I stayed for the dunking on wokoid writing

      Its a surprisingly fun combo.
      If I remember correctly I didnt min/max much but went with the 3rd or 4th roll, the rest came from the Stat-books.
      Didnt stop me from going toe-to-toe with Drizzt after casting a bunch of Buffs and taking a quick sippy from some potions.

      Did you seriously replace the companion's portraits with tranime? And you have the balls to cry about trannies when you're one yourself?

      I love Dungeon Meshi and I think its one of the greatest works of fantasy in recent years.
      Also Kui's art is great.

      • 2 years ago

        I always thought it was good because shoring up the cleric weaker thac0 with some orc str bonus is more important than a couple more cleric casts or whatever, conversely level for level healing and utility/buffs are where a lot of OP-ness lies in most RPG (why I love clerics). I haven't gone that far back in DnD evolution as BG in a while though so I am sure I am forgetting plenty of min/max stuffs.

      • 2 years ago

        As soon as want to grab some Zs its time for a Dream-Sequence!
        Because nothing from BG2 is holy apparently.
        Sarevok pops up to tell me something in the vein of "Were not so different you and I" and then Irenicus has guest appearance and tells me that I am dumb for not getting it.

        The Foreshadowing is done with the subtlety of a 20 inch long dragon-dildo.

        • 2 years ago

          >but something stayed my hand
          Frick off. I earned that victory. The Sarevok fight was hard.

    • 2 years ago

      >Are you guys mentally ill?
      Are you asking this question unironically?

    • 2 years ago

      That you, Farquaad?

      • 2 years ago

        i mean, he liked cyberpunk

    • 2 years ago

      >18 Strenght half-orc.

      The rest of the writing is shit as well.

      • 2 years ago

        >abloo abloo bloo why didnt you min/max

    • 2 years ago

      It really is silly, it's not like she is with you in every turn like pathfinder or that she hits on you or any kind of disruption. It's a single npc in an optional quest

      • 2 years ago

        Beamdog patched the whole thing. When the game came out, the troony was insultingly blunt.
        It went like this. First screen after the game proper starts, i.e. first screen after you leave Baldurs Gate. A couple named NPCs are around. All of them are merchants, quest givers or recruitable party members. So Mizhena is among them. You talk to him and can ask him immediately what is up with his strange name. Jaheira, Minsc, Sarevok, Gnarl Saltywiener are totally fine, but Mizhena is apparently outlandish.
        As response you get a poorly voiced explanation that presupposes that trannies are real women. I can't stress how poorly voiced that was. Droning, male, flat voice work.

        Then, when user reviews shat on Beamdog for SoD in general, Beamdog could claim that all the critiques were just meanie transphobes. Even today every discussion about the lack of quality of SoD is hamstrung by people like you talking about the one troony character.

        tl;dr: The crimes of Beamdog are many and we should run them over in our cars GTA Vice city.

        • 2 years ago

          yea Beamdog are evil... for making Baldur's Gate games accessible for the common man, by adding a Story Mode...

          I'm 38 and remember Baldur's Gate back in the late 90s... I'm thankful i never played it cause I'd probably have become a mentally ill incel virgin like most of the posters ITT

          • 2 years ago

            Better a virgin than a NOOB!

            • 2 years ago

              > yea Beamdog are evil... for making Baldur's Gate games accessible for the common man, by adding a Story Mode...
              lol, this is pathetic bait

              Ignore the guy.

          • 2 years ago

            > yea Beamdog are evil... for making Baldur's Gate games accessible for the common man, by adding a Story Mode...
            lol, this is pathetic bait

          • 2 years ago

            >accessible for the common man, by adding a Story Mode...
            Oh shit I think we might have a video game journalist over here!

        • 2 years ago

          Because look at the thread we are in i was not the one to bring up the troony. The game has shitty writing sure, like most of the RPGs nowadays, I don't really see the difference between this and say dragon age games or bg3 or pathfinder. Yet for some reason this one causes more outcry. So it comes off as silly when complaining about people call this a troony game being only 1 npc that is a troony. Beamdog being c**ts is another matter entirely

          • 2 years ago

            I agree with you for the most part. The troony should not be a big deal in the sea of shit that is SoD. But the writers and devs at Beamdog made their political leanings clearly known before the game was published. Even worse, they told fans and players that representation of LGBT issues and politics was more important to them than the quality of their writing. When the full game was available the troony was the lightning rod that caught much of the justified pushback. Which gave Beamdog a convenient excuse to dismiss their critiques as well, baddies (and therefore wrong).
            The troony was so hamfisted and so poorly implemented that I believe it was on purpose. Beamdog must have known that their product would not measure up to BG1 and 2. So they chose to rather poison the well in any future discussion of their products than having to own up to the poor quality of their work.
            The troony was so bad that every negative review had to include him, as he demonstrated most issues with SoD. But if you even mentioned him in your review, no matter how reasonable, it got deleted by Beamdog. Beamdog knew and did it on purpose.

            tl;dr: The fatty Amber Scott should pick up running....speedrunning through life.

            • 2 years ago

              It's like every other leftwashed game/movieshow, the diversity crap is just indicative of poor quality, hiring hacks, and priorities that have nothing to do with gaming overall. They then get to hide behind their tokens instead of dealing with the fact that they're hacks. Then they go broke.

          • 2 years ago

            >Yet for some reason this one causes more outcry
            Yeah mean I wonder if it has anything to do with beamdog trying to reflect from criticism by going "See! See! They are only complaining because of the troony".
            Which you are ironically doing too.

            >So it comes off as silly when complaining about people call this a troony game being only 1 npc that is a troony
            What actually comes of a silly is you doing what beamdog did and hand-waving away all other criticism about the poor writing, poorly aged references to IRL shit and general misunderstanding what made BG1 + 2 timeless classics.

            Reeeeeally makes me think.

            • 2 years ago

              So you agree to my point then you moron, the troony is not something that should be a focus point when criticizing this game

              • 2 years ago

                You've been talking about nothing but the troony for 20 posts. So be the change you want to see in the world.
                Good. You opened this spoiler.

              • 2 years ago

                Are you moronic or just an ESL?
                You are the one who made it a focus you blithering mongoloid.

              • 2 years ago

                No you idiot

                Are you guys seriously so mentally ill an entire DLC is "LE BAD" because it has a background troony NPC that is not even important to the story?

                Baldur's Gate always had feminism, gross cuckold roasties like Viconia, mentally ill attention prostitutes like Aerie, it had blacks, browns, asians, etc.

                But the biggest problem Baldur's Gate could ever face is a background troony NPC?

                Are you guys mentally ill?

                Was the one to bring it up

      • 2 years ago

        Oh and the troony is not only the cleric, but also part of three quests.

    • 2 years ago

      indeed, the people ITT are seriously mentally fricking ill. SoD is fun. Just play it on Story Mode if you'd like. As for feminists and trannies, where? I didn't see any feminists or trannies in the game and I've played thru it twice now.

      I guess mentally ill incel scum sees feminists and trannies everywhere.

      • 2 years ago

        >I didn't see any feminists

        Then you didn't play the game.

        • 2 years ago

          dude I created the modern antifeminism movement with my stupid antifeminism blog back in 2010... and yet even I'm not constantly seeing feminists everywhere

      • 2 years ago

        I'm sorry.

    • 2 years ago

      Nah the weird troony shit is just icing on the cake. The terrible game is just terrible.

    • 2 years ago

      I always hated Baldur's Cuck and enjoy the aggravation of its fanbase who think it's the pinnacle of role-playing.

    • 2 years ago

      It has also extreme stupid take on refugess.. Most of the gays in Europe already learned the lesson.. but i remember that when we warned them it is extremely bad decision they just accused us being nazi/ stupid bigoted etc and what not

      • 2 years ago

        Please, differentiate between moronic homosexual Western Europe and poor, sociopathic Eastern Europe. Neither side likes to be taken for the other one. Thank you.

      • 2 years ago

    • 2 years ago

      Are you just realizing now that /misc/tards are mentally ill?

      • 2 years ago

        ok groomer

  7. 2 years ago

    that font cannot be real, jesus christ

  8. 2 years ago

    Having arrived at the Flaming Fist Encampment on my way to mee the Burning Crus-.. the Scarlet Crus-.. the Whatever-Crusade I pick my bro Edwin a wizard of Thay with a similar lack of sense in right & wrong like myself.

    I also recruit Not-Jan-Jansen who comes off as a flaming homosexual and leave Dynawatermelon and her moronic twitchsimp behind.

    It makes me ponder about how this NPC came to be: Did someone with zero actual writing-talent see my boy JJ in BG2 and went "Well I wrote Harry Potter Slashfics on, so I can totally write a similar character to this but better!"?

  9. 2 years ago

    >complains about sjws, trannies and 'woke'shit
    >is a pedophile that jerk offs to images of 12 year old anime girls
    Every time, it's like clockwork at this point.

    • 2 years ago

      ...are you moronic? Here's the pipeline.

      >Loneliness --> Anime ---> Coomer ---> LGBT ---> Discord ---> troony


      • 2 years ago

        > A dude who claimed to hate anime was outed as a pedo!

        Not all pedos watch anime, but all anime watchers are pedos.

    • 2 years ago

      Don’t you have a child drag show to attend groomer?

    • 2 years ago

      In their head since it's fictional they think they are not pedos. Them being attracted to the symbolism of a child and the representation of a child being raped is ok because "N-no kids were hurt in the process!"

      • 2 years ago

        Stop grooming kids on discord, troony. It’s disgusting and more importantly illegal.

        • 2 years ago

          > Tranime pedo starts accusing others of grooming kids out of nowhere

          Yeah we know you guys can't stop thinking about children being groomed. Anime was a mistake.

      • 2 years ago

        Fiction isn't real, anon

        • 2 years ago

          Normal people are not attracted to fictional children.

          • 2 years ago

            Normal people don't browse 4-Channel either

            • 2 years ago

              Ganker is just an internet page, it's no different from twitter or reddit. You're not edgy or unique for being here. The same kind of boomers who are terrified of Ganker are also terrified of tiktok.

              Browing an internet page about hobbies or discussions is very, VERY different to you jerking off to fictional little girls being raped, you mentally ill mongrel.

              • 2 years ago

                With how hard you project I am actually convinced that you have actual CP on your hard disc.

              • 2 years ago

                >it's no different from twitter or reddit
                I know it's not the same good old days from 2007 anymore, but it's nowhere near as mainstream or normie as either of those. If you're here you're not normal by definition. So it's really funny trying to shame anyone in here for not being normal. If anything it just outs how absolutely detached and demented you are.
                Also I'm a muscle milf enjoyer, not a e-girlgay. However I don't pretend that fictional characters deserve rights you absolute mouth breather.

              • 2 years ago

                > but it's nowhere near as mainstream or normie as either of those.

                It is. You even post the same memes.
                Again, you just want to think you're edgy and unique over browsing an internet page. Pathetic.

                >However I don't pretend that fictional characters deserve rights you absolute mouth breather.

                Nobody said drawings deserve human rights. We just pointed out if you find a fictional little girl attractive, you're a pedophile. Simple as. Dunno why you guys try to deny it so hard. If you're not gay you're not gonna find fictional men attractive. So why do you find fictional little girls so appealing and get so mad when someone calls you creepy over it?

              • 2 years ago

                I don't care if I'm edgy or not, I'm just not delusional in thinking Ganker is as mainstream as fricking twitter.
                >if you find a fictional little girl attractive, you're a pedophile
                Not necessarily. People's fetishes regarding fictional characters don't always translate to outside of fiction. I like me some 2D milfs but I sure as shit ain't no cougar chaser irl. It's the same line of thinking that enjoying killing virtual people makes you a murderer.
                >If you're not gay you're not gonna find fictional men attractive
                That would be a first, but maybe? There certainly is a case to be made there but I'd have a hard time believing them.

              • 2 years ago

                In their head since it's fictional they think they are not pedos. Them being attracted to the symbolism of a child and the representation of a child being raped is ok because "N-no kids were hurt in the process!"

                Oh thats right there [...]

                You should stop replying to obvious bait, friendo.
                He's so mad about my thread that he tries to derail it in typical Discordtroony-Fashion.
                Both his constant projection and the word "tranime" reveals him as a seething Leftoid.
                He's an SJW larping as "my fellow 4chins-rightwingers".
                Report him or Ignore him, I dont really care either way since making fun of the writing for this game feels cathartic.

                Always funny when leftoids try this shit here since they're mad about deservedly getting called out as groomers irl. They're so jimmy rustled and desperate they have to come into a BG thread to try to apply it even lmao.
                News flash: It isn't us meanie gamer grognards watching your e-girl anime moeshit and taking up AGP as an ideological lifestyle.

              • 2 years ago

                better than their anger if they weren't.

              • 2 years ago

                better than their anger if they weren't.

                thanks for bumping my thread btw.

              • 2 years ago

                Dunno why you guys try so hard to larp like more than one group can be pedos.
                Both trannies AND anime watches are all mentally ill pedos and both should be killed.

        • 2 years ago

          >Fiction isn't real, anon
          Plato already refuted this line of thinking thousands of years ago.

          • 2 years ago

            If you ask McDonalds, McDonalds is good for you.

    • 2 years ago

      Didn't you get the memo? SJW's are all about pedophilia and grooming nowadays.

      • 2 years ago

        >guys sjws are the real pedos!!!
        >also e-girl is totes not pedoshit, she's actually 2000 years old and even if she wasn't it's just a drawing
        >please ignore the implications of jerking off to a drawn image of an 8 year old, there aren't any, I promise!
        it's possible to be anti SJW without supporting this shit you know

  10. 2 years ago

    So much mental illness ITT

    • 2 years ago

      these are the kinds of threads i show my friend who doesnt go on Ganker so he can understand what its like. i send him screencaps and say 'this is from a baldurs gate thread'

  11. 2 years ago

    While attempting to find something heroic (and lucrative) to do while on my way to the Scarlet Crusade Safana strikes up a conversation. The Tale of Vrok, Master of Romance begins.
    Quick reload confirms that she b***hes at you no matter what choice you pick, its like Viconia but more insufferable.
    Since I need a rogue tho its either her or Jan Jansens gay cousin. Probably the toughest choice in the game so far: What flavour of STD do I truly want? AIDS or syphilis?

    On a different note, I am not convinced that Swordcoast Stratagems works with Siege of Skingraft-Sausage.

    Since I am find myself lacking martials and in overabundance of casters I replaced homognome and Edwin with Wise Magical Black (Female) and her Simp for now.
    This might change again once I get more martials because Ive got the feeling that Not-JJ might be a wellspring of exquisite writing-cringe.

  12. 2 years ago

    Ahahahahahahaha what the hell is even going on?!
    After doing some unremarkable Fetchquests - which were so blatantly feeling like filler that I cant be even arsed to spend more time on explaining them - I run into a Crusader Encampment and they shit themselves seeing the Orcspawn and promptly blow themselves up.
    And if that wasnt enough the Mary-Sue herself pops out of nowhere with her entourage of special snowflakes and her totally not evil advisor with his very own sprite.

    So Caelar Argent, the very chick responsible for this whole crusade business thats been devastating the countryside wants to talk to me and I get the wienertease of option of trying to get rid of her right there.
    Except, not really.
    Because as soon as I suggest it the Flaming Fist Diversity Hire tells that sniping her would be dishonorabu! Additionally my Magical Cottonpicker pipes up to inform me of Caelar-Sue's Plotarmor.
    Then why are you even teasing with this option just to wienerblock me a second later, Game?

    Which wouldnt even be an issue if you didn't choose to be morally ambiguous about her motivations or making me meet up with her right after leaving Baldurs Gate.

    • 2 years ago

      Oh Lord, the pathos is so thick you could feed a 3rd world country with it for a week.

      And whats with these dialogue-choices?
      >Blood but honorabu
      >Blood but Lawful good.
      >Blood but edgy.

      Its like Im playing Fallout 4 all over again.

      • 2 years ago

        Oh alrighty then. Brilliant Plan!
        It feels a bit too on the nose that a woman came up with a plan this moronic tho.
        Nevermind that the whole concept is essentially a poor knock-off of a similar place in FR called Hellgate Keep/Ruins of Ascalhorn but Hellgate Keep was actually interesting.

        And once again the Dialog-Choices follow the same pattern of
        >Agree but!
        >Hurr durr murderhobo

        • 2 years ago

          >Oh alrighty then. Brilliant Plan!
          >It feels a bit too on the nose that a woman came up with a plan this moronic tho.
          I don't know their stats in ADnD but in 3.5e lemures which are the weakest devils have some interesting traits despite having approximately 9 HP and 1 CR, notably damage reduction 5/good or silver, darkvision 60 ft., immunity to fire and poison, mindless, resistance to acid 10 and cold 10, see in darkness.
          That means that any non-magical army can't do jack shit against the horde of the literal bottom-of-the-barrel trash mobs, and that is with the generous assumption that no other devil even bothers to join the battle.
          Additionally, I believe there was something in lore that if a living mortal enters hell and dies there, their soul is imprisoned or reincarnates as lemure or something.
          And there is also environmental damage.

    • 2 years ago

      Wait until you infiltrate the crusaders army for the third time!

  13. 2 years ago

    wasn't there some belligerent old man who tries to act badass to you in front of a kid? someone post it, i remember it was infuriating

    • 2 years ago

      Oh thats right there

      But wait!
      Its not only her daughter.
      Apparently her retired dad also has an axe to grind with me for no reason.
      I dont know why everyone gives me shit, I did save the Swordcoast and Amn from a needless war that might have killed thousands.

      Is it because Im a Half-Orc? Help help Species-ism Im being oppressed!

      I don't care if I'm edgy or not, I'm just not delusional in thinking Ganker is as mainstream as fricking twitter.
      >if you find a fictional little girl attractive, you're a pedophile
      Not necessarily. People's fetishes regarding fictional characters don't always translate to outside of fiction. I like me some 2D milfs but I sure as shit ain't no cougar chaser irl. It's the same line of thinking that enjoying killing virtual people makes you a murderer.
      >If you're not gay you're not gonna find fictional men attractive
      That would be a first, but maybe? There certainly is a case to be made there but I'd have a hard time believing them.

      You should stop replying to obvious bait, friendo.
      He's so mad about my thread that he tries to derail it in typical Discordtroony-Fashion.
      Both his constant projection and the word "tranime" reveals him as a seething Leftoid.
      He's an SJW larping as "my fellow 4chins-rightwingers".
      Report him or Ignore him, I dont really care either way since making fun of the writing for this game feels cathartic.

      • 2 years ago

        >He's an SJW larping as "my fellow 4chins-rightwingers".
        that's fricking hilarious if so

  14. 2 years ago

    i thought Seige of Dragonspear was pretty damn good. I didn't notice any SJW stuff or anything. Don't know where you incel losers see all that? I guess if you're an angry incel constantly looking to be angry, you'll find something to be angry about.

    • 2 years ago

      indeed, the people ITT are seriously mentally fricking ill. SoD is fun. Just play it on Story Mode if you'd like. As for feminists and trannies, where? I didn't see any feminists or trannies in the game and I've played thru it twice now.

      I guess mentally ill incel scum sees feminists and trannies everywhere.

  15. 2 years ago

    Good idea. Be sure to keep us posted on your side quests. There are some cringe gems in there.
    If you need a mage, pick Neera. She is super cool and will surely never force you to reload.

  16. 2 years ago

    What's with that autistically min-maxed char? Do boomers actually enjoy this shit?

  17. 2 years ago


    So you're ok with feminism, you're ok with women waving a sword and murdering men, you're ok with dykes, you're ok with Baldur's Gate presenting itself as a setting in which women are just as strong, if not stronger, than men.

    But you're not ok when it comes to a man wearing a wig?

    How mentally ill are you? Are you ok? Why do you hate trannies but not feminism, blacks, asians, etc? Are you trying too hard to fit in? Did a troon rape you? Did your ass start leaking blood after he was done fricking you with his girly penis?

    Pathetic freak. Unbelievable people have no problem with prostitute feminist Jaheira leaving her husband for dead so she can ride the dick carousel while killing men and larping as a strong independant women but a man dressed as a woman sends you into shock.

    • 2 years ago

      >So you're ok with feminism, you're ok with women waving a sword and murdering men, you're ok with dykes, you're ok with Baldur's Gate presenting itself as a setting in which women are just as strong, if not stronger, than men.
      If this was 1950 he would not be ok with it, but since current year culture war didn't tell him to be upset about it, he isn't.
      He doesn't have any actual principles or beliefs, he just waits for le SJWs to say something and then he gets to be outraged.

      • 2 years ago

        Yeah I notice that with this freaks.
        > 2015 Uncharted game has a black woman beat a white man

        > 2000 Tomb Rider game has Lara Croft overpower a strong white man
        >> Omg omg yaaasss this totally pisses off the feminists yaas Lara you go girl kill all men!!!

        One of the times Ganker actually shocked me wasn't when they post gore or child porn or shit like that, but when I pointed out Alien is a feminist movie and they kept insisting it wasn't, that the movie having a strong independent, smart, ugly, muscular female protagonist is not feminism. But Captain Marvel somehow is feminist because... Brie is a b***h or something?

        • 2 years ago

          >Sigourney Weaver

          Also, Ripleys gender is absolutely unimportant to the movie. Ripley isn't doing anything that a woman in real life couldn't do. She remains calm under pressure, shows bravery and outmaneuvers the alien at the end. Had the role been cast with a male actor, nothing about the movie would have changed, as the alien was clearly the physical superior of any male. So Ripley was not put in a position where men fail but she succeeds despite/because being a woman.
          Which makes Alien distinct from any feminist movie. Those movies always have women succeed just because the people want to show a woman -not person- succeed.

          • 2 years ago

            >Ripleys gender is absolutely unimportant to the movie.

            Uhhh the writers literally bragged about how they wrote her as a man and then swapped gender. Do you know what feminism is about?

            >Ripley isn't doing anything that a woman in real life couldn't do.

            Right, real women could defeat an alien while all the men around would die like stupid idiots or cowards. You're such a pathetic male feminist creep, frick off.

            Also, this is a literal troony. You find this attractive? Wow, you incels truly TRULY keep lowering your standards, no wonder you embrace woke ideologies. You think you'll get laid if you parrot enough feminist shit?

            • 2 years ago

              >Uhhh the writers literally bragged about how they wrote her as a man and then swapped gender. Do you know what feminism is about?
              Do you?
              Because writing characters as men and then swapping the gender certainly isn't.
              If anything you are making an argument that gender is superfluous or irrelevant, which isn't what any feminist would say, that's more of a transhumanist psychopath talking point.

              • 2 years ago

                >Because writing characters as men and then swapping the gender certainly isn't.

                Anon feminism dictates women are equal to men. If you think there are no differences between men and women and you can just swap the two without any problem you're seriously mentally ill.

                If Alien wasn't a feminist movie, Ripler would be on earth, in the kitchen. While everyone in the space ship would be men. And certainly the one to defeat the Alien wouldn't be a woman.

                Why are you such a creepy male feminist anon? Did you get brainwash? Do you claim to believe all this shit about equality to get laid? What goes through your fricked up creepy little head that thinks women are equal to men? Do you need me to post more videos of women being complete shit at sports, at being cops and soldiers, etc?

              • 2 years ago

                >Anon feminism dictates women are equal to men.
                Feminism doesn't dictate that women are THE SAME as men, which is what is implied when you say "characters are written as men and then gender swapped"
                >If Alien wasn't a feminist movie, Ripler would be on earth, in the kitchen.
                Ok so you're a complete moron. Good to know I can terminate this exchange in good faith now. Epic trolling bro, so heckin based and hilaaaaaaaaaarious.

              • 2 years ago

                >Feminism doesn't dictate that women are THE SAME as men

                It does.

                >k so you're a complete moron. Good to know I can terminate this exchange in good faith now. Epic trolling bro, so heckin based and hilaaaaaaaaaarious.

                Pathetic male feminists runs away. Typical. You freaks just claim to like feminists ideal so you can attract women, even though they are never attracted to you which makes it all the more hilarious. You're a predator. And I can't wait for you to either join the suicide rates or end up in jail over child porn like all male feminists do.

              • 2 years ago

                You larping as what you think a rightwinger is is some sublime cringe.
                Are you sure you arent related to Amber Scott?
                Because your role-play here is as moronic as his writing.

              • 2 years ago

                > Avatargays as anime little girls

                Don't talk to me again pls.

              • 2 years ago

                I always hated Baldur's Cuck and enjoy the aggravation of its fanbase who think it's the pinnacle of role-playing.

                No one asked you to stay in my thread or try to derail it with your spergery and no one will miss you.
                Again, its really telling tho that you were too terrified to even address or acknowledge my accusation of you being a mindbroken Leftoid larping as having what you think are "rightwing" opinions.

                >reactionimage is avatargayging
                You couldnt reveal yourself even harder as a newbie even if you tried, you SJWhomosexual.

              • 2 years ago

                Ignore him. Feeding the trolls is fleeting. Making fun of Beamdog is eternal.

                Where are you in the game right now?

              • 2 years ago

                There is a dungeon full of Undead ripped from Icewind Dale in the east of the camp I started out with.
                The encounters there are just waves and waves of the same groups of undead and its getting boring.

                I wish there was something funny to share, other than me having to reload because the Menhir-Quest was bugged, the sidequests so far have been so blatantly filler that it actually offends me.

              • 2 years ago

                In the middle of dungeon while fighting through the samey waves of undead I discover a scrying pool that allows me to scry on Imoen, Caelar or the Hooded Man which seems a weird choice but okay.

                I decided to spy on my Imouto and am greeted with more tumblr-tier writing.
                You guys are familiar with how in Disney Stah Wahs they try to attach a (shitty) story to characters or items that make like 5 second cameo in the original trilogy?
                This is what it feels like.

                I find it hilarious that in many aspects and for all its faults the BG1 NPC Project does a so much better job with it.
                With the BG1 NPC Project Imoen finds a spell book on the assassin mage that tries to kill you in the Friendly Arm and you can encourage her to learn from it or put it away. As time goes on you then have some banter on her progress on trying to learn arcane spellery which ends in her multiclassing.

              • 2 years ago

                Spot on analysis. The whole game is a long winded, detailed explanation of a single sentence from the BG2 introduction.

                Are you romancing anyone? Will you be recruiting the Beamdog NPCs?

              • 2 years ago

                >The whole game is a long winded, detailed explanation of a single sentence from the BG2 introduction.
                Pretty much.

                >Are you romancing anyone?
                I romanced Branwen and Dynaheir in BG1, since you can romance those two and Shar-Teel in the BG1-NPC-Project.
                The Dynaheir-one feels like it was written with lawful good and chivalric characters in mind (it also ranges from good to absolutely awful in its writing) and jumped ship when Branwen & Dynaheir started to fight over me.

                Out of all 3 romances the Branwen-one is probably the shortest but also the best written, it kinda expands on her character in a believable way and what you would expect from a barbarian female Cleric of Tempus. She is tomboy-ish and has a slight "indepedant strong wahmen"-vibe but without it ever being overbearing and there is a whole arc where she is conflicted about her feelings for MC and wanting to be more "womanly" around him.

                In Siege of Dragonchode you have Independent Strong Archer Single-Mom who dont need no man as counterexample, where they fail to do all of the above and she comes off as insufferable.
                Same with Safana who berates you every single time you try to flirt with her.

                Other than that I will try to go for Viconia or the "Scott Pilgrim vs. the World Ruined a Whole Generation of Women"-Stand-In because I want my eyes to start tearing up from the bad writing but so far there was no banter with Vicy and I havent met manic pixxy girl yet.

                >Will you be recruiting the Beamdog NPCs?
                Probably since Minsc, who used to be one of my favourite characters is just a parody of himself in this and I am in dire need of martials.

    • 2 years ago

      You're going to make the exact same argument in defense of pedos when that legalisation campaigns gets underway.

      • 2 years ago

        That's your comeback? I call you out on your hypocrisy of being a creepy male feminist but at the same time some rabid troony hater and you say I'm a pedo advocator? Wow.

        • 2 years ago

          You're out of your depth, anon.

          • 2 years ago

            You shouldn't talk about anything having depth when your comeback to a videogame discussion and your hypocrisy is "YOU'RE A PEDO REE BYE!". It's pathetic. Do not trivialize pedophilia. Do not use "pedo" as an insult to try and win an internet discussion. Seek help.

          • 2 years ago

            Stop engaging with him. That's Farquaad, our resident gay troll.

  18. 2 years ago


    imagine letting 0.5% of the population live in your head 100% of the time

    you're as mentally ill as them

  19. 2 years ago


    >until they were pushed on us in every form of media

    Nobody pushed any troony anything here in Baldur's Gate though. You guys intentionally obsessed with a background NPC. It shows how hypocritical you guys are that dykes and feminism is ok and not worth complaining but a man in a wig is enough to make 99999 Ganker and /vrpg/ threads having meltdowns over it.

    Trannies exist. Get over it.
    Female soldiers don't.

  20. 2 years ago


    >he says while seeing trannies all around him, calling everyone a troony, saving hundreds of images of trannies to his computer, thinking about trannies ever second of every day and knowing more about trannies than most trannies

  21. 2 years ago


    I wouldn't know, unlike you my mind doesn't revolve around trannies and their mutilated holes. I do have this funny meme though because it's funny. You should stop thinking about dilating tho.

  22. 2 years ago


    > Trannies piss me off more than feminists!! B-because uhhh because they make me insecure! So what if feminists are ruining my life and want all men dead! IT'S THE TRANNIES FAULT!!!

  23. 2 years ago


    If you hated both then how come you NEVER make threads whining about Viconia, Aerie, Jaheira, etc? How come a woman literally leaves her husband for dead so she can go ride wiener? How come Viconia lives in a coomer matriarchy fantasy in which she constantly kills men and you don't care? How come Aerie literally exists as a "Ugh feeling kinda ugly #Selfie" and you need to spend the whole game validating her or she kills herself?

    A background troony seriously pisses you off more than prostitutes that spend the whole game killing men and fighting like they are competent warriors?

    • 2 years ago

      >that reaching
      >coomer this/coomer that
      You sound terminally redditarded.

      • 2 years ago

        That's your come back?
        Why are you porn addicts so insecure and sensitive? You should have a nice day instead of using videogames just to pretend you have a girlfriend.

        • 2 years ago


          Oh thats right there [...]

          You should stop replying to obvious bait, friendo.
          He's so mad about my thread that he tries to derail it in typical Discordtroony-Fashion.
          Both his constant projection and the word "tranime" reveals him as a seething Leftoid.
          He's an SJW larping as "my fellow 4chins-rightwingers".
          Report him or Ignore him, I dont really care either way since making fun of the writing for this game feels cathartic.

          You projection and false-flagging is gay and transparent.
          No I idea who you think you are tricking but that you want to derail this thread out of all the other shitty ones on this board really makes think.

          Not like it will help, I will keep making new threads mocking Siege of Doggiedongworld until I finished the game.

  24. 2 years ago

    Cool videogame thread

  25. 2 years ago

    Hey, OP, where are you at in SoD? Have you met the poor misunderstood goblin yet?

    • 2 years ago

      >Have you met the poor misunderstood goblin yet?
      Actually it looks like I am permanently barred from meeting the goblin because I killed Baeloth in BG1 and unlike all the other people you might have killed (Minsc, Dyna, Skie, Edwin, the EE-NPCs) that pop back up again in Siege of Bad-Dragon he doesnt and since the quest to meet the goblin starts with him neither does she.

      Apparently this is a known bug they never fixed because beamdogsimps kept saying that they should let it stay in the game because "its more realistic".
      Which probably is a cope because also every other stream achievement seems to be bugged.

      That said, that doesnt even annoy me half as much as the lack of proper martials in the Add-on until you are half-way through it.

  26. 2 years ago

    After reading this thread, i now understand "rent free" meme completely.

  27. 2 years ago

    We then do a little more spying first on everyones favourite Mary-Sue...

    Holy shit calm down Ocasio-Cortez!
    Part of me wants to believe that when they wrote Caelar they tried to dunk on SJWs and moronic Activism but lets face it, you cannot expect anyone in at beamdog to have this much self-awareness so they probably didn't realize how much of a parody of an affluent liberal woman that tries to be holoer-than-thou and drags everyone into her shit she is.

    • 2 years ago

      And lastly we spy on Irenicus who they try their hardest to assassinate as a character.

      SoD trying to to this whole "IT WAS ME BARRY IT ME ALL ALONG!"-Schtick made my eyes roll so hard they almost fell out of their sockets.

      All in all the story so far feels like a unfocused mass of cliches and last-minute editions of things someone with no friends thought was cool.

      • 2 years ago

        There is bo better example for how badly Beamdog fricked up writing SoD than Irenicus.

        Irenicus is a mage who got his soul taken away for attempting to become a god. Staying true to his arrogance he then attempts to replace his lost soul with the soul of a Bhaalspawn. In Spellhold he eventually succeeds taking the player characters soul.
        Höwever, Irenicus mistakingly believes that with the soul he has taken the divine essence as well. What he has actually taken is the part of you that keeps the divine essence at bay. Without a soul in control Bhaals essence can then manifest as the Slayer, which along with Bhodis lust for Bhaal wiener screws up Irenicus plans. The whole Slayer thing comes as a surprise to both Bodhi and Irenicus.

        What does this have to do with SoD? Simple, the Slayer is foreshadowed heavily in BG2 with your dreams. In them a figure speaks to Charname. At first it looks and sounds like Irenicus, but then also speaks as Imoen until it manifests as Sarevok. This dream figure speaks to you about divine destiny and hidden power. The Irenicus you meet in SoD brings up the same topics...yet has no idea about any of that in BG2.

        So...Beamdogs writing team was not even able to understand a 20 year old storyline for children, youths and the mentally deficient (ADnD fans)

        Bravo Beamdog. If only you had used the talent on your team -whoever did the new area backgrounds- and used him for explicit, graphic Neera content. Shit, we would even tolerate Hexxat if she was a sexy undead and kept Claire around as a mindbroken rot-carpet cleaner.

  28. 2 years ago

    zoom playing BG EE I thought boomeranons wete just throwing a fit over nuthin but after meeting Neera I immediately understood.
    I'm sorry boomerchads you were right all along

  29. 2 years ago


    As if erotica and roleplaying haven't been tied together since the beginning, lmao. Shut the frick up and go back. Don't like? Ignore. No need for the b***hing.

    • 2 years ago

      >As if erotica and roleplaying haven't been tied together since the beginning
      It hasn't.
      t. not the homosexual homosexual whining about your post.

  30. 2 years ago


    >just become deathly afraid of skin being shown, behave just like feminazis, abuse good people's altruism to fill their nation with violent nogs and pretend doing so makes you a servant of God and not satan
    >in exchange you can do all the stuff you'd already do but you get to pretend it makes you a better person
    >also you should overlook the insane amount of homosexual priests abusing male kids that the magisterium openly protects
    No thanks. Now frick off back to ResetEra if you want to whine about nerds getting some T&A in their hobbies.

  31. 2 years ago

    >when you're old enough to remember how tall the slippery slope has become

    • 2 years ago

      i love the slippery slope! I'm 38 and I love traps!

      • 2 years ago

        >men have to abstain from anything sexual because a couple of mentally ill americans can't tell biological reality from tumblr cartoons
        You're effectively saying we should ruin our own hobbies to cater to those fricking morons. Frick off.

  32. 2 years ago



    Coomer is a reddit meme.
    Frick off where you came from.

  33. 2 years ago


    No thanks, I'm Lutheran, aka not a LARPing moralizing homosexual. b***hing on the internet abou erotica does nothing but make you feel good about yourself. Just ignore the stuff you're uncomfortable with. It's so easy.

  34. 2 years ago


    If this people stop being porn addicts they'll literally kill themselves.

    They have nothing worth living for. They have no girlfriend, they have no future. All they have is porn to distract themselves, all they have is fictional videogame women to pretend they have some sort of romance in their lives.

    Telling a coomer to stop being a coomer is like telling someone on life support to stop being on life support. You unplug their porn, and they die.

    Just ignore them and report their coomer comments, most of them won't live past this year, even their porn addiction won't save them from blowing their brains out.

    • 2 years ago


      Coomer is a reddit meme.
      Frick off where you came from.

      and frick off.

      Fricking mentally ill redditors.

      • 2 years ago

        Please stop being a mentally ill porn addict. There's more to life than masturbation. There's more to life than using videogames to jerk off. Stop being a mentally ill coom brain and getting mad when people call you out. You're disgusting. The worst part is that people like you probably say shit like "I don't like gays because they talk about their sexuality" when you're incapable of going 5 seconds without talking about bleeding front holes.

  35. 2 years ago


    ok groomer

    no one cares redditor

  36. 2 years ago

    >all those deleted posts
    Based jannies slapping down pol spergs

  37. 2 years ago




    >mfw I buck-broke some redditor by merely creating a thread to make fun of Siege of Dilatorpeen

    • 2 years ago

      It's the groomers last line of defense

  38. 2 years ago

    Yep. Definitely a buck-broken redditor.

    • 2 years ago

      Dude, read the posts I was replying too. Only one of those were you. Unless you were shitposting against yourself, this comment doesn't make sense. Unless of course, I was the confused one.

      It seems to be a brainrotten jarpig too. I've seen the same pseudo-schizo in a jarpig thread.

      Whatcha doing in a jarpig thread in the first place? Someone's go some explaining to do.

  39. 2 years ago

    It seems to be a brainrotten jarpig too. I've seen the same pseudo-schizo in a jarpig thread.

  40. 2 years ago

    Why do coomers get so mad when they get called out for what they are? Is it shame? I'm guessing it's shame.

    • 2 years ago

      It's the only thing they have left so they naturally defend it.

    • 2 years ago

      It's the only thing they have left so they naturally defend it.

      reddit is that way, sirs.

      • 2 years ago

        lol yeah all those Christian puritans over on reddit really hate porn and masturbation.

        • 2 years ago

          >its not trueeeeee! My memes are cool and hip!
          ok redditor

          • 2 years ago

            calling out degeneracy isn't a meme. i didn't even post any memes.

            • 2 years ago

              Coomer is a reddit meme.
              Frick off redditard

              • 2 years ago

                >if i keep posting it maybe they'll believe me

              • 2 years ago

                ok redditard

    • 2 years ago

      I think it's because they are all suicidal and depressed and the only thing they have going is porn so if you mock them for being porn addicts you're basically telling them they shouldn't even be alive.

      Just ignore their comments and laugh when they kill themselves soon.

  41. 2 years ago

    What the frick is going on with this thread?

    • 2 years ago

      Some homosexual from reddit has an obsession with coomers and has been ranting about them for 1/3 of the thread.
      He might be terminally autistic.

      • 2 years ago

        nta but that's pretty disingenuous. one guy made a (deleted) post complaining about coomers and then either you spammed or a few people threw a tantrum about that one post. obviously that's going to derail the thread.

        • 2 years ago

          lmao even

          >but that's pretty disingenuous
          CTRL+F "coomer", 12 hits even after all the deleted posts.

          So you can frick right off, redditard.

          • 2 years ago

            >throws weird tantrum about reddit (lol) being against degeneracy
            >is surprised that thread is derailed after
            >blames someone else

    • 2 years ago

      troony meltdown because OP used vicuous mockery

  42. 2 years ago

    What exactly does one accomplish by moralgayging on Ganker? Nobody comes here aiming for or open to the salvation of their soul or the reform of their character. You will not actually change someone's mind without speaking to them irl, face to face, one human being, one friend to another. One might object from a Christian point of view that God is absolutely free and can save whoever he pleases however he please through whatever means he pleases. This is true, but by reading the Bible you will realize that God has tied his favor, his invisible grace, to certain determinate and sensible signs, namely the preaching of the word and the dominical sacraments. This is how God has freely chosen to save. Badgering "coomers" on Ganker is not a sacramental act. It is purely pharisaism. You will not make good citizens or saints here. Shut up and talk about roleplaying games.

    Pic unrelated, but grand and intoxicating.

    • 2 years ago

      I agree, let's talk about RPGs. Just don't be a degenerate. Simple as.

      • 2 years ago

        I mean, your argument also applies to the coomers who can't talk about a game without being lewd. That's a far bigger problem here than people actually calling out degeneracy. I wish more people would call it out because it gets so tiresome seeing threads bogged down with coomer shit. Just watch porn like a normal degen.

        Porn is evil.

        Yes it is, but it should at least serve as coomer containment. All the filth ever imaginable is right there at their fingertips, but still they have to obsessively sexualize a 25 year old sprite game.

        Please stop being a mentally ill porn addict. There's more to life than masturbation. There's more to life than using videogames to jerk off. Stop being a mentally ill coom brain and getting mad when people call you out. You're disgusting. The worst part is that people like you probably say shit like "I don't like gays because they talk about their sexuality" when you're incapable of going 5 seconds without talking about bleeding front holes.

        I think it's because they are all suicidal and depressed and the only thing they have going is porn so if you mock them for being porn addicts you're basically telling them they shouldn't even be alive.

        Just ignore their comments and laugh when they kill themselves soon.

        Sure smells like reddit in here.
        6 more posts ranting about your mental illness when there are dozens of threads about waifus and yet you spend all of your time here.

        Its as if you are really trying to deflect that you are seething about someone making fun of Siege Dragontroony.
        Dont worry tho, this thread wont go away, I will just make the next one laughing about SoD.

        • 2 years ago

          The fact that a thread about mocking shitty writing in a video game has devolved into fake moralhomosexualry is bizarre to me. It was fun reading your thread, so keep it up.

        • 2 years ago

          troony meltdown because OP used vicuous mockery

          >reddit is against degeneracy
          >y-yeah! trannies too!
          Imagine being this unhinged. SoD is garbage and Amber Scott is a worthless fat hole. You derailed your own thread by freaking out over one post about coomers.

        • 2 years ago

          Yep, you can really tell by how they first started trying to deflect to other shit and then resorted to coomerspamming when that failed.

          • 2 years ago

            Yep. The coomer meltdown started because somebody told Beamdog that they're only good enough to draw (not write) necrophiliac lesbian rape. That really triggered the autist.

            • 2 years ago

              Just don't be a coomer. This applies to both you and the homosexuals and worthless women at Beamdog.

              • 2 years ago

                Whoa it's almost like it's completely logically consistent for a far right wing gamer to be against both of these things.

                >reddit is against degeneracy
                >y-yeah! trannies too!
                Imagine being this unhinged. SoD is garbage and Amber Scott is a worthless fat hole. You derailed your own thread by freaking out over one post about coomers.

                Yep. The coomer meltdown started because somebody told Beamdog that they're only good enough to draw (not write) necrophiliac lesbian rape. That really triggered the autist.

                >one post about coomers.
                >CTRL+F "coomer"
                >25 hits
                Man its like you are physically unable to stop playing pretend.
                You even lie about shit that is easily verifiable.

                >far right wing gamer
                By now everyone can tell that you are a larper you moron.

                >Just don't be a coomer.
                Just dont be a redditor sperging out about people laughing about SoD.
                Do you at least get paid for derailing the thread or are you doing it for free?

                The constant same-gayging just makes you look like you legitimate mental issues.

        • 2 years ago

          >when there are dozens of threads about waifu

          I have them all hidden. Reporting them does nothing because the jannies don't care and coomers will keep making those threads. But you freaks invade ACTUAL videogame threads to derail them and make them about female worship or porn. You're mentally ill.

          Why don't you have a nice day? Seriously. Why are you still alive? TO jerk off to fictional women who don't even know you exist?

          • 2 years ago

            I would be very concerned if a fictional woman was aware of me jerking off to her.

            • 2 years ago

              So what turns you on is the fact that she will never love you or notice you?

              Wow, you incels even take pleasure on being creeps.

              • 2 years ago

                Farquaad, is that you? I was pretty sure you got banned just the other day. Are you evading?

    • 2 years ago

      I mean, your argument also applies to the coomers who can't talk about a game without being lewd. That's a far bigger problem here than people actually calling out degeneracy. I wish more people would call it out because it gets so tiresome seeing threads bogged down with coomer shit. Just watch porn like a normal degen.

      • 2 years ago

        Porn is evil.

        • 2 years ago

          Yes it is, but it should at least serve as coomer containment. All the filth ever imaginable is right there at their fingertips, but still they have to obsessively sexualize a 25 year old sprite game.

      • 2 years ago

        >That's a far bigger problem here than people actually calling out degeneracy.
        Obsessive waifu talk is annoying but I prefer the occasional coomer over leftoids larping as unhinged zealots because they're mad a thread exists.

      • 2 years ago

        >That's a far bigger problem here than people actually calling out degeneracy.
        Because "coomers" are the one using games for propaganda?

        • 2 years ago

          Whoa it's almost like it's completely logically consistent for a far right wing gamer to be against both of these things.

          • 2 years ago

            >a far right wing gamer
            Is this really how you self-identify? Fricking lol.

            • 2 years ago

              That's how I identify on a gaming board meant for discussing games, yes.

              • 2 years ago

                I'll grant that it's not quite as gay a label as "trans woman of color," but warn you that it's pretty damn close.

              • 2 years ago


        • 2 years ago

          >if people don't like that, then too bad
          Why doesn't that apply to the original writing? If ~~*they*~~ didn't like it, then too bad. Play a different game. Don't go and try to rewrite something just because it offends you.

  43. 2 years ago

    I just played it normally after finishing BGEE, before moving on to BG2EE, it wasn't hard. The troony got properly memed, the rest of it is good-looking maps, decent dungeons, and a flabby story.

  44. 2 years ago

    >This is how Beamdog wanted to prove they deserve the rights to BG3

  45. 2 years ago

    No it's not you dumb idiots. Sex sells. Literally in every industry. Especially in the RPG market where there's autism at EVERY corner. Autists love coomer shit more than anyone.

  46. 2 years ago

    "Coomer is a reddit meme" is definitely one of the more interesting copes I've seen here.

    • 2 years ago


      reddit is that way, sirs.

      Now lets see you cope how its all fake and lies.

      • 2 years ago

        >one time some people used a subreddit and discord to brigade with coomer memes
        >literally saying Black person in one of those screenshots
        >these are totally typical redditors
        >and this somehow means that a meme that literally originated on Ganker is now a reddit meme
        you're not very bright, are you?

        • 2 years ago

          >you have to be ok with degeneracy because one time some discord trannies organized posting coomer memes in Ganker
          coomer logic

          >hey I bet the cope will be ITS ALL FAKE AND LIES
          >two posts claim its FAKE AND LIES

      • 2 years ago

        >you have to be ok with degeneracy because one time some discord trannies organized posting coomer memes in Ganker
        coomer logic

  47. 2 years ago

    Post-2017 /misc/-brained newbies NEED to leave. Discussing and posting lewd shit is the historical norm. And yes, -oomer memes are reddit. They're reddit because, even though they originated on Ganker, they've been beaten completely and utterly to death, like Wojak or Pepe. They were funny for like a week, tops, and you homosexuals have been continuing to use them for like 4 years now. Just frick off.

    • 2 years ago

      >so ashamed of himself he can't even type coomer

      • 2 years ago

        How fricking new can you be?

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