Sinnoh is the best region in pokemon.

Sinnoh is the best region in pokemon.

It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

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  1. 7 months ago

    yeah Sinnoh sure was *goes back to PC to get HM slave* the best *smashes boulder* region *tries to navigate through foggy area* in the *encounters Graveler for the 97th time* Pokemon series *gets stuck in snow* it truly was *saves a lot of data* the peak of the series

    • 7 months ago


    • 7 months ago

      Yep, that's my Kinnoh!!

    • 7 months ago

      Sounds like a gripe with gen 4 more than a gripe with sinnoh

    • 7 months ago

      >*saves a lot of data*
      To this day, I still understood why they did this bullshit.

    • 7 months ago

      >*saves a lot of data*
      To this day, I still understood why they did this bullshit.

      What does this have to do with the region itself?

      • 7 months ago

        the region itself has the same 4 boring kanto pokemon spammed everywhere
        the region itself pads its route out with pointless HM obstacles that have nothing behind them except EV vitamins you'll never use
        the region itself has garbage snow and mud and fog that slows you down for literally no reason except to make the game more tedious

        • 7 months ago

          What you're talking about is game mechanics. OP is clearly talking about the region itself.

          • 7 months ago

            >What you're talking about is game mechanics
            The game mechanics that are a part of the REGION, yes.

            • 7 months ago

              The game mechanics that change from DP to Platinum? And again from Platinum to BDSP? Game mechanics do not represent the region itself, they are just part of the game.

              • 7 months ago

                >The game mechanics that change from DP to Platinum? And again from Platinum to BDSP?
                Everything I mentioned is common to all three games.

                >Game mechanics do not represent the region itself,
                Yes they do.

                >the region itself has the same 4 boring kanto pokemon spammed everywhere
                Dumb exaggeration where you pretend some more common pokemon are all that's available in the region. Why lie?
                >the region itself pads its route out with pointless HM obstacles that have nothing behind them except EV vitamins you'll never use
                Why would I not use them just to speed up EV training a bit? So because you dislike the reward (without actually judging the merit of the reward) there's suddenly no point? Very foolish analysis of the game.
                >the region itself has garbage snow and mud and fog that slows you down for literally no reason except to make the game more tedious
                Imagine getting filtered by Fog. You're the same guy that calls everything piss easy too aren't you? Stop being bad at the game.

                >Dumb exaggeration

                >Why would I not use them just to speed up EV training a bit?
                Because the game has such dogshit difficulty that I don't need to waste time EV training.

                >Imagine getting filtered by Fog
                The game wasting your time with each Pokemon missing an attack because of the dogshit fog isn't "getting filtered" it's just wasting my time.

              • 7 months ago

                >Everything I mentioned is common to all three games.
                I don't remember HM slaves required in BDSP.

                >Yes they do.
                You're conflating generation with region. They are two different things.

              • 7 months ago

                >I don't remember HM slaves required in BDSP.
                I didn't say anything about HM slaves.

                >You're conflating generation with region
                No. I can go to Johto and I don't have to deal with fog or shitty swamp areas stopping me.

                >claims the game spams the same 4 kanto pokemon
                >but the route he posts is one of the few areas ponyta appears
                >filename claims there's also a 100% chance of encountering kanto but there's clearly a sinnoh pokemon there
                I don't think you know what you are talking about.
                >Because the game has such dogshit difficulty that I don't need to waste time EV training
                You always need to EV train for battle facilities.
                >The game wasting your time with each Pokemon missing an attack because of the dogshit fog isn't "getting filtered"
                Did you not just say the game is too easy? Now you're b***hing about a mere accuracy debuff? You did get filtered.

                >but the route he posts is one of the few areas ponyta appears
                Ponyta is one of the boring as frick Kanto Pokemon the game likes to spam, yes.

                claims there's also a 100% chance of encountering kanto but there's clearly a sinnoh pokemon there
                How do I find the Sinnoh Pokemon during the day time? 🙂

                >You always need to EV train for battle facilities.
                In which case I'm going to be wasting my time with wild encounters anyway instead of using vitamins.

                >Did you not just say the game is too easy?
                Tedium != difficulty

              • 7 months ago

                >claims the game spams the same 4 kanto pokemon
                >but the route he posts is one of the few areas ponyta appears
                >filename claims there's also a 100% chance of encountering kanto but there's clearly a sinnoh pokemon there
                I don't think you know what you are talking about.
                >Because the game has such dogshit difficulty that I don't need to waste time EV training
                You always need to EV train for battle facilities.
                >The game wasting your time with each Pokemon missing an attack because of the dogshit fog isn't "getting filtered"
                Did you not just say the game is too easy? Now you're b***hing about a mere accuracy debuff? You did get filtered.

            • 7 months ago

              Then all your complaints about HMs are invalid because you don't need slaves in BDSP

              • 7 months ago

                You still get stuck in mud and snow in BDSP and it's pretty fricking obnoxious. You also do need to constantly stop and click your watch and watch the HM summoning animation every time they place a pointless smashable rock in your path.

        • 7 months ago

          >the region itself has the same 4 boring kanto pokemon spammed everywhere
          Dumb exaggeration where you pretend some more common pokemon are all that's available in the region. Why lie?
          >the region itself pads its route out with pointless HM obstacles that have nothing behind them except EV vitamins you'll never use
          Why would I not use them just to speed up EV training a bit? So because you dislike the reward (without actually judging the merit of the reward) there's suddenly no point? Very foolish analysis of the game.
          >the region itself has garbage snow and mud and fog that slows you down for literally no reason except to make the game more tedious
          Imagine getting filtered by Fog. You're the same guy that calls everything piss easy too aren't you? Stop being bad at the game.

          • 7 months ago

            >Dumb exaggeration where you pretend some more common pokemon are all that's available in the region.
            It's not an exaggeration at all.

            • 7 months ago

              Please play the game.

              >I don't remember HM slaves required in BDSP.
              I didn't say anything about HM slaves.

              >You're conflating generation with region
              No. I can go to Johto and I don't have to deal with fog or shitty swamp areas stopping me.

              >but the route he posts is one of the few areas ponyta appears
              Ponyta is one of the boring as frick Kanto Pokemon the game likes to spam, yes.

              claims there's also a 100% chance of encountering kanto but there's clearly a sinnoh pokemon there
              How do I find the Sinnoh Pokemon during the day time? 🙂

              >You always need to EV train for battle facilities.
              In which case I'm going to be wasting my time with wild encounters anyway instead of using vitamins.

              >Did you not just say the game is too easy?
              Tedium != difficulty

              >Ponyta is one of the boring as frick Kanto Pokemon the game likes to spam, yes.
              Define spam then, it only appears on a few routes.
              >How do I find the Sinnoh Pokemon during the day time? 🙂
              Is there any reason you're so hung up on that route during the day in particular? You see how contrived your complaint is right? You cherrypicked poorly.
              >In which case I'm going to be wasting my time with wild encounters anyway instead of using vitamins.
              Just use the vitamins to minimize the time wasted.
              >Tedium != difficulty
              moronic /vp/ cope whenever someone gets backed into a corner. Difficulty arises from disadvantages, an accuracy debuff is a disadvantage, you are not as bright as you think you are.

              • 7 months ago

                >Please play the game.
                I'm playing BDSP literally as we speak which is why I know it's not an exaggeration.

              • 7 months ago

                well there's your problem, you should be playing platinum

              • 7 months ago

                BDSP offers more pokemon through the Underground. You are lying.

              • 7 months ago

                I haven't really touched the Underground but that has nothing to do with route distribution.

              • 7 months ago

                You’re a fricking moron.

              • 7 months ago

                It’s extra funny because the route that anon is complaining about has one optional patch of grass that really only exists to give you access to machop before the first gym. These idiots think every little patch of grass that has its own encounter table needs to have a full set of completely unique encounters for no good reason. Their minds have been fried by nu-gen shit that throws a shit ton of Pokémon at you to try and appease as many fans as possible after nostalgia gays b***hed about not being able to use their favourites in gen 5

      • 7 months ago

        What you're talking about is game mechanics. OP is clearly talking about the region itself.

        Don't bother, people like them hate that Sinnoh is so popular so they refuse to acknowledge its upsides and prefer to just constantly take petty jabs at common complaints.

    • 7 months ago

      the region itself has the same 4 boring kanto pokemon spammed everywhere
      the region itself pads its route out with pointless HM obstacles that have nothing behind them except EV vitamins you'll never use
      the region itself has garbage snow and mud and fog that slows you down for literally no reason except to make the game more tedious

      >The game mechanics that change from DP to Platinum? And again from Platinum to BDSP?
      Everything I mentioned is common to all three games.

      >Game mechanics do not represent the region itself,
      Yes they do.

      >Dumb exaggeration

      >Why would I not use them just to speed up EV training a bit?
      Because the game has such dogshit difficulty that I don't need to waste time EV training.

      >Imagine getting filtered by Fog
      The game wasting your time with each Pokemon missing an attack because of the dogshit fog isn't "getting filtered" it's just wasting my time.

      hi yawngay

    • 7 months ago

      the region itself has the same 4 boring kanto pokemon spammed everywhere
      the region itself pads its route out with pointless HM obstacles that have nothing behind them except EV vitamins you'll never use
      the region itself has garbage snow and mud and fog that slows you down for literally no reason except to make the game more tedious

      >The game mechanics that change from DP to Platinum? And again from Platinum to BDSP?
      Everything I mentioned is common to all three games.

      >Game mechanics do not represent the region itself,
      Yes they do.

      >Dumb exaggeration

      >Why would I not use them just to speed up EV training a bit?
      Because the game has such dogshit difficulty that I don't need to waste time EV training.

      >Imagine getting filtered by Fog
      The game wasting your time with each Pokemon missing an attack because of the dogshit fog isn't "getting filtered" it's just wasting my time.

      >AAAAAAAAAAIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!!!! NOOOOOOO!!!!!! You can’t just make the new Pokémon rarer to help each one stand out!!!! You can’t just use old mons as common encounters to give the region a familiar feel that ties it into the previous ones!!!! You… you just can’t!!! That le bad!!!
      This is why Sinnoh and Johto chads stand together.

      • 7 months ago

        >This is why Sinnoh and Johto chads stand together
        based based based

      • 7 months ago

        My complaint isn't that the new Pokemon are rare. My complaint is that the distribution is dogshit and repetitive. There's a difference.

        Please play the game.
        >Ponyta is one of the boring as frick Kanto Pokemon the game likes to spam, yes.
        Define spam then, it only appears on a few routes.
        >How do I find the Sinnoh Pokemon during the day time? 🙂
        Is there any reason you're so hung up on that route during the day in particular? You see how contrived your complaint is right? You cherrypicked poorly.
        >In which case I'm going to be wasting my time with wild encounters anyway instead of using vitamins.
        Just use the vitamins to minimize the time wasted.
        >Tedium != difficulty
        moronic /vp/ cope whenever someone gets backed into a corner. Difficulty arises from disadvantages, an accuracy debuff is a disadvantage, you are not as bright as you think you are.

        >Define spam
        Repeating the Pokemon incessantly for multiple parts of the game.

        >Is there any reason you're so hung up on that route during the day in particular?
        Because that's when I'm playing the game. How do I find the Sinnoh Pokemon during the day time? 🙂

        >Just use the vitamins to minimize the time wasted.
        I waste less time EV training normally.

        >Difficulty arises from disadvantages
        Having my time wasted isn't a disadvantage.

        >an accuracy debuff is a disadvantage
        Not when it also applies to the opponent. You are not as bright as you think you are.

        • 7 months ago

          It’s supposed to be a believable eco-system dude. Go outside, you’ll see some squirrels and birds and ants and such, drive 100km in any direct, you’ll still see squirrels and birds and ants. Even from a video game perspective, common encounters/enemies are nothing new, Hyrule is filled with bokoblins, Mushroom kingdom is filled with goombas, who fricking cares? Who gives a shit? This isn’t a real problem, you’re just meaninglessly designating it one so you have something to b***h about.

          • 7 months ago

            >It’s supposed to be a believable eco-system dude
            They're fricking fictional made up creatures. This doesn't actually mean anything.

            • 7 months ago

              That sort of world-building matters, ESPECIALLY in Pokémon which is supposed to feel like a nature safari in some ways.

              How would tossing in stuff like Vulpix, Growlithe, and Houndour ruin the eco system?

              It wouldn’t, but their absence doesn’t ruin it either. I’d certainly love to be given 100$ rn, I’d certainly love if Mario games had double the enemy variety, that would be awesome, but I’m not gonna whine and b***h and moan just because that’s not the case. That mindset is setting yourself up for disappointment, you can infinitely move the goalpost and never be pleased because games can always technically be better, and have more.

              • 7 months ago

                >That sort of world-building matters
                They can establish the world-building to be whatever the frick they want, you moron.

              • 7 months ago

                And they did :^)

            • 7 months ago

              >They're fricking fictional made up creatures.
              That closely try to mimic how the real world functions.

          • 7 months ago

            How would tossing in stuff like Vulpix, Growlithe, and Houndour ruin the eco system?

            • 7 months ago

              How would tossing a frog in Australia ruin its ecosystem?

            • 7 months ago

              you can catch stiff like magmar and houndour on routes

              • 7 months ago

                Only in Platinum because they realized they fricked up but then BDSP reverted it anyway.

                You’re a fricking moron.

                >route distribution sucks

        • 7 months ago

          >Repeating the Pokemon incessantly for multiple parts of the game.
          So Ponyta isn't spammed.
          >Because that's when I'm playing the game. How do I find the Sinnoh Pokemon during the day time? 🙂
          So basically in order to think DPPT are bad games I have stay on that route only and look for pokemon during a specific timeframe only?
          >I waste less time EV training normally.
          Vitamins give you a little boost in addition to the regular training, there's no sense in arguing Vitamins are bad, I think you're losing it.
          >Having my time wasted isn't a disadvantage.
          By how much is your time being wasted exactly that it's something noteworthy? Are you sure you're not just a sensitive seething b***h?
          >Not when it also applies to the opponent.
          Still leads to some good fights like Double Team Zac & Jen.

      • 7 months ago

        As a sinnoh/johto enjoyer, I concur

      • 7 months ago
      • 7 months ago

        >This is why Sinnoh and Johto chads stand together

        • 6 months ago

          Sinjoh stands togehter.

    • 7 months ago

      That’s right. It’s the best in the series. You will seethe every day, on this board, screaming into an uncaring void forever.

  2. 7 months ago

    Sinnoh is the best region, and BDSP is the best Sinnoh game.

  3. 7 months ago

    I'm playing Shining Pearl right now and the region is actually worse than I remember. I really like the mysterious, ancient, divine vibe going on but the region itself is just fricking bad. Lots of annoying cut trees and smash rocks stacked in your main path just so you have to stop and keep using HMs. Great Marsh daily pokemon are bullshit. Pretty much every route is Kriketune, Geodude, Machop, Ponyta. It's just not fun.

    • 7 months ago

      >Great Marsh daily pokemon are bullshit
      I'm not convinced anyone has ever suffered with this. Forced /vp/ meme, I never had to wait for any Marsh pokemon.

      • 7 months ago

        I'm waiting for Carnivine right now.

        • 7 months ago

          just change your clock to 23:59? it's like a 60% chance of appearing each day

  4. 7 months ago

    The best regions are the ones more grounded in reality. Kanto, Johto, and Sinnoh. At least parts of Unova and Kalos are as well

  5. 7 months ago


  6. 7 months ago

    The most fun region to explore imo

  7. 7 months ago

    I do wish that the technical machines in battle tower cost the same as the hyper beam in Veilstone. I have to send my compatible pokemon to Galar or Hisui just to get better movepools.

  8. 7 months ago

    Winter scenery and snow areas are usually my favorite parts in RPGs.
    Yet Pokemon Platinum is the only pokemon game of the ones I played, that I didn't finish.
    It's weird, in theory I should like it, butI dropped it right after I got all badges.

  9. 7 months ago

    Personally Hoenn is my favourite region, but Sinnoh is definitely a close second, and I can appreciate why people like it so much. I really really like the way you uncover the region in DP in particular:
    >Explore most of the western half for the first 2 Gyms
    >Explore most of the Eastern half for the next 2
    >Explore the secluded mountainous section in the north-east before unlocking the 5th gym in the Center hub city
    >From there, each of the next 3 gyms has its own little section in each of the 3 corners of the map that you unlock one by one.
    It probably has the best balance between linear and non-linear progression and really embraces the Metroid-vania map style. I especially like how the Mid-game is so open, you can effectively explore most of the region and catch most of the regional dex with only a quarter of the badges (Plus, the story takes a back seat during this section so taking your time and doing things at your own pace during it feels natural). The lay-out is also just Kino in general, with the lakes forming a triangle around the region with Mt Coronet and Spear Pillar at the Center. The ethereal historical atmosphere of the region is also really great, which is helped a lot by the music. The whole thing sets a unique tone that no other region really has.

    • 7 months ago

      Btw here are some of my favourite themes

      This one really embodies the feeling of beginning your grand adventure. Suitably melancholic while hyping you up for what's to come

      Comfy and Jazzy, this is where I first heard the night themes on my first playthrough and I really liked it.

      This one has this nice upbeat feel that really says "here's where your adventure really starts to pick up." Love it

      Wonderfully mysterious, its iconic for a reason

      Used to not like this one as a kid but I've really come to love its rustic feel as I've gotten older

      This one nicely captures the feeling of freedom you get when you're riding your bike down a hill with the wind in your hair, its a good reward for beating the first major chunk of the game and suits the transition into the open section of the game.

      This one feels like its saying "you've still got a long way to go, so get comfy, take your time, and enjoy your journey"

      No explanation needed, nice and mysterious and conveys the mystical power of the lakes trio's home
      You've had a long journey so far, seen a lot of sights, and come so far with your bros. The story's about to pick up, so enjoy one last bit of comfy relaxation in a small city near your home town. Wonderfully nostalgic
      Really suit the harsh journey northward, the opening parts are especially great when coupled with the sight of first exiting Mt coronet to the north
      Perfectly captures the feel of a secluded northern settlement

      • 7 months ago


        At this point you've seen the hideout looming for quite some time, and this theme really fits the mood now that you've finally broken into enemy territory.

        Powerful and otherworldly, sends chills down my spine and makes ascending Mt Coronet to thwart a world ending threat feel like the amazing climax that it is.

        Things are Ok now, you've beat the threat and are free to get your last badge and wrap up your adventure.

        Suitably melancholic. You're adventure is finally coming to a close, it could have been months, maybe even more than a year in real time by now. Your journey has been a long one, filled with ups and downs and all sorts of discoveries. You've only got one last thing to do... are you ready?

        Perfectly closes out your adventure. Hope you had fun 🙂

        best battle theme too

      • 7 months ago

        Whoops, the first lake theme is supposed to be eterna forest

    • 7 months ago

      Btw here are some of my favourite themes

      This one really embodies the feeling of beginning your grand adventure. Suitably melancholic while hyping you up for what's to come

      Comfy and Jazzy, this is where I first heard the night themes on my first playthrough and I really liked it.

      This one has this nice upbeat feel that really says "here's where your adventure really starts to pick up." Love it

      Wonderfully mysterious, its iconic for a reason

      Used to not like this one as a kid but I've really come to love its rustic feel as I've gotten older

      This one nicely captures the feeling of freedom you get when you're riding your bike down a hill with the wind in your hair, its a good reward for beating the first major chunk of the game and suits the transition into the open section of the game.

      This one feels like its saying "you've still got a long way to go, so get comfy, take your time, and enjoy your journey"

      No explanation needed, nice and mysterious and conveys the mystical power of the lakes trio's home
      You've had a long journey so far, seen a lot of sights, and come so far with your bros. The story's about to pick up, so enjoy one last bit of comfy relaxation in a small city near your home town. Wonderfully nostalgic
      Really suit the harsh journey northward, the opening parts are especially great when coupled with the sight of first exiting Mt coronet to the north
      Perfectly captures the feel of a secluded northern settlement
      At this point you've seen the hideout looming for quite some time, and this theme really fits the mood now that you've finally broken into enemy territory.
      Powerful and otherworldly, sends chills down my spine and makes ascending Mt Coronet to thwart a world ending threat feel like the amazing climax that it is.
      Things are Ok now, you've beat the threat and are free to get your last badge and wrap up your adventure.
      Suitably melancholic. You're adventure is finally coming to a close, it could have been months, maybe even more than a year in real time by now. Your journey has been a long one, filled with ups and downs and all sorts of discoveries. You've only got one last thing to do... are you ready?
      Perfectly closes out your adventure. Hope you had fun 🙂

    • 7 months ago

      >I really really like the way you uncover the region in DP in particular:
      most of the Eastern half for the next 2
      the secluded mountainous section in the north-east before unlocking the 5th gym in the Center hub city
      This was probably the biggest issue I had with Platinum. You're forced to take down a glass cannon, ghost-type team with multiple instances of Confuse Ray before you get access to any cool normal-types, forcing you to either build up a Starly/Staravia to blast through Fantina or grind up in general so that your excess defenses can shut her down.

      • 7 months ago

        Oh wait I just remembered, you can also wait 6 hours for a chance at an Aipom, which I've done on multiple occasions.

  10. 7 months ago

    >wake up
    >boot up Pearl
    >pick my berries and get the free ones
    >check any random TV for a news story about a Shinx I caught 2 weeks ago
    >check which Hoenn bugmons are eating my honey trees today
    >check which Johto shitmons invaded the great shart today
    >fly to Veilstone and give my Riolu a massage

  11. 7 months ago


  12. 7 months ago

    Second most forgettable region

    • 7 months ago

      The first is?

      • 7 months ago

        I forgot

  13. 7 months ago

    Same here. Sinnoh is the best designed region easily. It has a lot of cool lore and the routes themselves have the best exploration.

    It has one of the most varied biomes. You get swamps, forests, grasslands, mountains, snowy regions, major urban centers, beaches, peninsulas, islands, small towns, villages and a volcano, all on one map. This is literally unprecedented for Pokemon and also has not been followed up since. It feels like a real RPG world. And they all feel organic and natural too rather than randomly tacked on.

    The cities in Sinnoh are amazing, as well. You get large urban centers, small pastoral villages, smaller cities that are old with a lot of history, cities that are quiet and have their own mythologies, marshland towns, little settlements among the flower fields on the fringe of a forest, and so much more. You get some really imaginative cities, as well—Sunnyshore has roads that are all solar panels and ports like Canalave.

    I also really like how the routes are massive. Going through them feels like an actual journey. Each route is enormous, with multiple branching paths and subpaths, and an abundance of things to find off the beaten path. A journey through Sinnoh feels like a journey, not a guided tour through a theme park.

    • 7 months ago

      Based, I've heard people say that sinnoh is bland and samey and I truly have no idea what the frick they're talking about, it's like they think every region should contain areas that feel completely separate and unrelated. Sinnoh balances variety and cohesion better than any region in the series, except maybe hoenn.

      • 7 months ago

        >except maybe hoenn.
        w____ r_____

        • 7 months ago

          What does that have to do with what I said?

      • 7 months ago

        Same, i don't get it, i think it's just forced shitposting.
        At least i can get why people would complain about repetitive encounters since Sinnoh is bigger and has more content and zones than any other region, yet the dex is the same size, so of course you're gonna see repetitions (especially in DP which has a Kanto-sized dex, in a region that is almost twice as big as Kanto not counting the frlg additions). But when it comes to the diversity of the region itself, what the frick? Literally no region is more diverse. Sinnoh was the first region to have a proper snow area for example.

  14. 7 months ago

    >I also really like how the routes are massive. Going through them feels like an actual journey. Each route is enormous
    This has to be a joke right?

    • 7 months ago

      Ughhh I know right? We need more epic routes like this

    • 7 months ago

      Route 210 and 212 are some of the biggest routes in the series and have varied environments in different sections of them.

    • 7 months ago

      T. hasn't played the games

      • 7 months ago

        Embarrassing cope.

        • 7 months ago


  15. 7 months ago

    >routebabies fighting over the best corridors
    We know the true winner.

    • 7 months ago

      Wide open fields are just corridors without actual design to them. The best part Paldea is literally the canyon area just because it has actual map design.

      • 7 months ago

        Don't overdose on that copium.

        • 7 months ago

          >Map design.... Le BAD
          Why? Actually tell me the problem with it. It makes navigation a more involved process, massive open fields don't require any navigation you just walk in any given direction.

          • 7 months ago

            Who are you quoting? Paldea has a great map design.

            • 7 months ago

              >Paldea has a great map design.

            • 7 months ago

              Yea, the canyon area is awesome, like I said. Rest of it is essentially the blank field you'd have before you start shaping it into a real map

  16. 7 months ago

    imagine doing this shit 16 hours a day for years. how hasn't yawBlack person killed herself yet

  17. 7 months ago

    Damn these blank fields looking crazy these days.

  18. 7 months ago

    As someone currently playing through Sinnoh but hasn't beaten it yet (Got to Snowpoint City): It has a pretty miserable early game but it really picks up by the third-ish gym leader with options and routes that aren't BidoofStarlyWurmpleBudewGeodudeMachop. HMs are just as annoying as they were in Emerald, FireRed and HeartGold, but I enjoy how much bigger and uniquely ancient Sinnoh seems to be. Found my new favorite pokemon too from DPPT, pic rel. Only sore gripe I have with this game in particular and not every pokemon game is the Not Very Great Marsh. It will NEVER get a free pass from me.

    Quick question though, is Team Galactic *supposed* to be moronic? I'm 90% sure the joke is that Cyrus is a misanthropic babysitter

    • 7 months ago

      The grunts are supposed to be spoiled teenage brats being a nuisance while thinking they're making a difference. Antifa is a modern equivalent in a way, but as a phenomenon such groups have always existed in some form. Ultimately they're just the naive pawns of Cyrus. The commanders aren't really much different, they're just the most competent among them so Cyrus uses them as an in-between.

    • 7 months ago

      Chimecho is a gen3 pokemon.

    • 7 months ago

      >Quick question though, is Team Galactic *supposed* to be moronic?
      It's a plot point that none of the grunts really understand what Cyrus' ideal world is supposed to be like. They just put their faith in him because he's a pretty competent leader. I think real life cult worship was the inspiration, Sinnoh has some religious themes.

  19. 7 months ago

    >27 ip
    Take your meds yawngay

  20. 7 months ago

    You’re all jealous because your pathetic regions don’t have best waifu.

    • 7 months ago

      Based Marleychad

      • 7 months ago

        She really is the best girl

  21. 7 months ago

    I'm going to try and create a hack of Platinum that restores the original Gym order from DP. Shouldn't be too hard, just requires some scripting and balance changes. I will use my edit of Following Platinum, that restores the original music (the creator added remixes of the Wild and Trainer battle music for some reason) and removes the Fairy-type.

  22. 7 months ago

    one of the GOATS but
    >has the laziest, cheapest and most soulless remakes they couldn't even bother to do themselves.
    it's a shame GF don't think so

  23. 7 months ago


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