
How do i play this game? It's very hard to play. Everything is confusing. Any good tutorial videos/guides?

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  1. 2 years ago


    Your city gets larger, you need more power, you need to build a region next door to sell you power.
    You need to build a region to buy trash
    you need to build a region to sell you water
    your hosptial are at max despite being maxed funded and basically over top of each other
    your education is maxed despite being maxed funded and basically over top of each other
    tollways are full
    subways are full
    there's still a human wave coming
    making good money tho.

    • 2 years ago



      • 2 years ago

        >Everything in the same boring square grid

        • 2 years ago

          If SC4 filters you out after playing its tutorial, you might be genuinely moronic. And I don't even mean it as an insult.
          Because you did play the tutorial... right?

          Said an npc that's incapable of any genuine feelings or thought on his own.

      • 2 years ago

        >not Magnasanti
        step it up

        • 2 years ago

          Filipinos truly are the most powerful race in the world

  2. 2 years ago

    Which Simcity? I assume SC4.

    Advice one: besides power and a landfill, you need nothing to lay down the foundations of your city and get your cashflow

    Everything else from fire engines to healthm to education and water should only come once your advisors start screaming at you for not having it, and water especially only when you're already a city thousands strong, and you've got demand for rich fricks and their manicured lawns

    Education is the trickiest of them all, as the Education levels affect what kind of (more profitable) jobs will have demand and come to your city, and all the buildings are age group dependent, but rule of thumb is once you want your city to be more than an industrial sprawl, you need education

    • 2 years ago

      Build roads.
      Zone residential at one end, industrial at the other and commercial in the middle.
      Place one fire station.
      You're done.

      Remember you cannot have a city without poor people and poor people do not need recreation, police, education or water.

      Mediocre advice.
      You easily can afford education, healthcare, fire station from the start even playing at max difficulty with only 1 city tile, and add police, water and public transport a couple years later.

      Real advice number one is zone more. Build larger cities. Zone more low density residential. If your city makes money, making it larger will make more money, and if your city doesn't make money, you will lose anyway. And even basic LD R$ pays enough for schools, healthcare and police if you do everything correctly.
      Medium and high density housing of same wealth pays much less tax than LD, so be careful with increasing density.
      Best source of electicity is to make separate city with multiple coal plants (and nothing else) and sell power to your real city/cities. But you can just place a coal plant in industrial zone. Don't use expensive power plants.
      Set school bus funding to zero from the start, school buses are waste of money, just build more schools.
      Always build a college, just set funding to 10$/month at the start.
      Don't build a highway, especially at the start. American players are obsessed with building highways, often completely useless and not even leading from housing to jobs. Highways are expensive. If you need to move large amount of people, the best options are railways (clean and much cheaper than highways and subways) and subways (clean and use no land).

  3. 2 years ago

    The easiest way to play is to make two cities and switch back and forth between them, I think I figured that out when I was 10, OP

  4. 2 years ago

    if you are looking for sandbox thing, play Cities Skylines. SimCity 4 is an actual computer game.

  5. 2 years ago

    Build roads.
    Zone residential at one end, industrial at the other and commercial in the middle.
    Place one fire station.
    You're done.

    Remember you cannot have a city without poor people and poor people do not need recreation, police, education or water.

    • 2 years ago

      They need water if you want medium or high density.

    • 2 years ago

      >poor people do not need recreation, police, education or water
      do americans really

      • 2 years ago

        The game is based on American cities, so yes.
        Oh and healthcare is optional too.

        Mediocre advice.
        You easily can afford education, healthcare, fire station from the start even playing at max difficulty with only 1 city tile, and add police, water and public transport a couple years later.

        Real advice number one is zone more. Build larger cities. Zone more low density residential. If your city makes money, making it larger will make more money, and if your city doesn't make money, you will lose anyway. And even basic LD R$ pays enough for schools, healthcare and police if you do everything correctly.
        Medium and high density housing of same wealth pays much less tax than LD, so be careful with increasing density.
        Best source of electicity is to make separate city with multiple coal plants (and nothing else) and sell power to your real city/cities. But you can just place a coal plant in industrial zone. Don't use expensive power plants.
        Set school bus funding to zero from the start, school buses are waste of money, just build more schools.
        Always build a college, just set funding to 10$/month at the start.
        Don't build a highway, especially at the start. American players are obsessed with building highways, often completely useless and not even leading from housing to jobs. Highways are expensive. If you need to move large amount of people, the best options are railways (clean and much cheaper than highways and subways) and subways (clean and use no land).

        >Don't use expensive power plants.
        If you're giving real advice then you shouldn't say this. When choosing your plant you're picking between pollution, up front cost, over time cost and footprint.
        The 4 plants to pay attention to are:
        >wind - only good for aesthetics, pathetic output, most expensive to maintain, annoying to replace if you play forever
        >gas - 2-to-3 tiles of trees negates all meaningful air pollution because that's how the game works
        >nuclear - cheaper than all renewables but can have a meltdown, do not underfund it as its lifespan is important, no fancy population requirements
        >hydrogen - best footprint, best up front cost, same running cost as solar

        >the best options are railways (clean and much cheaper than highways and subways) and subways (clean and use no land).
        Please turn on your air pollution view. The simulation thinks all pollution is coming from the sim themself and no form of mass transit nor pedestrian travel reduces this. Only modded subways use no land as they require tiles for the stops and they're very, very expensive to both build and maintain.
        Railways should be given a branch line, even if it's only a tile long, to attach the station to the railway because any passing traffic will clog up the station even if their stop isn't there. I never figured out if subways have this issue.
        Carpool incentive is bugged. Commuter shuttle allegedly works but sims only choose to use their cars if there is no mass transit option, and if you use NAM you'll find sims going on death marches to use mass transit because that mod is for cheaters. Allegedly the Clean Air Act affects transit emissions much like the Automobile Emission one, so potentially a 20% reduction when combined.

        • 2 years ago

          > If you're giving real advice then you shouldn't say this. When choosing your plant you're picking between pollution, up front cost, over time cost and footprint.
          Coal plants are much cheaper per MWh than everything else. Almost 2x cheaper to build and 3x to mantain than natgas. As I said, the best source of clean power is buying coal power from separate district, literally beats everything else you suggested on your own metrics: no footprint and upfront costs in your main cities, no pollution, lower over time costs than non-coal power.

          > Please turn on your air pollution view. The simulation thinks all pollution is coming from the sim themself and no form of mass transit nor pedestrian travel reduces this.
          Completely false. Pedestrians and rail don't cause any air pollution (noise yes, air pollution no). In original game only cars (and trucks) cause pollution, in NAM buses cause same pollution as cars. You can check it in game data with SC4Tool, there is a tag for generating pollution for transport modes.
          And yes, I always check air pollution in my cities. Roads and highways with heavy car traffic cause visible pollution, dense cities where people only walk and use railways and subways don't. It's a fact.

          > that mod is for cheaters
          Correct. NAM increases max commute time 100 times. You don't even need mass transit, you can just force everybody to walk to jobs, and everything will be fine, nothing is abandoned because of long commute.

          • 2 years ago

            Given the base game sims treat walking 1 kilometer to work as if it was a death march through siberia, I think NAM is justified even if they overdid it a little.

  6. 2 years ago

    looking for a game recomendation with sim city mehanics with war element
    (the objective is military victory against pc opponent , but city building and economy is as important as in simcity) does someting like that even exist?

    • 2 years ago

      Warcraft 3 had a number of custom maps that had city building with zoning etc along with building units and fighting. Other than that I really can't think of much

    • 2 years ago

      Songs of Syx
      It's not really Sim City at all. It's more like Anno+Rimworld+Total War. It won't look pretty or like a modern city, but there's a good bit of economy/supply chain management. It also has a new release with Total War-inspired combat and campaign-level conquest, though it's still very underdeveloped compared to the TW series in that regard.
      It's in alpha, with 1 dev, so set expectations appropriately.
      There's a free demo, but it's 2 versions back so it won't have the most recent military release included. $25 on Steam. It's worth it I say.

    • 2 years ago

      If you want the specific sim city style city builder where you designate zones that the ai fills in then I think you're out of luck. If you're fine with city builders where the player does all the building then the Anno series has combat.

    • 2 years ago

      Emperor Rise of the Middle Kingdom

  7. 2 years ago

    Just play the game dude til shit works. It's hard to lose

  8. 2 years ago

    Modpack link long dead but info still good. Need the NAM plugin, it's still being updated.

    • 2 years ago
      • 2 years ago
        • 2 years ago
          • 2 years ago

            Last one.

    • 2 years ago

      >modpack link now dead
      someone archived it, right?

      • 2 years ago

        I've actually made a new one last November. Just needs NAM. I linked it in another thread so don't want to spam the link.


        • 2 years ago

          Very nice. Is this one city tile?

        • 2 years ago

          Is your modpack compatible wih Oldshoes' ?

          • 2 years ago

            It IS Oldshoes' pack, it's me! It's not compatible per se but there are a lot of overlaps with old packs, maybe some omissions in this latest collection too. They're organized differently as well so might be hard to make sure there's no duplicates.

            Very nice. Is this one city tile?

            Yeah one big tile. Part of a region I was doing last time I played.

            • 2 years ago

              >Yeah one big tile. Part of a region I was doing last time I played.
              Oh really. Maybe I need to try Simcity 4 again some time. I only played it with NAM a long time ago and one of the things that bothered me was that the even the biggest city tiles were so small.

              • 2 years ago

                Most of the default regions are all small tiles, most custom regions are all big tiles. At least in my experience. Worth a go!

              • 2 years ago

                This might be a noob question but how do I get custom regions with big tiles like in this image

                It IS Oldshoes' pack, it's me! It's not compatible per se but there are a lot of overlaps with old packs, maybe some omissions in this latest collection too. They're organized differently as well so might be hard to make sure there's no duplicates.

                Yeah one big tile. Part of a region I was doing last time I played.

                . I installed nam and the mod pack you posted. Did I make a mistake or is there some mod I'm missing? I assume most plugins of the modpack are supposed to be dropped in the plugin folder. I checked the readme of some of them or do all have different installation methods?

              • 2 years ago

                Everything in the modpack download goes into DocumentsSimCity 4Plugins. Under plugins it should be all the different folders, not PluginsPlugins if that makes sense.

                There's a variety of methods of getting custom regions, for mine I used SC4 Mapper (need to create an account on LEX to download, it's free)

                Loads of great maps on the LEX and Simtropolis to download.

              • 2 years ago

                Thanks again city building anon.

              • 2 years ago

                It's no problem. My only request is that you post cities.

              • 2 years ago

                That might take a while because I haven't played a lot of SC4.

              • 2 years ago

                How do you have so many middle income sims? Where are all the low income? I think I recognise maybe 3 or 4 R$ skyscrapers but most of them look like R$$.

              • 2 years ago

                I think other cities in the region have more lower income, but keeping good education coverage helps a lot with having a lot of middle.

            • 2 years ago

              Sounds like renaming my current plugin folder and starting a new region with your new pack is in order

        • 2 years ago

          Great, thanks.

    • 2 years ago

      >recommending cheat mods
      NAM increases all road capacities by a factor of 10 and removes all limits from sim pathfinding. It's for people who approach Sim City 4 as a kind of city painter, rather than a game.

      • 2 years ago

        You do know you can configure the installation, and tell NAM to leave the values on Maxis default?

      • 2 years ago

        Stay mad NAM-let.

      • 2 years ago

        >me fence my friend
        Damn, do American neighbourhoods really not have public footpaths that go between streets?
        And Simcity 4 is a city painting game, NAM is just about making it a model train set with its 100s of ploppable puzzle pieces.

        You do know you can configure the installation, and tell NAM to leave the values on Maxis default?

        >You do know you can configure the installation
        I tried that before but I wind up with missing textures amongst other things if I seek to disable the broken shit because the installation expects you to enable everything.

        • 2 years ago

          >Damn, do American neighbourhoods really not have public footpaths that go between streets?
          Walking is Un-American! The HOA will hunt down all potential commie jaywalkers and terminate them with extreme prejudice.

  9. 2 years ago

    Modern SC4 port running on 60fps on modern hardware without crashing anytime you look at it funny with workshop integration (FRICK DEPENDENCIES) NEVER EVER.

    • 2 years ago

      Transportation map.

      All vanilla btw according to the guy that made it.

      • 2 years ago

        Where can I learn this power?

        • 2 years ago

          by finding the computer that doesn't crash whenever this loads up.

        • 2 years ago

          by finding the computer that doesn't crash whenever this loads up.

          Here are his rules

          0. To faithfully recreate Japan with SimCity4!
          1. Difficulty is easy.(Highway needs §§§...)
          2. No use MODs.(I can't manage it.)
          3. No use Cheats.(Except Change City Name and Mayor's Name.)

          >3. No use Cheats
          You can't learn this power.

        • 2 years ago

          It only looks good in the satellite view, the individual cities are a mess and for some reason the roads are all constructed at right angles

  10. 2 years ago

    Emulate the SNES version.

  11. 2 years ago

    You need the NAM mod that fixes route calculation. Without it you literally have to rebuild residential buildings so the new civilians can "discover" that there was a subway to work right next to them this whole time.

    But asides from that I dont know any other mods that are a requirement for this game.

  12. 2 years ago


  13. 2 years ago

    Its like Simcity but better

    • 2 years ago

      So what's it called?

      • 2 years ago

        Capitalism Lab

  14. 2 years ago

    lmao dude, it is insanely easy once you learn how to actually design cities, I have a reagion with 700k pop that I never even once touched the budget or tax of any building and I am quite shite at city planning.

    • 2 years ago

      >I never even once touched the budget or tax of any building
      Whilst you should touch the budget of buildings that can change capacity to save money when you have none, you should never touch tax in the game unless you really hate a certain bracket of development or want it to be supplied in neighbouring cities instead.

      is that a bug if commercial zones are not ever in demand nor constructed but residential and industrial are?
      No ordinances touched, No taxes raised. build over a old deleted lot.

      Commercial demand is supposed to be based on population and your neighbouring city might have just swallowed up all of it.
      You can try to build on the smaller city lots with just residential and industry.

  15. 2 years ago

    is that a bug if commercial zones are not ever in demand nor constructed but residential and industrial are?
    No ordinances touched, No taxes raised. build over a old deleted lot.

    • 2 years ago

      In SC4? Other cities in the region can have an effect on the demand.

      • 2 years ago

        >In SC4? Other cities in the region can have an effect on the demand.
        Yes. How so it affects?

        Takes a lot of low density residential to get demand for commercial. Once you have high density you will get more demand

        Just started and got 1k pop, no zoned commercial developed at all maybe because I made enough rural/dirty so sims don't care

        >I never even once touched the budget or tax of any building
        Whilst you should touch the budget of buildings that can change capacity to save money when you have none, you should never touch tax in the game unless you really hate a certain bracket of development or want it to be supplied in neighbouring cities instead.
        Commercial demand is supposed to be based on population and your neighbouring city might have just swallowed up all of it.
        You can try to build on the smaller city lots with just residential and industry.

        this makes sense but not for me that I don't understand how game works. Should I not connect cities until develop commercial zones?

        Uneducated poor create demand only for dirty industry, agriculture and small amount of C$. Educate them and demand will shift from dirty industry to mfg industry to offices. If you're following advice to not provide any education to save money, stop following bad advice.

        this makes no sense for now because they are just a growing city and I've developed several where at least 6 full commercial blocks were constructed and here they are all covered by school radius

        • 2 years ago

          1k pop is nothing. Continue zoning residential and industrial. You also don't need a school this early.

    • 2 years ago

      Takes a lot of low density residential to get demand for commercial. Once you have high density you will get more demand

    • 2 years ago

      Takes a lot of low density residential to get demand for commercial. Once you have high density you will get more demand

      >I never even once touched the budget or tax of any building
      Whilst you should touch the budget of buildings that can change capacity to save money when you have none, you should never touch tax in the game unless you really hate a certain bracket of development or want it to be supplied in neighbouring cities instead.
      Commercial demand is supposed to be based on population and your neighbouring city might have just swallowed up all of it.
      You can try to build on the smaller city lots with just residential and industry.

      IIRC Education also plays a huge part, especially in the demand for Commercial Offices

    • 2 years ago

      Uneducated poor create demand only for dirty industry, agriculture and small amount of C$. Educate them and demand will shift from dirty industry to mfg industry to offices. If you're following advice to not provide any education to save money, stop following bad advice.

      • 2 years ago

        You need dirty industry somewhere in your region though, the game simulates supply chains if only at a very basic level.

  16. 2 years ago

    Play Sim City as a virtual model maker. Not as an actual game.

  17. 2 years ago

    How do I git good at Simcity 3000? I keep losing money every month. Also, how the frick do you skip the fricking parade

    • 2 years ago

      Legalize gambling, sell your dump, sell your rump, and never click the parade

      • 2 years ago

        Thanks fren. Any tips on how to zone my city?

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