Silent Hill 4 was pretty neat when you think about it.

Silent Hill 4 was pretty neat when you think about it.

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  1. 7 months ago

    Eileen is MINE

    • 7 months ago

      I have never played any Silent Hill game, and I agree that that lady is pretty.

    • 7 months ago

      >this is a 2004 PS2 game
      Holy shit

      • 7 months ago

        Silent Hill team always killed it with graphics. It was amazing to see this always 20 years ago on the PS2.

  2. 7 months ago

    It is.
    Fricked inventory, revisiting places and escorting a dummy don't make me wanna replay it.

  3. 7 months ago

    It's the only one that's actually a survival horror game.

  4. 7 months ago

    One of the best and most interesting SH stories. The atmosphere is cool, depressing, claustrophobic... It has a bunch of creepy set pieces and the general area design is great as well. The puzzles are good.

    It should’ve been one of the best SH games. But then there’s the combat. Clunky and shitty, now with 2D controls instead of the perfectly good tank controls of previous games. Any camera change is a jankfest, and the auto-lockon is a mess. Ghost enemies being near you will drain your health without any way to stop it damageless.

    Then Eileen enters the story. Unlike Cynthia from an early game sequence, Eileen has to stay close in order to not get stuck when you enter a new room. She is limping, she takes damage from the ghost enemies, and eventually gets possessed and will randomly stand still to chant some demonic nonsense.

    Then there’s the whole fact of having to replay ALL of the sections you’ve already beaten – only now Eileen is there to frick it all up. Not only have you seen all this shit before, but it has been turned into a sluggish escort mission. Only thing that could make it worse is if you had to hold Eileen’s hand to make her move, Emma Emmerich style. And please, for the love of frick, don’t give Eileen any weapons. There are certain weapons only she can hold, and they all result in her stopping in her tracks, making puny non-damage against enemies, most often getting herself killed, instead of following you.

    Also frick the Building World. Thank frick for the Eileen glitch that lets you skip the entire second visit.

    • 7 months ago

      >Eileen has to stay close in order to not get stuck when you enter a new room
      You can leave her in a room without enemies, do everything you need in location, then find Eileen and go to the next world. You need this if you want to keep Eileen as healthy as possible (which is mandatory if you're playing on Hard mode and going for the best ending).

      • 7 months ago

        Add this to my list of grievances. Annoying “having to leave companion somewhere and backtrack to find them later” mechanic. Not to mention that there’s no “stay” command for Eileen so you have to swerve and juke her when you actually want her falling behind.

        • 7 months ago

          >Not to mention that there’s no “stay” command for Eileen
          Yep. If you want to leave her in the room, you NEED her to be off-screen when you're leaving the room. This whole game is fricking annoying, it has nothing going for it except for the story (which isn't the most important part of SH games in my opinion).

          • 7 months ago

            The story is definitely overly focused on by fans. If gameplay was considered more important, both 1 and 3 would be held in higher regard than SH2 for example

    • 7 months ago

      >One of the best and most interesting SH stories.
      Main character is a fricking plank.

      • 7 months ago

        That's every SH game

        • 7 months ago

          Jimbo was a scumbag they tricked you into rooting for the whole game. Stop posting.

        • 7 months ago

          First of all no
          Second of all even the most plank-like SH protags are nowhere near the empty cardboard box that is Henry from SH4. They could remove his character model and voice lines and just have you steer an invisible spot around the map to experience the game around it.

      • 7 months ago

        A plank you mold into a heroic voyeur in order to get a sweet girl next door and stop a moronic mommygay from succeeding. It's deep.

    • 7 months ago

      It's one of the few games that benefit from playing on Easy mode.

    • 7 months ago

      i 100% agree with this post. always felt it could've worked better without combat at all, just like a point and click adventure. maybe one day some autist will make a romhack about it.

    • 7 months ago

      Not defending the game, because all your grievances are true, however you can put a candle in front of Eileen to remove the possession, before the final area. At least there's that.

  5. 7 months ago

    I like the concept. It feels surreal and confusing, in a good way, like a lucid dream

  6. 7 months ago

    It’s not better than 2 or 3 but this was always the scariest Silent Hill for me.

    I was around 12 or 13 when this came out and the beginning of the game scared the ever living shit out of me. The theme of isolation, peering through keyholes, the grunginess of the apartment, the high floor you’re on, just made for a much spookier game than the already spooky SH2/3.

  7. 7 months ago

    >that one cut haunting where eileen stares at the hole
    jesus frick

  8. 7 months ago

    A game so nice you had to play it twice.

  9. 7 months ago

    There's no such thing as a good Silent Hill.

  10. 7 months ago

    Am I the only one who thinks that SH4 and Yume Nikki are similar?

    • 7 months ago

      Not only are they similar they released in the same year on the same month.

      • 7 months ago

        Yeah, shit's crazy

  11. 7 months ago

    Oh yeah, SH4 definitely had a lot of things going for it overall like overwhelming feeling that the game just hates you (in a scary way) but the gameplay loop is just kinda frustrating and less clean the SH1/2/3, specially when the second half of the game is just the first half again re-arranged with a dumb as bricks escort that gets caught on everything.

  12. 7 months ago

    I was loving the first half, the room and the ideas (I specially liked seeing the neighbours talking about your situation), then the studio ran out of time/money and the shitty revisit of the stages happened. What a fricking slog, I left the game for months until I finally decided to end it. No It's not hard (who the fricks gets to SH4 without knowing all the classic survival horror tricks already?) nor scary, just boring.

    • 7 months ago

      >What a fricking slog
      Why do you always like this? I just liked how Aileen could read things on previous locations that were just gibberish hor Henry

      • 7 months ago

        I guess you meant "write". I don't know, It's just a good way to express what I feel about the game.
        Eileen reading the things is nice, I agree.

  13. 7 months ago


  14. 7 months ago

    That's what I thought when I wasn't stomping on stupid bugs for the trillionth time

    Outside of the twin head monsters whose names I forget this game had the weakest monsters.

  15. 7 months ago
  16. 7 months ago

    Yes, the game has good things but the second half of the game brings everything down.
    Other anons say that you can leave eileen in a room, do what you need to do and come back for her but i think that if you do that, she receives damage, even if the room is safe. It was long ago that i played the game but i remember just leaving her alone and when i came back she was covered in marks that she didn't have before.

    • 7 months ago

      This is true. I did the same thing on the prison level with the really annoying puzzle where you have to spin the whole level around and go back and forth to explore all the rooms. Came back and she had shitty 2 pixel evil textures all over her(played on pcsx2 so the texture glitched). My friend was like "it's all good you can just use the candles to heal her right before the final boss so you wont get the bad ending," but this was also a myth. Saw a yt video the debunked all the bs way after the fact. Kinda wanna revisit the game but it's kind of a slog.

    • 7 months ago

      This is true. I did the same thing on the prison level with the really annoying puzzle where you have to spin the whole level around and go back and forth to explore all the rooms. Came back and she had shitty 2 pixel evil textures all over her(played on pcsx2 so the texture glitched). My friend was like "it's all good you can just use the candles to heal her right before the final boss so you wont get the bad ending," but this was also a myth. Saw a yt video the debunked all the bs way after the fact. Kinda wanna revisit the game but it's kind of a slog.

      I checked an old forum post, there's a few places where she's actually safe
      >In the Subway so long as Cynthia is sword'd, you can leave Eileen in that area, with the subway booths. You can leave her at Wish House, also, as discussed. In the Panopticon, there's a cell with a hole that you can leave her in--one on the third floor, that you have to drop down, I believe. The elevator's the safest place in the Building World, but also the upside-down room, and one of the stairwells--I've forgotten which, regrettably. The Apartments isn't difficult with Eileen, so all you've gotta do is get her to the lobby.

  17. 7 months ago

    It was bad but eileen is hot

  18. 7 months ago

    It is, also it works as well thought out game not as an interactive movie. I was a huge step forward for the series.

    • 7 months ago

      Same. The fact that the larger playerbase considers it a bit of a black sheep has soured my opinion of silent hill fans. Granted, almost all of them are SH2 babbies that will shit their pants and scream at the slightest deviation from that formula, but it still hurts to know SH will always be chasing SH2 no matter how bad it gets.

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