Silent Hill 2

Any RE game has better level design imho

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  1. 2 years ago

    Silent Hill is more about the atmosphere and story. Resident Evil is way more fun to play but it's pretty generic overall. Anyways, I prefer to have the best of both world therefore Fatal Frame is my favorite

    • 2 years ago

      ok, Nitro Rad

  2. 2 years ago

    >Any RE game has better level design imho

    • 2 years ago

      Why do people always say the train in re0 is amazing ? Is it just because its the only part of the game that doesnt suck ?

      • 2 years ago

        Everyone stops playing the moment they realize they have to manage two characters and their inventories for the rest of the game.

        • 2 years ago

          >no item boxes
          Such a bad idea. I finished it for the first time like a month ago and all I can remember other than the train is Billy and Rebecca standing around with all their shit strewn all over the damn floor. That's that game's most striking image. It's like a messy bedroom simulator.

    • 2 years ago

      There are more interesting scenes in that train alone than a whole game full of copy/pasted corridors with 80% of the doors being non functional.

  3. 2 years ago

    some of them could be a little boring but I liked the choice to use semi-realistic floorplans, really gave the levels a distinct feel compared to the more typical gamey layouts.

  4. 2 years ago

    >Any RE game has better level design imho
    Except when it comes to adding bathrooms to your police station. I love SH1/SH2 precisely because of its realistic level design.

  5. 2 years ago

    It’s like comparing death metal to black metal, the former is much sillier but more endearing and fun than the latter

  6. 2 years ago

    Worst thread I have seen in a while.

  7. 2 years ago

    I actually think the levels are pretty tightly designed in SH2. They want to place it in settings that are somewhat tied to the real world:
    An Apartment
    A Prison
    A Hospital
    A Hotel

    But also don't want to have a bunch of rooms that are otherwise useless. So, just block them off. Keeps the game focused.
    Early RE does the same thing, but just does it by having a tighter design in settings that don't make that much real-world sense. I don't really have strong opinions on either decision, except that I think it fits how the games differ in their construction.

    • 2 years ago

      The settings of each RE game actually does make sense
      >Resident Evil 1
      The mansion is a front. The majority of the staff sleep in the dormitory, it seems like the mansion is just a guard outpost (which is why there's only two real bedrooms in the mansion and only one washroom- why have a lot of plumbing for an area that's meant to kill trespassers?). The dormitory on the other hand has a nice handful of bedrooms for staff staying overnight, and each room has its own washroom, in addition to some breakrooms right near the bedrooms.
      >Resident Evil 2
      People attribute the comment about the RPD being an old museum or library to the remake, but I do recall it being stated in some interviews. Generally though, the RPD's design is absurd, but there is a logic to it. The offices are all next to each other, with the fire escape being right next to one branch of the offices and the Chief's office, etc., only issue is the fire escape ladder in the main hall, which would be the quickest path to both the chief and the library. It's probably like that because in development they wanted stairs there, but didn't want to give the player too many locked doors to handle at the start.
      As for the rest, the city is basically owned by Umbrella, so the sewer having a tram leading to the other Arklay lab makes sense, though most employees took a train as shown in 0.
      >Resident Evil 3
      Town is fricked so all the streets are closed off. Only area that doesn't make sense is the hospital, too small to be the only hospital in town.

      • 2 years ago

        >It's probably like that because in development they wanted stairs there, but didn't want to give the player too many locked doors to handle at the start.
        There's a very rough rendering of the main hall someone extracted from the RE2 demo (I think) that actually has stairs on both sides in the back. You're probably right that they didn't want to overwhelm new players with a ton of locked doors right off the bat.

  8. 2 years ago

    They're not the same genre despite appearing to be. RE is survival horror but SH is adventure games. There's no survival aspect in SH, for example you have an infinite inventory.

    • 2 years ago

      >You must have a limited inventory size to be a survival horror game

      • 2 years ago


      • 2 years ago

        There has to be something to separate it from just being a horror-themed adventure game. In SH you have all your guns and all your ammo with you at all times and you don't have to sacrifice any of it or do with less to make progress. What is there to distinguish it to make it survival horror? That you have to not die when the enemies fight you? This just applies to 1-3, though. The Room is a survival horror game.

        • 2 years ago

          >The Room is a survival horror game.
          Examples: limited inventory that you have to manage; areas you have to visit more than once meaning you have to take extra consideration on how to deal with enemies; invulnerable ghosts which chase you throughout levels which can be pinned down with a sword, but there are only a small number of swords available; your safe space (the apartment room) eventually becoming haunted and becoming hostile to you as well.

  9. 2 years ago

    It's not that different from how the hospitals around here look. And that would also be 1/4 of a classic re map.

  10. 2 years ago

    SH was terrifying as hell. Going down a dark hallway with your vision so obscured and hearing that radio easily beats any level design RE can come up with for me because SH succeeds far better at being scary. I like both series and RE can have its scares to but its done differently from SH. I would dread going into any single room in SH games while in RE as long as I have the proper amount of ammo and gun I would at least know I am prepared for what is coming up.

    • 2 years ago

      >hearing that radio
      am i the only one that turns off the radio?

    • 2 years ago

      Most SH enemies are slow as hell.

  11. 2 years ago

    why does this series trigger re gays so much?
    capcom is an overrated company

  12. 2 years ago

    It's a hospital, what were you expect?

    • 2 years ago


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