Skyrim's incongruencies

I've heard so much about this game throughout the years and this is my first time finally playing through it. The first couple of quests perfectly flowed together and I eventually ended up becoming Thane of Whiterun. Cool. I then follow-up on some other quest chain and I end up attacking Whiterun 3 quests later. Wtf? This is fricking moronic and makes no sense with the developing roleplay I had in my head. Is the rest of the game so disconnected? Feels like what I did in Whiterun before attacking it had no impact on the other quest chain. Am I just playing the game wrong?

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  1. 1 month ago

    You weren't supposed to do those quests you moron.

  2. 1 month ago

    Like with every other Bethesda game, it's a freeform sandbox like Minecraft masquerading as an RPG. Choices don't matter, and the only roleplaying you'll be able to do is picking perks and enchanting swords. The only reason to play a Bethesda game is for the mods that remove the story and place you in some hostile radiant world.

    • 1 month ago

      In video game terms, it's not a sandbox, it's a theme park rpg.

  3. 1 month ago

    There's an annoying amount of quests in Skyrim that have limited methods of finishing them that limits certain roleplays but in that specific case you could have just not helped to attack Whiterun, played a little more and came across the option to fight for the other side defending Whiterun instead. Whiterun gets attacked during the civil war quest line no matter what but you can pick which side you want to be on. If you didn't want to attack Whiterun you could have just told the Stormcloaks to kick rocks and joined the Imperials instead. By siding with the Stormcloaks you kind of just decided to be a traitor to Whiterun, yeah.

    • 1 month ago

      Ah damn. I joined the Stormcloaks because they appeared to be racists. Didn't know Whiterun was on the side on the ~~*Empire*~~

      • 1 month ago

        Yeah, it's kind of fricking moronic considering Whiterun has more Nords living in it than any other hold and half of them support the Stormcloaks/are Stormcloak affiliated. If I remember right it's because Ulfric decided to attack first because the Jarl of Whiterun is a b***h boy that refused to pick a side so they got stuck with the Empire by default which pisses off half the town's population. I might be wrong, I don't usually replay the Civil War

        • 1 month ago

          Actually the reason you have to attack Whiterun is because everyone wants to join House who isn't moronic so they force you blow up the BoS who aren't really that hostile in this game and are iconic in the other recent game even though it's out of character for House so you know the "good guys" are the gay NCR.
          The other reason why Balgruuf goes from smart middle-player who wants to keep his people safe by any means, and Ulfric immediately and temporarily loses 30 IQ points and decides to provoke him a bit after you join the Stormcloaks, is because the Legion are the Bad Guys so instead of seeing any of the rumored benefits and security of their civilization you get pitiful scrawny serfs carring giant boulders up the hill in a military camp, and then to emphasize what an evil empire the Legion is, you have some homeless guy calling out the poor discriminated "grey-skins" and lizards who incidentally are a bunch of thieves and ill-doers but that doesn't matter because racism is bad if you're wipipo.

  4. 1 month ago

    did you roleplay as someone who can say "no"?

  5. 1 month ago

    You don't play Skyrim to roleplay. You play it to pose as a himbo Argonian and be the cumdump relief of every BNC (Big Nord wiener) you can see while working as a prostitute for hire and make a honest living.

    • 1 month ago

      Meds time now

      • 1 month ago

        Nice file filename, Goldstein. Of course you hate the beauty of the top Argonian male physique.

    • 1 month ago

      Okay but human wiener or cloaca?

      • 1 month ago

        Red rocket

    • 1 month ago

      Based, Argonian best race. Total Dunmer Death. Frick Humans. Frick Eleves even more.

  6. 1 month ago

    Skyrim sucks so stop playing it. You can keep going and force yourself to go along with 10 year old marketing that it's great or think for yourself and realize it's just trash that 11 year old's got for their birthdays so they can mod giant breasts into the game.

  7. 1 month ago

    Skyrim's biggest weaknesses are its quests, most of which are some variety of killing Draugr, and the game being way too afraid of locking you out of anything. The best way to play Skyrim is to place massive restrictions on yourself.

    • 1 month ago

      Major quest lines specifically. Everything is rushed and tone deaf, like what OP is complaining about. Feels weird to b***h about Skytim when it's much better than everything released after it.

      • 1 month ago

        You think Skyrim is much better than Witcher 3, Cyberpunk, BG3? Fricking tard

  8. 1 month ago

    >He thought Skyrim was an RPG

  9. 1 month ago

    You are supposed to either complete whole game as completionist, or to read up on all quests, and only then, when you know the game inside out, you can roleplay, very thoroughly and carefully planning out your route and story.
    Now, some people may call it backasswards or just stupid, but enlightened bethesda fans believe that's how roleplaying is supposed to be - having a printed out list of places not to go or characters not to talk under any circumstances, so that they can roleplay the humble apophecary who does no harm and says "good morning" to every person in the village he lives in.

    • 1 month ago

      Wow thats fricking crazy

  10. 1 month ago

    >He thought Skyrim was a good game

    • 1 month ago

      How could I not? That game has been shilled for the past 10 years as the best wRPG ever made

      • 1 month ago

        Its a meme you dip

  11. 1 month ago

    Yeah morrowinds quests are way better, such as
    >fetchquest #85
    >main quest in which your character has literally no impact on the course of events

    • 1 month ago

      >main quest in which your character has literally no impact on the course of events
      The best quests in Skyrim are the ones where your character isn't the center of the universe and selected by seven different Daedric gods and two guilds because he delved into a crypt filled with Draugr.

    • 1 month ago

      I actually fell for the morrowind dicksucking on this site at one point and bought it on sale. First quest had me stalking the little bosmer dude and stealing all his money he hides in the tree stump... right after I just helped him out in finding his ring. That's cool. Help a guy recover his ring, and then rob him blind. Literal schizophrenic behavior. And of course, there's no option to not rob him blind.
      Next quest, I ran into a pretty breton lady in the wilderness. She told me that she was just robbed, but the thief was so dashing that she wanted me to bring a love letter to him. Having played new vegas, I was certain that this quest would have like a dozen different options to complete it. Maybe I could rewrite the letter so that it looks like the lady is calling the thief names, or threatening to send the guards after him? Maybe I could do some speech skillchecks to lie to the lady, tell her that the thief rejected her, or that he plans to come back again, but only to rob her a second time. I get to the thief, talk to him. Guess what? There's one option. You submit the letter and get your quest reward. That's it.
      I deleted the game on the spot.

      • 1 month ago

        Morrowind basically copied daggerfall but didn't bother making quests that weren't fetch quests. There's a reason why every single quest in Morrowind outside of the main quest feels like half-baked radiant slop. In fact Morrowind was originally supposed to use daggerfall's engine, until Bethesda decided to cuck to Microshit and their xbox console. Which is another reason why Morrowind, despite trying to be more of an rpg than dungeon crawler, has mechanics that are watered down or even outright removed from the previous game. XBox couldn't handle the daggerfall engine.

      • 1 month ago

        I wish I could drop games like that, but my tism forces me to see it through to the end. 100 hours later, I can say it's not awful, but it's also not as good as skyrim.

        • 1 month ago

          >not as good as skyrim
          double digit IQ opinion

          • 1 month ago

            grow up

            • 1 month ago

              played them both during the pandemic with zero nostalgia
              your brain is fricking smooth bro

          • 1 month ago

            I unironically have more fun playing Arena, Daggerfall, Oblivion, and Skyrim, then I ever did with Morrowind. I ended up just dropping it and playing the game through morroblivion instead. Ugly janky shit.

      • 1 month ago

        >And of course, there's no option to not rob him blind.
        Just don't rob him blind moron. You aren't obligated to complete the quest for the main plot.
        >Next quest, I ran into a pretty breton lady in the wilderness. She told me that she was just robbed, but the thief was so dashing that she wanted me to bring a love letter to him.
        That's a tiny scripted event. It's like whining about the Legion ambush against the caravans before Novac not giving you the option to negotiate free passage or something stupid like that.

        • 1 month ago

          >That's a tiny scripted event
          Every quest is like that. I quit during bloodmoon when you have to convince that nord to move out of the way at raven Rock mine. I thought there might be more than one way to complete the quest so I made a Charm 100 spell to try to get him to like me. Nope. Tried to stab him a few times. Nope. The game literally forces my wizard with 10 hand to hand to punch this dude 2000 times to complete the quest. Nah, not doing it.

          • 1 month ago

            you can kill him

            • 1 month ago

              My character doesn't want to

              • 1 month ago

                But you already tried stabbing him, so that was a lie.

              • 1 month ago

                I don't know what point you were trying to make here, so I'm just going to let you try again

              • 1 month ago

                you said you were a mage, you can also cast drain fatigue spells on him and he will pass out and you will complete the quest

      • 1 month ago

        Morrowind wasn't originally designed with the quest tracker in mind. That came later with Tribunal, and unfortunately it wasn't the smoothest integration. You were originally intended to just abandon quests when you feel like it, with no strings attached. This is why keeping the money is not its own journal entry, though it still is a real and valid option.

  12. 1 month ago

    Going straight from killing the Dragon in Whiterun a to Windhelm and the Stormcloaks is definitely an unusual path to take. Most people end up exploring around Whiterun, doing other Whiterun chains like the Companions, the Red guard chain, etc. first. The Civil War typically happens much later. But Skyrim lets you run around and largely do things in the order you want.

    • 1 month ago

      I was trying to do the companions but it sent me to Shimmering Caves. That shit was fricking impossible at lvl5. I looked it up online and apparently its fricking moronic to do that under level 10 or so, which is why I ended up in Windhelm

      • 1 month ago

        Companion quests are some of the hardest in the game, you're definitely not supposed to be able to do them as soon as you arrive.

    • 1 month ago

      He's probably that flamebait aspie that posts how he plays bethesda games like an ape and then complains about them here

  13. 1 month ago

    Skyrim is a porn game. You aren't supposed to play it, you are supposed to install coomer mods and then fap to it.

  14. 1 month ago

    why are you being so autistic about attacking whiterun? you are rescuing it from imperial morons

  15. 1 month ago

    Sounds like you steamrolled through the quests like a moron instead of doing anything else. That's your fault

  16. 1 month ago

    I once tried to do the Civil War questline before even going to Whiterun. I got the quest to give Balgruuf the axe and he actually fricking declined. He said no, you first have to do a thing for me. lmao

    • 1 month ago

      He actually takes the axe

  17. 1 month ago

    Pay attention to the dialogues you moron, you're joining the extremist rebellion, just because you saved Whiterun it doesn't mean you are their b***h. Besides, taking Whiterun does not mean you kill everybody and run the place or anything like that. It's just politics, you're forcing the Jarl to become a Stormcloaks ally instead of the Empire because that's the path you've taken.
    The game gives enough hint on the two sides.
    If you ask other characters how's everything now that Stormcloaks took the city they are telling you it's pretty much the same for them.

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